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The equatorial Current in the North Pacific(NEC) is an upper layer westward ocean current, which flows to the west boundary of the ocean, east of the Philippines, and bifurcates into the northerly Kuroshio and the main body of the southerly Mindanao current. Thus, NEC is both the south branch of the Subtropical Circulation and the north branch of the Tropical Circulation. The junction of the two branches extends to the west boundary to connect the bifurcation points forming the bifurcation line. The position of the North Pacific Equatorial Current bifurcation line of the surface determines the exchange between and the distribution of subtropical and tropical circulations, thus affecting the local or global climate. A new identification method to track the line and the bifurcation channel was used in this study, focusing on the climatological characteristics of the western boundary of the North Equatorial Current bifurcation line. The long-term average NEC west boundary bifurcation line shifts northwards with depth. In terms of seasonal variation, the average position of the western boundary of the bifurcation line is southernmost in June and northernmost in December, while in terms of interannual variation, from spring to winter in the years when ENSO is developing, the position of the west boundary bifurcation line of NEC is relatively to the north(south) in EI Ni?o(La Ni?a) years as compared to normal years.  相似文献   

From the synopical CTD sections in the WOCE PR11 repeated cruises, the South Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (SPSTMW) has been identified in the region of the Tasman Front Extension (TFE) around 29?S to the east of Australia. In the depth range of 150-250 m, the SPSTMW appears as a thermostad with vertical temperature gradient lower than 1.6℃(100 m)-1 and a tem- perature range of 16.5-19.5℃ and as a pycnostad with PV lower than 2×10-10 m-1 s-1 and a potential density range of 25.4-26.0 kg m-3. Like the subtropical mode waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, the formation of the SPSTMW is associated with the convective mixing during the austral wintertime as manifested from the time series of the Argo floats. And cold water entrains into the mixed layer with the deepening mixed layer from September to the middle of October. During the wintertime formation process, mesoscale eddies prevailing in the TFE region play an important role in the SPSTMW formation, and have a great effect on the SPSTMW distribution in the next year. The deeper (shallower) mixed layer in wintertime, consistent with the depressed (uplifted) permanent thermocline, is formed by the anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddies, and the substantial mode water thicker than 50 m is mainly found in the region of the anticyclonic eddies where the permanent thermocline is deeper than 450 m.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic variation and population structure of Pacific herring in the Yellow Sea and the genetic differentiation between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan,fragments of 479-bp mitochondrial DNA control region were sequenced for 110 individuals collected from three different periods in the Yellow Sea and one locality in the Sea of Japan.High haplotype diversity and moderate nucleotide diversity were observed in Pacific herring.AMOVA and exact test of population differentiation showed no significant genetic differentiations among the three populations of the Yellow Sea and suggested the populations can be treated as a single panmictic stock in the Yellow Sea.However,a large and significant genetic differentiation(WST50.11;P50.00) was detected between the populations in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan.The high sea water temperature in the Tsushima Strait was thought a barrier to block the gene exchange between populations of the two sea areas.The neutrality tests and mismatch distribution indicated recent population expansion in Pacific herring.  相似文献   

IwnODUCTIONTheECSandthePacificOceanareseparaedbytheRyUkyUIs1andshavingthreermnPasSagesforwaerexchangbebeenthesetWowateboies.TheKewshioenterstheECS~ghthestraiteastofTaiwanIslandandflowsbacktothePacificOceantboghTugalaStrait.TheOkinawIsland-MiyakoIslandstralt(KeanTrench,withdepth>1opm)allowalopqUanityofwaerexchangebetweentheECSandthePacifico-cean(YUanandPan,l994).InvestigationdatashowsthatthehydIDgraPhicfeatUresoftheoceanregionarOUntheRyukyUIslandsareverycomPlicated.Somcold…  相似文献   

The eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) in the upper layer (shallower than 50m) exhibits significant zonal displacements on interannual scale. Employing an intermediate ocean model, the dynamic mechanism for the interannual zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer is investigated by diagnosing the dynamic impacts of zonal current anomalies induced by wind, waves (Kelvin and Rossby waves), and their boundary reflections. The interannual zonal displacements of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer and the zonal current anomaly in the equatorial Pacific west of 110°W for more than 30 years can be well simulated. The modeling results show that zonal current anomalies in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are the dominant dynamic mechanism for the zonal displacements of the eastern edge of the upper WPWP warm water. Composite analyses suggest that the zonal current anomalies induced by waves dominate the zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge, whereas the role played by zonal wind-driven current anomalies is very small. A sensitivity test proves that the zonal current anomalies associated with reflected waves on the western and eastern Pacific boundaries can act as a restoring force that results in the interannual reciprocating zonal motion of the WPWP eastern edge.  相似文献   

Inter-annual variability of the Kuroshio water intrusion on the shelf of East China Sea (ECS) was simulated with a nested global and Northwest Pacific ocean circulation model. The model analysis reveals the influence of the variability of Kuroshio transport east of Taiwan on the intrusion to the northeast of Taiwan: high correlation (r = 0.92) with the on-shore volume flux in the lower layer (50–200 m); low correlation (r = 0.50) with the on-shore flux in the upper layer (0–50 m). Spatial distribution of correlations between volume fluxes and sea surface height suggests that inter-annual variability of the Kuroshio flux east of Taiwan and its subsurface water intruding to the shelf lag behind the sea surface height anomalies in the central Pacific at 162°E by about 14 months, and could be related to wind-forced variation in the interior North Pacific that propagates westward as Rossby waves. The intrusion of Kuroshio surface water is also influenced by local winds. The intruding Kuroshio subsurface water causes variations of temperature and salinity of bottom waters on the southern ECS shelf. The influence of the intruding Kuroshio subsurface water extends widely from the shelf slope northeast of Taiwan northward to the central ECS near the 60 m isobath, and northeastward to the region near the 90 m isobath.  相似文献   

This study showed that the combined effect of absorption of planktonic algae and water on water color shift can be simulated approximately by the exponential function: Log(E 100cm W +E 100cm Xch1 )=0.002λ−2.5 whereE 100 cm W ,E 100cm Xchl are, respectively, extinction coefficients of seawater and chlorophyll—a (concentration is equal toX mg/m3), and λ (nm) is wavelength. This empirical regression equation is very useful for forecasting the relation between water color and biomass in water not affected by terrigenous material. The main factor affecting water color shift in the ocean should be the absorption of blue light by planktonic algae.  相似文献   

Maximum rate of food consumption ( Cmax ) was determined for juvenile Sebastodes fuscescens (Houttuyn) at water temperature of 10, 15, 20 and 25℃. The relationships of Cmax to the body weight (W) at each temperature were described by a power equation: lnCmax = a b lnW. Covariance analysis revealed significant interaction of the temperature and body weight. The relationship of adjusted Cmax to water temperature (T) was described by a quadratic equation: Cmax = -0.369 0.456T - 0.0117T^2. The optimal feeding temperature calculated from this equation was 19.5 ℃. The coefficients of the multiple regression estimation relating Cmax to body weight (W) and water temperature (T) were given in the Table 2.  相似文献   

The abyssal circulation in the Philippine Sea(PS)is investigated,with outputs from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 2.2.4(SODA224).The deep-water currents in SODA224 are carefully evaluated,with sparse in situ observations in the North Pacific Ocean.In the upper deep layer(20003000 m)of the PS,a strong westward current,which originates from the Northeast Pacific Basin and enters the PS through the Yap-Mariana Junction,exists along 1114 N.This strong westward current bifurcates into two western boundary currents off the Philippines.The northward-flowing current flows out of the PS around 2021 N,whereas the southward-flowing current transports deep water from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere.In the lower deep layer(30004500 m),the inflow water first flows northward to the east of the Western Mariana Basin and then turns westward at approximately 18 N.The inflow water mainly enters the Philippine Basin(PB),with a small part turning southward to constitute a weak cyclonic circulation.The water entering the PB mainly merges into a strong southward western boundary current in the south-ern PB.In the bottom layer(below 4500 m),both the northeast and northwest PB show single cyclonic gyres,whereas the south PB shows a single anticyclonic gyre.Moreover,comparisons with the observations indicate the possible existence of a cyclonic sense of circulation over the Philippine Trench.The current study provides the implications for future observations,which are needed to fur-ther investigate the temporospatial variations of the abyssal circulation in the PS on multiple scales.  相似文献   

This research on the vertical structure of tidal current in shallow water near the Changjiang River estuary is based on a great deal of observation data of current obtained recently, and a simple mathematic model. The essential features of the structure are: (1) the maximum velocity decreases with depth, the shallower the water, the lower the velocity; (2) the orientation of maximum velocity continuously deviates from the surface to the bottom to the left at the western side of the mouth bar and to the right at the eastern side; (3) the time of maximum velocity leads steadily with depth; (4) in general, tidal currents rotate clockwise, the nearer the sea-bed, the narrower the ellipse of the tidal current; (5) the ratio W1/W2 varies non-linearly with depth, and is smaller in the middle layer than at the surface and bottom. Bottom friction is the main cause of the vertical structure.  相似文献   

The nonwind-driven mechanism of the winter circulation in the northern South China Sea is discussed. Linked by the Bashi Strait to the Pacific Ocean, the northern South Cnina Sea is treated as a part of the Pacific western boundary where the circulation variation (except the very thin surface layer) is closely related to that of the ocean interior and the effect of local wind might be neglected (at least for some seasons). Based on the assumption that the thick and strong westward current which flows in through the Bashi Strait can effectively prevent water exchange between the northern and southern South China Seas, the model sea only includes the northern part. Barotropic numerical experiments show that part of this westward current is deflected by the continental slope and forms the slope area NE current—the South China Sea Warm Current. Besides, the topographical flow fed by the extension of the western boundary current and the anticyclonic eddy born near the eastern boundary are also fundamental components of the South China Sea Warm Current. The reflection of the incident Rossby waves by the continental slope is found to be of significance in the intensification of the South China Sea Warm Current. Contribution No. 1362 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia  相似文献   

The inverse method developed by Wunsch (1978) is widely used to determine circulation in the oceans (Fu, 1980; Wunsch, Hu and Grant, 1983; Joyce and Wunsch, 1986; Rintoul, 1988). However, for inversion manipulation, measurements down to the bottom are required, and so is a certain solid boundary. In the present paper an equation of potential condition satisfied by the velocity field at the reference level is added to Wunsch's underdetermined matrix equation in order to make the method adequate for the case where measurements do not touch bottom and when a solid boundary does not exist. The western boundary current in the Pacific is calculated and examined in terms of the velocity field and transport with CTD data gathered by theR/V Science I in October 1988. Contribution No. 1748 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

The vertical structure of Planetary boundary layer over Arctic floating ice is presented by using about 50 atmospheric profiles and relevant data sounded at an ice station over Arctic Ocean from 22 August to 3 September,2003.It shows that the height of the convective boundary layer in day is greater than that of the stability boundary layer in night.The boundary layer can be described as vertical structures of stability,instability and multipling The interaction between relative warm and wet down draft air from up level and cool air of surface layer is significant,which causes stronger wind shear,temperature and humidity inversion with typical wind shear of 10 m/s/100 m,intensity of temperature inversion of 8 ℃/100 m.While the larger pack ice is broken by such process,new ice free area in the high latitudes of arctic ocean.The interactions between air/ice/water are enhanced.The fact helps to understanding characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer and its effect in Arctic floating ice region.  相似文献   

This study on the sectional and vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen (DO) and the O2 fluxes across the sea-air interface in East China Sea (ESC) waters shows that the waters were in steady state and that the difference of DO was great in upper and bottom waters in Apr. 1994; but that seawater mixing was strong and the difference of DO was small in upper and bottom waters in Oct. 1994. The above conclusions were specially obvious in continental shelf waters under 100 m. The DO maximum in subsurface layer waters appeared only at several stations and in general the DO in the waters decreased with depth. The horizontal distributions of O2 fluxes across the sea-air interface appeared in stripes in Leg 9404 when most regions covered were supersaturated with O2 seawater to air flux was large, and that on section No. 1 was 1.594 L/m2·d. The horizontal distribution of O2 fluxes across the sea-air interface appeared lumpy in Leg 9410, when most regions covered were unsaturated with O2·O2 was dissolved from air to seawater, and the fluxes were 0.819 L/m2·d on section No. 1 in Leg 9310, 0.219 L/m2·d in Leg 9410. The main reasons for DO change in surface layer seawater were the mixture of upper and bottom layer water, and the exchange of O2 across the sea-air interface. The variation of DO by biological activity was only 20% of total change of DO. Contribution No. 2716 from Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Accumulated temperature above 100℃ (Σ t) and minimum annual temperature (Tm) are the major indexes for demarcating agroclimatic thermal zones. The paper calculated the return period (τ) of Σ t and Tm, and the shift ofΣ t-and Tm-isopleths with T. The results show: (1) According to the magnitude of shift of Σ t-and Tm-isopleths, in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and northern Xinjiang the fluctuation of thermal resources in growing season from year to year is the greatest and strongly impacts the yield of annual thermophilous crops, but in the Changjiang River basin the fluctuation of the low temperature in winter is the greatest and seriously injures the perennial subtropical tree crops. ( 2) In the anomalous cool summer year with t = 30, the northern boundaries of the southern subtropical, northern subtropical and warm temperate zones and the southern boundary of the frigid temperate zone in China could be expected to shift southward 150, 220, 250 and 300 km from their normal positions, respective  相似文献   

Effects of water temperature (17, 21, 25, 30 and 35℃) and body size (14.75-281.41 g initial body weight) on food consumption, growth, feed conversion, and dry matter content in orange-spotted grouper fed to satiation were investigated. The combined effect of temperature (T, ℃) and body weight (W, g) on maximum food consumption (Cmax, g/day) was described as: InCmax=-7.411+0.828 InW+0.317T4).004 7T2, and the optimum feeding temperature was 33.9℃. The combined effect of temperature and body weight on growth (G) was described as: lnG=-4.461-0.2081nW+0.394T-0.006 3T^2. The optimum growth temperature was 31.4℃, whereas overall growth rates were high at 25, 30 and 35 ℃. Feed conversion efficiencies (FCE, %), increasing first and then decreasing with increasing temperature, averaged from 1.8 to 2.1 in terms of dry weight of food fish. The optimum temperature for FCE tended to be lower than that for growth or feeding. Dry matter content increased with both increasing water temperature (17, 25, 30 and 35℃) and body weight, and the combined effect of temperature and body weight on dry matter content (DM, %) was described as: lnDM =3.232+0.01 4 lnW-0.004 4T+0.001 2TInW.  相似文献   

The nonlinear governing equations and its solutions for the tropical atmospheric planetary boundary layer are derived by means of scale analysis and vertical coordinate transformation. It is shown that the nonlinear momentum advection may alter the critical latitude. The restrictive requirement for the solutions to have continuity both in the free atmosphere and in the planetary boundary layer is derived. The context provides theoretical basis for numerical calculation of the wind field within the tropic atmospheric planetary boundary layer. Present affiliation: Shanghai Typhoon Institute, 200030  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThemetabolisminfishincludesstandardmetabolism(RS)routinemetabolism(RR),specificdynamicaction(SDA)andactivemetabolism(RA),relatedas:  RT=RS RR SDA RAwhereRSisthemetabolismofthefishatrest;RRthemetabolismoftheroutinelyactivefish;SDAthemetabolismofth…  相似文献   

四川"9.3"大暴雨中的水汽输送分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对四川“9.3”大暴雨中水汽来源进行了讨论。结果表明,这次暴雨的水汽主要来源于南海、西太平洋地区;异常水汽输送在这次暴雨中占了较大的比例。暴雨日及前3天的异常水汽输送表明,造成此次川东暴雨的异常水汽来源于西太平洋经南海、东海、黄海的向北水汽输送和暴雨区北方的向南水汽输送,以及青藏高原的异常偏西风输送,孟加拉湾的水汽输送对异常强降水并没有明显的作用。大暴雨发生的前期,副高突然异常加强西伸。  相似文献   

奎屯河流域水土中氟的分布规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对奎屯河流域包气带土壤和地下潜水取样分析,发现从山前洪积砾质倾斜平原到冲洪积平原,氟质量浓度的迁移分布明显具有淋溶-径流、径流-淋溶蒸发、溶滤-强烈蒸发浓缩3个水文地球化学分带。氟质量浓度在细粒粘土粉土层中相对较高,而在砂层中相对较低,无论属于哪种岩性结构在地下潜水位附近氟含量都相对较高。该流域内3条河流氟质量浓度均为上游低下游高,且在流域上游增幅相对较小而在下游增幅相对较大。环河道由近河岸到远河岸水土中氟质量浓度也逐渐增加。初步分析认为,该内陆平原地区氟的富集是以蒸发浓缩作用为主。运用热力学理论进行了验证,水土中氟的水平分布规律是一致的,并可相互转化。  相似文献   

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