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We describe a method for the extraction of spectra from high-dispersion objective prism plates. Our method is a catalogue-driven plate solution approach, making use of the right ascension and declination coordinates for the target objects. In contrast to existing methods of photographic plate reduction, we digitize the entire plate and extract spectra off-line. This approach has the advantages that it can be applied to CCD objective prism images and spectra can be re-extracted (or additional spectra extracted) without having to re-scan the plate. After a brief initial interactive period, the subsequent reduction procedure is completely automatic, resulting in fully reduced, wavelength-justified spectra. We also discuss a method of removing stellar continua using a combination of non-linear filtering algorithms.   The method described is used to extract over 12 000 spectra from a set of 92 objective prism plates. These spectra are used in an associated project to develop automated spectral classifiers based on neural networks.  相似文献   

Equivalent width measurements for rapid line variability in atomic spectral lines are degraded by increasing error bars with shorter exposure times.We derive an expression for the error of the line equivalent width σ (W λ ) with respect to pure photon noise statistics and provide a correction value for previous calculations. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper is primarily an investigation of whether the 'optimal extraction' techniques used in CCD spectroscopy can be applied to imaging photometry. It is found that using such techniques provides a gain of around 10 per cent in signal-to-noise ratio over normal aperture photometry. Formally, it is shown to be equivalent to profile fitting, but offers advantages of robust error estimation, freedom from bias introduced by mis-estimating the point spread function, and convenience. In addition some other techniques are presented, which can be applied to profile fitting, aperture photometry and the 'optimal' photometry. Code implementing these algorithms is available at http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~timn/.  相似文献   

I provide an incomplete inventory of the astronomical variability that will be found by next‐generation time‐domain astronomical surveys. These phenomena span the distance range from near‐Earth satellites to the farthest Gamma Ray Bursts. The surveys that detect these transients will issue alerts to the greater astronomical community; this decision process must be extremely robust to avoid a slew of “false” alerts, and to maintain the community's trust in the surveys. I review the functionality required of both the surveys and the telescope networks that will be following them up, and the role of VOEvents in this process. Finally, I offer some ideas about object and event classification, which will be explored more thoroughly by other articles in these proceedings. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We investigate the use of wavelet transforms in detecting and characterizing non-Gaussian structure in maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We apply the method to simulated maps of the KaiserStebbins effect resulting from cosmic strings, on to which Gaussian signals of varying amplitudes are superposed. We find that the method significantly outperforms standard techniques based on measuring the moments of the pixel temperature distribution. We also compare the results with those obtained using techniques based on Minkowski functionals, and we again find the wavelet method to be superior. In particular, using the wavelet technique, we find that it is possible to detect non-Gaussianity even in the presence of a superposed Gaussian signal with 3 times the rms amplitude of the original cosmic string map. We also find that the wavelet technique is useful in characterizing the angular scales at which the non-Gaussian signal occurs.  相似文献   

We present the first tests of a new method, the correlated component analysis (CCA) based on second-order statistics, to estimate the mixing matrix, a key ingredient to separate astrophysical foregrounds superimposed to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In the present application, the mixing matrix is parametrized in terms of the spectral indices of Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emissions, while the free–free spectral index is prescribed by basic physics, and is thus assumed to be known. We consider simulated observations of the microwave sky with angular resolution and white stationary noise at the nominal levels for the Planck satellite, and realistic foreground emissions, with a position-dependent synchrotron spectral index. We work with two sets of Planck frequency channels: the low-frequency set, from 30 to 143 GHz, complemented with the Haslam 408 MHz map, and the high-frequency set, from 217 to 545 GHz. The concentration of intense free–free emission on the Galactic plane introduces a steep dependence of the spectral index of the global Galactic emission with Galactic latitude, close to the Galactic equator. This feature makes difficult for the CCA to recover the synchrotron spectral index in this region, given the limited angular resolution of Planck , especially at low frequencies. A cut of a narrow strip around the Galactic equator  (| b | < 3°)  , however, allows us to overcome this problem. We show that, once this strip is removed, the CCA allows an effective foreground subtraction, with residual uncertainties inducing a minor contribution to errors on the recovered CMB power spectrum.  相似文献   

EPIC 202060577是一个包含B型子星的食双星系统.根据K2测光数据获得了45个次极小时刻,确定其轨道周期为1.019648 d并给出了历元公式.基于大天区面积多目标光纤光谱望远镜(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, LAMOST1,又称郭守敬望远镜)的光谱数据,使用ROTFIT程序获得了目标系统的主星光谱型、有效温度、金属丰度与表面重力加速度,并计算得到了视向速度曲线.通过PHOEBE (Physics Of Eclipsing Binaries)建模程序和emcee (Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo Ensemble Sampler)拟合程序,对EPIC 202060577进行了轨道求解并分析了RossiterMcLaughlin效应对视向速度曲线的影响.最终结果表明EPIC 202060577是一个质量比q=0.11的分离结构食双星系统(q=M2/M1, M1、M2分别为主星和伴星质量),主星的光谱型为B2/3,主星和伴星的质量、半径和有效温度分别为M1=12.56M⊙和M2=1.39M⊙,R1=4.58Rsun和R2=1.85Rsun, T1=18979 K和T2=8710 K, M⊙和Rsun分别为太阳质量和半径.根据所获得的物理参数,对EPIC 202060577的演化阶段进行了讨论.  相似文献   

An automated classification technique for large size stellar surveys is proposed. It uses the extended Kalman filter as a feature selector and pre-classifier of the data, and the radial basis function neural networks for the classification. Experiments with real data have shown that the correct classification rate can reach as high as 93%, which is quite satisfactory. When different system models are selected for the extended Kalman filter, the classification results are relatively stable. It is shown that for this particular case the result using extended Kalman filter is better than using principal component analysis.  相似文献   

The difference image analysis (DIA) of the images obtained by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-II) revealed a peculiar artefact in the sample of stars proposed as variable by Woźniak in one of the Galactic bulge fields: the occurrence of pairs of candidate variables showing anti-correlated light curves monotonic over a period of 3 yr. This effect can be understood, quantified and related to the stellar proper motions. DIA photometry supplemented with a simple model offers an effective and easy way to detect high proper motion stars in very dense stellar fields, where conventional astrometric searches are extremely inefficient.  相似文献   

Data reduction techniques published so far for the CoRoT N2 data product were targeted primarily on the detection of extrasolar planets. Since the whole dataset has been released, specific algorithms are required to process the lightcurves from CoRoT correctly. Though only unflagged datapoints must be chosen for scientific processing, some flags might be reconsidered. The reduction of data along with improving the signal‐to‐noise ratio can be achieved by applying a one dimensional drizzle algorithm. Gaps can be filled by linear interpolated data without harming the frequency spectrum. Magnitudes derived from the CoRoT color channels might be used to derive additional information about the targets. Depending on the needs, various filters in the frequency domain remove either the red noise background or high frequency noise. The autocorrelation function or the least squares periodogram are appropriate methods to identify periodic signals. The methods described here are not strictly limited to CoRoT data but may also be applied on Kepler data or the upcoming PLATO mission. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The quantitative spectroscopy of stellar objects in complex environments is mainly limited by the ability of separating the object from the background. Standard slit spectroscopy, restricting the field of view to one dimension, is obviously not the proper technique in general. The emerging Integral Field (3D) technique with spatially resolved spectra of a two‐dimensional field of view provides a great potential for applying advanced subtraction methods. In this paper an image reconstruction algorithm to separate point sources and a smooth background is applied to 3D data. Several performance tests demonstrate the photometric quality of the method. The algorithm is applied to real 3D observations of a sample Planetary Nebula in M31, whose spectrum is contaminated by the bright and complex galaxy background. The ability of separating sources is also studied in a crowded field in M33. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using the high-resolution spectrometer SPI on board the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory ( INTEGRAL ), we search for a spectral line produced by a dark matter (DM) particle with a mass in the range  40 keV < M DM < 14 MeV  , decaying in the DM halo of the Milky Way. To distinguish the DM decay line from numerous instrumental lines found in the SPI background spectrum, we study the dependence of the intensity of the line signal on the offset of the SPI pointing from the direction toward the Galactic Centre. After a critical analysis of the uncertainties of the DM density profile in the inner Galaxy, we find that the intensity of the DM decay line should decrease by at least a factor of 3 when the offset from the Galactic Centre increases from 0° to 180°. We find that such a pronounced variation of the line flux across the sky is not observed for any line, detected with a significance higher than 3σ in the SPI background spectrum. Possible DM decay origin is not ruled out only for the unidentified spectral lines, having low (∼3σ) significance or coinciding in position with the instrumental ones. In the energy interval from 20 keV to 7 MeV, we derive restrictions on the DM decay line flux, implied by the (non-)detection of the DM decay line. For a particular DM candidate, the sterile neutrino of mass M DM, we derive a bound on the mixing angle.  相似文献   

A fully autonomous data reduction pipeline has been developed for FRODOSpec, an optical fibre‐fed integral field spectrograph currently in use at the Liverpool Telescope. This paper details the process required for the reduction of data taken using an integral field spectrograph and presents an overview of the computational methods implemented to create the pipeline. Analysis of errors and possible future enhancements are also discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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