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ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ULTRACAM is a portable, high-speed imaging photometer designed to study faint astronomical objects at high temporal resolutions. ULTRACAM employs two dichroic beamsplitters and three frame-transfer CCD cameras to provide three-colour optical imaging at frame rates of up to 500 Hz. The instrument has been mounted on both the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope in Chile, and has been used to study white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, pulsars, black hole/neutron star X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, cataclysmic variables, eclipsing binary stars, extrasolar planets, flare stars, ultracompact binaries, active galactic nuclei, asteroseismology and occultations by Solar System objects (Titan, Pluto and Kuiper Belt objects). In this paper we describe the scientific motivation behind ULTRACAM, present an outline of its design and report on its measured performance.  相似文献   

The Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera (CTK‐II) and the Refraktor‐Teleskop‐Kamera (RTK) are two CCD‐imagers which are operated at the 25 cm Cassegrain and 20cm refractor auxiliary telescopes of the University Observatory Jena. This article describes the main characteristics of these instruments. The properties of the CCD‐detectors, the astrometry, the image quality, and the detection limits of both CCD‐cameras, as well as some results of ongoing observing projects, carried out with these instruments, are presented. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Gaia SpectroPhotometric Standard Stars (SPSS) survey started in 2006, was awarded almost 450 observing nights and accumulated almost 100000 raw data frames with both photometric and spectroscopic observations. Such large observational effort requires careful, homogeneous, and automatic data reduction and quality control procedures. In this paper, we quantitatively evaluate instrumental effects that might have a significant (i.e., ≥1 %) impact on the Gaia SPSS flux calibration. The measurements involve six different instruments, monitored over the eight years of observations dedicated to the Gaia flux standards campaigns: DOLORES@TNG in La Palma, EFOSC2@NTT and ROSS@REM in La Silla, CAFOS@2.2m in Calar Alto, BFOSC@Cassini in Loiano, and LaRuca@1.5m in San Pedro Mártir. We examine and quantitatively evaluate the following effects: CCD linearity and shutter times, calibration frames stability, lamp flexures, second order contamination, light polarization, and fringing. We present methods to correct for the relevant effects which can be applied to a wide range of observational projects at similar instruments. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We performed extensive data simulations for the planned ultra‐wide‐field, high‐precision photometric telescope ICE‐T (International Concordia Explorer Telescope). ICE‐T consists of two 60 cm‐aperture Schmidt telescopes with a joint field of view simultaneously in two photometric bandpasses. Two CCD cameras, each with a single 10.3k × 10.3k thinned back‐illuminated device, would image a sky field of 65 square degrees. Given a location of the telescope at Dome C on the East Antarctic Plateau, we searched for the star fields that best exploit the technical capabilities of the instrument and the site. We considered the effects of diurnal air mass and refraction variations, solar and lunar interference, interstellar absorption, overexposing of bright stars and ghosts, crowding by background stars, and the ratio of dwarf to giant stars in the field. Using NOMAD, SSA, Tycho‐2 and 2MASS‐based stellar positions and BVIJH magnitudes for these fields, we simulated the effects of the telescope's point‐spread‐function, the integration, and the co‐addition times. Simulations of transit light curves are presented for the selected star fields and convolved with the expected instrumental characteristics. For the brightest stars, we showed that ICE‐T should be capable of detecting a 2 REarth Super Earth around a G2 solar‐type star, as well as an Earth around an M0‐star – if these targets were as abundant as hot Jupiters. Simultaneously, the telescope would monitor the host star's surface activity in an astrophysically interpretable manner (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present results from a continuing campaign to secure deep multi-colour CCD sequences for photometric calibration in UK Schmidt fields with galactic latitudes | b |>50°. In this paper we present UBVR photometry in 12 fields and BR photometry in a further 14 fields observed within UK Schmidt survey fields centred at δ =−30°. Photometric errors are at the 0.05 level at 20.2, 21, 20.5 and 20 mag for UBVR sequences respectively. Our observations were carried out with the 0.9-m telescope at the Cerro-Tololo Inter-American Observatory. These data are not intended for use as highly accurate individual photometric standards, but rather for use as sequences, using a large number of stars to calibrate wide-area data such as photographic plates. The data are available electronically at http://icstar5.ph.ic.ac.uk/~scroom/phot/photom.html .  相似文献   

Modal noise is a common source of noise introduced to the measurements by optical fibres and is particularly important for fibre‐fed spectroscopic instruments, especially for high‐resolution measurements. This noise source can limit the signal‐to‐noise ratio and jeopardize photon‐noise limited data. The subject of the present work is to compare measurements of modal noise and focal‐ratio degradation (FRD) for several commonly used fibres. We study the influence of a simple mechanical scrambling method (excenter) on both FRD and modal noise. Measurements are performed with circular and octagonal fibres from Polymicro Technology (FBP‐Series) with diameters of 100, 200, and 300μm and for square and rectangular fibres from CeramOptec, among others. FRD measurements for the same sample of fibres are performed as a function of wavelength. Furthermore, we replaced the circular fibre of the STELLA‐échelle‐spectrograph (SES) in Tenerife with an octagonal and found a SNR increase by a factor of 1.6 at 678 nm. It is shown in the laboratory that an excenter with a large amplitude and low frequency will not influence the FRD but will reduce modal noise rather effectively by up to 180%. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The installation and operation of a telescope in Antarctica represent particular challenges, in particular the requirement to operate at extremely cold temperatures, to cope with rapid temperature fluctuations and to prevent frosting. Heating of electronic subsystems is a necessity, but solutions must be found to avoid the turbulence induced by temperature fluctuations on the optical paths. ASTEP 400 is a 40cm Newton telescope installed at the Concordia station, Dome C since 2010 for photometric observations of fields of stars and their exoplanets. While the telescope is designed to spread star light on several pixels to maximize photometric stability, we show that it is nonetheless sensitive to the extreme variations of the seeing at the ground level (between about 0′′.1 and 5′′) and to temperature fluctuations between –30°C and –80 °C. We analyze both day‐time and night‐time observations and obtain the magnitude of the seeing caused by the mirrors, dome and camera. The most important effect arises from the heating of the primary mirror which gives rise to a mirror seeing of 0′′.23 K–1. We propose solutions to mitigate these effects. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In preparation for future, large‐scale, multi‐object, high‐resolution spectroscopic surveys of the Galaxy, we present a series of tests of the precision in radial velocity and chemical abundances that any such project can achieve at a 4 m class telescope. We briefly discuss a number of science cases that aim at studying the chemo‐dynamical history of the major Galactic components (bulge, thin and thick disks, and halo) – either as a follow‐up to the Gaia mission or on their own merits. Based on a large grid of synthetic spectra that cover the full range in stellar parameters of typical survey targets, we devise an optimal wavelength range and argue for a moderately high‐resolution spectrograph. As a result, the kinematic precision is not limited by any of these factors, but will practically only suffer from systematic effects, easily reaching uncertainties <1km s–1. Under realistic survey conditions (namely, considering stars brighter than r = 16 mag with reasonable exposure times) we prefer an ideal resolving power of R ∼20 000 on average, for an overall wavelength range (with a common two‐arm spectrograph design) of [395;456.5] nm and [587;673] nm. We show for the first time on a general basis that it is possible to measure chemical abundance ratios to better than 0.1 dex for many species (Fe, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Na, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Y, Ba, Nd, Eu) and to an accuracy of about 0.2 dex for other species such as Zr, La, and Sr. While our feasibility study was explicitly carried out for the 4MOST facility, the results can be readily applied to and used for any other conceptual design study for high‐resolution spectrographs. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report on the results of a dedicated campaign to derive a pointing model for the GREGOR solar telescope which took place in December 2011. Two main goals were in the focus of this campaign: first to prove the aptness of the GREGOR solar telescope for night‐time, unattended operations and second to derive some qualitative measure of the amount of misalignment in the optical and mechanical parts of the telescope. In the final version, a root‐mean‐square deviation (RMSD) of 1.6″ for the azimuth model and an RMSD of 2.3″ in the elevation model could be achieved (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study the estimators of various second-order weak lensing statistics such as the shear correlation functions  ξ±  and the aperture mass dispersion  〈 M 2ap〉  which can directly be constructed from weak lensing shear maps. We compare the efficiency with which these estimators can be used to constrain cosmological parameters. To this end we introduce the Karhunen–Loève (KL) eigenmode analysis techniques for weak lensing surveys. These tools are shown to be very effective as a diagnostics for optimizing survey strategies. The usefulness of these tools to study the effect of angular binning, the depth and width of the survey and noise contributions due to intrinsic ellipticities and number density of source galaxies on the estimation of cosmological parameters is demonstrated. Results from independent analysis of various parameters and joint estimations are compared. We also study how degeneracies among various cosmological and survey parameters affect the eigenmodes associated with these parameters.  相似文献   

We describe a new polarimetric facility available at the Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica / Telescopio Nazionale Galileo at La Palma, Canary islands. This facility, PAOLO (Polarimetric Add‐On for the LRS Optics), is located at a Nasmyth focus of an alt‐az telescope and requires a specific modeling in order to remove the time‐ and pointing position‐dependent instrumental polarization. We also describe the opto‐mechanical structure of the instrument and its calibration and present early examples of applications. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This investigation presents a new analysis of the spatial distribution of the bright early‐type stars in the field of Northern Monoceros. A database of all O–B9 stars with available uvbyβ photometry is collated and a homogeneous distance scale is established for the clusters and layers of field stars. We provide revised distances for NGC 2264 and NGC 2244 of 833±38 (s.e.) pc and 1585±60 (s.e.) pc, respectively. We present arguments that there might be substructures in the clusters projected along the line of sight. According to the present sample the classical Mon OB2 association at 1.6 kpc is represented by a relatively compact group at 1.26 kpc in the vicinity of NGC 2244 and a layer of massive stars located between 1.5 and 3 kpc (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper describes a new Heterodyne Array Receiver Program (HARP) and Auto-Correlation Spectral Imaging System (ACSIS) that have recently been installed and commissioned on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The 16-element focal-plane array receiver, operating in the submillimetre from 325 to 375 GHz, offers high (three-dimensional) mapping speeds, along with significant improvements over single-detector counterparts in calibration and image quality. Receiver temperatures are ∼120 K across the whole band, and system temperatures of ∼300 K are reached routinely under good weather conditions. The system includes a single-sideband (SSB) filter so these are SSB values. Used in conjunction with ACSIS, the system can produce large-scale maps rapidly, in one or more frequency settings, at high spatial and spectral resolution. Fully sampled maps of     size can be observed in under 1 h.
The scientific need for array receivers arises from the requirement for programmes to study samples of objects of statistically significant size, in large-scale unbiased surveys of galactic and extra-galactic regions. Along with morphological information, the new spectral imaging system can be used to study the physical and chemical properties of regions of interest. Its three-dimensional imaging capabilities are critical for research into turbulence and dynamics. In addition, HARP/ACSIS will provide highly complementary science programmes to wide-field continuum studies and produce the essential preparatory work for submillimetre interferometers such as the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA).  相似文献   

硅微条探测器空间分辨率高、工作性能稳定, 广泛地应用于空间高能粒子探测领域. 如费米gamma射线空间望远镜(Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, FGST)以及阿尔法磁谱仪(Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 2, AMS-02)的径迹探测器中都采用了高位置分辨率的硅微条探测器. 基于硅微条探测器在空间观测领域的应用前景, 针对硅微条探测器单元设计了一套低噪声的电子学读出系统. 整个电子学系统分为前端电子学、数据获取电路和上位机软件. 前端电子学为提高集成度, 采用了一款电荷读出芯片VATAGP8, 实现了多通道、低噪声的电荷信号测量; 数据获取电路使用现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)实现了对前端电子学的时序控制以及对测量信号的采集控制; 上位机用来接收、处理数据获取电路采集的信号数据. 在对电子学通道的线性、基线、噪声等性能进行测试之后, 得到系统在0--200fC电荷输入范围内的线性增益约为13.41bin/fC, 积分非线性小于1%, 噪声小于0.093fC. 为了验证电子学读出系统对硅微条探测器单元的读出能力, 将两者集成在一起并测试了宇宙线缪子的能量沉积, 得到读出电子学系统的信噪比大于32, 缪子的电离损失能谱与Landau-Gaussian分布符合较好, 能够满足硅微条探测器单元读出电子学的设计要求.  相似文献   

We present relative astrometric and photometric measurements of visual binaries made in 2008, with the 76‐cm refractor of Côte d'Azur Observatory. Our observing list contains orbital couples as well as binaries whose motion is still uncertain. Three different techniques were used for obtaining measurements: Lucky imaging, speckle interferometry and the Direct Vector Autocorrelation method. We obtained 2420 new measurements of the relative position of 2225 objects, with angular separations in the range 0″.07‐11″.5, and an average accuracy of 0″.02. The mean error on the position angles is 0°.6. We managed to observe faint systems (mV ≈ 12) with large magnitude difference (up to ΔmV ≈ 5). We have thus been able to measure many systems containing red dwarf stars that had been poorly monitored since their discovery. We also measured the difference of magnitude of the two components of 376 objects with an estimated error of 0.1 mag. Finally, we provide a list of 33 newly discovered components of multiple or binary systems, which is a significant complement to our GII catalog (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The acquisition of H  i Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) southern sky data commenced at the Australia Telescope National Facility's Parkes 64-m telescope in 1997 February, and was completed in 2000 March. HIPASS is the deepest H  i survey yet of the sky south of declination +2°, and is sensitive to emission out to 170 h75−1 Mpc. The characteristic root mean square noise in the survey images is 13.3 mJy. This paper describes the survey observations, which comprise 23 020 eight-degree scans of 9-min duration, and details the techniques used to calibrate and image the data. The processing algorithms are successfully designed to be statistically robust to the presence of interference signals, and are particular to imaging point (or nearly point) sources. Specifically, a major improvement in image quality is obtained by designing a median-gridding algorithm which uses the median estimator in place of the mean estimator.  相似文献   

PEPSI is the bench‐mounted, two‐arm, fibre‐fed and stabilized Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument for the 2×8.4 m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Three spectral resolutions of either 43 000, 120 000 or 270 000 can cover the entire optical/red wavelength range from 383 to 907 nm in three exposures. Two 10.3k×10.3k CCDs with 9‐µm pixels and peak quantum efficiencies of 94–96 % record a total of 92 échelle orders. We introduce a new variant of a wave‐guide image slicer with 3, 5, and 7 slices and peak efficiencies between 92–96 %. A total of six cross dispersers cover the six wavelength settings of the spectrograph, two of them always simultaneously. These are made of a VPH‐grating sandwiched by two prisms. The peak efficiency of the system, including the telescope, is 15 % at 650 nm, and still 11 % and 10 % at 390 nm and 900 nm, respectively. In combination with the 110 m2 light‐collecting capability of the LBT, we expect a limiting magnitude of ≈20th mag in V in the low‐resolution mode. The R = 120 000 mode can also be used with two, dual‐beam Stokes IQUV polarimeters. The 270 000‐mode is made possible with the 7‐slice image slicer and a 100‐µm fibre through a projected sky aperture of 0.74″, comparable to the median seeing of the LBT site. The 43 000‐mode with 12‐pixel sampling per resolution element is our bad seeing or faint‐object mode. Any of the three resolution modes can either be used with sky fibers for simultaneous sky exposures or with light from a stabilized Fabry‐Pérot étalon for ultra‐precise radial velocities. CCD‐image processing is performed with the dedicated data‐reduction and analysis package PEPSI‐S4S. Its full error propagation through all image‐processing steps allows an adaptive selection of parameters by using statistical inferences and robust estimators. A solar feed makes use of PEPSI during day time and a 500‐m feed from the 1.8 m VATT can be used when the LBT is busy otherwise. In this paper, we present the basic instrument design, its realization, and its characteristics. Some pre‐commissioning first‐light spectra shall demonstrate the basic functionality. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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