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杭州湾南岸生态系统服务功能及其经济价值研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
生态系统服务功能是生态系统提供的商品和服务,是人类生存发展的物质基础和基本条件。该文应用生态学、生态经济学方法及Costanza功等的研究成果,结合杭州湾南岸生态系统的自然和社会经济特征的分析,初步估算出2000年杭州湾南岸生态系统服务功能的总价值为91.1亿元,其中间接经济价值是直接经济价值的5.85倍,并对各种生态系统类型的服务价值构成进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Hechuan wetland is located in the mid-Yellow River and at the intersection of Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan provinces in China. It is the largest hot spring lake wetland in the Yellow River basin and the birthplace of Guanju, a famous poem in the Book of Songs. Based on field investigations and questionnaires, we valued Hechuan Wetland ecosystem services, considering use values and non-use values. The annual use value of Hechuan Wetland ecosystem services is 79.236 billion CNY. The contingent valuation method was applied to value the annual non-use value, which is 6.27 billion CNY. We examined how the historical and cultural value of the Book of Songs affected respondents’ willingness to pay by establishing a control group. Results suggest that historical and cultural value does have a strong influence on willingness to pay.  相似文献   

近年来,全球及区域生态系统服务均呈现出快速变化趋势,分析研究生态系统服务变化的驱动机制有助于精准模拟未来生态系统服务情景,进而服务于生态系统管理决策的科学制定。虽然已有部分研究探讨了土地利用或气候变化对生态系统服务的影响,但生态系统服务变化的驱动机理与应对策略亟待全面揭示。为此,该文回顾总结了国内外关于生态系统服务变化驱动机制的研究成果,并分析归纳了生态系统服务变化的主要驱动因子与未来模拟技术,结果发现:(1)土地利用与气候变化是造成生态系统服务变化的主要因素,且相互作用共同驱动生态系统服务的变化;(2)生态系统服务变化的单影响因子识别取得较大进展,但多种影响因子的交互作用及其在生态服务变化中贡献亟需清晰分解;(3)基于遥感与气候模型的多情景模拟是预测未来生态系统服务变化的主要手段,但需要科学模拟多因素交互作用下的综合影响及其应对途径;(4)未来研究应加强人类活动对生态系统服务影响的分解与模拟,研发区域生态系统服务对重大生态工程的时空响应与探测技术,以科学指导区域生态保护建设与规划布局。  相似文献   

额济纳旗生态系统恢复的总经济价值评估   总被引:73,自引:6,他引:73  
条件估值方法是当前国际上流行的衡量环境物品非利用经济价值的唯一方法。通过调查 居民针对不同环境状况变化的支付意愿,从而定量确定环境状况变化带来的经济效益和损失。 针对额济纳旗生态系统恶化的现状,以投标支付卡的方法设计了700份调查问卷,调查了黑河 流域居民恢复额济纳旗生态系统的支付意愿。分析结果表明,用20年时问将额济纳旗生态系 统恢复到20世纪80年代初水平,黑河流域共有92.3%的居民家庭存在支付意愿,有支付意 愿家庭的平均支付意愿为每年每户37.96元,但随居仲区域不同存在一定差异,其中黑河干流 区域居比平均支付意愿为每年每户40.15元,要高于周边地区居民平均每年每户32.10元的支 付意愿。在综合考虑不同区域居民支付意愿的差异,生态系统经济效益折旧率的基础上将支付 意愿弃时空尺度上加总,得到恢复额济纳生态系统总经济价值为 16.37×108元。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:82,自引:3,他引:82  
基于Constaza等提出的方法,在对青藏高原天然草地生态系统服务价值根据其生物量订正的基础上,逐项估算了各种草地类型的各项生态服务价值,得出青藏高原天然草地生态系统每年提供的生态服务价值为2571 78×108元,占全国草地生态系统每年服务价值的17 68%。受各类草地生物群落分布广度和单位面积生态服务功能强弱的综合影响,各类草地的生态服务价值贡献率有很大差异,其中,高寒草甸、山地草甸、高寒草原对草地生态系统总服务价值的贡献率分别为62 52%、14 14%、12 92%。根据高寒草地的地域分异特征分亚区进行的生态价值估算结果表明,亚区生态服务价值具有沿东南向西北迅速减小的趋势,这与青藏高原气候条件自东南向西北由温暖湿润转向寒冷干旱是一致的。说明生态系统的地域分布条件对生态服务价值的大小有直接的影响。对毁草种田所产生的生态价值损失估算表明,仅青海和西藏两省区的生态损失每年高达2 29×108元,占两省区GDP总值的0 9%。  相似文献   

Although the importance of ecosystem services provided by natural forests, especially mangroves, is well known, the destruction of these environments is still ubiquitous and therefore protection measures are urgently needed. The present study compares the current approach of economic valuation of ecosystem services to a proposed one, using a study case of a mangrove system as an example. We suggest that a cost-benefit analysis for economically valuing environmental services should be performed with three additional modifications consisting of (i) a categorization of local stakeholders as demanders of particular ecosystem services, (ii) acknowledgement of the government as one of these demander groups, and (iii) the inclusion of opportunity costs in the valuation. The application of this approach to the mangrove area in the east portion of Great Abaco Island, the Bahamas, reveals that not only the ecosystem services received differ between demander groups, but the monetary benefits and costs are also specific to each of these groups. We show that the economic valuation of the ecosystem should be differentiated for each category, instead of being calculated as a net ‘societal value’ as it is currently. Applying this categorization of demanders enables a better understanding of the cost and benefit structure of the protection of a natural area. The present paper aims to facilitate discussions regarding benefit and cost sharing related to the protection of natural areas.  相似文献   

The values of farmland ecosystem services are composed of several components: provisioning service value, regulating service value, supporting service value and cultural service value, so it is important to make a full assessment of the values of farmland ecosystem services for agriculture and farmland protection. Here, we assessed the values of farmland ecosystem services in Qingdao City in 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017 by using various methods (market value method, carbon tax method, afforestation cost method, substitute cost method, equivalent factor method, etc.) based on establishing an assessment index system for the farmland ecosystem services value. The results show that the total yearly value of farmland ecosystem services increased from 499.74×10 8 Yuan to 681.74×10 8Yuan in the period of 1997-2017, and the yearly value of farmland ecosystem services per hectare increased from 6.57×10 4 Yuan to 9.73×10 4Yuan. The product provisioning service, carbon fixation service and oxygen release service, as well as the soil conservation service, are the main farmland ecosystem services, and the proportions of these four ecosystem service values to the total value of farmland ecosystem services in Qingdao City were large and kept increasing. Some countermeasures are put forward to adequately use the indirect service value of the farmland ecosystem and provide improved well-being for humans, such as protecting and wisely using farmland, developing agriculture that is rooted in local conditions, promoting agricultural production efficiency, speeding up construction of modern agriculture gardens, deepening the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, developing agricultural eco-tourism, etc.  相似文献   

石羊河流域生态系统服务功能经济价值评估   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
马国军  林栋 《中国沙漠》2009,29(6):1173-1177
分析和评估石羊河流域生态系统服务功能经济价值,培育和提升核心生态系统服务功能,为石羊河流域综合治理、确保生态安全提供理论依据。根据石羊河流域1999年和2006年土地利用情况,运用中国生态系统服务价值当量因子表,对该区域生态系统服务功能经济价值进行评估。1999年和2006年石羊河流域生态系统服务功能经济价值分别为1.1531×1010元和1.5650×1010元。2006年草地和森林生态系统对总价值的贡献率较高,分别为39.82%和25.96%;各项服务功能中土壤形成与保护功能经济价值最高。流域上游山区的水源涵养、气候调节和生物多样性保护等功能受到不同程度的破坏。  相似文献   

川西天然林生态服务功能的经济价值   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
生态服务价值既是实施生态系统保育和管理、建立合理生态补偿机制的基础 ,也是全球经济的重要组成部分。作者根据四川省 1995年森林资源统计资料和其它有关文献 ,按照Costanza的生态服务功能系统初步估算了四川西部天然林生态系统的 17类生态服务价值。川西天然林生态服务功能总价值为 46 84× 10 8USD/a,其中生态效益、经济效益和社会效益分别占 77 5 1% ,17 10 %和 5 39% ,这反映了天然林生态系统具有极显著的生态功能。在生态效益方面 ,气体调节、侵蚀控制和层积物保持、养分循环、废弃物处理价值等生态功能尤其明显。川西天然林生态服务价值占全国总价值的 0 5 2 % ,但气体调节和遗传资源对全国生态服务功能的贡献很高 ,分别为 2 2 5 %和 2 76 %。由于天然林生态系统具有许多不确定性以及方法上的不成熟 ,因而本文得到的川西天然林生态服务价值只是一个保守的、较低的估计值  相似文献   

华侨城湿地是深圳湾滨海湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,其生态系统服务价值达68 228.52万元。其中旅游休闲、宜居环境和企业生态品牌的价值共为60 500.52万元,占总体价值的88.67%。华侨城湿地带动了周边经济,实现了湿地可持续发展和企业价值的一致。呼吁能有更多企业和社会组织参与到我国湿地的管理工作中来。  相似文献   

对生态系统服务研究的几点新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态系统服务的研究因能更好地体现人与自然的相互作用关系而成为生态学研究热点之一。为了更准确的把握生态系统服务的未来工作重点,本文首先按照研究的时间和内容,依据代表性文章和大型国际研究计划,把生态系统服务的研究进展分为三个阶段,并指出了不同阶段的研究重点:{1}以基础理论研究为主的初步发展阶段;{2}以生态系统服务价值评估等实证研究为主的发展阶段;{3}以生态系统服务评估应用为主的蓬勃发展和自我完善阶段。其次,作者总结了目前研究过程中存在的亟待解决的若干问题,主要包括:对相关概念的正确理解和使用,对评价指标、评价尺度的选择,以及评价过程中的经济学问题、评价标准统一化问题等。最后,根据生态系统服务研究发展阶段以及当前实践工作中存在的问题,提出了生态系统服务研究的工作重点为:{1}引入模型,加强模拟研究;{2}确立统一评价标准,加强对比研究;{3}人类行为—生态系统服务—人类福利三者相互作用研究;(4)典型区的生态系统服务评价研究等。  相似文献   

The exponential increase of ecosystem utilization has instigated a serious conflict between ecosystem services and residents’ needs. The Belt and Road Initiative has greatly influenced Laotian production and living, and the scientific assessment of the consumption of ecosystem services in Laos is important for exploring residents’ influence on the ecosystem. Based on data for the Laotian consumption of agricultural products, fruits and livestock products during 1961-2013, normalized by either harvest index or feed conversion ratio, this study draws three main conclusions. 1) Ecosystem service consumption in Laos is centered on the consumption of farmland, forestry and grassland ecosystem services, which account for over 80%, over 10% and under 2%, showing downward, upward and constant trends, respectively. The consumption of these ecosystem services shows a trend of increasing first, then fluctuating, and finally increasing. 2) The consumption of ecosystem services in Laos was characterized by the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services” from 1961 to 2008, and the mode of “balanced development of consumption of farmland, forest and grassland ecosystem services” from 2008 to 2013, with a trend of transformation from the former into the latter. 3) The formation and change in the consumption mode of Laotian ecosystem services have been affected by both supply and trade. Laos developed agriculture mainly during the period from 1961 to 2008, forming the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services”. This development benefited from the enriched varieties of imports as well as the increased value of trade and import volume. However, the consumption of ecosystem services in Laos after 2008 changed from the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services” to one of “balanced development of consumption of farmland, forest and grassland ecosystem services”. This study provides an empirical reference for research on the consumption of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

荒漠生态系统服务价值评估研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
程磊磊  郭浩  卢琦 《中国沙漠》2013,33(1):281-287
荒漠生态系统是中国西北地区的代表性生态系统,具有不同于其他生态系统的独特结构和功能。开展荒漠生态系统服务价值评估,对干旱区的生态恢复与重建以及区域环境保护具有重要意义,有助于促进干旱区的可持续发展。把荒漠生态系统服务划分为防风固沙、土壤保育、固碳释氧、水资源调控、生物多样性保育、旅游文化等6类。在此基础上回顾与评述了相关研究,简要概括了已有研究中存在的主要问题,最后建议加强荒漠生态系统提供的独特服务的价值评估和针对特定地区开展小区域的荒漠生态系统服务价值评估等方面的研究,以及科学选取与调整价格参数。  相似文献   

Sense of place, including an individual’s attitudes toward specific geographic settings, is generally predicted to influence willingness to engage in place-protective behaviors. Relatively little research, however, has empirically examined the influence of people’s attitudes toward a place on their willingness to pay for environmental protection. Using the example of a payment for ecosystem services (PES) initiative in the McKenzie River watershed, Oregon, USA, we found that place attitudes were a significant predictor of respondents’ willingness to pay for a program designed to benefit drinking water quality. These results suggest that connecting conservation actions to landscapes that are meaningful to people may increase their financial support for PES and other conservation programs. While program managers have little or no influence over stakeholders’ political ideology, gender, or income, managers may be able to influence prospective PES buyers’ awareness and attitudes through targeted communications, thereby potentially increasing support for place-based conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services (ES) is an important approach to biodiversity protection in political rhetoric and policy practice, but it is also highly contested. This paper analyzes the introduction of ES in Swedish environmental policy and how it is contested by key stakeholders and discusses its implications for biodiversity governance. The results show that although ES is widely accepted on an abstract and conceptual level, critical features and functions are highly contested. These primarily concern the valuation of nature, appropriateness of different policy instruments, and institutional structures. The paper concludes that while the controversy surrounding ES fills an important role by reinvigorating debate and stimulating reflections on biodiversity loss, it also illustrates how ES is used to further particular values and beliefs and to challenge traditional biodiversity-protecting strategies. Understanding these policy controversies is central to addressing the challenges of transforming the promises of ES into practical policies.  相似文献   

流域生态补偿研究现状及关键问题剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在流域,因竞争性用水导致上下游之间、人类发展与生态环境之间的矛盾日益尖锐,急需建立健全流域生态补偿机制.通过对国内外流域生态补偿研究进展进行梳理,发现流域生态补偿研究主要集中在流域尺度的补偿计划实施评价、补偿尺度的选择、补偿标准的测算、生态补偿与减少贫困关系、流域生态补偿的空间差异性等方面,其关键问题在于生态补偿主体和对象的确定以及补偿标准的制定;研究认为通过流域断面水量水质及相关利益分析方法来确定补偿主体和对象;而补偿标准则以流域上下游生态损益、机会成本、居民支付意愿分别作为补偿上限、参考值和下限来综合确定.以此为基础,构建流域多种生态要素、多元主体间的流域生态补偿机制研究框架.最后,就流域生态补偿机制构建过程中有待解决的科学问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

洞庭湖生态系统最终服务价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统最终服务指生态系统直接提供给人类的,由人类直接享用、消费、使用的生态系统服务,目前生态系统服务评估多将最终服务与中间服务混淆,造成重复计算。以洞庭湖为例,建立洞庭湖生态系统最终产品与服务评估指标体系,并综合运用市场价值法、替代工程法和旅行费用法评估洞庭湖提供给人类的生态经济价值。结果表明:洞庭湖生态系统服务总价值为2 154.22×108元/a,其中洪水调蓄和气候调节占总价值的88.69%,是洞庭湖的主导生态系统服务。评价的10项生态系统最终服务按价值量排序,依次为调蓄洪水气候调节淡水产品水资源供给原材料生产释氧休闲旅游固碳水质净化内陆航运。评估结果比较全面地反映了洞庭湖对人类福祉的直接贡献,不仅能提高公众和管理部门对洞庭湖生态系统服务的认知,也为管理部门管理洞庭湖提供了重要方向。  相似文献   

居延海湿地生态系统服务功能及价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任娟  肖洪浪  王勇  肖生春 《中国沙漠》2012,32(3):852-856
黑河下游的居延海湿地属中国干旱\,半干旱内陆河湖泊湿地,具有多种生态服务功能。利用市场价值法、造林成本法、影子工程法、费用替代法以及专家评估法等方法对居延海湿地生态系统服务功能价值进行评估。结果表明,居延海湿地生态系统的总生态服务价值为11 523.33万元·a-1,其中防风固沙价值为3 149.76万元·a-1,生物多样性维持为1 152.28万元·a-1,旅游价值为1 339.8万元·a-1,净化水体价值为2 240.7万元·a-1,大气调节价值为2 007.55万元·a-1,科研文化价值为1 504.3万元·a-1,而物质生产价值比较低,只有130万元·a-1。  相似文献   

基于广州市2004―2016年土地利用分类成果,通过CA-Markov模型模拟预测2020年土地利用状况,结合格网分析法构建广州市2004―2020年的生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Services Value,ESV)密度格网,并展开Getis-Ord热点区分析和圈层分析评估,分析广州市快速城市化进程土地利用变化对ESV变化过程和影响的空间异质性。结果表明:1)广州市快速城市化进程中,建设用地扩张占用了大量生态用地,建设用地面积从2004年的1 320 km2扩张到2016年约2 000 km2,预计2020年将达到2 263.63 km2,生态用地斑块日趋破碎化;2)2004―2016年间,广州市ESV总值累计减少了92.41亿元,年均减少约8.4亿元,预计2016―2020年其继续减少但减速会放缓;3)ESV高值区域的格网数量净减少近18%,低值区域的格网数量净增加约46%,局部区域生态系统服务功能的改善难以抵消快速城市化造成的ESV损失;4)广州市ESV变化呈现局部空间自相关现象,高冷区常年集聚分布在花都区和番禺―南沙一带,高热区从集聚分布于东北部逐渐变成为零星分布;5)ESV圈层格局从中心城区向外围区(核心区、近郊区、边缘区和外围区)呈“低―低―中―高”向“低―低―低―高”的结构特征演变,地处城市边缘的近郊区域和边缘区域逐渐形成空间异质性最突出的城乡交错带。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估能够将湿地各项服务功能价值货币化,提供直观的经济数字,是应用较为广泛的一种评估方式。其技术仍处在探索阶段,尚不完善,在应用中反映出许多问题。分析了湿地净化污染、调节大气、调蓄洪水、物质生产等几项代表性的服务功能,总结了评估应用中存在的一些问题,并提出相应的改进建议,为今后的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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