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We present an analysis of the significantly expanded HARPS 2011 radial velocity data set for GJ 581 that was presented by Forveille et al. (2011). Our analysis reaches substantially different conclusions regarding the evidence for a Super‐Earth‐mass planet in the star's Habitable Zone. We were able to reproduce their reported χ2ν and RMS values only after removing some outliers from their models and refitting the trimmed down RV set. A suite of 4000 N‐body simulations of their Keplerian model all resulted in unstable systems and revealed that their reported 3.6σ detection of e = 0.32 for the eccentricity of GJ 581e is manifestly incompatible with the system's dynamical stability. Furthermore, their Keplerian model, when integrated only over the time baseline of the observations, significantly increases the χ2ν and demonstrates the need for including non‐Keplerian orbital precession when modeling this system. We find that a four‐planet model with all of the planets on circular or nearly circular orbits provides both an excellent self‐consistent fit to their RV data and also results in a very stable configuration. The periodogram of the residuals to a 4‐planet all‐circular‐orbit model reveals significant peaks that suggest one or more additional planets in this system. We conclude that the present 240‐point HARPS data set, when analyzed in its entirety, and modeled with fully self‐consistent stable orbits, by and of itself does offer significant support for a fifth signal in the data with a period near 32 days. This signal has a false alarm probability of <4% and is consistent with a planet of minimum mass 2.2 M, orbiting squarely in the star's habitable zone at 0.13 AU, where liquid water on planetary surfaces is a distinct possibility (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Hill stability criterion is applied to analyse the stability of a planet in the binary star system of HD 41004 AB, with the primary and secondary separated by 22 AU, and masses of 0.7 M and 0.4 M, respectively. The primary hosts one planet in an S‐type orbit, and the secondary hosts a brown dwarf (18.64 MJ) on a relatively close orbit, 0.0177 AU, thereby forming another binary pair within this binary system. This star‐brown dwarf pair (HD 41004 B+Bb) is considered a single body during our numerical calculations, while the dynamics of the planet around the primary, HD 41004 Ab, is studied in different phase‐spaces. HD 41004 Ab is a 2.6 MJ planet orbiting at the distance of 1.7 AU with orbital eccentricity 0.39. For the purpose of this study, the system is reduced to a three‐body problem and is solved numerically as the elliptic restricted three‐body problem (ERTBP). The Hill stability function is used as a chaos indicator to configure and analyse the orbital stability of the planet, HD 41004 Ab. The indicator has been effective in measuring the planet's orbital perturbation due to the secondary star during its periastron passage. The calculated Hill stability time series of the planet for the coplanar case shows the stable and quasi‐periodic orbits for at least ten million years. For the reduced ERTBP the stability of the system is also studied for different values of planet's orbital inclination with the binary plane. Also, by recording the planet's ejection time from the system or collision time with a star during the integration period, stability of the system is analysed in a bigger phase‐space of the planet's orbital inclination, ≤ 90°, and its semimajor axis, 1.65–1.75 AU. Based on our analysis it is found that the system can maintain a stable configuration for the planet's orbital inclination as high as 65° relative to the binary plane. The results from the Hill stability criterion and the planet's dynamical lifetime map are found to be consistent with each other. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We discuss work by the eSTAR project which demonstrates a fully closed loop autonomous system for the follow up of possible micro‐lensing anomalies. Not only are the initial micro‐lensing detections followed up in real time, but ongoing events are prioritised and continually monitored, with the returned data being analysed automatically. If the “smart software” running the observing campaign detects a planet‐like anomaly, further follow‐up will be scheduled autonomously and other telescopes and telescope networks alerted to the possible planetary detection.We further discuss the implications of this, and how such projects can be used to build more general autonomous observing and control systems. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The technique of gravitational microlensing is currently unique in its ability to provide a sample of terrestrial exoplanets around both Galactic disk and bulge stars, allowing to measure their abundance and determine their distribution with respect to mass and orbital separation. Thus, valuable information for testing models of planet formation and orbital migration is gathered, constituting an important piece in the puzzle for the existence of life forms throughout the Universe. In order to achieve these goals in reasonable time, a well‐coordinated effort involving a network of either 2m or 4×1m telescopes at each site is required. It could lead to the first detection of an Earth‐mass planet outside the Solar system, and even planets less massive than Earth could be discovered. From April 2008, ARTEMiS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search) is planned to provide a platform for a three‐step strategy of survey, follow‐up, and anomaly monitoring. As an expert system embedded in eSTAR (e‐Science Telescopes for Astronomical Research), ARTEMiS will give advice for follow‐up based on a priority algorithm that selects targets to be observed in order to maximize the expected number of planet detections, and will also alert on deviations from ordinary microlensing light curves by means of the SIGNALMEN anomaly detector. While the use of the VOEvent (Virtual Observatory Event) protocol allows a direct interaction with the telescopes that are part of the HTN (Heterogeneous Telescope Networks) consortium, additional interfaces provide means of communication with all existing microlensing campaigns that rely on human observers. The success of discovering a planet by microlensing critically depends on the availability of a telescope in a suitable location at the right time, which can mean within 10 min. To encourage follow‐up observations, microlensing campaigns are therefore releasing photometric data in real time. On ongoing planetary anomalies, world‐wide efforts are being undertaken to make sure that sufficient data are obtained, since there is no second chance. Real‐time modelling offers the opportunity of live discovery of extra‐solar planets, thereby providing “Science live to your home”. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Infrared spectra from the Spitzer Space Telescope ( SSC ) of many debris discs are well fit with a single blackbody temperature which suggest clearings within the disc. We assume that clearings are caused by orbital instability in multiple planet systems with similar configurations to our own. These planets remove dust-generating planetesimal belts as well as dust generated by the outer disc that is scattered or drifts into the clearing. From numerical integrations, we estimate a minimum planet spacing required for orbital instability (and so planetesimal and dust removal) as a function of system age and planet mass. We estimate that a 108 yr old debris disc with a dust disc edge at a radius of 50 au hosted by an A star must contain approximately five Neptune mass planets between the clearing radius and the iceline in order to remove all primordial objects within it. We infer that known debris disc systems contain at least a fifth of a Jupiter mass in massive planets. The number of planets and spacing required is insensitive to the assumed planet mass. However, an order of magnitude higher total mass in planets could reside in these systems if the planets are more massive.  相似文献   

Precision radial velocity measurements of the Sun-like dwarf 14 Herculis published by Naef et al., Butler et al. and Wittenmyer, Endl & Cochran reveal a Jovian planet in a 1760-d orbit and a trend indicating the second distant object. On the grounds of dynamical considerations, we test a hypothesis that the trend can be explained by the presence of an additional giant planet. We derive dynamical limits to the orbital parameters of the putative outer Jovian companion in an orbit within ∼13 au. In this case, the mutual interactions between the Jovian planets are important for the long-term stability of the system. The best self-consistent and stable Newtonian fit to an edge-on configuration of Jovian planets has the outer planet in 9-au orbit with a moderate eccentricity of ∼0.2 and confined to a zone spanned by the low-order mean motion resonances 5:1 and 6:1. This solution lies in a shallow minimum of (χ2ν)1/2 and persists over a wide range of the system inclination. Other stable configurations within 1σ confidence interval of the best fit are possible for the semimajor axis of the outer planet in the range of (6,13) au and the eccentricity in the range of (0, 0.3). The orbital inclination cannot yet be determined but when it decreases, both planetary masses approach ∼10 m J and for i ∼ 30° the hierarchy of the masses is reversed.  相似文献   

The role of radial velocity (RV) jitter in extrasolar planet search surveys is discussed. Based on the maximum-likelihood principle, improved statistical algorithms for RV fitting and period search are developed. These algorithms incorporate a built-in jitter determination, so that resulting estimations of planetary parameters account for this jitter automatically. This approach is applied to RV data for several extrasolar planetary systems. It is shown that many RV planet search surveys suffer from periodic systematic errors which increase effective RV jitter and can lead to erroneous conclusions. For instance, the planet candidate HD 74156 d may be a false detection made due to annual systematic errors.  相似文献   

Retrieval of orbital parameters of extrasolar planets poses considerable statistical challenges. Due to sparse sampling, measurement errors, parameters degeneracy and modelling limitations, there are no unique values of basic parameters, such as period and eccentricity. Here, we estimate the orbital parameters from radial velocity data in a Bayesian framework by utilizing Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations with the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. We follow a methodology recently proposed by Gregory and Ford. Our implementation of MCMC is based on the object-oriented approach outlined by Graves. We make our resulting code, exofit , publicly available with this paper. It can search for either one or two planets as illustrated on mock data. As an example we re-analysed the orbital solution of companions to HD 187085 and HD 159868 from the published radial velocity data. We confirm the degeneracy reported for orbital parameters of the companion to HD 187085, and show that a low-eccentricity orbit is more probable for this planet. For HD 159868, we obtained slightly different orbital solution and a relatively high 'noise' factor indicating the presence of an unaccounted signal in the radial velocity data. exofit is designed in such a way that it can be extended for a variety of probability models, including different Bayesian priors.  相似文献   

We present a search for the near-infrared spectroscopic signature of the close orbiting extrasolar giant planet HD 75289b. We obtained ∼230 spectra in the wavelength range 2.18–2.19 μm using the Phoenix spectrograph at Gemini South. By considering the direct spectrum, derived from irradiated model atmospheres, we search for the absorption profile signature present in the combined star and planet light. Since the planetary spectrum is separated from the stellar spectrum at most phases, we apply a phase-dependent orbital model and tomographic techniques to search for absorption signatures.
Because the absorption signature lies buried in the noise of a single exposure we apply a multiline deconvolution to the spectral lines available in order to boost the effective signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the data. The wavelength coverage of 80 Å is expected to contain ∼100 planetary lines, enabling a mean line with S/N of 800 to be achieved after deconvolution. We are nevertheless unable to detect the presence of the planet in the data and carry out further simulations to show that broader wavelength coverage should enable a planet like HD 75289b to be detected with 99.9 per cent confidence. We investigate the sensitivity of our method and estimate detection tolerances for mismatches between observed and model planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   

This paper is an extension of the work done by Pierens & Nelson in which they investigated the behaviour of a two-planet system embedded in a protoplanetary disc. They put a Jupiter mass gas giant on the internal orbit and a lower mass planet on the external one. We consider here a similar problem taking into account a gas giant with mass in the range 0.5 to  1 M J  and a Super-Earth (i.e. a planet with mass  ≤10 M   ) as the outermost planet. By changing disc parameters and planet masses, we have succeeded in getting the convergent migration of the planets which allows for the possibility of their resonant locking. However, in the case in which the gas giant has the mass of Jupiter, before any mean-motion first-order commensurability could be achieved, the Super-Earth is caught in a trap when it is very close to the edge of the gap opened by the giant planet. This confirms the result obtained by Pierens & Nelson in their simulations. Additionally, we have found that, in a very thin disc, an apsidal resonance is observed in the system if the Super-Earth is captured in the trap. Moreover, the eccentricity of the small planet remains low, while the eccentricity of the gas giant increases slightly due to the imbalance between Lindblad and corotational resonances. We have also extended the work of Pierens & Nelson by studying analogous systems in which the gas giant is allowed to take sub-Jupiter masses. In this case, after conducting an extensive survey over all possible parameters, we have succeeded in getting the 1:2 mean-motion resonant configuration only in a disc with low aspect ratio and low surface density. However, the resonance is maintained just for a few thousand orbits. Thus, we conclude that for typical protoplanetary discs the mean-motion commensurabilities are rare if the Super-Earth is located on the external orbit relative to the gas giant.  相似文献   

Of the known transiting extrasolar planets, a few have been detected through photometric follow-up observations of radial velocity planets. Perhaps the best known of these is the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b. For hot Jupiters (periods less than ∼5 d), the a priori information that 10 per cent of these planets will transit their parent star due to the geometric transit probability leads to an estimate of the expected transit yields from radial velocity surveys. The radial velocity information can be used to construct an effective photometric follow-up strategy which will provide optimal detection of possible transits. Since the planet-harbouring stars are already known in this case, one is only limited by the photometric precision achievable by the chosen telescope/instrument. The radial velocity modelling code presented here automatically produces a transit ephemeris for each planet data set fitted by the program. Since the transit duration is brief compared with the fitted period, we calculate the maximum window for obtaining photometric transit observations after the radial velocity data have been obtained, generalizing for eccentric orbits. We discuss a typically employed survey strategy which may contribute to a possible radial velocity bias against detection of the very hot Jupiters which have dominated the transit discoveries. Finally, we describe how these methods can be applied to current and future radial velocity surveys.  相似文献   

A catalogue of close eclipsing binary systems (detached and semidetached) with at least one of the components located in the δ Scuti region of the Cepheid instability strip is presented. The positions of the stars in the instability strip are determined by their accurate temperatures and luminosities. Observationally detected binaries (20 semidetached, four detached and one unclassified) with oscillating components were included in the catalogue as a separate table. The primaries of the oscillating Algols tend to be located near the blue edge of the instability strip. Using reliable luminosities and temperatures determined by recent photometric and spectroscopic studies, we have found that at least one or two components of 71 detached and 90 semidetached systems are located in the δ Scuti region of the Cepheid instability strip. In addition, 36 detached or semidetached systems discovered by the Hipparcos satellite were also given as a separate list. One of their components is seen in the δ Scuti region, according to their spectral type or   B − V   colours. They are potential candidate binaries with the δ Scuti-type pulsating components which need further photometric and spectroscopic studies in better precision. This catalogue covers information and literature references for 25 known and 197 candidate binaries with pulsating components.  相似文献   

李培俊  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(4):394-401
介绍了N体模拟的Hermite算法,并利用该算法研究了不同质量行星在小行星主带上轨道的演化情况.采用的演化模型是太阳系N体模型(N=7),即把水星、金星、地球的质量加到太阳上,忽略冥王星,同时在小行星主带附近增加一个假想行星,系统演化时间为1亿年.数值模拟显示能够稳定存在于小行星主带上的单个天体的质量上限其量级为10~(25)kg.模拟同时还显示在某些情况下,假想行星与木星之间的低阶共振可以增强系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

To date, two planetary systems have been discovered with close-in, terrestrial-mass planets     . Many more such discoveries are anticipated in the coming years with radial velocity and transit searches. Here we investigate the different mechanisms that could form 'hot Earths' and their observable predictions. Models include: (1) in situ accretion; (2) formation at larger orbital distance followed by inward 'type 1' migration; (3) formation from material being 'shepherded' inward by a migrating gas giant planet; (4) formation from material being shepherded by moving secular resonances during dispersal of the protoplanetary disc; (5) tidal circularization of eccentric terrestrial planets with close-in perihelion distances and (6) photoevaporative mass-loss of a close-in giant planet. Models 1–4 have been validated in previous work. We show that tidal circularization can form hot Earths, but only for relatively massive planets     with very close-in perihelion distances (≲0.025 au), and even then the net inward movement in orbital distance is at most only 0.1–0.15 au. For planets of less than     , photoevaporation can remove the planet's envelope and leave behind the solid core on a Gyr time-scale, but only for planets inside 0.025–0.05 au. Using two quantities that are observable by current and upcoming missions, we show that these models each produce unique signatures, and can be observationally distinguished. These observables are the planetary system architecture (detectable with radial velocities, transits and transit timing) and the bulk composition of transiting close-in terrestrial planets (measured by transits via the planet's radius).  相似文献   

We present a new catalogue of variable stars compiled from the data taken for the University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search. From 2004 October to 2007 May, 25 target fields were each observed for one to four months, resulting in ∼87 000 high-precision light curves with 1600–4400 data points. We have extracted a total of 850 variable light curves, 659 of which do not have a counterpart in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, the New Suspected Variables catalogue or the All Sky Automated Survey southern variable star catalogue. The catalogue is detailed here, and includes 142 Algol-type eclipsing binaries, 23 β Lyrae-type eclipsing binaries, 218 contact eclipsing binaries, 53 RR Lyrae stars, 26 Cepheid stars, 13 rotationally variable active stars, 153 uncategorized pulsating stars with periods <10 d, including δ Scuti stars, and 222 long period variables with variability on time-scales of >10 d. As a general application of variable stars discovered by extrasolar planet transit search projects, we discuss several astrophysical problems which could benefit from carefully selected samples of bright variables. These include (i) the quest for contact binaries with the smallest mass ratio, which could be used to test theories of binary mergers; (ii) detached eclipsing binaries with pre-main-sequence components, which are important test objects for calibrating stellar evolutionary models and (iii) RR Lyrae-type pulsating stars exhibiting the Blazhko effect, which is one of the last great mysteries of pulsating star research.  相似文献   

In this work we present the results of an investigation aimed at a search for an oscillatory phenomenon during short gamma‐ray bursts. The wavelet technique, used for this analysis, is applied to the data from the BATSE 3B catalogue. We have detected oscillations, which periods are found to be in the milliseconds range and their amplitudes up to dozens of percents. A possible scenario for such a phenomenon is the coalescence of stellar‐mass black holes and neutron stars. During the coalescence process the matter orbiting the black hole produces rapid, periodic phenomena. Such system will also emit gravitational waves which cause the orbital radius to decrease and leads to the emission of a chirp of radiation. Estimates lead to a timescale of milliseconds for the coalescence process and oscillation frequencies of hundreds of Hz. The gamma‐ray bursts considered in this paper, show both frequencies and survival times of oscillations close to the mentioned values. A chirp phenomenon is also present. We therefore argue in favor of the black hole – neutron star coalescence as a scenario for the production of short gamma‐ray bursts (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Observations of present and future X‐ray telescopes include a large number of ipitous sources of unknown types. They are a rich source of knowledge about X‐ray dominated astronomical objects, their distribution, and their evolution. The large number of these sources does not permit their individual spectroscopical follow‐up and classification. Here we use Chandra Multi‐Wavelength public data to investigate a number of statistical algorithms for classification of X‐ray sources with optical imaging follow‐up. We show that up to statistical uncertainties, each class of X‐ray sources has specific photometric characteristics that can be used for its classification. We assess the relative and absolute performance of classification methods and measured features by comparing the behaviour of physical quantities for statistically classified objects with what is obtained from spectroscopy. We find that among methods we have studied, multi‐dimensional probability distribution is the best for both classifying source type and redshift, but it needs a sufficiently large input (learning) data set. In absence of such data, a mixture of various methods can give a better final result.We discuss some of potential applications of the statistical classification and the enhancement of information obtained in this way. We also assess the effect of classification methods and input data set on the astronomical conclusions such as distribution and properties of X‐ray selected sources. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The tidal evolution of ten Kepler candidate two-planet systems is investigated by using the general secular perturbation theory, and then a general picture of tidal evolution for these systems is described. Taking the KOI 1239 system as an example, the tidal effect of the system is studied in detail, the results indicate that the dissipative term of the tidal effect causes the attenuation of planets’ orbital eccentricities, and it plays a dominant role in the process of orbital evolution, however, the conservative term of the tidal effect and the relativistic effect may damp the excitation of the eccentricity of the inner planet under the secular perturbation of the outer planet. In addition, the process of tidal evolution is also affected by both the initial eccentricity of the outer planet and the planet's tidal dissipation coeffcient. At the same time, the numerical simulation on the tidal evolution of the KOI 1239 system is also made, and the numerical results are consistent with those of general secular perturbation theory.  相似文献   

We investigate the gravitational interaction between a planet and an optically thin protoplanetary disc, performing local three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. In the present study, we take account of radiative energy transfer in optically thin discs. Before the stage of planetary accretion, dust opacity is expected to decrease significantly because of grain growth and planetesimal formation. Thus, it would be reasonable to consider optically thin discs in the disc–planet interaction. Furthermore, we focus on small planets that can neither capture disc gas nor open a disc gap. The one-sided torque exerted on a planet by an optically thin disc is examined for various values of the disc optical thickness (<1). In optically thin discs, the temperature behind the density waves is lower than the unperturbed value because of radiative cooling. Heating due to shock dissipation is less effective than radiative cooling. Because of radiative cooling, the density distribution around the planet is not axisymmetric, which exerts an additional torque on the planet. The torque enhancement becomes maximum when the cooling time is comparable with the Keplerian period. The enhancement is significant for low-mass planets. For planets with  3 M  , the additional one-sided torque can be 40 per cent of the torque in the isothermal case. The radiative cooling is expected to change the differential torque and the migration speed of planets, too.  相似文献   

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