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Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats(SSR) function widely and locate dependently in genome. However, their characteristics are often ignored due to the lack of genomic sequences of most species. Kelp(Saccharina japonica), a brown macroalga, is extensively cultured in China. In this study, the genome of S. japonica was surveyed using an Illumina sequencing platform, and its microsatellites were characterized. The preliminarily assembled genome was 469.4 Mb in size, with a scaffold N_(50) of 20529 bp. Among the 128370 identified microsatellites, 90671, 25726 and 11973 were found in intergenic regions, introns and exons, averaging 339.3, 178.8 and 205.4 microsatellites per Mb, respectively. These microsatellites distributed unevenly in S. japonica genome. Mononucleotide motifs were the most abundant in the genome, while trinucleotide ones were the most prevalent in exons. The microsatellite abundance decreased significantly with the increase of motif repeat numbers, and the microsatellites with a small number of repeats accounted for a higher proportion of the exons than those of the intergenic regions and introns. C/G-rich motifs were more common in exons than in intergenic regions and introns. These characteristics of microsatellites in S. japonica genome may associate with their functions, and ultimately their adaptation and evolution. Among the 120140 pairs of designed microsatellite primers, approximately 75% were predicted to be able to amplify S. japonica DNA. These microsatellite markers will be extremely useful for the genetic breeding and population evolution studies of kelp.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of elevated seawater p CO_2 on the early developmental stages of marine benthic calcifying organisms, we exposed the eggs and larvae of Argopecten irradias, an important bivalve species in Chinese aquaculture, in seawater equilibrated with CO_2-enriched(1000 ppm) gas mixtures. We demonstrated that elevated seawater pCO_2 significantly interfered with fertilization and larval development and resulted in an increased aberration rate. Fertilization in the treatment(pH 7.6) was 74.3% ± 3.8%, which was 9.7% lower than that in the control(p H 8.3)(84.0% ±3.0%). Hatching success decreased by 23.7%, and aberration rate increased by 30.3% under acidic condition. Larvae in acidified seawater still developed a shell during the post-embryonic phase. However, the shell length and height in the treatment were smaller than those in the control. The development of embryos differed significantly at 12 h after fertilization between the two experimental groups. Embryos developed slower in acidified seawater. Nearly half of the embryos in the control developed into D-shaped larvae at 48 h after fertilization, which were considerably more than those in the treatment(11.7%). Results suggest that future ocean acidification(OA) would cause detrimental effects on the early development of A. irradias.  相似文献   

A turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) cell line named SMSP was obtained from the spleen. The origin of the cells was identified by morphology, chromosome number and COI gene. The optimal basic medium, serum concentration and growth temperature of the cells were detected. SMSP cell line is mainly composed of fibroblast-like cells. Most of the SMSP cells contained 44 chromosomes, and the sequence of COI gene confirmed that the cells were originated from turbot. The optimal culture conditions were 24℃,DME...  相似文献   

图斑净面积量算是土地利用规划和地理国情监测中的一个关键问题,如何利用已有数据库准确、高效地计算地类图斑净面积十分重要。通过分析土地利用数据库数据结构,并利用Arc GIS空间分析工具实现了图斑净面积的量算,并借助Arc GIS图解建模进一步地实现了计算过程工作流的自动化。实践表明,该方法操作简单,易实现,能够很好地解决一些图斑净面积计算的实际问题。  相似文献   

采用RAPD技术分析了湛江近海紫红笛鲷 (LutjanusargentimaculatusForsk l)的遗传多样性。从 12 0个随机引物中筛选出了 14个引物。 14个引物共检测到 173个位点 ,其中多态位点比例 (P)为 6 8.79%,遗传距离 (D)为 0 .2 2 2 8,遗传多样性指数 (H)为 0 .190 4。结果表明 ,目前湛江近海的紫红笛鲷自然群体的遗传多样性仍然维持在良好水平 ,捕捞尚未对其造成明显影响。  相似文献   

The genetic variation and differentiation of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricts distributed along the coast of China were studied through amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)analysis. Six primer combinations generated 193 fragments. The He values varied from 0. 322 to 0. 463 and the percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 74. 1% to 98. 4%, which indicates a high level of genetic diversity. Cluster analysis by Nei's pairwise distance grouped all specimens by geographical origins. AMOVA consistently showed that genetic variation among populations was 8. 71%, and most of the variation came from the genetic variation within populations(91.29%). Genetic differentiation among the six populations was moderate; pairwise FST ranged from 0. 0282 to0. 1480, which indicated that S. Constricts populations along the coast of China are genetically connected. Among all the six populations, the Beihai population is the mostly differentiated from the others, suggesting that Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula act as barriers to gene flow. All populations abide isolation by distance model as indicated by Mantel test, except for ZS(Zhoushan)and YQ(Yueqing)populations. Information obtained in this study will provide guidelines for conservation and fishery management of this species in the future.  相似文献   

Of the four species ofPisione Grube (1856) collected from the coastal waters of Hainan Island, the South China Sea, and described in this paper,Pisione hainanensis n. sp. is new to science;Pisione oerstedii Grube, 1857;Pisione complexa Alikunhi, 1947, and Pisione levisetosa Zhao, Westheide & Wu, 1991 are reported for the first time from this area. Project 38970187 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   

采用延绳式、浮筏式、立桩式在外海深水区进行马氏珠母贝[Pinctada m artensii (Dunker)]人工养殖试验,结果表明:经 11 个月的养殖,其成活率分别为延绳式 56.3% ,浮筏式 32.8% ,立桩式20.8% ,而同期在港湾浅水区养殖时,其成活率分别为浮筏式 28.8% ,立桩式 18.5% 。而且外海深水区养殖马氏珠母贝生长快,个体大,体质强,病害少,附着物少。此外,外海深水区延绳式养殖设施抗风浪能力强,是开发利用外海深水区的一种良好方式  相似文献   

黄河流域(济阳段)地热资源丰富,阐明地热田的成因机制对区域地热水资源的开发利用和黄河流域高质量发展具有重要意义。以黄河流域(济阳段)齐广断裂以南灰岩热储为研究对象,进行水化学分析和同位素分析,结果表明研究区地热水水化学类型主要为SO4·Cl-Ca·Na型、SO4-Ca·Na型、HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型、SO4-Ca型,地热水总体上受大气降水的入渗补给,地热水补给区高程范围为497.81~2117.97m,地热水属于亚现代与近期补给的混合水和现代水。  相似文献   

Population, seasonal abundance of the mysidIndomysis annandalei Tattersal (1914) from Karachi waters (northern Arabian Sea) are studied. Occurrence of breeding females is noted and developmental stages are described.  相似文献   

云南洞穴金线鲃属鱼类(鲤科)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描记采于罗平县—地下河金线鲃属一新种,命名为瓦状角金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus tileihornesMao,Lu et Li,sp.nov。新种外形与犀角金线鲃S.rhinocerous Li et Tao(1994)相近,但新种无侧线鳞,角顶部分叉呈瓦状,腹鳍较长,后伸超过肛门或达到臀鳍起点可与之相区分。  相似文献   

利用Qi算法的性质,提出了一种基于Qi(xi,yi)函数的约束Delaunay三角剖分算法。经过比较分析,本文提出的算法降低了时间复杂度,提高了执行效率。  相似文献   

A new pterosaur Archaeoistiodactylus linglongtaensis gen. et sp. nov. is erected based on an incomplete skeleton with a partial skull and lower jaw. The new taxon is characterized by circular tooth sockets of anterior mandibular teeth,the anterior teeth of the upper jaw bearing posteriorly directed crowns,a relatively short metacarpus,and wing phalanges 2 and 3 and the tibia subequal in length. It possesses some plesiomorphic characters such as short metacarpals and circular tooth sockets. The pointed jaw tip present in the new taxon indicates that the expanded jaw tips of later istiodactylids are a derived character state,and the new taxon represents the first istiodactylus-like pterosaur found from the pre-Late Jurassic deposits,which provides a key role in our understanding the origin and evolution of the known istiodactylid pterosaurs. Archaeoistiodactylus is regarded as the ancestor form of the known istiodactylid pterosaur.  相似文献   

A new pterosaur Archaeoistiodactylus linglongtaensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on an incomplete skeleton with a partial skull and lower jaw.The new taxon is characterized by circular tooth sockets of anterior mandibular teeth,the anterior teeth of the upper jaw bearing posteriorly directed crowns,a relatively short metacarpus,and wing phalanges 2 and 3 and the tibia subequal in length.It possesses some plesiomorphic characters such as short metacarpals and circular tooth sockets.The pointed jaw tip present in the new taxon indicates that the expanded jaw tips of later istiodactylids are a derived character state,and the new taxon represents the first istiodactylus-like pterosaur found from the pre-Late Jurassic deposits,which provides a key role in our understanding the origin and evolution of the known istiodactylid pterosaurs.Archaeoistiodactylus is regarded as the ancestor form of the known istiodactylid pterosaur.  相似文献   

A new monstrilloid copepod species,Cymbasoma cheni sp.nov.,from Meizhou Bay(an embayment in Fujian Province,southeastern China)is described and illustrated.The diagnostic character of the new species is the structure and armature of the fifth leg,which is represented by a single lobe armed with three naked setae subequal in length.The new species closely resembles Cymbasoma bowmani SuarezMorales and Gasca,1998 in the structure of the fifth legs,and the body proportions,including total body length,and relative lengths of the cephalothorax and the genital double somite.However,Cymbasoma cheni sp.nov.is distinguished by lack of cuticular ornamentation on the cephalothorax,the position of the oral papilla,and the structure of the fifth leg with three naked setae.Although the structure of the fifth legs is similar in Cymbasoma cheni sp.nov.and Cymbasoma quintanarooense(Suarez-Morales,1994),the new species can be easily distinguished from Cymbasoma quintanarooense by the relative length of the antennule,differences in the genital double-somite and the ovigerous spines,and the shape of ocelli.This is the sixth record of this genus from China seas.  相似文献   

描记采于云南省邱北县一地下洞穴盲金线鲃一新种,以其头上骨质突形状如鹰喙命名鹰喙角金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus aquihornes sp.nov.。新种头形及完全退化的眼与分布于云南泸西阿庐古洞的透明金线鲃S.hyalinus Chen et Yang(1994)相近,但有下列特征可区别:1)角形如鹰喙,后者为一向前的直突起;2)侧线完全,侧线鳞为36,后者侧线不完全,侧线鳞孔9-11;3)背鳍起点位于体中点,至吻端的距离等于至尾鳍基的距离;后者背鳍起点位于体中点之后,至吻端的距离大于至尾鳍基的距离。  相似文献   

Ataxonomic survey of benthic marine animals from coastal regions of Hainan Island, South China Sea, revealed specimens of a new species of Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicida: Eunicidae), Eunice uschakovi n. sp., collected from the intertidal zone. The species belongs to the group of Eunice that has yellow tridentate subacicular hooks and branchiae scattered over an extensive region of the body. It resembles E. miurai and E. havaica in having both bidentate and tridentate falcigers, but can be readily distinguished by branchial features. Comparisons between E. uschakovi and the two related species are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Macandrewia Gray from a seamount near Yap Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean was described.Macandrewia yapensis sp.nov.is distinct from its congeners by possessing a foliate shape with contorted lamellae,tuberculiform terminations of desmas,and unique size of spicules.This is the third species of Macandrewia described from the Pacific Ocean.In addition a partial sequence of COI gene was obtained from the new specimen and then it submitted to GenBank.Phylogenetic tree constructed with the partial COI sequences appears to exhibit a more congruent relationship with morphological data of macandrewiid species compared to 28 S gene tree.  相似文献   

Phyllochaetopterus species are widely distributed on the coast of China.Here,Phyllochaetopterus hainanensis n.sp.,a new species collected from Hainan Island(China),is reported.It is characterized by having a V-shaped peristomium,two eyespots covered by a pair of large curved peristomial notopodia(cirri located beneath the palps),13-14 chaetigers in the anterior body region,with three enlarged modified chaetae on the fourth notopodium,and more than five chaetigers in the middle body region.The modified chaeta has a slightly inflated head with an obliquely truncate end.The new species resembles Phyllochaetopterus socialis Claparede,1869,but differs in the shape of peristomial notopodia and peristomium.Twelve species of Phyllochaetopterus have been described from the Pacific Ocean,including the new species described here.An identification key to the known Pacific species is provided together with a brief discussion of the taxonomic value of the eyespots for the genus.  相似文献   

Documenting morphological features of modem pollen is fundamental for the identification of fossil pollen, which will assist researchers to reconstruct the vegetation and climate of a particular geologic period. This paper presents the pollen morphol- ogy of 20 species of tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The plants used in this study belong to 12 families: Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Juncaceae, Papav- eraceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. Pollen grain shapes included: spher- oidal, subprolate, and prolate. Variable apertural patterns ranged from 2-syncolpate, 3-colpate, 3-(-4)-colpate, 3-(-5)-colpate, 3-colporate, 5-poroid, ulcerate, ulcus to pantoporate. Exine ornamentations comprised psilate, striate-perforate, reticulate, mi- croechinate, microechinate-perforate, scabrate, granulate, and granulate-perforate. This study provided a useful reference for com- parative studies of fossil pollen and for the reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in Svalbard region of Arctic.  相似文献   

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