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The exact solutions of the field equations in respect of LRS Bianchi type-I space time filled with perfect fluid in the framework of f(R,T) gravity (Harko et al., arXiv: [gr-qc], 2011) are derived. The physical behavior of the model is studied. In fact, the possibility of reconstruction of the LRS Bianchi type-I cosmology with an appropriate choice of a function f(T) has been proved in f(R,T) gravity.  相似文献   

We try to study the corresponding relation between f(T) gravity and holographic dark energy (HDE). A kind of energy density from f(T) is introduced which has the same role as HDE density. A f(T) model according to the HDE model is calculated. We find out a torsion scalar T based on the scalar factor is assumed by Capoziello et al. (Phys. Lett. B 639:135, 2006). The effective torsion equation of state, deceleration parameter of the holographic f(T)-gravity model are calculated.  相似文献   

Recently, Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space Sci., doi:, 2011a) discussed charged fluid spheres with pressure while Bijalwan and Gupta (Astrophys. Space Sci. 317, 251–260, 2008) suggested using a monotonically decreasing function f to generate all possible physically viable charged analogues of Schwarzschild interior solutions analytically. They discussed some previously known and new solutions for Schwarzschild parameter u( = \fracGMc2a ) £ 0.142u( =\frac{GM}{c^{2}a} ) \le 0.142, a being radius of star. In this paper we investigate wide range of u by generating a class of solutions that are well behaved and suitable for modeling Neutron star charge matter. We have exploited the range u≤0.142 by considering pressure p=p(ω) and f = ( f0(1 - \fracR2(1 - w)a2) +fa\fracR2(1 - w)a2 )f = ( f_{0}(1 - \frac{R^{2}(1 - \omega )}{a^{2}}) +f_{a}\frac{R^{2}(1 - \omega )}{a^{2}} ), where w = 1 -\fracr2R2\omega = 1 -\frac{r^{2}}{R^{2}} to explore new class of solutions. Hence, class of charged analogues of Schwarzschild interior is found for barotropic equation of state relating the radial pressure to the energy density. The analytical models thus found are well behaved with surface red shift z s ≤0.181, central red shift z c ≤0.282, mass to radius ratio M/a≤0.149, total charge to total mass ratio e/M≤0.807 and satisfy Andreasson’s (Commun. Math. Phys. 288, 715–730, 2009) stability condition. Red-shift, velocity of sound and p/c 2 ρ are monotonically decreasing towards the surface while adiabatic index is monotonically increasing. The maximum mass found to be 1.512 M Θ with linear dimension 14.964 km. Class of charged analogues of Schwarzschild interior discussed in this paper doesn’t have neutral counter part. These solutions completely describe interior of a stable Neutron star charge matter since at centre the charge distribution is zero, e/M≤0.807 and a typical neutral Neutron star has mass between 1.35 and about 2.1 solar mass, with a corresponding radius of about 12 km (Kiziltan et al., [astro-ph.GA], 2010).  相似文献   

The contributions of quasi-periodic variations of cosmic rays for T>27 days at the primary energies to which neutron monitors are sensitive have a rather complicated character. They were reported in several papers (e.g. Valdés-Galicia, Perez-Enriquez, and Otaola, 1996; Mavromichalaki et al., 2003; Kudela et al., 2002; Caballero and Valdés-Galicia, 2001) from individual stations and for various time intervals covered. The data archive of several neutron monitor stations developed within the NMDB project () now involves long time series of measurements at neutron monitors situated at different geomagnetic cut-off rigidity positions and at different altitudes. It is updated continuously. Using the daily averages of cosmic-ray intensity at three selected stations within NMDB: i) the temporal evolution of the selected quasi-periodicities, especially those of approximately 1.7 yr, 150 days and 26 – 32 days respectively, until 2008 are reviewed, ii) the similarities of the spectra are checked and iii) the occurrence of quasi-periodicities with those observed in solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic activities (Moussas et al., 2005; Richardson and Cane, 2005) as well as in energetic particles below the atmospheric threshold are discussed (Laurenza et al., 2009).  相似文献   

In this paper, we search the existence of Bianchi type I cosmological model in f(R,T) gravity, where the gravitational Lagrangian is given by an arbitrary function of the Ricci scalar R and of the trace of the stress-energy tensor T. We obtain the gravitational field equations in the metric formalism, and reconstruct the corresponding f(R,T) functions. Attention is attached to the special case, f(R,T)=f 1(R)+f 2(T) and two examples are assumed for this model. In the first example, we consider the unification of matter dominated and accelerated phases with f(R) gravity in anisotropic universe, and in the second instance, model of f(R,T) gravity with transition of matter dominated phase to the acceleration phase is obtained. In both cases, f(R,T) is proportional to a power of R with exponents depending on the input parameters.  相似文献   

We have constructed Locally Rotationally Symmetric Bianchi type I (LRSBI) cosmological models in the f(R,T) theory of gravity when the source of gravitation is the bulk viscous fluid. The models are constructed for f(R,T)=R+2f(T) and f(R,T)=f 1(R)+f 2(T). We found that in the first case the model degenerates into effective stiff fluid model of the universe. In the second case we obtained degenerate effective stiff fluid model as well as general bulk viscous models of the universe. Some physical and kinematical properties of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   

A self-consistent method has been evolved to infer physical parameters like density, radiation field and abundances using line and continuum radiations as diagnostics. For that purpose, we first calculate the temperatures of graphite and silicate grains using the model of Li and Draine (Astrophys. J. 554:778, 2001) by solving self-consistently the energy balance for G 0 (1–104) times the radiation field following Weingartner and Draine (Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 134:263, 2001). Consequently, infrared emission fluxes are also obtained. To keep it simple, this is presented in the empirical form of parameters T D and wavelength. The same model of the grain is adopted for photoelectric heating of gas using the formalism of Weingartner and Draine (Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 134:263, 2001) (hereafter referred to as WD) and Bakes and Tielens (Astrophys. J. 427:822, 1994) (hereafter referred to as BT) for radiation field cited above in the range (6<hν≤13.6 eV). Temperature and abundances are determined using our own code for PDR very similar to cloudy code. All the possible sources of heating and cooling are considered for setting up the thermal balance. For the gas phase abundances that vary with depth in the cloud due to dust, self- and mutual shielding, chemical balance is solved. Most of the photoionization, photodissociation or chemical reaction rates are taken from UMIST database. We present an analysis of the cooling lines of singly ionized carbon [CII] at 158 μm and neutral oxygen [OI], at 63 μm and far infrared (FIR) continuum for a variety of star forming galaxies. Method of analysis of observational data is different from that of Malhotra et al. (Astrophys. J. 561:766, 2001). The radiation field G 0, density N h and abundance of carbon are obtained through best fit of observed and calculated intensities for lines and continuum radiations.  相似文献   

We discuss the f(R) gravity model in which the origin of dark energy is identified as a modification of gravity. The Noether symmetry with gauge term is investigated for the f(R) cosmological model. By utilization of the Noether Gauge Symmetry (NGS) approach, we obtain two exact forms f(R) for which such symmetries exist. Further it is shown that these forms of f(R) are stable.  相似文献   

This work investigates the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics in modified f(R) Horava–Lifshitz gravity proposed by Chaichian et al. (Class. Quantum Grav. 27: 185021, 2010), which is invariant under foliation-preserving diffeomorphisms. It has been observed that the equation of state parameter behaves like quintessence (w>−1). We study the thermodynamics of the apparent, event and particle horizons in this modified gravity. We observe that under this gravity, the time derivative of total entropy stays at positive level and hence the generalized second law is validated.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a detailed study of BCT Ist solution Tewari (Astrophys. Space Sci. 149:233, 1988) representing time dependent balls of perfect fluid with matter-radiation in general relativity. Assuming the life time of quasar 107 years our model has initial mass≈108 M Θ with an initial linear dimension≈1015 cm. Our model is radiating the energy at a constant rate i.e. L =1047 ergs/sec with the gravitational red shift, z=0.44637. In this model we have 2GM(u)/c 2 R S (u))=0.3191 i.e. the model is horizon free.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the behavior of equation of state parameter and energy density for dark energy in the framework of f(T) gravity. For this purpose, we use anisotropic LRS Bianchi type I universe model. The behavior of accelerating universe is discussed for some well-known f(T) models. It is found that the universe takes a transition between phantom and non-phantom phases for f(T) models except exponential and logarithmic models. We conclude that our results are relativity analogous to the results of FRW universe.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic universe filled with perfect fluid and dark energy components. We consider the f(R,T) theory according to holographic and new agegraphic dark energy in the Bianchi type I universe. In this study, we concentrate on two particular models of f(R,T) gravity namely, R+2f(T) and f(R)+λT. We conclude that the derived f(R,T) models can represent phantom or quintessence regimes of the universe.  相似文献   

We consider generalized teleparallel gravity in the flat FRW universe with a viable power-law f(T) model. We construct its equation of state and deceleration parameters which give accelerated expansion of the universe in quintessence era for the obtained scale factor. Further, we develop correspondence of f(T) model with scalar field models such as, quintessence, tachyon, K-essence and dilaton. The dynamics of scalar field as well as scalar potential of these models indicate the expansion of the universe with acceleration in the f(T) gravity scenario.  相似文献   

It is shown that the acceleration of the universe can be understood by considering a f(T) gravity models. Modified teleparallel gravity theory with the torsion scalar has recently gained a lot of attention as a possible explanation of dark energy. For these f(T) gravity models, a variant of the accelerating cosmology reconstruction program is developed. We consider spatially homogenous and anisotropic Bianchi type I universe in the context of f(T) gravity. The de Sitter, power-law and general exponential solutions are assumed for the scale factor in each spatial direction and the corresponding cosmological models are reconstructed. We reconstruct f(T) theories from two different holographic dark energy models in different time durations. For the holographic dark energy model, the dark energy dominated era with new setting up is chosen for reconstruction, and the Ricci dark energy model, radiation, matter and dark energy dominated time durations are all investigated. Finally we have obtained a modified gravity action consistent with the holographic dark energy scenario.  相似文献   

We work on the reconstruction scenario of pilgrim dark energy (PDE) in f(T,T G ). In PDE model it is assumed that a repulsive force that is accelerating the Universe is phantom type with (w DE f(T,T G ) models and correspondingly evaluate equation of state parameter for various choices of scale factor. Also, we assume polynomial form of f(T,T G ) in terms of cosmic time and reconstruct H and w DE in this manner. Through discussion, it is concluded that PDE shows aggressive phantom-like behavior for s=?2 in f(T,T G ) gravity.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical evolution of an f(R) model of gravity in a viscous and anisotropic background which is given by a Bianchi type-I model of the Universe. We find viable forms of f(R) gravity in which one is exactly the Einsteinian model of gravity with a cosmological constant and other two are power law f(R) models. We show that these two power law models are stable with a suitable choice of parameters. We also examine three potentials which exhibit the potential effect of f(R) models in the context of scalar tensor theory. By solving different aspects of the model and finding the physical quantities in the Jordan frame, we show that the equation of state parameter satisfy the dominant energy condition. At last we show that the two power law f(R) models behave like quintessence model at late times and also the shear coefficient viscosity tends to zero at late times.  相似文献   

A general tetrad fields, with an arbitrary function of radial coordinate, preserving spherical symmetry, is provided. Such tetrad is split into two matrices: The first matrix represents a Local Lorentz Transformation (LLT), which contains an arbitrary function. The second matrix represents a proper tetrad fields which satisfy the field equations of f(T) gravitational theory. This general tetrad is applied to the field equations of f(T). We derive a solution with one constant of integration to the resulting field equations of f(T). This solution gives a vanishing value of the scalar torsion. We calculate the energy associated with this solution to investigate what is the nature of the constant of integration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two new models in f(T) gravity to realize universe acceleration and phantom crossing due to dark torsion in the formalism. The model parameters are constrained and the observational test are discussed. The best fit results favors an accelerating universe with possible phantom crossing in the near past or future followed respectively by matter and radiation dominated era.  相似文献   

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