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印度洋地区异常海温的偶极振荡与中国降水及温度的关系   总被引:42,自引:15,他引:42  
利用1951-1997年近47年的印度洋海温距平场资料以及相应中国160站降水资料,通过相关普查得出,印度洋地区东西海温的偶极振荡与中国6-8月汛期的降水有较好的相关关系,特别是前期3-5月份的印度洋地区东西海温的偶极指数与中国6-8月降水的相关较好。分析1958-1995年NCEP 500hPa北半球高度场资料发现,印度洋偶极指数与欧亚中高纬度地区的高度场异常有密切的联系,其中印度洋偶极指数IODI负位相年有明显的PJ波列存在,印度洋偶极海湿异常很可能是通过PJ波列来影响中国的降水。同时,对印度洋地区海温偶极指数和中国地区温度的相关分析表明,印度洋地区海温偶极指数与冬季中国南部地区的温度也有较好的相关关系。  相似文献   

Based on the data of 1950 – 1999 monthly global SST from Hadley Center, NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data and rainfall over 160 weather stations in China, investigation is conducted into the difference of summer rainfall in China (hereafter referred to as the “CS rainfall”) between the years with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) occurring independently and those with IOD occurring along with ENSO so as to study the effects of El Ni?o - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the relationship between IOD and the CS rainfall. It is shown that CS rainfall will be more than normal in South China (centered in Hunan province) in the years of positive IOD occurring independently; the CS rainfall will be less (more) than normal in North China (Southeast China) in the years of positive IOD occurring together with ENSO. The effect of ENSO is offsetting (enhancing) the relationship between IOD and summer rainfall in Southwest China, the region joining the Yangtze River basin with the Huaihe River basin (hereafter referred to as the “Yangtze-Huaihe basin”) and North China (Southeast China). The circulation field is also examined for preliminary causes of such an influence.  相似文献   

主汛期(6~8月)副高各指数与中国160站降雨的关系   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
利用1951~2001年共51年6~8月副高5个指数与同期中国160站降雨建立标准化的多元回归方程,通过分析副高5个指数的偏回归系数及各方程复相关系数在时间和地域上的分布和变化,研究了副高各指数所反映的位置、形状、面积、强度等特征对我国主汛期降雨的综合影响以及这种影响在季节和地域上的差异,结果表明副高北界位置指数和脊线位置指数主要影响雨带位置的变化,西伸脊点指数与我国大部地区雨量的丰欠有关,面积和强度指数则由于采用的方法而表现出对降雨的影响呈相反的特性.从副高对我国主汛期降雨的拟合能力上看,7月拟合能力比6月和8月好,对东部地区和华南地区的拟合能力分别比西部地区和华北地区好.  相似文献   

Based on Hadley Center monthly global SST, 1960-2009 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and observation rainfall data over 160 stations across China, the combined effect of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Pacific SSTA (ENSO) on winter rainfall in China and their different roles are investigated in the work. The study focuses on the differences among the winter precipitation pattern during the years with Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) only, ENSO only, and IOD and ENSO concurrence. It is shown that although the occurrences of the sea surface temperature anomalies of IOD and ENSO are of a high degree of synergy, their impacts on the winter precipitation are not the same. In the year with positive phase of IOD, the winter rainfall will be more than normal in Southwest China (except western Yunnan), North China and Northeast China while it will be less in Yangtze River and Huaihe River Basins. The result is contrary during the year with negative phase of IOD. However, the impact of IOD positive phase on winter precipitation is more significant than that of the negative phase. When the IOD appears along with ENSO, the ENSO signal will enhance the influence of IOD on winter precipitation of Southwest China (except western Yunnan), Inner Mongolia and Northeast China. In addition, this paper makes a preliminary analysis of the circulation causes of the relationship between IOD and the winter rainfall in China.  相似文献   

江南汛期降水基本气候特征及其与海温异常关系初探   总被引:26,自引:10,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
分析了江南汛期降水异常的基本气候特征。指出:雨季开始于3月,雨量集中于春末夏初(4~6月),是中国东部雨季开始和结束均最早的地区。江南汛期降水近50年来略有减少的趋势。影响江南汛期降水的海温异常关键区位于9~1°S,121~129°E,关键影响时段为前一年的5~7月。长时间的海气相互作用使前期的海温异常影响了后期的大气环流,导致江南地区次年汛期的降水异常。  相似文献   

Near 100-year observed data sets are analyzed, and the results show that the variation of seasurface temperature(SST)in the equatorial Indian Ocean has a feature as a dipole oscillation.Thesituation of the dipole oscillation mainly shows the positive phase pattern(higher SST in the westand lower SST in the east than normal)and the negative phase pattern(higher SST in the east andlower SST in the west).The amplitude of the positive phase is larger than that of the negativephase.The dipole is stronger in September—November and weaker in January—April than inother months.It principally shows obviously inter-annual(4—5 year period)and inter-decadalvariation(25—30 year period).Although the Indian Ocean dipole in the individual year seems tobe independent of ENSO in the equatorial Pacific Ocean,in general,the Indian Ocean dipole hasobviously negative correlation with the Pacific Ocean “dipole”(similar to the inverse phase ofENSO).The atmospheric zonal(Walker) circulation is fundamental for relating the two dipoles toeach other.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Jiangnan Region is in the eastern part of China that is south of the Changjiang River and north of Nanling Mountains. It encompasses southern Hunan, southern Jiangxi, most of Fujian and southern Zhejiang. It is a base for the production of grain and cotton among other well-developed agricultural economy. Its eastern coastal area is also an important industrial base. Climatic anomalies in the region are threats to human life and property for tens of millions peopl…  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) exerts great influence on the generation of global weather and climate. Much progress has been made with respect to SSTA in the Pacific Ocean region in contrast to the Indian Ocean. The IAP9L model, which is developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science, is used to simulate the influence of the Indian Ocean SSTA on the general circulation and weather/climate anomalies in the monsoon region of Asia. It is found that the warm (cool) SSTA in the equatorial low latitudes of the Indian Ocean triggers winter (summer) teleconnection patterns in middle and higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere that are similar to PNA or EAP. They play a very important role in the anomaly of circulation or weather and climate in the middle and lower latitudes of the Asian summer monsoon region. With the warm (cool) SSTA forcing in the Indian Ocean, the Asian summer monsoon sets up at a late (early) date and withdraws at a early (late) date, lasting for a short (long) duration at a weak (strong) intensity. The Indian Ocean SSTA is shown to be an indicator for precipitation variation in China.  相似文献   

Applying the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis to the sea surface temperature (SST) field of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans for determination of the first eigenvector field, the current work reveals that there are significant zonal gradients of SST in all seasons of the year in the northwestern and eastern Indian Ocean and equatorial central and eastern Pacific and western Pacific. It is also found that the variance contribution rates of the first EOF mode of every season is more than 33%. This shows that this kind of spatial distribution of the SST is stable. This pattern is named Pacific-Indian Oceans SSTA mode. Through careful analysis and comparison, an index of the mode was defined.  相似文献   

Precipitation anomalies in the first raining season of southern China were analyzed, with the suggestion that there are obvious interannual variation of peak values. In the raining season, the general tendency of precipitation is not obvious and the anomalous oscillation is multi-scale. Corresponding to years of more or less precipitation in the raining season, there are sharply opposite distribution across the nation in the simultaneous periods. In addition, by studying the distribution of correlation between anomalous precipitation in southern China in the first raining season and SSTA over offshore waters of China in the preceding period (June ~ August of the previous year), a sensitive zone of waters has been found that has steady effect on the precipitation of southern China in the season. Discussions are also made of the sensitive period, its simultaneous SSTA and subsequent anomalous circulation field in relation to precipitation anomalies and simultaneous circulation field in the first raining season of southern China. In the last part of the work, relationship between the SSTA in the sensitive zone and global SSTA is analyzed. A possible mechanism by which SSTA in offshore Chinese waters affects the precipitation anomalies in the first raining season of southern China is put forward.  相似文献   

The teleconnection distribution characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) over the India Ocean and the precipitation during rainy season in China were studied by using the methods of EOF and CCA. The results indicate that the change of SST field will affect the change of rain belt during rainy seasons in China, and greatly affect the precipitation in northwest and southwest China, the Yangzi and Yellow River downstream basins. Strong signal phenomena of SSTA over India Ocean were revealed that showed the anomalous distribution of drought and flood in China. It shows that the precipitation during rainy seasons in China may be forecast by analyzing SST distribution characteristics over the India Ocean.  相似文献   

By using 1958-2001 NOAA extended reconstructed sea surface temperature(SST) data, ERA40 reanalysis soil moisture data and precipitation data of 444 stations in China(east of 100°E), the possible relationships among South China Sea(SCS) SST anomaly(SSTA), soil moisture anomalies(SMA) and summer precipitation in eastern China as well as their possible physical processes are investigated. Results show that the SSTA of SCS bears an evidently negative correlation with spring soil moisture in the east part of Southwest China. More(less) precipitation happens in the Yangtze River basin and less(more) in the Southeast China in summer when the SSTA of SCS is higher(lower) than normal and the soil in the east part of Southwest China is dry(wet) in spring. Further analysis shows that when the SSTA of SCS is high(low), the southwesterly wind at low level is weak(strong), decreasing(increasing) the water vapor transport in South China, resulting in reduced(increased) spring precipitation in the east part of Southwest China and more(less) soil moisture in spring. Through the evaporation feedback mechanism, the dry(wet) soil makes the surface temperature higher(lower) in summer, causing the westward extension(eastward retreat) of the West Pacific Subtropical High, eventually leading to the summer precipitation anomalies.  相似文献   

Near 100-year observed data sets are analyzed, and the results show that the variation of sea surface temperature(SST)in the equatorial Indian Ocean has a feature as a dipole oscillation.The situation of the dipole oscillation mainly shows the positive phase pattern(higher SST in the west and lower SST in the east than normal)and the negative phase pattern(higher SST in the east and lower SST in the west).The amplitude of the positive phase is larger than that of the negative phase.The dipole is stronger in September—November and weaker in January—April than in other months.It principally shows obviously inter-annual(4—5 year period)and inter-decadal variation(25—30 year period).Although the Indian Ocean dipole in the individual year seems to be independent of ENSO in the equatorial Pacific Ocean,in general,the Indian Ocean dipole has obviously negative correlation with the Pacific Ocean "dipole"(similar to the inverse phase of ENSO).The atmospheric zonal(Walker) circulation is fundamental for relating the two dipoles to each other.  相似文献   

热带印度洋秋季偶极子模态与南海夏季风强度变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用多年的Reynolds月平均海表温度资料和NCEP/NCAR全球大气再分析资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分析和滑动相关方法,研究了热带印度洋秋季偶极子模态和南海夏季风强度变化的关系。结果表明:(1)热带印度洋秋季海表温度距平(SSTA)的主要模态是全区一致型和偶极子(IOD)型,全区一致型模态主要代表了秋季SSTA全海盆一致的年代际及其以上时间尺度的变化,IOD型模态主要反映热带印度洋秋季SSTA年际时间尺度的变化。(2)当前期秋季热带印度洋存在正(负)IOD模态时,南海的夏季风强度减弱(增强)。二者年际变化的负相关关系在长期趋势的冷位相期不显著,而在暖位相期显著。(3)当南海夏季风强度增强(减弱)时,后期秋季热带印度洋出现正(负)IOD模态。二者年际变化的正相关关系在长期趋势的冷、暖位相期显著,在冷、暖位相转换期前后不显著。  相似文献   

我国地闪活动和降水关系的区域差异   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用我国部分地区2005年的地闪定位资料和气象台站雨量观测资料,由南向北选取我国四个不同气候带区域(区域1~4),分析了这些区域的地闪活动与降水的相关关系。结果表明,由南向北及气候特征由潮湿趋于干旱的区域的地闪活动和降水相关性增强。闪电活动与有闪电降水(即对应闪电的降水)日变化的线性相关系数在由南向北的区域分别为0.56、0.46、0.56、0.80,旬变化的线性相关系数分别为0.73、0.86、0.89、0.92,月变化的线性相关系数分别为0.74、0.88、0.965、0.99;较干旱的区域3和区域4的地闪活动与所有降水的时间序列有较强的相关性,其线性相关系数日变化分别为0.31、0.41,旬变化分别为0.84,0.52,月变化分别为0.93、0.80;地闪与降水的空间线性关系相对复杂,但也表现出由南向北和气候趋于干旱对应关系增强的特征,区域4的闪电和降水相关性达到0.54。分析区域中较干旱地区的雷暴活动产生机制(主要受热力抬升作用)相比潮湿地区(既受热力抬升作用,又受大尺度系统相互作用)更为单一,这可能是干旱地区的闪电活动与降水有较好相关的重要原因。  相似文献   

我国东部地区NDVI与气温、降水的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用东部地区的1982—2001年归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料以及131个标准气象台站的气温、降水资料,用相关分析、奇异值分析(SVD)方法研究了该地区的植被与气温、降水的相互作用,得到以下几点认识:NDVI的最大值滞后于气温最高值的时间尺度在一个月左右。前期气温与后期NDVI的相关系数在春夏为负值,在秋冬却以正值为主。前期植被与后期气温的相关系数以负值为主。NDVI最大值滞后于降水最大值的时间尺度在两个月左右,同期NDVI与降水的相关系数为负值,而无论降水超前于NDVI或者NDVI超前于降水的时间尺度大于1个月时,二者的相关系数转为正值。由SVD方法得到东部地区7月份的NDVI与8月份的气温、降水有较好的相关关系。河南西南部及东北部区域NDVI与大部分地区的气温为正相关;长江流域NDVI与32 °N以南地区的降水有较好的负相关。因此,前期植被的变化特征可以作为后期气温、降水的预报的一种参考因子。  相似文献   

利用1951-2001年逐月NCEP再分析高度场、风场资料,COADS海表温度资料及中国147个台站逐月降水资料,运用SVD分析、SVD与回归分析相结合等方法,研究了太平洋SSTA与中国夏季降水年代际变化的相互关系,发现热带西太平洋是影响中国华南降水年代际变化的关键区,1950年代-1970年代后期,该海域SSTA为正,对应中国长江以南地区的夏季降水偏多,而长江以北则偏少;1970年代以后反之;影响中国长江中下游地区及其两侧降水年代际变化的关键区在中纬中部北太平洋,1970年代后期-1990年代前期,该海域SSTA为负,对应长江中下游夏季降水偏多,其两侧降水偏少;影响中国东北降水年代际变化的关键区是低纬中太平洋,1970年代-1980年代前期,低纬中太平洋SSTA为负,与之对应,中国东北夏季降水偏少;1950年代~1960年代中期、1990年代前、中期则反之。进一步对太平洋SSTA年代际变化影响中国夏季降水年代际变化的可能机制作了初步的研究。  相似文献   

用伴随相关型(ACP)分析了中国7月降水和气温与全球热带SSTA的POP(主振荡型)间的关系,得到当两个典型的传播POP处在E1Nino事件发展相位时中国夏季总体呈南北旱,中间涝的形势,其中江淮流域,华中,东北东部和西北大部为降水正距平,华北,华南为负距平,降水偏多(少)时相应的气温偏低(高),当两个传播型的典型模态处于LaNina事件发展相位时情况则相反。  相似文献   

Based on 1948 - 2004 monthly Reynolds Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and NCEP/NCAR atmospheric reanalysis data, the relationships between autumn Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM) and the strength of South China Sea (SCS) Summer Monsoon are investigated through the EOF and smooth correlation methods. The results are as the following. (1) There are two dominant modes of autumn SSTA over the tropical Indian Ocean. They are the uniformly signed basin-wide mode (USBM) and Indian Ocean dipole mode (IODM), respectively. The SSTA associated with USBM are prevailing decadal to interdecadal variability characterized by a unanimous pattern, while the IODM mainly represents interannual variability of SSTA. (2) When positive (negative) IODM exists over the tropical Indian Ocean during the preceding fall, the SCS summer monsoon will be weak (strong). The negative correlation between the interannual variability of IODM and that of SCS summer monsoon is significant during the warm phase of long-term trend but insignificant during the cool phase. (3) When the SCS summer monsoon is strong (weak), the IODM will be in its positive (negative) phase during the following fall season. The positive correlation between the interannual variability of SCS summer monsoon and that of IODM is significant during both the warm and cool phase of the long-term trend, but insignificant during the transition between the two phases.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments on forcing dissipation and heating response of dipole (unipole) are carried out using global spectral models with quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equations. For each experiment model integration is run for 90 days on the condition of three-wave quasi-resonance. The results are given as follows: Under the effects of dipole (unipole) forcing source and basic flow intensity, there exist strong interactions among the three planetary waves and quasi-biweekly and intraseasonal oscillation of the three planetary waves. In the meantime, the changes in the intensity of dipole or unipole forcing source and basic flow have different frequency modulation effects on LFO in the middle and higher latitudes. The results of the stream function field of three quasi-resonant waves evolving with time confirm that the low-frequency oscillation exists in extratropical latitude.  相似文献   

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