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Studies of the rocks′ electrical properties under high temperature and pressure have found favors in the geophysicist′s eyes, because those studies are becoming to be the important methods to understand the earth′s interior materials, their migration and evolution. This article introduces the development and significant of those studies from the measurements, instruments and affections, etc.  相似文献   

油田开发过程中的动电现象研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
动电现象是油气田注水开发过程中因油藏环境变化而引起的一种特殊的地球物理现象.本文依据多孔介质中的双电层模型及动电理论,对油气田开发过程中的动电现象进行研究,提出陆相非均质复杂构造油气藏开发过程中压力异常、地层水淡化及多相流动是动电现象产生的主要原因,流动电流的形成不仅使老区新钻井的自然电位曲线发生畸变,表现为平直及正异常现象,还导致水淹层的电阻率升高,严重干扰已动用层的评价工作.  相似文献   

基于单相介质中地震波理论的高频面波法已广泛应用于求取浅地表S波的速度.然而水文地质条件表明, 普遍的浅地表地球介质富含孔隙.孔隙中充填的流体会显著地影响面波在浅地表的传播, 进而造成频散和衰减的变化.本文研究了地震勘探频段内针对含流体孔隙介质边界条件的面波的传播特性.孔隙流体在自由表面存在完全疏通、完全闭合以及部分疏通的情况.孔隙单一流体饱和时, 任何流体边界条件下存在R1模式波, 与弹性介质中的 Rayleigh 波类似, 相速度稍小于S波并在地震记录中显示强振幅.由于介质的内在衰减, R1在均匀半空间中也存在频散, 相速度和衰减在不同流体边界下存在差异.Biot 固流耦合系数(孔隙流体黏滞度与骨架渗透率之比)控制频散的特征频率, 高耦合系数会在地震勘探频带内明显消除这种差异.介质的迂曲度等其他物性参数对不同流体边界下的R1波的影响也有不同的敏感度.完全闭合和部分疏通流体边界下存在R2模式波, 相速度略低于慢P波.在多数条件下, 如慢P波在时频响应中难以观察到.但是在耦合系数较低时会显现, 一定条件下甚至会以非物理波形式接收R1波的辐射, 显示强振幅.浅表风化层低速带存在, 震源激发时的运动会显著影响面波的传播.对于接收点径向运动会造成面波的 Doppler 频移, 横向运动会造成面波的时频畸变.孔隙存在多相流体时, 中观尺度下不均匀斑块饱和能很好地解释体波在地震频带内的衰减.快P波受到斑块饱和显著影响, R1波与快P波有更明显关联, 与完全饱和模型中不同, 也更易于等效模型建立.频散特征频率受孔隙空间不同流体成分比例变化的控制, 为面波方法探测浅地表流体分布与迁移提供可能性.通常情况孔隙介质频散特征频率较高, 标准线性黏弹性固体可以在相对低频的地震勘探频带内等效表征孔隙介质中R1波的传播特征, 特别在时域, 可在面波成像反演建模中应用.  相似文献   

Deep in the Earth, the electrical conductivity of geological material is extremely dependent on temperature. The knowledge of temperature is thus essential for any interpretation of magnetotelluric data in projecting lithospheric structural models. The measured values of the terrestrial heat flow, radiogenic heat production and thermal conductivity of rocks allow the extrapolation of surface observations to a greater depth and the calculation of the temperature field within the lithosphere. Various methods of deep temperature calculations are presented and discussed. Characteristic geotherms are proposed for major tectonic provinces of Europe and it is shown that the existing temperatures on the crust-upper mantle boundary may vary in a broad interval of 350–1,000°C. The present work is completed with a survey of the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for selected crustal and upper mantle rocks within the interval 200–1,000°C. It is shown how the knowledge of the temperature field can be used in the evaluation of the deep electrical conductivity pattern by converting the conductivity-versustemperature data into the conductivity-versus-depth data.  相似文献   

二维格子气自动机模拟孔隙介质的电传输特性   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用2-D格子气自动机模拟饱和油水两相的多孔介质的导电特性。在油水两相界面处,引入反射与透射系数来决定粒子的运动状态,通过调节反射与透射系数就可以改变油水两相的导电性差异。用模拟结果考察Archie公式的地层因素F=R0/Rw和电阻率增大系数I=Rt/R0,其中,R0为百分之百饱和水时的岩石电阻率,Rw为水的电阻率,Rt为不同流体饮和度时的岩石电阻率。结果表明F与孔隙度φ间,I与含水饱和度间都存在幂关系,并可以表示为F=aφ-m,I=bS-nw模拟结果同时证实:公式中的参数a、m的变化反映了孔隙微观结构的变化,参数b、n主要受孔隙度大小和油相分布状态的影响。  相似文献   

The interaction of geomechanics and flow within a soil body induces deformation and pore pressure change. Deformation may change hydrogeological and elastic properties, which alters the mechanical behaviour and results in non‐linearity. To investigate this interaction effect in a heterogeneous porous medium, a stochastic poroelastic model is proposed. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to determine the mean and uncertainty of the parameter changes, displacement, and change in pore water pressure. Hydraulic conductivity is treated as the only random variable in the coupled geomechanics‐flow system due to its large variation compared to other mechanical and hydrogeological properties in natural environments. The three considered non‐linear models for the interaction between parameters and deformation are those that consider (1) porosity and hydraulic conductivity; (2) porosity and Young's modulus; and (3) a combined effect that includes porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and Young's modulus. Boundary effects on the coupled system are also explored. The relationships between changes of porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and Young's modulus are analytically shown to be non‐linear. Among the considered parameters, the deformation effect induces the largest reduction in hydraulic conductivity. The deformation‐induced change in hydraulic conductivity shows the most significant effect on the mean and variance of the change in pore water pressure and displacement, while changes in Young's modulus have the least effect. When the deformation effect is considered, the superposition relationship does not exist in the mean displacement and mean change in pore water pressure for the three scenarios considered; it exists for the case without deformation effects. Deformation also causes a reduction in the effective hydraulic conductivity for the whole domain. The scenario that considers both loading and discharge boundaries has larger changes in hydrogeological and geo‐mechanical parameters than those in scenarios that consider loading and discharge boundaries separately. The results indicate that the interaction between deformation and changes in parameters has a profound effect on the poroelastic system. The effect of deformation should thus be considered in modelling and practice. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The determination of hydraulic properties in non-stationary experiments is suspected to be affected by dynamic effects. This is based on thermodynamic considerations on the pore scale displacement of wetting and non-wetting phase. But also macroscopic heterogeneities at the continuum scale may influence the dynamics of water during drainage and wetting. In this paper we investigate both aspects. Firstly, we present the results of typical multi-step outflow experiments in heterogeneous sand columns which are compared with two-step outflow experiments covering the same pressure range. The discrepancies caused by pressure steps of different size reveal the impact of dynamic effects due to the non-stationarity of the experiments.  相似文献   

Evaporation from impervious surfaces plays a vital role in the catchment water cycle. Exploring the spatiotemporal variation patterns and influencing mechanisms of impervious surface evaporation at the catchment scale can improve the understanding and evaluation of the evaporation process. This study downloaded 0.5 m resolution images of the Baiyangdian catchment (BYD) from Google Earth and used deep learning to identify impervious surfaces. This was used to revise impervious surfaces of the China land cover dataset in 1985 and 1990–2020. Potential evaporation (PET) from three types of impervious surfaces (roofs, ground affected or not affected by the building height) was calculated by modifying the parameters of the Penman–Monteith equation, and daily precipitation and water-storage capacity of impervious surfaces were taken into account to estimate impervious surface evaporation (E). The results showed that E values of the three types of impervious surfaces were between 72.1 and 178.2 mm/year and all exhibited the spatial distribution of high in the northwest and low in the southeast of the BYD in 1980–2020. Compared with that in 1980, in 2020, the cumulative evaporation (EAP) increased by 134.4%. The ratio of EAP to cumulative precipitation ranged from 3.0% to 6.9%, increasing significantly in a fluctuating manner. The increments in precipitation days and impervious surface area played a major role in the increase of EAP, and the decrease in precipitation was the fundamental reason for the increase in the proportion of impervious surface evaporation and water resource pressure in the BYD. Excluding the continuous evaporation from the remaining water can likely lead to underestimating the impervious surface evaporation. This study provides an efficient and reasonable novel approach for calculating impervious surface evaporation in long series and large-scale catchments.  相似文献   

The determination of hydraulic properties in non-stationary experiments is suspected to be affected by dynamic effects. This is based on thermodynamic considerations on the pore scale displacement of wetting and non-wetting phase. But also macroscopic heterogeneities at the continuum scale may influence the dynamics of water during drainage and wetting. In this paper we investigate both aspects. Firstly, we present the results of typical multi-step outflow experiments in heterogeneous sand columns which are compared with two-step outflow experiments covering the same pressure range. The discrepancies caused by pressure steps of different size reveal the impact of dynamic effects due to the non-stationarity of the experiments.  相似文献   

Surface soil hydraulic properties are key factors controlling the partition of rainfall and snowmelt into runoff and soil water storage, and their knowledge is needed for sound land management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three land uses (native grass, brome grass and cultivated) on surface soil hydraulic properties under near‐saturated conditions at the St Denis National Wildlife Area, Saskatchewan, Canada. For each land use, water infiltration rates were measured using double‐ring and tension infiltrometers at ?0·3, ?0·7, ?1·5 and ?2·2 kPa pressure heads. Macroporosity and unsaturated hydraulic properties of the surface soil were estimated. Mean field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs), unsaturated hydraulic conductivity at ?0·3 kPa pressure head, inverse capillary length scale (α) and water‐conducting macroporosity were compared for different land uses. These parameters of the native grass and brome grass sites were significantly (p < 0·1) higher than that of the cultivated sites. At the ?0·3 kPa pressure head, hydraulic conductivity of grasslands was two to three times greater than that of cultivated lands. Values of α were about two times and values of Kfs about four times greater in grasslands than in cultivated fields. Water‐conducting macroporosity of grasslands and cultivated fields were 0·04% and 0·01% of the total soil volume, respectively. Over 90% of the total water flux at ?0·06 kPa pressure head was transmitted through pores > 1·36 × 10?4 m in diameter in the three land uses. Land use modified near‐saturated hydraulic properties of surface soil and consequently may alter the water balance of the area by changing the amount of surface runoff and soil water storage. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A well-controlled 3-D experiment with pre-defined block heterogeneities is conducted, where neutron tomography is used to map 3-D water distribution after two successive drainage steps. The material and hydraulic properties of the two sands are first measured in the laboratory with multistep outflow experiments. Additionally, the pore structure of the sands is acquired by means of image analysis of synchrotron tomography data and the structure is used for pore-scale simulation of one- and two-phase flow with Lattice-Boltzmann methods. This gives us another set of material and hydraulic parameters of the sands. The two sets of hydraulic properties (from the lab scale and from the pore scale) are then used in numerical simulations of the 3-D experiment.  相似文献   


The effects of topsoil addition of rice-husk dust (RHD) and cattle dung (CD), alongside surface mulching with dry grasses/legume, on the infiltration characteristics and intrinsic structural properties of a deep, well-drained soil in southeastern Nigeria are assessed. Treatments are RHD-amended, CD-amended and “unamended”, each plot being either surface-mulched or left bare, with the unamended-bare plots as control. Amendments and mulch were applied at 20 t/ha equivalents. Their effects on the soil’s infiltration characteristics 7 months later were not evident; however, there was a tendency for differences: CD-amended ≥ RHD-amended ≥ unamended and surface-mulched ≥ bare-surface. By contrast, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks ) differed thus: CD-mulched ≥ unamended-mulched > the rest. Similar values were recorded for Ks (50.89 cm/h) and final infiltration rate (50.74 cm/h) only under CD-amended plots, which also showed the highest values (43.50 cm/h) for transmissivity of the soil. Soil penetrometer resistance was lowest in CD-amended plots (113.44 kPa) and highest in unamended plots (166.78 kPa). Topsoil addition of cattle dung and surface mulching could increase infiltration, though marginally, and permeability of coarse-textured tropical soils beyond the season of their application when their effects on soil structure have almost waned.  相似文献   

Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) optical properties were measured in surface and pore waters as a function of depth and distance from an oil well in a southern California salt marsh. Higher fluorescence and absorbances in pore vs. surface waters suggest soil pore water is a reservoir of CDOM in the marsh. Protein-like fluorophores in pore waters at distinct depths corresponded to variations in sulfate depletion and Fe(II) concentrations from anaerobic microbial activity. These variations were supported by fluorescence indexes and are consistent with differences in optical molecular weight and aromaticity indicators. Fluorescence indices were consistent with autochthonous material of aquatic origin in surface waters, with more terrestrial, humified allochthonous material in deeper pore waters. CDOM optical properties were consistent with significantly enhanced microbial activity in regions closest to the oil well, along with a three-dimensional excitation/emission matrix fluorescence spectrum peak attributable to oil, suggesting anaerobic microbial degradation of oil.  相似文献   

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