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1 INTRODUCTIONTherecentandfuturedevelopmentofspacebasedremotesensingtechnologyhasbroughtareformationtoresearchworkaswellasformulatingsuitablepolicyforpopulation,resources,environmentanddevelopment.Throughrealtimeandperiodicobservationsofalargear…  相似文献   

The economic development in China and the rising of the living standard need to speed up the urbanisa-tion.The development of small towns is an important way to Chinese urbanization.Land use plays a very important role in the development of small towns.However there are many problems in the development of small towns,esp.in land use.The paper first discusses the land problems in the development of small towns.Such as much cultivated land lies idle,under-utilization and waste of land,increasing illegal use of land,unstable contractural relationship for land use.The relationship between the development of small towns and land use is also studied.Then the guidelines for the land system innovations of small towns are put forward.Namely the sustainability of social and economic development,the bal-ance between land reservation and land utilization,the provision of service to village ,agriculture and farmer,the manage-ment of land resource and land assets,the parsimonious andlegal use of land.The basic framework of land system innova-tions of small towns is put forward finally.It include the land replacement policy for small towns and the permanent tenan-cy of farmland,the overall plan for land uses and other plans in harmony,the establishment of a flexible system of land supplies,using land with payments ,the transfer of agricultural land and refining the land law related to the construction of small towns.  相似文献   

目前,我国的土地整治已进入生态化土地整治阶段。作为一种多类型、多尺度的综合生态治理系统,生态化土地整治可以从区域和工程尺度开展村域空间布局和工程设计,营造村域生态空间、生产空间和生活空间。村域生态空间营造可以通过村域绿色基础设施构建,形成绿色网络空间;村域生产空间(主要是农业生产空间)营造主要是通过生态化农田整理工程布局和单体工程设计,提升生态服务价值;村落生活空间营造可以通过村落空间格局塑造、街巷空间组织,庭院空间布局和公共空间建设等多个层次,形成营造适宜的居住空间。  相似文献   

资源环境模型库系统集成分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
基于国内外计算机与系统工程领域的模型库系统建设理论和技术,在对资源环境模型进行汇集、修正、分类的基础上,结合资源环境模型的综合性与复杂性特点,对模型库系统研究进行理论分析,并对资源环境模型库系统通用平台进行总体设计与研发,是高效地利用已有的知识和模型、开发必要模型的前提条件,是研究各种重大资源环境问题的关键性技术手段与支撑平台。论文在对模型库系统理论技术及其应用的研究进展进行阐述的基础上,提出了资源环境模型库系统通用平台的总体框架,并对资源环境模型库系统核心组成部分的功能结构进行了设计。  相似文献   

目前,安卓(Android)应用多数为小型软件,业务集成性不强,且安卓市场,91助手等应用商店也只支持一次下载一个应用程序。针对此情况,提出了基于安卓平台的业务盒的应用设想,旨在将安卓应用,壁纸、铃音、书签、快捷方式等业务集成于一个以.zpk为后缀名的资源包,然后将此资源包一次性安装于安卓手机终端。参考美国移动运营商Sprint的Sprint ID Pack项目,并结合国内实际情况,设计并实现了一个基于安卓平台的业务盒,此系统已在安卓手机终端运行通过,从而得到了一个切实可行的多业务集成软件。  相似文献   

In this paper the geographical information system (GIS) is applied to earthquake and tsunami emergency work and an earthquake and tsunami emergency command system (ETECS) for seaside cities is developed which is composed of a basic database and six subsystems. By employing this system, the responsible municipal departments can make rapid prediction before the occurrence of earthquake or tsunami, make commanding decisions concerning the disaster-fight during the disastrous event, and make rapid estimates of the casualties and economic losses. So that the government could conduct relief work in time and planning for future disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

为查明北京新航城地区地面沉降演化规律,结合基岩标-分层标和水准测量对新航城地区地面沉降特征进行了分析,并结合不同监测方法进行了对比研究评价。研究发现:①近十年新航城地区浅部地层中沉降量和沉降比例越来越小,沉降比例由2009年67.62%下降到2019年19.69%,而中部地层和深部地层则随着时间沉降量和沉降比例越来越大,中部地层沉降比例由2009年21.39%增加到2019年35.83%,深部地层沉降比例则由2009年10.99%增加到2019年44.48%;浅部地层含水层水位呈现周期性往复变化,中部和深部地层含水层在周期性变化中持续下降,地层在水位周期性往复变化中持续压缩。②根据历年水准测量和地下水动态监测成果,研究区自北向南累计沉降量逐渐减小。地面沉降和地下水位数据拟合后发现二者具有一定的相关性,相关性随着水位降幅的增大,相关性也随之增大,二者成正相关。③基岩标—分层标静力水准测量系统与人工水准测量系统对同一监测点和不同深度数据互校后的误差值非常接近,符合正态分布规律,不同深度的监测数据相关系数为0.993 6;对比2种方法各有优势与不足,应根据实际情况,多方面获取沉降信息与数据,满足地区级地面沉降监测与防治的不同需求。   相似文献   

Along with the development of urban economy, the growth of urban population and the increase of needs of urban society, the suburban ecological and economic system changes constantly and profoundly in its structure and function. Intensifying the research on structural analysis of suburban ecological and economic system is of great significance for grasping light the laws governing the development and evolution of the suburban ecological and economic system and leading this system onto a path of sound circle. By making comprehensive use of the cluster analysis and latent structural analysis the author attempts to explore a new avenue of revealing the structure of suburban ecological and economic system, taking Tianjin suburbs and counties as an example. The results obtained from the above-stated analyses show that it is entirely possible and extremely effective to study the structure and function of suburban ecological and economic system and provide scientific evidence for control of this system by using mathematical methods and statistical analyses.  相似文献   

介绍了基于Linux操作系统的嵌入式闸门智能监控系统,探讨了针对该系统的Linux个性化定制方法.并对今后采用JFFS文件系统做了展望。  相似文献   

China is a great agricultural country with large population,limited soil resources and traditional farming mode,so the central government has been attaching great importance to the development of agriculture and put forward a new agricultural technology revolution-the transformation from traditional agricultrure to modern agriculture and from exten-sive farming to intensive farming,Digital agriculture is the core of agricultural informatization.The enforcement of digital agriculture will greatly promote agricultural technology revolution.two agricultural transformations and its rapid develop-ment,and enhance China‘s competitive power after the entrance of WTO.To carry out digital agriculture,the frame sys-tem of digital agriculture is required to be studied in the first place,In accordance with the theory and technology of digi-tal earth and in combination with the agricultural reality of China,this artile outlines the frame system of digital agricul-ture and its main content and technology support.  相似文献   

介绍了基于Atmega16单片机为检测和控制核心,并同多个数字温度传感器DS18B20及模拟湿度传感器HS1101构成温度与湿度的测控系统.给出了系统的总体设计方案、硬件设计及软件框图.所设计的粮情测控系统具有优良的性价比,通过系统软硬件的联合调试说明,该系统可以满足对温湿度及烟雾进行实时监控的需要,具有稳定性好、精度高等特点,有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

基于2016年以来雷州半岛-海南岛陆地区(以下简称雷琼地区)的流动重力资料,对2017年下半年前后的联测资料采用不同的平差方法进行处理。将湛江和琼中2个绝对重力点作为雷琼测网基准,研究2016年以来雷琼地区重力场动态变化特征。重点研究2018-03-20广东阳江4.2级地震、2019-03-05广东雷州4.1级地震、2019-08-20海南三亚4.2级地震和2019-10-12广西北流5.2级地震震前区域重力场差分和累积动态变化。研究结果表明,除广东雷州4.1级地震外,其他3个地震震前在震中附近地区均存在重力场变化异常,表明在测网网格距和数据处理方法合理的情况下,对于4~5级地震,区域重力场在震前可能存在一定异常反应。  相似文献   


Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable.The present study tries to give an answer to the question:Which are the main factors affecting the seismic response degree of slopes? With the support of the China Geological Survey Bureau,we set 3 monitoring sections in Jiulong slope,Mianzhu city,China with the aim to record the site response of the slope during the aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake.After the Wenchuan earthquake,which happened on 12 May 2008,30 aftershocks have been recorded in these monitoring points.We analyzed 11 records,with magnitudes ranging from ML = 4.6 to ML = 3.1.The amplification factors of the horizontal compound PGA and 3D compound PGA have been determined for the 3 points at different elevations on the slope.Results showed that the dynamic response of the slope on the earthquake was controlled by factors such as topography and the thickness of the Quaternary overburden.  相似文献   

The digestive tract of Takifugu rubripes during early life stages was studied with light microscopy. At the beginning of hatching, the digestive tract is represented by a simple and undifferentiated straight tube and does not communicate with the exterior, as the mouth and anus are not open yet. At 2 d after hatching, a constriction between intestine and rectum that will become the intestino-rectal valve is visible. During the endogenous feeding phase, the yolk sac is resorbed and the digestive tract becomes functional and differentiated. The liver and pancreas also become apparent at this time. At onset of exogenous feeding (3 d after hatching), yolk sac resesves are not completely depleted, suggesting a period of mixed nutrition. The digestive tract differentiates fully into b.uccopharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine and rectum. At 9 d after hatching, the yolk sac reserves are completely depleted. The most noticeable events occurring from 5 to 17 d after hatching are the transformation of the epithelia type, the differentiation of the pneumatic sac, the epithelial cell, gut convolution, mucosal fold increase, and the growth of liver and pancreas. From 18 to 27 d after hatching, the numbers of intestine folds and mucus cells increase progressively. From then on, morphological changes of digestive features are almost completed. At 27 d after hatching, the morphology and function of digestive system are similar to that of the adult.  相似文献   

大型自动气象站探测网络实时监控系统的设计和实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了使用VB6.0语言设计Windows版本监控软件,以及监控系统所需的以微处理器80C320为核心、C51编程语言设计智能多功能MODEM的设计方法,说明了系统基本构成和实施思路。利用X.25通信技术,实现了对大型自动气象站探测网络的实时监控。  相似文献   

农业生产潜力计算与分析系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人口的不断增加和经济的快速发展,粮食安全问题日益突出,而农业生产潜力可以描述某一地区的粮食生产能力,因此,研究农业生产潜力非常重要,对合理开发农业资源,指导农业生产,具有十分重要的现实意义.本研究在GIS技术、COM组件技术、插件技术等支持下,采用C#开发语言、ArcEngine开发组件、SQL Server数据库...  相似文献   

北京地面沉降已有60多年的历史,其发生发展与半个多世纪城市的快速扩张密不可分.从整个北京平原地下水系统出发,梳理多年时间序列(1950-2015年)的城市发展规模、人口、水资源及开采动态等数据,结合遥感技术解译不同年代北京平原的不透水面变化,分析其对降雨入渗补给量的影响;构建整个北京平原含水层-弱透水层三维结构系统,借助PMWIN软件建立区域尺度的地下水流-地面沉降耦合模型,利用长期水位及沉降观测数据对模型进行识别验证;开展长时间序列的北京平原地下水水头场与地面沉降演化模拟,研究快速城市化进程下北京平原多层含水层系统渗流场演变与地面沉降响应特征.研究表明:长时间尺度区域地下水流场-地面沉降演化模拟基本再现了地面沉降形成和发展演化的过程;北京地下水开采历史与地面沉降发展历史具有一致性,而不同沉降区地面沉降发展受地下水开采和城市发展双重控制,是二者综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

第二次全国土地调查工作中,城镇与农村地区的土地面积在计算方法上有所不同:农村地区的土地面积是以椭球面为基准的面积,即球面面积;城镇地区的土地面积是以平面为基准的面积,即平面面积。二者之间存在差异并按一定规律变化,当调查区处于投影带边缘附近时,同一图斑的球面面积与平面面积之间的差异达到最大。由于采用不同的计算方法而导致面积数量的差异,在进行农村与城镇有关土地数据整合时会出现矛盾。为了建立城乡统一的土地管理信息系统,保证土地面积的一致性,应当采取相应措施消除二者之间的差异。  相似文献   

利用双差定位法对2009-11-05陕西高陵ML4.8地震及其余震序列进行重定位研究,并采用CAP方法求解主震震源机制解,根据所得结果综合分析地震构造特征。结果表明,高陵地震序列主震深度约为6 km,余震主要分布在2~12 km深度范围内,地震序列在平面上呈簇状分布,在深度上大致呈垂直分布;主震震源机制解节面Ⅰ走向103°,倾角61°,滑动角-74°;节面Ⅱ走向252.40°,倾角32.78°,滑动角-116.44°;最佳矩心深度为7 km,矩震级近似为4.2级,P轴方向为北东方向;主震为正断兼少量走滑特征。综合分析认为,渭河断裂与渭南-泾阳断裂交会处为重要的地震潜在地段。  相似文献   

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