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自然灾害脆弱性曲线研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
在全球变化与全球化背景下自然灾害风险逐年增大,灾害评估就成为风险防范的重要基础。灾害评估包括灾情估算与风险评估2个方面,而脆弱性分析是把灾害与风险研究紧密联系起来的重要桥梁。脆弱性曲线作为定量精确评估承灾体脆弱性的方法,近年来在多领域被广泛运用,成为灾情估算、风险定量分析以及风险地图编制的关键环节。从致灾因子角度综述脆弱性曲线的研究进展,重点阐述基于灾情数据、已有曲线、调查和模型的脆弱性曲线构建。研究表明脆弱性曲线构建由单曲线向多曲线库、单一参数向综合参数、单一方法向多领域综合应用发展,具有综合化和精细化的趋势。进一步开展多领域、多方法综合脆弱性曲线研究,对灾损快速评估及风险评价,防灾减灾具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国西南地区山地灾害灾情年际综合评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以西南地区1994—2004年山地灾害灾情统计资料为研究对象,在灾情指标数据标准化的基础上建立了西南地区山地灾害灾情年际综合评估模型,并进行了综合评估。  相似文献   

基于生态敏感性-生态恢复力-生态压力度概念模型评价体系,选取表征地形、地表、气象、土壤、植被及社会经济因子的15项多系统评价指标,应用空间主成分分析(SPCA)与层次分析(AHP)联合方法,对滦河流域1985年、1995年和2005年3期生态环境进行脆弱性评价,并进行量化分级,获得流域生态环境脆弱性变化规律和成因机制。结果表明:流域整体脆弱性等级有减小趋势,潜在脆弱区域面积逐渐增大,而重度脆弱区域明显减小;西北山地和冀东沿海地区变化较为剧烈;人类活动已经取代自然条件,成为影响滦河流域生态系统的关键因子;流域人口的快速增长、气候条件的改变以及土地资源的不合理利用是区域脆弱性变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

西南岩溶山地生态脆弱性研究   总被引:34,自引:9,他引:25  
在分析了脆弱生态环境的性质、退化过程以后, 从西南岩溶山地脆弱性的成因出发,探讨性地将其划分为基底性脆弱、界面性脆弱、波动性脆弱;三种脆弱性综合起作用, 但在不同时空尺度、不同岩溶地貌类型区有主次之分。在此基础上,提出了需进一步研究的问题。   相似文献   

通过对汶川地震极重灾区次生山地灾害的实地考察、遥感调查和综合分析,阐述了次生山地灾害类型与特征,分析了次生山地灾害的时空分布规律,并结合灾害活动特性,探讨了次生山地灾害的发育趋势,提出了灾区防灾减灾和恢复重建的对策与建议。研究结果表明:(1)汶川地震在极重灾区诱发次生山地灾害逾万处,其分布具有点多面广、类型多样、成灾迅速、危害严重、监测预报困难等特点;(2)次生山地灾害的分布受地震烈度、地质构造、地形地貌、地层岩性的制约,并具有明显的滞后性和延续性;(3)利用GIS和遥感技术,能够快速有效地进行地震次生山地灾害的动态监测与灾情评估,从而为防灾减灾管理和灾后重建工作提供科学依据和借鉴参考。  相似文献   

四川省万县市滑坡群灾害灾情评估   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
地质灾害的全部过程可以概括为灾前孕育阶段、灾害活动阶段和灾后恢复阶段等三个阶段。对地质灾害灾情评估应包括对灾害灾情进行系统调查、统计、分析和评价等项工作,评估的重点是整个地质灾害形成过程中的灾害活动情况。本文以四川省万县市为例,在论述地质灾害灾情评估理论的基础上,对万县市的地质灾害~滑坡群进行了灾情的评估。  相似文献   

自然灾害灾情评估研究与实践进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
自然灾害灾情评估是科学开展灾害管理工作的基础。灾情评估以单次灾害过程的灾前预评估、灾中应急评估、灾后综合评估以及区域灾情评估为主要内容,基于历史灾情统计资料的评估方法、基于承灾体易损性的评估方法、现场抽样调查统计方法、遥感图像或航片识别法、基层统计上报方法、经济学方法等是灾情评估的主要方法。灾情评估的目标从对灾情的估算和统计扩展到对灾情大小的分级,评估内容上逐步重视灾害的社会经济影响评估,评估方法上注重多种方法的综合应用,以及建立灾情评估系统是灾情评估研究与应用的主要发展方向。国内外研究和实践成果在减灾工作中的实际应用亟待加强,迫切需要形成包括对单次灾害过程的灾前预评估、灾中应急评估、灾后综合评估以及区域灾情综合评估在内的自然灾害灾情评估的内容体系、评估指标体系、评估标准体系和评估方法体系。  相似文献   

我国雷电灾害及相关因素分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了更好地揭示雷电灾害的时空分布规律和成因机制过程,在1997—2006年全国雷电灾害数据库和星载闪电探测数据的基础上,分析研究了雷电灾害及相关因素的特征,包括雷电灾情、孕灾环境、致灾因子、承灾体及其相互作用,得到以下一些结果:①雷灾事故数、雷灾人员伤亡数与我国不同地区的致灾因子(闪电活动)、承灾体(人口和经济发展现况)成正相关;雷电灾情不同类型与承灾体类型(城乡人口比例、经济发展现况)有密切关系;②我国雷电灾情和闪电活动的时间特征是紧密相关的,同时雷电灾情的时间特征与人们的作息时间相关;③不同的孕灾环境下造成雷电伤害人员的方式特征不同,雷击死亡人数在农田最多,而受伤人数在建构筑物内最多;④80%的雷灾伤亡人员事故只涉及1~2人的生命安全,其中1人遭受雷击的占总事件的61%;⑤重大雷灾伤亡事件直接与承灾体的脆弱性有关。  相似文献   

张尔匡 《地质论评》1959,19(3):133-137
一、前言宣化地区属于冀热山地的地质构造单元。在震旦纪前,冀热山地即形成古陆。震旦纪时大部活化转为“次生地槽”,经过一度露出海面和一定长期的稳定后,在古生代末期又开始了局部活动;中生代以来其活动更加广泛和剧烈,是中国地台上一个显著的“活化区”。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日14时28分在四川省汶川县发生了8级大地震,同时诱发了一系列地质灾害。大批地质工作者奔赴灾区对灾情进行调查、“会诊”。本期照片为成都理工大学及中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所的数名教授及研究员所摄。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是我国最大的半封闭型内陆盆地, 干旱、大风、沙尘暴、洪水以及地震、雪灾等自然灾害频繁.为了提高塔里木盆地城市应对自然灾害的能力, 以阿克苏地区为例, 在广泛借鉴国内外灾害脆弱性评价的指标体系与评价模型的基础上, 以多灾种复合情况为背景, 构建塔里木盆地自然灾害脆弱性评价指标体系, 运用模糊综合评价法进行脆弱性评价, 并对各指标进行对比分析.结果表明: 阿克苏市、新和县、阿瓦提县的高脆弱度值最高, 分别为0.48、0.36及0.40, 属于高脆弱度; 温宿县、沙雅县的中脆弱度值较高, 分别0.24和0.26, 属于中脆弱度; 库车县、拜城县、乌什县、柯坪县的低脆弱度值较高, 分别为0.48、0.45、0.36及0.35, 属于低脆弱度.根据各县市自然灾害脆弱性评价结果, 结合区域特点, 提出了防灾抗灾的对策建议, 对塔里木盆地城市降低脆弱性、减轻自然灾害影响有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

中国自然灾害的分布与分区减灾对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高庆华 《地学前缘》2003,10(Z1):258-264
文中以中生代以来的地壳运动形成的纬向构造带、北东—北北东向构造带、北西—北北西向构造带、经向构造带所控制的山川地貌及相关的地质环境、气候环境和生态环境为基础 ,综述了中国重大自然灾害的空间分布格局 ,提出了自然灾害宏观分布之东西分区、南北分带的规律 ;从自然灾变、承灾体的密度、价值和脆弱性及社会减灾能力三重因素 ,分析揭示了中国自然灾害的直接损失具有东部和南部高、西部和北部低 ,相对损失呈现中南部高 ,向东、向西和向北都逐渐降低的空间展布特征和自然灾害在时间上呈波动增长的特点。基于中国自然灾害分布的地区差异性 ,文章强调在中国必须实行分区减灾 ,即 ,根据灾情和国情的不同划分减灾区 ,采取不同的减灾对策。基于此 ,文中将中国划分为城市减灾区、东部沿海减灾区、中部减灾区、西部减灾区和海洋减灾区 ,同时还分别提出了与各减灾区特点相适应的分区减灾对策。  相似文献   

区域生态环境风险评价具有尺度大、风险源与风险受体多、空间异质性强等特点,开展区域生态环境风险研究是识别生态环境风险水平、制定防范应对策略的重要理论支撑。文章以贵州省为例,参考相对风险模型为风险评价原则,基于自然灾害成因,综合考虑区域自然及经济状况,建立贵州省喀斯特生态环境风险评价框架与指标体系,运用层次分析法及系统聚类分析法,对各评价单元的危险性、暴露性、脆弱性、防灾减灾能力进行分析,并划分了区域风险程度等级。结果表明:贵州省喀斯特生态环境风险分布与生态环境本底和社会经济发展水平相关性明显,高风险区主要分布在生态环境脆弱的高原山地、高原峡谷地区以及综合发展水平较高的贵阳中心城区,低风险区主要分布在喀斯特分布面积少、生态本底好、自然灾害较少的黔东南及黔西北地区。   相似文献   

The assessment of social vulnerability is a requirement for understanding the risk of natural hazards. This paper calculates the social vulnerability index of geological disasters in China with the super-efficiency DEA (data envelopment analysis) model, carries out global and local autocorrelation tests for social vulnerability to geological disasters in each province in China and identifies the characteristics of its spatial distribution pattern. The results show the following. (1) China’s social vulnerability to geological disasters is relatively high and has obvious differences. It represents the pattern of a significant increase by degrees in social vulnerability to geological disasters from east to west and a significantly negative correlation relationship between the vulnerability level and the economic level. (2) Based on the comparative analysis of the mean values of the indexes and the social vulnerability index of geological disasters, it is found that the social vulnerability index of geological disasters in China is directly related to the regional exposure degree and reaction and recovery ability, among which the reaction and recovery ability has great effects on the social vulnerability index. (3) Most of the regions in China are in a high–high clustering area or a low–low clustering area; that is to say, the regions with similar social vulnerability to geological disasters represent the pattern of clustering.  相似文献   

阐述了地质灾害、山地灾害、山洪灾害等与水文气象和地质因素相关的自然灾害的概念及分类,比较三者内涵与外延的差异,对三种灾害防治工作中的一些共性问题作了初步探讨。研究表明:地质灾害、山地灾害和山洪灾害三者在概念、内涵及研究对象等方面有所不同,但主要内容是相同的。在三种灾害的研究与防治上,由各个部门管理模式不利于此类灾害的跨行业、跨部门协同研究及防灾救灾。  相似文献   

The frequency of natural disasters and the extent of their consequences at a global level are constantly increasing. This trend is partially caused by increased population vulnerability, which implies the degree of population vulnerability due to high-magnitude natural processes. This paper presents an analysis of vulnerability to natural disaster in Serbia in the second half of the twentieth and the early twenty-first century. Vulnerability changes were traced on the basis of demographic–economic indicators derived from statistical data for local government units (municipalities) provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Calculations were performed in the geographical information system environment. The results of the study show that spatial and temporal vulnerability variations are causally correlated with changes in the selected components. Significant rise of vulnerability is related to urban areas, while lower values are characteristic for other areas of Serbia; this is primarily a consequence of different population density.  相似文献   

Wang  Qian  Zhang  Qi-peng  Liu  Yang-yang  Tong  Lin-jing  Zhang  Yan-zhen  Li  Xiao-yu  Li  Jian-long 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(1):3-15

Natural disaster vulnerability can intuitively reflect the susceptibility of an area to environmental changes. Better understanding the spatial distribution of natural disaster vulnerability is a critical process for taking effective adaptation and management. Although significant achievements have been made in disaster vulnerability, few studies are known about natural disaster vulnerability at the national scale, especially from the typical natural disaster events in China. In this study, with normalizing selected indicators and calculating vulnerability index, we analyzed the spatial distribution of natural disasters vulnerability during 2010–2017 using the geospatial techniques. The results showed that natural disaster vulnerability has certain spatial differences, but different natural disaster can occur in the same area during the study period. Drought disaster can occur in all regions of China, especially in Inner Mongolia. Flood disaster is mainly concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River Basin. The wind and storm disaster is chiefly in the northern regions in China. The freezing disaster is widely distributed in China. Furthermore, the regions with low vulnerability were primarily distributed in the eastern coastal region, indicating that the rapid development of economy and technology can resist or mitigate natural disaster to a certain extent. This study offers a solution to study natural disasters and provides scientific basis for disaster prevention and mitigation actions.


Alam  Edris  Khan  Md Sabur  Salam  Roquia 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(1):329-344

Assessing vulnerability is vital for developing new strategies and improving the existing ones to fulfill contemporary demands toward achieving a disaster-resilient society. Dammar Char is situated in the southeastern (SE) coastal region of Bangladesh that has experienced frequent coastal hazards and disasters throughout the year. The present study has constructed a vulnerability index utilizing the quantitative and qualitative data based on household surveys to evaluate the vulnerability of the people and community of Dammar Char. Data were collected from 180 respondents during November–December 2018. The results demonstrate that, on average, the people living in the studied area have a high vulnerability (value of the vulnerability index 0.7015) to coastal hazards and disasters. The vulnerability level differs from individual to individual based on their gender, educational status, financial capacity, structural strength of houses, perception of the respective hazards and disasters, etc. Females have experienced more vulnerability than their adult male counterparts. The natural vulnerability was higher than socioeconomic and physical vulnerability due to the increase in unpredictable extreme climate-induced coastal events. To combat the adverse impacts of coastal hazards and disasters, the local Dammar Char inhabitants have adopted several adaptation measures. The adapted measures are homestead gardening, working in seasonal day labor, fish drying, rearing sheep, and ducks, constructing plinths for elevating the floor of the house, extensive banana cultivation, and storage of dry foods to reduce their vulnerability.


This paper presents a new method for quantifying vulnerability to natural hazards in China. As an important area of vulnerability research, quantitative assessment of vulnerability has raised much focus in academia. Presently, scholars have proposed a variety of methods for quantitative assessment, which usually create an index of overall vulnerability from a suite of indicators, based on the understanding of the cause or mechanism of vulnerability. However, due to the complex nature of vulnerability, this approach caused some arguments on the indicator selection and the weight set for subindices. A data envelopment analysis?Cbased model for the assessment of the regional vulnerability to natural disasters is presented here to improve upon the traditional methods, and a new approach for the classification of vulnerability is proposed. The vulnerability to natural hazards in China??s mainland is illustrated as a case study. The result shows that the overall level of vulnerability to natural hazards in mainland China is high. The geographic pattern shows that vulnerability is highest in western China, followed by diminishing vulnerability in central China, and lowest vulnerability levels in eastern China. There is a negative correlation between the level of vulnerability and the level of regional economic development.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the causes of debris flow, landslide, collapse, water and soil erosion and other mountain disasters in the high mountain-plateau transitional region in northwest Sichuan. Through analysis of geological structure, lithology, earthquakes, landforms, hydrologic regime, meteorological conditions and man-made factors, the authors conclude that the natural conditions of this region favor the formation of debris flow, landslides and other mountain disasters. Moreover, the irrational economic activities of humans such as destroying forest ecosystems stimulate the occurrence of mountain disasters.  相似文献   

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