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The island of Stromboli (Southern Italy) is a 4,000-m-high volcanic edifice about 900 m above sea level. Most of the NW flank is formed by a wide scar (Sciara del Fuoco) filled by irregular alternations of volcaniclastic layers and thin lava flows. Between 29 and 30 December 2002, a submarine and a subaerial landslide involved the northernmost part of the Sciara del Fuoco slope and caused two tsunami waves with a maximum run-up of 10 m. Mechanisms of the rapid submarine landslide and the preceding deformation of the subaerial and submarine slope were investigated using large-scale ring shear tests on the saturated and dry volcaniclastic material. The shear behaviour of the material under different drainage conditions was analysed during tests conducted at DPRI, Kyoto University. Pore pressure generation, mobilised shear strength and grain crushing, within a range of displacements encompassing the different stages of evolution of the slope, were considered. Experimental results suggest that even at larger displacements, shear strength of the dry material explains the virtual stability of the slope. Conversely, full or partial liquefaction can be invoked to explain the submarine failure and the subsequent long runout (more than 1,000 m) of the failed materials.  相似文献   

Geochemical investigations have shown that there is a considerable inflow of gas into both crater lakes of Monticchio, Southern Italy. These lakes are located in two maars that formed 140 000 years ago during Mt. Vulture volcano's last eruptive activity. Isotopic analyses suggest that CO2 and helium are of magmatic origin; the latter displays 3He/4He isotope ratios similar to those measured in olivines of the maar ejecta. In spite of the fact that the amount of dissolved gases in the water is less than that found in Lake Nyos (Cameroon), both the results obtained and the historical reports studied indicate that these crater lakes could be highly hazardous sites, even though they are located in a region currently considered inactive. This could be of special significance in very popular tourist areas such as the Monticchio lakes, which are visited by about 30 000 people throughout the summer, for the most part on Sundays.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the compound pahoehoe lava flow fields of the 2000 eruption on Mount Cameroon volcano, West Africa and it comprehensively documents their morphology. The 2000 eruption of Mount Cameroon took place at three different sites (sites 1, 2 and 3), on the southwest flank and near the summit that built three different lava flow fields. These lava flow fields were formed during a long‐duration (28th May–mid September) summit and flank eruption involving predominantly pahoehoe flows (sites 2 and 3) and aa flows (site 1). Field observations of flows from a total of four cross‐sections made at the proximal end, midway and at the flow front, have been supplemented with data from satellite imagery (SRTM DEM, Landsat TM and ETM+) and are used to offer some clues into their emplacement. Detailed mapping of these lava flows revealed that site 1 flows were typically channel‐fed simple aa flows that evolved as a single flow unit, while sites 2 and 3 lava flow fields were fed by master tubes within fissures producing principally tube‐fed compound pahoehoe flows. Sites 2 and 3 flows issued from ∼ 33 ephemeral vents along four NE–SW‐trending faults/fissures. Pahoehoe morphologies at sites 2 and 3 include smooth, folded and channelled lobes emplaced via a continuum of different mechanisms with the principal mechanism being inflation. The dominant structural features observed on these flow fields included: fissures/faults, vents, levees, channels, tubes and pressure ridges. Other structural features present were pahoehoe toes/lobes, breakouts and squeeze‐ups. Slabby pahoehoe resulting from slab‐crusted lava was the transitionary lava type from pahoehoe to aa observed at all the sites. Transition zones correspond to slopes of > 10°. Variations in flow morphology and textures across profiles and downstream were repetitive, suggesting a cyclical nature for the responsible processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The joint application of electromagnetic techniques for near-surface exploration is a useful tool for soil pollution monitoring and can also contribute towards describing the spatial distribution of pollutants. The results of a geophysical field survey that was carried out for characterizing the heavy metal and waste disposal soil pollution phenomena in the industrial area of Val Basento (Basilicata region, Southern Italy) are presented here. First, topsoil magnetic susceptibility measurements have been carried out for defining the spatial distribution of superficial pollution phenomena in the investigated area. Second, detailed and integrated measurements based on a high-resolution magnetic mapping and ground probing radar (GPR) profiling have been applied to investigate the subsurface in two industrial areas located in more polluted sites that were identified during the first phase. Our monitoring strategy discloses the way to rapidly define the zone characterized by high pollution levels deriving from chemical industries and traffic emissions and to obtain the way information about the presence of local buried sources of contamination.  相似文献   

On September 18, 2004, a 4.6 mbLg earthquake was widely felt in the region around Pamplona, at the western Pyrenees. Preliminary locations reported an epicenter less than 20 km ESE of Pamplona and close to the Itoiz reservoir, which started impounding in January 2004. The area apparently lacks of significant seismic activity in recent times. After the main shock, which was preceded by series of foreshocks reaching magnitudes of 3.3 mbLg, a dense temporal network of 13 seismic stations was deployed there to monitor the aftershocks series and to constrain the hypocentral pattern. Aftershock determinations obtained with a double-difference algorithm define a narrow epicentral zone of less than 10 km2, ESE–WNW oriented. The events are mainly concentrated between 3 and 9 km depth. Focal solutions were computed for the main event and 12 aftershocks including the highest secondary one of 3.8 mbLg. They show mainly normal faulting with some strike-slip component and one of the nodal planes oriented NW–SE and dipping to the NE. Cross-correlation techniques applied to detect and associate events with similar waveforms, provided up to 33 families relating the 67% of the 326 relocated aftershocks. Families show event clusters grouped by periods and migrating from NW to SE. Interestingly, the narrow epicentral zone inferred here is located less than 4 km away from the 111-m high Itoiz dam. These hypocentral results, and the correlation observed between fluctuations of the reservoir water level and the seismic activity, favour the explanation of this foreshock–aftershock series as a rapid response case of reservoir-triggered seismicity, burst by the first impoundment of the Itoiz reservoir. The region is folded and affected by shallow dipping thrusts, and the Itoiz reservoir is located on the hangingwall of a low angle southward verging thrust, which might be a case sensible to water level fluctuations. However, continued seismic monitoring in the coming years is mandatory in this area to infer more reliable seismotectonic and hazard assessments.  相似文献   

This contribution reports a detailed study on in situ Sr isotope analyses, along with textural and compositional characteristics, of plagioclase phenocrysts occurring in the rhyodacitic dome-lavas and associated mafic enclaves, erupted during the last magmatic activity at Nisyros volcano (Greece). Dome-lavas and enclaves have a paragenesis dominated by plagioclase. We recognize five different types of plagioclase based on their specific textures and composition. Dome-lava plagioclases (Type-1) are mainly large (1–5 mm), subhedral, clear, and poorly zoned crystals with low An content (An25–35). The plagioclase phenocrysts (Type-4 and Type-5) and groundmass microlites crystallizing in the enclaves, and found in dome-lavas as xenocrysts, have high An content (An75–95). In both dome-lavas and enclaves, two other types of plagioclase do also occur: (1) plagioclase phenocrysts with size and core composition similar to those of Type-1 having a dusty sieve zone (DSZ) at the rims (Type-2); (2) plagioclases with a DSZ affecting the entire crystal but a thin rim (Type-3). The drilled plagioclases have 87Sr/86Sr negatively correlated with their An content. Low An cores of Type-1 and Type-2 have quite homogeneous 87Sr/86Sr (0.7044–0.7046), whose values are more radiogenic than their host magmas (0.70403–0.70408) and similar to those of the previous Upper Pumice (UP) rhyolite magma (0.70438–0.70456). The DSZs of Type-2 and Type-3 show lower and scattered 87Sr/86Sr (0.70397–0.70426) with intermediate and variable An content. High An cores of Type-4 and Type-5 have the least radiogenic Sr isotope composition (0.70379) in equilibrium with that measured in the enclaves (0.70384–0.70389). We demonstrate that Type-1 plagioclase crystallizes in the previous UP rhyolitic magmas representing the silica-rich magma from which the dome-lava melts derived by open system evolutionary processes (e.g., mixing, mingling, and crystal migration), caused by successive refilling of mafic enclave-forming magma. The Type-2 plagioclase derives from entrainment of Type-1 into the still molten enclave magma. The DSZs originated in response to the interaction between the low An plagioclase and the enclave mafic melt in which dissolution and re-crystallization acted together as function of the interaction time. Type-1 and Type-2 plagioclases record, therefore, a long-lived timescale of events starting from their crystallization in the UP rhyolite. Instead, the different width of DSZs (Type-2 and Type-3) seems to indicate short different interaction timescales between the single crystals and the enclave melt (from few hours to some 40 days). These microanalytical data contribute to the understanding of the origin of the rhyodacitic dome-lavas at Nisyros volcano and to set robust constraints on the dynamics of mingling/mixing processes in terms of crystal exchange pathways and enclave disaggregation.  相似文献   




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