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The growth of urban settlements along the Natal coast serves as a case study with which to evaluate the South African government's emerging concept of ‘planned urbanization’. Changing emphases in South African urban and regional policy are situated within the context of the contemporary legitimacy crisis of the South African state. Data on the experience of urbanization on the Natal coast, and particularly black perceptions of this experience, are presented. Recent government proposals dealing with urbanization—particularly the newly legislated Regional Services Councils—are assessed against this background.  相似文献   

Spherical aggregates of carbonaceous matter measuring 0.2 to 1.0 mm in diameter were recently discovered in conglomerates of the Achaean Pietersburg greenstone belt in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Identical carbonaceous material, the so-called flyspeck carbon, occurs abundantly in the approximately 2'600 m. y. old sediments of the Witwatersrand Basin and has been considered to represent vegetative diaspores of primitive columnar plants. If this interpretation is correct, the occurrence of fly-speck carbon outside the Witwatersrand Basin indicates that differentiated life-forms also existed in other suitable depository environments and probably appeared earlier than previously thought.
Zusammenfassung Im Nordtransvaal, Südafrika, wurde kürzlich kohlige Substanz in der Form rundlicher Aggregate entdeckt, die Durchmesser von 0,2 bis 1,0 mm besitzen und in Konglomeraten vorkommen, welche zum archaischen Pietersburg Greenstone Belt gehören. Ganz ähnlich ausgebildete kohlige Substanz, das sogenannte fly-speck carbon tritt in den rund 2600 Mio. Jahre alten goldführenden Konglomerathorizonten des Witwatersrand-Beckens verbreitet auf und wird dort als fossile Reste vegetativer Sporen von primitiven Pflanzen gedeutet. Trifft diese Interpretation der rundlichen Kohleaggregate zu, kann aus dem Auftreten von fly-speck carbon im Pietersburg Belt geschlossen werden, daß auch außerhalb des Witwatersrand-Beckens in geeigneten Ablagerungsräumen differenzierte Lebensformen existierten, möglicherweise schon vor der Ablagerung der Wirwatersrand-Sedimente, in denen solche Lebensformen bisher erstmals beschrieben wurden.

Résumé Des agrégats spheriques de matière carbonée mesurant de 0.2 à 1.0 mm de diamètre ont été récemment découverts dans des conglomérats du Pietersburg Greenstone Belt d'âge archéen dans le Transvaal septentrional en Afrique du Sud. Du matériel carboné identique, connu comme »carbone en tâche de mouche« (fly-speck carbon), est abondant dans les sédiments datés de 2'600 m. a. du Bassin du Witwatersrand, et a été interprété comme les restes de spores végétatives de plantes columnaires primitives. Si cette interprétation est correcte, il s'en suit que la présence de »carbone en tâche de mouche« en dehors du Bassin du Witwatersrand indiquerait que des formes végétales différentiées existaient aussi dans d'autres environments de dépôts favorables et qu'elles ont apparu probablement plus tôt qu'on ne l'avait supposé jusqu'à présent.

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The Pleistocene ungulate communities from the western coastal plains of South Africa's Cape Floristic Region (CFR) are diverse and dominated by grazers, in contrast to the region's Holocene and historical faunas, which are relatively species-poor and dominated by small-bodied browsers and mixed feeders. An expansion of grassy habitats is clearly implied by the Pleistocene faunas, but the presence of ruminant grazers that cannot survive the summer dry season typical of the region today suggests other important paleoecological changes. Here we use dental ecometrics to explore the paleoecological implications of the region's Pleistocene faunas. We show that the dental traits (hypsodonty and occlusal topography) of the ungulates that occurred historically in the CFR track annual and summer aridity, and we use these relationships to reconstruct past aridity. Our results indicate that the Pleistocene faunas signal paleoenvironments that were on average less arid than today, including during the summer, consistent with other lines of evidence that suggest a higher water table and expansion of well-watered habitats. Greater water availability can be explained by lower temperature and reduced evapotranspiration during cooler phases of the Pleistocene, probably coupled with enhanced groundwater recharge due to increased winter precipitation.  相似文献   


在气候变化和人类活动日益增强的背景下, 河口近海碳源汇途径的变化对区域乃至全球碳循环有着深刻的影响。本研究对南海北部河口-近岸-陆架海区3根沉积物柱状样顶部沉积记录约2000年的样品进行了有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)含量与稳定同位素组成等地球化学指标的分析。结果显示, 南海北部沉积物TOC含量在过去2000年表现出稳步增加的趋势。根据稳定碳同位素(δ13C)和TOC/TN比值构建的蒙特卡洛模拟估算, 发现不同海区沉积有机碳的来源存在差异, 其中陆源有机碳在近岸区贡献最高, 河口区次之, 南海北部陆坡贡献最小。在时间尺度上, 陆坡区TOC来源在过去2000年维持稳定, 而河口近岸区中海源有机碳比例不断增加, 特别是河口区海源有机碳在过去1000年快速增加, 同时与TN的变化存在显著的正相关关系, 反映了人类活动持续输入的陆源营养盐促进了海洋初级生产力的升高; 另一方面, 河口区陆源有机碳的减少主要归因于华南地区减弱的东亚夏季风和人类活动与沿海地区大规模的围垦活动等。不同于河口近岸海区, 南海北部陆坡沉积物有机碳埋藏的增加主要与东亚冬季风增强对营养盐供应和初级生产力的调控密切关联。整体而言, 人类活动和气候变化共同控制着近2000年南海北部沉积物有机碳埋藏的演变过程。



In this work, we have studied the largest earthquake magnitudes on the Ecuadorian coast by using the principles of Extreme Value Analysis based on its two approaches: Block Maxima and Peaks-over-Threshold. First, before modelling the recorded earthquakes, the K-means clustering technique was applied to determine a classification according to the level of magnitude of the earthquakes. Then, models based on the Extreme Value theory of earthquake magnitudes were developed for each of the four clusters that were found, and finally, the best-fitted models were those known as Fréchet and Gumbel ones. The zone with the greatest earthquake magnitudes on the Ecuadorian coast is located between the north of the province of Manabí and the south of the province of Esmeraldas, with a return period of 50 years for an earthquake with magnitude greater than 7.7 MW.  相似文献   

The present work aims to propose a methodology for quantifying the sources of acid mine drainage (AMD) and to characterize the magnitude of the affected areas in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain). Such an approach allows the creation of a support tool for managing land and natural resources valorization, which may be easily applied in similar mining regions. The motivation and usefulness of this work can be realized by focusing on two main emerging strategic issues: (1) water resources management, with the example of Alcolea dam that will receive water from affected areas in the Iberian Pyrite Belt; and (2) mineral resources valorization, especially, regarding copper exploration due to increasing market prices. The used methodology included the following general steps: it started with an inventory of the mines in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, followed by field cartography campaigns and finally the quantification of affected areas and contaminant discharges. The results of the present work serve to confirm and quantify the magnitude of the AMD pollution in the Pyrite Belt. A total affected area of about 4,847 ha was estimated. Taking into account this figure and combining it with the annual average precipitation (650 L/m2) results in an estimation of 31,503,680 m3/year of discharging water affected by the presence of sulphides. In this scenario, a total annual contribution of 260,056 tonnes/year was obtained for sulphates, which means more than 712 tonnes a day. In the case of arsenic, a toxic element, the total annual contribution is more than 20 tonnes, or close to 55 kg/day. Regarding copper, this economically interesting metal translates into total contributions of 10,364 tonnes/year in the generating medium. This gave more than 28 tonnes/day, which today sits at 8,200 dollars/tonne. This result suggests that solutions aimed at recovering this resource should be searched. It may represent a financial return at the same time that it would mean overcome environmental liabilities.  相似文献   

The Council for Geoscience (CGS, South Africa) has a statutory mandate to carry out regional geochemical mapping in South Africa that needs to be rapidly and accurately analysed. Both simultaneous X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (S-XRF) and a newly developed method using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were employed. Various trace elements that could not previously be analysed by S-XRF can now be analysed by ICP-MS for the regional geochemical mapping programme, e.g., Cd, Mo, Te and Li. Using both techniques, the CGS aims to report element distributions for some fifty elements. To ensure that element concentration levels correlate over map boundaries, quality control measures in the sampling, sample preparation and analyses were of critical importance. This paper aims to discuss the sample preparation and quality control measures as applied to the ∼5500 samples of the Giyani and Tzaneen 1:100000 scale map sheets sampled at a density of one soil sample per km2. ICP-MS batch- and instrumental drift-correction procedures will be discussed. As a final step, geochemical data were overlain over simplified geological maps using geographical information system software. These maps complement existing geological information of South Africa, help in the identification of exploration targets, test exploration models and initiate further geological research.  相似文献   

We present major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Osisotopic data for the 76–58 Ma Western Cape melilititeprovince, an age-progressive magmatic lineation in which primitiveolivine melilitite intrusives and alkali basalt lavas have beenemplaced on the southwestern margin of South Africa. The magmasrange from alkali basalts with strong HIMU isotopic and traceelement affinities on the continental shelf to melilitites withkimberlite-like incompatible element compositions and EM 1 isotopicaffinities on thick Proterozoic lithosphere (i.e. 87Sr/86Sri= 0·7029–0·7043,  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopes (δ18O) derived from archaeological Mercenaria campechiensis shells and Ariopsis felis otoliths potentially provide low-latitude paleoclimate data for studying Late Holocene human–climate interactions in coastal southwest Florida. Specimens analyzed come from the Pineland site complex. Deposits record abrupt and subtle environmental changes appearing to have been climate-related and to have impacted the sedentary human residents. One archaeological shell-otolith set dates to 2nd/3rd century A.D. within the Roman Optimum (RO) climatic episode. A second set dates to 13th/14th century A.D. within the Little Ice Age (LIA). A modern shell-otolith set was analyzed for comparison. δ18OARAGONITE of modern and LIA shells suggest similar seasonal conditions. RO shell is 1‰ more positive during summer, suggesting higher estuarine salinity than in modern and LIA times. Modern and LIA otoliths also have similar δ18OARAGONITE. Estimated Winter temperatures are within measured instrument records. Summer temperatures are overestimated reflecting Summer migration into less-saline water. Estimated Summer temperatures for RO otolith are similar to today's, suggesting elevated estuarine salinity and diminished rainy season, consistent with similar aged zooarchaeological assemblages. Comparisons of two taxa aid in interpreting archaeological δ18O data; however, early results are mixed with expected profiles for RO specimens and unexpected profiles for LIA specimens.  相似文献   

Sapphirine-bearing granulites, together with sapphirine-free granulites and eclogites, occur as xenoliths in the kimberlite of the Lace diatreme that penetrates the Kaapvaal craton, S. Africa. Absence of (calculated) Fe3+ in sapphirine, garnet and sillimanite, together with presence of graphite and sulphides, suggests highly reducing conditions of metamorphism. Chemical considerations and comparisons with experimental investigations suggest metamorphism of a sedimentary (?chlorite-montmorillonite) protolith at 900–1000° C and > 10 Kb; high Cr in the assemblage may point to a basic/ultrabasic precursor. The xenoliths indicate the presence of a very-high-grade granulite terrain, possibly similar to Enderby Land (Antarctica), beneath the Kaapval craton.  相似文献   

The 176Hf/177Hf composition of inherited and magmatic zircon in the 538 Ma S-type Peninsula pluton (South Africa) has been determined at different scales. In the smallest rock samples investigated (<0.5 dm3), as well as within individual thin sections, magmatic zircon crystals exhibit the same wide range in εHf(538) as the pluton (8ε units). In addition, across a significant range of bulk-rock compositions, both the range and average of the magmatic zircon Hf isotopic composition do not vary significantly with compositional parameters that are expected to scale with the proportion of mantle-derived magma addition (e.g., Mg# and Ca). At all scales, the εHf variability in the magmatic zircon fraction matches well with that portrayed by the time-evolved inherited zircon population [i.e., with the εHf(538) range of the inherited zircon cores]. This evidence suggests that the εHf heterogeneity of magmatic zircon is directly inherited from the source. However, the analysis of zircon core–rim pairs reveals that the 176Hf/177Hf composition of the inherited crystals does not directly transfer to their magmatic overgrowths. Small-scale modeling of zircon dissolution and re-precipitation in a static magma generates sub-mm melt domains having variable Zr content and Hf isotope composition. The composition of these domains is controlled by the size and isotope composition of the nearest dissolving zircon crystals and the cooling rate of the magma. These results suggest that in magma systems with a substantial inherited zircon load, zircon crystals within the same rock should record variable 176Hf/177Hf in the magmatic zircon fraction.  相似文献   

Major and trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope analyses are presented for thirteen olivine-melilitites from Namaqualand, South Africa. Major element variations are consistent with derivation from carbonated garnet-peridotite at depths of at least 100 km and trace element abundances indicate melt fractions of 4%. Ubiquitous negative K anomalies and low, buffered K2O concentrations are interpreted to reflect the effect of residual phlogopite during melting. It is suggested that phlogopite stability and low melt potassium saturation concentrations are enhanced by high CO2/(CO2 + H2O) conditions. Residual phlogopite can also account for low measured Rb/Sr, Ba/Sr and Th/U ratios in the melilitites. REE abundances are controlled by residual garnet and hence Sm/Nd ratios are low (0.13–0.18). U/Pb ratios vary from 0.05 to 5 and are a function of Pb concentration which is in turn controlled by residual Pb-rich phase (probably sulphide). Nd and Sr isotopes are comparable with OIB from St. Helena, although two samples extend to higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Present day Pb isotopes are much more variable and partly reflect radiogenic growth since emplacement as a result of the highly variable U/Pb ratios.

Many of the trace element characteristics of the melilitites are distinct from those of within-plate potassic magmas despite both being derived from phlogopite-bearing, enriched mantle source regions. This can be attributed to the depth at which source enrichment occurred and the subsequent control exerted by phlogopite and carbonate during melting. In contrast to melilitites, potassic magmas are derived from shallower depths under low CO2/(CO2 + H2O) conditions and at higher temperatures at which phlogopite melts more readily.

The incompatible element ratios of the melilitites are also similar to those both observed in HIMU ocean island basalts (OIB) and inferred for HIMU OIB source regions from isotope variations (viz, low Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr, K/Nb, Th/U and high U/Pb and Ce/Pb). It is suggested that HIMU OIB's may be derived from sources that have been subject to enrichment by a melt generated in the presence of residual phlogopite.  相似文献   

Weathering intensity changes due to climatic variability across tectonically stable portions of continental crust can generate a thick and extensive weathered cover, resulting in regolith-dominated terrains (RDTs). Mineral exploration in RDTs is challenging because of the lack of bedrock outcrop, and the difficulty of linking surface regolith geochemistry to the geology at depth. Complex weathering obscures the expression of the basement geochemistry in the regolith, and therefore the footprints of mineral systems are difficult to detect. The southeast of the Yilgarn Craton and the Albany–Fraser Orogen (AFO) in the south of Western Australia is an RDT that extends along the coastline and the Eucla basin.This study proposes a landscape evolution model of the AFO, driven by transgression–regression sea-level changes that resulted in the formation of numerous islands and development of estuarine zones. This model contrasts with the river system-dominated landscape evolution present in the Yilgarn Craton. This difference has significant implications for mineral exploration and geochemical interpretation of the regolith in this region.Weathering profiles developed “on inland” and “on island” are thicker and more mature than those developed in sea-inundated areas. Even if in the Yilgarn Craton local areas display reworking of weathering profiles and other complexities from Permian, non-marine Tertiary sediments and Quaternary fluvial and aeolian sediments, at a regional scale, if vertical geochemical mobility of elements has occurred, “on inland” and “on island” are more reliable for understanding geochemical anomaly-basement relationships, whereas the “marine inundated” areas require a more detailed investigation, because of the role of marine reworking of weathering profiles and possible mixture of sediments from different provenances.Landscape changes from the topographically high, dissected Yilgarn environment with thick saprolite development and uneven basement topography, to the nearly flat regions dominated by sand dunes and thin saprolite development at the coastline. These regions are the result of the erosional and depositional effects of successive sea-level transgression–regression cycles. Within this framework, the following four different regolith settings have been identified in a progressive change from Yilgarn Craton environments to the modern coastline: (1) Albany; (2) Kalgoorlie–Norseman; (3) Esperance; and (4) Neale.Mapping the palaeocoastlines, islands and estuarine zones, as well as the region of influence of marine limestones and sediments, can significantly improve the understanding of how surface geochemistry relates to the landscape, and how it links with the geology at depth, and therefore, how it may reflect the presence of mineral systems. Understanding the difference in the landscape evolution between the AFO and Yilgarn Craton is essential to properly calibrate mineral exploration protocols in both regions.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic sampling and measurement of a boulder accumulation on Little Beecroft Head on the Illawarra coastline of New South Wales was undertaken to evaluate potential emplacement mechanisms. This deposit is of central importance in the Australian Megatsunami Hypothesis (AMH) debate, but to date, there has been no unequivocal determination of its provenance. The most likely emplacement mechanisms are by slow collapse during denudation of overlying strata, storm wave overwash or a combination of these. Characteristic Remanent Magnetisation (ChRM) directions were obtained from 15 individual boulders and the in situ bedrock platform on which they currently rest. The in situ Permian bedrock has a normal polarity mean ChRM direction of D/I = 1.6°/–66.7° (α95 = 5.2°; k = 33.9) that is statistically indistinguishable from the Present Earth Field direction at the site. The magnetisation is most likely due to Cenozoic/recent weathering, which is common in surficial rocks throughout the Sydney Basin. ChRM directions for the boulders are stable but scattered, although not random, and the mean boulder direction is indistinguishable in geographic (i.e. current in situ) coordinates, at the 5% significance level, from the mean direction of the in situ bedrock. Further statistical tests confirm that the scatter in the mean directions of the boulders and the in situ bedrock is different, at the 5% significance level, with the boulder mean being more scattered. At an individual boulder level, some blocks have mean ChRM directions that are statistically indistinguishable from the mean in situ rock ChRM direction, whereas others are distinguishable at the 5% significance level.

These results indicate that the boulders were magnetised prior to emplacement but were not moved far from their original positions during emplacement. The emplacement age is constrained to the last ca 780 000 years. These observations strongly support the hypothesis that the Little Beecroft Head boulder deposit was emplaced by a non-catastrophic mechanism, namely slow collapse during denudation of pre-existing cliff material or overtopping from severe storms, which occur regularly on the east coast of New South Wales. Even if a catastrophic wave were responsible, the results constrain the age of that event to be older than 780 000 years. Therefore, the results presented here are not supportive of the AMH as it currently stands. Further paleomagnetic work, on similar deposits along the Illawarra coastline and from elsewhere in Australia, is needed to evaluate the interpretations presented here.  相似文献   

The Venetia kimberlites in the Northern Province of South Africa sampled diamonds from the lithosphere underlying the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt. Given the general correlation of diamond-bearing kimberlites with old stable cratons, this tectonic setting is somewhat anomalous and, therefore, it is desirable to characterise the diamonds in terms of their infrared characteristics. A suite of diamonds of known paragenesis from the Venetia mine spans a large range of nitrogen concentrations from less than the detection limit to 1,355 ppm. Diamond nitrogen contents are, on average, higher in the eclogitic diamond population relative to the websteritic and peridotitic diamonds. Nitrogen aggregation states are variable, ranging from almost pure type IaA diamond (poorly aggregated nitrogen) to pure type IaB diamond (highly aggregated nitrogen). On a nitrogen aggregation diagram two distinct groups can be identified based on nitrogen content and nitrogen aggregation state. These are a minor population of diamonds with nitrogen contents generally higher than 500 ppm and nitrogen aggregation states of less than 40% IaB, and another, dominant population that is characterised by higher and more variable nitrogen aggregation. The unusually aggregated nature of the majority of the diamonds analysed is unique to Venetia relative to other intrusives on the Kaapvaal-Kalahari craton, but is similar to aggregation states observed for diamonds from other craton margin or adjacent mobile belt settings such as the Argyle lamproite and the George Creek kimberlite. This could be a consequence of diamond mantle residence at mantle temperatures higher than the norm for other kimberlites from the interior of cratons. Deformation of the mantle, associated with dynamic processes such as orogenesis or subduction, might also be responsible for accelerating the rate of nitrogen aggregation in these diamonds. Low numbers of diamonds with degradation of platelets at the Venetia kimberlite, relative to diamonds from the Argyle lamproite, indicate that deformation was at a significantly lower level. The comparatively low value of diamonds from Argyle (at approximately US8/carat) as opposed to Venetia (US8/carat) as opposed to Venetia (US90/carat) is in large part because of the very high abundance of brown diamonds at Argyle. Therefore, it is apparent that deformational history of the mantle in which the diamonds were resident prior to or during sampling by the host may have an important role to play in the profitability of a primary diamond deposit. The apparently consistent association of diamonds with unusually aggregated nitrogen with kimberlites, or lamproites intruded into craton margin or mobile belt settings suggests that it may be possible to recognise such contributory sources in alluvial diamond deposits, through the study of the infrared characteristics of the diamonds. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-002-0385-2  相似文献   

A.M. Killick   《Lithos》1994,32(3-4):193-205
The chemical composition of the pseudotachylyte in the West Rand Goldfield of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, is closely related to the composition of the host rocks and this is reflected in the colour of the pseudotachylyte. Grey pseudotachylyte is generally hosted by and similar in composition to quartzites of the Witatersrand Supergroup, whereas maroon pseudotachylyte has a similar relationship to the mafic lava of the Ventersdorp Supergroup. In some instances, the composition of the pseudotachylyte is intermediate between these two host rock types and a mixing process is proposed.

A study of the ferrous to ferric iron ratio provides limited evidence that pseudotachylyte is slightly more reduced than the rocks from which they have been derived.

The only elements that are consistently enriched in the pseudotachylyte, irrespective of host rock composition, are S, Pb and Au. It is speculated that this indicates the existence of a sulphide-bearing fluid phase along the fault zone either prior to or during pseudotachylyte formation.

Geochemical and petrographic evidence favour an origin by frictional fusion rather than ultracomminution for the pseudotachylyte from the West Rand Goldfield.  相似文献   

沉降法与激光法粒度分析的主要差异是黏土粒径,这个差异将直接影响到黏土、粉砂含量和沉积物类型。本文对激光法黏土粒径和含量及沉积物类型进行系统校正。南海东部水深〉2 000 m海域沉降法得出的砂、粉砂、黏土含量分别为3.66%、42.43%、53.91%,激光法砂、粉砂、黏土含量分别为9.26%、61.11%、29.64%...  相似文献   

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