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Risk evaluation and loss analysis is key in foreseeing the impact of disasters caused by natural hazards and may contribute effectively in improving resilience in a community through the pre-evaluation of preparedness and mitigation actions. The pilot study presented herein is for the Chilean city of Iquique, which is located at the core of a seismic gap that extends from south Perú to north Chile, and has strategic geopolitical and economic importance for the country. The region was hit April 1, 2014, by an \(M_\mathrm{w}\) 8.2 earthquake that caused only moderate damage, but seismological evidence suggests that there is still a potential for a much larger event in the region. Therefore, a careful damage assessment study is fundamental to anticipate the possible physical, social, and economic consequences that Iquique may face in the future. In this work, the HAZUS-MH platform was adapted and used to simulate a set of ten plausible physics-based future seismic scenarios with magnitudes ranging from \(M_\mathrm{w}\) 8.40 to \(M_\mathrm{w}\) 8.98, which were proposed based on an analysis of interplate locking and the residual slip potential remaining after the April 1, 2014, earthquake. Successful application of this damage assessment methodology relies on the construction of a comprehensive exposure model that takes into account regional features and a good characterization of the physical vulnerabilities. For Iquique, a large body of public and local data was used to develop a detailed inventory of physical and social assets including an aggregated building count, demographics, and essential facilities. To characterize the response of the built environment to seismic demand, appropriate HAZUS fragility curves were applied, and outcomes were validated against the damage observed in the 2014 earthquake. After satisfactory testing, a deterministic earthquake damage assessment study was carried out for the collection of predictive scenarios aimed to estimate their expected impacts. This analysis provides data for future evaluations of different physical and social mitigation measures for the city.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This paper presents an investigation of the collapse of a 325-year-old multi-tiered heritage temple during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal. The research comprises a...  相似文献   

The stream profiles of rivers of northern Chile reveal two graded segments separated by 20‐km‐long knickzones. Their formation was initiated in the Late Miocene in response to surface uplift of the western flank of the Altiplano. This phase of uplift that was coeval with the shift of deformation from the Altiplano to the sub‐Andean zone caused relief to grow at the scale of the whole drainage basin. Above and beneath these knickzones, the presence of braided channels and the absence of erosion on adjacent pediplains suggest no substantial modification in the local relief. The knickzones, however, show bedrock channels, and fluvial dissection rates have exceeded erosion rates on adjacent pediplains by two orders of magnitudes. Hence, the data imply that the only geomorphic recorders of relief growth are the knickzones that currently transpose the effects of the Late Miocene phase of surface uplift from the coast to the Altiplano.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - About 15% of the world’s population suffers from some kind of disability. In addition to experiencing high rates of poverty, exclusion and lack of access to education,...  相似文献   

We have measured shear wave splitting at three temporary three-component short period stations that were deployed in southern Chile above the subducted Chile Rise spreading centre (Taitao Peninsula and environs). Subduction of the Chile Rise has been occurring beneath South America for at least the past 14 m.y. Previously published models of the ridge subduction posit the existence of ‘slab windows’, asthenosphere-filled gaps between subducted lithosphere segments of the spreading ridge, through which mantle might flow. Our preliminary results include two consistent fast polarization directions of splitting in the study region. Delay times between fast and slow split shear waves average around 1.0 s for all phases (ScS, PcS, SKS, and SKKS) that we measured. Fast-axis azimuths vary systematically among the three stations: near the coast, fast axes are parallel to the spreading ridge segments of the Chile Rise (approximately N-trending). This splitting fast-axis direction probably reflects either along-axis asthenospheric flow or results from the preferential attenuation effects of aligned pockets of melt at the subducted ridge segment. At one inland station above the slab window, we find two splitting fast-axis directions, one parallel to the subducted Chile Rise ridge segments, and a second trending NW–SE. We infer that upper mantle deformation in the vicinity of a well developed slab window is complicated and probably involves two superposed directions of upper mantle deformation. One of these directions (NW–SE) may indicate anomalous flow of asthenospheric mantle in the vicinity of the slab window gap.  相似文献   

地震危险性、地震危害性和地震易损性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
做好城市防震减灾工作 ,关键是对未来可能遭遇地震灾害定量化预测。本文论述地震灾害定量化的三要素 :地震危险性 ,地震危害性和地震易损性 ,它们概念完全不同 ,且很容易混淆 ,但又存在因与果的关系。本文还简要介绍厦门市地震科技工作者开展的“闽南地区综合防震减灾示范工程”。  相似文献   

The Irruputuncu is an active volcano located in northern Chile within the Central Andean Volcanic Zone (CAVZ) and that has produced andesitic to trachy-andesitic magmas over the last ∼258 ± 49 ka. We report petrographical and geochemical data, new geochronological ages and for the first time a detailed geological map representing the eruptive products generated by the Irruputuncu volcano. The detailed study on the volcanic products allows us to establish a temporal evolution of the edifice. We propose that the Irruputuncu volcanic history can be divided in two stages, both dominated by effusive activity: Irruputuncu I and II. The oldest identified products that mark the beginning of Irruputuncu I are small-volume pyroclastic flow deposits generated during an explosive phase that may have been triggered by magma injection as suggested by mingling features in the clasts. This event was followed by generation of large lava flows and the edifice grew until destabilization of its SW flank through the generation of a debris avalanche, which ended Irruputuncu I. New effusive activity generated lavas flows to the NW at the beginning of Irruputuncu II. In the meantime, lava domes that grew in the summit were destabilized, as shown by two well-preserved block-and-ash flow deposits. The first phase of dome collapse, in particular, generated highly mobile pyroclastic flows that propagated up to ∼8 km from their source on gentle slopes as low as 11° in distal areas. The actual activity is characterized by deposition of sulfur and permanent gas emissions, producing a gas plume that reaches 200 m above the crater. The maximum volume of this volcanic system is of ∼4 km3, being one of the smallest active volcano of Central Andes.  相似文献   

Determining factors that limit coseismic rupture is important to evaluate the hazard of powerful subduction zone earthquakes such as the 2011 Tohoku‐Oki event (Mw = 9.0). In 1960 (Mw = 9.5) and 2010 (Mw = 8.8), Chile was hit by such powerful earthquakes, the boundary of which was the site of a giant submarine slope failure with chaotic debris subducted to seismogenic zone depth. Here, a continuous décollement is absent, whereas away from the slope failure, a continuous décollement is seismically imaged. We infer that underthrusting of inhomogeneous slide deposits prevents the development of a décollement, and thus the formation of a thin continuous slip zone necessary for earthquake rupture propagation. Thus, coseismic rupture during the 1960 and 2010 earthquakes seems to be limited by underthrusted upper plate mass‐wasting deposits. More generally, our results suggest that upper plate dynamics and resulting surface processes can play a key role for determining rupture size of subduction zone earthquakes.  相似文献   

The geology, petrography and chemical variation of the Pecket coal sequence, Magellan Region (52°57′S, 71°10′W), the only Chilean coal used for electricity generation on a large scale, has been studied in order to predict their combustion behaviour, especially in coal blends. The depositional environment of formation of the coal seams was a swamp rarely exposed to subaerial conditions and was associated with the development of the folded foreland of the Magellan basin during the Tertiary (Oligo–Miocene). The general tectonic regime of the collision of the Antarctic and South American plates is reflected by a system of joints with 40°N–50°W strike. The maceral composition of all six seams studied indicates high contents of vitrinite (>90%), minor content of liptinite (4.7%) and inertinite (<2%). Occurrence of tonstein horizons altered to kaolinite indicates a distal volcanism during peat accumulation. Coal rank varies between lignite and subbituminous (Ro=0.28–0.42%) with an average dry basis calorific value of 5450 kcal/kg, 17 wt.% moisture, 41 wt.% volatile matter, and sulphur content below 0.5 wt.%. The mineral matter (LTA) associated with the coal shows a dominance of kaolinite with quartz, smectite, and minor basanite. SiO2/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/CaO ratios of the ashes diminish towards the lower seams. With respect to the utilisation of Pecket coals in combustion, base/acid ratios (B/A) and silica ratios (SR) indicate potential fouling for seams 1, 2, 5, and 6i, with high fouling indexes (Rf) for seams 2 and 5. Pecket coal is excellent for blend combustion due to its low sulphur content.  相似文献   

The abundance of As and Sb in aqueous, mineral and biological reservoirs was examined at El Tatio Geyser Field, a unique hydrothermal basin located in the Atacama Desert region of Chile. Here the concentration of total As and Sb in hydrothermal springs and discharge streams are the highest reported for a natural surface water, and the geyser basin represents a significant source of toxic elements for downstream users across Region II, Chile. The geyser waters are near neutral Na:Cl type with ∼0.45 and 0.021 mmol L−1 total As and Sb, respectively, primarily in the reduced (III) redox state at the discharge with progressive oxidation downstream. The ferric oxyhydroxides associated with the microbial mats and some mineral precipitates accumulate substantial As that was identified as arsenate by XAS analysis (>10 wt% in the mats). This As is easily mobilized by anion exchange or mild dissolution of the HFO, and the ubiquitous microbial mats represent a significant reservoir of As in this system. Antimony, in contrast, is not associated with the mineral ferric oxides or the biomats, but is substantially enriched in the silica matrix of the geyserite precipitates, up to 2 wt% as Sb2O3. Understanding the mobility and partitioning behavior of these metalloids is critical for understanding their eventual impact on regional water management.  相似文献   

Tsunami intensity is poorly correlated with earthquake magnitude. The distribution of aftershocks that immediately followed the 2010 Maule (Chile), the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman and the 2005 Nias (Indonesia) events supports the view that faulting within an accretionary wedge or an outer rise can sometimes disrupt the seafloor more effectively than a megathrust even if the associated seismicity is minor. Monitoring offshore faults would thus seem an effective way to supplement modes of tsunami early warning which hinge on instrumental earthquake detection or wave height and period.  相似文献   

The Arauco Sedimentary basin of Chile (37° −37° 45′S, 73° 08′ −73° 41′W) contains the most important reserves of bituminous coals of Chile. These are concentrated in two Formations: Curanilahue (Lower Eocene) and Trihueco (Middle Eocene). Five coal seams from the Lota Member of the Curanilahue Formation have been studied from the stratigraphic, palynologic and geochemical point of view. These coals were formed during a regressive stratigraphic episode; the palynological assemblage indicates that the climatic conditions prevailing at the time were of high humidity and temperature. These coals from a geochemical point of view are characterized by high sulphur (2.02%), ash (11.9%) and Ge (67.5 ppm; 1224.3 ppm in ash).  相似文献   

Two sedimentary units are recognized by means of stratigraphic and sedimentological analyses at Monte Verde, a late Pleistocene archeological site with stone tools and well-preserved wood artifacts and botanical remains, that lies southwest of Lago Llanquihue and north of the Golfo de Reloncavi in the southern end of the Chilean Central graben. the geological evidence shows that at no time after 33,000 yr B.P., and perhaps since the first Llanquihue advance (before 56,000 yr B.P.), was the Monte Verde area covered by ice. Influences of two glacial advances at 20,000 and 15,000-14,500 yr B.P. are recognized at the site; effects of the Varas Interstade, however, are not identified. Rapid climatic change took place after the end of the Llanquihue Glaciation. It was shortly interrupted by a cool, wet period around 10,000 yr B.P., after which a well-documented Hypsithermal (8270-4750 yr B.P.) accompanied by pyroclastic vulcanism followed. The evidence indicates that around 13,000 yr B.P. 1) the site occupants settled on the sandy point bars and beaches of the old creek channel and 2) the area was habitated during cool and wet conditions similar to those that prevail in the area today. Evidence for reconstruction of the paleo-environment and climate of the terminal Pleistocene and the preliminary implications of these findings for understanding the human occupation at Monte Verde are discussed.  相似文献   

The siliceous sinter deposits of El Tatio geothermal field in northern Chile have been examined petrographically and mineralogically. These sinters consist of amorphous silica (opal-A) deposited around hot springs and geysers from nearly neutral, silica-saturated, sodium chloride waters. Water cooling and evaporation to dryness are the main processes that control the opal-A deposition in both subaqueous and subaerial settings, in close spatial relation to microbial communities. All fingerprints of organisms observed in the studied sinter samples represent microbes and suggest that the microbial community is moderately diverse (cyanobacteria, green bacteria, and diatoms). The most important ecological parameter is the temperature gradient, which is closely related to the observed depositional settings: 1) Geyser setting: water temperature = 70–86 °C (boiling point at El Tatio: 4200 m a.s.l.); coarse laminated sinter macrostructure with rapid local variations; biota comprises non-photosynthetic hyperthermophilic bacteria. 2) Splash areas around geysers: water temperature = 60–75 °C; laminated spicule and column macrostructure, locally forming cupolas (< 30 cm); predominant Synechococcus-like cyanobacteria. 3) Hot spring setting: water temperature = 40–60 °C; laminated spicules and columns and subspherical oncoids characterize the sinter macrostructure; filamentous cyanobacteria Phormidium and diatoms (e.g., Synedra sp.) are the most characteristic microbes. 4) Discharge environments: water temperature = 20–40 °C; sinter composed of laminated spicules and oncoids of varied shape; cyanobacterial mats of Phormidium and Calothrix and diatoms (e.g., Synedra sp.) are abundant. El Tatio is a natural laboratory of great interest because the sedimentary macrostructures and microtextures reflect the geological and biological processes involved in the primary deposition and early diagenesis of siliceous sinters.  相似文献   

A Middle Tertiary volcanic belt in the High Andes of north-central Chile hosts numerous precious- and base-metal epithermal deposits over its 150 km north-south trend. The El Indio district, believed to be associated with a hydrothermal system in the late stages of development of a volcanic caldera, consists of a series of separate vein systems located in an area of 30 km2 which has undergone intense argillic-sericitic-solfataric alteration. The majority of the known gold-copper-silver mineralization occurs within a structural block only 150 by 500 m in surface area, with a recognized vertical extent exceeding 300 m. This block is bounded by two high-angle northeast-trending faults oriented subparallel to the mineralized veins.Hypogene mineralization at El Indio is grouped into two main ore-forming stages: Copper and Gold. The Copper stage is composed chiefly of enargite and pyrite forming massive veins up to 20 m wide, and is accompanied by alteration of the wall rocks to alunite, kaolinite, sericite, pyrite and quartz. The Gold stage consists of vein-filling quartz, pyrite, native gold, tennantite and subordinate amounts of a wide variety of telluride minerals. Associated with this stage is pervasive alteration of the wall rocks to sericite, kaolinite, quartz and minor pyrophyllite. The transition from copper to gold mineralization is marked by the alteration of enargite to tennantite and by minor deposition of sphalerite, galena, huebnerite, chalcopyrite and gold. Mineral stability relations indicate that there was a general decrease in the activity of S2 accompanied by variations in the activity of Te2 during the Gold stage.Fluid-inclusion data show homogenization temperatures ranging from about 220 to 280°C, with salinities on the order of 3–4 eq. wt. % NaCl for the Copper stage. The Gold-stage inclusions indicate a similar range in homogenization temperatures, but significantly lower salinities (0.1–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl). Fluid inclusions of transition minerals show a weak inverse relationship between homogenization temperatures (190–250°C) and salinities (3.4–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl), which may represent mixing of hotter Gold-stage fluids with cooler late-Copper-stage fluids. No evidence of boiling was found in fluid inclusions, but CO2 vapor-rich inclusions were identified in wall-rock quartz phenocrysts which pre-date copper and gold mineralization.Mineral stability calculations indicate that given a fairly restricted range of solution compositions, the Copper-, Transition- and Gold-stage minerals at El Indio could have been deposited from a single solution, with constant total dissolved sulfur which underwent reduction through time. Limited sulfur-isotope data indicates that pyrite from the Copper stage was not in isotopic equilibrium with Copper-stage alunite or Transition-stage sphalerite. The sulfur-isotope and fluid-inclusion data indicate that two fluids with comparable temperatures but different compositions flowed through the El Indio system. The earlier fluid deposited copper attended by sericite-alunite-kaolinite alteration, and later epithermal fluids deposited gold with quartz-sericite-kaolinite-pyrite alteration.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the seismic hazard considering local site effects by carrying out detailed geotechnical and geophysical site characterization in Bangalore, India to develop microzonation maps. An area of 220 km2, encompassing Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BMP) has been chosen as the study area. Seismic hazard analysis and microzonation of Bangalore are addressed in three parts: in the first part, estimation of seismic hazard is done using seismotectonic and geological information. Second part deals with site characterization using geotechnical and shallow geophysical techniques. In the last part, local site effects are assessed by carrying out one-dimensional (1-D) ground response analysis (using the program SHAKE2000) using both standard penetration test (SPT) data and shear wave velocity data from multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) survey. Further, field experiments using microtremor studies have also been carried out for evaluation of predominant frequency of the soil columns. The same has been assessed using 1-D ground response analysis and compared with microtremor results. Further, the Seed and Idriss simplified approach has been adopted to evaluate the soil liquefaction susceptibility and liquefaction resistance assessment. Microzonation maps have been prepared with a scale of 1:20,000. The detailed methodology, along with experimental details, collated data, results and maps are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

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