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Liu  Xiaoyan  Cai  Guojun  Liu  Lulu  Zhou  Zhijun 《Natural Hazards》2020,102(3):1369-1392
Natural Hazards - Frequent landslides have generated huge security threats and economic losses all over the world. As an important anti-slip retaining structure, anti-slide piles can maintain the...  相似文献   

Jiang  Junfeng  Zhao  Qihua  Zhu  Shuairun  Peng  Sheqin  Wu  Yonghong 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(3):2991-3019
Natural Hazards - A new approach is proposed to evaluate the non-limit active earth pressure in c–φ soil based on the horizontal slices method and limit equilibrium method, which takes...  相似文献   

横向载荷作用下刚性桩变位规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔新壮  丁桦  金青  李术才 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1092-1096
目前对横向受载刚性桩的研究主要集中在其承载力方面,对变化规律研究很少。为此提出了利用刚性桩上两点位移求桩上任意一点位移、桩回转中心位置及转角的方法。通过对粉质黏土中的刚性桩进行模型试验与数值计算发现,回转中心位置随位移和载荷的增大,先是急剧下降,然后变缓,最后基本趋于稳定,而且桩埋置参数与土力学参数对回转中心位置的变化规律影响很小;而桩的转角随位移增大近似线性变化。比较发现,由试验和数值计算得到的回转中心极限位置与由极限地基反力法得到的结果相差不大  相似文献   

In the recent past, in order to cater lateral loads, provision of fins to monopiles is evolving as an option for enhancing their lateral load capacity. Numerical and experimental studies pertaining to fin piles subjected to lateral loading are very limited. It is very difficult to understand the behaviour of fin piles through conventional soil pile theories, due to their different fin configurations. In the present study, three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed on regular piles (pile without fins) as well as fin piles. For fin piles, different fin lengths, orientation and position were considered during the analyses. The results have shown that fins placed at the top portion of the piles are more effective than fins placed at bottom of the pile. In all cases, fin piles exhibited more lateral load-carrying capacity compared to regular piles. When fin’s length is less than half of the pile length, lateral load-carrying capacity of fin piles is same irrespective of their orientation. However, fin’s orientation is significant, when fin length is more than 0.5 times length of piles, star fin piles exhibit more lateral load-carrying capacity compared to diagonal and straight fin piles. Fin piles experienced less bending moment compared to regular piles for a given lateral load. Further, it was also noticed that lateral load-carrying capacity of the fin piles depend upon fins’ length and their orientation.  相似文献   

周春梅  殷坤龙  罗冲 《岩土力学》2005,26(3):450-454
锚拉桩是一种有效的治理滑坡的支挡结构,已广泛用于三峡库区库岸滑坡治理中。分析了锚拉桩应用于水库库岸滑坡治理工程中存在的关键问题。由于水库库岸滑坡作用在锚拉桩上的滑坡推力的变化,应考虑施加在锚索上的预应力 锚索与桩的协调变形,在不改变锚索预应力的情况下,增大锚索变形产生的水平拉力,将减少作用在锚索上的总拉力。通过一算例,分析了过大的预应力作用在锚拉桩上使锚拉桩处于不利工作状态。并分析了锚索上受到的竖向附加荷载,这将恶化锚索的受力,同时,锚拉桩在水位变动带存在三种预应力损失。  相似文献   

宋林辉  梅国雄  宰金珉 《岩土力学》2007,28(5):1035-1039
桩与地基土之间的相互作用是横向承载桩研究的重要组成部分,相互作用的土反力是挠度和深度的非线性函数,即桩的变形和受力之间呈非线性变化,这种非线性导致了横向承载桩的分析计算十分繁杂。针对问题研究的复杂性,从考虑位移的朗肯土压力理论入手,根据桩出现挠度后引起周边土体的位移量,推导出桩周土反力表达式,在不引入任何地基模型的条件下计算桩身任意深度处基于桩体位移的土反力,简化了问题的分析过程。通过设定算例进行分析,所得出的结果与p-y曲线结果以及实际情况一致,证明了该计算方法的合理性。  相似文献   

预应力锚索抗滑桩治理滑坡应用研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
预应力锚索抗滑桩与普通抗滑桩相比,其受力状态更加合理。从将预应力锚索抗滑桩作为支程支挡结构的地质与物理模型出发,建立了力学与数学模型,得到该模型的内力分布的解析解,为其结构设计奠定了基础。将双参数法引入到土抗力模数或地基系数的计算并贯穿到整个结构计算中。分别按刚性桩和弹性桩两种物理模式,将锚索视为弹性绞支座,利用抗滑桩和锚索位移变形协调条件,计算出锚索的设计拉力及桩身的内力分布。结合三峡工程库区地质灾害治理的一个工程进行了应用,并将其与采用普通抗滑桩进行了技术与经济对比分析后,体现出这种抗滑结构的优越性。  相似文献   

Pile foundations are frequently subjected to cyclic lateral loads. Wave and wind loads on offshore structures will be applied in different directions and times during the design life of a structure. Therefore, the magnitude and direction of these loads in conjunction with the dead loads should be considered. This paper investigates a loading scenario where a monotonic lateral load is applied to a pile, followed by two‐way cycling in a direction perpendicular to the initial loading. This configuration is indicative of the complexity of loading that may be considered and is referred to in the paper as ‘T‐shaped’ loading. The energy‐based numerical model employed considers two‐dimensional lateral loading in an elasto‐plastic soil, with coupled behaviour between the two perpendicular directions by local yield surfaces along the length of the pile. The behaviour of the soil–pile system subjected to different loading combinations has been divided into four categories of shakedown previously proposed for cyclic loading of structures and soils. A design chart has been created to illustrate the type of pile behaviour for a given two‐dimensional loading scenario. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张爱军  莫海鸿  向玮 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2719-2723
在开挖、降雨或地震等外部因素作用下,边坡土体很容易进入局部或瞬态大变形乃至失稳滑动,使抗滑桩产生附加位移及弯矩。基于两阶段分析方法,采用Winkler模型模拟抗滑单桩与土之间的相互作用,建立单桩水平位移控制方程组,根据内力与位移的连续条件得到考虑不同土体侧移模式下求解桩身响应的矩阵解析表达式,并采用现场监测数据及Poulos弹性理论进行验证,证明该方法是合理可行的,并通过参数分析土体侧移对抗滑桩水平承载性状的影响程度。分析结果表明,土体侧移模式包括最大侧移值、分布形状及重心、侧移势等,对抗滑桩的挠度和弯矩均有显著影响,在工程设计中应予以充分重视。  相似文献   

抗滑桩已广泛应用于滑坡治理,但是对抗滑桩的监测研究还不够深入。通过测斜管监测抗滑桩的侧向位移,在文克勒弹性地基梁模型的基础上计算得到锚固段地层抗力,再运用力学平衡原理计算滑坡剩余下滑力值。对抗滑桩不同部位钢筋的受力进行监测,可求得各个截面处的弯矩。假设滑坡剩余下滑力的分布函数为一个二次多项式,由监测求得的滑坡剩余下滑力值和抗滑桩各截面弯矩,分析计算可得到该二次多项式。在求得抗滑桩所有作用力以后,就可以计算得到抗滑桩的弯矩和剪力分布图。与设计阶段采用的抗滑桩弯矩和剪力进行比较,就可以知道抗滑桩的抗滑效果,并为改进抗滑桩的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

We performed seismic waveform inversions and numerical landslide simulations of deep-seated landslides in Japan to understand the dynamic evolution of friction of the landslides. By comparing the forces obtained from a numerical simulation to those resolved from seismic waveform inversion, the coefficient of friction during sliding was well-constrained between 0.3 and 0.4 for landslides with volumes of 2–8 ×106 m3. We obtained similar coefficients of friction for landslides with similar scale and geology, and they are consistent with the empirical relationship between the volume and dynamic coefficient of friction obtained from the past studies. This hybrid method of the numerical simulation and seismic waveform inversion shows the possibility of reproducing or predicting the movement of a large-scale landslide. Our numerical simulation allows us to estimate the velocity distribution for each time step. The maximum velocity at the center of mass is 12–36 m/s and is proportional to the square root of the elevation change at the center of mass of the landslide body, which suggests that they can be estimated from the initial DEMs. About 20% of the total potential energy is transferred to the kinetic energy in our volume range. The combination of the seismic waveform inversion and the numerical simulation helps to obtain the well-constrained dynamic coefficients of friction and velocity distribution during sliding, which will be used in numerical models to estimate the hazard of potential landslides.  相似文献   

刘志峰  俞臻  何跃平  黄雨  陈宝  叶为民 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):855-859
有限元数值计算方法在岩土工程中已有较多的应用,但在水平受荷桩分析计算中的应用尚不普遍。有关水平受荷桩土体系水平承载力及变形的数值模拟方法少有文献报道。采用有限元数值模拟方法来研究水平受荷桩土体系的水平位移。首先简要分析了水平受荷桩的主要计算方法及原理。然后,基于ABAQUS软件建立了桩土系统二维及三维的有限单元模型,分别通过按现行规范推荐的m法和按Poulos的弹性理论法计算的两个算例,将数值计算方法与解析方法进行了对比计算分析。有限元数值计算结果与解析解基本吻合,说明了所采用有限元数值模拟方法的可靠性及有效性。  相似文献   

Degradation model for one-way cyclic lateral load on piles in soft clay   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The analysis of laterally loaded piles in soft clay is carried out idealising the pile as beam elements and the soil by nonlinear inelastic spring elements modeled with elasto-plastic sub-elements. The nonlinear hyperbolic model for static load condition is developed based on the undrained shear strength and modulus of subgrade reaction. An iterative procedure is adopted to perform a nonlinear finite element analysis and the effect of static lateral load on deflection is studied. Based on the lateral deflection at the end of first cycle (static load), the degradation factor is assumed and the p-y curve is modified. The cyclic load analysis is carried out using the static analysis program idealising the soil by modified p-y curve, which considers the effect of number of cycles and magnitude of cyclic lateral load. The results of the proposed analytical model compare well with the published experimental results, on piles subjected to one-way cyclic loading for different magnitude of cyclic lateral load and number of cycles.  相似文献   

崔新壮  丁桦 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1744-1748
为解释横向载荷作用下刚性桩的失稳机理,针对桩头自由的刚性桩做了一系列横向加载试验。基础土为粉质粘土,含水量介于9.85 %~13.85 %之间。由载荷-位移全过程曲线发现,刚性桩在横向载荷达到一定值时会失稳;由试验录像及土体剖面发现,由于土体的软化破坏,在桩后土体内会出现贯穿的局部破坏并形成一楔体,同时在土面伴随一不完全的椭圆形鼓包及一条平行于加载方向的拉伸裂缝,而在桩前土中,由于桩的挤压会形成一条侵彻沟。分析认为,对大位移刚性桩桩后土体的破坏是桩失稳的根本原因。  相似文献   

基于P-Y曲线法的水平受荷桩非线性有限元分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
苏静波  邵国建  刘宁 《岩土力学》2006,27(10):1781-1785
P-Y曲线法是一种非线性地基反力法,它考虑了土的非线性特性、分层特性、不同土类及荷载类型等因素,适用于分析横向荷载作用下有较大变位的桩结构物。从Newmark方法弹簧支座的概念出发,建立了桩土相互作用体系的接触非线性有限元分析模型,采用复合地基反力法的P-Y曲线公式,推导了作用于桩上的非线性弹簧弹性系数的计算公式,基于marc有限元软件编制了相应的计算程序,基于一阶Taylor随机有限元的思想,给出了土性参数对泥面位移的敏感性计算公式,结合试桩资料的计算结果验证提出方法是合理可行的。  相似文献   

The interaction between soil and rigid piles loaded laterally is analyzed with finite difference method. There is a little difference between computational and experimental value of bearing capacity of rigid piles. Effects of embedding dimensions of piles and mechanical parameters of soil on lateral bearing capacity of rigid piles are studied. It is found that the lateral bearing capacities of rigid piles have important relation with the elastic modulus of soil, have approximate linear relations with the cohesion of soil and the friction coefficient of pile-soil interface and increase obviously with the internal friction angle of soil. But the effects of dilation angle on the lateral bearing capacities of rigid piles are negligible. The relations of bearing capacities of rough piles with smooth piles and the friction coefficient of pile-soil interface are also obtained.  相似文献   

The plugging of pipe piles is an important phenomenon, which is not adequately accounted for in the current design recommendations. An open-ended pipe pile is said to be plugged when the soil inside the pile moves down with the pile, resulting in the pile becoming effectively closed-ended. Plugging is believed to result in an increase in the horizontal stresses between the pile and the surrounding soil, which results in an increase in skin friction. A total number of 60 model pile tests are carried out to investigate the behavior of plugs on the pile load capacity and the effects of plug removal. Different parameters are considered, such as pile diameter–to–length ratio, types of installation in sands of different densities, and removal of the plug in three stages (50, 75, and 100 %) with respect to the length of plug. The changes in the soil plug length and incremental filling ratio (IFR) with the penetration depth during pile driving show that the open-ended piles are partially plugged from the outset of the pile driving. The pile reached a fully plugged state for pressed piles in loose and medium sand and partially plugged (IFR = 10 %) in dense sand. For driven piles, the IFR is about 30 % in loose sand, 20 % in medium sand, and 30 % in dense sand. The pile load capacity increases with increases in the length of the plug length ratio (PLR). The rate of increase in the value of the pile load capacity with PLR is greater in dense sand than in medium and loose sand. Based on test results, new empirical relation for the estimation of the load carrying capacity of open-ended piles based on the IFR is proposed.  相似文献   

张玲  赵明华  赵衡 《岩土力学》2012,33(8):2543-2550
将桩基承台梁视为置于弹性地基上的有限长梁,将竖向桩体及承台梁下桩间土体视为刚度不同的弹簧系列,基于Winkler弹性地基梁理论,推导出考虑桩土共同工作的承台梁竖向位移控制微分方程,并给出其幂级数半解析解,进而导得了在集中荷载、外加弯矩及分布荷载共同作用下桩基承台梁的竖向位移、转角、弯矩及剪力的计算公式。最后通过与链杆法、Newmark法的比较,验证了本文幂级数解答的正确性。在此基础上,探讨分析了基桩差异性、承台梁下土体作用、桩径及荷载形式等因素对桩基承台梁受力变形的影响。研究表明:当考虑上述因素影响时,桩基承台梁的竖向变形、弯矩及桩顶反力均发生不同程度的变化,因此,在实际的设计计算中应予以考虑。  相似文献   

A simple numerical procedure for the solution of the non-linear differential equation is presented. Such an equation with the appropriate boundary conditions is often encountered in the analysis of piles subjected to lateral loads and bending moments. The method is suitable for application using a microcomputer of limited memory capacity and the extension of the procedure to cover the solution to the equation 4+f(u, y) = 0 which governs the mode of deformation of slab-on-grades is possible and straight-forward.  相似文献   

轴向荷载对斜桩水平承载特性影响试验及理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斜群桩受水平荷载作用时,群桩中的基桩受到径向荷载、轴向荷载和弯矩的共同作用。为研究轴向荷载对斜桩水平承载特性的影响,完成了3根单桩以及1组1×2斜桩的大尺寸模型试验。试验结果表明:轴向拉力作用会降低斜桩的水平刚度和极限承载力;而轴向压力作用则会使其水平刚度和极限承载力提高。基于桩侧浅层土体楔形破坏假定,推导了考虑轴向荷载影响的斜桩水平极限土抗力计算公式,提出了桩侧土抗力的p-y曲线方法,并通过模型试验及现场试验验证其合理性。  相似文献   

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