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The problem of earth thrust for a massive building in a seismic environment is analysed. Intertial and kinematic soil-structure interactions are considered by modelling the soil and the structure together. The problem is solved in the frequency domain by using the computer code FLUSH. Results show that the horizontal component of the seismic earth thrust is much greater than that obtained when applying the Mononobe-Okabe theory. This study establishes a set of conclusicns and recommendations for both design and practical purposes, and proposes future lines of investigation. 相似文献
《Geomechanics and Geoengineering》2013,8(4):275-289
Failure of retaining walls during earthquakes has occurred many times in the past. Although significant progress has been made in analysing the seismic response of rigid gravity type retaining walls, considerable difficulties still exist in the seismic-resistant design of the flexible cantilever type of retaining walls because of the complex nature of the dynamic soil–structure interaction. In this paper the seismic response of cantilever retaining walls with dry backfill is simulated using centrifuge modelling and numerical modelling. It is found that bending moments on the wall increased significantly during an earthquake. After the end of base shaking, the residual moment on the wall was significantly higher than the moment under static loading. The numerical simulation is able to model quite accurately the main characteristics of acceleration, bending moment, and displacement recorded in the centrifuge test. 相似文献
Seismic response analysis of geosynthetic reinforced soil segmental retaining walls by finite element method 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The paper presents the results of a finite element analysis of the dynamic response of a geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining wall that is constructed with dry-stacked modular concrete blocks as the facia system. In the finite element model, the cyclic shear behavior of the backfill soil is described by a hyperbolic stress-strain relationship with Masing hysteretic unload-reload behavior. The reinforcement material is modelled using a similar hysteretic model which takes into account the measured response of cyclic load-extension tests performed on unconfined geogrid specimens in the laboratory. Interface shear between wall components is simulated using slip elements. The results of finite element analyses giving the seismic response of a typical geogrid reinforced segmental retaining wall subjected to prescribed acceleration records are presented. The results of analyses highlight the influence of dynamic loading on: (1) wall displacement; (2) cumulative interface shear force and displacement between facing units; (3) tensile forces developed in the reinforcement and; (4) acceleration response over the height of the wall. A number of implications to the design of these structures are identified based on the results of these simulations. 相似文献
Seismic active earth pressure on walls with bilinear backface using pseudo-dynamic approach 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper presents a study on the seismic active earth pressure behind a rigid cantilever retaining wall with bilinear backface using pseudo-dynamic approach. The wall has sudden change in inclination along its depth and a planar failure surface has been considered behind the retaining wall. The effects of a wide range of parameters like soil friction angle, wall inclination, wall friction angle, amplification of vibration, variation of shear modulus, and horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations on the active earth pressure have been explored in the present study. Unlike the Mononobe-Okabe method, which incorporates pseudo-static analysis, the present analysis predicts a nonlinear variation of active earth pressure along the wall. The results have been compared with the existing values in the literature. 相似文献
Chakraborty Sayantan Bheemasetti Tejo V. Das Jasaswee T. Puppala Anand J. 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(11):3095-3110
Acta Geotechnica - The seismic response of a highly heterogeneous hydraulic fill dam was evaluated by studying the natural frequencies of the first and second modes of vibration and analyzing the... 相似文献
Natural Hazards - In this paper, the seismic behavior of the existing reinforced concrete tall building is investigated by using the linear and nonlinear dynamic methods. The selected existing... 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - Designing structures to be the least vulnerable within earthquake-prone areas is a serious challenge for structural engineers. One common and useful tool that structural... 相似文献
L型挡土墙滑裂面确定方法与地震稳定性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了L型挡土墙两种破坏模式,即长踵板式和短踵板式,且破坏模式受几何参数和物理力学参数影响。研究了两种破坏模式下L型挡土墙滑裂面确定方法和地震稳定性问题,界定了两种破坏模式的临界条件。考虑第二、第三滑裂面产生条件,应用极限分析运动学原理,建立地震荷载作用下L型挡土墙临界状态方程,推导出地震加速度系数表达式。根据极值原理,给出最优解,从而计算得到临界屈服加速度系数及其对应的滑裂面倾角。通过算例分析可知:临界屈服加速度系数小于M-O公式法,长踵板式L型挡土墙滑裂面倾角与坦墙判别公式结果相同,且滑裂面之间的夹角等于90o-φ,即与滑移线场的结论相同。短踵板式L型挡土墙滑裂面夹角近似等于90o-φ。 相似文献
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(5-6):148-157
We present a framework for simulating the measurement of seismic anisotropy in a model inner core by computing travel time residuals of synthetic seismic rays propagated through the model. The method is first tested on simple inner core structural models consisting of layers with distinct anisotropy, as often proposed in the literature. Those models are not consistent with geodynamics. Hence, we extend the method to a numerically grown inner core composed of ɛ-Fe with flow generated from an excess of crystallization in the equatorial belt, inducing polycrystalline textures. The global inner core anisotropy is seven times smaller than that of the single-crystal. Compositional stratification amplifies the global anisotropy by 15% while the addition of solidification textures reduces it by a factor of two. As such, and within the tested geodynamical models, no published elastic model of ɛ-Fe at inner core conditions allows one to reproduce the 3% cylindrical anisotropy reported in seismology publications. In addition, our models demonstrate that additional information, such as the depth dependence and the spread of the observed anisotropy is a key for revealing the dynamics and history of the inner core. 相似文献
强震作用下常规锚索往往会因材料变形能力不足导致应力过载而被拉断,一旦锚索失效将直接危及整个锚固结构的安全。为研究自适应锚索的动力响应规律以及在自适应锚索支护下锚固边坡的动力特性,以新型抗震锚索为原型,设计自适应锚索锚固岩质边坡试验模型,并利用振动台试验系统对试验模型进行加载。试验中采用正弦波、天津波、EI波以及Taft波等4种地震波进行研究,监测锚索的应变和边坡动力响应。结果表明:锚索的轴力和地震波幅值、类型、地震激励频率等因素密切相关;锚固边坡坡面加速度及位移沿边坡高程均有不同程度的放大,相对于无锚索支护边坡,锚固边坡坡面加速度和位移峰值均有减小;自适应锚索随着预设滑移恒阻力的不同,锚索会产生不滑移、瞬间滑移、逐步滑移3种工况,对应的锚索应变时程曲线和锚固边坡动力安全系数时程具有显著不同的特征;自适应锚索滑移工况下,滑体的安全系数虽然有局部减小的阶段,但是锚固结构的安全储备较大,可适应边坡大变形和瞬态冲击荷载的作用。试验结果可为强震区路堑边坡的支护和自适应锚索抗震设计提供一定参考。 相似文献
指数函数剪切模量土层的地震随机反应 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于改进的一维剪切梁模型[1],对剪切模量为其深度的某一指数函数的成层非均质土层,推导了确定自振频率、振型函数、参与系数及稳态动力响应的封闭型解析表达式。首次证明了这种土层振型函数的正交性,利用随机振动理论,并基于基岩输入地震加速度的功率谱密度函数:白噪声谱和过滤白噪声谱,研究了该土层对地震的随机动力响应问题。计算表明:(1)在基岩输入地震加速度的功率谱为白噪声谱的情况下,土层的最大期望反应,均有别于过滤白噪声谱时的相应值。(2)平稳输入与输出过高地估计了土层的随机响应。 相似文献
基坑开挖对邻近不同刚度建筑物影响的三维有限元分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
受各种因素的影响,基坑邻近建筑物的刚度差异显著。为了解基坑开挖对邻近不同刚度建筑物的影响,在考虑土体小应变刚度行为的基础上,对基坑邻近不同刚度建筑物的变形展开精细化分析。算例结果表明:对于任意刚度的建筑物,当其跨越坑外沉降槽最低点以及上凸曲率最大点时,墙体所产生的拉应变最为显著,即此时对于任意刚度的建筑物来说,均为最为不利位置。随着建筑物刚度的增大,墙体挠度值与拉应变值呈对数曲线下降。当建筑物整体刚度较差时,其墙体拉应变更主要取决于坑外沉降幅度,而受自身刚度影响较小。当建筑物刚度较大时,在基坑变形的影响下,建筑物更主要表现为刚体运动,而自身内部变形则相对较小。 相似文献
考虑桩-土作用的高速列车-桥梁地震响应分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于空间梁单元有限元法,建立了两种高速铁路多跨简支梁桥的全桥空间分析模型,一种是包括桩基的列车-桥梁模型,给出成层土的动力阻抗,采用改进的Penzien模型模拟桩-土作用;一种是不考虑桩-土作用的墩底固结的列车-桥梁模型;分析了两种模型的自振特性,计算了两种模型在不同车速、墩高、地震强度、不同地震波等工况下的地震反应。计算结果表明,桥梁横向位移、加速度主要受到低频成分的影响,这部分频率与其底部地震波相互反馈,改变了地基运动的频谱组成,使接近于桥梁结构自振频率的分量获得加强,考虑桩-土作用后,横向位移/加速度增加较大;桥梁竖向振动频率受桩-土作用影响较小,随墩高和车速的增加梁体竖向位移增加不大,梁体竖向加速度受高频成分的影响较大,这些高频主要由车辆荷载和轨道不平顺引起。 相似文献
不同埋置深度的山岭隧道地震响应分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据大量震害资料的调查分析发现,地下结构埋置深度对其地震破坏程度影响很大。通过有限元方法计算8种不同埋置深度条件下的山岭隧道地震响应,并对计算模型的地震输入方法进行了验证,证明地震波输入处理方式的合理性。讨论埋深对结构动力响应的影响,提取衬砌关键节点的竖直向和水平向加速度、位移峰值,分析随着埋深的增大,加速度和位移峰值的变化情况,并以拱顶为例,计算每个埋深变化段的加速度和位移峰值变化率,得到了一定的规律性,如埋置深度从5 m增大到50 m,衬砌结构动力响应峰值大小下降较快。此外,还分析了埋深增大对衬砌结构内力峰值的影响。最后,提出在高烈度地震区修建隧道时其埋置深度尽可能不小于50 m,这为相关工程的修建提供了参考依据。 相似文献
土工结构的震害调查表明,桩板墙具备优良的抗震性能,安装锚索之后效果更佳。尽管如此,目前关于桩板墙的研究大多数集中于静力方面,对于动力响应情况和抗震工作机制的研究较少,关于两类典型桩板墙,即桩板墙和锚索桩板墙的地震响应特性的对比研究未见报道。基于此,将桩板墙和锚索桩板墙进行了同台的大型振动台模型试验,对比分析了两种结构的地震响应特性。试验结果表明:两种结构的土压力、锚索拉力和桩身位移地震时程响应规律均与输入的地震动参数密切相关,如曲线形状和变化趋势,并且它们的峰值出现时刻与地震动加速度峰值出现时刻基本一致。锚索的安装,能更好地保持边坡的稳定性和有效限制桩身变形,尤其是在高地震烈度区,当土体非线性增强时,优势体现愈发明显,即预应力锚索会产生减小桩身位移的效果,特别是当地震系数为0.4时,普通桩板墙的位移达到预应力锚索桩板墙的2.4倍。此外,锚索拉力的施加,能够使桩对土体产生"主动"的反压力,两种结构在静力和地震系数为0.1的工况下桩背所受的滑坡推力基本一致,嵌固段土体抗力的差距也不明显,实测点强度的最大差异不超过20%,说明锚索的作用没有得到充分发挥;但当地震系数大于等于0.2后,锚索作用开始体现,桩土变形的协调性更好,桩背与滑体的相互作用力增大,土体抗力较桩板墙大幅度减小,更有利于边坡的稳定。同时,锚索拉力的作用使结构的悬臂段桩身内力较大,在进行结构设计时,相比于普通桩板墙,锚索桩板墙应加强悬臂段,可以适当弱化嵌固段。分析成果可供高烈度地震区桩板墙的抗震设计、灾后恢复重建及今后相关规范修订参考。 相似文献