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The results of long-term monitoring of irregularies in the rotation rate of the pulsar B1822-09 (J1825-0935) are presented. Observations of the pulsar carried out since 1991 on the Large Phased Array of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory have revealed a new type of irregularity in the rotation, which has the form of “slow glitches” and is manifest as a gradual exponential growth in the rotation frequency of the star over several hundred days. In 1995–2004, five slow glitches in the rotation frequency were observed, with relative amplitudes of Δν/ν ~ (2.5-32) × 10?9. Together with these unusual “slow glitches” in the rotation frequency, two modest ordinary glitches, associated with sudden, jump-like increases in the rotation frequency, were also observed. The observed irregularities in the rotation frequency of the pulsar are analyzed in detail, and possible interpretations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The pulse structure of the pulsar B1822-09 has been studied at 112, 62, and 42 MHz. The observations were conducted in 2010 on the Large Scanning Antenna and the DKR-1000 radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The shape of the main pulse and interpulse undergo considerable changes at low radio frequencies. In the main pulse, the precursor disappears and is replaced by a new component that trails 50 ms behind the main component. At 62 MHz, the interpulse acquires a pronounced two-peaked shape. At 62 and 112 MHz, as well as at higher frequencies, the brighter second component of the interpulse follows the main pulse at 185° and has a relative amplitude of about 5%. The main pulse width changes with frequency according to the power law W 0.5ν −0.15 in the frequency range 42–4750-MHz. The interpulse width follows this law only in the range 325–4750 MHz; at 112, 102, and 62 MHz, the interpulse is almost a factor of three broader than themain pulse. The parameters of the pulse’s scattering on interstellar plasma inhomogeneities and the initial pulse width before it enters the scattering medium have been measured at 62 and 42 MHz. The frequency dependence of the characteristic scale for scattering of the pulses of B1822-09 corresponds to a Kolmogorov spectrum for the electron-density fluctuations in the interstellar medium in the direction toward this pulsar.  相似文献   

The dependence of the scatter broadening of extragalactic sources on the dispersion measures of distant pulsars observed along nearby lines of sight and the dependence of broadening of pulsar pulses on the scatter broadening observed for the pulsars themselves and for extragalactic sources observed along nearby lines of sight are constructed and analyzed. These dependences can be used to study turbulent plasma in the Galaxy. The effective scattering layer in the direction toward the pulsar B1933+16 is located in the Sagittarius arm at a distance of ≈3.4 kpc from the observer, and has an extent of ≈0.55 kpc. The scatter broadening and pulse broadening of B0833-45 are due to the turbulent medium in the shell of the Gum Nebula. The distance from the pulsar to the center of the scattering layer is≈43 pc. Data on scattering of the radiation of the pulsar B1818-04 and of the extragalactic source J1821-0502, together with data on the distribution of OB stars in the direction toward this pulsar, are used to show that the distance to the pulsar is ≈0.6 kpc; an H II region around the O7V star HD 171198, located 0.42 kpc from the Sun, is responsible for the scattering of this pulsar’s radiation.  相似文献   

We have measured the pulse broadening by scattering at 40, 60, and 111 MHz for the pulsars PSR B0809+74, B0950+08, B1919+21, and B2303+30. The frequency dependence of the scatter-broadening parameter is analyzed based on these measurements and data from the literature. The dependence obtained purely from the literature data is not consistent with the theory, and the scattering magnitudes differs considerably from the data of the catalog of 706 pulsars of Taylor et al. A two-component model for the frequency dependence of the scattering of the pulsar radio emission in the interstellar medium is proposed. Allowing for the presence of two scattering scales removes both inconsistencies between the observational data for these four pulsars and differences between the observed and theoretical frequency dependences for the scattering, as well as the need to invoke anomalous scattering magnitudes. The data of the catalog of Taylor et al. need to be corrected for the difference in the scattering magnitudes in the two branches of the frequency dependence.  相似文献   

Analysis of individual pulses of the pulsar B0950+08 at 112 MHz has shown that giant pulses with intensities exceeding the peak amplitude of the mean profile at these longitudes by two orders of magnitude are observed at the longitudes of all three components of the mean pulsar profile (the precursor and two-component main pulse). The maximum peak flux density of a recorded pulse is 15 240 Jy, and the energy of this pulse exceeds the mean pulse energy by a factor of 153. Strong but infrequent pulses at the longitude of the first component (precursor) can reach peak flux densities of 5750 Jy, exceeding the amplitude of the mean profile at this longitude by a factor of 490. It is shown that the emission at the precursor longitudes is virtually absent when giant pulses appear at the main-pulse longitudes, and vice versa: the presence of giant pulses at the precursor longitude results in the absence or considerable attenuation of the emission at other longitudes. The analysis shows that the cumulative probability function of the pulse peak flux densities has a piecewise power-law form. The power-law index for pulses with intensities exceeding 600 Jy appearing at the longitudes of the main pulse in the mean profile varies from n 1 = ?1.25 ± 0.04 to n 2 = ?1.84 ± 0.07. The obtained pulse energy distribution also has an inflection at E > 3000 Jy ms and a power-law form with the same index. The distribution of the pulse intensities at the precursor longitude was obtained, and forms a power law with index n = ?1.5 ± 0.1. The studied properties of the pulses at various longitudes of the mean profile are interpreted in the framework of induced scattering of the main-pulse emission by particles of ultrarelativistic, strongly magnetized plasma in the pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Results of timing measurements of the pulsar PSR B0329+54 obtained in 1968–2012 using the Big Scanning Antenna of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (at 102 and 111 MHz), the DSS 13 and DSS 14 telescopes of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2388 MHz), and the 64 m telescope of the Kalyazin Radio Astronomy Observatory (610 MHz) are presented. The astrometric and rotational parameters of the pulsar are derived at a new epoch. Periodic variations in the barycentric timing residuals have been found, which can be explained by the presence of a planet orbiting the pulsar, with an orbital period P1 = 27.8 yr, mass m c sin i = 2M?, and orbital semi-major axis a = 10.26 AU. The results of this study do not confirm existence of a proposed second planet with orbital period P2 = 3 yr.  相似文献   

Results of a new series of observations of the anomalous pulsar B0943+10 carried out on the Large Scanning Antenna and DKR-1000 radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory at 112 and 62 MHz, respectively, are presented. Several hundred pulse-arrival times (PATs) obtained on various days in 2013–2016 that correspond to the burst (B) mode emission are analyzed. A method for establishing the many-hour pulse shift in the emission window from 3.5-minute fragments is proposed. The delay of the mean pulse relative to the pre-calculated value follows an exponential law with a relaxation time of about 47 minutes. The pulse delay grows by 6 ms during the five hours following the onset of a burst. The random scatter of the residual PAT deviations is comparable to the amplitude of the systematic variations in these times over the lifetime of the B mode. These observations show that the character of the pulse delay as a function of time is the same at 112 and 62 MHz.  相似文献   

Simultaneous dual-frequency observations of giant radio pulses from the millisecond pulsar B1937+21 were performed for the first time in January–February 2002 on the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (2210–2250 MHz) and the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope (1414–1446 MHz). The total observing time was about three hours. Ten giant pulses with peak flux densities from 600 to 1800 Jy were detected at 2210–2250 MHz, and fifteen giant pulses with peak flux densities from 3000 to 10000 Jy were observed at 1414–1446 MHz. No events were found to occur simultaneously at both frequencies. Thus, the observed radio spectra of individual giant pulses of this pulsar are limited in frequency to scales of about \(\frac{{\Delta v}}{v} < 0.5\). The duration of the giant pulses is less than 100 ns and is consistent with the expected scattering timescale in these frequency ranges. Instantaneous radio spectra of the detected giant pulses were compared with the diffractive spectra obtained from ordinary pulses of the pulsar. In some cases, considerable deviations of the radio spectra of the giant pulses from the diffractive spectrum were revealed, which can be interpreted as indicating temporal structure of the giant pulses on timescales of 10–100 ns.  相似文献   

An analysis of monitoring observations for the pulsar PSR B0655+64, which is located in a binary system, at 111 MHz during 2002–2015 are presented. The Keplerian parameters of the pulsar have been refived: the longitude of periastron ω = 276.°5785 ± 0.°0005 and the orbital semi-major axis is ap sin i = 4.124976± 0.000003 s. The parameters of the perturbed motion have been determined: the motion of periastron ω = 0.°315 ± 0.°005/ year, and the derivative of the period of the binary system ? = (-1.66 ± 0.11) × 10-14 s/s = (-0.524 ± 0.038) µs/year. The estimated time scale for the decay of the PSR 0655+64 system is (1.7 ± 0.1) × 1011 yrs.  相似文献   

The pulsar PSR B2111+46 has been observed at 112 MHz, and a new approach to analyzing pulsar pulses scattered in turbulent interstellar plasma applied. This method is based on the dependence of the normalized energy in the trailing part of a pulse on the intrapulse time. Since the trailing edge of a pulse follow exponential law to high accuracy, the inner turbulence scale of the interstellar plasma exceeds the field coherence scale. The measured scattering parameter is τ sc = 147 ± 1 ms. Analysis of the parameters of diffractive and refractive scintillations of the pulsar at 610 MHz together with the 112 MHz data shows that the spectrum of the interstellar plasma toward PSR B2111+46 is a piecewise power law: on scales of 1013–1014 cm, the exponent of the turbulence spectrum is n ≃ 4, whereas n = 3.5 on scales of 2 × 108−1013 cm. The spectrum flattens with approach to the inner turbulence scale l: n = 3–3.2. The obtained inner turbulence scale is l = (3.5 ± 1.5) × 107 cm. The distribution of the interstellar plasma toward the pulsar is close to statistically homogeneous. The local density (N e = 0.4 cm−3) and filling factor (F = 0.04) of the interstellar plasma have been estimated. The similarity of N e estimates obtained from the inner scale of the inhomogeneities and the ratio of the emission measure to the dispersion measure provides evidence that the inner turbulence scale corresponds to the ion inertial length.  相似文献   

Timing of the anomalous pulsar PSR B0943+10 during 2007–2013 was carried out on the Large Phased Array radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory at 112 MHz. The astrometric and rotational parameters for epoch MJD=56 500 have been determined. Considerable deviations of the pulse times of arrival from the precalculated values with a characteristic period of several years due to the presence of correlated low-frequency noise in the pulsar spin phase have been detected. These deviations can be explained in a planetary model by the presence of two companions of the pulsar, whose orbital parameters have been determined. A continuous increase in the longitude of the pulse maximum within the emission window, the pulse width, and the intensity have been detected after each switch to the burst mode. Together with the changes in pulse shape, degree of linear polarization of the pulse, and drift rate of individual pulses detected earlier, this indicates that all the main parameters of the radio emission in the B mode are unstable. This distinguishes PSR B0943+10 from all other modes-witching pulsars. The origin of the observed properties of this pulsar are probably associated with the interaction of its extended magnetosphere with the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

The structure of the interstellar plasma in the direction of the pulsar in the Crab Nebula is studied using several sets of space-VLBI observations obtained with networks of ground telescopes and the RadioAstron space antenna at 18 and 92 cm. Six observing sessions spanning two years are analyzed. Giant pulses are used to probe the cosmic plasma, making it possible to measure the scattering parameters without averaging. More than 4000 giant pulses were detected. The interferometer responses (visibility functions) on ground and ground–space baselines are analyzed. On the ground baselines, the visibility function as a function of delay is dominated by a narrow feature at zero delay with a width of δτ ~ 1/B, where B is the receiver bandwidth. This is typical for compact continuum sources. On the ground–space baselines, the visibility function contains a set of features superposed on each other and distributed within a certain interval of delays, which we identify with the scattering time for the interfering rays τ. The amplitude of the visibility function on ground baselines falls with increasing baseline; the scattering disk is partially resolved at 18 cmand fully resolved at 92 cm. Estimates of the scattering angle ? give 0.5–1.3mas at 18 cm and 14.0 mas at 92 cm. The measured values of ? and τ are compared to estimate the distance from the source to the effective scattering screen, which is found at various epochs to be located at distances from 0.33 to 0.96 of the distance from the observer to the pulsar, about 2 kpc. The screen is close to the Crab Nebula at epochs of strong scattering, confirming that scattering on inhomogeneities in the plasma in the vicinity of the nebula itself dominates at these epochs.  相似文献   

Times of switches from the normal to the abnormal radiation mode have been recorded in observations of individual pulses of pulsar B0329+54 using the Large Phased Array of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory at 111.4 MHz. The variations in the amplitudes of the outer components that accompany the switch to the abnormal pulse profile occurred simultaneously in only half the cases. The phase of component IV of the integrated pulse does not vary during mode switches. In half the cases, instantaneous variations of the phases of component I and the central component during mode switches may be preceeded by additional smooth variations of the phases of individual pulses occuring over several minutes. We detected a decrease in the linear polarization of the central component by, on average, 8% in the abnormal mode for the integrated pulse, due to variations in the relative intensities of two orthogonally polarized modes of the pulsar radiation.  相似文献   

Measurements of the broadening of pulsar pulses by scattering in the interstellar medium are presented for a complete sample of 100 pulsars with Galactic longitudes from 6° to 311° and distances to three kiloparsec. The dependences of the scattering on the dispersion measure (τ sc(DM) ∝ DMα), frequency (τ sc(v) ∝ v ?γ ), Galactic longitude, and distance to the pulsar are analyzed. The dependence of the scattering on the dispersion measure in the near-solar neighbourhood can be represented by the power law τ sc(DM) ∝ DM2.2±0.1). Measurements at the low frequencies 111, 60, and 40 MHz and literature data are used to derive the frequency dependence of the scattering (τ sc(v) ∝ V ?γ ) over a wide frequency interval (covering a range of less than 10: 1) with no fewer than five frequencies. The index for the frequency dependence, γ = 4.1 ± 0.3, corresponds to a normal distribution for inhomogeneities in the turbulence in the scattering medium. Based on an analysis of the dependence of the scattering on the distance to the pulsar and on Galactic longitude, on average, the turbulence level C n 2 is the same in all directions and at all distances out to about three kpc, testifying to the statistical homogeneity of the turbulence of the scattering medium in the near-solar region of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

The results of observations of the radio emission profiles of the Geminga pulsar at 102.5, 87, 58, and 39 MHz are reported. Individual pulses are presented for the first time, and rare occasions of strong emission over the entire pulsar rotation period have been detected. A detailed analysis of the shapes, durations, and arrival phases of the pulses at 102.5 MHz is presented. These data reflect the unique character of the radio emission of Geminga.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of timing data for the pulsar PSR B0329+54 obtained in 1968–2012 on the Large Scanning Antenna of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory at 111 MHz, the 64 m DSS-14 telescope of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at 2.3 GHz, and the 64 m telescope of the Kalyazin Radio Astronomy Observatory at 610 MHz are presented. The astrometric and spin parameters of the pulsar are derived at a new epoch. The coordinates of the pulsar and its proper motion measured at the three frequencies differ. These differences have a systematic character, and are interpreted as a secular, refractive shift in the apparent position of the pulsar that arises because it is observed through large-scale inhomogeneities of the interstellar medium, leading to variations in the angle of refraction.  相似文献   

An approximate method for calculating the returning positron flux in the polar-cap regions of a radio pulsar is proposed. The pulsar is considered in the Goldreich-Julian model for a regime of free-electron emission from the neutron-star surface in the region of open lines of the dipolar magnetic field. Calculations have been done for the case when the dipolar magnetic moment is aligned with the star's rotational axis. The acceleration of primary electrons is assumed to occur near the neutron-star surface on scales comparable to the transverse radius of the tube of open field lines. The generation of electron-positron pairs by curvature radiation of the primary electrons is taken into account. A considerable contribution to the returning flux is made by the region where the electric field is screened by the electron-positron plasma.  相似文献   

We present the results of radio sounding observations probing the inner solar wind near the minimum of the solar-activity cycle, using polarized pulses from PSR B0525+21 and PSR B0531+21 received when the lines of sight toward these pulsars were close to the Sun. The observations were obtained in June 2005 and June 2007 on the Large Phased Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute at 111 MHz. An upper limit for the scattering of giant pulses from PSR B0531+21 due to their passage through the turbulent solar-wind plasma is determined. The arrival-time delays for pulses from PSR B0531+21 are used to derive the radial dependence of the mean density of the circumsolar plasma. The resulting density distribution indicates that the acceleration of fast, high-latitude solar-wind outflows continues to heliocentric distances of 5–10R , where R is the solar radius. The mean plasma density at heliocentric distances of about 5R is 1.4 × 104 cm?3, substantially lower than at the solar-activity maximum. This is associated with the presence of polar coronal holes. The Faraday rotation measure at heliocentric distances of 6–7R is estimated. Deviations of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field from spherical symmetry are comparatively modest in the studied range of heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

中远两湾城(一期)B14基坑采用锚喷网(土钉)支护法获得成功。施工中通过动态监测反馈到施工过程,及时调整支护参数;对于深五米以上地段增加了竖向注浆锚管以防止深部滑移;最大限度地缩短各分层的支护施工时间,从而有效控制各阶段边壁的变形,确保基坑边壁整体稳定。同时对基坑内进行轻型井点抽水和明排水,以保持施工作业过程的干燥。  相似文献   

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