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A special type of auroral forms has been revealed in the southern polar cap on the basis of Vostok station data. There are hook-shaped arcs consisting of sun-aligned polar cap arcs which convert into latitude-oriented oval arcs. These hook-shaped arcs are seen in the southern polar cap only when Bz, component of the IMF is northward and Bx > 0. The sun-aligned arcs are grouped in the prenoon sector when By is positive and they are displaced in the afternoon sector when By is negative. When By is near zero the sun-aligned arcs are set almost symmetrically relative to the noon meridian. If the hook-shaped arcs display a convection pattern, the occurrence of twin hooks would seem to be in favour of a throat form of the sunward plasma flows exiting the polar cap.  相似文献   

A new type of polar cap aurora, dawn–dusk aligned polar cap aurora (DDAPCA), was detected during the exceptionally intense January 21, 2005 substorm (AEmax=3504 nT). The DDAPCA was located at very high latitude (>85° MLAT) in the polar cap region. As the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) GSM By component rotated from a positive to a negative value, the DDAPCA tilt angle relative to the dawn–dusk direction rotated anticlockwise and reached ∼45°. It is speculated that the DDAPCA arises from the formation of an X-line in the distant (>80RE) tail due to polar cap magnetic field reconnection under unusually high solar wind compression conditions.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1987,35(10):1301-1316
The magnetic field vector residuals observed from the Magsat satellite have been used to obtain the dependence of the polar cap boundary and the current system on IMF for quiet and mildly disturbed conditions (Kp ⩽ 3 +). The study has been carried out for the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere. “Shear reversals” (SRs) in vector residuals indicative of the infinite current sheet approximation of the field-aligned currents (FACs) indicate roughly the polar cap boundary or the poleward boundary of the plasma sheet. This is also the poleward edge of the region 1 FACs. The SR is defined to occur at the latitude where the vector goes to minimum and changes direction by approximately 180°.It is found that SRs mainly occur when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has a southward-directed Bz- component and in the latitude range of about 70°–80°. SRs in the dusk sector occur predominantly when the azimuthal component By is positive and in the dawn sector when By is negative, irrespective of the sign of Bz These results agree with the known merging process of IMF with magnetopause field lines. When SRs occur on both dawn and dusk sectors, the residuals over the entire polar cap are nearly uniform in direction and magnitude, indicating negligible polar currents. Similar behaviour is observed during highly disturbed conditions usually associated with large negative values of Bz.Forty-one Magsat orbits with such SRs are quantitatively modelled for preliminary case studies of the resulting current distribution. It is found that SRs, in the plane perpendicular to the geomagnetic field, for the current vectors and the magnetic vector residuals (perturbations relative to the unperturbed field) occur at almost the same latitudes. The electrojet intensities range from 1.2 × 104 to 6.5 × 105 A (amperes). A preliminary classification of polar cap boundary crossings characterized by vector rotations rather than SRs also shows that they tend to occur mainly for negative Bz.  相似文献   

A coronal condensation was observed simultaneously with Fexiv 5303, Fex 6374, Fe xi 7892, and H filtergraphs. The size and shape of the condensation in 5303 are different from those in other filtergrams. H filtergrams taken around the eclipse time show that a small transient prominence exists in close proximity to the condensation core and behaves like a post-flare loop system, though the appearance is quite different and no flare-report exists. A small-scale energetic phenomenon seems to have occurred at the top of magnetic loops.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 285.  相似文献   

During the second interval of the Study of Travelling Interplanetary Phenomena (STIP, 20 March–5 May, 1976) a series of solar, interplanetary, geomagnetic and cosmic-ray events have occurred. These are surprising events, since this period falls into the minimum of the solar activity of the past solar cycle. The present analysis is concentrated on Forbush decreases, cosmic-ray increases, geomagnetic variations and the related solar wind disturbances recorded by the heliocentric satellites Helios-1, 2 and the geocentric IMP-8, in the period 23 March–7 April, 1976. The cosmic-ray enhancements on 26 March and 1 April were of geomagnetic origin and particularly expressed in middle latitude stations during the largeDst magnetic field depressions. The detected multiple Forbush decreases are related with the type IV solar flares, all produced by the same active region (McMath Plage 14143). The relative positions among the satellites Helios-1, 2, the Sun, and the Earth were very favorable in this period for studying these events, since Helios-1 approached the Sun to its perihelion and Helios-2 was lined-up with the Earth. Helios-2 detected two shock fronts on 30 March and 1 April, respectively, and Helios-1 detected a tangential discontinuity on 26 March. An attempt is made to relate these shock fronts with the erupted solar flares and Storm Sudden Commencements (SSC) recorded on the Earth and to estimate a lower limit of the deceleration distance of the involved shock waves.  相似文献   

During the period October to December 1981, the Dynamics Explorer-2 (DE-2) spacecraft successively observed the South polar and the North polar regions, and recorded the temperature, composition and dynamical structure of the upper thermosphere. In October 1981, perigee was about 310 km altitude, in the vicinity of the South Pole, with the satellite orbit in the 09.00–21.00 L.T. plane. During late November and December, the perigee had precessed to the region of the North Pole, with the spacecraft sampling the upper thermosphere in the 06.00 18.00 L.T. plane. DE-2 observed the meridional wind with a Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI), the zonal wind with the wind and temperature spectrometer (WATS), the neutral temperature with the FPI, and the neutral atmosphere composition and density with the neutral atmosphere composition spectrometer (NACS). A comparison between the South (summer) Pole and the North (winter) Pole data shows considerable seasonal differences in all neutral atmosphere parameters. The region of the summer pole, under similar geomagnetic and solar activity conditions, and at a level of about 300 km, is about 300 K warmer than that of the winter pole, and the density of atomic oxygen is strongly depleted (and nitrogen enhanced) around the summer pole (compared with the winter pole). Only part of the differences in temperature and composition structure can be related to the seasonal variation of solar insolation, however, and both polar regions display structural variations (with latitude and Universal Time) which are unmistakeable characteristics of strong magnetospheric forcing. The magnitude of the neutral atmosphere perturbations in winds, temperature, density and composition within both summer and winter polar regions all increase with increasing levels of geomagnetic activity.The UCL 3-dimensional time dependent global model has been used to simulate the diurnal, seasonal and geomagnetic response of the neutral thermosphere, attempting to follow the major features of the solar and geomagnetic inputs to the thermosphere which were present during the late 1981 period.In the UCL model, geomagnetic forcing is characterized by semi-empirical models of the polar electric field which show a dependence on the Y component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, due to Heppner and Maynard (1983), It is possible to obtain an overall agreement, in both summer and winter hemispheres, with the thermospheric wind structure at high latitudes, and to explain the geomagnetic control of the combined thermal and compositional structure both qualitatively and quantitatively. To obtain such agreement, however, it is essential to enhance the polar ionosphere as a consequence of magnetospheric particle precipitation, reflecting both widespread auroral (kilovolt) electrons, and “soft” cusp and polar cap sources. Geomagnetic forcing of the high latitude thermosphere cannot be explained purely by a polar convective electric field, and the thermal as well as ionising properties of these polar and auroral electron sources are crucial components of the total geomagnetic input.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 22.5 ks pointed ROSAT PSPC observation of the 3.4-h period eclipsing polar MN Hya (RX J0929.1−2404). The X-ray light curve exhibits a 'double-humped' shape, with a secondary minimum occuring at φ∼ 0.45, a morphology consistent with two-pole accretion. Strong aperiodic flaring activity, with flux enhancements of ∼ 6 × the quiescent level, is also observed. A pre-eclipse 'dip' occurs in the phase interval φ= 0.87–0.95 with the X-rays becoming harder, indicative of photoelectric absorption by the pre-shock flow. There is also evidence of a secondary spectrally hard 'dip' near φ = 0.45–0.55, which might be associated with a second accretion stream flowing to the other magnetic pole.   The X-ray spectrum is best represented by a combination of a ∼50 eV blackbody and a thermal bremsstrahlung component of kT 1.6 keV, with a total absorption column of N H  = 2.9 × 1020 cm−2.   The primary maximum (φ∼ 0.65) has a slightly larger column and normalization compared to the secondary maximum. Although there are few photons, the dip spectrum is very flat in comparison to other phases, and is best represented by a single bremsstrahlung component. This is indicative of the spectral hardening seen in the light curves attributed to photoabsorption. The ratio of unabsorbed bremsstrahlung and blackbody luminosities is ∼ 0.1 for the best-fitting average spectral models. This implies a magnetic field strength  30 MG on the basis of the empirical L hard/ L soft −  B relationships, although consideration of the cyclotron flux and aspect effects could allow for an even higher field (55 MG).  相似文献   

The M.F. radar (2.2 MHz) operating at Saskatoon, Canada (52°N, 107°W) has been used to obtain continuous winds data for 1982/3: heights are ~60–110 km in daylight hours and ~80–110 km at night. The monthly data are compared with means of prevailing winds, tides (12-, 24-h) and planetary waves for the previous 4 years: 1978–1982. A regular climatology emerges that strongly suggests that the theoretical modelling of the upper middle atmosphere is an achievable goal: also that updated global data models are required.  相似文献   

An analysis of the observations of the minor planets (153) Hilda, (279) Thule and (334) Chicago yields the following values for the reciprocal mass of Jupiter: (153) Hilda 1047.378±0.019, (279) Thule 1047.347±0.023, (334) Chicago 1047.325±0.010. A possible error in the mass of Saturn that might affect these results is discussed.Presented at IAU Colloquium No. 9, The IAU System of Astronomical Constants, Heidelberg, Germany, August 12–14, 1970.  相似文献   

A survey of interplanetary proton (0.61 < E p < 3.41 MeV) events is summarized in graphical and tabular form for the period April 1973–December 1986. The observations were obtained by an effectively continuous data stream from the University of Iowa instrument on the Ames Research Center/NASA spacecraft Pioneer 11 as it moved outward in the solar system from 1.0 to 22.4 AU. Two hundred and sixty-five distinct events are identified. The spectra and intensities of the protons, presumed to be originally of solar origin, are influenced dramatically by propagative and accelerative processes in the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   

Observations of Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock have been made with the VLA (Very Large Array) at 6 and 2 cm, when the comet was at geocentric distances of 0.08 and 0.035 AU, respectively. The 3σ upper limits are 90 and 750 μJy at 6 and 2 cm, respectively. We show that the “conventional” icy-grain halo theory is not adequate to explain the data. If there is such a halo, it is either very thin, or does not contain grains with sizes larger than 10–100 μm. Comparison of our limits with a reported detection at 1.3-cm wavelengths shows that if the centimeter-wavelength radiation all arises in the halo, the halo should have an extent of the order of 300–400 km, but an effective area of 100 km2. If only thermal emission from the nucleus is significant, the temperature decreases from about 200°K at the layers probed at 1.3 cm to about 50°K or less at depths probed at 2 cm (assuming unit emissivity at all wavelengths and depths). This can be due to a combination of a lower emissivity and lower physical temperature at larger depths in the comet; both effects are expected when considering theories on microwave emission from glaciers on Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract– To better understand the impact cratering process and its environmental consequences at the local to global scale, it is important to know when in the geological record of an impact crater the impact‐related processes cease. In many instances, this occurs with the end of early crater modification, leaving an obvious sedimentological boundary between impactites and secular sediments. However, in marine‐target craters the transition from early crater collapse (i.e., water resurge) to postimpact sedimentation can appear gradual. With the a priori assumption that the reworked target materials of the resurge deposits have a different chemical composition to the secular sediments we use chemostratigraphy (δ13Ccarb, %Corg, major elements) of sediments from the Chesapeake Bay, Lockne, and Tvären craters, to define this boundary. We show that the end of impact‐related sedimentation in these cases is fairly rapid, and does not necessarily coincide with a visual boundary (e.g., grain size shift). Therefore, in some cases, the boundary is more precisely determined by chemostratigraphy, especially carbonate carbon isotope variations, rather than by visual inspection. It is also shown how chemostratigraphy can confirm the age of marine‐target craters that were previously determined by biostratigraphy; by comparing postimpact carbon isotope trends with established regional trends.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft is the first Solar System mission to include instrumentation capable of measuring planetary thermal fluxes at both near-IR (VIRTIS) and submillimeter–millimeter (smm–mm, MIRO) wavelengths. Its primary mission is a 1 year reconnaissance of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko beginning in 2014. During a 2010 close fly-by of Asteroid 21 Lutetia, the VIRTIS and MIRO instruments provided complementary data that have been analyzed to produce a consistent model of Lutetia’s surface layer thermal and electrical properties, including a physical model of self-heating. VIRTIS dayside measurements provided highly resolved 1 K accuracy surface temperatures that required a low thermal inertia, I < 30 J/(K m2 s0.5). MIRO smm and mm measurements of polar night thermal fluxes produced constraints on Lutetia’s subsurface thermal properties to depths comparable to the seasonal thermal wave, yielding a model of I < 20 J/(K m2 s0.5) in the upper few centimeters, increasing with depth in a manner very similar to that of Earth’s Moon. Subsequent MIRO-based model predictions of the dayside surface temperatures reveal negative offsets of ~5–30 K from the higher VIRTIS-measurements. By adding surface roughness in the form of 50% fractional coverage of hemispherical mini-craters to the MIRO-based thermal model, sufficient self-heating is produced to largely remove the offsets relative to the VIRTIS measurements and also reproduce the thermal limb brightening features (relative to a smooth surface model) seen by VIRTIS. The Lutetia physical property constraints provided by the VIRTIS and MIRO data sets demonstrate the unique diagnostic capabilities of combined infrared and submillimeter/millimeter thermal flux measurements.  相似文献   

Abstract– Cross sections were measured for the nuclear reactions natMg(3He,x)26Al, 27Al(3He,x)26Al, natCa(3He,x)41Ca, and natCa(3He,x)36Cl in the energy region from approximately 5–35 MeV. The rates of these reactions are important for studies of early solar system irradiation scenarios. The 26Al, 36Cl, and 41Ca were separated chemically, and the numbers of atoms produced in each reaction channel were measured using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). From these results, 26 cross sections were determined and compared with predictions of the TALYS code. Agreement is within 40% for most cross sections. Our measurements were used to model the production of 7Be, 10Be, 26Al, and 41Ca in the early solar system. For projectiles 1H, 3He, and 4He, we assumed energy spectra of the general form E. For a wide range of parameterizations, the modeled ratios of 7Be/Be and 10Be/Be on the one hand and of 26Al/27Al and 41Ca/Ca on the other are coupled because the excitation functions for the relevant nuclear reactions have similar shapes. Modeling of a closed system with the constraint that 10Be/9Be = 0.001 fails to reproduce simultaneously the range of 7Be/9Be, 26Al/27Al, and 41Ca/Ca ratios inferred for the early solar system from studies of meteorites.  相似文献   

Comet C/1999 S4 was observed with the 2m-telescopes of the Bulgarian National Observatory and Pik Terskol Observatory, Northern Caucasus, Russia, at the time of its disintegration. Maps of the dust brightness and color were constructed from images obtained in red and blue continuum windows, free from cometary molecular emissions. We analyze the dust environment of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) taking into account the observed changes apparent in the brightness images and in plots of Afρ profiles as function of the projected distance ρ from the nucleus. We also make use of the syndyne-synchrone formalism and of a Monte Carlo model based on the Finson-Probstein theory of dusty comets. The brightness and color of individual dust particles, which is needed to derive theoretical brightness and color maps of the cometary dust coma from the Monte Carlo model, is determined from calculations of the light scattering properties of randomly oriented oblate spheroids. In general, the dust of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) is strongly reddened, with reddening values up to 30%/1000 Å in some locations. Often the reddening is higher in envelopes further away from the nucleus. We observed two outbursts of the comet with brightness peaks on July 14 and just before July 24, 2000, when the final disintegration of the comet started. During both outbursts an excess of small particles was released. Shortly after both outbursts the dust coma “turns blue.” After the first outburst, the whole coma was affected; after the second one only a narrow band of reduced color close to the tail axis was formed. This difference is explained by different terminal ejection speeds, which were much lower than normal in case of the second outburst. In particular in the second, final outburst the excess small particles could originate from fragmentation of “fresh” larger particles.  相似文献   

Aschwanden  Markus J.  Alexander  David 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):91-120
We present an analysis of the evolution of the thermal flare plasma during the 14 July 2000, 10 UT, Bastille Day flare event, using spacecraft data from Yohkoh/HXT, Yohkoh/SXT, GOES, and TRACE. The spatial structure of this double-ribbon flare consists of a curved arcade with some 100 post-flare loops which brighten up in a sequential manner from highly-sheared low-lying to less-sheared higher-lying bipolar loops. We reconstruct an instrument-combined, average differential emission measure distribution dEM(T)/dT that ranges from T=1 MK to 40 MK and peaks at T 0=10.9 MK. We find that the time profiles of the different instrument fluxes peak sequentially over 7 minutes with decreasing temperatures from T≈30 MK to 1 MK, indicating the systematic cooling of the flare plasma. From these temperature-dependent relative peak times t peak(T) we reconstruct the average plasma cooling function T(t) for loops observed near the flare peak time, and find that their temperature decrease is initially controlled by conductive cooling during the first 188 s, T(t)∼[1+(tcond)]−2/7, and then by radiative cooling during the next 592 s, T(t)∼[1−(trad)]3/5. From the radiative cooling phase we infer an average electron density of n e=4.2×1011 cm−3, which implies a filling factor near 100% for the brightest observed 23 loops with diameters of ∼1.8 Mm that appear simultaneously over the flare peak time and are fully resolved with TRACE. We reproduce the time delays and fluxes of the observed time profiles near the flare peak self-consistently with a forward-fitting method of a fully analytical model. The total integrated thermal energy of this flare amounts to E thermal=2.6×1031 erg. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1014257826116  相似文献   

Sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological (uranium series and amino acid racemization dating) study of middle Pleistocene deposits from the archipelagos of Bermuda and The Bahamas revealed the occurrence of marine terraces of possible stage 11 age at +2, +7 and over 20 m above mean sea level. Considering the tectonic stability of the investigated regions, these elevated deposits likely correspond to three discrete, higher than present sea levels during this time period, which is regarded by many as the warmest interglacial of the late Quaternary. It follows that warmer than present climatic conditions might profoundly modify water distribution between the cryosphere and the oceans. The punctuated nature of our stratigraphy further suggests that future deglaciation might not be a smooth process, but could be marked by rapid ice-sheet breakdown leading to abrupt, meter-scale sea-level rises. Given the long period of warm climate and stable sea level of the past few thousands of years and CO2 loading of the atmosphere, the probability of a rapid eustatic rise must be seriously considered.  相似文献   

Khar'kov State University. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 87–95, July–August, 1989.  相似文献   

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