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Accurate measures of intertidal benthic microalgal standing stock (biomass) and productivity are needed to quantify their potential contribution to food webs. Oxygen microelectrode techniques, used in this study, provide realistic measures of intertidal benthic microalgal production. By dividing a salt-marsh estuary into habitat types, based on sediment and sunlight characteristics, we have developed a simple way of describing benthic microalgal communities. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare benthic microalgal biomass and production in five different estuarine habitats over an 18-mo period to document the relative contributions of benthic microalgal productivity in the different habitat types. Samples were collected bimonthly from April 1990 to October 1991. Over the 18-mo period, tall Spartina zone habitats had the highest (101.5 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) m?2±6.9 SE) and shallow subtidal habitats the lowest (60.4±8.9 SE) microalgal biomass. There was a unimodal peak in biomass during the late winter-early spring period. The concentrations of photopigments (Chl a and total pheopigments) in the 0–5 mm of sediments were highly correlated (r2=0.73 and 0.88, respectively) with photopigment concentrations in the 5–10 mm depth interval. Biomass specific production (μmol O2 mg Chl a ?1 h?1) was highest in intertidal mudflat habitats (206.3±11.2 SE) and lowest in shallow subtidal habitats (104.3±11.1 SE). Regressions of maximum production (production at saturating irradiances) vs. biomass (Chl a) in the upper 2 mm of sediment by habitat type gave some of the highest correlations ever reported for benthic microalgal communities (r2 values ranged from 0.43 to 0.73). The habitat approach and oxygen microelectrode techniques provide a useful, realistic ranged from 0.43 to 0.73). The habitat approach and oxygen microelectrode techniques provide a useful, realistic method for understanding the biomass and production dynamics of estuarine benthic microalgal communities.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities, such as construction work, dredging, and different kinds of recreation activities, can alter sediment loading in shallow coastal areas. The effect of increased load of fine sediment on the microbenthos (benthic microalgae, bacteria, and meiofauna) was studied in two experiments using undisturbed cores of a sandy sediment from a microtidal bay on the Swedish west coast. In each experiment, a total of 24 cores were incubated in an outdoor flow-through set-up. Twelve cores were treated with a 2.5-mm thick layer of autoclaved fine-grained, (silt) carbon-rich surface sediment. In the first experiment, estimates of the impact were based on measurements of chlorophylla, biomass of microalgae, bacteria, and meiofauna, and bacterial production. The main purpose of the second experiment was to study the effect on sediment oxygen profiles using microsensors. Within a week, after being covered by fine sediment, benthic microalgae (particularly diatoms) had migrated upward and the oxygen profiles were restored at the sediment surface by photosynthesis. However, the oxygen-producing layer became thinner and the algal composition changed. Bacterial biomass was restored to the same level as in the sandy sediment. Meiofauna also appeared to move upward and the meiofaunal composition was re-established. The results suggest that the microbenthic community of sandy sediment has an inherent capacity to recover after a moderate deposition of fine-particle sediment. Active upward migration of benthic diatoms appears to be a key mechanism for restoring the oxygenation of the sediment surface. The altered sediment type also implies changed species composition, and hence altered benthic trophic interactions, which may affect, for example, flatfish recruitment.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux dynamics were examined in the context of other biogeochemical cycles in intertidal sediments inhabited by benthic microalgae. In August 2003, gross oxygenic photosynthetic (GOP) rates, oxygen penetration depths, and benthic flux rates were quantified at seven sites along the Duplin River, GA, USA. Sediments contained abundant benthic microalgal (BMA) biomass with a maximum chlorophyll a concentration of 201 mg chl a m?2. Oxygen microelectrodes were used to determine GOP rates and O2 penetration depth, which were tightly correlated with light intensity. Baseline and 15N-nitrate amended benthic flux core incubations were employed to quantify benthic fluxes and to investigate the impact of BMA on sediment water exchange under nitrogen (N)-limited and N-replete conditions. Unamended sediments exhibited tight coupling between GOP and respiration and served as a sink for water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and a source of silicate and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The BMA response to the N addition indicated sequential nutrient limitation, with N limitation followed by silicate limitation. In diel (light–dark) incubations, biological assimilation accounted for 83% to 150% of the nitrate uptake, while denitrification (DNF) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) accounted for <7%; in contrast, under dark conditions, DNF and DNRA accounted for >40% of the NO3 ? uptake. The N addition shifted the metabolic status of the sediments from a balance of autotrophy and heterotrophy to net autotrophy under diel conditions, and the sediments served as a sink for water column DIN, silicate, and DIC but became a source of DOC, suggesting that the increased BMA production was decoupled from sediment bacterial consumption of DOC.  相似文献   

The microphytobenthos consists of unicellular eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria that grow within the upper several millimeters of illuminated sediments, typically appearing only as a subtle brownish or greenish shading. The surficial layer of the sediment is a zone of intense microbial and geochemical activity and of considerable physical reworking. In many shallow ecosystems, the biomass of benthic microalgae often exceeds that of the phytoplankton in the overlying waters. Direct comparison of the abundance of benthic and suspended microalgae is complicated by the means used to measure biomass and by the vertical and horizontal distribution of the microphytobenthos in the sediment. Where biomass has been estimated as chlorophyll a, there may be negligible to large (40%) error due to interference by degradation products, except where chlorophyll is measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. The vertical distribution of microphytobenthos, aside from mat-forming species, is determined by the opposing effects of their vertical migration, which tends to concentrate them near the surface, and physical mixing by overlying currents, which tends to cause an even vertical distribution through the mixed layer of sediment. Uncertainties in vertical distribution are compounded by frequently patchy horizontal distribution. Under-sampling on small (<1 m) scales can lead to errors in the estimate that are comparable to the ranges of seasonal and geographic variation. These uncertainties are compounded by biases in the techniques used to estimate production by the microphytobenthos. In most environments studied, biomass (as chlorophyll a) and light availability appear to be the principal determinants of benthic primary production. The effect of variable light intensities on integral production can be described by a functional response curve. When normalized to the chlorophyll content of the surficial sediment, the residual variation in the data described by the functional response curve is due to changes in the chlorophyll-specific response to irradiance. Production by the benthos is often a significant fraction of production in the water column and microphytobenthos may contribute directly to water column production when they are resuspended. Thus on both the basis of biomass and biogeochemical reactivity, benthic microalgae play significant roles in system productivity and trophic dynamics, as well as such habitat characteristics as sediment stability. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00003  相似文献   

Ten years (1985–1994) of data were analyzed to investigate general patterns of phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics, and to identify major factors controlling those dynamics in the York River Estuary, Virginia. Algal blooms were observed during winter-spring followed by smaller summer blooms. Peak phytoplankton biomass during the winter-spring blooms occurred in the mid reach of the mesohaline zone whereas peak phytoplankton biomass during the summer bloom occurred in the tidal fresh-mesohaline transition zone. River discharge appears to be the major factor controlling the location and timing of the winter-spring blooms and the relative degree of potential N and P limitation. Phytoplankton biomass in tidal fresh water regions was limited by high flushing rates. Water residence time was less than cell doubling time during high flow seasons. Positive correlations between PAR at 1 m depth and chlorophylla suggested light limitation of phytoplankton in the tidal fresh-mesohaline transition zone. Relationships of salinity difference between surface and bottom water with chlorophylla distribution suggested the importance of tidal mixing for phytoplankton dynamics in the mesohaline zone. Accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in the mesohaline zone was generally controlled by N with the nutrient supply provided by benthic or bottom water remineralization.  相似文献   

Benthic microalgae are key contributors to near-shore food webs and sediment stabilization. Temporal variability in microalgal biomass and production throughout the tidal cycle has been well documented; however, due to limitations of traditional methods of analysis patterns of community composition and diversity over such time scales have not been revealed. To explore the latter and better understand how short-term changes throughout the tidal cycle may affect community functioning, we compared benthic diatom composition and diversity over tidal stage shifts. We employed two disparate molecular techniques (denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis with Sanger DNA sequencing of excised bands and high-throughput community metagenome sequencing) to characterize diatom assemblages in representative muddy and sandy intertidal sites in Charleston Harbor, SC, USA. In support of prior studies, we found higher diatom diversity in sandbar as compared to mudflat sediments. Spatial differences were stronger relative to tidal temporal differences, although diversity metrics generally were highest after prolonged tidal immersion as compared to low-tide emersion or just after immersion at flood tide. Composition of the diatom assemblage differed markedly between sites, with species in genera Halamphora, Amphora, and Navicula dominating the sandbar, whereas Cyclotella, Skeletonema, and Thalassiosira were the most prevalent genera on the mudflat. Diatom composition differed by tidal stage, with assemblages during low-tide exposure distinct from samples taken after immersion. Both sandbar and mudflat sediments exhibited increases in relative proportion of epipelic diatoms and decreases in planktonic taxa during low-tide exposure. Our findings of short-term changes in species composition and dominance could inform primary productivity models to better estimate understudied diatom contributions in heterogeneous and highly variable tidal systems.  相似文献   

In the tidal creeks of the southeastern United States, the numerically and ecologically dominant macrobenthic organisms are typically oligochaetes. Due to their relatively small size and difficult taxonomy, little is known about the short-term and seasonal changes in the oligochaetes of tidal creeks. This study presents a report of the spatial and temporal changes of the oligochaete taxa within and between two tidal creeks in southern South Carolina, at monthly intervals over a 13-month period. These changes are framed within the reference of monthly changes in benthic chlorophylla, sediment composition, and porewater ammonia, as well as in the perspective of seasonal changes in the entire tidal creek macrobenthic community. The most abundant oligochaete found in this study was the tubificidMonopylephorus rubroniveus, followed by the naidParanais litoralis and the tubificidsTubificoides heterochaetus andT. brownae. All of the oligochaetes exhibited strong month-to-month and spatial changes, indicative of changes in water quality and sediment habitat characteristics (e.g., low dissolved oxygen, high benthic chlorophylla). There were significant correlations between the abundance of most species and either benthic chlorophylla concentration or the silt-clay fraction of the sediment. Looking at short-term changes in this rapidly changing component of the macrobenthic community provides insight not only into the ecology of the oligochaetes, but also into the changes in the tidal creek ecosystem and their potential effects on other biota.  相似文献   

Grain-size distributions of fluvial, eolian and marine sediments were explicated decades ago. For lake sediments, however, there is still great uncertainty in explaining the genesis of grain-size components due to the inherent complexity of their polymodal distributions. In this study, the grain-size components of the surface sediments of Daihai Lake, Inner Mongolia, were partitioned using a lognormal distribution function and the relationship between the identity of each component and the specific sedimentary environment was investigated. The data indicate that the modern clastic sediments of Daihai Lake contain five distinct unimodal grain-size distributions representing five grain-size components. Each of the components retains its identity including modal size, manner of transportation and environment of deposition although the relative percentage varies with the hydraulic condition throughout the lake. These components are specified from fine to coarse modes as long-term suspension clay, offshore-suspension fine silt and medium-to-coarse silt, and nearshore-suspension fine sand and saltation medium sand. The percentage of the components interpreted as an indication of nearshore environments displays a negative correlation with water depth across the modern lakebed, suggesting a model for linking the nearshore components in sediment cores to the lake level status in the geological past. The model was applied to a sediment core from the lake where high percentages of the nearshore components in the core sediments were correlated with low regional precipitations reconstructed on the pollen profile of the same core. The coincidences between two independent proxies do not only demonstrate the validity of lognormal distribution function in partitioning polymodal sediments but also reveals the potential of the grain-size component–lake level status model for lake’s paleohydrological reconstruction.  相似文献   

Estimating biomass of microphytobenthos (MPB) on intertidal mud flats is extremely difficult due to their patchy occurrence, especially at the scale of an entire mud flat. We tested two optical approaches that can be applied in situ: spectral reflectance and chlorophyll fluorescence. These two approaches were applied in 4 European estuaries with different sediment characteristics. At each site, paired replicate measurements of hyperspectral reflectance, chlorophyll fluorescence (after 15 min dark adaptation, Fo 15), sediment water content, and chlorophylla concentrations were taken (including breakdown products: [chla+phaeo]). Sediments were further characterized by grain size and organic content analysis. The spectral signatures of tidal flats dominated by benthic microalgae, mainly diatoms, could be easily distinguished from sites dominated by macrophytes; we present a 3 waveband algorithm that can be used to detect the presence of macrophytes. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was found to be most strongly correlated to sediment [chla+phaeo], except for the predominantly sandy Sylt stations. Fo 15 was also significantly correlated to sediment [chla+phaeo] in all but one grid (Sylt grid A). Our results suggest that the functional relationships (i.e., the slopes) between NDVI or fluorescence and [chla+ phaeo] were not significantly different in the muddier grids, although the intercepts could differ significantly, especially for Fo 15. This suggests a mismatch of the optical depth seen by the reflectometer or fluorometer and the depth sampled for pigment analysis. NDVI appears to be a robust proxy for sediment [chla+phaeo] and can be used to quantify MPB biomass in muddy sediments of mid latitude estuaries.  相似文献   

Trends in the spatial distribution of chlorophylla (chla) and colloidal and total carbohydrates on the Molenplaat tidal flat in the Westerschelde estuary, Netherlands, reflected spatial differences in physical properties of the sediment. Results from a Spearman Rank Order Correlation indicated that many of the physical and biological measures covaried. Multiple regression analyses describing the relationship between colloidal carbohydrates and sediment properties resulted in several highly significant equations, although in all cases chla was able to predict colloidal carbohydrate content. Relationships between sediment surface chla and colloidal carbohydrate, and sediment erodibility (i.e., critical erosion threshold, Ucrit, and mass of sediment eroded at a velocity of 30 cm s?1) determined in annular flume experiments were examined. Overall sediment erodibility was lowest (i.e., high thresholds, low mass eroded) for the siltiest sediments in June 1996 when chla and colloidal carbohydrates were high (56.9 μg gDW?1 and 320.6 μg gluc.equ. gDW?1, respectively), and greatest (i.e., low thresholds, high mass eroded) at the sandier sediments in September 1996, when chla and colloidal carbohydrates were low (1.0 μg gDW?1 and 5.7 μg gluc.equ. gDW?1, respectively). When sediments were grouped according to relative silt content, the most significant relationships were found in muddy sand with a finegrained fraction (<63 μm) of 25–50%. Thresholds of erosion increased, while mass of sediment eroded decreased, with increasing chla and colloidal carbohydrate. A similar trend was observed for the sand-muddy sand (63 μm 10–25%). In the sand (63 μm 0–10%), there were no relationships for Ucrit, whereas mass eroded appeared to increase with increasing chla and colloidal carbohydrate. The increased carbohydrate may stick sand grains together, altering the nature of erosion from rolling grains to clumps of resuspension.  相似文献   

Nitrogen remineralization and extractable ammonium concentrations were measured in sediments from several locations in North and South San Francisco bays. In South Bay, remineralization rates decreased with depth in sediment and were highest in the spring following the seasonal phytoplankton bloom. At the channel stations, peak remineralization lagged peak water-column phytoplankton biomass (as measured by chlorophylla) by a month. Remineralization rates were generally higher in South Bay than North Bay. The lower remineralization rates in North Bay may be a result of anomalously low phytoplankton production and thus reduced deposition to the sediments, as well as low reiverine organic inputs to the upper estuary in recent years. Remineralization rates were positively correlated to carbon and nitrogen content of the sediments. In general, ammonium profiles in South Bay sediments showed no increase in deeper (4–8 cm) sediments. In North Bay, ammonium concentrations were greatest at stations with highest remineralization rates, and, in contrast to South Bay, extractable ammonium increased in deeper sediment. Differences in ammonium pools between North Bay and South Bay may be a result of increased irrigation by deep-dwelling macrofauna, which are more abundant in South Bay.  相似文献   

Macrotidal estuaries (mean tidal range >2m) generally exhibit a tolerance to pollution with nitrogen-containing nutrients despite high loadings originating from freshwater outflows. These systems, which are characterized by high tidal energy, generally exhibit lower levels of chlorophylla than systems with lower tidal energy. A comparative analysis of data from 40 microtidal and macrotidal estuaries shows that mean annual chlorophylla levels are significantly lower in systems with high tidal energy even when nitrogen concentrations are equal to nitrogen levels in the microtidal systems. Tidal range and associated processes (e.g., tidal mixing, current velocity, light penetration, and sediment resuspension) influence phytoplankton biomass in some estuaries.  相似文献   

Associations between macrobenthic communities, measures of water column and sediment exposure, and measures of anthropogenic activities throughout the watershed were examined for the Chesapeake Bay, U.S. The condition of the macrobenthic communities was indicated by a multimetric benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) that compares deviation of community metrics from values at reference sites assumed to be minimally altered by anthropogenic sources of stress. Correlation analysis was used to examine associations between sites with poor benthic condition and measures of pollution exposure in the water column and sediment. Low dissolved oxygen events were spatially extensive and strongly correlated with benthic community condition, explaining 42% of the variation in the B-IBI. Sediment contamination was spatially limited to a few specific locations including Baltimore Harbor and the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River and explained about 10% of the variation in the B-IBI. After removing the effects of low dissolved oxygen events, the residual variation in benthic community condition was weakly correlated with surrogates for eutrophication—water column concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chlorophylla. Associations between benthic conditions and anthropogenic inputs and activities in the watershed were also studied by correlation analysis. Benthic condition was negatively correlated with measures of urbanization (i.e., population density, point source loadings, and total nitrogen loadings) and positively correlated with watershed forestation. Significant correlations were observed with population density and nitrogen loading below the fall line, but not above it, suggesting that near-field activities have a greater effect on benthic condition than activities in the upper watershed. At the tributary level, the frequency of low dissolved oxygen events and levels of sediment contaminants were positively correlated with population density and percent of urban land use. Sediment contaminants were also positively correlated with point source nutrient loadings. Water column total nitrogen concentrations were positively correlated with nonpoint nutrient loadings and agricultural land use while total phosphorus concentrations were not correlated with land use or nutrient loadings. Chlorophylla concentrations were positively correlated with nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the water column and with agricultural land use but were not correlated with nutrient loads.  相似文献   

The fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay include sandy shoals, seagrass meadows, intertidal mud flats, and marshes. A characterization of a fringing ecosystem was conducted to provide initialization and calibration data for the development of a simulation model. The model simulates primary production and material exchange in the littoral zone of lower Chesapeake Bay. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) properties of water and sediments from sand, seagrass, intertidal silt-mud, and intertidal marsh habitats of the Goodwin Islands (located within the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia, CBNERR-VA) were determined seasonally. Spatial and temporal differences in sediment microalgal biomass among the habitats were assessed along with annual variations in the distribution and abundance ofZostera marina L. andSpartina alterniflora Loisel. Phytoplankton biomass displayed some seasonality related to riverine discharge, but sediment microalgal biomass did not vary spatially or seasonally. Macrophytes in both subtidal and intertidal habitats exhibited seasonal biomass patterns that were consistent with other Atlantic estuarine ecosystems. Marsh sediment organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen differed significantly from that of the sand, seagrass, and silt habitats. The only biogeochemical variable that exhibited seasonality was low marsh NH4 +. The subtidal sediments were consistent temporally in their carbon and nitrogen content despite seasonal changes in seagrass abundance. Eelgrass has a comparatively low C:N ratio and is a potential N sink for the ecosystem. Changes in the composition or size of the vegetated habitats could have a dramatic influence over resource partitioning within the ecosystem. A spatial database (or geographic information system, GIS) of the Goodwin Islands site has been initiated to track long-term spatial habitat features and integrate model output and field data. This ecosystem characterization was conducted as part of efforts to link field data, geographic information, and the dynamic simulation of multiple habitats. The goal of these efforts is to examine ecological structure, function, and change in fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Examination of small-scale spatial variation in essential to understanding the relationships between environmental factors and benthic community structure in estuaries. A sampling experiment was performed in October 1993 to measure infauna association with sediment composition and salinity gradients in Nueces Bay, Texas, USA. The bay was partitioned into four salinity zones and three sediment types. Higher densities of macrofaua, were found in sediments with greater sand content and in areas with higher salinity. High diversity was also associated with high homogeneous salinity (31–33‰) and greater sand content. Macrofauna biomass and diversity were positively correlated with bottom salinity, porewater salinity, and bottom dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). Furthermore, species dominance shifted along the estuarine gradient.Streblospio benedicti dominated at lower salinity, but,Mediomatsus ambiseta andMulinia lateralis were the dominant species at higher salinity. Statistical analyses revealed significant correlations for sediment characteristics (i.e., increased fine sediments, water content, and total organic carbon) with decreased total abundance and diversity. Increased salinity and DIN were correlated with increased total biomass, diversity, and macrofauma community structure. These physico-chemical variables are regulated by freshwater inflow, so inflow is an important factor influencing macrofauna community structure by indirectly influencing the physico-chemical environment.  相似文献   

In nearshore ecosystems, habitats with emergent structure are often assumed to have higher ecosystem functioning than habitats lacking structure. However, such habitat-specific differences may depend on the surrounding environment. In this study, I examine the robustness of habitat-specific differences in ecosystem functioning for seagrass (Zostera marina) and adjacent bare soft sediments across varying environmental conditions on the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, using secondary production as a metric. I also examine relationships of community secondary production and faunal structure with measured environmental variables (water depth, temperature, exposure, sediment, and plant properties). Benthic secondary production (invertebrates ≥500 μm) was higher in seagrass compared to bare sediments only at exposed sites with sandy sediments low in organic content, deep and cool water, and high belowground plant biomass. A regression relating community secondary production to the environmental variables explained 56% of the variance, while a constrained ordination explained 16% of the community structure. Important environmental determinants of community production were shoot density, temperature, depth, exposure, sediment organic content, and belowground plant biomass. Community structure was influenced by these variables plus sediment sand content and canopy height. This study shows that habitat-specific differences in secondary production may not be consistent across varying environmental conditions. Furthermore, seagrass beds are not always associated with higher ecosystem functioning than adjacent bare sediment. Both the surrounding environmental conditions and the presence of habitat structure should be considered for optimal management of nearshore ecosystems.  相似文献   

Many Gulf of Mexico estuaries have low ratios of water volume to bottom surface area, and benthic processes in these systems likely have a major influence on system structure and function. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass and community composition of subtidal benthic microalgal (BMA) communities in Galveston Bay, TX, USA, compare BMA community composition and biomass to phytoplankton in overlying waters, and estimate the potential contribution of BMA to the trophodynamics in this shallow, turbid, subtropical estuary. The estimates of BMA biomass (mean = 4.21 mg Chl a m−2) for Galveston Bay were within the range of the reported values for similar Gulf of Mexico estuaries. BMA biomass in the central part of the bay was essentially homogeneous, whereas biomass at the seaward and upper bay ends of the transect were significantly lower. Peridinin, fucoxanthin, and alloxanthin were the three carotenoids with the highest concentrations, with fucoxanthin having the highest mean concentration (1.82 mg m−2). The seaward and landward ends of the transect differed from the central region of the bay with respect to the relative abundances of chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, and photosynthetic bacteria. Benthic microalgal community composition also showed a gradual shift over time due to changes in the relative abundances of photosynthetic bacteria, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Major changes in community composition occurred in the spring months (March to April). On an areal basis, BMA biomass in Galveston Bay occurred at minor concentrations (16.5%) relative to phytoplankton. Furthermore, the concentrations of carotenoid pigments for phytoplankton and BMA (fucoxanthin, alloxanthin, and zeaxanthin) were correlated (r = 0.48 to 0.61), suggesting a close linkage between microalgae in the water column and sediments. The contribution of BMA to the primary productivity of the deeper waters (>2 m) of Galveston Bay is probably very small in comparison to shallower waters along the bay margins. The significant similarities in the community composition of phytoplankton and BMA illustrate the potential importance of deposition and resuspension processes in this turbid, shallow estuary.  相似文献   

The Farasan Islands are located about 40 km offshore of Jizan area, southern Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. This is a preliminary study aiming to collect shoreline sediments from 17 stations to describe their main lithologic characters and identify the dominant molluscs that could help to evaluate the environmental conditions of these islands. Also, a sediment core FARA2 was collected from the intertidal area of Khor As Sailah Lagoon to see the development of shoreline sediments in this area with time. The results indicated that the shoreline sediments of the Farasan Islands comprised mainly of white, biogenic sand enriched in remains of corals, molluscs, calcareous algae, and benthic foraminifera. Thirty-four mollusc species were recorded from these sediments. Among them, Strombus fasciatus, Strombus tricornis, Chicoreus ramosus, Chicoreus virgineus, Tridacna maxima, and Tridacna squamosa were the most common molluscan in/near the shoreline sediments of Farasan Islands. Frequency abundances of sediment grain-size fractions in the core FARA2 indicated that the shoreline of the Khor As Sailah Lagoon is developing towards shallow intertidal setting due to high production of biogenic sediments by reefal communities. Metal concentrations (Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) in the sediment of the core FARA2 were stable throughout, showing no remarkable changes. This finding could indicate that flux of detrital components by fresh water runoff or wind-blown dust over the Farasan Islands was un-detectable during the deposition of these sediments.  相似文献   

Tracing sources of aeolian sediment is key to reconstructing earth surface processes in arid areas and interpreting the paleoenvironmental significance of aeolian sequences. However, the difference of geochemical characteristics between different fractions of sediments in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin (YZRB) is still unclear, so we want to identify which fraction of sediments is more suitable for tracing sediment sources. Considering the long distance between different wide valleys in the YZRB, we wonder whether there is any difference between these wide valleys in terms of geochemical characteristics of sediments. Forty-three surface sediment samples in the YZRB are collected, and the grain-size distributions and the major-element composition for 37 samples and the trace and rare earth element composition for the coarse (75–500 μm) and fine (<?75 μm) fractions of all samples are determined. The results reveal the following: (1) the fine fractions of the deposits contain more environmental information, suggesting that the fine fractions cannot be directly compared between different climate zones for provenance identification and that appropriate coarse fractions, based on the grain-size distribution of the targeted sediments, are more ideal for tracing sediment sources; and (2) geochemical characteristics of various sediment types show spatial heterogeneity. The coarse and fine fractions of the loose sediment samples can be divided into two regional groups based on geochemical characteristics: the Maquanhe zone in the upper reach, the Xigaze, Shannan and Mainling zone in the middle reach, which is consistent with the geological background of the YZRB; (3) aeolian deposits in the YZRB are a local origin and predominantly derived from the adjacent loose sediments, and fluvial sediments in the upper reach contribute little to the aeolian sands in the middle reach.  相似文献   

Sediment microphytobenthos, such as diatoms and photosynthetic bacteria, are functionally important components of food webs and are key mediators of nutrient dynamics in marine wetlands. The medium to long-term recovery of benthic microproducers in restored habitats designed to improve degraded coastal wetland sites is largely unknown. Using taxon-specific photopigments, we describe the composition of microphytobenthic communities in a large restoration site in southern California and differences in the temporal recovery of biomass (chlorophylla), composition, and taxonomic diversity between vegetatedSpartina foliosa salt marsh and unvegetated mudflat. Visually distinct, spatially discreet, microphytobenthic patches appeared after no more than 7 mo within the restoration site and were distinguished by significant differences in biomass, taxonomic diversity, and the relative abundance of cyanobacteria versus diatoms. Sediment chlorophylla concentrations within the restored site were similar to concentrations in nearby natural habitat 0.2–2.2 yr following marsh creation, suggesting rapid colonization by microproducers. RestoredSpartina marsh very rapidly (between 0.2 and 1.2 yr) acquired microphytobenthic communities of similar composition and diversity to those in naturalSpartina habitat, but restored mudflats took at least 1.6 to 2.2 yr to resemble natural mudflats. These results suggest relatively rapid recovery of microphytobenthic communities at the level of major taxonomic groups. Sediment features, such as pore water salinity andSpartina density, explained little variation in microphytobenthic taxonomic composition. The data imply that provision of structural heterogeneity in wetland construction (such as pools and vascular plants) might speed development of microproducer communities, but no direct seeding of sediment microfloras may be necessary.  相似文献   

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