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A stratigraphic model for carbonate platform evolution in the Dolomites during the late Ladinian-early Carnian is presented. New light on pre-Raibl growth of individual carbonate platforms of the western Dolomites was shed by biostratigraphic data combined with a revised lithostratigraphy. At the Schlern, Langkofel and Sella, the carbonate factory (Upper Schlern Dolomite) remained productive into the lowermost Carnian (Cordevolian = Aon Zone), and caused a levelling-out of the former steep platform-to-basin relief. In the eastern Dolomites, platforms were producing till basal Julian 2 (Austriacum Zone). At the Sella and Langkofel, the sedimentation pattern after deposition of the Upper Schlern Dolomite was strongly influenced by synsedimentary tectonics. A first phase of extensional tectonics led to local fissures, block-tilting, graben structures and breccia deposits. Composition and fabric of the reworked clasts argue for local-source sediments and short transport distances. The extensional structures are sealed by sediments of Lower Carnian age. Two facies belts (Schlernplateau beds and Dürrenstein Dolomite), which interfinger at the western side of the Sella, reflect the shallow marine environment with terrigenous-volcanoclastic input in the western Dolomites. A second generation of breccias at the Sella documents local fracturing of the Dürrenstein and Upper Schlern Dolomite. Depositional environments across the western and eastern Dolomites were largely dependent on differential subsidence. The sediments of early Carnian age on top of the Schlern platform are a few metres thick only, whereas, in the eastern Dolomite, up to 400-m-thick carbonate sediments ('Richthofen reef' and Settsass platform) were deposited. The most incomplete stratigraphic record is present at the Mendel platform in the west, where Ladinian volcanics are unconformably overlain by late Carnian 'Raibl beds'. The increase in sediment thickness towards the eastern Dolomites becomes partly visible at the eastern flank of the Sella platform. Differential subsidence across western and eastern Dolomites caused local fracturing of platform sediments. Synsedimentary extensional tectonics was a significant controlling factor to the lithofacies and thickness variations of early Carnian platform sediments in the Dolomites.  相似文献   

In this paper data are presented on the composition of sediments deposited at the toe of slope during progradation or retreat of Triassic carbonate platforms in the Dolomites (Italy). For this purpose a succession was studied from the toe of slope of a Triassic (Carnian) carbonate platform (Picco di Vallendro/Dürrenstein, Dolomites, Italy). The microfacies analysis of selected calciturbidites sequences revealed a reduced input of oncolites and ooids during progradation and an increase in clasts. The main input, however, was derived from the reefs on the platform. Retrogradation of the platform showed an increase of filaments and radiolarians (open ocean biota) as well as carbonate mud and a reduced input of grains that originated within the reefs on the platform. Both during progradation and retrogradation parts of the platform were flooded and could produce excess sediment that could be exported to the surrounding basins. However, the absence of platform interior biota documents that progradation occurred from sediments of the reefal belt, probably during relative sea-level lowstands. Carbonate composition varies systematically with toe-of-slope progradation/retrogradation and, thus, argues for carbonate production as the main driver of the geometries observed at the toe of slope.  相似文献   

四川盆地南部志留系碳酸盐灰泥丘成因与储集性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
灰泥丘与生物礁具有相似的地震反射特征,但两者的形成环境及内部组成完全不同。缓坡环境和较弱的水动力环境是灰泥丘形成的两个重要条件,灰泥丘主要由微生物所建造。川南志留系主要发育中—下志留统,自下而上划分为龙马溪组、石半栏组、韩家店组和秀山组,其中石牛栏组主要为碳酸盐岩,岩性较硬,上下地层相对为软岩层,构成“两软夹一硬”的地晏剖面结构。灰泥丘主要发育在石牛栏组,属于典型的开阔台地内缓坡泥丘。灰泥丘储层主要发育在丘翼和丘顶微相中,经历了胶结作用、重结晶作用、白云石化作用、压实作用和溶解作用等,其中胶结作用使丘翼储集物性变差,而白云石化作用使丘顶物性变好。因此丘翼灰岩被胶结后储集性能普遍较差,平均孔隙度1%~2%,渗透率(3~5)×10~(-3)μm~2;丘顶白云石化后储集物性普遍较好,孔隙度4%~5%,渗透率(6~8)×10~(-3)μm~2,构成了川南地区相对有利的天然气储层。  相似文献   

Carbonate slopes and associated resedimented deposits have recently gained renewed interest because they represent volumetrically significant parts of carbonate platforms. Carbonate slopes are highly variable compositionally, architecturally and spatially due to a spectrum of sediment sources, resedimentation processes and controlling factors. Here, new high resolution acoustic data (including EM 302 multi‐beam echo‐sounder and very high resolution seismic) and piston cores document highly diverse and complex morphological features along the north‐western slope of Great Bahama Bank. The recent morphology of the slope is the result of the interplay between depositional and erosive processes that vary through time and along strike. The different sedimentary processes are recorded as a Pleistocene lowstand surface, characterized by many erosional features and a Holocene sedimentary wedge along the upper to middle slope that partially covers the underlying Pleistocene surface. Sedimentary processes during the Holocene are dominated by density cascading flows, which export muddy aragonitic sediment from the platform top towards the slope. Sedimentation rates, however, vary along strike due to platform top morphology combined with the variable strength of the basinal current. Reefs and islands in the Bimini area block off‐bank sediment export, and shoals and tidal deltas from Cat Cay to the south reduce the density cascading processes. Numerous small and large slope failure scars show the instability of the steep slopes of Great Bahama Bank. Bottom currents dominate the lower slope and the basin. Striations and moats are the morphological expressions of current directions, while areas of non‐deposition document strong current and concomitant removal of off‐bank transported sediment along parts of the slope, while the Santaren Drift and the drift on the north‐western edge of Great Bahama Bank act as the depositional locus for the fine‐grained sediments transported in the current.  相似文献   

The flanks of Middle Triassic carbonate buildups in the Dolomites show well‐developed clinostratification, with typical angles of 30–40°. This paper focuses on the metre‐scale fabric of these clinoforms and sets these within the context of their large‐scale and microscopic features. Clinoform stratification is caused by fibrous cement crusts, by stylolites paralleling a vague stratification and by pelagic limestone interbedded with the lower portions of the clinoforms. These parts of the clinoforms locally exhibit a boulder fabric. A fracture system, subvertical to clinostratification, is filled by fibrous cements and marine internal sediment. The analysis of clinoform fabric indicates that parts consist of in situ automicrite. Other parts of the clinoforms are made up of breccia. The breccias occur as isolated pockets and lenses with random orientation and dimensions ranging from a few square decimetres to hundreds of square metres. The breccias have gradual contacts with the unbrecciated host rock. Breccia components are mostly angular, show a microfacies similar to that of the unbrecciated host rock and are composed of millimetre‐ to decimetre‐sized particles that generally float in radiaxial‐fibrous cement. Matching grain boundaries are common. Calcite cement typically makes up 20 and 40 vol.% of the brecciated areas. Clinostratification, the fracture system, brecciation and boulder fabric point to gravity induced deformation of in situ flank deposits rather than gravity induced depositional processes. Brecciation appears to result from translational sliding (millimetres to metres) on the steep buildup flanks, which caused fracturing of the vaguely stratified automicrite, followed by displacive growth of fibrous cement. Cementation occurred in a (shallow) burial, marine phreatic environment, because cement clasts are virtually absent from the flank‐derived gravity flows in the adjoining basinal sediments. Displacive cement growth indicates a volume increase of the clinoforms during diagenesis of up to 20–40 vol.% and can account for the local drag of buildup interior limestones. Similarly, the boulder fabric appears to be a diagenetic feature, which resulted from differential settling of incompletely lithified boundstone and grainstone, and the interbedded pelagic limestone.  相似文献   

Sedimentary dynamics along carbonate slopes (Bahamas archipelago)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Hydroacoustic and sedimentological data in the Santaren Channel covering both the leeward slope of Great Bahama Bank and the windward slope of Cay Sal Bank allow new insights into carbonate platform slope sedimentation. The data document the interplay between depositional and erosive processes on both slopes through time and provide information on the current regime and its influence on the slope sedimentary processes. This study emphasizes the diversity and complexity of the slope morphology and the sediment distribution of the youngest high‐frequency sequence, which has developed since the last glacial maximum. The processes triggering slope failures and the formation of channels and gullies differ on both slopes. At the leeward slope of the Great Bahama Bank, extensive slope failures occurred primarily during sea‐level lowering following an interglacial. These slope failures created a slope morphology that channelizes the exported platform sediments during the subsequent highstand. At the windward slope of Cay Sal Bank, contour currents and the local tectonic regime are responsible for slope failures. During sea‐level lowstands, downwelling induces turbidity currents. The interaction of turbidity and contour currents leads to the formation of a system of furrows and slope‐parallel sediment ridges. The discovered heterogeneities in slope sedimentation improve the understanding of carbonate slope sedimentation and provide implications for sequence stratigraphic interpretation of carbonate platform slopes.  相似文献   

The evolution and architecture of a set of retreating Lower Frasnian patch reef outcrops in the Canning Basin of Western Australia were evaluated, and their depositional and stratigraphic contacts spatially recorded using digital surveying tools. The geological data, together with high‐resolution digital elevation models, were assembled in three‐dimensional visualization and modelling software and subsequently used for building two‐dimensional surface models and three‐dimensional volumetric models. Numerical data on geometry and shape were extracted from these models and used to quantitatively assess the retrogradation motif of patch reef development. The development of the patch reefs comprises three stages. During stages 1 and 2, the patch reefs exhibited an overall retrogradational escarpment‐type configuration displayed by, on average, 60° steep reef‐margin walls that lacked the support of coeval slope deposits. The subdivision between stages 1 and 2 is based on minor backstepping reducing less than 10% of the platform‐top area. The onset of stage 3 is recognized by stromatolite development fringing reef‐margin walls. During stage 3 an aggrading accretionary reef‐margin developed, comprising allochthonous and autochthonous slope deposits. Both types of slope deposit onlap the previous stages and are distributed unevenly with allochthonous slope deposits being noticeably absent around the smaller and more elongate patch reefs. The variation in distribution of slope sediment type can be explained by the amount, linked to platform size, of platform‐top shedding. Small patch reefs were unable to fill the available accommodation adjacent to escarpments with allochthonous slope sediments and were thus encroached by autochthonous slope sediments. The variation, which cannot be explained by the size difference in the platform‐top factory, has been related to the difference in perimeter length. For patch reefs with similar platform‐top production areas, a more elongate patch reef inherits a longer perimeter and a proportionally smaller volume of allochthonous slope sediment per margin length will be transported to the flanks. Thus, the more elongate patch reef intrinsically contained more sites within which autochthonous slope sediments developed. Digital outcrop modelling and numerical evaluation of the evolution of the patch reefs revealed the major differences in retrogradation motif. The quantified variations in progressive decline of platform‐top area with height were confirmed by hypothetical decline curves for ellipse‐shaped carbonate systems for which aspect ratio (ratio between length and width) varied. This mathematical model demonstrates that the progressive decline of the production area is highly sensitive to shape and can be used to numerically assess and predict the relative timing of drowning, i.e. when the platform‐top production area becomes nil, of retrogradational isolated carbonate platforms that are controlled by high accommodation. Wider implications can be surmised for highstand systems tracts and prograding carbonate systems. For example, for equally sized platforms with hypothetically similar carbonate factories and identical external forces, the potential to prograde by platform‐top shedding is higher with a smaller aspect ratio because the shorter perimeter implies less accommodation space needing to be filled up to commence slope progradation. Clearly, there are intrinsic effects of shape on the development of carbonate platform systems.  相似文献   

The wide Lacepede Shelf and narrow Bonney Shelf are contiguous parts of the south-eastern passive continental margin of Australia. The shelves are open, generally deeper than 40 m, covered by waters cooler than 18°C and swept by oceanic swells that move sediments to depths of 140 m. The Lacepede Shelf is proximal to the ‘delta’of the River Murray and the Coorong Lagoon. Shelf and upper slope sediments are a variable mixture of Holocene and late Pleistocene quartzose terrigenous clastic and bryozoa-dominated carbonate particles. Bryozoa grow in abundance to depths of 250 m and are conspicuous to depths of 350 m. They can be grouped into four depth-related assemblages. Coralline algae, the only calcareous phototrophs, are important sediment producers to depths of 70 m. Active benthic carbonate sediment production occurs to depths of 350 m, but carbonate sediment accumulation is reduced on the open shelf by continuous high energy conditions. The shelf is separated into five zones. The strandline is typified by accretionary sequences of steep shoreface, beach and dune carbonate/siliciclastic sediments. Similar shoreline facies of relict bivalve/limestone cobble ridges are stranded on the open shelf. The shallow shelf, c.40–70 m deep, is a wide, extremely flat plain with only subtle local relief. It is a mosaic of grainy, quartzose, palimpsest facies which reflect the complex interaction of modern bioclastic sediment production (dominated by bryozoa and molluscs), numerous highstands of sea level over the last 80 000 years, modern mixing of sediments from relatively recent highstands and local introduction of quartz-rich sediments during lowstands. The middle shelf, c.70–140 m deep, is a gentle incline with subtle relief where Holocene carbonates veneer seaward-dipping bedrock clinoforms and local lowstand beach complexes. Carbonates are mostly modern, uniform, clean, coarse grained sands dominated by a diverse suite of robust to delicate bryozoa particles produced primarily in situ but swept into subaqueous dunes. The deep shelf edge, c. 140–250 m deep, is a site of diverse and active bryozoa growth. Resulting accumulations are characteristically muddy and distinguished by large numbers of delicate, branching bryozoa. The upper slope, between 250 and 350 m depth, contains the deepest platform-related sediments, which are very muddy and contain a low diversity suite of delicate, branching cyclostome bryozoa. This study provides fundamental environmental information critical for the interpretation of Cenozoic cool water carbonates and the region is a good model for older mixed carbonate-terrigenous clastic successions which were deposited on unrimmed shelves.  相似文献   

In the Dolomites of northernmost Italy the carbonate‐platform growth came to a standstill late in the Early Carnian (Late Triassic). The response to this shutdown of shallow‐water carbonate production in the interplatform basins is largely unknown because erosion has removed most of the soft basinal sediments, giving rise to today's scenic landscape of the Dolomites. Mapping in the central part of the Dolomites and newly available core material has recently revealed a well‐preserved succession of basinal rocks within the Heiligkreuz Hospiz Basin (ital. Ospizio di Santa Croce Basin). In this paper, the regional depositional nature of arrested carbonate platform production is reconstructed by tracing its sedimentological record across the slope and into the basin. The uppermost St. Cassian Formation, the time‐equivalent basinal rocks to the prograding carbonate platforms, is overlain by the Heiligkreuz Formation, whose basal succession was deposited in a restricted and oxygen‐depleted environment immediately post‐dating the platform demise. The succession consists mainly of mudrocks, marlstones, and peloidal packstones, with abundant low‐diversity ostracod and pelecypod fauna and early diagenetic dolomite. C and O isotope values of the basal Heiligkreuz Formation, post‐dating platform demise, average + 2·4 and ? 2·4‰, respectively, and largely overlap the isotopic composition of St. Cassian carbonates. A shift toward slightly lower δ13C values in the Heiligkreuz Formation may reflect incorporation of isotopically depleted C released during bacterial sulphate reduction in the Heiligkreuz sediments. Sedimentological, palaeobiological and geochemical indices suggest that near‐normal marine conditions persisted long after the shutdown of shallow water carbonate‐platform growth, although there are clear indications of severely reduced oxygen levels in the restricted Heiligkreuz Hospiz interplatform basin. The Early Carnian platform demise induced a distinct switch in the locus of carbonate production from the shallow‐water platform and slope to the basin floor and a decrease in the availability of dissolved oxygen in the basinal waters. It is inferred that anoxia extended at least temporarily to the top of the carbonate slope, as indicated by the onlap of normal‐marine mounds by dark marlstones of the basal Heiligkreuz Formation.  相似文献   

湖南桃江一带的奥陶纪锰质碳酸盐岩,具有清晰的内碎屑结构和一些粒度递变沉积构造。锰质岩或锰矿层呈薄层或条带夹在含有笔石的黑色泥页岩中,表现出它们在成因或沉积环境方面的极不协调。以砂屑和藻屑为主组成的白色、灰白色锰质碳酸盐岩是清洁、浅水、碱性环境中的产物;以细粉砂级颗粒为主并含有硅质、碳质的泥页岩则是污浊、深水、酸性环境中的沉积。这种不协调的沉积组合是由于浅水锰质碳酸盐沉积物以重力流方式进入深水盆地与黑色泥质沉积物混合、交互沉积结果。  相似文献   

Wide carbonate platform environments developed on the western passive margin of the Tethys during the Late Triassic, after a major climate change (Carnian Pluvial Episode) that produced a crisis of high‐relief microbial carbonate platforms. The peritidal succession of this epicontinental platform (Dolomia Principale/Hauptdolomit, Dachstein Limestone) is widespread in the Mediterranean region. However, the start‐up stage is not fully understood. The original platform to basin depositional geometries of the system have been studied in the north‐eastern Southern Alps, close to the Italian/Slovenian boundary where they are exceptionally preserved. Sedimentological features have been investigated in detail by measuring several stratigraphic sections cropping out along an ideal depositional profile. The analysis of the facies architecture allowed reconstruction of the palaeoenvironments of the Dolomia Principale platform during its start‐up and early growth stages in the late Carnian. The carbonate platform was characterized by an outer platform area, connected northward to steep slopes facing a relatively deep basin. Southward, the outer platform was connected to inner sheltered environments by a narrow, often emerged shelf crest. Behind this zone, carbonate sedimentation occurred in shallow lagoons and tidal flats, passing inward to a siliciclastic mudflat. The Dolomia Principale platform was initially aggrading and able to keep pace with a concomitant sea‐level rise, and then prograding during the late Carnian. This stratigraphic interval was correlated with the Tuvalian succession of the Dolomites, allowing depiction of the depositional system on a wide scale of hundreds of kilometres. This large‐scale depositional system presents features in common with some Palaeozoic and Mesozoic carbonate build‐ups (for example, the Permian Capitan Reef complex, Anisian Latemar platform), both in terms of architecture and prevailing carbonate producers. A microbial‐dominated carbonate factory is found in the outer platform and upper slope. The recovery of high‐relief microbial carbonate platforms marks the end of the Carnian Pluvial Episode in the Tuvalian of Tethys.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analysis coupled with conodont biostratigraphy of a fore-reef slope succession in the Napier Range (Napier Formation) is used to develop a depositional model and relative sea-level history for late Frasnian to late Famennian reef evolution in the Canning Basin of north-western Australia. Changes in sedimentary style on the slope, reflecting differing rates of carbonate production on the platform, are linked to third- and higher order relative sea-level fluctuations. Overlapping slope aprons accumulated along the base of a steep-walled platform margin. Coarse carbonate debris was deposited adjacent to the margin as talus breccias (via rockfall) and debris-flow breccias. Depositional slopes up to 45°, and locally steeper, are demonstrated using rotated geopetal cavity fills. The predominance of channel-filling lithofacies throughout the slope succession indicates the highly channelized nature of the aprons. The middle slope is dominated by sandy oolitic-peloidal turbiditic grainstones interpreted as sediment exported from an active platform. The turbidites and associated debris-flow breccias contrast with condensed carbonate intervals and deep-water, non-fenestral stromatolites that record times of very low platform production. Lower slope turbidites and associated intraclastic breccias indicate widespread redeposition of sediment eroded from lithified and semi-lithified limestones higher up the slope. Several third-order sequences are recognized in the fore-reef succession and these are composed primarily of transgressive and highstand deposits. Carbonate production was severely restricted in the early Famennian coinciding with development of onlapping siliciclastic aprons during a relative sea-level lowstand. Evidence for a subaerial exposure event is also preserved within the siliciclastic strata. Controls on sequence development are difficult to constrain. Although two sequence boundaries can be correlated with falls on the global sea-level curve, the reef complexes evolved in an active extensional regime and it is highly likely that tectonism, in conjunction with eustasy, controlled accommodation on the platform and therefore carbonate productivity.  相似文献   

横切碳酸盐台地可以出现不同的沉积环境和相,其中台地边缘、斜坡或盆地边缘的沉积环境复杂,相的类型多,变化大,而且它们是重要的油气储集岩层和层控矿床的重要控矿相位。另外,盆地边缘或斜坡的沉积相序类型及演化,是沉积盆地分析的重要方面。碳酸盐台地边缘、斜坡或盆地边缘早已引起沉积学者及构造学者的注视,并有不少的论述(Wilson,1975;Mountjoy和James,1982;Read,1982,1985;Cook,1984;曾允孚等,1984)。现将碳酸盐台地边缘或斜坡的类型及沉积模式作一简要论述。  相似文献   

Calciclastic submarine fans are rare in the stratigraphic record and no bona fide present-day analogue has been described to date. Possibly because of that, and although calciclastic submarine fans have long intrigued deep-water carbonate sedimentologists, they have largely been overlooked by the academic and industrial communities. To fill this gap we have compiled and critically reviewed the existing sedimentological literature on calciclastic submarine fans, thus offering an updated view of this type of carbonate slope sedimentary system.Calciclastic submarine fans range in length from just a few to more than 100 km. Three different types can be distinguished: (1) Coarse-grained, small-sized (< 10 km) fans, which are characterized by the abundance of calcirudites and the scarcity of mud. They have relatively long leveed channels and small radial lobes. (2) Medium-grained, medium-sized fans are typified by the abundance of calcarenites and lesser amounts of calcirudites and mud. They have a tributary network of slope gullies, which merge to form a leveed channel that opens to the main depositional site, characterized by extensive lobes and/or sheets, which eventually pass into basinal deposits through a narrow fan-fringe area. These fans are between 10 and 35 km in length. (3) Fine-grained, large-sized fans are rich in calcarenites and mud, but poor in calcirudites. They have wide and long slope channels that feed very extensive calciturbiditic sheets, the total length always exceeding 50 km and generally being close to 100 km. In terms of grain-size distribution the three fan types compare well with sand/gravel-rich, mud/sand-rich and mud-rich siliciclastic submarine fans, respectively. However, they show notable differences in terms of size and sedimentary architecture, a reflection of the different behaviour of their respective sediment gravity flows.Most calciclastic submarine fans were formed on low-angle slopes and were sourced from distally steepened carbonate ramps subjected to high-energy currents. Under these conditions shallow-water loose grainy sediments were transferred to the ramp slope and eventually funnelled into the submarine fan by sediment gravity flows. These conditions seem to have been more easily met on leeward margins in which the formation of reefs was hampered by cool waters, nutrient enrichment or oligophoty. Another circumstance that contributes to the transfer of shallow-water sediments to the distal ramp slope is a low sea level, forcing the carbonate factory closer to the slope break and destabilizing sediments by increased pore-water pressure. However, the most important factor controlling the development of calciclastic submarine fans was the existence of an efficient funnelling mechanism forcing sediment gravity flows to merge downslope and build up a point-sourced sedimentary accumulation. In most cases this occurred through a major slope depression associated with tectonic structures, an inherited topography, or large-scale mass failures.  相似文献   

Tectonic fold tests conducted in Namibia demonstrate that the inclination with respect to bedding of geoplumb (palaeovertical) tubular structures in the Marinoan (635 Ma) syndeglacial cap dolostone is mainly the result of tectonic strain. Therefore, tubestone inclination data cannot be used to estimate the gradient of the sea floor on the foreslope of the Otavi carbonate platform during the Marinoan glaciation. A gradient steeper than 0·1 (slope angle ca 5·7°), implying a glacial base‐level fall ≥0·5 km, is nevertheless supported by boulder‐size intraclast debrite in the falling‐stand wedge directly beneath the glacigenic sequence. Cryogenian oceans lacked skeletal carbonate production, raising the carbonate saturation state and persistent deep water anoxia excluded acid‐producing aerobic respiration, facilitating early diagenetic carbonate precipitation, lithification and steep submarine slopes.  相似文献   

The Dolomites region is a spectacularly exposed portion of the Southern Alps, a northern Italian chain derived from the comparatively gentle deformation of the Tethyan passive continental margin of Adria. The regionhad an active Permo-Jurassic tectono-magmatic evolu-tion, leading from Permian magmatism, through a Mid-die Triassic episode offast subsidence and volcanism, to the Jurassic oceanic break-up. Although the sedimentary succession ranges in age from Middle Permian to Creta-ceous, the geological landscape is largely dominated by the majestic Triassic carbonates, making the area a clas-sical one for the early Mesozoic stratigraphy. Particu-larly noteworthy are the Anisian to Carnian carbonate platforms, recording an evolution from regional muddy banks to isolated high-relief builduos. The hlline of the various basins and the development of a last generation of regional peritidal platform followed. The carbonate platforms of the Dolomites bear witness to a remarkable set of changes in the carbonate production and to signif-icant palaeoclimatic fluctuations,from arid to moist con-difions and vice versa; a great range of margin and slope depositional styles is therefore recorded. Alpine tectonic shortening strongly affected the area, with a first Eocenede formation, followed by later Neogene overthrusting and strike-slip movements.  相似文献   

Microbiological effects on slope stability: an experimental analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A natural, pure quartz sand has been seeded with the bacterium Pseudomonas atlantica and the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum, and angles of avalanche and repose have been measured under water using a laboratory clinometer. The lowest angles of avalanche occur in freshly packed clean sediment (control), with the seeded sediments having higher values. Among the latter, the lowest angles of repose occur in the bacterial seeded sediments, and the highest in the fungal seeded sediments. The largest differences between the angle of avalanche and angle of repose occur in the bacterial seeded and media control sediments. The smallest differences occur in the fungal seeded sediment. In most cases the second angle of avalanche is lower than the first angle of avalanche, whilst the second angle of repose is higher than the first angle of repose. The bacteria bind particles together with their extracellular polymeric material, while the fungus binds particles by holding them together with a network of hyphal filaments. In the bacterial seeded sediment growth is uniform over the sediment surface. In the fungal seeded sediment growth occurs as discrete colonies separated by bare sediment, and the fungal hyphae penetrate the sediment to a significant depth. On avalanching, the fungal colonies move down the slope with the hyphal filaments trailing behind them in the sediment. Overall, both the bacterium and the fungus increase slope stability. However, the fungal colonies maintain slope stability after avalanching more effectively than does the uniform bacterial growth. The results are discussed in relation to the wide range of biological effects that stabilize flat sediments and to laboratory and field studies on the stability of sediment slopes.  相似文献   

华南海相深水重力沉积相模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对华南地区诸多海相盆地深水沉积物的详细解剖,识别出一个由重力搬运沉积形成的完整岩类系列,包括孤立岩块、滑动滑塌和重力流沉积三个基本端元大类。这些重力流沉积以不同的型式组合构成了三大类七亚类各具特征的深水沉积体系。Ⅰ陆源碎屑体系包括(1)海底扇和(2)轴向搬运沉积亚体系。Ⅱ碳酸盐体系包括(1)碳酸盐缓坡,(2)沟槽型碳酸盐斜坡和(3)碳酸盐陡坡。Ⅲ混合物源体系包括(1)碳酸盐斜坡体系与陆屑海底扇组合;(2)碳酸盐斜坡体系与火山碎屑重力流轴向搬运沉积体系。  相似文献   

This study utilized three-dimensional exposures to evaluate how sea-level position and palaeotopography control the facies and geometries of heterozoan carbonates. Heterozoan carbonates were deposited on top of a Neogene volcanic substrate characterized by palaeotopographic highs, palaeovalleys, and straits that were formed by subaerial erosion, possibly original volcanic topography, and faults prior to carbonate deposition. The depositional sequence that is the focus of this study (DS1B) consists of 7–10 fining upward cycles that developed in response to relative sea-level fluctuations. A complete cycle has a basal erosion surface overlain by deposits of debrisflows and high-density turbidity currents, which formed during relative sea-level fall. Overlying tractive deposits most likely formed during the lowest relative position of sea level. Overlying these are debrites grading upward to high-density turbidites and low-density turbidites that formed during relative sea-level rise. The tops of the cycles consist of hemipelagic deposits that formed during the highest relative position of sea level. The cycles fine upward because upslope carbonate production decreased as relative sea level rose due to less surface area available for shallow-water carbonate production and partial drowning of substrates. The cycles are dominated by two end-member types of facies associations and stratal geometries that formed in response to fluctuating sea-level position over variable substrate palaeotopography. One end-member is termed ‘flank flow cycle’ because this type of cycle indicates dominant sediment transport down the flanks of palaeovalleys. Those cycles drape the substrate, have more debrites, high-density turbidites and erosion on palaeovalley flanks, and in general, the lithofacies fine down the palaeovalley flanks into the palaeovalley axes. The second end-member is termed ‘axial flow cycle’ because it indicates a dominance of sediment transport down the axes of palaeovalleys. Those cycles are characterized by debrites and high-density turbidites in palaeovalley axes, and lap out of strata against the flanks of palaeovalleys. Where and when an axial flow cycle or flank flow cycle developed appears to be related to the intersection of sea level with areas of gentle or steep substrate slopes, during an overall relative rise in sea level. Results from this study provide a model for similar systems that must combine carbonate principles for sediment production, palaeotopographic controls, and physical principles of sediment remobilization into deep water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Pebble fabric data are available from several facies of glacigenic sediments deposited by modern glaciers, where sedimentary processes can be observed or inferred with relatively little ambiguity. Over 100 samples from contemporary environments illustrate fabrics characterizing melt-out till, deformed and undeformed lodgement till, sediment flow deposits and ice slope colluvium. Lodgement till fabric variability is related to the two-layer structure of these sediments; a structureless, friable upper layer with low shear strength and high consolidation coefficient, overlying a very compact material of horizontal platy structure. Fabric strength (assessed by eigenvalue analysis) is weaker and pebble dip is more dispersed in the upper structureless horizon. Stronger fabrics in the lower platy horizon may be primary depositional fabrics which are destroyed by subglacial shearing to give weaker fabrics in the upper horizon. Alternatively, upper horizon fabrics may be characteristic of all recently-deposited lodgement tills, with stronger fabrics developing at depth by dewatering and consolidation. There is a general reduction in fabric strength and an increase in particle dip associated with the transition from melt-out tills, through undeformed and deformed lodgement tills, to sediment flow deposits and ice slope colluvium. There is, however, considerable overlap in the fabric strengths characteristic of sediment flow deposits and deformed lodgement tills. Fabric data from modern glacial sedimentary facies are used to assist in interpreting the mode of deposition of some Quaternary glacial sediments. Relatively strong fabrics characteristic of melt-out tills and undeformed lodgement tills are more likely to be diagnostic of genesis than weaker fabrics associated with deformed sediments.  相似文献   

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