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New experimental data on the system FeOFe2O2TiO2 using a new oxygen buffer are presented. It is found that there is a narrow range of oxygen fugacity above 550°C within which hematite and ilmenite coexist stably.  相似文献   

The critical role of iron on crystal-silicate liquid relationships and melt differentiation is mainly controlled by the redox conditions prevailing in magmas, but the presently available database merely constrains the thermodynamic properties of iron-bearing components in strongly reduced and anhydrous molten silicate where iron is in the ferrous form. This paper provides new standard states for pure ferrous (FeOliq) and ferric (Fe2O3liq) molten iron oxides and extends the experimental database towards oxidizing and water-bearing domains. Iron-iridium, iron-platinum alloys, magnetite or hematite were equilibrated with synthetic silicic liquids at high temperature and high pressure under controlled oxygen fugacity (fO2) to determine activity-composition relationships for FeOliq and Fe2O3liq. Between 1000 and 1300°C, the fO2 ranges from that in air to 3-log units below that of the nickel-nickel oxide buffer (NNO). Experiments were performed on both anhydrous and hydrous melts containing up to 6-wt.% water. Incorporation of water under reducing conditions increases the activity coefficient of FeOliq but has an opposite effect on Fe2O3liq. As calcium is added to system, the effect of water becomes weaker and is inverted for Fe2O3liq. Under oxidizing conditions, water has a negligible effect on both activities of FeOliq and Fe2O3liq. In contrast, changes in redox conditions dominate the activity coefficients of both FeOliq and Fe2O3liq, which increase significantly with increasing fO2. The present results combined with the previous work provide a specific database on the energetics of iron in silicate melts that cover most of the condition prevailing in natural magmas.  相似文献   

The enthalpies of solution of La2O3, TiO2, HfO2, NiO and CuO were measured in sodium silicate melts at high temperature. When the heat of fusion was available, we derived the corresponding liquid-liquid enthalpies of mixing. These data, combined with previously published work, provide insight into the speciation reactions in sodium silicate melts. The heat of solution of La2O3 in these silicate solvents is strongly exothermic and varies little with La2O3 concentration. The variation of heat of solution with composition of the liquid reflects the ability of La(III) to perturb the transient silicate framework and compete with other cations for oxygen. The enthalpy of solution of TiO2 is temperature-dependent and indicates that the formation of Na-O-Si species is favored over Na-O-Ti at low temperature. The speciation reactions can be interpreted in terms of recent spectroscopic studies of titanium-bearing melts which identify a dual role of Ti4+ as both a network-former end network-modifier. The heats of solution of oxides of transition elements (Ni and Cu) are endothermic, concentration-dependent and reach a maximum with concentration. These indicate a charge balanced substitution which diminishes the network modifying role of Na+ by addition of Ni2+ or Cu2+. The transition metal is believed to be in tetrahedral coordination, charge balanced by the sodium cation in the melts.  相似文献   

Glasses in the systems NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8 and NaAlSi3O8-Si4O8 have been studied by means of hydrofluoric acid solution calorimetry at 50°C. Results indicate small negative enthalpies of mixing in the former system and small positive departures from ideality in the latter.  相似文献   

The short range distribution of interatomic distances in three feldspar glasses has been determined by X-ray radial distribution analysis. The resulting radial distribution functions (RDF's) are interpreted by comparison with RDF's calculated for various quasi-crystalline models of the glass structure.The experimental RDF's of the alkali feldspar glasses were found to be inconsistent with the four-membered rings of tetrahedra associated with crystalline feldspars; the structures of these glasses are probably based on interconnected six-membered rings of the type found in tridymite, nepheline, or kalsilite. In contrast, the RDF of calcic feldspar glass is consistent with a four-membered ring structure of the type found in crystalline anorthite. T-O bond lengths (T = Si,Al) increase from 1.60 Å in SiO2 glass [J. H. Konnert and J. Karle (1973) Acta Cryst.A29, 702–710] to 1.63 Å in the alkali feldspar glasses to 1.66 Å in the calcic feldspar glass due to the substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedra] sites. The T-O-T bond angles inferred from the RDF peak positions are 151° in SiO2 glass (see reference above), 146° in the alkali feldspar glasses, and 143° in the calcic feldspar glass. Detail in the RDF at distances greater than 5 Å suggests that the alkali feldspar glasses have a higher degree of long range order than the calcic feldspar glasses.Assuming that the structural details of our feldspar glasses are similar to those of the melts, the observed structural differences between the alkali feldspar and calcic feldspar glasses helps explain the differences in crystallization kinetics of anhydrous feldspar composition melts. Structural interpretations of some thermodynamic and rheologic phenomena associated with feldspar melts are also presented based on these results.  相似文献   

Five hundred eighty-five viscosity measurements on 40 melt compositions from the ternary system CaMgSi2O6 (Di)-CaAl2Si2O8 (An)-NaAlSi3O8 (Ab) have been compiled to create an experimental database spanning a wide range of temperatures (660-2175°C). The melts within this ternary system show near-Arrhenian to strongly non-Arrhenian properties, and in this regard are comparable to natural melts. The database is used to produce a chemical model for the compositional and temperature dependence of melt viscosity in the Di-An-Ab system. We use the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation (VFT: log η = A + B/(T − C)) to account for the temperature dependence of melt viscosity. We also assume that all silicate melts converge to a common viscosity at high temperature. Thus, A is independent of composition, and all compositional dependence resides in the parameters B and C. The best estimate for A is −5.06, which implies a high-temperature limit to viscosity of 10-5.06 Pa s. The compositional dependence of B and C is expressed by 12 coefficients (bi=1,2.6, cj=1,2..6) representing linear (e.g., bi=1:3) and higher order, nonlinear (e.g., bi=4:6) contributions. Our results suggest a near-linear compositional dependence for B (<10% nonlinear) and C (<7% nonlinear). We use the model to predict model VFT functions and to demonstrate the systematic variations in viscosity due to changes in melt composition. Despite the near linear compositional dependence of B and C, the model reproduces the pronounced nonlinearities shown by the original data, including the crossing of VFT functions for different melt compositions. We also calculate values of Tg for melts across the Di-An-Ab ternary system and show that intermediate melt compositions have Tg values that are depressed by up to 100°C relative to the end-members Di-An-Ab. Our non-Arrhenian viscosity model accurately reproduces the original database, allows for continuous variations in rheological properties, and has a demonstrated capacity for extrapolation beyond the original data.  相似文献   

Using the model of fictive ideal components, Gibbs free energies of formation of pyrope and Al2O3-enstatite have been determined from the experimental data on coexisting garnet and orthopyroxene and orthopyroxene and spinel in the temperature range of 1200–1600 K. The negative free energies in kJ/mol are:

A thermodynamic model is proposed for calculation of liquidus relations in multicomponent systems of geologic interest. In this formulation of mineral-melt equilibria, reactions are written in terms of the liquid oxide components, and balanced on the stoichiometry of liquidus phases. In order to account for non-ideality in the liquid, a ‘Margules solution’ is derived in a generalized form which can be extended to systems of any number of components and for polynomials of any degree. Equations are presented for calculation of both the excess Gibbs free energy of a solution and the component activity coefficients.Application to the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 at one atmosphere pressure is achieved using linear programming. Thermodynamic properties of liquidus minerals and the melt are determined which are consistent with adopted error brackets for available calorimetric and phase equilibrium data. Constraints are derived from liquidus relations, the CaO-SiO2 binary liquid immiscibility gap, solid-solid P-T reactions, and measured standard state entropies, enthalpies, and volumes of minerals in this system.Binary and ternary liquidus diagrams are recalculated by computer programs which trace cotectic boundaries and isothermal sections while checking each point on a curve for metastability. The maximum differences between calculated and experimentally determined invariant points involving stoichiometric minerals are 17°C and 1.5 oxide weight per cent. Because no solid solution models have been incorporated, deviations are larger for invariant points which involve non-stoichiometric minerals.Calculated heats of fusion, silica activities in the melt, and heats of mixing of liquids compare favorably with experimental data, and suggest that this model can be used to supplement the limited amount of available data on melt properties.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of solution in 2PbO· B2O3 at 712°C have been measured for glasses in the systems albite anorthite diopside, NaAlO2-SiO2, Ca0.5AlO2-SiO2 and albite-anorthite-quartz. The systems albite-anorthite and diopside-anorthite show substantial negative enthalpies of mixing, albite-diopside shows significant positive heats of mixing. For compositions up to NaAlO2 = 0.42 (which includes the subsystem albite-silica) the system NaAlO2-SiO2 shows essentially zero heats of mixing. A negative ternary excess heat of mixing is found in the plagioclase-rich portion of the albite-anorthite-diopside system. The join Si4O8-CaAl2Si2O8 shows small but significant heats of mixing. In albite-anorthite-quartz. ternary glasses, the ternary excess enthalpy of mixing is positive.Based on available heat capacity data and appropriate consideration of the glass transition, the enthalpy of the crystal-glass transition (vitrification) is a serious underestimate of the enthalpy of the crystal-liquid transition (fusion) especially when the melting point, Tf, is many hundreds of degrees higher than the glass transition temperature, Tg. On the other hand, the same heat capacity data suggest that the enthalpies of mixing in albite-anorthite-diopside liquids are calculated to be quite similar to those in the glasses. The enthalpies of mixing observed in general support the structural models proposed by Taylor and Brown (1979a, b) and others for the structure of aluminosilicate glasses.  相似文献   

In addition to equilibrium isotopic fractionation factors experimentally derived, theoretical predictions are needed for interpreting isotopic compositions measured on natural samples because they allow exploring more easily a broader range of temperature and composition. For iron isotopes, only aqueous species were studied by first-principles methods and the combination of these data with those obtained by different methods for minerals leads to discrepancies between theoretical and experimental isotopic fractionation factors. In this paper, equilibrium iron isotope fractionation factors for the common minerals pyrite, hematite, and siderite were determined as a function of temperature, using first-principles methods based on the density functional theory (DFT). In these minerals belonging to the sulfide, oxide and carbonate class, iron is present under two different oxidation states and is involved in contrasted types of interatomic bonds. Equilibrium fractionation factors calculated between hematite and siderite compare well with the one estimated from experimental data (ln α57Fe/54Fe = 4.59 ± 0.30‰ and 5.46 ± 0.63‰ at 20 °C for theoretical and experimental data, respectively) while those for Fe(III)aq-hematite and Fe(II)aq-siderite are significantly higher that experimental values. This suggests that the absolute values of the reduced partition functions (β-factors) of aqueous species are not accurate enough to be combined with those calculated for minerals. When compared to previous predictions derived from Mössbauer or INRXS data [Polyakov V. B., Clayton R. N., Horita J. and Mineev S. D. (2007) Equilibrium iron isotope fractionation factors of minerals: reevaluation from the data of nuclear inelastic resonant X-ray scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 3833-3846], our iron β-factors are in good agreement for siderite and hematite while a discrepancy is observed for pyrite. However, the detailed investigation of the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of pyrite as well as the study of sulfur isotope fractionation between pyrite and two other sulfides (sphalerite and galena) indicate that DFT-derived β-factors of pyrite are as accurate as for hematite and siderite. We thus suggest that experimental vibrational density of states of pyrite should be re-examined.  相似文献   

An end member of the tourmaline series with a structural formula □(Mg2Al)Al6(BO3)3[Si6O18](OH)4 has been synthesized in the system MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O where it represents the only phase with a tourmaline structure. Our experiments provide no evidence for the substitutions Al → Mg + H, Mg → 2H, B + H → Si, and AlAl → MgSi and we were not able to synthesize a phase “Mg-aluminobuergerite” characterized by Mg in the (3a)-site and a strong (OH)-deficiency reported by Rosenberg and Foit (1975). The alkali-free tourmaline has a vacant (3a)-site and is related to dravite by the □ + Al for Na + Mg substitution. It is stable from at least 300°C to about 800°C at low fluid pressures and 100% excess B2O3, and can be synthesized up to a pressure of 20 kbars. At higher temperatures the tourmaline decomposes into grandidierite or a boron-bearing phase possibly related to mullite (“B-mullite”), quartz, and unidentified solid phases, or the tourmaline melts incongruently into corundum + liquid, depending on pressure. In the absence of excess B2O3 tourmaline stability is lowered by about 60°C. Tourmaline may coexist with the other MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O phases forsterite, enstatite, chlorite, talc, quartz, grandidierite, corundum, spinel, “B-mullite,” cordierite, and sinhalite depending on the prevailing PTX-conditions.The (3a)-vacant tourmaline has the space group R3m with a =15.90 A?, c = 7.115 A?, and V = 1557.0 A?3. However, these values vary at room temperature with the pressure-temperature conditions of synthesis by ±0.015 A? in a, ±0.010 A? in c, and ±4.0 A?3 in V, probably as a result of MgAl order/disorder relations in the octahedral positions. Despite these variations intensity calculations support the assumed structural formula. Refractive indices are no = 1.631(2), nE = 1.610(2), Δn = 0.021. The infrared spectrum is intermediate between those of dravite and elbaite. The common alkali and calcium deficiencies of natural tourmalines may at least partly be explained by miscibilities towards (3a)-vacant end members. The apparent absence of (3a)-vacant tourmaline in nature is probably due to the lack of fluids that carry boron but no Na or Ca.  相似文献   

月球表面的元素和物质成分分布是理解月球成岩与地质演化历史的重要线索。嫦娥一号干涉成像光谱仪(IIM)是我国首台月球探测成像光谱仪器,其获得的大量月球高光谱数据已成为我国未来探测月球成分与地质演化研究的宝贵基础数据。本文利用探月工程地面应用系统发布的IIM B版本2C级数据,开发出一套数据再定标流程,获得了较为可靠的月表相对反射率数据。我们在新校正数据的基础上开展月球表面FeO、TiO_2的反演建模,获得了全月FeO和TiO_2分布图,这些图件是进行月球地质填图的基础。校正数据反演的FeO和TiO_2分布与前人对Clementine UVVIS数据的反演结果相近,表明干涉成像光谱仪数据具有较大的应用潜力。高地的低铁岩石成分(一般小于8%)佐证了月球月壳形成的过程中的岩浆洋分异假说,而月海玄武岩的TiO_2成分变化范围较大(0~13%)则表明月海玄武岩来源于不同的月幔源区。根据嫦娥一号干涉成像光谱仪全月FeO分布图,可将月球表面物质类型总体划分为高地斜长岩和月海玄武岩,而根据TiO_2分布可以进一步将月海玄武岩划分为5种不同钛含量的玄武岩岩石类型。FeO和TiO_2在全月范围内的分布表明Apollo和Luna返回的月球样品不能够代表全月范围内的矿物成分多样性,月球岩浆演化历史比前人认为的要复杂。未来月球样品返回任务(如嫦娥五号)如能赴这些特殊地区进行取样,将很有可能返回重要的月球科学研究发现和成果。  相似文献   

The enthalpies of solution of several synthetic garnets on the join Mg3Al2Si3O12-Ca3Al2Si3O12 (pyrope-grossular) and of several synthetic clinopyroxenes on the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 (diopside-Ca-Tschermak's molecule) were measured in a melt of composition 2PbO · B2O3 at 970 K. The determinations were made with sufficient precision so that thermochemical characterizations of the solid solutions could be achieved.The pyrope-grossular solutions show positive enthalpies of mixing. The non-ideality in the range 0–30 mole % grossular is relatively the largest and is in good agreement with the predictions of Ganguly and Kennedy (1974) based largely on cation partitioning of natural high grade metamorphic garnets with biotite, and with the deductions of Hensenet al. (1975) based on measurement of the compositions of synthetic pyrope-rich garnets equilibrated with anorthite, Al2SiO5 and quartz. However, the garnets show smaller excess enthalpies at higher grossular contents. This would lead to an asymmetric solvus with a critical temperature lower than predicted by the symmetrical regular solution model of Ganguly and Kennedy (1974). The composition-dependent non-ideality can be understood by simple ionic size considerations in solid substitution and is analogous to the situations for the calcite-dolomite and enstatite-diopside solvi.The heats of solution of pyropes crystallized in the range 1000–1500°C were all the same, within the precision of measurement, and thus we have found no evidence for temperature-dependent cation disordering as a possible explanation of the high entropy of pyrope, as suggested by Charluet al. (1975). Positional disorder of dodecahedral Mg is a more probable reason.The diopside-CaTs join is also non-ideal, with the larger positive enthalpy deviations near the diopside end. The calorimetric data in the magnesian range are consistemt with the model for completely disordered tetrahedral Si and Al which results from the free energy derivations of wood (1975) based on syntheses of diopside-rich aluminous pyroxenes in the presence of anorthite and quartz. At higher Al concentrations the calorimetric data seem more consistent with the ‘local charge-balance’ model of Wood (1975).No evidence for temperature-dependent disorder was found for either the diopside or CaTs end-members.  相似文献   

A high-temperature solution calorimetric method suitable for thermochemical studies of anhydrous minerals containing Fe2+ ions has been developed. The method is based on an oxide melt solvent with 52 wt% LiBO2 and 48 wt% NaBO2 maintained at a temperature of 750°C. In a first application of this method the enthalpies of solution of synthetic almandine, fayalite, a mixture of fayalite plus quartz on FeSiO3 composition, and natural quartz were measured. For the reaction:
the enthalpy change at 1023 K is ?3.82 ± 0.87 kcal, based on fayalite, quartz, corundum and almandine, and ?5.96 ± 0.90 kcal based on the fayalite plus quartz mixture, corundum, and almandine. These values lead to standard molar enthalpies of formation of almandine from the oxides at 1023 K of ?14.10 ± 1.22 kcal and ?16.24 ± 1.74 kcal, respectively. The measured enthalpy of formation of almandine is less negative by several kilocalories than values derived from analysis of the phase equilibrium work of Hsu (1968), but in closer agreement with the phase equilibrium study of O'Neill and Wood (1979) and similar to the phase equilibrium deduction of Froese (1973).The agreement of the present almandine enthalpy of formation with O'Neill and Wood (1979) and Froese (1973) suggests that almandine entropies at 298 K to be obtained from their studies, in the range 79–81 cal/K, are more nearly correct than the several estimates based on oxide sum and volume-entropy systematics, most of which are much lower.  相似文献   

ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is used to understand the adsorption of uranyl-citrate complexes to Al2O3. Spectral data indicate that uranyl-citrate complexes partially dissociate upon adsorption, allowing full or partial hydrolysis of the uranyl ion. Kads values determined for free citrate adsorption are similar to those for citrate in uranyl-citrate complexes, indicating that the complexation of uranyl by citrate does not significantly affect the ability of citrate to bond with the surface. The isotherm data also indicate enhanced citrate adsorption to Al2O3 in the presence of uranyl, suggesting that uranyl may be the central link between two citrate ligands, and that uranyl is associated with the surface through a bridging citrate ligand. Finally, uranyl-citrate complexes interact with citrate adsorbed to Al2O3 through outer sphere interactions.  相似文献   

The solubility of hematite in chloride-bearing hydrothermal fluids was determined in the temperature range 400–600°C and at 1000 and 2000 bars using double-capsule, rapid-quench hydrothermal techniques and a modification of the Ag + AgCl buffer method (Frantz and Popp, 1979). The changes in the molalities of associated hydrogen chloride (mHCl0) as a function of the molality of total iron in the fluid at constant temperature and pressure were used to identify the predominant species of iron in the hydrothermal fluid. The molality of associated HCl varied from 0.01 to 0.15. Associated FeCl20 was found to be the most abundant species in equilibrium with hematite. Determination of Cl/Fe in the fluid in equilibrium with hematite yields values approximately equal to 2.0 suggesting that ferrous iron is the dominant oxidation state.The equilibrium constant for the reaction Fe2O3 + 4HCl0 + H2 = 2FeCl20 + 3H2O was calculated and used to estimate the difference in Gibbs free energy between FeCl20 and HCl0 in the temperature range 400–600°C at 1000 and 2000 bars pressure.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of solution in 2PbO · B2O3 at 974 K have been measured for glasses along the joins Ca2Si2O6 (Wo)-Mg2Si2O6 (En) and Mg2Si2O6-MgAl2SiO6 (MgTs). Heats of mixing are symmetric and negative for Wo-En with WH = ?31.0 ± 3.6 kJ mol?. Negative heats of mixing were also found for the En-MgTs glasses (WH = ?33.4 ± 3.7 kJ mol?).Enthalpies of vitrification of pyroxenes and pyroxenoids generally increase with decreasing alumina content and with decreasing basicity of the divalent cation.Heats of mixing along several glassy joins show systematic trends. When only non-tetrahedral cations mix (outside the aluminosilicate framework), small exothermic heats of mixing are seen. When both nontetrahedral and framework cations mix (on separate sublattices, presumably), the enthalpies of mixing are substantially more negative. Maximum enthalpy stabilization near compositions with Al/Si ≈ 1 is suggested.  相似文献   

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