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A high efficiency method is very important in geological survey for a new city in China. Geophysical parameters are Measured While Drilling(MWD), and these parameters are processed and explained on the ground, so the method can replace conventional engineering geological exploration for drilling rock sample. According petroleum engineering MWD, using the different characters of different rock absorbs γ radial, with the method of storing data in hole and explaining data on the ground, engineering geological exploration formation density MWD is researched. The MWD works stabilized, and the performance is good with precise data.  相似文献   

介绍了南京地铁南北线一期工程的工程概况及工程地质条件.地铁建设场址区沿线地形复杂,地铁要频繁穿过基岩和河漫滩软土及古河床的饱水粉细砂层,由此引发较多的工程地质问题.结合优势面分析理论讨论了南京地铁建设所遇到的主要工程地质问题:区域稳定性问题、砂土液化问题、围岩稳定性问题、工程水害与渗透变形问题、地基不均匀沉降问题,并针对具体问题提出了在地铁施工中的相应解决办法.实践证明,认清工程建设中所存在的工程地质问题并作出科学评价,对工程建设的勘察、施工、设计都是至关重要的.  相似文献   

古滑坡体地球物理调查方法技术的选择对勘探效果至关重要。以吉林省通化市拟建集安-通化高速公路滑坡体为例,采用折射波法和高密度电法,利用二维反演技术进行数据处理。结合地质信息,确定了滑坡体的形态及厚度变化,厚度最大约20 m,滑坡性质为堆积层滑坡。研究结果表明折射波法和高密度电法进行古滑坡勘探,效果较好。  相似文献   

There is a great difference between the distribution and evolvement characteristics of slope geological hazard in the same geographical location and climatic conditions,taking the similar structural-genetic connection in Wudongde reservoir area of Jinshajiang River valley for example.In all engineering geological conditions,the chronologic age and attitude of strata,and the lithologic association factors control the distributions and evolvement characteristics of slope geological hazard in the studied area.The study shows that the slopes in geological evolution are in different stages.The conclusion helps to understand the types and the intensity of geological disasters.  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法具有一次布线、连续测量、数据采集量大、地质信息丰富,成果可信度高等优点,通过控制测量电极的距离来提高分辨率,加大有效勘察深度,提高观测精度,可有效地解决工程勘察中遇到的各种地质问题,相对其他物探方法具有无法比拟的优势。  相似文献   

通过开展济宁矿业集团资源危机煤矿勘查试点工作,系统收集煤炭生产、地质勘查、科研工作的成果资料,充分调研煤炭矿区资源危机程度,经过整理分析和综合研究,建议将花园、阳城煤田普查列入危机矿山资源接替勘查试点项目。  相似文献   

论述了山东省电气石矿分布及赋存特征,矿体的产状、规模、厚度及其质量变化;研究了矿石类型、加工技术性能及开采技术条件;论述了目前该矿产勘查现状,结合矿床实例,对该类矿产的勘查方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

栖霞市西沟地区金矿脉受NNE向断裂构造控制,矿化围岩主要是印支期文登超单元阜山单元中粗粒二长花岗岩,是典型的蚀变岩型金矿。该区处于NE向陡崖一台前断裂成矿带西侧,NNE,NE向次一级断裂构造发育,矿化蚀变强烈,是有利的成矿地带,具有良好的找矿前景,是寻找大、中型金矿床的重要靶区。  相似文献   

根据枣庄市峄城区矿山开采对地质环境造成的破坏及对矿业可持续发展调研分析,认为开采不仅对山体、植被等造成了直接破坏,还导致诸如地表塌陷、山体滑坡等安全隐患,矿山环境治理要从思想上、经费上、法律法规上、技术上入手解决,对已关停矿山地质环境治理,除加大宣传力度外,重点落实对矿山地质环境治理工作的责任、治理规划的编制实施,不断完善、探索治理方法和治理技术攻关及对策预案工作。  相似文献   

Manzhouli, a city of Halun Buir, is located at 117°12, -- 1 17"53'E, 49"19, -- 49o41'N with a total area18. 73km2. Its morphologies are mainly hills andsloping fields and the average height above sea level is654m. It is rounded by the hills and higher in the southpart and lower in the north part. It'S climate is thesemi-dry climate of mid-temperate zone with the coldand windy winter and cool and short summer. It is dryin spring and the temperature decreases quickly in theautumn with the ear…  相似文献   

栖霞市西沟地区金矿脉受NNE向断裂构造控制,矿化围岩主要是印支期文登超单元阜山单元中粗粒二长花岗岩,是典型的蚀变岩型金矿。该区处于NE向陡崖台前断裂成矿带西侧,NNE,NE向次一级断裂构造发育,矿化蚀变强烈,是有利的成矿地带,具有良好的找矿前景,是寻找大、中型金矿床的重要靶区。  相似文献   

为了满足目前地质图件在立体制图方面的需求,采用SRTM DEM为数据源,通过SRTM DEM地质制图应用与要素分析制图等处理,进行了等高线与坡度、坡向的快速提取,并以湖南省与安徽省的地质图为例,做了MapGIS平台下的地质图可视化分析.证明将SRTM DEM作为地质图的一个图层要素加以显示,增强图件的立体感的可行性,同...  相似文献   

王埝沟铁矿床为隐伏矿床,产于泰山岩群山草峪组地层中,发育2条主矿带,总体走向为280°-290°,平行展布,相向而倾,具不对称向斜构造特征。该铁矿床2条主矿带发育5个矿体,北翼矿带发育3个矿体,南翼矿带发育2个矿体,矿体呈层状、似层状产出,产状与地层产状一致。综合分析研究成矿地质条件及区域成矿理论,并充分利用地面高精度磁法剖面测量成果,二者有机结合的综合式找矿方法,是目前寻找深部沉积变质型“鞍山式”铁矿盲矿体行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

1 IN T R O D U C T IO NZhaoyuan C ity, located in northeast of ShandongProvince,iscalled "G old C ity"and itisone ofim portantgold production bases in C hina.The exploitation ofthegold broughtoutthe extensive vacantareas,leading tolarge-scale ground subsi…  相似文献   

岱崮地貌是继岩溶地貌、丹霞地貌、张家界地貌、嶂石岩地貌之后的中国第5种岩石地貌,作为一种新命名的地貌类型,岱崮地貌具有极大的美学价值和科研价值。但对其的研究和开发却相对滞后。该文介绍了岱崮地貌的研究现状、分布及其形成过程、发育阶段等,岱崮地貌的分布规律、形态特征、组成结构,其演变趋势与模式及其形成机制等,是其学术研究的核心问题。加强对岱崮地貌的研究,不仅能够改变地貌学中关于方山研究的薄弱局面,丰富大陆风化及陆地碳循环研究,而且可深化对沂蒙山区地质地貌条件、生态环境特点的认识,也可为申报国家地质公园和世界自然遗产提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

Limited information has been available about the influence of loading density on the performances of Scophthalmus maximus, especially in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). In this study, turbot (13.84±2.74 g; average weight±SD) were reared at four different initial densities (low 0.66, medium 1.26, sub-high 2.56, high 4.00 kg/m2) for 10 weeks in RAS at 23±1°C. Final densities were 4.67, 7.25, 14.16, and 17.47 kg/m2, respectively, which translate to 82, 108, 214, and 282 percent coverage of the tank bottom. Density had both negative and independent impacts on growth. The final mean weight, specific growth rate (SGR), and voluntary feed intake significantly decreased and the coefficient of variation (CV) of final body weight increased with increase in stocking density. The medium and sub-high density groups did not differ significantly in SGR, mean weight, CV, food conversion rate (FCR), feed intake, blood parameters, and digestive enzymes. The protease activities of the digestive tract at pH 7, 8.5, 9, and 10 were significantly higher for the highest density group, but tended to be lower (not significantly) at pH 4 and 8.5 for the lowest density group. The intensity of protease activity was inversely related to feed intake at the different densities. Catalase activity was higher (but not significantly) at the highest density, perhaps because high density started to induce an oxidative effect in turbot. In conclusion, turbot can be cultured in RAS at a density of less than 17.47 kg/m2. With good water quality and no feed limitation, initial density between 1.26 and 2.56 kg/m2 (final: 7.25 and 14.16 kg/m2) would not negatively affect the turbot cultured in RAS. For culture at higher density, multi-level feeding devices are suggested to ease feeding competition.  相似文献   

The circulation of Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) in the Southern Yellow Sea is investigated using a diagnostic 2D MITgcm model. The resolution of the computational grid is 900 m in the horizontal and 2 m in the vertical where an initial temperature distribution corresponding to a typical measured Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass was applied. The existence of YSCWM that causes fluid density difference, is shown to produce counter-rotating cyclonic horizontal eddies in the surface layer: the inner one is anti-cyclonic(clockwise) and relatively weaker(8–10 cm s-1) while the outer one is cyclonic(anti-clockwise) and much stronger(15–20 cm s-1). This result is consistent with the surface pattern observed by Pang et al.(2004), who has shown that a mesoscale anti-cyclonic eddy(clockwise) exists in the upper layer of central southern Yellow Sea, and a basin-scale cyclonic(anticlockwise) gyre lies outside of the anti-cyclonic eddy, based on the trajectories and drifting velocities of 23 drifters. Below the thermocline, there is an anti-cyclonic(clockwise) circulation. This complex current eddy system is considered to be capable of trapping suspended sediments and depositing them near the front between YSCWM and the coastal waters off the Subei coast, providing an explanation on the sediment depth and size distribution of mud patches in the Southern Yellow Sea. Moreover, sensitive test scenarios indicate that variations of bottom friction do not substantially change the main features of the circulation structure, but will reduce the bottom current velocity, increase the surface current velocity and weaken the upwelling around the frontal area.  相似文献   

黄沙河地区位于新疆东昆仑西段南缘,属于昆南增生杂岩带,研究区内出露大面积下石炭统托库孜达坂组,为了厘定区内托库孜达坂组时代并对其沉积环境进行分析,本文在详细的野外地质调查基础上,通过地层层序学、岩石学及古生物学研究,将新疆东昆仑西段黄沙河地区托库孜达坂组分为下段碎屑岩段和上段碳酸盐岩段,将其时代厘定为早石炭世,结合区内碎屑岩粒度特征及放射虫化石特征,确定该套地层的沉积环境为半深海滨浅海环境。  相似文献   

山东省平邑县王家村金矿化体赋存于寒武纪地层与顺层侵入的二长斑岩接触部位,为鲁西铜石地区又一新类型金矿,找矿前景良好。传统方法估算矿化体的资源量效果不佳,该文借助Surpac软件工具,在研究王家村金矿(化)体地质特征的基础上,根据矿床以往的地质勘查工程资料,首次建立了王家村矿床地质数据库,构建了矿区的三维可视化地质模型,模型形象直观的展现了矿区地形地貌、矿体展布位置及形态。并应用距离幂次反比法对矿体进行了资源量估算。用此软件进行资源量估算简便且准确,可以根据不同品位实现资源量的动态统计分析。  相似文献   

Colony morphology is important for Microcystis to sustain a competitive advantage in eutrophic lakes. The mechanism of colony formation in Microcystis is currently unclear. Extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) has been reported to play an important role in cell aggregate formation of some phytoplankton. Microcystis aeruginosa was cultivated under varied abiotic conditions, including different nutrient, light, and temperature conditions, to investigate their effects on EPS production and morphological change. The results show that nutrient concentration and light intensity have great effects on EPS production in M. aeruginosa. There was a considerable increase in EPS production after M. aeruginosa was cultivated in adjusted culture conditions similar to those present in the field (28.9mg C/L, 1.98mg N/L, 0.65mg P/L, light intensity:100 μmol/(m2s)). These results indicate that abiotic factors might be one of the triggers for colony formation in Microcystis.  相似文献   

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