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The spectrum of high frequency Earth rotation variations contains strong harmonic signal components mainly excited by ocean tides along with much weaker non-harmonic fluctuations driven by irregular processes like the diurnal thermal tides in the atmosphere and oceans. In order to properly investigate non-harmonic phenomena a representation in time domain is inevitable. We present a method, operating in time domain, which is easily applicable within Earth rotation estimation from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). It enables the determination of diurnal and subdiurnal variations, and is still effective with merely diurnal parameter sampling. The features of complex demodulation are used in an extended parameterization of polar motion and universal time which was implemented into a dedicated version of the Vienna VLBI Software VieVS. The functionality of the approach was evaluated by comparing amplitudes and phases of harmonic variations at tidal periods (diurnal/semidiurnal), derived from demodulated Earth rotation parameters (ERP), estimated from hourly resolved VLBI ERP time series and taken from a recently published VLBI ERP model to the terms of the conventional model for ocean tidal effects in Earth rotation recommended by the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS). The three sets of tidal terms derived from VLBI observations extensively agree among each other within the three-sigma level of the demodulation approach, which is below 6 μas for polar motion and universal time. They also coincide in terms of differences to the IERS model, where significant deviations primarily for several major tidal terms are apparent. An additional spectral analysis of the as well estimated demodulated ERP series of the ter- and quarterdiurnal frequency bands did not reveal any significant signal structure. The complex demodulation applied in VLBI parameter estimation could be demonstrated a suitable procedure for the reliable reproduction of high frequency Earth rotation components and thus represents a qualified tool for future studies of irregular geophysical signals in ERP measured by space geodetic techniques.  相似文献   

Polar motion and UT1 contain small geophysical signals (<0.1 milliarcsecond) driven by the daily cycle in the solar heating. These signals are either irregular or quasi-harmonic therefore need to be expressed by the time series and studied using the time domain techniques. This work is focused on the complex demodulation method which seems to be particularly useful for studying high frequency geophysical signals in Earth rotation. After general introduction of the method and its properties, we describe its application for modeling diurnal and subdiurnal components of polar motion and UT1 and of the corresponding excitation functions. We also derive dynamical equations which can be used for direct comparison of the signals demodulated from the Earth rotation and geophysical excitation data.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the ion distribution function near the Earths bow shock is studied on the basis of quasi-3D measurements of ion energy spectra in the range of 30–24200 eV/q with the Russian-Cuban CORALL instrument on the INTERBALL/Tail-probe satellite. The instrument was designed for observations of magnetospheric plasma and measures ions, in an angular range of 36°-144° from the Earth-Sun direction. Ion populations generated by the Earth bow shock are often observed upstream from the bow shock. In the solarwind stream compressed and heated by the passing of very dense magnetic cloud (CME), two types of these ion populations were measured upstream and before the bow shock crossing on 25 August 1995 at 07:37 UT. Both populations were observed in the energy range above 2 keV. At 06:20 UT, when the angle between the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field and normal to the bow shock Bn was w 43° the instrument observed a narrow, fast (800 km/s) field-aligned beam moving from the Earth. At 07:30, when Bn 28°, the wide ion pitch-angle distribution was observed. A similar suprathermal ion population is observed in the magnetosheath simultaneously with the solar-wind ion population being heated and deflected from the Sun-Earth direction. The similarity of observations during the mentioned time-interval and under usual solar-wind conditions allows us to conclude that types of suprathermal ion populations upstream and downstream from the bow shock do not depend on the solar-wind disturbance generated by magnetic cloud.  相似文献   

The AE indices are generally used for monitoring the level of magnetic activity in the auroral oval region. In some cases, however, the oval is either so expanded or contracted that the latitudinal coverage of the AE magnetometer chain is not adequate. Then, a longitudinal chain in the key region would give more information of the real situation, but, of course, only during some limited UT-period. In order to find out the UT coverage of a single meridional chain, we have compared the global AL and AU indices with corresponding local indices determined using data from the meridional part of the EISCAT Magnetometer Cross during the years 1985–1987. A statistical study shows that the local indices are close (within relative error of 0.2) to the global AU and AL during periods 1500–2000 UT ( 1730–2230 MLT) and 2130–0130 UT (000–0400 MLT), respectively. In the middle of these optimal MLT-sectors the EISCAT Cross sees more than 70% of the cases when the global AE chain records activity. Then, also the correlation between the local and global indices is generally good (>0.7). Thus we conclude that five to six evenly located meridional chains are needed for covering all the UT-periods. On the other hand, already the combination of IMAGE, CANOPUS, and the Greenland chains catches 50% of the substorms. Case-studies show that usually during 2130 – 1100 UT the AL achieved from these chains reproduces the real AL with good timing, although it does not follow all transient variations.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland HF radar has been operational since February 1995. The radar frequently observes backscatter during the midnight sector from a latitude range 70–75° geographic, latitudes often associated with the polar cap. These intervals of backscatter occur during intervals of substorm activity, predominantly in periods of relatively quiet magnetospheric activity, with Kp during the interval under study being 2-and KP for the day being only 8-. During August 1995 the radar ran in a high time resolution mode, allowing measurements of line-of-sight convection velocities along a single beam with a temporal resolution of 14s, and measurement of a full spatial scan of line-of-sight convection velocities every four minutes. Data from such scans reveal the radar to be measuring return flow convection during the interval of substorm activity. For three intervals during the period under study, a reduction in the spatial extent of radar backscatter occurred. This is a consequence of D region HF absorption and its limited extent in the present study is probably a consequence of the high latitude of the substorm activity, with the electrojet centre lying between 67° and 71° geomagnetic latitude. The high time resolution beam of the radar additionally demonstrates that the convection is highly time dependent. Pulses of equatorward flow exceeding 600 m s–1 are observed with a duration of 5 min and a repetition period of 8 min. Their spatial extent in the CUTLASS field of view was 400–500 km in longitude, and 300–400 km in latitude. Each pulse of enhanced equatorward flow was preceded by an interval of suppressed flow and enhanced ionospheric Hall conductance. The transient features are interpreted as being due to ionospheric current vortices associated with field aligned current pairs. The relationship between these observations and substorm phenomena in the magnetotail is discussed.  相似文献   

The theoretical aspects of the transfer of angular momentum between atmosphere and Earth are treated with particular emphasis on analytical solutions. This is made possible by the consequent usage of spherical harmonics of low degree and by the development of large-scale atmospheric dynamics in terms of orthogonal wave modes as solutions of Laplace's tidal equations.An outline of the theory of atmospheric ultralong planetary waves is given leading to analytical expressions for the meridional and height structure of such waves. The properties of the atmospheric boundary layer, where the exchange of atmospheric angular momentum with the solid Earth takes place, are briefly reviewed. The characteristic coupling time is the Ekman spin-down time of about one week.The axial component of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), consisting of a pressure loading component and a zonal wind component, can be described by only two spherical functions of latitude : the zonal harmonicP 2 0 (), responsible for pressure loading, and the spherical functionP 1 1 () simulating supperrotation of the zonal wind. All other wind and pressure components merely redistributeAAM internally such that their contributions toAAM disappear if averaged over the globe. It is shown that both spherical harmonics belong to the meridional structure functions of the gravest symmetric Rossby-Haurwitz wave (0, –1)*. This wave describes retrograde rotation of the atmosphere within the tropics (the tropical easterlies), while the gravest symmetric external wave mode (0, –2) is responsible for the westerlies at midlatitudes. Applying appropriate lower boundary conditions and assuming that secular angular momentum exchange between solid Earth and atmosphere disappears, the sum of both waves leads to an analytical solution of the zonal mean flow which roughly simulates the observed zonal wind structure as a function of latitude and height. This formalism is used as a basis for a quantitative discussion of the seasonal variations of theAAM within the troposphere and middle atmosphere.Atmospheric excitation of polar motion is due to pressure loading configurations, which contain the antisymmetric functionP 2 1 () exp(i) of zonal wavenumberm=1, while the winds must have a superrotation component in a coordinate system with the polar axis within the equator. The Rossby-Haurwitz wave (1, –3)* can simulate well the atmospheric excitation of the observed polar motion of all periods from the Chandler wobble down to normal modes with periods of about 10 days. Its superrotation component disappears so that only pressure loading contributes to polar motion.The solar gravitational semidiurnal tidal force acting on the thermally driven atmospheric solar semidiurnal tidal wave can accelerate the rotation rat of the Earth by about 0.2 ms per century. It is speculated that the viscous-like friction of the geomagnetic field at the boundary between magnetosphere and solar wind may be responsible for the westward drift of the dipole component of the internal geomagnetic field. Electromagnetic or mechanical coupling between outer core and mantle may then contribute to a decrease of the Earth's rotation rate.  相似文献   

High time resolution data from the CUTLASS Finland radar during the interval 01:30–03:30 UT on 11 May, 1998, are employed to characterise the ionospheric electric field due to a series of omega bands extending 5° in latitude at a resolution of 45 km in the meridional direction and 50 km in the azimuthal direction. E-region observations from the STARE Norway VHF radar operating at a resolution of 15 km over a comparable region are also incorporated. These data are combined with ground magnetometer observations from several stations. This allows the study of the ionospheric equivalent current signatures and height integrated ionospheric conductances associated with omega bands as they propagate through the field-of-view of the CUTLASS and STARE radars. The high-time resolution and multi-point nature of the observations leads to a refinement of the previous models of omega band structure. The omega bands observed during this interval have scale sizes 500 km and an eastward propagation velocity 0.75 km s–1. They occur in the morning sector (05 MLT), simultaneously with the onset/intensification of a substorm to the west during the recovery phase of a previous substorm in the Scandinavian sector. A possible mechanism for omega band formation and their relationship to the substorm phase is discussed.  相似文献   

The PULSAUR II rocket was launched from Andøya Rocket Range at 23.43 UT on 9 February 1994 into a pulsating aurora. In this paper we focus on the observations of precipitating electrons and auroral X-rays. By using models it is possible to deduce the electron energy spectrum from X-ray measurements. Comparisons are made between the deduced electron fluxes and the directly measured electron fluxes on the rocket. We found the shape of the observed and the deduced electron spectra to fit very well, with almost identical e-folding energies in the energy range from 10 keV to 60–80 keV. For the integrated fluxes from 10.8 to 250 keV, we found a discrepancy of 30%. By combining two models, we have found a good method of deducing the electron precipitation from X-ray measurements. The discrepancies between calculations and measurements are in the range of the uncertainties in the measurements.  相似文献   

Meteor radar measurements of winds near 95 km in four azimuth directions from the geographic South Pole are analyzed to reveal characteristics of the 12-h oscillation with zonal wavenumber one (s = 1). The wind measurements are confined to the periods from 19 January 1995 through 26 January 1996 and from 21 November 1996 through 27 January 1997. The 12-h s = 1 oscillation is found to be a predominantly summertime phenomenon, and is replaced in winter by a spectrum of oscillations with periods between 6 and 11.5 h. Both summers are characterized by minimum amplitudes (5–10 ms–1) during early January and maxima (15–20 ms–1) in November and late January. For 10-day means of the 12-h oscillation, smooth evolutions of phase of order 4–6 h occur during the course of the summer. In addition, there is considerable day-to-day variability (±5–10 ms–1 in amplitude) with distinct periods (i.e., 5 days and 8 days) which suggests modulation by planetary-scale disturbances. A comparison of climatological data from Scott Base, Molodezhnaya, and Mawson stations suggests that the 12-h oscillation near 78°S is s = 1, but that at 68°S there is probably a mixture between s = 1 and other zonal wavenumber oscillations (most probably s = 2). The mechanism responsible for the existence of the 12-h s = 1 oscillation has not yet been identified. Possible origins discussed herein include in situ excitation, nonlinear interaction between the migrating semidiurnal tide and a stationary s = 1 feature, and thermal excitation in the troposphere.  相似文献   

用JPL近年发布的地极坐标序列求得1893―1998年间极移的振幅序列,用最大熵谱分析方法求得了该资料序列包含的一些周期的参数,并利用小波变换方法分析讨论了其中的主要周期的变化.结果表明,极移振幅变化中存在着约6.5年和约40年的主要周期,且它们均具有一定程度的时变性.因此,在研究讨论极移与一些地球物理现象和自然灾害现象的关系时,应特别注意极移振幅中主要周期的时变特征.  相似文献   

A new phenomenon was found at the polar edge of the auroral oval in the postmidnight-morning sectors: field-aligned (FA) high-energy upward electron beams in the energy range 20–40 keV at altitudes about 3 RE, accompanied by bidirectional electron FA beams of keV energy. The beam intensity often reaches more than 0.5 · 103 electrons/s · sr · keV · cm2, and the beams are observed for a relatively long time (3 102–103 s), when the satellite at the apogee moves slowly in the ILAT-MLT frame. A qualitative scenario of the acceleration mechanism is proposed, according to which the satellite is within a region of bidirectional acceleration where a stochastic FA acceleration is accomplished by waves with fluctuating FA electric field components in both directions.  相似文献   

Using the Equator-S spacecraft and SuperDARN HF radars an extensive survey of bursty reconnection at the magnetopause and associated flows in the polar ionosphere has been conducted. Flux transfer event (FTE) signatures were identified in the Equator-S magnetometer data during periods of magnetopause contact in January and February 1998. Assuming the effects of the FTEs propagate to the polar ionosphere as geomagnetic field-aligned-currents and associated Alfveén-waves, appropriate field mappings to the fields-of-view of SuperDARN radars were performed. The radars observed discrete ionospheric flow channel events (FCEs) of the type previously assumed to be related to pulse reconnection. Such FCEs were associated with 80% of the FTEs and the two signatures are shown to be statistically associated with greater than 99% confidence. Exemplary case studies highlight the nature of the ionospheric flows and their relation to the high latitude convection pattern, the association methodology, and the problems caused by instrument limitations.  相似文献   

The atmospheric influence on the Earths, rotation can be described by the effective atmospheric angular momentum (EAAM) functions. In this study we focus on the analysis of short period variations of the equatorial components of the zonal EAAM excitation functions 1 and 2 and their influence on similar variations of polar motion. The global objective analysis data of the Japanese Meteorological Agency for the period 1986–1992 were used to compute the EAAM excitation functions in different latitude belts. Time- and latitude-variable amplitude spectra of variations of these functions with periods shorter than 150 days, containing pressure, pressure with the inverted barometric correction, and wind terms were computed. The spectra show distinct latitude and time variations of the prograde and retrograde oscillations which reach their maxima mainly in mid-latitudes. Prograde and retrograde oscillations with periods of about 40–60 days and about 110–120 days are seen in the spectra of pressure terms of the equatorial components of the zonal EAAM excitation functions. Additionally, correlation coefficients and cross-spectra between variations of the geodetic polar motion and equatorial components of the zonal EAAM excitation functions were computed to identify the latitude belts of the globe over which atmospheric circulation changes are correlated mostly with short period variations of the polar motion excitation functions. The correlation coefficients vary in time and latitude and reach maximum values in the northern latitudes from 50°N to 60°N. In the cross-spectra between the polar motion excitation functions and pressure terms of the zonal EAAM excitation functions there are peaks of common prograde oscillations with the periods around 20, 30, 40–50, 60 and 80–150 days and of common retrograde oscillations around 20, 30, 40 and 50–70 days.Paper presented at the IERS Workshop in Paris, March 1994  相似文献   

The EISCAT VHF radar (69.4°N, 19.1°E) has been used to record vertical winds at mesopause heights on a total of 31 days between June 1990 and January 1993. The data reveal a motion field dominated by quasi-monochromatic gravity waves with representative apparent periods of 30–40 min, amplitudes of up to 2.5 m s–1 and large vertical wavelength. In some instances waves appear to be ducted. Vertical profiles of the vertical-velocity variance display a variety of forms, with little indication of systematic wave growth with height. Daily mean variance profiles evaluated for consecutive days of recording show that the general shape of the variance profiles persists over several days. The mean variance evaluated over a 10 km height range has values from 1.2 m2s–2 to 6.5 m2s–2 and suggests a semi-annual seasonal cycle with equinoctial minima and solsticial maxima. The mean vertical wavenumber spectrum evaluated at heights up to 86 km has a slope (spectral index) of -1.36 ± 0.2, consistent with observations at lower heights but disagreeing with the predictions of a number of saturation theories advanced to explain gravity-wave spectra. The spectral slopes evaluated for individual days have a range of values, and steeper slopes are observed in summer than in winter. The spectra also appear to be generally steeper on days with lower mean vertical-velocity variance.  相似文献   

Popiński  W.  Kosek  W.  Schuh  H.  Schmidt  M. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2002,46(3):455-468
The wavelet transform techniques were applied to compute time-frequency spectra, coherence and cross-covariance functions between complex-valued polar motion and atmospheric excitation functions. These wavelet transform approaches are based on the classical wavelet transform with Morlet wavelet and the harmonic wavelet transform. The computed coherence and cross-covariance functions enable comparison of polar motion and atmospheric excitation functions data in the chosen frequency band. In the study we concentrate on short period oscillations with periods ranging from several to about 250 days. The time lag functions show frequency dependent time lags corresponding to maxima of the modules of cross-covariance functions between the polar motion and atmospheric excitation functions.  相似文献   

Approximately one thousand microearthquakes with body-wave magnitude mb have been located in northern Venezuela and the southern Caribbean region (9–12° N; 64–70° W) since the installation in 1980 of the Venezuelan Seismological Array, together with forty events of mb 4, one of them with surface-wave magnitude Ms 6. Focal depths are in the range of 0 to <15 km. This geologically complex region is part of the boundary between the Caribbean and the South American Plates. Epicentral locations indicate that this E–W oriented portion of the boundary is formed by two 400 km long subparallel fault zones: San Sebastián fault zone (SSF), 20 km north of Caracas along the coast; and La Victoria fault zone (LVF), 25 km south of the city. They are clearly delineated by the microseismicity. New composite focal mechanism solutions (CFMS) along these faults show right-lateral strike-slip (RLSS) motion on nearly E–W oriented fault planes. NW-striking subsidiary active faults occur in the region and intercept the two main E–W fault zones. These interceptions show high levels of microearthquake activity and seismic moment release when compared to other portions of both, the main and subsidiary faults. New CFMS at those fault crossing sites show NW-striking RLSS motion and normal faulting, in an en-echelon-like structural behavior. Geological data and quantitative comparisons with other transcurrent plate boundaries in the world suggest that the rate of plate motion in this area is on the order of 20 mm/y. Several moderate and large shocks have occurred along the SSF and LVF since 1640, including an Ms 7.6 event in 1900 on SSF. Although the region may be relatively far from a repeat of this earthquake, seismicity data indicate that strong shocks could take place along segments of the seismically active faults identified in this study.  相似文献   

Volcán Quizapu,Chilean Andes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quizapu is a flank vent of the basalt-to-rhyodacite Holocene stratocone, Cerro Azul, and lies at the focus of a complex Quaternary volcanic field on the Andean volcanic front. The Quizapu vent originated in 1846 when 5 km3 of hornblende-dacite magma erupted effusively with little accompanying tephra. Between 1907 and 1932, phreatic and strombolian activity reamed out a deep crater, from which 4 km3 of dacite magma identical to that of 1846 fed the great plinian event of 10–11 April 1932. Although a total of >9 km3 of magma was thus released in 86 years, there is no discernible subsidence. As the pre-plinian crater was lined by massive lavas, 1932 enlargement was limited and the total plinian deposit contains only 0.4 wt % lithics. Areas of 5-cm and 1-cm isopachs for compacted 1932 fallout are about half of those estimated in the 1930's, yielding a revised ejecta volume of 9.5 km3. A strong inflection near the 10-cm isopach (downwind 110 km) on a plot of log Thickness vs Area1/2 reflects slow settling of fine plinian ash — not of coignimbrite ash, as the volume of pyroclastic flows was trivial (<0.01 km3). About 17 vol.% of the fallout lies beyond the 1-cm isopach, and 82 wt% of the ejecta are finer than 1 mm. A least 18 hours of steady plinian activity produced an exceptionally uniform fall deposit. Observed column height (27–30 km) and average mass eruption rate (1.5x108 kg/s) compare well with values for height and peak intensity calculated from published eruption models. The progressive aeolian fractionation of downwind ash (for which Quizapu is widely cited) is complicated by the large compositional range of 1932 juvenile pumice (52–70% SiO2). The eruption began with andesitic scoria and ended with basaltic scoria, but >95% of the ejecta are dacitic pumice (67–68% SiO2); minor andesitic scoria and frothier rhyodacite pumice (70% SiO2) accompanied the dominant dacite. Phenocrysts (pl>hbopx>mt>ilmcpx) are similar in both abundance and composition in the 1846 (effusive) and 1932 (plinian) dacites. Despite the contrast in mode of eruption, bulk compositions are also indistinguishable. The only difference so far identified is a lower range of D values for 1846 hornblende, consistent with pre-eruptive degassing of the effusive batch.  相似文献   

Strong site effects were observed during the two M W 5.7 and M W 6.0 main shocks of the Colfiorito seismic crisis which occured on September 26, 1997 in Umbria-Marche (Central Italy).The most obvious indications of these effects are the dramatic differences in damage shown by buildings of similar construction in neighboring villages.Such observations were specifically made in the Verchiano valley in the fault area, 15 km south of Colfiorito where the Verchiano village and the Colle and Camino hamlets were heavily damaged (MCS intensity IX-X) since the first main shock of 1997/09/26,while in contrast, the Curasci village located 2 km eastwards remains almost intact.In order to study the anomalous ground motion amplifications in this area, an array of 11, 3-components seismo- and accelero-meters was set up during the 1997/10/20-24 period, extending from the western side of the valley, up to the top of Mount San Salvatore, going accross the Colle and Curasci hamlets.During the experiment, 67 aftershocks enlightened the valley from the Colfiorito (10 km north) and the Sellano (6 km south) active swarms.Seismic refraction experiments were conducted at the same time in the 500 m wide, 1500 m long Verchiano valley in order to determine the thickness and main characteristics of the alluvial infilling.The main results are: (i) compared to the valley side ground motion, and for all the events, recordings in the central part of the valley (piana di Verchiano) show relative amplification of 10 with a clear lengthening of the seismogram duration by a factor of 2 – (ii) broad band relative amplification of 6–8 is also clearly identified at the top of the Mount San Salvatore overhanging the valley – (iii) any of the site effect measurements done explains by itself the strongly contrasted damage observed at Colle and Curasci: i.e. the modification of the near-field radiation pattern by interaction with the free heterogeneous surface may have induced local shadow zones that saved Curasci.  相似文献   

Auroral and airglow emissions over Eureka (89° CGM) during the 1997/98 winter show striking variations in relation to solar wind IMF changes. The period January 19 to 22, 1998, was chosen for detailed study, as the IMF was particularly strong and variable. During most of the period, Bz was northward and polar arcs were observed. Several overpasses by DMSP satellites during the four day period provided a clear picture of the particle precipitation producing the polar arcs. The spectral character of these events indicated excitation by electrons of average energy 300 to 500 eV. Only occasionally were electrons of average energy up to 1 keV observed and these appeared transitory from the ground optical data. It is noted that polar arcs appear after sudden changes in IMF By, suggesting IMF control over arc initiation. When By is positive there is arc motion from dawn to dusk, while By is negative the motion is consistently dusk to dawn. F-region (anti-sunward) convections were monitored through the period from 630.0 nm emissions. The convection speed was low (100/150 m/s) when Bz was northward but increased to 500 m/s after Bz turned southward on January 20.  相似文献   

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