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利用ECMWF(1979~1993年)的再分析资料计算分析了热带太平洋上空大气热源及水汽汇的年际变化及其与海表温度异常之间的联系。通过SVD的分析,发现大气热源的垂直积分〈Q1〉和水汽汇垂直积分〈Q2〉异常与SST异常有着较高正相关关系的热带太平洋区域主要集中在170 E以东的5 S~5 N之间的一个狭长带中。分析大气热源和水汽汇的空间结构,则发现在赤道太平洋中、东部地区,除了最低层(962.5 hPa)和最高层(85 hPa)以外,对流层其余各层Q1、Q2异常与SST异常都存在较高的正相关关系;而在赤道西太平洋地区,850 hPa层以下,Q1异常与SST异常为负相关关系,在962.5 hPa相关系数甚至为 -0.59,其余各层Q1、Q2异常与SST异常也只有很弱的正相关关系。  相似文献   

用ECMWF1980-1983年资料讨论了亚洲季风区大气热源的季节内变化特点。分析表明,季节内变化显著区主要限于季风活跃区及其附近地区,并且存在季节、年际差异。EOF分析的主要空间型反映了印度到中南半岛一带、中国东部、西太平洋地区的振荡存在一定的关系。相应时间系数功率谱分析表明大气热源主要存在30-50天振荡,但1980年夏半年的1982-1983年ENSO事件期间(尤其是冬半年)这一振荡不显著。  相似文献   

利用1951-1988年10°S-50°N太平洋的SST资料对热带西太平洋海表温度的变化及其与赤道东太平洋海表温度变化的关系进行了分析,发现热带西太平洋SST存在准两年周期的变化。这种变化与ENSO活动相联系:El Nino年的SST距平值位于谷值;反El Nino年的SST距平值位于峰值。热带西太平洋与赤道东太平洋的SST变化存在弱的反相关关系。两者间存在位相差,前者的变化比后者超前几个月甚至1  相似文献   

晚春初夏西太平洋副高突变特征及其年际变化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据热带印度洋和热带太平洋(22.5 S~22.5 N,42.5 E~77.5 W )1951~1995年逐月5 ×5 的海面温度距平资料,首先进行了海面温度距平的平均功率谱分析,获取赤道印度洋和赤道太平洋海面平均温度距平存在准12年和准4年的周期变化;然后,利用多维时间序列的交叉谱分析,进一步分别分析了赤道印度洋和赤道太平洋各格点上海面温度距平在准12年和准4年演变周期各格点之间的演变位相及演变落后时间,获得一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

The interannual and interdecadal variations of moisture sinks over Guangdong are discussed with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and observed precipitation data from 1958 to 2004. The results indicate that climatically, the amount of precipitation is larger than that of evaporation in spring and summer.Precipitation and evaporation almost balance each other in autumn and the amount of evaporation is larger than that of precipitation in winter. The interannual signal dominates the variations of moisture sinks in all seasons in Guangdong with a period of three-year oscillation in autumn and winter. Remarkable interdecadal signal characterized by a period of three-decade oscillation can be identified for winter and spring from seasonally averaged moisture sink data and from annually moisture data, with variance percentage larger than 40%. This result indicates that Guangdong is at a transitional stage from positive anomalies to negative anomalies. The moisture sink anomalies in winter and following spring over Guangdong are usually in-phase. Besides, there exist periodic oscillations with periods of 10 to 15 years in summer and autumn. The positive (negative) anomalies of moisture sinks over Guangdong are due to the intensified (weakened) moisture from the tropical areas being transported to the Southern China, accompanied by an intensified (weakened) moisture convergence.  相似文献   

广东大尺度大气水汽汇的年际及年代际变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用1958~2004年实测降雨量和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了广东地区大尺度水汽汇的年际和年代际变化特征及其与水汽通量变化的关系。结果表明,气候平均而言,广东春夏季大气向地面输送较多水资源,秋季地气间相互交换的水分相当,冬季由地面向大气输送较多的水资源。四季和年水汽汇的年际分量方差贡献均占主导地位,秋、冬季水汽汇的年际分量有约3年的显著周期。除了显著的年际分量外,冬、春季和年水汽汇的年代际分量方差贡献也较显著,占总方差的40%以上,以30多年的长周期变化为主,目前正处于由正位相向负位相转变的过渡期,预示今后广东有偏旱趋势。广东冬春季水汽汇的异常有显著的同相关系。另外,夏、秋季水汽汇的年代际分量有10~15年的显著周期。广东各季大气水汽汇偏强(弱)是由于从热带低纬输送到南海北部至华南地区的水汽增强(减弱),并伴随着水汽通量的辐合的增强(减弱)造成,但各季水汽通量异常分布型是有差别的。  相似文献   

用奇异值分解(SVD)方法,研究了北太平洋区域1、7月浅层海温(ST)异常与同期海平面气压(SLP)异常场的关系。结果表明:(1)统计显著的主要是第一模态,且1月的0—80m层、7月的20—120m的上层ST与SLP′,第一模态层际差异很小;(2)年代际变化是该区域海气相互作用的主要时域特征,“突变”发生在1970年代后半期,1月的年代际变化早于7月的1—2年;(3)合成分析表明,年代际变化的环流实质是北太平洋中部前期(1970年代中叶以前)ST持续偏高,相应1(7)月阿留申低压(北太平洋副高)偏弱、位置偏西(变化不明显),而东亚冬(夏)季风偏弱,反之亦然。  相似文献   

蒋全荣  郑定英 《气象科学》1997,17(2):143-150
分析表明,北太平洋中纬度地区海水表层铅直热通量收支的分布特征与海流密切有关。暖流区的受热相对较小或失热相对较大,冷流区则反之。海水表层铅直热通量收支的季节变化分别具有一年、半年和四个月三种周期,并分别与太阳辐射、海流以及大气环流等相系。海温变化的滞后时间,基本场为2个月,扰动场为1个月。  相似文献   

热带印度洋和热带太平洋海温振荡规律的研究   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
选择1979-1993年间的热带气旋为试验个例,通过扰动热带气旋初始位置和初始结构。构造集合成员,用正压原始方程模式,进行路径集合预报试验,并初步探讨预报成员的集合方法。试验结果表明:热带气旋定位误差影响路径预报,但扰动初始位置的集合平均预报与控制试验的预报水平相接近。扰动热带气旋初始结构的集合预报试验表明,约有60%。70%个例的集合路径预报得到改进:此外,试验结果还表明,当环境引导气流较弱时,进行扰动热带气旋初始结构的集合预报,预报结果的改善较明显。  相似文献   

Using the 1980-2010 winter GODAS oceanic assimilations, study is conducted of the winter heat content (HC) established in the subsurface layer (5 to 366 m in depth) over the western Pacific warm pool (WP), followed by investigating the HC spatiotemporal characteristics, persistence and the impacts on the climate anomalies of neighboring regions. Results are as follows: 1) the pattern of integral consistency is uncovered by the leading EOF1 (PC1) mode of HC interannual variability, the year-to-year fluctuation of the time coefficients being well indicative of the interannual anomaly of the WP winter subsurface-layer thermal regime. The HC variation is bound up with ENSO, keeping pronounced autocorrelation during the following two seasons and more, with the persistence being more stable in comparison to SSTA in the equatorial middle eastern Pacific; 2) the winter HC anomalies produce lasting effect on the WP thermal state in the following spring and summer and corresponding changes in the warm water volume lead to the meridional transport and vertical exchange of warm water, which exerts greater impacts upon the sea surface temperature/heat flux over the warm pool per se and neighboring regions, especially in the Philippine Sea during the posterior spring and summer; 3) the increase in the winter HC corresponds to the spring OLR decrease and richer precipitation over the waters east to the Philippine Sea and the resultant convective heating anomalies are responsible for the rise of geopotential isobaric surfaces over tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, thereby producing effect on the western Pacific subtropical high (anomaly). Subsequently, the sea-surface heat flux exchange is intensified in the warm pool, a robust anomalous cyclone shows up at lower levels, air-sea interactions are enhanced and abnormal convective heating occurs, together making the winter HC anomalies even more closely associated with the variation in the summer subtropical high. As a result, the WP winter HC can be used as an effective predictor of the variation in spring/summer western Pacific subtropical high and the strength of summer monsoon over the northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋移动路径的年际变化及其机理研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
黄荣辉  陈光华 《气象学报》2007,65(5):683-694
利用JTWC的热带气旋资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析的风场资料以及Scripps海洋研究所的海温资料分析了西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)移动路径的年际变化及其机理。结果表明,西北太平洋TC移动路径有明显的年际变化并与西太平洋暖池热状态有很密切的关系。当西太平洋暖池处于暖状态,西北太平洋上空TC移动路径偏西,影响中国的台风个数偏多;相反,当西太平洋暖池处于冷状态,西北太平洋的TC移动路径偏东,影响日本的台风个数偏多,而影响中国的台风个数可能偏少。本研究以西太平洋暖池处于冷状态的2004年与西太平洋暖池处于暖状态的2006年的西北太平洋TC移动路径的差别进一步论证了这一分析结果并从动力理论方面分析了在西太平洋暖池不同热状态下,季风槽对赤道西传天气尺度的Rossby重力混合波转变成热带低压型波动(TD型波动)的影响,以此揭示西太平洋暖池的热状态对西北太平洋TC生成位置与移动路径年际变化的影响机理。分析结果表明,当西北太平洋暖池处于暖状态时,季风槽偏西,使得热带太平洋上空对流层低层Rossby重力混合波转变成TD型波动的位置也偏西,从而造成TC生成平均位置偏西,并易于出现西行路径;相反,当西太平洋暖池处于冷状态时,季风槽偏东,这造成了对流层低层Rossby重力混合波转变成TD型波动的区域,以及TC生成的平均位置都偏东,从而导致TC移动路径以东北转向为主。  相似文献   

A zonal domain,primitive equation model is used in this paper to study the influences of the main sea surface tem-perature anomaly(SSTA)areas over the Pacific on precipitation in 1991.Some numerical experiments are made and themechanisms of the influences are discussed.The results show that the influences of the SSTA are mainly confined withinthe tropical and the subtropical regions.The direct effect of the SSTA is to change the exchanges of the sensible heat andthe water vapour between the air and the sea,through the consequent changes of temperature and the flow fields and thefeedback process of condensation,the SSTA finally affects precipitation.  相似文献   

用1958~1998年NCEP再分析资料、Reynolds海温及中国160站月降水资料分析了印度洋.太平洋不同季节海温年际变异的主要空间分布特征以及它们之间的相互联系,探讨了夏季亚澳季风区海温异常型与我国夏季降水的关系。结果表明:冬季印度洋一太平洋海温年际变化的第一模态与随后春季的第一模态、夏秋季亚澳季风区的海温异常型(第二模态)有非常显著的相关关系,即如果冬季海温异常为E1 Nino(La Nina)型,则其后的春季也为E1 Nino(La Nina)型,而随后的夏、秋季在亚澳季风区的热带海温有暖(冷)异常。夏季亚澳季风区海温异常与我国长江中游至江南的夏季降水有显著的正相关,即夏季亚澳季风区热带海温暖(冷)异常对应长江中游及江南的夏季降水偏多(少)。与东亚冬季风异常有关的冬季北太平洋海温异常型,可以通过与夏季亚澳季风区海温的异常有显著相关性进而影响到东亚夏季风。  相似文献   

Based on the CMA tropical cyclone(TC) best track data as well as the reanalysis datasets from the NCEP/NCAR and NOAA, the variation characteristics of TC number from 1949 to 2013 over the western North Pacific(including the South China Sea) are examined. Notably, the time series of TC number exhibits a significant abrupt change from more to less around 1995. Comparative analysis indicates that the environmental factors necessary to TC formation also change significantly around the mid-1990 s. After 1995, accompanying with anomalous warm sea surface temperature(SST) in western equatorial Pacific, a La Nia-like pattern in tropical Pacific appears obviously. However,compared with the period before 1995, the vertical upward movement decreases, vertical shear of tropospheric zonal wind increases, and sea level pressure(SLP) rises, all of which are unfavorable to TC formation and work together to make TC number reduce markedly after 1995. Furthermore, when the typical interannual more and less TCs years are selected in the two separate stages before and after 1995, the relative importance of oceanic and atmospheric environments in interannual TC generation is also investigated respectively. The results imply that the SST over the tropical Pacific exerts relatively important influence on TC formation before 1995 whereas the atmospheric circulation plays a more prominent role in the generation of TC after 1995.  相似文献   

The relationships between the summer rainfall in China and the atmospheric heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the western Pacific warm pool were analyzed comparatively, using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data. The strong (weak) heat sou…  相似文献   

河西走廊地-气之间感热交换的年变化与年际变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用1971~1980年河西走廊12站地面月半均气候资料,计算并分析了河西走廊地-气之间感热交换的时空变化特征。结果表明:河西走廊各站地面感热通量的年变化与地面净辐射能收支的年变化完全一致,此特点与高原不同;在该区内地面感热通量的年变化有明显的地域差异;功率谱分析发现,该区月平均地面感热通量有显著的准3年周期波动。  相似文献   

The SST anomaly of the central-eastern equatorial Pacific and the arctic sea ice anomalies of the four districts lo-cated respectively in 160°E—110°W,110°W—20°W,70°E—160°E and 20°W—70°E are taken as five separate factors.And the relationship between each factor and the atmospheric general circulation and the climate is investigated byobservational analysis and numerical experiments.It is shown that the effects of the arctic sea ice anomalies on the varia-tions of atmospheric circulation and climate are comparable to or even in some cases greater than that of EI Ninoevents.So one should pay much attention to the study of polar sea ice anomalies in climate research.  相似文献   

利用1951~2000年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料计算了大气热源,并对夏季青藏高原东部大气热源异常和西太平洋暖池区大气热源异常对中国夏季降水的影响作了对比分析研究.结果表明,如果高原东部夏季大气热源显著偏强(偏弱),则长江流域地区的夏季降水显著偏多(偏少),而华南东部地区夏季降水偏少(偏多).菲律宾南部附近的热带西太平洋暖池区上空夏季大气热源显著偏强(偏弱)时,同期长江中下游地区偏涝(偏旱),而华南地区、江苏北部-山东南部则偏旱(偏涝).夏季青藏高原东部大气热源异常和热带西太平洋暖池区大气热源异常对中国夏季降水的影响是有差别的,中国的夏季降水受高原东部大气热源影响的显著范围要比受西太平洋暖池区大气热源影响的显著范围要大.无论是高原热源异常还是西太平洋暖池热源异常,东亚地区的大气环流都存在类似EAP型的遥相关波列.大气热源的异常是通过直接影响垂直运动场的异常,进而影响到我国的夏季降水的异常.夏季高原热源或西太平洋暖池热源偏强(偏弱)时,西太平洋副高的脊线比常年位置偏南(偏北).  相似文献   

By using NCEP GODAS monthly sea surface height(SSH) and 160-station monthly precipitation data in China,the seasonal and interannual characteristics of SSH are analyzed over the tropical Pacific,and correlations between SSH and summer rainfall are discussed.The results are shown as follows:(1) The tropical Pacific SSH takes on a "V" pattern in the climatic field with an eastward opening,and it is higher in the western part(in the northwestern part) than in the eastern part(in the southwestern part).The high-value areas are more stable in the northwest,and the value range(greater than 0.8 m) is larger in spring and summer than in autumn and winter.The high-value area in the southwestern part is the largest(smallest) and more northerly(southerly) in spring(summer).SSH is higher in spring and autumn than in summer and winter over the equatorial zone.(2) The interannual anomalies of the SSH are the strongest over the tropical western and southwestern Pacific and are stronger in winter and spring than in summer and autumn.The interannual anomalies are also strong over the equatorial middle and eastern Pacific.The distribution ranges are larger and the intensities are stronger in the autumn and winter.There is a close relationship between the SSH interannual anomalies and ENSO events in autumn,winter and spring.(3) When ENSO events take place in winter,according to the simultaneous relationship among the tropic Pacific SSH,850 hPa wind fields and the summer precipitation of China,it can be predicted that the precipitation will be significantly more than normal over the south of the Yangtze River,especially over Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake region,eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Yangtze-Huai River Valley,eastern part of Inner Mongolia and less than normal over the area of Great Band of Yellow River,North China and South China in successive summers.  相似文献   

姚兰昌 《高原气象》1990,9(3):265-276
本文利用1986年10—12月西太平洋的考察资料和世界月平均气候资料详细地计算了西太平洋、太平洋中部热带及其邻近地区整层气柱的辐射和热量收支。主要结果是:(1)西太平洋和太平洋中部赤道及其热带海域10—12月整层气柱是一个范围很大的强热源区,而与之相邻的赤道南北两侧的副热带海域则是较强的冷源区。我国南海也有独立的热、冷源中心。(2)上述热源区主要是降水潜热很大造成的,而冷源则是由于整层气柱辐射支出多形成的。(3)热源区的月际变化明显。  相似文献   

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