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本文报道了汉诺坝新生代碱性玄武岩中地幔橄榄岩包体的主量、微量元素和Re-Os同位素。14个尖晶石橄榄岩Re、Os含量分别为0.022~0.193ng/g和1.237~4.304ng/g,^187Os/^188Os比值为0.1183~0.1244,与^187Os/^188Os比值相关性不好,但与熔体亏损指标如重稀土元素Yb的含量、全岩Al2O3的百分含量有很好的线性关系,可能反映了地幔熔融后的Re或/和Os的活动。全岩Al2O3、CaO、TiO2含量均与MgO有很好的负相关性,全岩原始地幔标准化REE丰度模式呈现了LREE亏损,表明该区橄榄岩包体是由软流圈地幔经过部分熔融,亏损了玄武质组分后形成的。由Os同位素代理等时线得到该区陆下岩石圈地幔的形成年龄为1.7~2.0Ga,表明尖晶石相橄榄岩所代表的岩石圈地幔是中元古代的陆下岩石圈地幔减薄后的残留体。  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

卡洛夫-牛津阶碳酸盐岩为土库曼斯坦阿姆河盆地主力天然气产层,以储层岩石学分析为基础,结合Fe、Sr、Mn微量元素和C、O、Sr同位素及流体包裹体地球化学特征,分析了储层成因和成岩流体性质,得出以下几点认识:(1)由厚壳蛤壳体测定的87Sr/86Sr比值在全球锶同位素地层曲线上可标定的年龄为157.2Ma,储层发育层位属于卡洛夫-牛津阶;(2)卡洛夫-牛津阶为一持续海侵-海退旋回,持续海侵期是礁、滩相储层形成期,而持续海退期为致密盖层发育期;(3)较高的Fe和Sr及较低的Mn含量,以及伴随成岩强度加大δ13C变化不大而δ18O向负值方向偏移的演化趋势,证明成岩作用发生在缺乏大陆淡水影响和以温度为主控因素的还原性封闭系统中;(4)综合同位素地球化学与流体包裹体和镜质体反射率特征,可确定洛夫-牛津阶碳酸盐岩仍处在中成岩阶段;(5)礁、滩相灰岩的溶蚀、埋藏白云化和充填缝、洞的方解石是不同成岩阶段的水-岩反应产物,成岩流体主要来自于深部富Sr的地层热卤水。  相似文献   

Surficial sediment composition and spatial variability reflect the dynamics and level of natural and anthropogenic impact in estuarine systems. The aim of this study is to evaluate some key environmental and sedimentary variables, as well as to evaluate the current environmental quality in the tide-dominated Caravelas estuarine system (Brazil). Sixty-five surficial sediment samples were studied for grain size as well as calcium carbonate, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, metals, semi-metals and rare earth elements and for organic matter δ13C. Based on the spatial distribution of these data and summarizing our findings, three sectors can be individualized in the Caravelas estuarine system: i. Barra Velha inlet; ii. the main channel of the Caravelas estuary, and iii. the channel interconnecting Caravelas and Nova Viçosa estuaries. In the inlet the sedimentary organic matter is provided essentially by marine sources, which corroborates the small continental input. Freshwater dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon occur in the interconnecting channel, proving the occurrence of the residual transport towards the Caravelas estuary, with continental contribution towards Caravelas River. The geochemical fingerprint indicates that the Barreiras Group, composed by Neogene terrigenous deposits, located west of the study area, as an important source of terrigenous material to the entire Caravelas estuary system. The higher values of heavy rare earth elements (between 20 and 30 mg kg−1) in the northern sector of the study area may be related to the high degree of chemical weathering in magmatic or metamorphic rocks, which occur to the north of the study area.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of carbonate fault rocks has been examined in two areas of the Arava Fault segment, which forms the major branch of the Dead Sea Transform between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aquaba. The role of fluids in faulting deformation in the selected fault segment is remarkably different from observations at other major fault zones. Our data suggest reduced fluid rock interactions in both areas and limited fluid flow. The fault did not act as an important fluid conduit. There are no indications that hydrothermal reactions (cementation, dissolution) did change the strength and behavior of the fault zone, although the two areas show considerable differences with respect to fluid sources and fluid flow. In one area, the investigated calcite mineralization reveals an open fluid system with fluids originating from a variety of sources. Stable isotopes (13C, 18O), strontium isotopes, and trace elements indicate both infiltration of descending (meteoric and/or sea water) and ascending hydrothermal fluids. In the other area, all geochemical data indicate only local (small scale) fluid redistribution. These fluids were derived from the adjacent limestones under nearly closed-system conditions.  相似文献   

辽宁弓长岭铁矿区大理岩地质地球化学特征及其成矿意义   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
弓长岭铁矿床二矿区西北部发现的含磁铁矿白云质大理岩为与条带状硅铁建造整合产出的原始沉积成因碳酸盐岩.本文对该大理岩及其蚀变岩的主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素及碳氧同位素进行了初步研究.大理岩主要化学组成CaO为30.15%~ 34.32%,MgO为9.86%~11.95%,FeOT为6.76%~15.82%;与平均显生宙石灰岩相比,弓长岭大理岩除Pb、Mn富集外,大离子亲石元素和高场强元素明显亏损;与后太古代平均澳大利亚沉积岩(PAAS)相比,弓长岭大理岩稀土元素总量低,明显正铕异常,铈负异常不明显;弓长岭大理岩δ13CV-PDB为-7.0‰~-6.0‰,Y/Ho比值既不同于海水也不同于陆源碎屑.这些特征显示大理岩形成于缺氧的海洋环境,物质来源与海底喷气热液活动有关.大理岩的沉积表明当时海水的酸碱条件已达中性-弱碱性,有利于铁胶体沉淀成矿.大理岩层不仅易于发生构造变形,而且贫铁矿形成富铁矿时迁出的硅质交代大理岩形成了阳起石岩,同时大理岩还为热液交代形成石榴石岩、绿泥石岩和镁铁闪石岩等蚀变岩提供了镁质.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical and isotopic evolution of groundwaters in the Mio–Pliocene sands of the Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifer in central Algeria are described. The CT aquifer is located in the large sedimentary basin of the Great Oriental Erg. Down-gradient groundwater evolution is considered along the main representative aquifer cross section (south–north), from the southern recharge area (Tinrhert Plateau and Great Oriental Erg) over about 700 km. Groundwater mineralisation increases along the flow line, from 1.5 to 8 g l?1, primarily as a result of dissolution of evaporite minerals, as shown by Br/Cl and strontium isotope ratios. Trends in both major and trace elements demonstrate a progressive evolution along the flow path. Redox reactions are important and the persistence of oxidising conditions favours the increase in some trace elements (e.g. Cr) and also NO3 ?, which reaches concentrations of 16.8 mg l?1 NO3-N. The range in 14C, 0–8.4 pmc in the deeper groundwaters, corresponds with late Pleistocene recharge, although there then follows a hiatus in the data with no results in the range 10–20 pmc, interpreted as a gap in recharge coincident with hyper-arid but cool conditions across the Sahara; groundwater in the range 24.7–38.9 pmc signifies a distinct period of Holocene recharge. All δ18O compositions are enriched relative to deuterium and are considered to be derived by evaporative enrichment from a parent rainfall around ?11‰ δ18O, signifying cooler conditions in the late Pleistocene and possibly heavy monsoon rains during the Holocene.  相似文献   

During the late Paleozoic Oslo rifting event, the SW part of the Baltic Shield was penetrated by mantle-derived magmas from a depleted lithospheric or sublithospheric source. Along the way to their final emplacement, these magmas may have interacted with a heterogeneous continental crust, consisting of a mosaic of continental terranes, each with its unique composition and internal crustal history. Information on radiogenic isotope ratios and trace element distributions in the Precambrian terranes surrounding the rift can be used to define characteristic crustal components. These components may be used as endmembers in petrogenetic modelling of the Oslo Rift magmatic system. Based on available data, six endmember components can be identified, and (semi) quantitatively characterized in terms of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes and selected trace elements. Data on the distribution of rock-types along the rift flanks allow estimates to be made of the relative importance of the components in different parts of the rift. Combining these data with petrological information may allow a realistic understanding of crust–magma interaction in the Oslo Rift magmatic system.  相似文献   

Authigenic pyrite grains from a section of the Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale were analysed for their trace‐element contents and sulphur‐isotope compositions. The resulting data are used to evaluate the relationship between depositional conditions and pyrite trace‐element composition. By using factor analysis, trace‐elements in pyrite may be assigned to four groups: (i) heavy metals (including Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Bi and Tl); (ii) oxyanionic elements (As, Mo and Sb); (iii) elements partitioned in sub‐microscopic sphalerite inclusions (Zn and Cd); and (iv) elements related to organic or silicate impurities (Ga and V). Results indicate that trace‐element contents in pyrite depend on the site and mechanism of pyrite formation, with characteristic features being observed for diagenetic and syngenetic pyrites. Diagenetic pyrite formed within anoxic sediments generally has a high heavy metals content, and the degree of pyritization of these elements increases with increasing oxygen deficiency, similar to the degree of pyritization of reactive Fe. The highest gradient in the increase of the degree of trace element pyritization with bottom‐water oxygenation was found for the elements Ni < Cu < Mo = As < Tl. In contrast, syngenetic pyrite formed within a euxinic water column typically is enriched in As, Mo and Sb, but is low in heavy metals, and the geochemical variation reflects changes in sea water composition.  相似文献   

Eighty-two core samples were collected from the Spring Valley #1 well which penetrates the Upper Carboniferous strata in the Late Devonian–Early Permian Maritimes Basin. The strata consist of alternating sandstones and mudstones deposited in a continental environment. The objective of this study is to characterize the relationship of sandstone porosity with depth, and to investigate the diagenetic processes related to the porosity evolution. Porosity values estimated from point counting range from 0% to 27.8%, but are mostly between 5% and 20%. Except samples that are significantly cemented by calcite, porosity values clearly decrease with depth. Two phases of calcite cement were distinguished based on Cathodoluminescence, with the early phase being largely dissolved and preserved as minor relicts in the later phase. Feldspar dissolution was extensive and contributed significantly to the development of secondary porosity. Quartz cementation was widespread and increased with depth. Fluid inclusions recorded in calcite and quartz cements indicate that interstitial fluids in the upper part of the stratigraphic column were dominated by waters with salinity lower than that of seawater, the middle part was first dominated by low-salinity waters, then invaded by brines, and the lower part was dominated by brines. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions generally increase with depth and suggest a paleogeothermal gradient of 25 °C/km, which is broadly consistent with that indicated by vitrinite reflectance data. An erosion of 1.1–2.4 (mean 1.75) km of strata is inferred to have taken place above the stratigraphic column. δ18O values of calcite cements (mainly from the late phase) decrease with depth, implying increasing temperatures of formation, as also suggested by fluid-inclusion data. δ13C values of calcite cements range from −13.4‰ to −5.7‰, suggesting that organic matter was an important carbon source for calcite cements. A comparison of the porosity data with a theoretical compaction curve indicates that the upper and middle parts of the stratigraphic column show higher-than-normal porosity values, which are related to significant calcite and feldspar dissolution. Meteoric incursion and carboxylic acids generated from organic maturation were probably responsible for the abundant dissolution events.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘哈拉阿拉特山地区发育一套晚石炭世哈拉阿拉特山组灰黑色泥岩层系,是该地区石炭系油气藏的主要烃源岩之一,但到目前为止,对该套烃源岩发育的沉积环境和有机质富集因素的认识尚不清楚。本文基于西准噶尔哈拉阿拉特山地区晚石炭世哈拉阿拉特山组乌和公路剖面,进行了详细的沉积学和岩石学研究,系统采集了17件新鲜泥岩样品,并开展了有机碳含量、主量元素和微量元素实验分析。通过综合分析野外调查结果和室内实验数据,得到如下几点认识:1)哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩发育在深海-半深海的沉积环境中,受浊流沉积频发的影响,底层水体一直处于富氧-缺氧的动荡变化过程之中;2)低V/Cr和U/Th比值,以及低V和U元素含量,指示了泥岩总体上形成于偏氧化的沉积环境;3)高的P和Ni元素含量,反映了当时水体具有较高的古生产力;4)在较高古生产力背景下,哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩有机质丰度(TOC平均为0.49%)偏低,原因是偏氧化的保存条件。因此,可以认为哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩有机质质富集主要受控于沉积水体的保存(氧化还原)条件。  相似文献   

The carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope compositions of carbonate rocks from the upper Miocene Kudankulam Formation, southern India, were measured to understand palaeoenvironment and carbonate diagenesis of this formation. Both carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of various carbonate phases including whole rocks, ooids, molluscan mold-fill and sparry pore-fill calcite cements are depleted in 18O and 13C compared to those of contemporaneous seawater, indicating that the Kudankulam carbonates underwent extensive meteoric diagenesis. Based on δ13C and δ18O values for sparry calcite cements (pore-fill and molluscan mold-fill) formed in the meteoric diagenetic realm (δ13C from −7.8‰ to −6.0‰ and −9.0‰ to −7.0‰; δ18O from −9.2‰ to −6.5‰ and −9.4‰ to −2.6‰, respectively), it is interpreted that the diagenetic system was open and was proximal to the vadose water recharge zone. The negative δ18O values of various carbonate components (about −9.4‰ to −4.1‰ for whole rocks; about −8.4‰ to −2.6‰ for ooids) suggest that during the late Miocene the paleoclimate of the study area was humid, unlike today, probably due to the intense Indian monsoon system. The carbon isotope compositions (−7.9‰ to −3.6‰ for whole rocks; −4.9‰ to −1.5‰ for ooids) are consistent with the interpretation that the paleo-ecosystem comprised a significant proportion of C4 type plants, supporting a scenario of expansion of C4 plants during the late Miocene in the Indian subcontinent as far south as the southern tip of India. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Kudankulam carbonates (0.70920 to 0.72130) are much greater than those of the contemporaneous or modern seawater (between 0.7089 and 0.7091) and show a general decrease up-sequence. Such high Sr isotope ratios indicate significant radiogenic 87Sr influx to the system from the Archean rocks exposed in the drainage area, implying that the deep-seated Archean rocks were already exposed in southern India by the late Miocene.  相似文献   

In this study, eight organic-rich rivers that flow through the Brazilian craton in the southwestern Amazon rainforest are investigated. This investigation is the first of its type in this area and focuses on the effects of lithology, long-term weathering, thick soils, forest cover and hydrological period on the dissolved load compositions in rivers draining cratonic terrain. The major dissolved ion concentrations, alkalinity (TAlk), SiO2, trace element concentrations, and Sr isotope contents in the water were determined between April 2009 and January 2010. In addition, the isotopic values of oxygen and hydrogen were determined between 2011 and 2013. Overall, the river water is highly dilute and dominated by the major dissolved elements TAlk, SiO2 and K+ and the major dissolved trace elements Al, Fe, Ba, Mn, P, Zn and Sr, which exhibit large temporal and spatial variability and are closely correlated with the silicatic bedrock and hydrology. Additionally, rainwater and recycled water vapor and the size of the basin contribute to the geochemistry of the waters. The total weathering flux estimated from our results is 2–4 t km−2.yr−1, which is one of the lowest fluxes in the world. The CO2 consumption rate is approximately 21–61 103 mol km−2 yr−1, which is higher than expected given the stability of the felsic to basic igneous and metamorphic to siliciclastic basement rocks and the thick tropical soil cover. Thus, weathering of the cratonic terrain under intertropical humid conditions is still an important consumer of CO2.  相似文献   

Major element chemistry, rare-earth element distribution, and H and O isotopes are conjointly used to study the sources of salinisation and interaquifer flow of saline groundwater in the North East German Basin. Chemical analyses from hydrocarbon exploration campaigns showed evidence of the existence of two different groups of brines: halite and halite Ca–Cl brines. Residual brines and leachates are identified by Br?/Cl? ratios. Most of the brines are dissolution brines of Permian evaporites. New analyses show that the pattern of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) are closely linked to H and O isotope distribution. Thermal brines from deep wells and artesian wells indicate isotopically evaporated brines, which chemically interacted with their aquifer environment. Isotopes and rare-earth element patterns prove that cross flow exists, especially in the post-Rupelian aquifer. However, even at depths exceeding 2,000 m, interaquifer flow takes place. The rare-earth element pattern and H and O isotopes identify locally ascending brines. A large-scale lateral groundwater flow has to be assumed because all pre-Rupelian aquifer systems to a depth of at least 500 m are isotopically characterised by Recent or Pleistocene recharge conditions.  相似文献   

A sediment core(ABP24/05),collected at a water depth of 3520 m from the southeastern Bay of Bengal was studied to determine the change in chemical weathering during the last glacial to deglacial periods and the factors of sedimentary environment which controlled earliest diagenetic changes in the sediment after its deposition.High ratios of K/Rb,Ti/Al and Zr/Rb during~45 to~18 cal kyr B.P.in the core sediments may be attributed to the stronger physical erosion and turbidity currents activity during this period.This might have brought a higher quantity of unaltered minerals to the study area.Low ratios of K/Rb,Zr/Rb,and Ti/Al and increase of SiO2/TiO2,Rb/Al and Cs/Al from~18 cal kyr B.P.to present may be indicating an increase in the rate of chemical weathering during this period.The time of increased chemical weathering in the study area is consistent with deglaciation warming in the tropical Indian Ocean and strengthening of river runoff into the Andaman Sea.Climate change during the interglacial period by increased solar insolation thereby strengthened the summer monsoon which might have led to intensified chemical weathering in the source region since~18 cal kyr B.P.The low organic carbon(OC),high Mn/Al,Fe/Al and the Mn-oxides minerals precipitation indicate prevailing of oxic conditions during~11 cal kyr B.P.in the core sediments,which is contradictory to suboxic conditions developed in the deep ocean sediments in the western Bay of Bengal and the equatorial Indian Ocean.The low terrigenous influx and export of less OC to the bottom sediments might have created a favorable condition for the formation of Mn-oxides in the study area during Holocene.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from the Yellow River and from wells for chemical and isotopic measurement in the counties of Yucheng and Qihe, to which 6–9×108 m3 of water is diverted annually from the Yellow River. A zone of high electrical conductivity (EC) in groundwater corresponds well on the regional scale with a ridge in groundwater level, which is the main flow path through the region, but has a low gradient. The zone of highest EC along this ridge occurs at a position with the lowest ground altitude in the study area. The unique characteristic of the groundwater is the linear relationship among the principal anions as the result of mixing. The mixing effect is confirmed by its isotopic signature, which was then used to calculate the contributions from three sources: rainfall, old water, and diverted water with an average mixing rate of 18, 17, and 65%, respectively. As an indicator of water movement, Cl content varies across a wide range in the profile from 30–10 m with a maximum concentration at about 1.2 m depth. Concentrations are relatively stable at about 2 m, which is the average boundary of the saturated and unsaturated zone. The water from the Yellow River has proved to be dominant in mixing in the aquifer in terms of groundwater flow and geochemistry. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The geochemical processes, water–rock interactions and stable isotopes distribution (δ13C of DIC and δ18O and δ34S of \({\text{SO}}^{{{\text{2 - }}}}_{{\text{4}}} \)) were investigated in the gasoline-contaminated aquifer at the Hnevice site, 50  km northwest of Prague, Czech Republic. Diesel, gasoline and oil leaks originate from a large fuel storage area causing heavy contamination of the saturated and unsaturated zones in an area of about 0.7  km2. Groundwater investigations were conducted using five multilevel sampler wells with emphasis on redox parameters and degradation by-products and a solid-phase study focused on iron speciation and determination of principal and secondary minerals. Based on the study of groundwater and solid-phase geochemistry, four different geochemical zones were described. Zone I is thought to be background consisting of an aerobic aquifer and the absence of reduced species in significant concentrations. Zone II is situated in the plume core with methanogenic, sulphate and iron-reducing conditions accompanied by ankerite and kutnahorite precipitates and significant depletion of the oxidation capacity of the aquifer. Zone III is a mixing (corona) zone, situated at the fringe of the plume with high biodegradation rates and Fe(III)-precipitants. In zone IV, reoxidation of Fe(II) minerals (with e.g. the occurrence of psilomelane and cornelite) is typical.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time a petrological and geochemical study of coals from the Central Asturian Coal Basin (North Spain) of Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), mainly of Moscovian, age. A paleoenvironmental approach was used, taking into account both petrographic and organic geochemical studies. Vitrinite reflectance (Rr) ranges from 0.5% to 2.5%, which indicates a high volatile bituminous to semianthracite and anthracite coal rank. The coal samples selected for paleoenvironmental reconstruction are located inside the oil–gas-prone phase, corresponding to the interval between the onset of oil generation and first gas generation and efficient expulsion of oil. This phase is represented by coals that have retained their hydrocarbon potential and also preserved biomarker information. Paleodepositional reconstruction based on maceral and petrographic indices points to a swamp environment with vitrinite-rich coal facies and variable mineral matter content. The gelification index (GI) and groundwater influence index (GWI) indicate strong gelification and wet conditions. The biomarkers exhibit a high pristane/phytane ratio, suggesting an increase in this ratio from diagenetic processes, and a high diterpanes ratio. This, in turn, would seem to indicate a high swamp water table and a humid climate. The maximum point of coal accumulation occurred during the regressive part of the Late Moscovian sequence and in the most humid climate described for this period of time in the well-known coal basins of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

包古图大型斑岩铜矿位于准噶尔盆地西缘。铜矿化主要呈浸染状、细脉浸染状分布于似斑状(石英)闪长岩、闪长玢岩、隐爆角砾岩和少量花岗闪长岩中。依据矿脉的穿插关系和矿物组合,成矿过程经历了黑云母-钾长石-钠长石阶段、石英-硫化物阶段和石英碳酸盐阶段。矿脉中石英的δDSMOW值介于-107‰~-86‰,δ18OSMOW值变化于11.3‰~16.2‰,δ18OH2O值为4.4‰~9.3‰,表明成矿流体来源为深源的岩浆水。硫化物的δ34S值介于-5.1‰~0.7‰,平均为-1.8‰,表明硫来源于深部岩浆或地幔。结合Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅴ号含矿岩体锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb年龄及辉钼矿Re-Os年龄,推断包古图铜矿床成矿作用发生在晚石炭世,与中酸性斑岩体的侵入有密切成因关系。  相似文献   

苏鲁榴辉岩中磷灰石的矿物学和微量元素地球化学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
陈振宇  曾令森  孟丽娟 《岩石学报》2009,25(7):1663-1677
磷灰石是榴辉岩中最常见的副矿物之一,见证了高压-超高压变质岩从原岩形成、俯冲和折返所伴随的物理化学过程。为进一步揭示苏鲁超高压榴辉岩经历的物理和化学过程,我们对取自中国大陆科学钻探工程(CCSD)主孔岩心和苏北地表露头榴辉岩中的磷灰石进行了详细的岩相学分析和LA-ICP-MS原位微量元素分析。分析结果表明,在苏鲁榴辉岩中,磷灰石绝大多数是在超高压变质作用阶段重结晶生长的。未受退变质影响的磷灰石富含LREE和Sr元素,退变质作用促使磷灰石中活动性较强的LREE和Sr明显降低而HREE含量略微升高,并产生负Eu异常。磷灰石边部HREE的升高可能与折返过程中的升温作用和石榴子石分解有关,Eu负异常的产生可能还与退变质过程中发生了氧逸度fO2的降低有关;结合前人对磷灰石中“出溶”现象的研究,提出榴辉岩磷灰石中的独居石“出溶体”很可能是磷灰石与富含NaCl和硅酸盐的退变质流体发生交代反应所致,磷灰石中硫化物“出溶体”的形成除了氧逸度降低的原因外,可能也与折返过程中发生的短期升温作用有关。超高压变质岩从进变质-峰期→早期退变质→角闪岩相退变质阶段,变质流体可能经历了氧化→还原→氧化状态的复杂变化。  相似文献   

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