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Gabbro and eclogite boudins are preserved within the amphibolites of the composite para- and ortho-gneiss Variscan basement of the Savona Crystalline Massif (Ligurian Briançonnais, Italy). Whole rock trace element patterns, low initial εNd (+5.4 to +8.8) data and trace element analyses on relict igneous clinopyroxene revealed that the mafic rocks were derived from depleted mantle melts, which most likely underwent crustal contamination during emplacement. Gabbros have a cumulus origin controlled by clinopyroxene and plagioclase segregation, whereas the eclogites represent evolved melts. U-Pb and trace element micro-analyses on zircons separated from one amphibolitised gabbro and one eclogite help to constrain coeval ages at ~468 Ma for their igneous protoliths. The occurrence of a few inherited zircons confirms the involvement of a crustal component in the petrogenesis of the mafic rocks. In the eclogite, concordant zircon ages younger than the protolith age testify to metamorphic re-crystallisation (or new growth) from about 420 to 305 Ma. Zircon textures and trace element compositions indicate that eclogite facies metamorphism occurred 392–376 Ma ago. The younger zircon portions yielding a mean Concordia age of 333 ± 7 Ma are related to equilibration or new growth during the post-eclogite, amphibolite-facies equilibration.  相似文献   

U-Pb data are presented for zircons from metamorphic rocks of the crystalline Odenwald that comprises part of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise. The Odenwald can be divided into four principal domains with different magmatic and metamorphic histories on the basis of published structural and petrological data and the presented ages. In the eastern (Böll-stein) Odenwald the metasedimentary rocks contain zircons derived from basement rocks that exceed 2.2 Ga in age. The intrusion of granitic magmas into these metasedimentary rocks took place before or close to the end of the thermal peak of metamorphism at 375 ± 5 Ma ago. Rapid uplift of the Böllstein Odenwald occurred at about 320 Ma bp, later than in the Bergsträsser Odenwald. The western (Bergsträsser) Odenwald can be subdivided, by geochronological, petrological and especially structural data, into a northern, a central and a southern part. In the northern part basic magmatism has an age of 362 ± 7 Ma. The peak of thermal metamorphism in the southernmost Odenwald was accompanied by partial melting of metasedimentary rocks and the formation of new zircons with ages between 332 and 342 Ma. Probable peak metamorphic conditions, revealed by two samples from the heterogeneous central part, occurred at about 336 Ma, i.e. in the same time span as in the southernmost part, but later than in the Böllstein area and the northern Odenwald. Rapid uplift started earlier in the central and southern part and 10–20 Ma earlier than in the Böllstein Odenwald. Cooling from 500 to 300°C occurred in the northern part in the time interval between the elevation of the other parts of the Bergstraesser Odenwald and the Böllstein Odenwald. There is no indication for any thermal equilibrium between 2.25 Ga and 375 Ma recorded in the zircons of both areas.  相似文献   

High-temperature, high-pressure eclogite and garnet pyroxenite occur as lenses in garnet peridotite bodies of the Gföhl nappe in the Bohemian Massif. The high-pressure assemblages formed in the mantle and are important for allowing investigations of mantle compositions and processes. Eclogite is distinguished from garnet pyroxenite on the basis of elemental composition, with mg number <80, Na2O > 0.75 wt.%, Cr2O3 < 0.15 wt.% and Ni < 400 ppm. Considerable scatter in two-element variation diagrams and the common modal layering of some eclogite bodies indicate the importance of crystal accumulation in eclogite and garnet pyroxenite petrogenesis. A wide range in isotopic composition of clinopyroxene separates [Nd, +5.4 to –6.0; (87Sr/86Sr)i, 0.70314–0.71445; 18OSMOW, 3.8–5.8%o] requires that subducted oceanic crust is a component in some melts from which eclogite and garnet pyroxenite crystallized. Variscan Sm-Nd ages were obtained for garnet-clinopyroxene pairs from Dobeovice eclogite (338 Ma), Úhrov eclogite (344 Ma) and Nové Dvory garnet pyroxenite (343 Ma). Gföhl eclogite and garnet pyroxenite formed by high-pressure crystal accumulation (±trapped melt) from transient melts in the lithosphere, and the source of such melts was subducted, hydrothermally altered oceanic crust, including subducted sediments. Much of the chemical variation in the eclogites can be explained by simple fractional crystallization, whereas variation in the pyroxenites indicates fractional crystallization accompanied by some assimilation of the peridotite host.  相似文献   

Mineral exploration drillholes and geoelectric prospecting provide for the first time evidence for thrusting of the South Carpathian Paleozoic basement over northerly adjacent Middle Miocene sediments. Investigations were carried out in two locations, 30 km apart, along the northern margin of the Poiana Rusca Mountains, Romania, southwestern Carpathians. Drill holes in both locations encountered weakly consolidated Middle Miocene clay, sand, and fine gravel below Paleozoic low-grade metamorphic rocks. Intersections from various drill holes demonstrate the presence of low-angle thrusting. Kinematic indicators are so far lacking, but with a thrust direction oriented roughly normal to strike of the Poiana Rusca Mountains, minimum displacement is 1–1.4 km in northwestern or northern direction, respectively. Thrusting occurred most likely during the Late Miocene–Pliocene, whereafter Quaternary regional uplift dissected the thrust plane. In the tectonic framework of Neogene dextral translation of the Tisza–Dacia Block against the southerly adjacent Moesian Platform, transtension appears responsible for Middle Miocene basin formation along the northern margin of the Poiana Rusca region. Proceeding collision of the Tisza–Dacia Block with the East European Craton introduced stronger impingement of the Tisza–Dacia Block against the Moesian Platform, leading to a Late Miocene–Pliocene transpressional regime, in which the northern Poiana Rusca basement was thrust over its adjacent Middle Miocene sediments.  相似文献   

Phase equilibrium modelling and monazite microprobe dating were used to characterize the polymetamorphic evolution of metapelites from the northern part of the Vepor Unit, West Carpathians. Three generations of garnet and associated metamorphic assemblages found in these rocks correspond to three distinct metamorphic events related to the Variscan orogeny, a Permian phase of crustal extension and the Alpine orogeny. Variscan staurolite‐bearing and Alpine chloritoid‐bearing assemblages record medium‐temperature and medium‐pressure regional metamorphisms reaching 540–570 °C/5–7.5 kbar and 530–550 °C/5–6.5 kbar respectively. The Permian metamorphic assemblage involves garnet, andalusite, sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, plagioclase and corundum and locally forms silica‐undersaturated andalusite‐biotite‐spinel coronas around older staurolite. The transition from andalusite to sillimanite indicates a prograde low‐pressure and medium‐temperature metamorphism characterized by temperature increase from 500 to 650 °C at ~3 kbar. As accessory monazite is abundant in the rocks, an attempt was made to derive its age of formation by means of electron microprobe‐based Th‐U‐Pb chemical dating. Despite the polymetamorphic nature of the metapelites, the monazite yielded uniform Permian ages. Microstructures confirm that monazite was formed in relation to the low‐pressure and medium‐temperature paragenesis, and the weighted average ages obtained for two different samples are 278 ± 5 and 275 ± 12 Ma respectively. The virtual lack of Variscan and Alpine monazite populations points to interesting aspects concerning the growth systematics of monazite in metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Mid-Devonian high-pressure (HP) and high-temperature (HT) metamorphism represents an enigmatic early phase in the evolution of the Variscan Orogeny. Within the Bohemian Massif this metamorphism is recorded mostly in allochthonous complexes with uncertain relationship to the major tectonic units. In this regard, the Mariánské Lázně Complex (MLC) is unique in its position at the base of its original upper plate (Teplá-Barrandian Zone). The MLC is composed of diverse, but predominantly mafic, magmatic-metamorphic rocks with late Ediacaran to mid-Devonian protolith ages. Mid-Devonian HP eclogite-facies metamorphism was swiftly followed by a HT granulite-facies overprint contemporaneous with the emplacement of magmatic rocks with apparent supra-subduction affinity. New Hf in zircon isotopic measurements combined with a review of whole-rock isotopic and geochemical data reveals that the magmatic protoliths of the MLC, as well as in the upper plate Teplá-Barrandian Zone, developed above a relatively unaltered Neoproterozoic lithospheric mantle. They remained coupled with this lithospheric mantle throughout a geological timeframe that encompasses separate Ediacaran and Cambrian age arc magmatism, protracted early Paleozoic rifting, and the earliest phases of the Variscan Orogeny. These results are presented in the context of reconstructing the original architecture of the Variscan terranes up to and including the mid-Devonian HP-HT event.  相似文献   

李乐倩  张宏福 《岩石学报》2021,37(12):3575-3590



An unusual eclogite pod containing impure jadeite to omphacite pyroxene with anti-phase domain (APD) visible under the optical microscope is hosted in a medium-grade matrix in the Leaota Massif. Textural relationships support the hypothesis of garnet formation by peritectic reactions involving high-jadeite clinopyroxene, while inclusions entrapped in garnet, mainly a wide range of amphibole compositions, seemingly crystallised from a fluid phase in disequilibrium with the garnet host. Thermobarometric estimates indicate UHP, HT peak conditions (2.8–3.2 GPa, 780–840°C) inconsistent with those of the associated rocks, followed by a complicated exhumation path. The PT-array of the retrograde path suggests syn-subduction exhumation and tectonic inclusion in a melange with a matrix derived from the accretionary wedge. Partial melting of the subducting slab, which induces tectonic weakening, may be an effective mechanism in detaching and enclosing small eclogite pods in metamorphic terrains.  相似文献   

A layer of relict, high-temperature, prograde eclogite has been discovered within felsic granulite of the Gföhl Nappe, which is the uppermost tectonic unit in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, the easternmost of the European Variscan massifs. Pressure-temperature conditions for eclogite (≥890  °C, 18.0  kbar) and felsic granulite ( c . 1000  °C, 16  kbar) place early metamorphism of the polymetamorphic Gföhl crustal rocks within the eclogite facies, and preservation of prograde compositional zoning in small garnet grains in high-temperature eclogite requires very rapid heating, as well as cooling. Mantle-derived garnet and spinel–garnet peridotites are associated with the high temperature-high pressure crustal rocks in the Gföhl Nappe, and this distinctive lithological suite appears to be unique among European Phanerozoic orogenic belts, implying that tectonic processes during the late stages in evolution of the Variscan belt were different from those in the Caledonian and Alpine belts. The unusually high temperatures and pressures in Gföhl crustal rocks, mineralogical evidence for rapid heating and cooling, juxtaposition of lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle with crustal rocks, and widespread production of late-stage granites indicate that culmination of the Variscan Orogeny may have been driven by lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   

The Dulan eclogite–gneiss region is located in the eastern part of the North Qaidam eclogite belt, NW China. Widespread evidence demonstrates that this region is a typical ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane. Eclogites occur as lenses or layers in both granitic and pelitic gneisses. Two distinguished sub-belts can be recognized and differ in mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. The North Dulan Belt (NDB) has tholeiitic protoliths with high TiO2 and lower Al2O3 and MgO contents. REE patterns and trace element contents resemble those of N-type and E-type MORB. In contrast, eclogites in the South Dulan Belt (SDB) are of island arc protoliths with low TiO2, high Al2O3 and show LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted patterns. Sm–Nd isotope analyses give isochron ages of 458–497 Ma for eclogite-facies metamorphism for the two sub-belts. The ages are similar to those of Yuka and Altun eclogites in the western extension of the North Qaidam-Altun eclogite belt. The Dulan UHP metamorphic terrane, together with several other recently recognized eclogite-bearing terrenes within the North Qaidam-Altun HP-UHP belt, constitute the key to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The entire UHP belt extends for more than 1000 km from the Dulan UHP terrane in the southeast to the Altun eclogite–gneiss terrane in the west. This super-belt marks an early Paleozoic continental collision zone between the Qaidam Massif and the Qilian Massif.  相似文献   

Combining Lu–Hf garnet geochronology with in situ trace element analyses in garnet allowed us to gain new insight into the metamorphic evolution of UHP–UHT rocks in the Stary Gierałtów region, in the Polish Sudetes. Prograde garnet growth recorded by Rayleigh-type heavy REE (HREE) zoning in the felsic granulites indicates that the obtained 386.6 ± 4.9 Ma Lu–Hf age represents the time of garnet crystallization on a prograde UHP metamorphic path. The surrounding rocks were metamorphosed at the same time as indicated by 381.2 ± 6.7 Ma Sm–Nd garnet age obtained for the mid-crustal metapelites. The second metamorphic episode, which affected most of the lower crust in the Orlica–Śnieżnik Massif (OSM) occurred at ca. 340 Ma as determined by U–Pb zircon and Sm–Nd garnet dating of granulites in this and previous studies is interpreted as a high temperature event, which took place on a retrograde path.

Trace element distribution in garnets from the layered granulites showed significant differences in distribution of medium and HREE in garnets from mafic and felsic protoliths over the course of the metamorphic evolution. This had strong impact on the isotopic dating results and led to “decoupling” of the Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf clocks, which recorded timing of the two different metamorphic episodes separated by as much as 40 Ma. Moreover, the preservation of the HREE growth zonation profile in garnets from the felsic granulites whose minimum metamorphic temperature was established at 900 °C implies that the Lu–Hf system under relatively dry conditions does not undergo significant diffusional re-equilibration even at such extreme temperatures and therefore it sill provides the age of prograde garnet growth. Under hydrous conditions, at least some resetting will take place, as documented by the partially relaxed HREE zonation profile in the amphibolitised mafic granulite, which yielded a 10 Ma younger age. The HREE distribution study appeared to be a particularly valuable and essential tool, which allowed us to distinguish garnet growth from post-growth complexities and hence, provide improved age interpretation. Medium REE, on the other hand, did not show any obvious correlation with the isotopic signature of garnet.

Two distinct metamorphic episodes recorded in the Stary Gierałtów region show that buoyancy-driven uplift of UHP rocks can be arrested at the base of a continental crust if not supported by any additional force. In our case study, the UHP rocks would have never reached the surface if their uplift had not been resumed after a long pause under a different tectonic regime. The multistage, discontinuous uplift revealed by the UHP rocks of the OSM provides a new scenario for the exhumation of continental crust from mantle depths distinct from the fast-track exhumation histories recognized in UHP terranes elsewhere.  相似文献   

南阿尔金巴什瓦克石榴橄榄岩的变质演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
南阿尔金巴什瓦克地区石榴橄榄岩在空间上呈透镜体状与高压基性麻粒岩和含石榴子石长英质片麻岩伴生.基于矿物共生组合关系和变质反应结构特征,并结合矿物化学详细分析以及温压条件的估算,我们将该区石榴橄榄岩的变质演化划分为3个阶段:峰期变质阶段(Ml)、峰后早期退变质阶段(M2)和晚期角闪岩相-绿片岩相退变质阶段(M3).M1阶段的矿物组合为石榴子石(Grt)+橄榄石(O1)+斜方辉石(Opx)+单斜辉石(Cpx),所估算的温压条件为:T=891~ 1054℃、P=17.2 ~24.7kbar; M2阶段以石榴子石周围出现斜方辉石(Opx)+单斜辉石(Cpx)+尖晶石(Spl)的次生边为特征,在P=10kbar时,估算的温度条件为:T=711 ~ 796℃;M3阶段以形成角闪石(Amp)+蛇纹石(Srp)+金云母(Phl)+绿泥石(Chl)+磁铁矿(Mag)±滑石(Tlc)为特征.石榴橄榄岩具有与相邻的长英质麻粒岩和基性麻粒岩类似的P-T演化历史.结合成因矿物学和初步的地球化学特征,我们认为石榴橄榄岩的原岩可能为侵位于大陆地壳的镁铁质-超镁铁质杂岩,并在早古生代与长英质地壳物质一起俯冲,经历高压(超高压?)/高温变质作用以及随后的变质和地球动力学演化.  相似文献   

Twenty-four new zircon and apatite fission track ages from the Getic and Danubian nappes in the South Carpathians are discussed in the light of a compilation of published fission track data. A total of 101 fission track ages indicates that the Getic nappes are generally characterized by Cretaceous zircon and apatite fission track ages, indicating cooling to near-surface temperatures of these units immediately following Late Cretaceous orogeny.The age distribution of the Danubian nappes, presently outcropping in the Danubian window below the Getic nappes, depends on the position with respect to the Cerna-Jiu fault. Eocene and Oligocene zircon and apatite central ages from the part of the Danubian core complex situated southeast of this fault monitor mid-Tertiary tectonic exhumation in the footwall of the Getic detachment, while zircon fission track data from northwest of this fault indicate that slow cooling started during the Latest Cretaceous. The change from extension (Getic detachment) to strike-slip dominated tectonics along the curved Cerna-Jiu fault allowed for further exhumation on the concave side of this strike-slip fault, while exhumation ceased on the convex side. The available fission track data consistently indicate that the change to fast cooling associated with tectonic denudation by core complex formation did not occur before Late Eocene times, i.e. long after the cessation of Late Cretaceous thrusting.Core complex formation in the Danubian window is related to a larger-scale scenario that is characterized by the NNW-directed translation, followed by a 90° clockwise rotation of the Tisza-Dacia “block” due to roll-back of the Carpathian embayment. This led to a complex pattern of strain partitioning within the Tisza-Dacia “block” adjacent to the western tip of the rigid Moesian platform. Our results suggest that the invasion of these southernmost parts of Tisza-Dacia started before the Late Eocene, i.e. significantly before the onset of Miocene-age rollback and associated extension in the Pannonian basin.  相似文献   

The main terrains involved in the Cretaceous–Tertiary tectonism in the South Carpathians segment of the European Alpine orogen are the Getic–Supragetic and Danubian continental crust fragments separated by the Severin oceanic crust-floored basin. During the Early–Middle Cretaceous times the Danubian microplate acted initially as a foreland unit strongly involved in the South Carpathians nappe stacking. Multistage folding/thrusting events, uplift/erosion and extensional stages and the development of associated sedimentary basins characterize the South Carpathians during Cretaceous to Tertiary convergence and collision events. The main Cretaceous tectogenetic events responsible for contraction and crustal thickening processes in the South Carpathians are Mid-Cretaceous (“Austrian phase”) and Latest Cretaceous (“Laramide” or “Getic phase”) in age. The architecture of the South Carpathians suggests polyphase tectonic evolution and mountain building and includes from top to bottom: the Getic–Supragetic basement/cover nappes, the Severin and Arjana cover nappes, and Danubian basement/cover nappes, all tectonically overriding the Moesian Platform. The Severin nappe complex (including Obarsia and Severin nappes) with Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous ophiolites and turbidites is squeezed between the Danubian and Getic–Supragetic basement nappes as a result of successive thrusting of dismembered units during the inferred Mid- to Late Cretaceous subduction/collision followed by tectonic inversion processes.

Early Cretaceous thick-skinned tectonics was replaced by thin-skinned tectonics in Late Cretaceous. Thus, the former Middle Cretaceous “Austrian” nappe stack and its Albian–Lower Senonian cover got incorporated in the intra-Senonian “Laramide/Getic” stacking of the Getic–Supragetic/Severin/Arjana nappes onto the Danubian nappe duplex. The two contraction events are separated by an extensional tectonic phase in the upper plate recorded by the intrusion of the “Banatitic” magmas (84–73 Ma). The overthrusting of the entire South Carpathian Cretaceous nappe stack onto the fold/thrust foredeep units and to the Moesian Platform took place in the Late Miocene (intra-Sarmatian) times and was followed by extensional events and sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   

New field mapping, U–Pb zircon geochronology and structural analysis of the southernmost Sardinia metamorphic basement, considered a branch of the Variscan foreland, indicate that it is, in part, allochthonous and was structurally emplaced within the foreland area, rather than being older depositional basement beneath the foreland succession. The Bithia Formation, classically considered part of the ‘Southern Sulcis metamorphic Complex’ (and here termed the Bithia tectonic unit, or BTU), is a greenschist facies metamorphic unit commonly interpreted as Precambrian in age. New geochronology of felsic volcanic rocks in the BTU, however, yield a U–Pb zircon age of 457.01 ± 0.17 Ma (Upper Ordovician). Thus, the depositional age of the unit is younger than the weakly metamorphosed Lower Cambrian rocks of the adjacent foreland succession. New detailed mapping and analysis of the field relationships between the BTU and foreland succession indicates that their contact is a mylonitic shear zone. The metamorphic character, general lithology, and deformational history of the BTU are similar to those of units in the Variscan Nappe Zone located northeast of the foreland area. We reinterpret the BTU as a synformal klippe of material related tectonically to the Variscan Nappe Zone. We infer that it was thrust over and became infolded into the foreland during late stages of the Variscan contractional deformation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘若新  李惠民 《岩石学报》1995,11(3):243-256
碧溪岭橄榄岩一榴辉岩体的原岩为形成於岛弧环境并经受结晶分离作用的镁铁-超镁铁质侵入体。它们形成于2210±39Ma或更早,于800~1000Ma时经受超高压变质之后上升于壳幔边界附近,并经受多期次高压退变质作用及韧性变形(660~410Ma),于210~250Ma时折返上升至地壳并伴随发生石榴石的重结晶以及随后在地壳条件下榴辉岩的角闪岩化。  相似文献   

The Maowu eclogite–pyroxenite body is a small (250×50 m) layered intrusion that occurs in the ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan, China. Like the adjacent Bixiling complex, the Maowu intrusion was initially emplaced at a crustal level, then subducted along with the country gneisses to mantle depths and underwent UHP metamorphism during the collision of the North and South China Blocks in the Triassic. This paper presents the results of a geochemical and isotopic investigation on the metamorphosed Maowu body. The Maowu intrusion has undergone open system chemical and isotopic behavior three times. Early crustal contamination during magmatic differentiation is manifested by high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.708) and inhomogeneous negative Nd(T) values of −3 to −10 at 500 Ma (probable protolith age). Post-magmatic and pre-UHP metamorphic metasomatism is indicated by sinusoidal REE patterns of garnet orthopyroxenites, lack of whole-rock (WR) Sm–Nd isochronal relationship, low δ18O values and an extreme enrichment of Th and REE in a clinopyroxenite. Finally, K and Rb depletion during UHP metamorphism is deduced from the high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios unsupported by in situ Rb/Sr ratios. Laser ICP-MS spot analyses on mineral grains show that (1) Grt and Cpx attained chemical equilibrium during UHP metamorphism, (2) Cpx/Grt partition coefficients for REE correlate with Ca, and (3) LREE abundances in whole rocks are not balanced by that of the principal phases (Grt and Cpx), implying that the presence of LREE-rich accessory phases, such as monazite and apatite, is required to account for the REE budget.

Sm–Nd isotope analyses of minerals yielded three internal isochrons with ages of 221±5 Ma and (T)=−5.4 for an eclogite, 231±16 Ma and (T)=−6.2 for a garnet websterite, and 236±19 Ma and (T)=−6.9 for a garnet clinopyroxenite. The Cpx/Grt chemical equilibrium and the consistent mineral isochron ages indicate that the metasomatic processes mentioned above must have occurred prior to the UHP metamorphism. These Sm–Nd ages agree with published zircon and monazite U–Pb ages and constrain the time of UHP metamorphism to 220–236 Ma. The Maowu and Bixiling layered intrusions are similar in their in situ tectonic relationship with their country gneisses, but the two bodies are distinguished by their magma-chamber processes. The Bixiling magmas were contaminated by the lower crust, whereas the Maowu magmas were contaminated by the upper crustal rocks during their emplacement and differentiation. The two complexes represent two distinct suites of magmatic rocks, which have resided in the continental crust for about 300–400 Ma before their ultimate subduction to mantle depths, UHP metamorphism and return to the crustal level.  相似文献   

Werner Fielitz  Ioan Seghedi   《Tectonophysics》2005,410(1-4):111-136
Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) convergence created the fold and thrust belt of the Eastern Carpathians of Romania, which subsequently experienced post-collisional crustal deformation combined with calc-alkaline and alkalic-basaltic volcanism in late Miocene–Quaternary time. This deformation led to the rise of the Cǎlimani–Gurghiu–Harghita volcanic mountains and to the subsidence of the N–S-oriented intramontane Borsec/Bilbor–Gheorgheni–Ciuc and Braşov pull-apart basins, and the E-oriented monocline-related Fǎgǎraş basin. The regional drainage network is the composite of:
(1) Older E-, SE- and S-flowing rivers, which cross the Carpathians, radiate towards the foreland and were probably established during the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) collision event.

(2) A more recent drainage system related to the contemporaneous development of the volcanoes and intramontaneous basins, which generally drains westward into the Transylvanian Basin since late Miocene time and has been capturing the older river system.

The older river drainage system has also been modified by Late Pliocene–Quaternary folding, thrusting and monoclinal tilting along the Pericarpathian orogenic front and by reactivated transverse high angle basement faults, which cross the Eastern Carpathian foreland.  相似文献   

Deep‐water sandstone beds of the Oligocene Fusaru Sandstone and Lower Dysodilic Shale, exposed in the Buz?u Valley area of the East Carpathian flysch belt, Romania, can be described in terms of the standard turbidite divisions. In addition, mud‐rich sand layers are common, both as parts of otherwise ‘normal’ sequences of turbidite divisions and as individual event beds. Eleven units, interpreted as the deposits of individual flows, were densely sampled, and 87 thin sections were point counted for grain size and mud content. S3/Ta divisions, which form the bulk of most sedimentation units, have low internal textural variability but show subtle vertical trends in grain size. Most commonly, coarse‐tail normal grading is associated with fine‐tail inverse grading. The mean grain size can show inverse grading, normal grading or a lack of grading, but sorting tends to improve upward in most beds. Fine‐tail inverse grading is interpreted as resulting from a decreasing effectiveness of trapping of fines during rapid deposition from a turbidity current as the initially high suspended‐load fallout rate declines. If this effect is strong enough, the mean grain size can show subtle inverse grading as well. Thus, thick inversely graded intervals in deep‐water sands lacking traction structures do not necessarily imply waxing flow velocities. If the suspended‐load fallout rate drops to zero after the deposition of the coarse grain‐size populations, the remaining finer grained flow bypasses and may rework the top of the S3 division, forming well‐sorted, coarser grained, current‐structured Tt units. Alternatively, the suspended‐load fallout rate may remain high enough to prevent segregation of fines, leading to the deposition of significant amounts of mud along with the sand. Mud content of the sandstones is bimodal: either 3–13% or more than 20%. Two types of mud‐rich sandstones were observed. Coarser grained mud‐rich sandstones occur towards the upper parts of S3/Ta divisions. These units were deposited as a result of enhanced trapping of mud particles in the rapidly deposited sediment. Finer grained mud‐rich units are interbedded with ripple‐laminated very fine‐grained sandy Tc divisions. During deposition of these units, mud floccules were hydraulically equivalent to the very fine sand‐ and silt‐sized sediment. The mud‐rich sandstones were probably deposited by flows that became transitional between turbidity currents and debris flows during their late‐stage evolution.  相似文献   

The Variscan metamorphism in the Pyrenees is dominantly of the low‐pressure–high‐temperature (LP‐HT) type. The relics of an earlier, Barrovian‐type metamorphism that could be related to orogenic crustal thickening are unclear and insufficiently constrained. A microstructural and petrological study of micaschists underlying an Ordovician augen orthogneiss in the core of the Canigou massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France) reveals the presence of two syntectonic metamorphic stages characterized by the crystallization of staurolite (M1) and andalusite (M2), respectively. Garnet is stable during the two metamorphic stages with a period of resorption between M1 and M2. The metamorphic assemblages M1 and M2 record similar peak temperatures of 580°C at different pressure conditions of 5.5 and 3 kbar, respectively. Using chemical zoning of garnet and calculated P–T pseudosections, a prograde P–T path is constrained with a peak pressure at ~6.5 kbar and 550°C. This P–T path, syntectonic with respect to the first foliation S1, corresponds to a cold gradient (of ~9°C/km), suggestive of crustal thickening. Resorption of garnet between M1 and M2 can be interpreted either in terms of a simple clockwise P–T path or a polymetamorphic two‐stage evolution. We argue in favour of the latter, where the medium‐pressure (Barrovian) metamorphism is followed by a period of significant erosion and crustal thinning leading to decompression and cooling. Subsequent advection of heat, probably from the mantle, leads to a new increase in temperature, coeval with the development of the main regional fabric S2. LA‐ICP‐MS U–Th–Pb dating of monazite yields a well‐defined date at c. 300 Ma. Petrological evidence indicates that monazite crystallization took place close to the M1 peak pressure conditions. However, the similarity between this age and that of the extensive magmatic event well documented in the eastern Pyrenees suggests that it probably corresponds to the age of monazite recrystallization during the M2 LP‐HT event.  相似文献   

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