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春季南极涛动对北美夏季风的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This study examined the relationship between the boreal spring(April?May) Antarctic Oscillation(AAO) and the North American summer monsoon(NASM)(July?September) for the period of 1979?2008.The results show that these two systems are closely related.When the spring AAO was stronger than normal,the NASM tended to be weaker,and there was less rainfall over the monsoon region.The opposite NASM situation corresponded to a weaker spring AAO.Further analysis explored the possible mechanism for the delayed impact of the boreal spring AAO on the NASM.It was found that the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST) plays an important role in the connection between the two phenomena.The variability of the boreal spring AAO can produce anomalous SSTs over the tropical Atlantic.These SST anomalies can persist from spring to summer and can influence the Bermuda High,affecting water vapor transportation to the monsoon region.Through these processes,the boreal spring AAO exerts a significantly delayed impact on the amount of NASM precipitation.Thus,information about the boreal spring AAO is valuable for the prediction of the NASM.  相似文献   

北大西洋涛动对新疆夏季降水异常的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
杨莲梅  张庆云 《大气科学》2008,32(5):1187-1196
利用1961~2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析和新疆75个气象站月降水资料,分析新疆夏季降水与沿西亚副热带西风急流Rossby波和北大西洋涛动(NAO)的关系,研究表明,夏季斯堪的纳维亚半岛-中欧—西亚和中亚的准静止波传播是联系NAO与沿西亚副热带西风急流波活动和新疆夏季降水变化的纽带。通过波作用量的动力学诊断分析,讨论了夏季NAO正、负位相异常年准静止波传播特征和差异,夏季NAO强弱活动影响斯堪的纳维亚半岛EP通量散度强度和位置异常,该区EP通量散度强度和位置异常导致强辐散中心在中高纬向东传播的准静止波和沿副热带西风急流准静止波活动变化,从而影响新疆夏季降水。  相似文献   

In this study,physical mechanism of the impacts of the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST)on decadal change of the summer North Atlantic Oscillation(SNAO)was explored using an atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM)developed at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP).The simulation results indicate that the decadal warming of the SST over the tropical Atlantic after the late 1970s could have significantly enhanced the convection over the region.This enhanced convection would have strengthened the local meridional circulation over the Eastern Atlantic-North Africa-Western Europe region,exciting a meridional teleconnection.This teleconnection might have brought the signal of the tropical Atlantic SST to the Extratropics,consequently activating the variability of the eastern part of the SNAO southern center,which led to an eastward shift of the SNAO southern center around the late 1970s.Such physical processes are highly consistent with the previous observations.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of the preceding boreal summer(June–August) North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) on early autumn(September) rainfall over Central China(RCC). The results show that a significant positive correlation exists between the preceding summer NAO and the early autumn RCC on the interannual timescale. In order to understand the physical mechanism between them, the role of ocean was investigated. It was found that the strong summer NAO can induce a tripole sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the North Atlantic; this SSTA pattern can persist until early autumn. The diagnostic analysis showed that the tripole SSTA pattern excites a downstream Atlantic-Eurasian(AEA) teleconnection, which contributes to an increase in RCC. The circulation anomalies related to SSTA caused by the weak NAO are opposite, so the RCC is less than normal. The results imply that the preceding summer NAO may be regarded as a forecast factor for the early autumn RCC.  相似文献   

In this study the behaviour of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and its impact on the surface air temperature in Europe 1891-1990 is analysed using statistical time series analysis techniques. For this purpose, both the NAO index (NAOI) and the surface air temperature time series from 41 European stations are split up into typical variation components. Various measures of correlation indicate that the NAOI-temperature relationships are approximately linear and most pronounced in winter. The spatial correlation patterns show a correlation decrease from North West to South East (winter) exceeding correlation coefficients of 0.6 in the Scotland-South Norwegian area. In summer, these correlations are very weak, in spring and autumn stronger but smaller than in winter. These correlations change significantly in time indicating increasing correlations in Central and North Europe and decreasing correlations in the North West. Low-frequent episodic components represented by related polynomials of different order are very outstanding in both NAO and temperatures showing up in all seasons, except summer, relative maxima roughly 1900 and in recent times, relative minima in the beginning ( ca . 1870) and roughly 1960-1970. Periodogramm analysis reveals a dominant cycle of 7.5 years (NAOI and a majority of temperature time series) whereas in case of the polynomial component one may speculate about a 80-90 year cycle.  相似文献   

Utilizing three different sets of reanalysis data, this study examines the long-and short-lived observed positive North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) events(referred to as NAO+LE and NAO+SE) and long-and short-lived observed negative NAO events(referred to as NAO-LE and NAO-SE). Composite results indicate that the NAO-like circulation anomalies associated with the long-lived NAO events can reach the stratosphere, while they are primarily confined to the tr...  相似文献   

冯蕾  魏凤英  朱艳峰 《大气科学》2011,35(5):963-976
本文在分析中国夏季降水典型模态与前期春季对流层中上层温度主要分布类型、北大西洋涛动(简称NAO)之间关系的基础上,提出基于前春对流层温度和NAO的中国夏季降水统计预测模型,并对利用该模型预报的2004~2009年中国160站夏季降水进行检验.结果表明:中国大范围夏季降水多寡主要与5月NAO变化有关,“南多(少)北少(多...  相似文献   

In this study, the temporal structure of the variation of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and its impact on regional climate variability are analyzed using various datasets. The results show that blocking formations in the Atlantic region are sensitive to the phase of the NAO. Sixty-seven percent more winter blocking days are observed during the negative phase compared to the positive phase of the NAO. The average length of blocking during the negative phase is about 11 days, which is nearly twice as long as the 6-day length observed during the positive phase of the NAO. The NAO-related differences in blocking frequency and persistence are associated with changes in the distribution of the surface air temperature anomaly, which, to a large extent, is determined by the phase of the NAO. The distribution of regional cloud amount is also sensitive to the phase of the NAO. For the negative phase, the cloud amounts are significant, positive anomalies in the convective zone in the Tropics and much less cloudiness in the mid latitudes. But for the positive phase of the NAO, the cloud amount is much higher in the mid-latitude storm track region. In the whole Atlantic region, the cloud amount shows a decrease with the increase of surface air temperature. These results suggest that there may be a negative feedback between the cloud amount and the surface air t.emperature in the Atlantic region.  相似文献   

冬季北大西洋涛动对中国春季降水异常的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邵太华  张耀存 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1225-1233
利用中国397个测站降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用相关分析、合成分析等方法,研究了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)对我国春季降水的影响。结果表明,我国春季降水与前期冬季NAO关系密切,冬季NAO偏强(弱)时,我国东部南方地区春季降水偏多(少),北方地区春季降水偏少(多)。冬季NAO信号通过波列形式传播至东亚地区,使得春季东亚副热带急流和温带急流发生变化,冬季NAO偏强(弱)时,春季东亚副热带西风急流增强(减弱),温带急流减弱(增强)。进一步分析表明,冬季NAO异常会引起春季乌拉尔山高压脊和东亚大槽的变化,导致东亚对流层上层的温度发生变化,并由此产生经向温度梯度异常,这可能是NAO影响东亚高空急流的原因之一。春季东亚对流层上层的气温变冷(暖),使得东亚地区30°-40°N区域产生下沉(上升)运动,20°-30°N区域产生上升(下沉)运动,最终导致我国东部南方地区春季降水偏多(少)、北方地区春季降水偏少(多)。  相似文献   

本文基于中国地面气温日值网格数据集(V2.0),采用滑动相关和相关分析等方法,揭示了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)对中国北方极端低温影响的事实,进一步证实了东北后冬(1、2月)冷日(夜)与同期NAO相关性的年代际变化。研究发现:在20世纪80年代中期前,东北后冬冷日(夜)频发,与NAO的相关性较好,而在80年代中期后东北后冬冷日(夜)少发,与NAO的相关性减弱。其中,1月在1969~1988阶段,东北冷日(夜)与NAO的相关性最好,相关区域显著,相关系数可达-0.68(-0.66),而在1989~2009阶段二者相关性最弱,相关区域不显著。进一步分析发现,在不同年代际背景下,NAO引起的大气环流异常是导致东北1月冷日(夜)与1月NAO相关性年代际变化的重要原因。相关性较好的年代,NAO引起的环流异常有利于冷涡等天气系统维持在贝加尔湖到东北一带,使东北地区气温偏低,冷日(夜)频发;相关性较弱的年代,不利于冷空气南下,使东北地区气温偏高,冷日(夜)少发。  相似文献   

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is one of the leading modes of climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere. It has been shown that it clearly relates to changes in meteorological variables, such as surface temperature, at hemispherical scales. However, recent studies have revealed that the NAO spatial pattern also depends upon solar forcing. Therefore, its effects on meteorological variables must vary depending upon this factor. Moreover, it could be that the Sun affects climate through variability patterns, a hypothesis that is the focus of this study. We find that the relationship between the NAO/AO and hemispheric temperature varies depending upon solar activity. The results show a positive significant correlation only when solar activity is high. Also, the results support the idea that solar activity influences tropospheric climate fluctuations in the Northern Hemisphere via the fluctuations of the stratospheric polar vortex .  相似文献   

In this study,the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO)in winter(December–February)and the precipitation over southern China(SCP)in the following spring(March–May)was investigated.Results showed an interdecadal change,from strong to weak connection,in their connection.Before the early1980s,they were highly correlated,with a strong(weak)winter NAO followed by an increased(decreased)spring SCP.However,after the early 1980s,their relationship was weakened significantly.This unstable relationship may be linked to the climatological change of East Asian jet.Before the early 1980s,the wave train along the Asian jet propagated the NAO signal eastward to East Asia and affected local upper-tropospheric atmospheric circulation.A strong NAO in winter led to an anomalous anticyclonic circulation at the south side of 30 N in East Asia in spring,resulting in an increase of SCP.In contrast,after the early1980s,the wave train pattern along the Asian jet extended eastward due to strengthening of the climatological East Asian jet.Correspondingly,the NAO-related East Asian atmospheric circulations in the upper troposphere shifted eastward,thereby weakening the linkage between the spring SCP and the winter NAO.  相似文献   

Short-termClimaticFluctuationsinNorthAtlanticOscillationandFrequencyofCyclonicDisturbancesoverNorthIndianOceanandNorthwestPac...  相似文献   

运用K均值聚类法将冬季北大西洋及欧洲地区的天气流型分为4种不同的流型。研究了不同阶段8种不同位相的热带季节内振荡(MJO)与这4种流型的年际变化的关系。通过一系列的对比试验发现,K均值聚类法划分得到的不同位相的北大西洋涛动(NAO)的天数能很好地反映NAO指数;无论是在1978~1990年(简称为P1阶段)还是在1991~2010年(简称为P2阶段),MJO第3(6)位相影响NAO正(负)位相;但在P1阶段存在NAO的位相转换,当MJO处于第1位相时,NAO由弱的负位相转换为正位相,当MJO处于第6位相时, NAO由正位相转换为负位相;而在P2阶段NAO并没有明显的位相转换,当MJO处于第1位相时,NAO由偶极子结构转换为波列结构。  相似文献   

Negative-phase North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) events are generally stronger than positive-phase ones, i.e., there is a phase-strength asymmetry of the NAO. In this work, we explore this asymmetry of the NAO using the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation(CNOP) method with a three-level global quasi-geostrophic spectral model. It is shown that, with winter climatological flow forcing, the CNOP method identifies the perturbations triggering the strongest NAO event under a given initial constraint. Meanwhile, the phase-strength asymmetry characteristics of the NAO can be revealed. By comparing with linear results, we find that the process of perturbation self-interaction promotes the onset of negative NAO events, which is much stronger than during positive NAO onset. Results are obtained separately using the climatological and zonal-mean flows in boreal winter(December–February) 1979–2006 as the initial basic state. We conclude, based on the fact that NAO onset is a nonlinear initial-value problem, that phase-strength asymmetry is an intrinsic characteristic of the NAO.  相似文献   

Recent observational study has shown that the southern center of the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO) was located farther eastward after the late 1970s compared to before. In this study, the cause for this phenomenon is explored. The result shows that the eastward shift of the SNAO southern center after the late 1970s is related to the variability of the Mediterranean-Black Sea (MBS) SST. A warm MBS SST can heat and moisten its overlying atmosphere, consequently producing a negative sea level pressure (SLP) departure over the MBS region. Because the MBS SST is negatively correlated with the SNAO, the negative SLP departure can enhance the eastern part of the negative-phase of the SNAO southern center, consequently producing an eastward SNAO southern center shift. Similarly, a cold MBS SST produces an eastward positive-phase SNAO southern center shift. The reason for why the MBS SST has an impact on the SNAO after the late 1970s but why it is not the case beforehand is also discussed. It is found that this instable relationship is likely to be attributed to the change of the variability of the MBS SST on the decadal time-scale. In 1951--1975, the variability of the MBS SST is quite weak, but in 1978--2002, it becomes more active. The active SST can enhance the interaction between the sea and its overlying atmosphere, thus strengthening the connection between the MBS SST and the SNAO after the late 1970s. The above observational analysis results are further confirmed by sensitivity experiments.  相似文献   

袁薇  孙建奇 《大气科学进展》2009,26(6):1209-1214
This study investigates the relationship between the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO) and the simultaneous Northern Hemisphere (NH) land surface air temperature (SAT) by using the Climate Research Unit (CRU) data. The results show that the SNAO is related to NH land SAT, but this linkage has varied on decadal timescales over the last 52 years, with a strong connection appearing after the late 1970s, but a weak connection before. The mechanism governing the relationship between the SNAO and NH land SAT is discussed based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The results indicate that such a variable relationship may result from changes of the SNAO mode around the late 1970s. The SNAO pattern was centered mainly over the North Atlantic before the late 1970s, and thus had a weak influence on the NH land SAT. But after the late 1970s, the SNAO pattern shifted eastward and its southern center was enhanced in magnitude and extent, which transported the SNAO signal to the North Atlantic surrounding continents and even to central East Asia via an upper level wave train along the Asian jet.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to analyze a possible teleconnection of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), Southern Oscillation (SO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and Arctic Oscillation (AO) phenomena with longterm streamflow fluctuation of the Bela River (1895-2004) and Cierny Hron River (1931-2004) (central Slovakia). Homogeneity, long-term trends, as well as inter-annual dry and wet cycles were analyzed for the entire 1895-2004 time series of the Bela River and for the 1931-2004 time series of the Cierny Hron River. Inter-annual fluctuation of the wet and dry periods was identified using spectral analysis. The most significant period is that of 3.6 years. Other significant periods are those of 2.35 years, 13.5 years, and 21 years. Since these periods were found in other rivers of the world, as well as in SO, NAO, and AO phenomena, they can be considered as relating to the general regularity of the Earth.  相似文献   

北大西洋涛动指数变化与北半球冬季阻塞活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴晶品  刁一娜 《大气科学》2011,35(2):326-338
线性回归分析表明北大西洋涛动(NAO)主要与大西洋、欧洲及乌拉尔山地区阻塞的频率和强度的变化存在显著相关关系.在NAO负位相时期阻塞活动在大西洋地区较为频繁且强度较强,正位相时期大西洋地区阻塞活动减少,强度减弱,而欧洲阻塞加强,频率增加,同时乌拉尔山地区的阻塞活动也显著减少.NAO正指数的增强和减弱对应于大西洋和欧洲阻...  相似文献   

利用1979—2017年TropFlux海气热通量资料、ERA5再分析资料及HadISST资料,分析了冬季北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO)与同期热带印度洋海气热通量的关系。结果表明,NAO指数与热带印度洋海气净热通量整体上呈负相关,意味着NAO为正位相时,海洋向大气输送热量,其显著区域主要位于热带西印度洋(50°~70°E,10°S~10°N)。净热通量的变化主要依赖于潜热通量和短波辐射的变化;潜热通量和短波辐射在NAO正(负)位相事件期间的贡献率分别为72.96%和61.48%(71.72%和57.06%)。NAO可通过Rossby波列影响印度洋地区局地大气环流,进而影响海气热通量;当NAO为正位相时,波列沿中低纬路径传播至印度洋地区,在阿拉伯海北部对流层高层触发异常反气旋环流。该异常反气旋性环流加强了阿拉伯高压,使得北印度洋偏北风及越赤道气流加强。伴随风速的加强,海面蒸发增强,同时加强的越赤道气流导致热带辐合带强度偏强,深对流加强引起对流层水汽和云量增多,进而引起海表下行短波辐射减少。  相似文献   

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