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Based on the catastrophic June 28, 2014, Arshan debris flows in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, the structure and lithological composition of the debris are studied and a debris flow defense system is proposed. Among five debris flows in this region, two flows 4.1 and 5.6 km long are scrutinized. The grain size and mineral composition of fans and mudflows, as well as their evolution scenario are studied. The paper also examines the engineering-geological features of debris flow sediments and their textural-structural and physical alterations in the course of settling. Specific attention is devoted to the lithological and climatic constraints of debris flows. It is noted that sediments of recent mudflows are characterized by a high underconsolidation and deliquescence, promoting the formation of high-plastic and fluidal zones that can migrate actively. The approach proposed for debris flow defense measures lies in the construction of flow diversion dams designed for orienting the debris flows toward the “debris dump site.”  相似文献   

Superposition, mainly of two Eoalpine (Cretaceous) deformation events, can be observed in vertical sections and horizontal traverses throughout a decollement zone in the Eastern Alps consisting of crystalline basement and autochthonous and allochthonous cover stacked in several nappes. The first event is an episode with a non-coaxial strain history caused by W-directed thrusting, the second a N-directed shortening by folding and fold imbrication. Strain analysis based both on deformed pebbles and on the preferred orientation of phyllosilicate grains (March theory), microfabric analysis, and observations of the relative timing of deformation and metamorphism, together indicate that the superposition of structures caused by the two events amounts to one continuous, progressive act of deformation. We attribute gradual and consistent variations in intensity and axial ratio of the tectonic strain to a history influenced by: (a) the position of samples in the pile; (b) the relative importance of the strain increments caused by the two events; and (c) rock ductility. We interpret variations of the c-axis fabrics of quartz in the same way, and draw tentative kinematic conclusions for the Eoalpine orogeny in the Eastern Alps.  相似文献   

The Pt-Pd and Au-Ag mineralization hosted in both wehrlite without visible links to sulfide mineralization (dispersed assemblage of the Tartai massif) and disseminated Cu-Ni sulfide ore (ore assemblage of the Ognit massif) was found in dunite-wehrlite massifs localized in the fold framework of the Siberian Craton. The Pt minerals in both assemblages comprise sperrylite (PtAs2) and secondary Pt-Fe-Ni alloys in the Ognit massif and Pt-Fe-Cu and Pt-Cu alloys in the Tartai massif. The Pd minerals are widespread in the ore assemblages as compounds with Te, Sb, and Bi, whereas in the dispersed assemblage Pd is concentrated primarily in Pd-Cu-Sb compounds. Both assemblages are characterized by similar substitution of sperrylite with orcelite (Ni5 ? xAs2) and then with secondary Pt-Fe-Ni or Pt-Fe-Cu and Pt-Cu alloys; the occurrence of Au-Ag alloys with prevalence of Ag over Au; and replacement of them with auricupride (Cu3Au) at the late stage. Sperrylite in both assemblages contains Ir impurities, while the Pd minerals contain Cu and Ni admixtures, which are typical of mineral assemblages related to the ultramafic intrusions with nickel specialization. PGM were formed under a low sulfur fugacity and high As, Bi, and Sb activities. The postmagmatic fluids affected the primary mineral assemblages under reductive conditions, and this effect resulted in replacement of sperrylite with Ni arsenide (orcelite) and Pt-Fe-Ni and Pt-Fe-Cu alloys; Ni and Cu sulfides were replaced with awaruite and native copper.  相似文献   

Mountain massif Munku-Sardyk presents the highest mountain range and adjacent Stanovoy ridge highlands of the Eastern Sayan. There is situated modern glaciation site which was the most studied in the course of last 160 years. This periglacial area experienced different periods of cooling and warming in the Holocene and retained traces of the Sartan glaciation of Subboreal (3000–5000 years ago), the Little Ice Age, the evidences of Holocene optimum and general warming last time. The authors examined the variability of activity of modern glaciation and variation of natural conditions of the periglacial zone on climate and on dendrochronological data. Results of larch and Siberian stone pine growth data were revealed at the higher border of forest communities. Analysis of the growth of the “fossil” tree in the Holocene optimum showed that the absolute magnitude of its increment was two times higher than for up-to-date long-lived trees. Identified periods of the Peretolchin glacier retreat in 1900–1965 and 1983–2000 years took place with increased growth of trees and the rate of sedimentation in proglacial lake, and vice versa glacier advance on in 1965–1980 years was accompanied by slowing of tree increments and reduction in sedimentation rate. Since 2000, there has been growth of trees instability associated with a decrease in average monthly summer temperatures.  相似文献   

This article presents new data on the age of the largest gold deposits in the southeastern part of Eastern Sayan. The dates have been obtained by Ar–Ar analysis of micas occurring in gold-bearing quartz veins and mineralized zones. The obtained Ar–Ar ages of fuchsite and sericite from the tectonized and mineralized zones of the Zun–Holba deposit (ore body Severnoye-3), range within 353.9–386.4 Ma; a similar result of 352.9 Ma was yielded by Ar–Ar dating of Cr–muscovite from mylonitized listvenite in the veins of the periphery of the Zun–Ospa gold deposit. However, muscovite from the ore-bearing quartz vein of the Pioneer gold–quartz deposit, located near Zun–Holba, has been dated to 421.9 Ma. The obtained new data on isotopic age of the gold–quartz ores and gold–sulphide–quartz deposits allow recognition of the Early Palaeozoic accretion–collision and the Late Palaeozoic shearing stages of formation of gold mineralization in the SE Eastern Sayan.  相似文献   

The paper discusses earlier poorly studied mineralized rocks of the Kingash ultramafic complex in the Kan Block of the Eastern Sayan, including the large Cu–Ni–PGE deposit of the same name. Despite many researchers' increased interest in the Kingash massif, a number of questions related to the petrology, formation mechanism, and localization of Cu–Ni–PGE ore remain controversial. Along with already known ore minerals, we have identified and described a number of new mineral species: argentite, Fe-enriched sperrylite, a bismuth variety of merenskyite, gersdorffite, cobaltite, and thorianite. The ore minerals are distinguished by a higher relative amount of Fe, and this makes the Kingash deposits close to other Paleoproterozoic Cu–Ni deposits, e.g., the Jinchuan in China, Pechenga in Russia, Ungava in Canada, Mt. Scholl in Australia, etc.  相似文献   

The Konevinsky gold deposit in southeast Eastern Sayan is distinguished from most known deposits in this region (Zun-Kholba, etc.) by the geological setting and composition of mineralization. To elucidate the cause of the peculiar mineralization, we have studied the composition, formation conditions, and origin of this deposit, which is related to the Ordovician granitoid pluton 445–441 Ma in age cut by intermediate and basic dikes spatially associated with metavolcanic rocks of the Devonian–Carboniferous Ilei Sequence. Four mineral assemblages are recognized: (1) quartz–pyrite–molybdenite, (2) quartz–gold–pyrite, (3) gold–polysulfide, and (4) telluride. Certain indications show that the ore was formed as a result of the superposition of two distinct mineral assemblages differing in age. The first stage dated at ~440 Ma is related to intrusions generating Cu–Mo–Au porphyry mineralization and gold–polysulfide veins. The second stage is controlled by dikes pertaining to the Devonian–Carboniferous volcanic–plutonic association. The second stage is characterized by gain of Hg and Te and formation of gold–mercury–telluride paragenesis.  相似文献   

Damdinov  B. B.  Zhmodik  S. M.  Khubanov  V. B.  Mironov  A. G.  Travin  A. V.  Damdinova  L. B. 《Geotectonics》2020,54(3):356-365
Geotectonics - The paper discusses the results of petrogeochemical and geochronological studies of the Tainsky granitoid stock containing the Tainsky gold deposit in the East Sayan. The Tainsky...  相似文献   

Pyrochlore-group minerals are the main concentrators of niobium in carbonatites of the Belaya Zima alkaline pluton. Fluorcalciopyrochlore, kenopyrochlore and hydropyrochlore were identified in chemical composition. Their main characteristics are given: compositional variation, morphology, and zoning. During evolution from early calcite to late ankerite carbonatites, the UO2, TiO2, REE, and Y contents gradually increased. All carbonatite types are suggested to contain initial fluorcalciopyrochlore. However, in calcite–dolomite and ankerite carbonatites, it is partially or completely hydrated due to hydrothermal processes at the late stage of the pluton. This hydration resulted in the appearance of kenopyrochlore and hydropyrochlore due to removal of Ca, Na and F, and input of Ba, H2O, K, Si, Fe, and probably U and REE. At the last stage of the pluton, this hydrated pyrochlore was replaced by Fe-bearing columbite.  相似文献   

The first morphotectonic model of the Greater Antilles is presented. The model is adjusted to the current dynamics between the Caribbean and North American plates. It is mainly elaborated by Rantsman’s methodology. We determined 2 megablocks, 7 macroblocks, 42 mesoblocks, 653 microblocks and 1264 nanoblocks. They constitute a set of active blocks under rotation, uplifting and tilting movements. A total of 11 active knots of faults and 8 cells are the main articulation areas. The largest seismogenetic structures in the Northern Caribbean are an array of the active fault segments. The majority of them are in the Caribbean-North American Plate Boundary Zone, the Hispaniola has the most complex neotectonic structure–associated with the central axis of the morphotectonic deformations in the region.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology of seven samples from the Xiaonanchuan (小南川) pluton in the Kunlun (昆仑) pass area was carried out, for the purpose of determining the timing of cooling and the relation between the exhumation and the morphotectonic processes. The AFT ages yield low denudation rates of 0. 020--0. 035 mm/a during the late Miocene, which correspond to a stable geomorphic and weak tectonic uplifting environment. The low denudation rates can be considered as the approximate tectonic uplifting rates. The AFT geochronology shows puroxysmully rapid cooling since the Pliocene and an apparent material unroofing of more than 3 km in the Xiaonanchuan area. This was not the result of simple denudation. The rapid cooling was coupled with the intensive orogeny since the Pliocene, which was driven by tectonic uplifting. The accelerated relief building was accompanied by a series of faulting, which caused the basin and the valley formation and sinking. The space pattern of the AFT ages also shows differential uplifting, which decreases northwardly. This trend is supported by the regional AFT data, which indicate that the exhumation decreases northwardly in eastern Kunlun. This trend also exists in cast-west orientation from the western Kunlun range to the eastern. The uplif- ting trend is also supported by gcomorphic characteristics including the elevation and the relief differences well as the distribution of the Late Cenozoic volcanism.  相似文献   

对昆仑垭口地区小南川岩体7件样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹年代学测试, 分析了岩体的冷却过程及岩体的剥露与构造地貌演化的关系.结果表明东昆仑山区中新世晚期视剥蚀速率极为缓慢, 为0.020~0.035mm/a, 反映的是构造隆升作用微弱、地貌缓和的地质环境, 因而构造隆升速率与低的视剥蚀速率相当.上新世以来小南川岩体突发性快速隆升冷却, 造成超过3km的物质揭顶, 这不是由单纯的剥蚀过程导致, 而是反映了昆仑山上新世以来的强烈构造隆升驱动下的成山作用过程.岩体上新世的裂变径迹年龄与近东西向的昆仑河-野牛沟谷地断裂断陷、昆仑垭口盆地断陷以及后期西大滩谷地断陷的综合构造地貌演化有密切的成因联系.此外裂变径迹年龄的空间分布格局反映了区域性的差异隆升作用, 由南向北、由西向东, 隆升和剥蚀作用逐渐衰减, 这与东昆仑山南北向以及东、西昆仑山之间地貌发育的差异性以及新生代火山作用分布是吻合的.   相似文献   

Impoverishment of rubidium and potassium on the periphery of the Bugulminian granitoid complex, the result of progressively decreasing chemical potentials (and increasing mobilities) of the alkalies from the core to the periphery of the intrusion, is interpreted as the effect of contamination of the magma by its basic host rocks prior to its crystallization. — V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

The paper discusses the results of studying the contents of platinum group elements (PGE) and platinum group minerals (PGM) in ores of the Kingash deposit. The bulk of PGE has been established as concentrated in disseminated sulfide chalcopyrite–pyrrhotite–pentlandite ore and is represented by palladium bismuth–tellurides. During melt differentiation, the content and relationship of PGE are changed; the Pd/Pt value increases (up to 1.9 and 4.2 in dunite and wehrlite, respectively) with decreasing Mg number. The distribution of PGE, sulfur, and REE in various ore types suggests two formation mechanisms of high-grade ores: (1) the product of liquid immiscibility and gravity separation at the early magmatic stage and (2) involvement of the residual melt saturated in volatiles, which contributed to transportation and segregation of PGE at the late magmatic stage. The evolution of the ore system of the Kingash massif is characterized by sequential enrichment of PGM in Ni from high-Mg to low-Mg rocks similarly to sulfide minerals of disseminated ore. The criteria for ore content in utramafics of the Kansk block have been identified based on compared ore element and PGE concentrations in ultramafic rocks of the Kingash and Idar complexes.  相似文献   

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