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This study introduces a method to quantify the scenic value of wetland landscapes and provides the guidance on the allocation of efforts for the purpose of preserving the most important environments.Dongting Lake,a traditional tourist location,is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China and a Grade 5A National Scenic Region. This study objectively analyzes the scenic resources of South Dongting Lake,and presents a model based on Quantification TheoryⅠto assess wetland scenic landscapes.Employing a multilinear regression relationship between land-scape factors and their associated scenic value,we built up the Wetland Landscape Quantification Model(WLQM), which was used to classify 221 landscapes into five grades.Finally,some suggestions are proposed regarding quantitative assessment and its use for the sustainable development of wetland environments.  相似文献   

野鸭湖湿地自然保护区是北京最大的湿地自然保护区,也是唯一的湿地鸟类自然保护区,因此,选择野鸭湖研究城市湿地景观格局演变特征具有典型意义。以野鸭湖自然保护区为研究对象,分析了1999年、2004年、2009年和2014年4个时期野鸭湖湿地系统景观格局演变过程,并根据景观指数分析其动态变化趋势。研究结果表明:①野鸭湖湿地面积在1999~2004年间逐渐减少,之后逐年恢复,至2014年湿地面积总数已恢复到1999年的水平,但水体的面积仍缩减一半,主要恢复的是草甸湿地和疏林湿地。②野鸭湖湿地景观格局的变化特征主要表现为:景观破碎度增加,景观形状更加复杂,景观多样性和异质性增加而优势度降低。③野鸭湖湿地斑块类型呈现如下特征:耕地连片分布,耕地开垦力度减缓;草甸湿地成片增长且优势度逐渐明显,形状复杂;水体分布聚集,2014年出现恢复现象;疏林湿地面积不断增长,呈现破碎化现象;建筑用地面积也略微增长,但分布分散;滩涂湿地面积最小,形状简单。  相似文献   

近30年天津滨海新区湿地景观格局遥感监测分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在GIS和FRAGSTATS软件支持下,结合景观格局数量分析方法,利用1979-2008年间共6期TM遥感影像与非遥感数据,对天津滨海新区近30年的湿地景观空间格局进行了动态分析。结果表明,滨海新区湿地(以人工湿地为主),1979-2004年滨海新区湿地总面积变化不大,但各类型间转换较大,主要是自然湿地转变为人工湿地,沼泽湿地几近消失。2006-2008年,由于城市建设大量滨海滩涂湿地被围填占用,到2009年5月自然海岸线的90%以上被占用。景观破碎度增加,湿地斑块数量从137个增加到704个,同时造成平均斑块面积下降。驱动力分析表明,降雨量减少的同时,年平均气温上升是主要的自然驱动因素。和自然因素相比,人类干扰为主要人文驱动因素,表现在水产养殖为主的农业经济活动、城市建设用地占用和围海造地等方面。目前,滨海新区几乎没有自然湿地生态系统,破碎化和人工化是该区域湿地的主要特征。  相似文献   

Wetland Is an important landscape existing almost DEFINITIONS OF WETLANDall over the world.In China,wetlands are distributedeverywhe。加mfrlgld-tern。。。ie zone to tropical zone,XU QI et al.dehned wetland as the soil which isfrom lmoral!o Inland from paln to pforeau and moisten by under-ground water or Is permanently ormountains.>ome ot the wetlands share the sam。char-temno。rllv soak。d by ground。ater(XU,1995).Thisacterlstlcs of other countries,and some are un…  相似文献   

伟大的生态文明工程——对中国大运河遗址的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图从生态文明建设、区域经济发展和宏观协调的角度,点评中国大运河工程。作者认为:她是中国东部大平原上开发湿地、利用湖泊的成功范例。是古代水网地区跨流域的内河航运的中央干线;为农耕文明时代国家级的标志性工程,是自隋唐以来保证中国南北统一的政治、经济、文化干线;是中国历史发展的大动脉;也是中国伟大的生态文明工程。中国大运河总长约3500km,顺应自然环境、水系格局和平原微地貌条件。她是2500年间代代中华儿女因势利导、因地制宜、河工逾千万、分段接力完成的伟大漕运系统。至今仍有近900km正常通航,每年货运量约3亿t,依然是北煤南运、南水北调、沿线资源流通的物流干道。中国大运河是活着的大遗址,是仍然发挥调控南北的作用的大遗址。中国大运河曾经串联了我国中东部六省两直辖市,穿越的33个地区级城市中有18个是历史文化名城。这些城市都不同程度地因大运河而兴衰,而且水文化和水景观仍然是这些运河沿线城市的特点和亮点,是其成为宜居城市、生态旅游城市的基本条件。  相似文献   

In this study, remote sensing data of Wuhan City,, Hubei Province, China in 1996-2001 were selected to extract wetland landscape information. Several landscape indices were used to evaluate the changes of landscape pattern within the five years, including patch number, patch density, patch fractal dimension, landscape diversity, dominance, evenness, and fragmentation indexes. Then, transformation probabilities of wetland landscapes into non-wetland landscapes were calculated based on Markov Model, and on these grounds the relationship between changes of wetland landscape pattern and urban construction was analyzed. The results showed that fragmentation degree of all wetland types increased, lake area declined, and dominance of natural wetland decreased. The reasons for these results were mainly because of urban construction. According to the features of abundant wetland in Wuhan City, we suggested that protection of wetland landscape should cooperate with urban construction, which means wetland should become important part of urban landscape.  相似文献   

景观镶嵌结构是景观异质性的重要表现,同时又是各种生态过程在不同尺度上作用的结果。本文以北京市野鸭湖湿地自然保护区为区域背景,以RS、GIS和GPS为技术手段,监测获取了1996-2002年研究区域湿地土地利用/土地覆盖景观空间格局变化,探讨了土地利用/土地覆盖景观空间格局变化对湿地环境的影响。故此,对1998-2000年和2000-2002年湿地资源景观镶嵌结构的动态变化进行详细分析。结果表明:(1)利用遥感信息多尺度、多时相、多波段的特点,在GIS、GPS技术的支持下,能够快速及时准确地反映湿地景观类型的动态变化,为湿地资源监测、保护与利用提供科学依据。(2)借助景观生态学中的相关原理,通过景观空间格局计算模型解释不同类型湿地景观的分布、变化,剖析湿地景观演化机制,为湿地景观规划与评价服务。(3)分析认为,野鸭湖湿地景观格局发生了较大的变化,水域面积减少严重,耕地面积增长幅度不高,旅游用地和堤坝面积明显增加。(4)湖泊和沼泽草甸是控制和影响湿地景观格局的主体。野鸭湖整个湿地景观的破碎化程度降低,人类活动干扰湿地在不断减弱,湿地景观异质性在逐渐降低,斑块之间的连通性提高,生境斑块相互之间的隔离度大大减少,湿地景观趋向稳定。  相似文献   

本文选取环长株潭城市群为研究区域,以Landsat TM影像解译后的土地利用数据、MODIS影像计算的植被指数,以及人口、经济和气候数据等为数据源,基于“压力-状态-响应”框架模型构建湿地生态安全评价指标体系对该区域2000-2010年湿地生态安全进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)环长株潭城市群2000、2005、2010年湿地生态安全指数均值分别为0.7268、0.7151和0.7196,湿地生态安全状态“良好”,生态安全等级程度为“较安全”。(2)环长株潭城市群区域差异性明显,一级湿地生态安全区主要分布在洞庭湖周边,二级湿地生态安全区沿主要河流分布,三级湿地生态安全区主要分布在2个或3个城市之间的交界区域。(3)研究期间环长株潭城市群湿地面积变化明显,该区域湿地总面积逐年减少;森林沼泽、草本沼泽、湖泊、河流、水田的斑块分维数均呈增加趋势;水库/坑塘、河流破碎度指数明显高于其他景观类型,湿地生态系统服务价值总体减少。在此基础上,从土地利用变化与转型、湿地景观结构与功能、自然因素等方面对影响该区域湿地生态安全的主要驱动因子进行了分析。结果表明,人类社会经济活动直接作用于湿地生态环境,通过改变区域景观和土地利用结构使湿地面积发生变化,直接影响湿地生态安全。气温、降水等气候因素通过改变水热状况和植被覆盖,间接影响湿地生态安全。针对该区域湿地生态安全存在的问题,建议在发展过程中正确处理好经济与生态环境之间的关系,尽可能减少人类活动对湿地生态环境的干扰。  相似文献   

Dynamics of wetland landscape pattern in Kaifeng City from 1987 to 2002   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is very significant for urban development and urban wetland protection and utilization to probe into the process and reasons of urban wetland landscape dynamics. Taking the information of remote sensing and detailed land survey data as the basic information sources, with the help of RS and GIS, according to the principles and methods of landscape ecology, this paper analyzed wetland landscape pattern dynamics and its reasons in Kaifeng City, Henan Province of China, from 1987 to 2002. The results show that the total wetland area in Kaifeng City firstly reduced by 20.1% from 1987 to 1990 and then increased from 1990 to 2002, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3%. At the same time, landscape fragment degree and landscape dominance degree increased, respectively from 0.64 to 0.72 and from 0.3754 to 0.5563, but mean patch area, maximum patch area, patch fractal dimension reduced. As far as single landscape element concerned, fi'om 1987 to 2002, patch area, patch number, patch density, patch shape and patch location changed in varying degrees in all wetland types in Kaifeng City, among which rice field changed most and others relatively less. In the recent 20 years, rice fields, lake wetlands, puddles and ponds had a higher stability, but river and bottomland wetlands were mostly transformed to land use types. The change of wetland landscape pattern was the result of the combined action of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, urban expansion, wide cultivation of rice, and rapid development of fishery. Among them human activities were the main driving factors for wetland landscape changes.  相似文献   

本文通过对湿地景观的时空动态发展过程其形成空间格局的分析,构建了基于ANN-CA的银川平原湿地景观时空模拟模型,并对湿地景观格局过程与主要驱动力因子间的响应关系进行了情景模拟。研究结果表明:年降水量对天然湿地中的河流湿地和湖泊湿地的驱动作用呈正相关关系,对水稻田和坑塘湿地的影响不显著;人口密度对人工湿地的驱动作用呈正相关,随着人口密度的增加,水稻田和坑塘向各个方向大面积蔓延,河流和湖泊等天然湿地的面积则逐渐减少;随着农业生产活动的加强、农业总产值的增加,河流和湖泊缓慢减少,水稻田和坑塘等人工湿地分布迅速扩张。  相似文献   

山东省南四湖湿地植被及其生物量初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对南四湖湿地野外实地调查并结合已有资料,对南四湖湿地范围进行了重新界定,分析了湿地的植被状况。并对2006年6月的SPOT 5影像进行解译,绘制了湿地景观格局图并统计各种景观类型的面积。使用湿地植被生物量密度数据计算出整个南四湖湿地植被的生物量为623.37×103t,并与1983年资料对比发现南四湖湿地植被生物量已减少了4/5,表明南四湖湿地植被的初级生产能力已经明显减退。  相似文献   

Honghu Lake, located in the southeast of Hubei Province, China, has suffered a severe disturbance during the past few decades. To restore the ecosystem, the Honghu Lake Wetland Protection and Restoration Demonstration Project (HLWPRDP) has been implemented since 2004. A back propagation (BP) artificial neural network (ANN) approach was applied to evaluatinig the ecosystem health of the Honghu Lake wetland. And the effectiveness of the HLWPRDP was also assessed by comparing the ecosystem health before and after the project. Particularly, 12 ecosystem health indices were used as evaluation parameters to establish a set of three-layer BP ANNs. The output is one layer of ecosystem health index. After training and testing the BP ANNs, an optimal model of BP ANNs was selected to assess the ecosystem health of the Honghu Lake wetland. The result indicates that four stages can be identified based on the change of the ecosystem health from 1990 to 2008 and the ecosystem health index ranges from morbidity before the implementation of HLWPRDP (in 2002) to middle health after the implementation of the HLWPRDP (in 2005). It demonstrates that the HLWPRDP is effective and the BP ANN could be used as a tool for the assessment of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

近50年来富锦湿地景观遥感与GIS的时空动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地是重要的自然资源,但是由于自然和人为影响,湿地正在大面积的萎缩,导致功能和效益下降,并危及到区域的持续发展。本文以三江平原挠力河流域富锦(市)作为研究区域,以RS、GIS和Fragstats为技术手段,分析了自1954年以来沼泽湿地的空间和时间退缩过程及其驱动力,重建了自1954年以来的土地利用/土地覆被变化过程。结果表明,湿地面积由1954年的519.917.96hm2下降到105.008hm2,由占总面积的61.27%下降到12.39%,仅是原来面积的17.74%;而耕地面积由223 173.54hm2增加到597 156.25hm2,由占总面积的25.31%增加到70.45%。同时指,出人类的农垦活动是富锦沼泽湿地面积退缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

Wetland research has become a hot spot linking multiple disciplines presently. Wetland classification and mapping is the basis for wetland research. It is difficult to generate wetland data sets using traditional methods because of the low accessibility of wetlands, hence remote sensing data have become one of the primary data sources in wetland research. This paper presents a case study conducted at the core area of Honghe National Nature Reserve in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. In this study, three images generated by airship, from Thematic Mapper and from SPOT 5 were selected to produce wetland maps at three different wetland landscape levels. After assessing classification accuracies of the three maps, we compared the different wetland mapping results of 11 plant communities to the airship image, 6 plant ecotypes to the TM image and 9 landscape classifications to the SPOT 5 image. We discussed the different characteristics of the hierarchical ecosystem classifications based on the spatial scales of the different images. The results indicate that spatial scales of remote sensing data have an important link to the hierarchies of wetland plant ecosystems displayed on the wetland landscape maps. The richness of wetland landscape information derived from an image closely relates to its spatial resolution. This study can enrich the ecological classification methods and mapping techniques dealing with the spatial scales of different remote sensing images. With a better understanding of classification accuracies in mapping wetlands by using different scales of remote sensing data, we can make an appropriate approach for dealing with the scale issue of remote sensing images.  相似文献   

三江平原萝北县湿地农田化过程与驱动机制分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过获取三江平原萝北县自1954年以来的六期土地利用数据,定量分析了过去50余年湿地农田化过程,并从自然因素和人为因素两方面探讨了湿地农田化过程的驱动机制。结果表明,1954-2005年,三江平原萝北县耕地面积净增21.85×104hm2,湿地是新增耕地的主要来源。在空间上,湿地斑块越来越分散,景观破碎化程度明显加剧,而耕地斑块则趋于集中分布;目前,耕地已成为三江平原萝北县的基质景观,地势低平、坡度较小、土壤条件、地貌条件良好的平原区是湿地农田化的首选区域。随着可开垦湿地资源的减少,人类的开垦对象开始转向地势、土壤、地貌等条件相对较差的湿地景观单元。气候变暖加速了湿地农田化进程,而人口数量的增加和政策的引导作用,对湿地农田化过程具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Ussuri / Wusuli River watershed is located in the southeast part of Heilongjiang Province of China, which joins remote regions of Russia. The watershed consists of approximately 26 000 000 ha, which is about two thirds of the watershed ecosystem in Russia, one  third in China. The Ussuri River forms part of the border between Russia and China, the shared border stretches more than 1100 km. Khanka/Xingkai Lake lies within both China and Russia. Its total area …  相似文献   

鄱阳湖南矶湿地是亚热带典型过水性湿地,由于该区域水文情况复杂,且泥滩、沼泽和疫水(血吸虫)分布较广,导致野外考察验证工作困难,使用传统的遥感信息提取方法很难保证该地区湿地景观的提取精度。本文以高分一号影像为数据源,综合运用数字高程模型(DEM)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、归一化水体指数(NDWI)等辅助数据,采用面向对象分类方法,对鄱阳湖南矶湿地景观信息进行提取研究,并取得了较好的分类效果。研究结果表明:(1)基于国产高分辨率影像的面向对象分类,既兼顾了国产高分辨率影像光谱、空间、结构、纹理信息,又综合利用多源辅助数据参与到分类计算中,分类精度得到明显的提升;(2)基于面向对象与多源数据分类方法对湿地混合像元有较好地识别能力,可获得较高的总体分类精度(94.3275%)和Kappa系数(0.9324),说明利用多源数据的面向对象方法提取湿地信息是可行的,其分类结果具有较高的准确性和可信度,较好地解决了过水性湿地景观分类问题;(3)该分类方法弥补了单一遥感影像分类方法的不足,对研究国产高分卫星在提取过水性湿地景观信息方面具有重要的参考和实际意义。最后,分析了多源数据面向对象分类尚待解决的问题和下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

Conservation of wetlands especially as waterfowl habitat in northeast China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wetland,withveryhighbiologicalproductivity,tremendousresourcepotentialandenvironmentfunction,isaspecialecosystemintheearthan...  相似文献   

Wetland is a special ecological system in the earth, which can provide a good habitat for many wild animals. It is a reproduction and overwintering area for many rare waterfowls, too. The northeast region, including Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning provinces, and the east of Inner Mongolia, is a district with the maximum areas and types of wetlands in China. It is the center of the waterfowls reproduction in Northeast Asia and the necessary region moving to the south. The conservation of wetland and waterfowls habitats in northeast China plays an important role in international waterfowls habitats conservation. The northeast weterfowls’ types, number and distribution specific features are studied in three aspects in the paper, so do the rare waterfowls. Existing problems and the administration polices on waterfowls and their habitats conservation in the northeast are also discussed. It shows that the conservation of wetland waterfowls habitats in northeast China is important.  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U C TIO NEco-security is the state in w hich the resources,envi-ronm entand ecosystem s thatconcern people are secure(M Aetal.,2004;SH Ietal.,2004).O therw ise,w e calliteco-security problem or ecologicalrisk.The eco-se-curity isdraw ing the in…  相似文献   

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