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Paul L. Knox 《Geoforum》1981,12(3):255-264
Dispensing Chemists represent an important component in the organization of primary medical care in the United Kingdom, as well as providing a basic retail service. Over the past 30 years, the number of dispensing chemists' shops in Scotland has fallen by 40%, a withdrawal of services which has important spatial welfare implications. In this paper the locational dynamics of pharmaceutical retailing are examined, and the pattern of change between 1950 and 1980 is described. It is shown that the major trend, at both regional and intra-urban levels, is centralization. This trend is only weakly related to patterns in population change. Rather, it is the product of a general restructuring of retailing, reinforced by changes in the structure of the health care delivery system.  相似文献   

Peter Jones 《Geoforum》1982,13(1):39-43
M.F.I. has emerged as the major retailer of self-assembly furniture in the United Kingdom and their trading philosophy has led to a search for suburban retail sites. This paper outlines M.F.I.'s locational policies and traces the company's geographical expansion.  相似文献   

P. Dicken   《Geoforum》1980,11(4):289-313
The position of the United Kingdom as a host country for foreign direct investment in manufacturing is examined in the European context. Several trends are identified which suggest that the United Kingdom's relative position is changing. In particular, the balance of United States manufacturing investment has been shifting away from the United Kingdom and towards mainland Europe while the United Kingdom's membership of the EEC enables European countries to serve the United Kingdom market by exporting rather than by direct investment. As yet, the volume of Japanese investment in United Kingdom and European manufacturing is small. In the competition between nations for internationally mobile investment. Ireland has captured a good deal of new manufacturing investment, some of which may have been ‘diverted’ from the United Kingdom. The apparent decline in the attractiveness of the United Kingdom as a host country for foreign manufacturing investment could have serious consequences for employment in the peripheral regions of the United Kingdom particularly in the light of developments in the organization of multinational enterprise and the impending enlargement of the EEC.  相似文献   

One of the most fundamental developments in the history of our species—and one having among the most profound impacts on landscapes and the people occupying them—was the domestication of plants and animals. In addition to altering landscapes around the globe from the terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene, the shift from foraging to farming resulted in negative and multiple consequences for human health. Study of human skeletal remains from archaeological contexts shows that the introduction of grains and other cultigens and the increase in their dietary focus resulted in a decline in health and alterations in activity and lifestyle. Although agriculture provided the economic basis for the rise of states and development of civilizations, the change in diet and acquisition of food resulted in a decline in quality of life for most human populations in the last 10,000 years.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a spatial approach towards the definition of localities for health care planning. Recent international decentralisation of health care provision, and more specifically devolution within the United Kingdom, emphasises the need to develop a geographical focus in the delimitation of local structures for health care planning. Geographers, but most especially those applying Geographical Information Science (GIS) techniques, have made enormous contributions in this field and more generally in research related to health services. This paper considers some of these previous approaches and moves on in the light of new technologies, and more importantly the availability of appropriate data, to create localities that reflect dynamic spaces of social interaction, administration and policy. The paper’s focus is placed on the importance of flow data that reflects␣the spatial interaction between services and the population. This data, divided into three sub-groups of administration, education and health, allows us to identify the population’s allegiance to place and ultimately create spatially bounded functional localities that reflect this. Whilst the approach is largely technology driven, it also incorporates the expertise of local health care professionals thus recognising the importance of collaboration and multi-sectoral engagement. Although this combined approach impacted upon the way in which the final localities were defined, crucially it enabled us to incorporate features of both rigorous spatial analysis and a wealth of local knowledge.  相似文献   

Hsu M 《GeoJournal》1993,30(3):279-282
The 55 recognized minority races in PRChina have a total population of 91.2 million. These peoples are distributed widely in two–thirds of China's territories.The minority population has grown rapidly since the 1960s. In this paper, I examine the major causes of this growth. They are the significant improvement of public health in the 1950s and 1960s, the leniency in the implementation of the birth control policies in minority communities, the relatively high birth and fertility rates in these communities, and the reaffirmation of racial identity in the 1980s.Most minority settlements are located in the less developed interior of China. Some of these areas are rich in minerals but they are not used most efficiently. Meanwhile, the land is over used. Today the Chinese advocate a faster economic development and a stricter birth control program for these areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analysed the major marine research strategies, programs and projects and the overall layout on marine research of the United Kingdom in recent years and found several characteristics: The United Kingdom increased emphasis on the national top-level design of marine research; The marine research infrastructures of the United Kingdom will be given long-term support in the future; Priority areas on marine research in the future will be determine and identified according to the national science and technology status and national needs of national economy; The United Kingdom will focus on ocean acidification, marine renewable energy development and coastal hazards research in the future. Then we gave out some recommendations on our courtry’ development on marine science and technology: Establishing a long-term national marine science and technology strategic plan; strengthening the investment in the important marine research infrastructure; setting several reasonable research priorities according to China’s national strategic needs.  相似文献   

Conclusions: the Future Relevance of Medical Geography in the Third World This article has deliberately ranged widely and suggested various research themes to which medical geographers interested in health and development might turn their attention. The International Geographical Union Commission on Health and Development established in 1988 suggested a research agenda which includes many of them (see IGU Commission on Health and Development, Circular Letter No. 1 published in GeoJournal 17, 4, 659–660 (1988)). The achievement of even part of such an agenda will call for close international collaboration in research amongst medical geographers and allied disciplines.Increasingly, medical geographers are gaining applied experience in health and health care in the developing world. They are obtaining breadth and depth of knowledge and are now, for example, cogniscant of financial matters such as those involved in the cost explosion in health care worlwide which has particularly sinister implications for the health of Third World countries (Josephg and Phillips 1984). They, too, are now increasingly comfortable in dealing with epidemiological and demographic data. Geographers now no longer focus solely on phenomena such as distance decay or environments for disease. They are aware that human resources, intelligence, aspirations, attitudes and finance are all potent variables influencing successful health care and health in populations.In the future, therefore, the wide-ranging ambit of medical geography will increasingly become relevant to health and health care research in the Third World. Contributions of value will emerge both from those geographers adopting more socio-political stances and those adopting a more empiricist approach. However, it is the holistic nature of geography, with its wide academic links, and the courage of geographers to research in new topics and gain sound understanding of them which will increasingly be recognized. The days of extempore contributions to political, policy and practical debates on health and development are now largely past. Well researched, solid and sound medical geography contributions will, it is hoped, forge ahead.  相似文献   

Predicted changes in temperature during the next century and the possibility of substantial depletion of stratospheric ozone would represent an unprecedently rapid change in the global environment with enormous effects including important impacts on human health. These are likely to be most obvious in the Third World where some areas can expect an intencification of existing major health hazards: an increased frequency of floods and storms; changes to the availability of food and good quality domestic water supplies and climate-related changes in the ecology of insect vectors for diseases such as malaria. In developed countries significant impacts can be also be anticipated. More frequent episodes of hot weather could be associated with more food poisoning and with increases in deaths from circulatory diseases. These might be offset by lower mortality rates in warmer winters. Exposure to photochemical atmospheric pollution is likely to increase. Stratospheric ozone depletion together with more exposure to sun in warmer weather could accelerate the existing rise in the incidence of skin cancer and increase the risk of cataracts.  相似文献   

Predicted changes in temperature during the next century and the possibility of substantial depletion of stratospheric ozone would represent an unprecedently rapid change in the global environment with enormous effects including important impacts on human health. These are likely to be most obvious in the Third World where some areas can expect an intensification of existing major health hazards: an increased frequency of floods and storms; changes to the availability of food and good quality domestic water supplies and climate-related changes in the ecology of insect vectors for diseases such as malaria. In developed countries significant impacts can also be anticipated. More frequent episodes of hot weather could be associated with more food poisoning and with increases in deaths from circulatory diseases. These might be offset by lower mortality rates in warmer winters. Exposure to photochemical atmospheric pollution is likely to increase. Stratospheric ozone depletion together with more exposure to sun in warmer weather could accelerate the existing rise in the incidence of skin cancer and increase the risk of cataracts.  相似文献   

Peter Doyle 《Geology Today》2014,30(5):183-191
The First World War started a hundred years ago this year. On 4 August 2014 the United Kingdom marked the anniversary of involvement in this war with a remembrance event at Mons, and over the next four years there will be new museums and exhibitions, services and events, conferences and colloquia world‐wide. The aim of this collective recognition of a major event in world history is to pick over the impact and effects, innovations and consequences of a war that claimed the lives of at least 16 million people and left the world with geopolitical issues that still reverberate today. One of its notable innovations was the use of geology in warfare. As is well known, compared with the open war fought against the Russians on the eastern front, the war in the west very quickly became positional, with opposing trench lines locked into a position that would dictate the war's approach. And with trench warfare, came the need to understand the geology of the land over which the men were fighting.  相似文献   

Tephrabase was launched on the World Wide Web in 1995 as a tool for tephrochronological research. In order to facilitate the identification, correlation and dating of tephra deposits, this database may be interrogated through multiple routes, including by source volcano, date, location, and tephra chemistry; datasets include stratigraphy, geochemistry, chronology and spatial information. Currently all the European data refer to Late Quaternary Icelandic‐sourced tephras, post‐12 k yr BP. The sites (62) where the tephra deposits are found include Iceland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Faroe Islands, Sweden and Russia. In addition, there are also data on tephra layers in central Mexico. Use of Tephrabase highlights the importance of selected geochemical data, but this has to be used with care as major element characteristics alone do not always produce unique definitions for single tephra deposits. For the most accurate results multiple criteria must be used. Tephrabase can be found at http://www.tephrabase.org . Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sam Ock Park 《GeoJournal》2004,59(1):69-72
Korean modern geography emerged from the dark age of unfortunate Japanese colonial rule after liberation in 1945, and has grown rapidly since the 1960s. Modern geographical theories and methodologies were introduced to Korea by the Korean geographers who received PhD degrees in the United States and returned home to teach at universities in Korea, especially in the 1970s and early 1980s. American geography has influenced the progress of the modern geography in Korea in various ways — education systems, curricula for college students, training graduate students — and research methodologies in Korean geography during the last half-century have been directly and indirectly influenced by American geography. The influence has had, however, both positive and negative effects in the development of Korean geography. There is a tendency in recent years to reinterpret Western theories and concepts in the Korean context, considering distinctive regional and cultural characteristics.  相似文献   

Northcote TG 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):127-133
Perhaps nowhere in Canada, if indeed in North America, could two adjacent watershed basins be selected which show such remarkable differences in their historical and recent response to human population growth effects. One — the Fraser — covers some 234,000 km2 (about one quarter of the province of British Columbia) and houses nearly two-thirds of its total population. The other — the Okanagan — forms a small part (some 14,000 km2) of the upper Columbia River drainage in Canada. Native Indian populations at maximum before European contact in the late 1700s were about 50,000 in the Fraser basin and probably less than a fifth of that in the Okanagan. Present total resident populations of the Fraser and Okanagan basins, about 2 million and 1\4 million respectively, have greatly different distributions and thereby effects within the watersheds they occupy. In addition seasonal tourist populations have important and differential impacts within the two watersheds. Expression of these effects on water, fisheries and other aquatic resources of the two basins are explored along with possibilities and suggestions for their sustainable development. The latter, despite some glimmers of hope, will not be tenable without major changes in public attitude, in government policy at all levels, and in other measures which to many may seem impossible.  相似文献   

A. C. Kalla 《GeoJournal》1992,26(1):69-73
Recently Mauritius has witnessed a rapid urbanization process. In such a small space, with a high population density and an improving economic situation — shifting from an agricultural-based to an industrial one — it is possible nowadays to distinguish the growth of major villages into well-structured urban centres. Contrary to the trend observed in some economically less developed countries (LDCs), health characteristics have veered mostly towards trends exhibited by economically more developed countries (MDCs). This paper will describe briefly the urbanization processes at work in Mauritius and will explore the changing health characteristics and provisions observed in such a small island state. It will try to lay the foundation for comparison with other small island states transcending the MDC/LDS divide.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing public profile of same-sex issues, health policies are often shaped by heteronormative assumptions. The health concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual/transgender, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTTTIQQ) people are complex and require broadening from an often exclusively sexual health and risk focus to a more holistic approach. In this context, this paper illustrates how a critical feminist geography of health, with its focus on the mutual construction of gender relations, space and place, potentially enhances and extends current understandings of public health policy and practice. Moreover, the use of a policy lens foregrounding gender and other power relations suggests that feminist research and coalitions facilitate participatory processes that address “the politics of discourse.” In particular, public health nursing practice can enhance the construction of spaces of resistance that challenge heteronormative discourse through research strategies focused on sexual minority communities’ health experiences and their visions for supportive care. In this respect, two strategies consistent with public health priorities to increase knowledge and participate in alliances are described. Ethnographic research with childbearing lesbians demonstrates that attention to institutional dynamics that foster safe spaces can facilitate access to public health services. Public health nurses’ involvement in community coalitions can enhance dissemination of community knowledges. The implications for gender inclusive and place-sensitive public health nursing practice include the development of sensitive educators, meaningful educational curriculum and related program planning, explicit policies, community partnerships and political leadership in institutional and research venues.  相似文献   

Occurrence of mineral resources is directly or indirectly controlled by major tectonic processes. Additionally, similar mineral deposit types tend to be concentrated within geologically and tectonically similar areas. As a result, information on the production history of minerals in a well-explored and developed tectonic region—such as within the United States—can be used to estimate resources of geologically similar, underdeveloped tectonic areas elsewhere. For such application, two regions should be compared for geologic similarity using all available geologic information. Estimates of resources based on geologic analogy can be useful in large-scale mineral exploration programs where relatively little geologic information is available, such as in many developing countries. In this study, seven major tectonic regions within the United States are evaluated in terms of estimated mineral value as measured by historical mineral production and economic reserves. The seven regions assessed are: (1) Cordilleran Mountain Belt, (2) Colorado Plateau, (3) Central Stable Region, (4) Canadian Shield, (5) Ozark-Ouachtia Province, (6) Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain, and (7) Appalachian Mountain Belt. Regions are ranked in terms of estimated value of (1) 33 major mineral commodities, (2) nonfuel minerals, (3) hydrocarbons, and (4) individual mineral commodities. In terms of total value of historical mineral production and estimated economic reserve amounts of 33 major mineral commodities, the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain is most valuable, with an estimated value of 1980 US$1,970,000/km2. Information on historical mineral production of U.S. tectonic regions may be useful in estimating resources in tectonically similar, underdeveloped regions elsewhere.  相似文献   

The modern geodynamic model known as ‘New Global Tectonics’ or ‘Plate Tectonics’, elaborated in the past twenty years, is the synthetic result of the great post-war advances achieved in marine geophysical methods, deep-sea drilling technology, worldwide monitoring of earthquakes and paleomagnetics. It represents a ‘mobilistic’ view of the earth based on continental drift and sea-floor spreading (as outward manifestation) and convection currents in the mantle (as interior driving motor). The predictions of this model appear to correspond fairly well with observations about the kinematic evolution of the lithosphere during its younger (or Phanerozoic) phase. Extrapolations to Precambrian times run into conflict, however, with our knowledge of the earlier global evolution and some major revisions of the model appear to be imperative, especially in the field of geochemistry.In comparison, the model of the ‘undation theory’, conceived since 1931, has grown into a synthesis between the (sometimes extreme) mobilistic and fixistic positions. Its driving force is supposed to be primarily provided by the liberation of free energy in the earth's core and its stepwise rise to the surface in an irreversibly outward transport. This general form of energy flow occurs through rheological and geochemical processes, which lead to accumulation of potential energy and its release expressed primarily by vertical deformations of the surface — called ‘undations’ —, of various dimensions.By means of the prognosis—diagnosis method of scientific verification, this view has been repeatedly checked in test-cases of global tectonics.A notable item of this paper is the checking of both models by a comparison of global tectonic features and the major anomalies of the earth's gravity field (as ascertained from the deviations observed in the orbits of man-made satellites).A plausible rheological interpretation of these geoidal anomalies through their correlation with the major tectonic features of the earth can be produced by the undation model, whereas (so far) the model of the new global tectonics has remained silent on this allimportant geodynamic issue.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the influence of the development of supergene oxide and sulphide zones on the original hypogene geochemical patterns at the Berg deposit, British Columbia.The deposit, in the alpine zone of the Tahtsa Range, was logged (GEOLOG) and sampled in fourteen diamond drill holes along a N—S section and from outcrop where possible. Anomalous populations of major and trace elements were defined using log probability graphs and a sequential extraction (10% hydrochloric acid— ammonium oxalate — potassium chlorate/hydrochloric acid — nitric/perchloric acids) was used to study the distribution of elements between carbonate, oxide, sulphide and silicate phases.Core logs and assays show that primary ore minerals (chalcopyrite—molybdenite) extend from the outer part of the porphyry intrusion into the surrounding hornfels where the best grades of copper are found close to the intrusive contact. Maximum copper grades, however, result from development of a supergene enrichment blanket. Within the hypogene zone, principal lithogeochemical patterns reflect the differences in composition of the hornfels, originally intermediate to basic volcanics, and the intrusion, as well as the introduction of F and trace metals (Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn and Ag). Distribution of Ag is broadly comparable to that of Cu and Mo whereas anomalous Pb and Zn are present as peripheral haloes around the potential ore zones.Emergence of strongly acidic ground water and precipitation of iron oxides, indicate that leaching processes are active. Furthermore, although primary sulphides, associated with both their oxidation products and secondary sulphides, can still be found in surface samples, sequential extractions on drill core clearly indicate vertical redistribution of copper between oxide, carbonate and sulphide phases. Using ratios of metal concentrations to TiO2, the surface concentrations of trace metals can be compared with those at depth and the relative amount of enrichment or depletion can be quantified. In highly leached sites the absolute concentrations of Cu, Mn and Zn are low which is reflected in TiO2 ratios of <1. However, Mo, Pb and Ag are enriched at the same sites (TiO2 ratios >1). In areas where physical erosion exceeds leaching (topographic lows) primary sulphides co-exist with secondary sulphide and oxide minerals. Here Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Mn and Ag are enriched. Fluorine is relatively unaffected by the leaching process. It would appear signature for a cale alkaline Cu and Mo porphyry deposit in an area where outcrop was intensely leached.  相似文献   

'Race' for many years has been a major construct of science and society. While its importance as such has not historically been particularly pronounced on a global scale, the emergence of its most forceful architects, the Anglophone countries, to pre-eminence since World War II has significantly extended its geographical range and added to its significance as an idea within commercialized culture as well as within social organization.In the present paper, 'race' is critically examined from the following angles: 1) its role in the behavioral and medical sciences; b) its historical origins and manifestations within the Anglophone countries, particularly the United States; and c) its emergence as a 'liberal' concept and operating principle since World War II. Questions of why and how 'race' arose and its continued use in science, society and culture drive both the trajectory and depth of this research. 'Race' is found to be a modern construct which arose as a consequence of colonialism and slavery, and was substantially constructed in its present form and substance by England and its off-spring societies, particularly the United States. 'Race' was not used as a term expressing a social idea until modern times, and had no basis in the primordial civilizations which greatly influenced modern Western societies (e.g., ancient Greece and Rome). Efforts undertaken by liberals – particularly in the United States – to 'humanize' the concept of 'race' since the 1960's have been largely unsuccessful. 'race' is viewed as inherently hierarchical, a fact which is evident from its historical and present role in science and society.  相似文献   

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