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The Community Atmosphere Model (CAM), a 3-dimensional Earth-based climate model, has been modified to simulate the dynamics of the Venus atmosphere. The most current finite volume version of CAM is used with Earth-related processes removed, parameters appropriate for Venus introduced, and some basic physics approximations adopted. A simplified Newtonian cooling approximation has been used for the radiation scheme. We use a high resolution (1° by 1° in latitude and longitude) to take account of small-scale dynamical processes that might be important on Venus. A Rayleigh friction approach is used at the lower boundary to represent surface drag, and a similar approach is implemented in the uppermost few model levels providing a ‘sponge layer’ to prevent wave reflection from the upper boundary. The simulations generate superrotation with wind velocities comparable to those measured in the Venus atmosphere by probes and around 50-60% of those measured by cloud tracking. At cloud heights and above the atmosphere is always superrotating with mid-latitude zonal jets that wax and wane on an approximate 10 year cycle. However, below the clouds, the zonal winds vary periodically on a decadal timescale between superrotation and subrotation. Both subrotating and superrotating mid-latitude jets are found in the approximate 40-60 km altitude range. The growth and decay of the sub-cloud level jets also occur on the decadal timescale. Though subrotating zonal winds are found below the clouds, the total angular momentum of the atmosphere is always in the sense of superrotation. The global relative angular momentum of the atmosphere oscillates with an amplitude of about 5% on the approximate 10 year timescale. Symmetric instability in the near surface equatorial atmosphere might be the source of the decadal oscillation in the atmospheric state. Analyses of angular momentum transport show that all the jets are built up by poleward transport by a meridional circulation while angular momentum is redistributed to lower latitudes primarily by transient eddies. Possible changes in the structure of Venus’ cloud level mid-latitude jets measured by Mariner 10, Pioneer Venus, and Venus Express suggest that a cyclic variation similar to that found in the model might occur in the real Venus atmosphere, although no subrotating winds below the cloud level have been observed to date. Venus’ atmosphere must be observed over multi-year timescales and below the clouds if we are to understand its dynamics.  相似文献   

R.S. Lindzen  H. Teitelbaum 《Icarus》1984,57(3):356-361
The altitude variation of the zonal wind velocity in the Venus atmosphere above the cloud layer is deduced from the structure of the wavenumber 2 solar tide. Results show that the amplitude of the zonal wind increases with respect to altitude near the equator, but decreases for latitudes greater than 30°. Thus, the zonal wind becomes concentrated at lower latitudes by 100 km altitude.  相似文献   

The global circulation of the Venus atmosphere is characterized at cloud level by a zonal super rotation studied over the years with data from a battery of spacecrafts: orbiters, balloons and probes. Among them, the Galileo spacecraft monitored the Venus atmosphere in a flyby in February 1990 in its route toward Jupiter. Since the flyby was almost equatorial, published analysis of zonal winds obtained from displacements of cloud elements on images obtained by the SSI camera [Belton, M.J.S., and 20 colleagues, 1991. Science 253, 1531-1536] stop at latitudes 50° north and south. In this paper we present new results on Venus winds based on a reanalysis of an extended set of images obtained at two wavelengths, 418 nm (violet) and 986 nm (near infrared), that sense different altitude levels in the upper cloud. Our main result is that we have been able to extend the zonal wind profile up to the polar latitudes: 70° N and 70° S at 418 nm and 70° N at 986 nm. Binned and smoothed profiles are given in tabular form. We show that the zonal winds drop in their velocity poleward of latitudes 45° N and 50° S where an intense meridional wind shear develops at the two cloud levels. Our data confirm the magnitude of this shear, retrieved previously from radio occultation data, but disagrees with it in the latitudinal location of the sheared region. The new wind data can be used to recalibrate the zonal winds retrieved from the previous measurements of the temperature field and the cyclostrophic balance assumption. The meridional profiles of the zonal winds at the two cloud levels are used to assess the vertical wind shear in the upper cloud layer as a function of latitude and locate the most unstable region.  相似文献   

We present a new method of measuring the Venus winds by Doppler velocimetry on the full visible spectrum of solar light scattered by the clouds. In January 2003, we carried out observations to measure the winds of Venus, using the EMILIE high-resolution, cross-dispersed spectrograph and its associated calibrating instrument the Absolute Astronomical Accelerometer (AAA), at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France. The motivation of this type of measurements is that it measures the actual velocity of cloud particles, while the other method (track of cloud features) may be sensitive to the deformation of the clouds. During observations, Venus was near maximum western elongation, at a phase angle near 90°. The EMILIE-AAA system allows us to measure accurately the Doppler shift induced in the reflected solar spectrum by the radial component of the motion of the clouds of Venus. We present the measurements and compare them with a forward simulation of a solid super-rotation of the atmosphere of Venus. Taking into account the Doppler shift relative to the Sun and that relative to the Earth, the theoretical total Doppler shift induced in the solar spectra is easily computed as a function of the velocity of the reflecting target. A first forward simulation is computed, with a wind model considering a purely horizontal and zonal wind. The magnitude of the wind is assumed to depend on cos(latitude), as for a solid-body rotation. The comparison with the measurements at various points on the illuminated semi-disc allowed us to determine an equatorial velocity of 66, 75, 91 and 85 m/s on 4 consecutive mornings, consistent with previous ultraviolet cloud tracking wind measurements, showing that wave propagation is not a major factor in the apparent motion of the cloud marks. Further, we discuss the effect of the finite angular size of the Sun and its rapid equatorial rotation (that we call the Young effect). It mainly affects measurements taken near the terminator, where the largest discrepancies are found. These discrepancies are alleviated when the Young effect is taken into account in the model but then the retrieved Venus equatorial velocity is reduced to only 48±3 m/s. This is well below classical ultraviolet markings velocities, but the altitude at which the visible photons are scattered (66 km) that we use is 5 km below the UV markings, confirming the vertical gradient of the horizontal winds shown by previous in-situ measurements.  相似文献   

Cloud motions were obtained from a number of images acquired in reflected solar ultraviolet light during spring and fall of 1979 from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter (OCPP) to determine the zonal mean circulation of the atmosphere of Venus at the cloud top level. The meridional profile of the zonal component of motion is somewhat different from that previously obtained from Mariner 10 and preliminary Pioneer Venus observations, although the equatorial magnitude is about the same (?94 m/sec). The mean meridional motion is toward the south pole south of about 5° south latitude, and toward the north pole north of this latitude, with peak mean magnitudes of about 7 m/sec polewards of 20° north and 40° south latitudes in the respective hemispheres. From the few measurements obtained at higher latitudes the magnitude of the mean meridional component appears to decrease although it is still directed toward the respective poles. Due to the evolution of the cloud patterns over the duration of the images from which the cloud velocities are obtained, the uncertainties in the mean zonal and meridional components may be as large as 5–10 and 2–4 m/sec, respectively. Preliminary estimates of meridional momentum transport show that the mean circulation dominates the eddy circulation transport completely, in agreement with the estimates obtained from Mariner 10 data, although the uncertainties in both the mean and eddy circulation transports are large. The momentum transports are polewards and their peak magnitudes occur at latitudes between 20° and 40° in both the hemispheres.  相似文献   

Yuan Lian  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2008,194(2):597-615
Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the atmospheric flow on giant planets using the primitive equations show that shallow thermal forcing confined to pressures near the cloud tops can produce deep zonal winds from the tropopause all the way down to the bottom of the atmosphere. These deep winds can attain speeds comparable to the zonal jet speeds within the shallow, forced layer; they are pumped by Coriolis acceleration acting on a deep meridional circulation driven by the shallow-layer eddies. In the forced layer, the flow reaches an approximate steady state where east-west eddy accelerations balance Coriolis accelerations acting on the meridional flow. Under Jupiter-like conditions, our simulations produce 25 to 30 zonal jets, similar to the number of jets observed on Jupiter and Saturn. The simulated jet widths correspond to the Rhines scale; this suggests that, despite the three-dimensional nature of the dynamics, the baroclinic eddies energize a quasi-two-dimensional inverse cascade modified by the β effect (where β is the gradient of the Coriolis parameter). In agreement with Jupiter, the jets can violate the barotropic and Charney-Stern stability criteria, achieving curvatures 2u/∂y2 of the zonal wind u with northward distance y up to 2β. The simulations exhibit a tendency toward neutral stability with respect to Arnol'd's second stability theorem in the upper troposphere, as has been suggested for Jupiter, although deviations from neutrality exist. When the temperature varies strongly with latitude near the equator, our simulations can also reproduce the stable equatorial superrotation with wind speeds greater than . Diagnostics show that barotropic eddies at low latitudes drive the equatorial superrotation. The simulations also broadly explain the distribution of jet-pumping eddies observed on Jupiter and Saturn. While idealized, these simulations therefore capture many aspects of the cloud-level flows on Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

The middle atmospheric dynamics on Venus are investigated using a middle atmosphere general circulation model. The magnitude of the superrotation is sensitive to the amplitude of the planetary-scale waves. In particular, the critical level absorptions of the forced planetary-scale waves might contribute to the maintenance of the superrotation near the cloud base. In the case of strong 5.5-day wave forcing, the superrotation with zonal wind speed higher than 100 m s?1 is maintained by the forced wave. Four-day and 5.5-day waves are found near the equatorial cloud top and base, respectively. The planetary-scale waves have a Y-shaped pattern maintained by the amplitude modulation in the presence of strong thermal tides.The polar hot dipole is unstable and its dynamical behavior is complex near the cloud top in this model. The dipole merges into a monopole or breaks up into a tripole when the divergent eddies with high zonal wavenumbers are predominant in the hot dipole region. A cold collar is partly enhanced by a cold phase of slowly propagating waves with zonal wavenumber 1. Although such a complex dipole behavior has not been observed yet, it is likely to occur under a dynamical condition similar to the present simulation. Thus, the dynamical approach using a general circulation model might be useful for analyzing Venus Express and ground-based observation data.  相似文献   

Near-infrared brightness temperature contrasts observed on the night side of Venus indicate variations in the size and distribution of particles in the lower and middle cloud decks. McGouldrick and Toon [McGouldrick, K., Toon, O.B., 2007. Icarus 191, 1-24] have shown that these changes can be explained by large-scale dynamics; in particular, that downdrafts may produce optical depth “holes” in the clouds. The lifetimes of these holes are observed to be moderately short, on the order of ten days. Here, we explore a simple model to better understand this lifetime. We have coupled a microphysical model of the Venus clouds with a simple, two-dimensional (zonal, vertical) kinematical transport model to study the effects of the zonal flow on the lifetime of the holes in the clouds. We find that although wind shear may be negligible within the cloud itself, the shear that is present near the top and the bottom of the statically unstable cloud region can lead to changes in the radiative-dynamical feedback which ultimately lead to the dissipation of the holes.  相似文献   

The highest spatial resolution Voyager IRIS spectra are used to produce zonal averages of the temperature at the 150- and 270-mb pressure levels, of the para-hydrogen fraction at 270 mb, of the ammonia abundance near the 680-mb level, and of two infrared cloud optical depths, one near 5 μm and one near 45 μm wavelength. There are two cloud components, one uniformly distributed and only apparent at 5 μm, and another that correlates strongly with the ammonia abundance and that is apparent at both 5 and 45 μm. From the ratio of optical depths at the two wavelengths, the particles in the variable cloud are between 3 and 10 μm in radius. This cloud is located near the ammonia condensation level. The other particles are either smaller or deeper. The cloud and ammonia distribution is consistent with concentration by upward vertical motion at the equatorward edges of prograde atmospheric jets. The temperature field is also consistent with such vertical motion, with radiative heating balancing adiabatic expansional cooling. The para-hydrogen distribution also appears consistent, but noise levels are high. The thermal wind shear indicates decay of the jets with height within the upper troposphere, with a vertical scale of two or three scale heights. The entire set of upper troposphere data is consistent with a simple axisymmetric dynamical model with Coriolis acceleration of the zonal wind balanced by a linear drag. The meridional residual mean circulation in the model, if interpreted also as a Lagrangian mean circulation, would explain nicely the distribution of ammonia and para-hydrogen. The circulation is a response to a deeper tropospheric flow of unknown origin. However, the horizontal scale of jets is on the order of the deformation radius based on a scale height at the base of the upper troposphere. It is conjectured that the physics of the flow may require this to be true, and may also require that the relative vorticity gradient be of the same order as the planetary vorticity gradient, thereby fixing both the dimensions and amplitudes of the jets.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the equatorial wind speed near Venus' cloud top level is maintained by a balance between the pumping effect of the semidiurnal tide and vertical advection by the Hadley circulation, both integrated across the thermal driving region. A consequence of this hypothesis is that the maximum equatorial zonal wind speed is proportional to Nh where N is buoyancy frequency and h is a measure of the thickness of the driving region. The proportionality constant is a weakly increasing function of the heating rate and a decreasing function of λh, where λ is an inverse length characterizing the mean zonal wind shear. The equilibrium solution considered is shown to be stable. For the class of solutions investigated, there is a threshold value of heating rate below which there is no equilibrium satisfying the hypothesized balance, but this result depends on the assumption that the shape of the zonal wind profile is invariant with thermal forcing amplitude.  相似文献   

Large-scale zonal flows, as observed on the giant planets, can be driven by thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical shell. Most previous models of convectively-driven zonal flow generation have utilized stress-free mechanical boundary conditions (FBC) for both the inner and the outer surfaces of the convecting layer. Here, using 3D numerical models, we compare the FBC case to the case with a stress free outer boundary and a non-slip inner boundary, which we call the mixed case (MBC). We find significant differences in surface zonal flow profiles produced by the two cases. In low to moderate Rayleigh number FBC cases, the main equatorial jet is flanked by a strong, high-latitude retrograde jets in the northern and southern hemispheres. For the highest Rayleigh number FBC case, the equatorial jet is flanked by strong reversed jets as well as two additional large-scale alternating jets at higher latitudes. The MBC cases feature stronger equatorial jets but, much weaker, small-scale alternating zonal flows are found at higher latitudes. Our high Rayleigh number FBC results best compare with the zonal flow pattern observed on Jupiter, where the equatorial jet is flanked by strong retrograde jets as well as small-scale alternating jets at high latitude. In contrast, the MBC results compare better with the observed flow pattern on Saturn, which is characterized by a dominant prograde equatorial jet and a lack of strong high latitude retrograde flow. This may suggest that the mechanical coupling at the base of the jovian convection zone differs from that on Saturn.  相似文献   

Previous studies have used models of three-dimensional (3D) Boussinesq convection in a rotating spherical shell to explain the zonal flows on the gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn. In this paper we demonstrate that this approach can also generate flow patterns similar to those observed on the ice giants, Uranus and Neptune. The equatorial jets of Uranus and Neptune are often assumed to result from baroclinic cloud layer processes and have been simulated with shallow layer models. Here we show that vigorous, 3D convection in a spherical shell can produce the retrograde (westward) equatorial flows that occur on the ice giants as well as the prograde (eastward) equatorial flows of the gas giants. In our models, the direction of the equatorial jet depends on the ratio of buoyancy to Coriolis forces in the system. In cases where Coriolis forces dominate buoyancy, cylindrical Reynolds stresses drive prograde equatorial jets. However, as buoyancy forces approach and exceed Coriolis forces, the cylindrical nature of the flow is lost and 3D mixing homogenizes the fluid's angular momentum; the equatorial jet reverses direction, while strong prograde jets form in the polar regions. Although the results suggest that conditions involving strong atmospheric mixing are responsible for generating the zonal flows on the ice giants, our present models require roughly 100 and 10 times the internal heat fluxes observed on Uranus and Neptune, respectively.  相似文献   

A simple model shows that acceleration of Jupiter and Saturn's multiple jets at altitudes confined near the top of the adiabatic region (e.g., at a few bars pressure) can produce jets that penetrate deeply into the molecular envelope. This result disproves the common assertion that jet acceleration near the outer margin can only produce zonal winds that are confined to these outer layers.  相似文献   

Recent retrievals of zonal thermal winds obtained in a cyclostrophic regime on Venus are generally consistent with cloud tracking measurements at mid-latitudes, but become unphysical in polar regions where the values obtained above the clouds are often less than or close to zero. Using a global atmospheric model, we show that the main source of errors that appear in the polar regions when retrieving the zonal thermal winds is most likely due to uncertainties in the zonal wind intensity in the choice of the lower boundary condition.Here we suggest a new and robust method to better estimate the lower boundary condition for high latitudes, thereby improving the retrieved zonal thermal winds throughout the high latitudes middle atmosphere. This new method is applied to temperature fields derived from Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) data on board the Venus Express spacecraft. We obtain a zonal thermal wind field that is in better agreement with other, more direct methods based on either retrieving the zonal winds from cloud tracking or from direct measurements of the meridional slope of pressure surfaces.  相似文献   

The Venus Express (VEX) mission has been in orbit to Venus for more than 4 years now. The Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) instrument onboard VEX observes Venus in two channels (visible and infrared) obtaining spectra and multi-wavelength images of the planet that can be used to sample the atmosphere at different altitudes. Day-side images in the ultraviolet range (380 nm) are used to study the dynamics of the upper cloud at 66–72 km while night-side images in the near infrared (1.74 μm) map the opacity of the lower cloud deck at 44–48 km. Here we present a long-term analysis of the global atmospheric dynamics at these levels using a large selection of orbits from the VIRTIS-M dataset covering 860 Earth days that extends our previous work (Sánchez-Lavega, A. et al. [2008]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L13204) and allows studying the variability of the global circulation at the two altitude levels. The atmospheric superrotation is evident with equatorial to mid-latitudes westward velocities of 100 and 60 m s?1 in the upper and lower cloud layers. These zonal velocities are almost constant in latitude from the equator to 50°S. From 50°S to 90°S the zonal winds at both cloud layers decrease steadily to zero at the pole. Individual cloud tracked winds have errors of 3–10 m s?1 with a mean of 5 m s?1 and the standard deviations for a given latitude of our zonal and meridional winds are 9 m s?1. The zonal winds in the upper cloud change with the local time in a way that can be interpreted in terms of a solar tide. The zonal winds in the lower cloud are stable at mid-latitudes to the tropics and present variability at subpolar latitudes apparently linked to the activity of the South polar vortex. While the upper cloud presents a net meridional motion consistent with the upper branch of a Hadley cell with peak velocity v = 10 m s?1 at 50°S, the lower cloud meridional motions are less organized with some cloud features moving with intense northwards and southwards motions up to v = ±15 m s?1 but, on average, with almost null global meridional motions at all latitudes. We also examine the long-term behavior of the winds at these two vertical layers by comparing our extended wind tracked data with results from previous missions.  相似文献   

The influence of Saturn's gravitational tide on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated by means of a three-dimensional general circulation model. Titan's orbital eccentricity of 0.0292 gives rise to time-dependent radial and librational tide whose potential circles eastward on Titan. Unlike atmospheric tides on terrestrial planets, Saturn's tide on Titan has a large impact on the dynamic meteorology down to the surface. The surface pressure oscillates by up to 1.5 hPa through the orbit. Near the surface the tidal wind dominates the atmospheric flow and exhibits strong temporal and spatial variation. The superposition of the annually present, thermally forced latitudinal pressure gradient and tidally caused pressure variation produces a unique wind pattern near the surface characterized by equatorward flow and high-latitude whirls. At higher levels the tidal wind manifests itself as eastward traveling planetary-scale wave of wavenumber 2 superposed on the background wind. In general tidal winds are more significant in the troposphere, where other forcing mechanisms are weak. Meridional tidal winds become as fast as 5 m s−1 in the troposphere and change direction periodically through the orbit and along the parallel of latitude. Except in the lower troposphere, zonal winds always remain prograde because the tidal wind amplitude is usually smaller than the mean zonal wind. The tide also has a large impact on the mean zonal circulation in the stratosphere. A meridional drift of the descending Huygens Probe in the troposphere would be the easiest way to verify the tidal wind on Titan, but more complete observations of tropospheric wind and surface pressure by a future mission would be required to unveil the complete details of the tidal wind.  相似文献   

A cloudy planetary atmosphere at rest is shown to be unstable to disturbances of large horizontal scale. The energy source for the instability is the change in radiative heat flux associated with vertical displacement near the emitting level. A simple model is described in which Qδz, where Q is the net heating rate in the cloud and δz is vertical displacement. The constant of proportionality may be either positive or negative. Disturbances may take the form of either quasi-steady geostrophic motions or amplified inertia-gravity waves. The model is applied to Jupiter's zonal winds and to motions near the Venus cloud tops, and provides a possible explanation for many important features of these two flows.  相似文献   

TitanWRF general circulation model simulations performed without sub-grid-scale horizontal diffusion of momentum produce roughly the observed amount of superrotation in Titan’s stratosphere. We compare these results to Cassini-Huygens measurements of Titan’s winds and temperatures, and predict temperature and winds at future seasons. We use angular momentum and transformed Eulerian mean diagnostics to show that equatorial superrotation is generated during episodic angular momentum ‘transfer events’ during model spin-up, and maintained by similar (yet shorter) events once the model has reached steady state. We then use wave and barotropic instability analysis to suggest that these transfer events are produced by barotropic waves, generated at low latitudes then propagating poleward through a critical layer, thus accelerating low latitudes while decelerating the mid-to-high latitude jet in the late fall through early spring hemisphere. Finally, we identify the dominant waves responsible for the transfers of angular momentum close to northern winter solstice during spin-up and at steady state. Problems with our simulations include peak latitudinal temperature gradients and zonal winds occurring ∼60 km lower than observed by Cassini CIRS, and no reduction in zonal wind speed around 80 km, as was observed by Huygens. While the latter may have been due to transient effects (e.g. gravity waves), the former suggests that our low (∼420 km) model top is adversely affecting the circulation near the jet peak, and/or that we require active haze transport in order to correctly model heating rates and thus the circulation. Future work will include running the model with a higher top, and including advection of a haze particle size distribution.  相似文献   

The most significant aspect of the general circulation of the atmosphere of Venus is its retrograde super-rotation. A complete characterization of this dynamical phenomenon is crucial for understanding its driving mechanisms. Here we report on ground-based Doppler velocimetry measurements of the zonal winds, based on high resolution spectra from the UV–Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) instrument at ESO’s Very Large Telescope. Under the assumption of predominantly zonal flow, this method allows the simultaneous direct measurement of the zonal velocity across a range of latitudes and local times in the day side. The technique, based on long slit spectroscopy combined with the high spatial resolution provided by the VLT, has provided the first ground-based characterization of the latitudinal profile of zonal wind in the atmosphere of Venus, the first zonal wind field map in the visible, as well as new constraints on wind variations with local time. We measured mean zonal wind amplitudes between 106 ± 21 and 127 ± 14 m/s at latitudes between 18°N and 34°S, with the zonal wind being approximately uniform in 2.6°-wide latitude bands (0.3 arcsec at disk center). The zonal wind profile retrieved is consistent with previous spacecraft measurements based on cloud tracking, but with non-negligible variability in local time (longitude) and in latitude. Near 50° the presence of moderate jets is apparent in both hemispheres, with the southern jet being stronger by ~10 m/s. Small scale wind variations with local time are also present at low and mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

Jupiter's equatorial atmosphere, much like the Earth's, is known to show quasi-periodic variations in temperature, particularly in the stratosphere, but variations in other jovian atmospheric tracers have not been studied for any correlations to these oscillations. Data taken at NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) from 1979 to 2000 were used to obtain temperatures at two levels in the atmosphere, corresponding to the upper troposphere (250 mbar) and to the stratosphere (20 mbar). We find that the data show periodic signals at latitudes corresponding to the troposphere zonal wind jets, with periods ranging from 4.4 (stratosphere, 95% confidence at 4° S planetographic latitude) to 7.7 years (troposphere, 97% confidence at 6° N). We also discuss evidence that at some latitudes the troposphere temperature variations are out of phase from the stratosphere variations, even where no periodicity is evident. Hubble Space Telescope images were used, in conjunction with Voyager and Cassini data, to track small changes in the troposphere zonal winds from 20° N to 20° S latitude over the 1994-2000 time period. Oscillations with a period of 4.5 years are found near 7°-8° S, with 80-85% significance. Further, the strongest evidence for a QQO-induced tropospheric wind change tied to stratospheric temperature change occurs near these latitudes, though tropospheric temperatures show little periodicity here. Comparison of thermal winds and measured zonal winds for three dates indicate that cloud features at other latitudes are likely tracked at pressures that can vary by up to a few hundred millibar, but the cloud altitude change required is too large to explain the wind changes measured at 7° S.  相似文献   

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