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An analysis of the Mariner 10 dual frequency radio occultation recordings has yielded new information on the radius and atmosphere of Mercury. The ingress measurements which were conducted near 1.1° North latitude and 67.4° East longitude on the night side of the planet, gave a value for the radius of 2439.5 ± 1 km. Egress near 67.6° North latitide and 258.4° East longitude in the sunlit side yielded a radius of 2439.0 ± 1 km. The atmospheric measurements showed the electron density to be less than 103 cm?3 on both sides of the planet. From the latter result one may infer an upper limit to the dayside surface gas density of 106 molecules per cm3.  相似文献   

J.F. Jordan  J. Lorell 《Icarus》1975,25(1):146-165
We review and evaluate the contributions of Mariner 9 in improving our knowledge of the dynamical characteristics of Mars and its two satellites, Phobos and Deimos. Primary results include the discovery of the large gravitational and topographical bulge in the Tharsis region, the development of a detailed gravity model representable as coefficients in a spherical harmonic expansion, the development of a topographic model exhibiting a three kilometer displacement of the center of figure from the center of mass, and the determination of the size, shape and motion of Phobos and Deimos.  相似文献   

B.W. Denevi  M.S. Robinson 《Icarus》2008,197(1):239-246
Mariner 10 clear filter (490 nm) images of Mercury were recalibrated and photometrically normalized to produce a mosaic of nearly an entire hemisphere of the planet. Albedo contrasts are slightly larger than seen in the lunar highlands (excluding maria). Variegations indicative of compositional differences include diffuse low albedo units often overlain by smooth plains, the high albedo smooth plains of Borealis Planitia, and high-albedo enigmatic crater floor deposits. A higher level of contrast between immature crater ejecta and average mature material on Mercury compared to the Moon is consistent with a more intense space weathering environment on Mercury that results in a more mature regolith. Immature lunar highlands materials are ∼1.5 times higher in reflectance than analogous immature mercurian materials. Immature materials of the same composition would have the same reflectance on both bodies, thus this observation requires that Mercury's crust contains a significant darkening agent, either opaque minerals or ferrous iron bearing silicates, in abundances significantly higher than those of the lunar highlands. If the darkening agent is opaque minerals (e.g. ilmenite or ulvospinel) Mercury's crust may contain significant ferrous iron and yet not exhibit a 1-μm absorption band.  相似文献   

Mariner 10 infrared brightness temperatures of the surface of Mercury at 11 and 45 μm are presented. The data were obtained during the first flyby along a nera-equatorial swath extending from 17 hours local time through local midnight to 9 hours local time. For an assumed emissivity of 0.9, derived surface thermal inertias are between 0.0031 and 0.0031 cal cm?2sec?12K?1 and the implied minimum predawn surface kinetic temperature for the warm pole at longitude 270° is near 93 K. Several pronounced thermal inhomogeneities were seen, one of which appears to coincide with a region of high radar reflectivity. The derived thermal properties and the electrical skin depth and loss tangent fall within the range of values found on the Moon.  相似文献   

Carl Sagan  Paul Fox 《Icarus》1975,25(4):602-612
The Lowellian canal network has been compared with the results of Mariner 9 photography of Mars. A small number of canals may correspond to rift valleys, ridge systems, crater chains, and linear surface albedo markings. But the vast bulk of classical canals correspond neither to topographic nor to albedo features, and appear to have no relation to the real Martian surface.  相似文献   

The Ultraviolet Spectrometer Experiment on the MARINER 10 spacecraft measured the hydrogen Lyman α emmission resonantly scattered in the Venus exosphere at several viewing aspects during the encounter period. Venus encounter occurred at 17:01 GMT on 5 February 1974. Exospheric emissions above the planet's limb were measured and were analyzed with a spherically symmetric, single scattering, two-temperature model. On the sunlit hemisphere the emission profile was represented by an exospheric hydrogen atmosphere with Tc = 275±50 K and nc = 1.5 × 105 cm?3 and a non-thermal contribution represented by TH = 1250±100 K with nH = 500±100 cm?3. The observations of the dark limb showed that the spherically symmetric model used for the sunlit hemisphere was inappropriate for the analysis of the antisolar hemisphere. The density of the non-thermal component had increased at low altitudes, < 12,000 km, and decreased at high altitudes, > 20,000 km, by comparison. We conclude that the non-thermal source is on the sunward side of the planet. Analysis of the dark limb crossing suggests that the exospheric temperature on the dark side is <125 K if the exospheric density remains constant over the planet; upper limits are discussed. An additional source of Lyman α emission, 70 ± 15 R, was detected on the dark side of the planet and is believed to be a planetary albedo in contrast to multiple scattering from the sunlit side. Our analysis of the MARINER 10 data is consistent when applied to the MARINER 5 data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the Mars orbital phase of the Mariner 9 trajectory as determined from Earth based radio data. Both the method and accuracy of the orbit determination process are reviewed. Analysis is presented to show the effects of Mars gravity model and node in the plane of the sky errors on the accuracy of orbit determination. In addition the long term evolution of the orbit from insertion through the first 500 revolutions is presented, and decomposed into effects from the Mars garvity field,n-body perturbations, and solar radiation pressure. Since the orbit period is nearly commensurable with the Mars rotational period, the orbit experiences significant resonance perturbations. The primary perturbation is in-track with a maximum amplitude of 1000 km and a wavelength of 39 spacecraft revolutions.This paper was presented at the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference, Palo Alto, California, September 11 and 12, 1972. At this time Mariner 9 operations were still underway. The operational life of Mariner 9 ended October 27, 1972, when the supply of nitrogen gas, used for attitude stabilization, was depleted. This paper represents one phase of research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, under NASA Contract No. NAS 7-100.  相似文献   

This paper contains a complete set of the best enhancements of Mariner 9 high resolution television pictures of Phobos and Deimos, consisting of 27 different views of Phobos, and 9 of Deimos. Pertinent data about the pictures are arranged in convenient tabular and graphical form.  相似文献   

Enhanced Mariner 9 imagery of Mars, which has been used in short term phenomenon study with Viking imagery, does not have a resolution useful for analysis of short term geological phenomenon such as slump formation.  相似文献   

Crater morphology and size play a major role in determining whether wind-blown streaks emanating from craters or dark splotches within craters will form. Both bright and dark streaks emanate almost exclusively from bowl-shaped craters. Dark splotches are found mainly in flat-floored craters, especially those that are deep and have high rim relief. Trends of dark splotches in the northern to southern midlatitudes closely follow those of bright streaks, suggesting both were formed by similar winds. In the high southern latitudes, on the other hand, dark splotch trends closely follow those of dark streaks.Qualitative models of streak and splotch formation have been derived from these data and results of Sagan et al. (1972, 1973). Bright streaks probably form by trapping and simultaneous streaming of bright dust downwind. Dark splotched craters in regions with bright streaks usually have upwind bright patches, suggesting these features form by dumping of bright dust over crater rims with some minor redistribution of dark materials toward the downwind sides of craters. Data are consistent with dark streaks forming by erosion or nondeposition of bright material or by trapping of dark material. Dark splotches in these regions are probably mainly the result of trapping of dark sand in the downwind sides of crater floors. Craters with dark splotches and dark streaks are usually rimless and shallow. This is consistent with ponded dark sands easily washing over crater walls and extending downwind.Plots of streak length versus crater diameter suggest a complex history of streak formation for most regions.Bright streak trends and latitudinal distributions are consistent with return flow of dust to the southern hemisphere. Some dark streaks may be direct relics of passing sand and dust storms. Trends of dark streaks and splotches away from the south pole are consistent with the spreading of a debris mantle from the polar regions toward the equator.  相似文献   

Frequency map analysis of the orbital structure in elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an application of the frequency map analysis to an elliptical galaxy which is represented by a generalization of a double-power-law spherical mass model. The density distribution of this model varies as r −γ close to the centre and as r −4 at large radii. We study the case with γ = 1, which is known as the 'weak-cusp' model and which represents well the density profile of the 'core' galaxies observed by the Hubble Space Telescope . The final objective of our work is to improve our understanding of the dynamics of elliptical galaxies in a similar way to Merritt &38; Fridman, finding the regions of stochasticity, looking for resonances that might play an important role in sustaining the triaxial morphology, and analysing the diffusion of orbits. To this end, we use the frequency map analysis of Laskar, which has been applied widely in the field of celestial mechanics but which is a relatively new technique in the area of galactic dynamics. Finally, we show some useful features of this method in understanding the global dynamical structure of the system.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis is applied to distributions of points generated by iterating the standard map. The initial condition is chosen so that the points fill the largest chaotic region. When the standard map parameterk=1.3, the distribution of points contains many voids corresponding to islands in the chaotic region. The wavelet transform is dominated by contributions from these islands. Fork=10 the chaos fills phase space and no structure is apparent; the wavelet transform reveals statistical fluctuations in the distribution of points.  相似文献   

The polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field observed by the Mariner IV spacecraft is compared to the polarity of the photospheric magnetic field observed with the solar magnetograph at Mt. Wilson Observatory. Unlike the results obtained from observations during the flight of IMP-I, these polarities are not well correlated when the photospheric polarity is determined from data along a narrow latitudinal strip. It is suggested that the structure of the interplanetary field is often related to major features in the photospheric field that are observed over a broad range of solar latitudes.  相似文献   

As in seen from comparisons of Mariner 9 images obtained in 1972 and Viking Orbiter 1 images obtained in 1978, several changes have occurred in the Cerberus region of Mars. Changes in the boundary of the low albedo feature resulted in an increase of the total area of Cerberus by slightly more than 1%, although the southwestern boundary had shifted as much as 90 km. Relative darkening of Cerberus has resulted in a more uniform tone, and is accompanied by the disappearance of dark filamentary markings. Although several bright streaks within Cerberus changed in length, neither lengthening nor shortening of the streaks predominated. However, changes in streak direction indicate a clockwise rotation of mean streak azimuth between 1972 and 1978. These changes in the outline and appearance of Cerberus can best be explained by eolian redistribution and removal of bright material during major dust storms. Volcanic flow fronts which show through the albedo feature indicate that the contrast between Cerberusand the surrounding light plains is not due to a difference in lithology, but to the distribution of surficial deposits. Because of local topographic influences on the regional atmospheric circulation patterns, it is probable that Cerberus will retain a similar appearance and location.  相似文献   

Douglas E. Jones 《Icarus》1975,25(4):561-568
Using the data from Veneras 4–8 and Mariners 5 and 10 related to the composition and structure of the atmosphere of Venus, the three scans obtained with the microwave radiometer on Mariner 2 at a wavelength of 1.9 cm have been reanalyzed. In the previous analysis of the microwave data, both the percentage of Co2 and the surface pressures were considerably lower than the in situ measurements and the assumed longitudinal temperature gradient was much larger than indicated by more recent measurements. Using these more recent data, it has not been possible to match the measured scan ratios with or without any spherically symmetric distribution of microwave cloud absorber. The scan ratios, therefore, require the existence of different average values of microwave cloud opacity for each scan. In addition, the anomalous temperature drop observed in the south polar region of the terminator scan has been found to require a very opaque microwave cloud in the local zenith angle range of 40°–70°. This type of distribution is consistent with the trend seen in the Mariner 2 infrared terminator scan suggesting some degree of coupling between the infrared and microwave clouds. It is suggested that some of the variability seen in the earth-based interferometer data may be a result of changes in the distribution of the microwave clouds over the disc of the planet.  相似文献   

Worden  John  Harvey  John 《Solar physics》2000,195(2):247-268
We describe a procedure intended to produce accurate daily estimates of the magnetic flux distribution on the entire solar surface. Models of differential rotation, meridional flow, supergranulation, and the random emergence of background flux elements are used to regularly update unobserved or poorly observed portions of an initial traditional magnetic synoptic map that acts as a seed. Fresh observations replace model estimates when available. Application of these surface magnetic transport models gives us new insight into the distribution and evolution of magnetic flux on the Sun, especially at the poles where canopy effects, limited spatial resolution, and foreshortening result in poor measurements. We find that meridional circulation has a considerable effect on the distribution of polar magnetic fields. We present a modeled polar field distribution as well as time series of the difference between the northern and southern polar magnetic flux; this flux imbalance is related to the heliospheric current sheet tilt. We also estimate that the amount of new background magnetic flux needed to sustain the `quiet-Sun' magnetic field is about 1.1×1023 Mx d–1 (equivalent to several large active regions) at the spatial resolution and epoch of our maps. We comment on the diffusive properties of supergranules, ephemeral regions, and intranetwork flux. The maps are available on the NSO World Wide Web page.  相似文献   

An analysis of the planetwide tectonic system of Mars provided by Harp (1976) reveals that the Hellas and Isidis impact basins have general tectonic systems similar to that of the Argyre impact basin. This implies that Mars does indeed have a lithospheric thickness which would have to be considered thinner than that of the Moon or Mercury but thicker than that of the Galilean satellite Callisto.  相似文献   

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