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富钙长石-橄榄石包体与其他部分典型包体W-L边的成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
球粒陨石中的富Ca、Al包体(简称CAI)形成于星云演化的最初始阶段,保存了大量星云形成和演化的各种信息。研究认为,包体的成因主要包括星云直接凝聚和熔融结晶,少部分甚至经历过高温蒸发过程。部分CAI最外层具有由一种或几种矿物组成的Warking-Lovering边(简称为W-L边),CAI和其W-L边对于认识早期星云环境和界定CAI的形成时间等均具有重要意义。目前,对于W-L边的形成过程研究并不深入,且一直存在争议。本文主要介绍了三个典型包体:C#1(富钙长石-橄榄石包体)、GRV 022459-2RI5(A型包体)和GRV 021579-3RI5(富尖晶石球粒状包体)及其W-L边的矿物岩石学和氧同位素组成特征。C#1包体明显经历过熔融结晶过程,W-L边氧同位素组成具有与包体内部矿物相似的富~(16)O同位素特征,表明W-L边的成因与包体的形成过程密切相关,形成于同一富~(16)O同位素组成区域,且W-L边属于包体熔融结晶过程后期的产物。矿物岩石学特征表明,GRV 022459-2RI5属于星云直接凝聚形成,其W-L边为包体形成过程最晚期星云凝聚产物。GRV021579-3RI5经历过熔融结晶过程,其W-L边为包体结晶最后阶段的产物。  相似文献   

本文研究了2个富钙长石-橄榄石型包体和2个富黄长石-尖晶石型和富尖晶石-辉石型包体(分别来自宁强和南极格罗夫山碳质球粒陨石)的矿物岩石学特征,并对它们进行了对比。富钙长石-橄榄石型包体的矿物模式组成具有富橄榄石和缺失黄长石的特征,其可能是球粒和典型难熔包体之间的中间产物,是认识它们之间相互关系的钥匙。矿物岩石学特征表明富黄长石-尖晶石型和富尖晶石-辉石型包体可能是星云直接凝聚的产物,而富钙长石-橄榄石型包体经历过熔融结晶过程。富钙长石-橄榄石型包体的初始物质可能是富Al的球粒或含难熔组分的蠕虫状橄榄石集合体。矿物化学组成对比研究发现,GRV 022459-RI6中的尖晶石具有最富FeO的特征,表明包体的蚀变可能发生在高氧逸度的星云环境。  相似文献   

南极 GRV 021788橄辉无球粒陨石的岩石学和矿物学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
橄辉无球粒陨石是一类特殊的无球粒陨石,既具有高度分异的火成特征,又具有原始球粒陨石的特征。南极格罗夫山GRV021788陨石由橄榄石、辉石以及少量的富碳基质、不透明矿物组成,具有橄辉无球粒陨石典型的岩相学和矿物学特征,包括橄榄石晶体三线共点的接触和富镁还原边等。GRV021788的主要矿物的化学成分为:橄榄石Fa23.2~Fa1.5,易变辉石Fs21.2Wo10.6~Fs18.7Wo10.7。橄榄石颗粒有明显的反环带结构,而易变辉石的反环带则不明显。黑色填隙基质富碳,含金刚石和石墨。岩石学和矿物化学特征表明GRV021788是一橄辉无球粒陨石,属单矿(monomict)Ⅰ类(Fa23.2~Fs20.4)橄辉无球粒陨石。陨石的形成机制与多阶段部分熔融-堆积模式较为一致。  相似文献   

我国第16次南极考察队回收到6块稀少种类陨石-L3型,GRV99001,GRV99019,GRV99020,GRV99021, GRV99022,GRV99026。本文对其中3块陨石进行研究,研究它们的球粒结构和矿物化学成分.它们虽然都属于非平衡普通球粒陨石(L3),但它们的亚类不同,GRV 99001为L3.4,GRV99026为L3.5,GRV99019为L3.6.它们的球粒结构和球粒内的矿物晶体完整性和矿物组合变化比较大,橄榄石和辉石以高镁为特征.这三块陨石的球粒结构种类比较多,有班状的、炉条状的、扇形的和隐晶质的等.在GRV99001陨石中班状结构的球粒内能见到一个或两个以上完整的单晶橄榄石构成的球粒,也能见到多个细小的或是破碎橄榄石,被包裹在辉石晶体内.而在GRV99019和GRV99026陨石中只能见到多个细小单晶体或是破碎的橄榄石晶体.GRV99001陨石的炉条状结构,好象是由一条带状长石矿物,穿插在单个橄榄石晶体中构成.扇形和伞形结构的球粒,以一个点为中心,向外放射呈扇形.如GRV99019陨石中扇形结构球粒,它们是以辉石为主,陨硫铁充填在低钙辉石缝隙中,形成扇形.另一种是以多个点为中心,如GRV99001陨石,它们是由橄榄石、低钙辉石和长石质的玻璃,构成多个小伞形,形状类似三维立体的球,裂缝中也充填有金属矿物.隐晶质的球粒在GRV99026陨石中有两种,一种是在一厘米等于 100un时呈现隐晶质矿物,而放大到一厘米等于5un时,就可以清楚看到两种低钙辉石矿物,在低钙辉石中还有金属矿物.另一种隐晶质结构球粒由极细小破碎的橄榄石和辉石矿物构成.这三块陨石中的橄榄石和辉石都以高镁为特征.班状结构球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石的MgO-33.37-51.21,辉石为35.9-36.61;GRV99019陨石中橄榄石23.33-56.58,辉石 21.38-33.07;GRV99026陨石中橄榄石45.91-52.63,辉石34.48-37.35.扇形结构球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石29.94 -46.22,辉石28.17-30.36;GRV99019陨石中橄榄石29.17-34.38,辉石23.11-27.79.炉条状结构的球粒,在GRV99001 陨石中橄榄石51.84-56.03.隐晶质结构球粒,在GRV99026陨石中辉石20.17-21.54,橄榄石30.84-32.66.由此看出矿物晶体完整性越好镁的含量越高.  相似文献   

缪秉魁  林杨挺  胡森  沈文杰  王葆华  冯璐  刘焘 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3579-3588
GRV052382陨石是在南极格罗夫山地区发现的强烈冲击变质的橄辉无球粒陨石。它主要由橄榄石(75%)、易变辉石(5%)、富碳填隙物(20%)和少量金属组成。橄榄石呈半自形等粒细晶结构,颗粒大小约10~20μm,细晶颗粒间有少量辉石质的熔融填隙物。根据富碳填隙物分布和颗粒间的裂隙,可以区分出原粗粒橄榄石结构的轮廓,原颗粒大小约0.5~1.5mm。这些原粗粒橄榄石具有还原边结构,即边缘的橄榄石细晶富MgO,而核部橄榄石细晶富FeO。因强烈的还原作用,这些原粗粒橄榄石的核部成分变化大(Fa12.2-21.8),因此,原橄榄石核部成分Fa应为21.8%或略高。易变辉石呈浑圆粒状,大小约0.4~0.9mm,在颗粒之间其成分基本相当(En76.4-82.6Wo4.6-9.8Fs10.9-13.8),但在颗粒内部因冲击作用,产生波浪状韵律成分变化。富碳质填隙物充填在原粗粒橄榄石颗粒之间,主要由碳质和富MgO的硅酸盐组成。碳质多型主要为石墨,呈不规则蠕虫状或网脉状,大小约0.2~0.4mm,其中包含有少量金刚石颗粒(约1~3μm)。因此,这些特征表明GRV052382具有橄辉无球粒陨石结构,为单矿岩质橄辉无球粒陨石。根据橄榄石成分,GRV 052382陨石被进一步划分为富FeO亚型(I型)。此外,强烈冲击变质特征,即:(1)橄榄石冲击细晶结构;(2)橄榄石细晶颗粒具有圆化特征,其间存在熔融填隙物;(3)易变辉石晶体具有波浪状韵律成分变化;(4)易变辉石中存在大量不规则气孔;(5)金属Fe沿裂隙或气孔充填;(6)石墨发生金刚石相变等,表明GRV052382陨石的冲击变质程度为S6。因此,GRV052382陨石可能是经受最强烈冲击变质的橄辉无球粒陨石,这不仅为橄辉无球粒陨石的冲击历史提供直接证据,而且有可能获得其母体早期经历的冲击作用信息。  相似文献   

取自南极格罗夫山两块橄辉无球粒陨石 ,GRV0 2 15 12陨石具有典型的橄辉陨石结构 ,由 48.3 %的橄榄石、9.4%的易变辉石和3 8.1%的碳质基质组成。而 GRV0 2 2 93 1则表现为碎裂结构 ,少量斑状橄榄石 (19.1% )和易变辉石 (14 .1% )镶嵌于富碳质基质 (66.3 % )中。两块陨石的粗粒橄榄石和易变辉石的核部成分均匀 ,成分落在橄榄石 -易变辉石橄辉无球粒陨石的富铁亚类之中。所有橄榄石颗粒的边缘和裂隙均具有还原环带。在富碳基质中金刚石与石墨共生呈团块和脉状产出 ,本文就两块陨石的岩石和金刚石的成因进行了讨论。GRV021512和GRV021931:…  相似文献   

富Ca,Al包体、球粒和蠕虫状橄榄石集合体都是早期星云事件的产物。本文探讨了4个富橄榄石的富Ca,Al组分集合体的矿物岩石学特征,并对它们进行了对比。矿物岩石学特征表明含橄榄石边的富尖晶石-辉石型包体和富Ca,Al组分蠕虫状橄榄石集合体都属于星云直接凝聚的产物,而富钙长石-橄榄石型包体(POI)和富Ca,Al组分球粒经历过熔融结晶过程。矿物模式组成表明POI包体和富Ca,Al组分球粒可能是认识典型富Ca,Al包体与球粒之间相互关系的钥匙。蠕虫状橄榄石集合体GRV022459-2C1中尖晶石普遍具有高的FeO含量,表明其蚀变发生于高氧逸度的星云环境。球粒与粗粒富Ca,Al包体可能属于同一热事件的产物,粗粒富Ca,Al包体形成于富Ca,Al矿物富集的区域,Mg,Fe质硅酸盐球粒形成于富Ca,Al矿物缺失的区域,POI包体和富Ca,Al组分球粒可能形成于上述两个区域之间的过渡区域。  相似文献   

主要报导了南极格罗夫山新回收的6块非平衡型普通球粒陨石的岩石学和矿物化学特征.它们都保存了原始的矿物-岩石学特征,包括非常清晰的球粒结构、基质不透明、橄榄石和低钙辉石颗粒具有明显的成分环带、以及颗粒之间极不均匀的化学组成等.这6块陨石包括3块高铁群(H3)和3块低铁群(L3)群.根据非平衡型普通球粒陨石中橄榄石成分Fa变化的PMD(相对标准偏差)值与陨石热变质程度的相关性,进一步划分岩石类型亚类:CRV 020016为H3.7型、GRV 020162为H3.5型、GRV 020166为H3.4型、GRV 020106为L3.7型、GRV 020164为L3.7型、GRV 020165为L3.7型.全部6块陨石的冲击变质程度很低,为S1-S2;样品比较新鲜,风化作用划分为W1-W2.  相似文献   

在通过对Allende(CV3)碳质球粒陨石的4个光薄片中发现的5个特殊蠕虫状橄榄石集合体(AOA)的岩石学和矿物化学特征研究,证实它们的矿物组合以富橄榄石和霞石为特征,可见少量的金属硫化物。橄榄石颗粒Fa(Fe/(Fe Mg)原子百分比)值范围在34.1 mol%~42.2 mol%,百分标准平均方差(PMD)值为6.1,表明这些颗粒达到了一定的热力学平衡。AOA可能属于星云直接凝聚形成,AOA和细粒CAI(FTA和富尖晶石-辉石型CAI)可能代表了太阳星云从高温到低温连续凝聚的产物。认为AOA的蚀变作用发生在太阳星云中,霞石和铁橄榄石可能是后期水化蚀变的产物,霞石可能替代了AOA中原始的矿物——钙长石和黄长石等。AOA可能在星云中还经历了热蚀变作用的过程,橄榄石和霞石颗粒均具有高的FeO质量分数(29.1%~34.4%,4.04%~9.70%),表明蚀变反应发生在高逸氧度的星云环境下。  相似文献   

本文简短地总结了阿因德陨石的结构要素,并提出了它们的可能起源。在粗粒中CAIB_2型是最原始的;A型(致密型)被认为是在原始太阳系中由B_2型通过B_1型与气体反应形成的。细粒CAI或变形虫状橄榄石包体可能首先凝缩,大部分由深绿辉石组成,具有变质的不透明矿物和富铝辉石。认为这些包体与低温星云气体起反应时,把碱和FeO成分带入包体中,在原始球粒陨石中,那些陨石球粒和球粒状碎屑可能在相同的条件下形成,同时形成了阿因德陨石的母体,  相似文献   

Three new carbonaceous chondrites (GRV 020025,021579 and 022459) collected from the Grove Mountains (GRV), Antarctica, have been classified as the CM2, CO3 and CV3 chondrites, respectively. A total of 27 Ca- and Al-rich inclusions have been found in the three meteorites, which are the earliest assemblages formed in the solar nebula. Most of the inclusions are intensively altered, with abundant phyllosilicates in the inclusions from GRV 020025 and FeO enrichment of spinel in those from GRV 022459. Except for one spinel-spherule in each of GRV 020025 and  相似文献   

Sixty-eight refractory inclusions and fragments were found in two polished thin sections of the Sahara 97159 EH3 chondrite, indicative of the highest abundance of refractory inclusions (22/cm2, or 0.06 vol.%) in enstatite chondrites studied to date. All of the inclusions are intensely altered, mainly producing feldspathoids and albite, CaO depletion and minor Ti-rich compounds, such as Ti-sulfides. The alteration assemblages and FeO-poor spinel suggest that the reactions took place under reducing and SiO2-rich conditions. This is consistent with the redox state of the host enstatite chondrite. The presence of Ti sulfides and low FeO alteration phases distinguishes alteration of E chondrite refractory inclusions from that of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites.Most of the inclusions are referred to as Type A-like (35) and spinel-rich (26), respectively. Assuming melilite has been altered, these inclusions could be analogues of individual concentrically zoned objects of fluffy melilite-spinel-rich (Type A) and spinel-pyroxene-rich inclusions from carbonaceous chondrites such as the Ningqiang (CV anomalous) and Y 81020 (CO3) chondrites. Two inclusions consist mainly of Ca-pyroxene, fine-grained alteration products (feldspathoids and albite) and spinel. They are probably altered fragments of Ca-pyroxene-plagioclase-rich (Type C) inclusions, assuming all plagioclase has been altered to produce the fine-grained groundmass. Five other inclusions are hibonite and/or corundum bearing, similar to those reported in carbonaceous chondrites. Abundance ratios of various types of the inclusions from Sahara 97159 are similar to those from Ningqiang and Y 81020.Most of the observations, including mineral assemblages, mineral chemistry, texture, bulk compositions, O isotopic compositions and REE patterns, of the Sahara inclusions suggest a common reservoir of refractory inclusions in enstatite, ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. The apparent differences, such as absence of melilite and anorthite, rare Wark-Lovering rim and small size, can be explained by intense alteration due to large change of postformation environment of these inclusions, size sorting and collision during transfer. Hence, these differences are not inconsistent with the common reservoir model. Refractory inclusions in non-carbonaceous chondrites may put additional constraints on origins of refractory inclusions, and provide hints for a spatial relationship of their host meteorites.  相似文献   

In order to identify the parent bodies of cosmic spherules (melted micrometeorites) with porphyritic olivine (PO) and cryptocrystalline (CC) textures, we measured the oxygen isotopic composition of 15 giant (>800 μm) cosmic spherules recovered in the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica, with IR-laser fluorination/mass spectrometry, and we conducted a characterization of their petrographic and magnetic properties. Samples include 6, 8 and 1 spherules of PO, CC and barred olivine (BO) textural types, respectively. Eleven spherules (∼70% of the total: 4/6 PO and 6/8 CC, and the BO spherule) are related to ordinary chondrites based on oxygen isotopic compositions. Olivines in ordinary chondrite-related spherules have compositions Fa8.5-11.8, they are Ni-poor to Ni-rich (0.04-1.12 wt.%), and tend to be richer in CaO than other spherules (0.10-0.17 wt.%). Ordinary-chondrite related spherules also have high magnetite contents (∼2-12 wt.%). One PO and one CC spherules are related to previously identified 17O-enriched cosmic spherules for which the parent body is unknown. One CC spherule has an oxygen isotopic signature relating it to CM/CR carbonaceous chondrites. The majority of PO/CC cosmic spherules derive from ordinary chondrites; this result exemplifies how the texture of cosmic spherules is not only controlled by atmospheric entry heating conditions but also depends on the parent body, whether be it through orbital parameters (entry angle and velocity), or chemistry, mineralogy, or grain size of the precursor.  相似文献   

A coordinated mineralogical and oxygen isotopic study of four fine-grained calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) from the ALHA77307 CO3.0 carbonaceous chondrite was conducted. Three of the inclusions studied, 05, 1-65, and 2-119, all have nodular structures that represent three major groups, melilite-rich, spinel-rich, and hibonite-rich, based on their primary core mineral assemblages. A condensation origin was inferred for these CAIs. However, the difference in their primary core mineralogy reflects unique nebular environments in which multiple gas-solid reactions occurred under disequilibrium conditions to form hibonite, spinel, and melilite with minor perovskite and Al,Ti-rich diopside. A common occurrence of a diopside rim on the CAIs records a widespread event that marks the end of their condensation as a result of isolation from a nebular gas. An exception is a rare inclusion 2-112 that contains euhedral spinel crystals embedded in melilite, suggesting this CAI had been re-melted. All of the fine-grained CAIs analyzed in ALHA77307 are 16O-rich with an average Δ17O value of ∼−22 ± 5‰ (2σ), indicating no apparent correlation between their textures and oxygen isotopic compositions. We therefore conclude that a prevalent 16O-rich gas reservoir existed in a region of the solar nebula where CO3 fine-grained CAIs formed, initially by condensation and then later, some of them were reprocessed by melting event(s).  相似文献   

Chromite spinels in hydrothermally altered rocks from fracture-zone ultramafic rocks and from both ultramafic cumulate pods and sheeted dikes in the Josephine ophiolite, California, display a wide variety of compositions. Alteration of the spinel may not be visible in thin section. The primary composition changes accompanying hydrothermal alteration are increase in Cr/(Cr+Al) and/or Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg). In general, altered spinel grains associated with hornblende and chlorite show an increase in Cr/(Cr+Al) from core to rim. Altered spinel grains associated with serpentine show an increase in Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg) from core to rim but may not show an increase in Cr/(Cr+Al). The compositional zoning in some altered spinel grains appears to result both from reaction of clinopyroxene plus spinel to form hornblende, and from reaction of hornblende to form chlorite. These observations suggest that subsolidus hydrothermal metamorphic effects need to be considered when interpreting spinel compositions and the compositions should not be interpreted solely in terms of igneous processes. Further, the presence of highly altered spinels may be indicative of hydrothermal alteration in rocks where other evidence of such alteration is absent.  相似文献   

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