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Morphometric parameters derived from three different sources viz., Survey of India topographic map (1:50,000), SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission 90 m) and DEM derived from ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer — 30 m) are evaluated to examine any difference within the results for the proper planning and management of the watersheds. Extracting drainage network from DEMs is mainly based on the flow of water from higher to lower elevation and steepest descent in a pixel. Common morphometric parameters are considered for analysis. The results show that the morphometric parameters derived from the SRTM and ASTER data provide good and satisfying results. The results will be more efficient when the DEM cell size is smaller or the resolution of the image is higher.  相似文献   

There have been rapid population and accelerating urban growth with associated changes in land use and soil degradation in northeast China, an important grain-producing region. The development of integrated use of remote sensing, geographic information systems, and combined cellular automata– Markov models has provided new means of assessing changes in land use and land cover, and has enabled projection of trajectories into the future. We applied such techniques to the prefecture-level city of Harbin, the tenth largest city in China. We found that there had been significant losses of the land uses termed “cropland”, “grassland”, “wetland”, and “floodplain” in favour of “built-up land” and lesser transformations from “floodplain” to “forestland” and “water body” over the 18-year period. However, the transition was not a simple process but a complex network of changes, interchanges, and multiple transitions. In the absence of effective land use policies, projection of past trajectories into a balance state in the future would result in the decline of cropland from 65.6% to 46.9% and the increase of built-up area from 7.7% to 23.0% relative to the total area of the prefecture in 1989. It also led to the virtual elimination of land use types such as unused wetland and floodplain.  相似文献   

Monitoring of river width and centerline is one of the most important activities in river engineering. Changes in the width and center line can be attributed to several reasons and monitoring these changes can be conveniently achieved with the aid of remote sensing images. In this study, digital image processing techniques have been implemented using the image processing tool-box available in MATLAB for studying temporal variations of width and centerline of the river Brahmaputra in its 300 Km reach in the state of Assam, India. The current study uses relatively high resolution imageries acquired from the LANDSAT series of satellites. Apart from the LANDSAT imageries, the low resolution imageries acquired by MODIS program is also used in order to see the variation in the obtained results. The evaluation of the results shows that the digital image processing technique is very handy and can be applied to obtain the centerline and width of a river. The evaluation also shows that the low resolution image can also be used for obtaining centerline of a river. However, it may give erroneous result when width of the river is narrow or very large.  相似文献   

To understand water productivity of crops cultivated in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, this study was conducted to generate a reliable crop type map using a multi-temporal satellite data (ASTER, Landsat-8 and MODIS) and crop phenology. Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and ISO-DATA Cluster (IDC) classification techniques were utilized for the identification of crops. The Ideal Crop Spectral Curves were generated and utilized for the formulation of CART decision rules. For IDC, the stacked images of the phenology-integrated Normalized Difference Vegetation Index were utilized for the classification. The overall accuracy of the classified maps of CART was 76, 77 and 81% for ASTER, MODIS and Landsat-8, respectively. For IDC, the accuracy was determined at 67, 63 and 60% for ASTER, MODIS and Landsat-8, respectively. The developed decision rules can be efficiently used for mapping of crop types for the same agro-climatic region of the study area.  相似文献   


Tropospheric NO2 column (TNC) products retrieved from five satellites including GOME/ERS-2 (H, 1997–2002), SCIAMACHY (S, 2003–2011), OMI (O, 2005–2015), GOME-2/METOP_A (A, 2007–2013) and GOME-2/METOP_B (B, 2013–2015) were compared in terms of their spatiotemporal variability and changes over China. The temporal series of H suggested an increasing trend of TNC from 1997 to 2002, those of S, O and A revealed further increasing trends until the highest level of TNC was reached in 2011, but decreasing trends were detected by those of O and B from 2011 to 2015. Seasonally, TNC was the highest in winter and the lowest in summer. Variability and changes from satellite TNC products are also analyzed in different regions of China. Spatially, it was the highest in North China and the lowest in Tibetan Plateau based on five datasets. Overall, TNCs from A, B and S were higher than that from O; and TNC from S was larger than that from A at the country level. The higher TNC the region has, the larger difference satellite products would show. However, different datasets reached a good agreement in the spatial pattern of trends in TNC with highly significant increasing trends detected in North China.  相似文献   

The unceasing change problem of land information systems can be resolved through the refactoring and design pattern. To promote the implementation of design pattern and refactoring methods in developin...  相似文献   

The Dibru river basin of Assam is investigated to examine the influence of active structure by applying an integrated study on geomorphology, morphotectonics, subsurface structure, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using topographic map, IRS 1D LISS III, IRS P6 LISS III, SRTM, seismic and subsurface data. Seismic data reveals existence of an upwarp and an important fault in the basement around the central and eastern parts of the Dibru basin, respectively. The influence of these structures is well observed on all the younger formations inferring their active nature possibly till the Recent Period. Existence of fluvial anomalies, viz. annular drainage pattern, lineaments, abrupt changes in the direction of river course, beheaded stream and valley incision infer role of structural control on the fluvial features of this basin. Most commonly used indices for morphotectonic analysis, viz. basin elongation ratio (Re), transverse topographic symmetry (T), asymmetric factor (AF), valley floor width to valley height ratio (Vf) have been used to identify the evidences of active structures in the area. The values of Re indicated tectonically active, T indicated an asymmetric nature, AF indicated tilting and Vf indicated active incision in the Dibru basin. The DEM, profiles across the valley and superimposed longitudinal profiles of incised channel bed and valley shoulder of the Dibru clearly reveal valley incision by the river. Three large paleochannels located in different parts of the basin had their headwaters towards east at the common source, i.e. the Diyun river. These paleochannels had been resulted when their headwaters avulsed to create new rivers due to affect of the subsurface structures during Recent (or perhaps Neogene?) Period.  相似文献   

Swades Pal 《国际地球制图》2019,34(10):1055-1074
Punarbhaba river of Indo-Bangladesh has experienced hydro-ecological alteration after installation of Komardanga dam in 1992 and consequently wetland and inundation areas have undergone into transformation. The present work intends to explore the impact of flow attenuation on contemporary and upcoming flood extent and flood plain wetlands. In post-dam condition, average and maximum flows are attenuated by 36 and 41%, respectively, and as a result the active flood prone area is squeezed considerably by 39.72%. Average flood water depth is also reduced by 37.87% (4.45metre) after flow modification. Due to shrinkages of flood prone areas, wetland area is also reduced from 215.70 to 90.40 km2 and larger part of the present wetland area is under stress and critical state. Predicted flood prone areas in next 25 years will be 328.91 km2 and consequently 65.63 km2 wetland areas may further be under hydro-ecological threats. Release of ecological flow is essential to restore and preserve the wetland.  相似文献   

In the study of sequence stratigraphy and litho-paleogeography,quantitative analysis,precise calculation and detailed comparison of tremendous geological data,such as field profiles,logging records and seismic curves from different areas,are the basic requirements.In order to obtain a more reliable and precise result,this paper presents a novel method that combines spatial database analysis with the single-factor mapping technology to establish sequence stratigraphical succession and to map the Ordo-vician litho-paleogeography of the Ordos Basin,one of the largest oil-gas bearing basins in North China Platform.By using this method,all of the related basic geological data can be quantitatively analyzed and effectively managed.Various attributes of the ba-sic stratigraphic units and their characters,such as sequence thickness,penecontemporaneous dolostone content,shallow water parget content,and terrigenous material content,can be fully utilized statistically in facies analysis and in mapping.Based on this analysis,this paper has be exerted single-factor isopachous mapping quantitatively for each of the Ordovician sequences in the ba-sin,and finally synthesized multiple factors to reconstruct the litho-paleogeography for each of the sequence intervals.The study shows that the proposed method is quite effective and has a much higher resolution in recognizing litho-paleogeographic subunits compared with traditional ways.For example,in one of the Middle Ordovician sequence intervals(SQ19 in the Lower Majiagou Formation) of the Ordos Basin,the authors have successfully developed a mathematical formula to divide the distribution of various facies units substantially,such as old lands,submarine uplifts,supratidal zones,intertidal zones and subtidal zones.  相似文献   

Better understanding of the relationship between lake’s water area and water level plays an important role for the monitoring of floods and droughts. At present, there are many analysis and research on the relationship between water area and level, but the estimation criteria are mostly based on ordinary least square, which has no ability to resist the gross error. In this paper, the equivalent weight estimation method with robustness ability is introduced. We use the proposed method in study of the Poyang Lake which is the largest freshwater lake in China. The area extraction data and water level records spans the period from 2009 to 2013. Four models (linear, exponential, logarithmic and quadratic polynomial) of water area and water level are constructed by regression analysis. Meanwhile, two kinds of common weight function factors are applied to analyze the quadratic curve model. The experimental results show that the quadratic polynomial fitting performs best, and the solution of the equivalent weight function method is closer to the realism than least square. We note that the proposed robust estimation method can dynamically monitor the water area and water level, which provides a theoretical basis for similar research.  相似文献   

The policy of the Chinese government concerning the horizontal expansion of the cultivated land through the reclamation of desert soils result in a total increase of 665. 985 km^2 during the period 1987-1999 in North Shaanxi. This increase is less than the loss in arable land by urbanization. The accelerated rate of change in agricultural areas calls for more rapid surveys of urbanization and loss of arable land. Remote sensing has a number of advantages over ground-based methods for such surveys. The multi-scale concept of remote sensing data help us study the problem in four towns. Several maps were produced to analyze the situation of urban coverage in different times. The evaluation of the status, rate and risk of urbanization are based on an accepted average of urban increase as 2% of population growth per year.  相似文献   

The significance of neotectonic lineaments for groundwater prospecting was studied for the area around Bhinmal — a semi-arid part of Thar desert. The application of Directional Filtering procedures on IRS LISS I Band 4 digital image of the study area revealed NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W trending lineaments which are very subtle and in two cases, even unnoticed otherwise. The use of exploratory borehole lithologs and field evidences indicated that the identified lineaments are long rectilinear buried and partly exposed channels and the intersection zones are characterised by thick lenses of coarse sand and gravel. These buried channels and zones of coarse sediments thus represent potential sites for the accumulation of freshwater during rain. The present work has highlighted the suitability of Directional Filtering procedures for lineament mapping and buried channel studies in a desertic terrain.  相似文献   

Improving crop area and/or crop yields in agricultural regions is one of the foremost scientific challenges for the next decades. This is especially true in irrigated areas because sustainable intensification of irrigated crop production is virtually the sole means to enhance food supply and contribute to meeting food demands of a growing population. Yet, irrigated crop production worldwide is suffering from soil degradation and salinity, reduced soil fertility, and water scarcity rendering the performance of irrigation schemes often below potential. On the other hand, the scope for improving irrigated agricultural productivity remains obscure also due to the lack of spatial data on agricultural production (e.g. crop acreage and yield). To fill this gap, satellite earth observations and a replicable methodology were used to estimate crop yields at the field level for the period 2010/2014 in the Fergana Valley, Central Asia, to understand the response of agricultural productivity to factors related to the irrigation and drainage infrastructure and environment. The results showed that cropping pattern, i.e. the presence or absence of multi-annual crop rotations, and spatial diversity of crops had the most persistent effects on crop yields across observation years suggesting the need for introducing sustainable cropping systems. On the other hand, areas with a lower crop diversity or abundance of crop rotation tended to have lower crop yields, with differences of partly more than one t/ha yield. It is argued that factors related to the infrastructure, for example, the distance of farms to the next settlement or the density of roads, had a persistent effect on crop yield dynamics over time. The improvement potential of cotton and wheat yields were estimated at 5%, compared to crop yields of farms in the direct vicinity of settlements or roads. In this study it is highlighted how remotely sensed estimates of crop production in combination with geospatial technologies provide a unique perspective that, when combined with field surveys, can support planners to identify management priorities for improving regional production and/or reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Land cover change analysis was undertaken in semi-arid southeastern Botswana. The aim was to determine how remotely sensed data could be applied over time and under different rainfall regimes to help assess the relative significance of biophysical and human factors in causing land cover change in a rapidly evolving developing world context. To this purpose, land cover changes were studied along an east (hardveld)-west (sandveld) gradient of decreasing rainfall and decreasing population density. Three years of Thematic Mapper imagery from 1984, 1994 and 1996, covering the period from the 1980s drought to the 1990s ‘normal’ rainfall regime were analysed using supervised classification techniques. Land cover change analysis revealed that over a large part of the study area the dry and more biophysically vulnerable western sandveld showed greater vegetation recovery than the eastern hardveld with its more productive soils and higher rainfall. Underlying causes behind this apparent reversal of trends are inferred to be mainly socioeconomic in nature and particularly related to higher population density due to the rise of salaried urban occupation opportunities in the hardveld. This work concludes that, while biophysical causes of change are important, the human dimension is regarded as being more significant especially where human factors negate otherwise positive biophysical effects in an agrarian developing country.  相似文献   

Accurate monitoring of vegetation dynamics is required to understand the inter-annual variability and long term trends in terrestrial carbon exchange in tundra and boreal ecoregions. In western North America, two Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) products based on spectral reflectance data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are available. The MOD/MYD13A2 NDVI product is available as a 16-day composite product in a sinusoidal projection as global hdf tiles. The eMODIS Alaska NDVI product is available as a 7-day composite geotif product in a regional equal area conic projection covering Alaska and the entire Yukon River Basin. These two NDVI products were compared for the 2012–2014 late May–late June spring green-up periods in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Relative to the MOD/MYD13A2 NDVI product, it is likely that the eMODIS NDVI product contained more cloud-contaminated NDVI values. For example, the MOD/MYD13A2 product flagged substantially fewer pixels as “good quality” in each 16-day composite period compared to the corresponding MODIS Alaska NDVI product from a 7-day composite period. During the spring green-up period, when field-based NDVI increases, the eMODIS NDVI product averaged 43 percent of pixels that declined by at least 0.05 NDVI between 2 composite periods, consistent with cloud-contamination problems, while the MOD/MYD13A2 NDVI averaged only 6 percent of pixels. Based on a cloudy Landsat-8 scene, the eMODIS compositing process selected 23 percent pixels, while the MOD/MYD13A2 compositing process selected less than 0.003 percent pixels. Based on the results, it appears that the MOD/MYD13A2 NDVI product is superior for scientific applications based on NDVI phenology in the tundra and boreal regions of northwestern North America.  相似文献   

The present investigation has been designed to analyze the landform and soil relationship in a geologically complex terrain of Tirora tahsil of Gondia district, Maharashtra using remotely sensed data and GIS technique. The geomorphologic units of the study area were delineated through visual interpretation of IRS–ID LISS-III data based on the spatial variation of the image characteristics. Thirteen landform units have been identified in the tahsil. The slope varied from level to nearly level with an area of about 63.76% of the tahsil. Rest of the area ranged from very gentle to moderately steep slopes. During soil survey, soil profiles were studied for morphological features. Horizon-wise soil samples were collected from the representative soil profiles on each landform unit. The depth of soil varied from 25 to 160 cm and colour from dark brown to very dark grayish brown. The texture ranged from clay loam to clayey in accordance with higher and lower topographic positions respectively. Higher available water holding capacity (AWC 285 mm) is found in low-lying area and low to medium AWC (140 mm) is noticed in the soils developed at higher elevation. The soils reaction (pH) is strongly acidic in nature (pH 5.2) on dissected hills, linear ridge and moderately weathered pediments, whereas, the soils are moderately to slightly acidic in nature (pH 5.5 to 6.5) on hills, shallow weathered pediments, moderately weathered pediments, deeply weathered pediments, narrow valleys, and broad valley floors. Slightly alkaline condition (pH 7.6) was observed on foot slopes and aggraded valley fills. The electrical conductivity of the soils is found almost same in all landforms. The cation exchange capacity of the area varies from 10.5 to 51.5 cmol(p+)kg?1. The base saturation increases with decreasing elevation and slope. The four major soil orders viz, Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Vertisols are found in the study areas which are further classified into suborder and great group levels. The landform and soil relationship was analyzed to appraise the land resources in the tahsil. The study shows that the application of remotely sensed data and GIS are immensely helpful in land resources appraisal for their management on sustainable basis.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for detection and monitoring of offshore oil seeps in the eastern offshore areas of the Krishna–Godavari Basin, which has been supplemented and correlated with collateral free-air gravity and seismic data. Images of the study area obtained from ENVISAT ASAR image mode were processed and analysed in detail. A number of natural oil seepages were identified and distinguished from pollution and biogenic slicks. These were subsequently studied using different parameters to assign various degrees of confidence. The repetitiveness of the identified seepages was studied and a total of five areas of seep repetitions had been recognized in the study area. The seeps that are repeated in images of different dates are more likely to be of natural origin than others. Simulation and modelling of a particular oil slick arising has been attempted over the Krishna–Godavari offshore using MIKE 21 software.  相似文献   


A classification method was developed for mapping land cover in NE Costa Rica at a regional scale for spatial input to a biogeochemical model (CENTURY). To distinguish heterogeneous cover types, unsupervised classifications of Landsat Thematic Mapper data were combined with ancillary and derived data in an iterative process. Spectral classes corresponding to ground control types were segregated into a storage raster while ambiguous pixels were passed through a set of rules to the next stage of processing. Feature sets were used at each step to help sort spectral classes into land cover classes. The process enabled different feature sets to be used for different types while recognizing that spectral classification alone was not sufficient for separating cover types that were defined by heterogeneity. Spectral data included the TM reflective bands, principal components and the NDVI. Ancillary data included GIS coverages of swamp extents, banana plantation boundaries and river courses. Derived data included neighborhood variety and majority measures that captured texture. The final map depicts 18 land cover types and captures the general patterns found in the region. Some confusion still exists between closely related types such as pasture with different amounts of tree cover.  相似文献   

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