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Research has been conducted in Nha Trang Bay (Southern Vietnam, the South China Sea) at the section from the estuary of the Cai River to the marine part of the bay, as well as in the area of coral reefs. The objects of the studies are the river and sea waters, the suspended matter, and the bottom sediments. Data on the dissolved organic carbon and the total nitrogen in the water are obtained. The organic carbon content is estimated in the suspended matter; the organic carbon and the molecular and group composition of the n-alkanes are determined in the bottom sediments. The molecular and group composition of the n-alkanes in the bottom sediments of the landfill have made it possible to identify three types of organic matter (OM): marine, mixed, and of mainly terrigenous origin. All the types of OM are closely related to the specificity of the sedimentation and the hydrodynamics of the waters in this water area.  相似文献   

The growing coastal development, dredging and dumping activities, overfishing and expansion of marine cage culture in Nha Trang Bay (NTB) of Central Vietnam since the beginning of the 2000s have resulted in a dramatic decrease of live coral cover. Surveys conducted in April–May 2013 and the same period in 2014 revealed that with an increase in distance from the outer part of the bay towards the mainland, the rivers’ influxes and dredged areas, coral cover decreased from 75% to 0.6% and species richness from 63 to 5, while the abundance of macroalgae increased from 0% to 56%. These changes correlate with differences in the concentration of suspended sediments on the same gradient. The abundance of the crown‐of‐thorns starfish Acanthaster planci and of the echinoid Diadema setosum significantly increased between the first estimation in 1998 and the survey in 2014, from 0 to 1.7 individuals (ind.) per 100 m?2 and from 50.8 to 94.5 ind. per 100 m?2, respectively, contributing to coral loss and intensive bioerosion of the reef framework in the bay. The large sizes of adult colonies of tabulate Acropora on the remote stations with negligible sedimentation and eutrophication loads were inconsistent with the assumptions that temperature‐induced coral bleaching or cyclones could be the major impacts in Nha Trang Bay. Analysis of the 16‐year thermal history of the bay did not reveal any instances in which the coral thermal bleaching threshold had been exceeded up to the present study. Seasonal upwelling, which occurs annually in the vicinity of Central Vietnam, may contribute to mitigation of thermal anomalies within NTB and to the maintenance of healthy coral communities on the remote reefs with relatively low anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

To characterize the terrigenous, anthropogenic, and technogenous impacts upon the ecosystems of coral reefs in the shallow-water Ha Long Bay, which was declared by UNESCO to be a world natural heritage site, the levels of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Ni in the soft tissues of six mass species of bivalve mollusks from island coastal waters were studied. Taking into account the abundance and distribution, as well as the capability to represent the geochemical conditions of the environment, for further biomonitoring of heavy metal contents in the coastal waters of the bay, the following species were recommended: Septifer binocularis, Barbatia amygdalumtostum, and Isognomon isognomon.  相似文献   

Meiobenthos in Nha trang bay of the south China sea (Vietnam)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of the taxonomical composition and the density of meiobenthos depending on the sediment type has been studied in bottom sediments of Nha Trang Bay. The maximal population density and the taxonomical diversity were observed in the silted coarse and heterogeneous sand (1031.4μ419.7 ind. 10 cm-2), whereas the minimal level of density and diversity (588.1μ152.5 ind. 10 cm-2) was in the coarse and heterogeneous sand with shell debris and corals. The correlation between the median diameter of sediment particles and population density of meiobenthos has been revealed (r=0.82, p<0.05). In bottom sediments of Nha Trang Bay, twenty six taxonomic groups of meiobenthos were observed. Nematodes dominated in all sediment types. Representatives of four orders, twenty eight families and ninety seven genera of marine nematodes were identified. The vertical distribution of meiobenthos in different sediment types was considered. A sediment column (10 cm height) was sectioned by five 2 cm portions. In the last layer (8-10 cm) the most number of meiobenthic groups was found in sandy sediments. In the lower layers of silt sediments, only nematodes were found.  相似文献   

Ocean Science Journal - Based on previous results from the “River reef impact studies project that was carried out as a co-operation programme between ZMT (Germany) and NIO (Vietnam) from...  相似文献   

Due to orographic blockage, a weak wind wake occurs in summer off northeast Vietnam in the South China Sea. Under the wind wake, warm water is observed from both high-resolution satellite data and hydrographic observations. The wake of warm water forms in June, continues to mature in July and August, starts to decay in September, and disappears in October. The warm water wake also shows robust diurnal variation – it intensifies during the day and weakens in the night. Warm water wakes can be generated through wind-induced mixing and thermal(latent heat flux) processes. In this paper, a mixed layer model is used to evaluate the relative importance of the two processes on seasonal and diurnal timescales, respectively. The results demonstrate that thermal processes make a greater contribution to the wake than wind-induced mixing processes on a seasonal timescale, while the warm water wake is dominated by wind-induced mixing processes on a diurnal timescale.  相似文献   

A high-resolution, regional, numerical-model-based, real-time ocean prediction system for the northern South China Sea, called the Northern South China Sea Nowcast/Forecast System (NSCSNFS), has been used to investigate subtidal mesoscale flows during the time period of the Asian Seas International Acoustic Experiment (ASIAEX) field programs. The dynamics are dominated by three influences; 1) surface wind stress, 2) intrusions of the Kuroshio through Luzon Strait, and 3) the large-scale cyclonic gyre that occupies much of the northern South China Sea. Each component primarily drives currents in the upper ocean, so deep currents are rather weak. Wind stress is especially effective at forcing currents over the shallow China shelf. The Kuroshio intrusion tends to flow westward until it meets the northern edge of the large-scale cyclonic gyre. Together, these currents produce an intense, narrow jet directed northwest toward the continental slope, often in the region of the ASIAEX field programs. Upon reaching the slope, the current splits with part flowing northeastward along the slope and part flowing southwestward, producing large horizontal and vertical shears and making this region dynamically very complicated and difficult to simulate. The Kuroshio intrusion tends to be stronger (weaker) when the northeasterly winds are strong (weak) and the large-scale gyre is farther south (north), consistent with conclusions from previous model studies. At the northern boundary, the model produces a persistent northward flow through Taiwan Strait into the East China Sea. Data assimilation in the NSCSNFS model is shown to dampen the system, extracting energy and causing the entire system to spin down.  相似文献   

The species composition, phytoplankton abundance, and relative yield of the variable fluorescence (F v /F m ) were determined in the mesotrophic Nhatrang Bay in October–November of 2004. The species diversity (250 taxonomic units) and heterogeneity of the phytoplankton structure were high. With respect to the number of species and their abundance, diatoms prevailed. In selected parts of the bay, dinoflagellates dominated. The mean biomass in the water column under 1 m2 (B t ) varied from 2.3 to 64.4 mg C/m3 being 31.0 mg C/m3 on average. The values of B t were the lowest at the stations nearest to the river mouth. Seaward, B t increased. The values of B t increased with depth at some stations and decreased at others. In the surface sea layers, the biomass was lower than that in the underlying waters. The values of F v /F m ranged from 0.10 to 0.64 (at a mean value of 0.49). The lowest values of F v /F m were observed in the area close to the seaport. Over the greater part of the bay, the values of F v /F m were higher than 0.47. Such values are indicative of the relatively high potential photosynthetic activity of the phytoplankton. The abundance and species diversity were higher than those in the dry season (March–April).  相似文献   

The macrofauna present at seven of the stations within the Bay of Banyuls-sur-mer (northwestern Mediterranean) initially sampled by Guille during the late 1960s was reassessed in 1994, using the same gear and techniques as those used during the reference study. Results showed an increase both in the number of species and of individuals (all species pooled) per unit of surface area at nearly all stations. This trend was not significant for total biomass. The most important changes were linked to the increase of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina (both within the Spisula subtruncata and the Nephtys hombergii community) and the decrease of the polychaetes Scoloplos armiger and Notomastus latericeus within the Scoloplos armiger community. The possible causes underlying these changes are discussed. The most probable cause is considered to be a slight modification of sediment composition (decrease of fine material in the sediment) within the Spisula subtruncata, the Nephtys hombergii and the Scoloplos armiger communities. Temporal changes in (1) Rhone river input, (2) small coastal river inputs, and (3) frequency of easterly storms may all have contributed to such a decrease.  相似文献   

基于观测的南海越南沿岸次表层涡旋   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, subsurface eddies near the Vietnam coast of the South China Sea were observed with in situ observations, including Argo, CTD, XBT and some processed and quality controlled data. Based on temperature profiles from four Argo floats near the coast of Vietnam, a subsurface warm eddy was identified in spring and summer. The multi-year Argo and Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme(GTSPP) data were merged on a seasonal basis based on the data interpolating variational analysis(DIVA) method to reconstruct the three-dimensional temperature structure. There is a warm eddy in the central subsurface at 12.5°N, 111°E below300 m depth in spring, which does not exist in autumn and is weak in winter and summer. From CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas(CARS) and Generalized Digital Environment Model(GDEM) reanalysis data, this subsurface warm eddy is also verified in spring.  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量,于2002年3月、6月、8月和12月,在胶州湾北部软底区、大沽河口、黄岛养殖区及养殖区邻域选取4个站位进行采样,对大型底栖动物进行了定量研究。共采到大型底栖动物138种,总平均丰度、平均生物量(湿质量)和年生产量(有机碳)分别为1 719个/m2,27 g/m2,2.2 g/(m2.a),初步估算,胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量为2.8万t/a。与渤海和南黄海大型底栖动物的丰度和生物量比较,丰度和生物量均低于这两个海域,但是胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量高于渤海。本研究对于了解胶州湾大型底栖动物现状及湾内养殖对大型底栖动物的影响具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Grab samples of the smaller macrobenthos (>1 mm, <1g wet weight) were obtained seasonally at fourteen stations along two transects in the shallow coastal waters of the westernmost part of Wakasa Bay. According to Morisita's similarity index (C i , two faunal groups were recognized to be present throughout the year. The boundary between them was found to lie between depths of 10 and 20 m where the silt-clay fraction increased abruptly in the sediment, although the boundary was less obvious in summer. Statistics on community structure (species diversity, species richness, and evenness) also showed marked differences between the two assemblages. The change in faunal features was found to be roughly parallel to changes in sediment characteristics. On the nearshore sandy bottom, the influence of wave action is considered to be the major factor affecting the fauna as it results in a decrease in evenness and species richness. On the other hand, on the offshore muddy bottom, stagnant conditions cause the benthic fauna to decrease in density and to bear some resemblance to those of enclosed bays. The highest species diversity was found on the silty sand bottom (20 m deep). This can be understood as an edge effect of an ecotone.  相似文献   

李荣冠  江锦祥 《台湾海峡》1993,12(2):171-179
本文研究了东山湾潮下带前鳃类软体动物的生态。结果表明,该湾有前鳃类软体动物31科59属86种。其中,分布到黄、渤海的有18种,分布到东海的有59种,只在南海分布的有26种。广温广布种占20.93%,暖水种55.81%,热带种仅5.81%。平均生物量和栖息密度分别为125.37g/m~2和16个/m~2,数量分布不均匀并有明显的季节变化。该湾主要有三个群落:棒锥螺-浅缝骨螺-红带织纹螺群落、假(?)拟塔螺-线缝骨螺-细肋蕾螺群落、细肋蕾螺-假(?)拟塔螺-双带光螺群落。前鳃类软体动物的种类组成、数量分布和群落结构与底质环境关系密切,生物量和栖息密度在粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土底质中较高。  相似文献   

大鹏湾叶绿素与生态因子灰关联分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
海水中叶绿素含量和浮游植物(藻类)的个体密度都是海域中初级生产者现存量的指标,这些初级生产者数量的多寡与该海区初级生产力的大小密切相关,其生产力直接或间接地影响水域中其他生物的生产力.  相似文献   

对海南省三亚湾及邻近海域的主要生态系统的真光层水域、珊瑚礁、红树林、海藻垫生态系统中的海洋蓝藻的种类、分布和季节变化特点进行调查研究,共采集和分离了11属24种蓝藻。结果表明,三亚湾海域真光层水域主要以来自外海的外源性海洋蓝藻束毛藻为主要优势群落,其次有共生蓝藻胞内植生藻Richelia intracelluu-laris和单细胞蓝藻集胞藻属Synechocystis,其中束毛藻主要在南海季风转换期和西南季风控制期的3—8月为主,而蓝藻胞内植生藻的硅藻根管藻共生体主要出现在8—10月的另一季风转换期。在珊瑚礁生态系统中,蓝藻呈多样性分布,有集胞藻属、鱼腥藻属Anabaena、念珠藻属Nostoc、眉藻属Catothrix、颤藻属Oscillatoria和鞘丝藻属Lyngbya,它们主要在3月下旬至8月生物量较高,束毛藻也是珊瑚礁生态系中蓝藻的重要组成部分。红树林生态系统中蓝藻主要以颤藻为主要优势种,其次是鞘丝藻也占重要的比例,在4—10月底都有较高的生物量,它们主要分布在0—5cm深的表土层,其次在红树的根际、气生根和幼苗的茎叶表面都有分布。海洋近岸微型海藻垫中,有些群落主要以颤藻属和鞘丝藻属为主,有些微藻垫以眉藻属为主要优势属种,蓝藻种群随季节的变化有明显的演替。  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), such as dinoflagellate blooms, have adverse effects on coastal water environments, causing seafood contamination and aquaculture ec...  相似文献   

南海表层水温年循环的谐波特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对NCEP1°×1°周平均SST资料(1982~1994)进行谐波分析,发现南海SST年循环中基波W1和第二谐波W2是决定性的谐波;诸谐波具有准驻波特征:气候平均意义下的季节内振荡不显著。此外,还讨论了南海全区SST在夏季风爆发之前迅速增温的原因  相似文献   

This study examined the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments collected in July 2004 from eight stations in the Zhelin Bay, one of the most important bays for large-scale mariculture in Guangdong Province. Thirteen individual parent PAH compounds were identified using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. The overall average concentration of total PAHs was 477.0 ng/g, ranging from 146.1 to 928.8 ng/g. Low molecular mass PAHs with two to three rings (e.g., acenaphthene) were dominant in each sample. The PAH concentration varied among sampling stations, with the highest concentration observed at bay outlets and the lowest found at stations outside the bay. Ratios of low to high molecular mass PAHs and fluoranthene to pyrene were used to determine the origin of PAHs, and results indicated mainly petroleum-derived contamination. Compared with other bays and harbors around the world, the total concentrations of PAHs in surface sediments at the Zhelin Bay are moderate, but this does not exclude the possibility of potential impact on human consumers because some strong carcinogenic PAHs with high molecular mass were found at the station with a nearby caged-fish and oyster farm. Long-term monitoring of PAH contamination in the Zhelin Bay is recommended to reduce the potential toxicological effects on aquatic organisms and humans.  相似文献   

于2001年4月在枯林湾3个采样点采集了各约20cm的沉积物柱状样,分层研究了甲藻孢囊的垂直分布,在33个沉积物榈中共分析鉴定出甲藻孢囊47种,而且还观察到了3种该海域特有的种类。孢囊组成以原多甲藻等异养型孢囊为主,而有毒的亚历山大藻和链状裸甲藻孢囊也均有分布。每个样品中所分析鉴定的孢囊种类数较少,仅有5-16种,平均10种,孢囊丰度也较低,在59-1998cysts/g D Wt之间,平均280cysts/g D Wt。香农-威弗种类多样性指数和孢囊种类数都以位于非养殖区湾外海域的S3站最高,同时在3个站位的6-8cm层次处,随深度的增加均有较大幅度的上升。研究结果表明,枯林湾的富营养化程度较高,而且湾内海域大于湾外海域,养殖区大于非养殖区,近年有加剧的趋势。  相似文献   

Interpretation of deep 2-D multi-channel seismic data sheds insights into the geological evolution of the West Luzon Basin, Philippines. This basin is a sediment-filled trough that is located between the island of Luzon and the outer arc high of the west Luzon subduction zone. High-amplitude, low-frequency reflection bands mark the acoustic basement. The basement, at about 6 s (TWT), is dissected by normal faults with some of them being inverted in a later phase of deformation. The sedimentary successions, overlying the basement are stratified with partly chaotic structures and discontinuous reflectors. Five regional unconformities separate major stratigraphic units. Grid calculations of our seismic data reveal variations in the sedimentation pattern of the basin with a shift of the deposition centre from east to west and backwards during formation. A distinct bottom-simulating reflector is commonly observed. Because the northern boundary of the continental fragments to the South of the West Luzon Basin is unclear we speculate that the basin may be (partly) underlain by continental crust. The continental crust was affected by rifting prior to and during the opening of the South China Sea and the basin was overprinted at a later stage by a forearc structural setting when subduction was initiated.  相似文献   

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