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利用北京地区2017年11月至2018年1月连续3个月的激光雷达资料和无线电探空数据,按照清洁天、污染天和多云天3种天气条件,对大气边界层高度的计算方法和结果进行对比分析。结果表明,基于激光雷达消光系数的梯度法、标准差法和小波法都能够较好地提取边界层高度。清洁天标准差法计算的边界层高度高于梯度法和小波法,08:00(当地时间,下同)和20:00由无线电探空得到的清洁天边界层高度平均值分别为1176 m和1224 m。污染天标准差法的计算结果要低于梯度法和小波法,污染天无线电探空得到的边界层高度平均值约为956 m,和清洁天相比降低了两百多米,重污染时最低降低至562 m,逆温层高度和PM2.5浓度具有明显的反相关关系。有云时,梯度法和小波法确定的边界层高度和云高非常接近,标准差法计算的结果略低。总体而言,气溶胶激光雷达计算的边界层高度随着污染等级的提高没有明显的降低趋势,相反在重度污染情况下反而有所增加,这可能是由于污染物的不断堆积导致的。梯度法确定的边界层高度易受到污染物传输过程的影响,略高于逆温层高度。另外,激光雷达确定的边界层高度受到残留层影响时,也会高于逆温层。  相似文献   

基于激光雷达资料的小波变换法反演边界层高度的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用小波变换法反演边界层高度时,不同小波母函数的选取可能得到不同的边界层高度。因此,对构造的白天及夜间激光雷达后向散射信号理想廓线进行Haar小波协方差变换,并对后向散射信号梯度廓线进行Morlet与Mexican Hat小波变换反演边界层高度。结果表明,宜采用Haar函数与Mexican Hat函数作为小波母函数,其中Haar函数准确性优于Mexican Hat函数,而Mexican Hat函数更易稳定。同时为了进一步检验3种小波变换法的反演结果对小波振幅的敏感性,通过改变小波母函数的小波振幅,发现无论是理想廓线还是叠加扰动的廓线,较大的小波振幅易得到比较稳定准确的白天边界层高度与夜间混合层高度。  相似文献   

本文利用2016年12月至2017年11月期间晴朗少云天气下的成都微脉冲激光雷达观测数据反演的混合层高度,与温江探空资料确定的混合层高度进行了对比和误差分析,结果表明:基于探空资料和激光雷达数据反演的混合层高度具有较好的一致性,两者相关系数达0.75,激光雷达反演的混合层高度略低于基于探空资料确定的值,在混合层高度为1000~2000m时,两种方法计算所得的值偏差幅度最小,约为20%;在1000m以内和2000m以上,偏差幅度略有增大,为26%;两种方法反演的混合层高度变化趋势较为一致,均呈现出12月、1月较低,4月、5月较高的特点;混合层高度具有明显的日变化特征:上午混合层高度迅速增高,午后增长速度减慢并发展到最大高度,日落后迅速降低;混合层内相对湿度的增加、残留层的存在是导致激光雷达反演混合层高度时产生较大误差的原因之一。  相似文献   

用激光雷达资料,采用小波变化法反演兰州远郊榆中地区兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)的边界层高度,并利用WRF中尺度数值模式,选取两种不同边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYJ)模拟了该地区边界层及其高度.分析表明激光雷达反演边界层高度与WRF模拟边界层高度结果基本一致;WRF选用YSU方案能较好反映热对流边界层,而MYJ方案对于动力作用边界层模拟较好.日出后08:00(北京时间,下同)SACOL不稳定边界层开始发展,17:00达到最大高度.热对流边界层可以达到2 km;动力作用边界层可达到1.5 km,之后热对流边界层下降速度明显高于动力作用边界层.  相似文献   

分别基于微波辐射计温湿度廓线资料的气块法、位温法和比湿法,地面气象资料的罗氏法及气溶胶激光雷达数据的梯度法,计算得出广州地区大气边界层高度,对比分析5种边界层高度结果及其与气象条件、空气质量之间的关系,结合典型大气污染过程分析边界层高度对PM2.5、O3浓度的影响。结果显示:(1)利用位温法、气块法、罗氏法、比湿法和梯度法计算得出广州地区平均边界层高度分别为2 207 m、1 239 m、901 m、717 m和660 m,位温法显著高估了广州地区的边界层高度;(2)利用气块法得出的混合层高度日变化能够较好地表征白天大气边界层演变特征,利用气块法和比湿法得出的白天混合层高度与近地面O3浓度有显著的正相关关系,相关系数在0.5以上,在O3污染防治中,应同时考虑边界层内垂直输送的影响;(3)利用梯度法得出的边界层高度在污染天气时与PM2.5浓度的相关性较好,能较好地表现出大气污染情况,在PM2.5污染天气过程分析中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

利用2019年11月5日至12月13日厦门国家高空气象观测站的无线电探空仪数据和同期布设的多普勒测风激光雷达资料,对比分析二者的风速风向和通过梯度法反演的边界层高度.结果表明:(1)风速和风向的决定系数R2分别达到0.91和0.98,一致性良好,450~1300 m高度范围内,对比效果最佳;(2)利用探空数据的温度廓线...  相似文献   

采用北京市国家大气探测试验基地2017年5月1日至2019年8月31日的微波辐射计观测结果,通过位温气块法反演了该地区的大气边界层高度,统计其日变化和月际变化特征,并与相应的探空反演结果进行对比.结果表明:日间大气边界层高度的变化特征与日照时长对应关系很好.除热力作用外,边界层高度受地面风速的影响较大,近地面的较强大风...  相似文献   

大气边界层的高度是污染物扩散模式、气候模式、大气模式的一个重要输入参数,边界层高度的变化对数值预报中的物理过程,天气预报的诊断分析,城市污染物的监控也有相当重要的作用。然而,边界层高度的连续监测缺乏有力的手段,风廓线雷达凭借其高时间分辨率和空间分辨率,加上其能够连续探测等优点,可以成为连续监测边界层高度的有效工具。利用协方差小波变换对风廓线雷达距离订正后信噪比数据进行分析,来确定边界层的高度,并与无线探空仪确定的边界层高度进行比较,通过分析得到:(1) 协方差小波变换应用于边界层高度的确定时,尺度因子a和平移因子b的选取很关键,不同的a和b值得到的结果可能差异很大,在计算过程中要仔细选择合适的值;(2) 质量控制对正确判断边界层高度至关重要,好的质量控制方法可以起到剔除突变点的作用,使确定的边界层高度更符合实际情况;(3) 在晴空条件下,如果边界层湍流不均匀及杂波影响较大时,梯度法将不适用,它容易受到大气湍流不稳定以及其他因素引起的信噪比突变而产生较大误差,而协方差小波变换法作为梯度法的改进,能够较好地确定边界层的高度;(4) 通过质量控制,小波变换法和探空仪确定的高度很一致,两者的相关系数达到0.87。   相似文献   

大气边界层具备一个重要特性,即在边界层顶部,气溶胶浓度在垂直分布上存在显著突变.利用该特性,采用主动遥感装置经过窗口平滑去除噪点后数据,提出基于梯度法改进的大气边界层高度反演方法——窗口标准偏差法.基于激光云高仪后向散射廓线数据,利用该方法反演边界层高度,在边界层高度下大气气溶胶混合均匀时,反演结果较为理想.在此基础上...  相似文献   

杨富燕  张宁  朱莲芳  朱焱 《高原气象》2016,(4):1102-1111
利用苏州地区2010年1月4,7,16日和2月4日4天的激光雷达及微波辐射计观测资料,比较了不同遥感手段探测晴天大气混合层高度的差异,发现试验期间该地区的混合层高度在300~1500 m之间。利用梯度法、标准偏差法、小波法从激光雷达数据中提取混合层高度并进行了对比,结果表明三种方法都能较好地反演混合层高度并且一致性较好,三者差异主要存在于大气边界层的发展和消亡阶段;梯度法和小波法结果无明显差异,而标准偏差法结果稍高于其他方法。在此基础上,利用微波辐射计探测的大气温度,使用温度梯度法估算大气混合层高度,并与激光雷达探测结果进行了比较,结果表明,大多数情况下激光雷达探测结果高于微波辐射计观测结果;两种遥感手段有较好的相关性,相关系数为0.76。激光雷达同微波辐射计结果存在差异,尤其是在边界层的发展和消散阶段,这是由两种遥感手段探测原理不同造成的。  相似文献   

The height of the atmospheric boundary layer is derived with the help of two different measuring systems and methods. From radiosoundings the boundary layer height is determined by the parcel method and by temperature and humidity gradients. From lidar backscatter measurements a combination of the averaging variance method and the high-resolution gradient method is used to determine boundary layer heights. In this paper lidar-derived boundary layer heights on a 10 min basis are presented. Datasets from four experiments – two over land and two over the sea – are used to compare boundary layer heights from both methods. Only the daytime boundary layer is investigated because the height of the nighttime stable boundary layer is below the range of the lidar. In many situations the boundary layer heights from both systems coincide within ±200 m. This corresponds to the standard deviation of lidar-derived 10-min values within a 1-h interval and is due to the time and space variability of the boundary layer height. Deviations appear for certain situations and depend on which radiosonde method is applied. The parcel method fails over land surfaces in the afternoon when the boundary layer stabilizes and over the ocean when the boundary layer is slightly stable. An automatic radiosonde gradient method sometimes fails when multiple layers are present, e.g. a residual layer above the growing convective boundary layer. The lidar method has the advantage of continuous tracing and thus avoids confusion with elevated layers. On the other hand, it mostly fails in situations with boundary layer clouds  相似文献   

BJ-RUC系统对北京夏季边界层的预报性能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以北京市观象台2010年8月、2011年8月每日3次 (08:00, 14:00, 20:00,北京时,下同) L波段探空秒间隔数据为实况,对BJ-RUC系统 (rapid updated cycle system for the Beijing area) 分析和预报边界层性能进行了初步评估。结果表明:BJ-RUC系统对北京地区夏季白天边界层的细致特征具有较好的预报能力,但也存在明显的系统性误差。08:00边界层偏冷; 14:00和20:00 1 km以下的边界层则显著偏暖, 边界层内明显偏湿。整体上模式对边界层内温度、湿度的预报误差均高于自由大气。该系统对北京地区边界层内早晨 (08:00) 从夜间山风向白天谷风环流过渡、午后 (14:00) 到日落后 (20:00)1500 m以下盛行西南偏南气流的日变化特征具有较强的预报能力。系统预报的14:00边界层顶高度与评估时段内实际对流边界层高度的变化趋势一致。但预报的对流边界层顶偏高,这与BJ-RUC系统采用YSU边界层参数化方案的垂直混合更强有关。  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis was applied to lidar observations to retrieve the planetary boundary layer height(PBLH)over Guangzhou from September 2013 to November 2014 over Guangzhou. Impact of the boundary effect and the wavelet scale factor on the accuracy of the retrieved PBLH has been explored thoroughly. In addition, the PBLH diurnal variations and the relationship between PM_(2.5) concentration and PBLH during polluted and clean episodes were studied. Results indicate that the most steady retrieved PBLH can be obtained when scale factor is chosen between 300-390 m. The retrieved maximum and minimum PBLH in the annual mean diurnal cycle were ~1100 m and ~650 m, respectively. The PBLH was significantly lower in the dry season than in the wet season, with the average highest PBLH in the dry season and the wet season being ~1050 m and ~1200 m respectively. Compared to the wet season, the development of PBLH in the dry season was delayed by at least one hour due to the seasonal cycle of solar radiation. Episode analysis indicated that the PBLH was ~50% higher during clean episodes than during haze episodes. The average highest PBLH in the haze episodes and clean episodes were ~800 m and ~1300 m,respectively. A significant negative correlation between PBLH and PM_(2.5) concentration(r =-0.55**) is discovered.According to China"Ambient Air Quality Standard", the PBLH values in good and slightly polluted conditions were 1/6-1/3 lower than that in excellent conditions, while the corresponding PM_(2.5) concentration were ~2-2.5 times higher.  相似文献   

Modifications of the widely used K-profile model of the planetary boundary layer (PBL), reported by Troen and Mahrt (TM) in 1986, are proposed and their effects examined by comparison with large eddy simulation (LES) data. The modifications involve three parts. First, the heat flux from the entrainment at the inversion layer is incorporated into the heat and momentum profiles, and it is used to predict the growth of the PBL directly. Second, profiles of the velocity scale and the Prandtl number in the PBL are proposed, in contrast to the constant values used in the TM model. Finally, non-local mixing of momentum was included. The results from the new PBL model and the original TM model are compared with LES data. The TM model was found to give too high PBL heights in the PBL with strong shear, and too low heights for the convection-dominated PBL, which causes unrealistic heat flux profiles. The new PBL model improves the predictability of the PBL height and produces profiles that are more realistic. Moreover, the new PBL model produces more realistic profiles of potential temperature and velocity. We also investigated how each of these three modifications affects the results, and found that explicit representation of the entrainment rate is the most critical.  相似文献   

Radiative aerosols are known to influence the surface energy budget and hence the evolution of the planetary boundary layer. In this study, we develop a method to estimate the aerosol-induced reduction in the planetary boundary layer height(PBLH) based on two years of ground-based measurements at a site, the Station for Observing Regional Processes of the Earth System(SORPES), at Nanjing University, China, and radiosonde data from the meteorological station of Nanjing. The observations show that increased aerosol loads lead to a mean decrease of 67.1 W m-2for downward shortwave radiation(DSR) and a mean increase of 19.2 W m-2for downward longwave radiation(DLR), as well as a mean decrease of 9.6W m-2for the surface sensible heat flux(SHF) in the daytime. The relative variations of DSR, DLR and SHF are shown as a function of the increment of column mass concentration of particulate matter(PM2.5). High aerosol loading can significantly increase the atmospheric stability in the planetary boundary layer during both daytime and nighttime. Based on the statistical relationship between SHF and PM2.5column mass concentrations, the SHF under clean atmospheric conditions(same as the background days) is derived. In this case, the derived SHF, together with observed SHF, are then used to estimate changes in the PBLH related to aerosols. Our results suggest that the PBLH decreases more rapidly with increasing aerosol loading at high aerosol loading. When the daytime mean column mass concentration of PM2.5reaches 200 mg m-2, the decrease in the PBLH at 1600 LST(local standard time) is about 450 m.  相似文献   

Although coherent Doppler wind lidar (CDWL) is promising in detecting boundary layer height (BLH), differences between BLH results are observed when different CDWL measurements are used as tracers. Here, a robust solution for BLH detections with CDWL is proposed and demonstrated: mixed layer height (MLH) is retrieved best from turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (TKEDR), while stable boundary layer height (SBLH) and residual layer height (RLH) can be retrieved from carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR). To study the cause of the BLH differences, an intercomparison experiment is designed with two identical CDWLs, where only one is equipped with a stability control subsystem. During the experiment, it is found that the CNR could be distorted by instrument instability because the coupling efficiency from free-space to the polarization-maintaining fiber of the telescope is sensitive to the surrounding environment. In the ML, a bias up to 2.13 km of the MLH from CNR is found, which is caused by the CNR deviation. In contrast, the MLH from TKEDR is robust as long as the accuracy of wind is guaranteed. In the SBL (RL), the CNR is found capable to retrieve SBLH and RLH simultaneously and robustly. This solution is tested during an observation period over one month. Statistical analysis shows that the root-mean-square errors (RMSE) in the MLH, SBLH, and RLH are 0.28 km, 0.23 km, and 0.24 km, respectively.  相似文献   

利用那曲地区的微脉冲激光雷达探测资料,采用梯度法获取了那曲地区白天混合层高度随时间的演变信息及混合层特征参数,结果表明混合层在上午发展缓慢,中午以后发展迅速,14:00(北京时)前后达到稳定;强烈的对流热泡活动导致混合层高度起伏较大,参数化反演得到的卷夹层厚度达到0.4~0.5 km,卷夹比在0.2左右。利用探空资料结合日最大位温资料,采用气块法得到了高原地区7个站点的每日最大混合层高度数据集。通过对由激光雷达和探空资料得到的最大混合层高度结果进行对比,发现二者有很好的一致性(相关系数0.85,均值偏差0.11 km,均方根误差0.30 km,并通过0.05显著性水平的t检验)。最大混合层高度在7个站点均有明显的逐日变化特征。从年均值看,最大混合层高度与海拔高度之间没有明显相关关系。从季节均值看,格尔木与都兰站表现出明显的春高冬低的分布特征,而其它五个站点则表现为春高夏低,表明高原地区的盆地地形和山地地形对混合层高度有显著而不同的影响。通过定义热力稳定度和确定特征气压层高度,利用热力稳定度与最大混合层高度之间良好的线性关系,获取了一种简便地获取最大混合层高度的统计方法。  相似文献   

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