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A non-linear optimization technique based on the quasi-Newton approach is employed to back-calculate certain model parameters of a simple, bounding surface, soil plasticity model from in situ pressuremeter data. The theoretical response corresponding to a given set of parameters is generated by finite element analysis. A semi-analytical procedure is developed for the accurate and efficient evaluation of the gradient of objective function with respect to the model parameters of interest. The BFGS update is used to update the Hessian. Results of a series of numerical experimentation using artificial pressuremeter responses is first reported and discussed. A set of laboratory cavity expansion data is then used to calibrate the constitutive model.  相似文献   

The protocol for analysis of rock-forming mineral compositions by X-ray electron probe microanalysis used at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russia, is described. The analysis is conducted with a JXA-8100 electron probe microanalyzer capable to support a highly stable beam at relatively high probe currents for a long time. Elements that can be assayed range from sodium (atomic number Z = 11) to zinc (Z = 30). The operation conditions for routine analyses are substantiated: accelerating voltage 20 kV, probe current 50–100 nA, and signal accumulation time 10 s at both the peak and the background. The method of analytical problem formulation for measurements is presented. It is proven that the proprietary software is insufficient with the presence of the binary matrix effect and better correction methods are required. Metrological characteristics of the protocol have been studied. The variation coefficient, describing the reproducibility of results, averages 0.9% for major components (C > 10%), 2.5% for minor components (1 < C < 10%), and 6.8% for accessory components (0.3 < C < 1%). With still lower contents (0.05 < C < 0.3 %), the standard deviation of reproducibility is 0.02%. The values of the variation coefficient and standard deviation for measurement repeatability are approximately two times lower. The relative trueness of the method is within 1%. The detection limit (3o criterion) is generally within 0.01-0.03%. It can be improved by an order of magnitude by increasing the accumulation time and probe current.  相似文献   

A simple method for calibrating the dual-porosity MACRO model via in situ TDR measurements during a brief infiltration run (2.8 h) is proposed with the aim of estimating local groundwater recharge (GR). The recharge was modeled firstly by considering the entire 3 m of unsaturated soil, and secondly by considering only the topsoil to the zero-flux plane (0–0.70 m). The modeled recharge was compared against the GR obtained from field measurements. Measured GR was 313 mm during a 1-year period (15 October 1990–15 October 1991). The best simulation results were obtained when considering the entire unsaturated soil under equilibrium conditions excluding the macropore flow effect (330 mm), whereas under non-equilibrium conditions GR was overestimated (378 mm).Sensitivity analyses showed that the investigation of the topsoil is sufficient in estimating local GR in this case, since the water stored below this depth appears to be below the typical rooting depth of the vegetation and is not available for evapotranspiration. The modeled recharge under equilibrium conditions for the 0.7-m-topsoil layer was found to be 364 mm, which is in acceptable agreement with measurements.
Resumen Se propone un método sencillo para calibrar el modelo de doble porosidad "MACRO" mediante medidas in-situ obtenidas por TDR durante un breve ensayo de infiltración (2,8 horas), con el objetivo de estimar la recarga local al acuífero. Ésta ha sido modelada de dos formas: considerando los 3 m de suelo no saturado y empleando sólo desde la capa superior hasta el plano de flujo nulo (de 0 a 0,70 m). Se compara la recarga modelada con la recarga local medida en campo, la cual fue de 313 mm durante un ciclo anual (del 15 de octubre de 1990 al 15 de octubre de 1991). Las mejores simulaciones corresponden a la hipótesis de columna entera no saturada en condiciones de equilibrio, excluyendo el efecto de macroporos (valor de 330 mm), mientras que el resultado obtenido para condiciones de no equilibrio en la recarga local está sobreestimado (378 mm).Los análisis de sensibilidad muestran que la investigación del horizonte superior del suelo es suficiente para estimar la recarga local en este caso, ya que el agua almacenada por debajo de esta profundidad parece estar fuera del alcance típico de las raíces de la vegetación y no puede ser evapotranspirada. La recarga modelada en condiciones de equilibrio para la capa superior de 0,70 m de espesor es de 364 mm, valor aceptable respecto a las medidas.

Résumé Une méthode simple pour la calibration du modèle à double porosité MACRO par des mesures TDR in situ durant un bref essai d'infiltration (2.8 h) a été proposée pour l'estimation locale de la recharge de la nappe (RN). La RN a été d'abord simulée en tenant compte de toute la zone non saturée (3 m) et ensuite, en considérant uniquement la couverture du sol entre zéro et le plan du flux nul (0.70 m). La RN simulée a été comparée à la RN observée. La RN mesurée durant une année (15 octobre 1990–15 octobre 1991) était de 313 mm. Les meilleures simulations ont été obtenues en tenant compte de toute la zone non saturée sous les conditions d'équilibre excluant le flux préférentiel (330 mm). Sous les conditions de non équilibre, la RN a été surestimée (378 mm).Les analyses de sensitivité ont montré que l'investigation de la couverture du sol est suffisante pour l'estimation locale de la RN du fait que l'eau traversant le plan du flux nul se trouverait sous la zone des racines et échapperait à l'évapotranspiration. La RN simulée sur les 0.70 m du sol sous les conditions d'équilibre était de 364 mm, ce qui est comparable aux mesures.

We present a 3-year study of concentrations and sulfur isotope values (δ34S, Δ33S, and Δ36S) of sulfur compounds in the water column of Fayetteville Green Lake (NY, USA), a stratified (meromictic) euxinic lake with moderately high sulfate concentrations (12-16 mM). We utilize our results along with numerical models (including transport within the lake) to identify and quantify the major biological and abiotic processes contributing to sulfur cycling in the system. The isotope values of sulfide and zero-valent sulfur across the redox-interface (chemocline) change seasonally in response to changes in sulfide oxidation processes. In the fall, sulfide oxidation occurs primarily via abiotic reaction with oxygen, as reflected by an increase in sulfide δ34S at the redox interface. Interestingly, S isotope values for zero-valent sulfur sampled at this time still reflect production and recycling by phototrophic S-oxidation. In the spring, sulfide S isotope values suggest an increased input from phototrophic oxidation, consistent with a more pronounced phototroph population at the chemocline. This trend is associated with smaller fractionations between sulfide and zero-valent sulfur, suggesting a metabolic rate control on fractionation similar to that for sulfate reduction. Comparison of our data with previous studies indicates that the S isotope values of sulfate and sulfide in the deep waters are remarkably stable over long periods of time, with consistently large fractionations of up to 58‰ in δ34S. Models of the δ34S and Δ33S trends in the deep waters (considering mass transport via diffusion and advection along with biological processes) require that these fractionations are a consequence of sulfur compound disproportionation at and below the redox interface in addition to large fractionations during sulfate reduction. The large fractionations during sulfate reduction appear to be a consequence of the high sulfate concentrations and the distribution of organic matter in the water column. The occurrence of disproportionation in the lake is supported by profiles of intermediate sulfur compounds and by lake microbiology, but is not evident from the δ34S trends alone. These results illustrate the utility of including minor S isotopes in sulfur isotope studies to unravel complex sulfur cycling in natural systems.  相似文献   

成矿系统:地球动力学的有效探针   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
笔者介绍了矿床研究促进地球动力学或大地构造研究突破的实例,证明成矿系统是理想的地球动力学探针。其原因之一是成矿系统往往由多种地质作用综合作用形成.更全面地记录了地质作用的信息;原因之二是矿床的研究程度高于其他类型的地质体.能够更准确地给卅地球动力学演化的信息。作为尝试,笔者初步建立了重要成矿系统与地球动力学背景之间的链接.提出了一些似可通过成矿系统研究而解决的重要科学问题。  相似文献   

Orbital-period variations of the eclipsing binaries FK Aql and FZ Del are analyzed. For each of the systems, a superposition of two cyclic variations of their orbital periods is found. FK Aql may be a quadruple system that contains two more bodies, besides the eclipsing binary, with masses M 3 ? 1.75M and M 4 ? 1.47M , and the corresponding periods 15 and 82 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.75M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 15 yrs, or with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.30M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 82 yrs. FZ Del may be a quadruple system with the additional componentmasses M 3 ? 0.2M and M 4 ? 0.3M , with the periods 10.2 and 53.7 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third-body mass M 3 ? 0.2M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 10.2 yrs. In both systems, the residual period variations could be due to magnetic cycles of the secondary. The period variations of the eclipsing binary FZ Del could also be due to apsidal motion, together with the influence of a third body or the effects of magnetic activity.  相似文献   

Computer-aided geometric design of geologic surfaces and bodies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bivariate quadratic simplicial B-splines are employed to obtain aC 1-smooth surface from scattered positional or directional geological data given over a two-dimensional domain. Vertices are generated according to the areal distribution of data sites, and polylines are defined along real geological features. The vertices and the polylines provide a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the domain. Note that the vertices do not generally coincide with the data sites. Six linearly independent simplex B-splines are associated with each triangle. Their defining knots and finite supports are automatically deduced from the vertices. Specific knot configurations result in discontinuities of the surface or its directional derivatives. Coefficients of a simplex spline representation are visualized as geometric points controlling the shape of the surface. This approach calls for geologic modeling and interaction of the geologist up front to define vertices and polylines, and to move control points initially given by an algorithm. Thus, simplex splines associated with irregular triangles seem to be well-suited to approximate and allow further geometrically modeling of geologic surfaces, including discontinuities, from scattered data. Applications to mathematical test as well as to real geological data are given as examples.  相似文献   

Fine scale profiles of the sedimentary formation factor, F, were obtained from measurements of resistivity at millimetre intervals in marine sediments. These profiles demonstrated that rapid decreases in diffusivity occurred in the upper few centimeters of both compact intertidal sands and fine silty muds. In the compact sands, a 70% decrease in the formation factor was observed within 2 cm of the interface. Close correlations were found between the formation factor and sediment porosity for both sediment types. Profiles of 1F predicted from these correlations and porosity profiles were very similar to those obtained from measurements of resistivity. These correlations also suggested that φ?3 is a better approximation of the formation factor in fine muds than the Archie relation φ?2. In both sediments, the interfacial value of the diffusion coefficient was estimated to be between ~74 and ~87% of its value in free solution, a value much higher than is normally assumed.  相似文献   

A new macroscopic constitutive model for non‐cohesive granular materials, with the focus on coarse‐sized materials (railway ballast), is presented. The model is based on the concepts of rate‐independent isotropic plasticity. The Backward Euler rule is used for integrating the pertinent evolution equations. The resulting incremental relations are solved in the strain space that is extended with the internal (hardening) variables. The model is calibrated using data from Conventional Triaxial Compression (CTC) tests, carried out at the University of Colorado at Boulder. A function evaluation method is used for the optimization, whereby a ‘multi‐vector’ strategy for choosing the appropriate start vector is proposed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple types of responses, such as displacements, ground water level, pore water pressures, water contents, etc., are usually measured in comprehensive monitoring programmes for rainfall-induced landslide prevention. In this study, a probabilistic calibration method for coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of slope stability is presented with integration of multiple types of measurements. A numerical example of a soil slope under rainfall infiltration is illustrated to compare the effects of single and multiple types of responses on parameter estimation and model calibration. The results show that the soil parameters can be estimated with less uncertainty and total uncertainty bounds are narrower with multiple types of responses than with a single type of response. Model calibration based on multiple types of responses can compromise different responses and hence the means and standard deviations of model error are the smallest. A feasible correlation coefficient between soil modulus and permeability can be obtained from model calibration with multiple types of responses and single type of response as long as the responses include displacement data.  相似文献   

高超 《铀矿地质》2011,27(2):120-122
通过对土壤氡浓度测量校正模型的应用和分析,初步建立了根据残留气体的土壤氡浓度校正方法,并在实际应用中论证了方法的可参考性及实用性。  相似文献   

基于GIS的地质图图切剖面计算机辅助编绘   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
图切剖面是区域地质图的重要组成部分,用于反映地下的地层和构造特征。传统的图切剖面是靠手工制作的,不但效率低下,而且不易保存和更新,作者研究开发了一种基于GIS的地质图图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统。其编绘过程主要包括以下几个步骤:(1)矢量化地质图的准备;(2)图切剖面的自动绘制;(3)人机交互修编与输出,本文以武汉市喻家山地质图的图切剖面编绘为例,证明该系统具有高效率,高质量的特征,可以满足现有各种比例尺的地质图图切剖面的制作要求。  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope studies of post-Archean terrestrial materials have focused on the ratio 34S/32S because additional isotopes, 33S and 36S, were thought to carry little information beyond the well-known mass-dependent relationship among multiple-isotope ratios. We report high-precision analyses of Δ33S and Δ36S values, defined as deviations of 33S and 36S from ideal mass-dependent relationships, for international reference materials and sedimentary sulfides of Phanerozoic age by using a fluorination technique with a dual-inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Measured variations in Δ33S and Δ36S are explained as resulting from processes involve branching reactions (two or more reservoirs formed) or mixing. Irreversible processes in closed systems (Rayleigh distillation) amplify the isotope effect. We outline how this new isotope proxy can be used to gain new insights into fundamental aspects of the sulfur biogeochemical cycle, including additional constraints on seawater sulfate budget and processes in sedimentary sulfide formation. The isotope systematics discussed here cannot explain the much larger variation of Δ33S and Δ36S observed in Archean rock records. Furthermore, Phanerozoic samples we have studied show a characteristic Δ33S and Δ36S relationship that differs from those measured in Archean rocks and laboratory photolysis experiments. Thus, high precision analysis of Δ33S and Δ36S can be used to distinguish small non-zero Δ33S and Δ36S produced by mass-dependent processes from those produced by mass-independent processes in Archean rocks and extraterrestrial materials.  相似文献   

The relationship between radiometric and biostratigraphic ages is analyzed by local empirical methods and illustrated in chronograms for the mesozoic and paleozoic stages. The chronograms allow estimates for stage boundaries and their errors. Consequently, the ages for epoch boundaries and their errors are discussed which, for several reasons, may not be identical with the age and error of the oldest stage of an epoch.The analysis results in a comparative time scale which could be a compromise between the time scales currently under discussion. A specific feature of the derived time scale is its rather strong cyclicity with periods around 74 (73±1) ma.
Zusammenfassung Alter und Fehlergrenzen für mesozoische und paläozoische Stufengrenzen werden mittels einer lokalen empirischen Schätzmethode neu berechnet. Daraus ergeben sich Schätzungen für die Alter und Fehler der Epochengrenzen, die aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht mit denen derältesten Stufe einer Epoche zusammenfallen.Die Auswertung der Chronogramme führt zu einer vergleichenden Zeitskala, die im wesentlichen einen Kompromi\ zwischen den gegenwärtig gängigen Zeitskalen darstellt. Bemerkenswert ist, da\ die Zeitskala ein hohes Ma\ an Zyklizität aufweist, wobei sich Perioden von 74 (73±1) ma ergeben.

Résumé Les relations entre les âges radiométriques et les âges biostratigraphiques sont analysées par des méthodes locales et empiriques. Elles sont présentées dans des chronogrammes se référant aux étages du MésozoÏque et du PaléozoÏque. Ces chronogrammes permettent d'estimer les limites d'étages et les erreurs de cette estimation. Les âges des limites de systèmes et leurs erreurs sont discutés en conséquence. Pour diverses raisons ils ne sont pas identiques à ceux de l'étage le plus ancien d'un système.L'analyse des chronogrammes aboutit à une échelle de temps comparative qui représente un compromis entre les échelles de temps couramment discutées. Une propriété remarquable de cette échelle est de faire apparaÎtre une cyclicité dont la période est de 74 (73±1) Ma.

- . , . , . , 74 (73 ± 1) .

储亚  刘松玉  蔡国军 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):452-458
为明确标定罐模型试验在室内模拟原位测试技术领域中的研究现状,根据国内外大量文献中相关标定罐模型试验的报道,对现今世界上已有的大型标定罐进行了总结,并对比分析了各个标定罐的优缺点以及标定罐的改进历程。介绍了国内外使用最为广泛的两种标定罐体系的相关研究内容,论述了影响标定罐模型试验的相关参数以及影响因素,并归纳了标定罐试验的应用研究结果。分析结果表明,标定罐模型试验在原位测试技术的应用研究具有很好的应用前景,且集边界条件控制、应力状态控制、土样控制等各种特点于一身;通过标定罐试验进行相关的土体参数的推算与验算,与之相应的原位试验进行对比,分析了不同土层的现场经验公式,可为原位试验的评价与分析提供依据。但是,标定罐试验的相关研究还需进一步的加强与扩展,目前主要是砂质土的相关研究,对于黏性土和特殊土尚缺少相关研究;原位测试参数方面也应加强对侧摩阻力、孔隙水压力等相关参数的试验研究。  相似文献   

Cyclostratigraphy postulates that the stratigraphic record cyclically encodes the periodic orbital forcing of terrestrial insolation, thus providing a time calibration. Regular cycles are sought using spectral analysis of lithological data series, but there are inherent ambiguities in this method. It may detect more cyclicities than conventional orbital forcing allows, but only those with the closest correspondence to estimated orbital frequencies are used for time calibration. Irregular cycles are subjectively defined in terms of non-rhythmic repetitions of facies. The calibrations assume that they record the spatially distorted sedimentary effects of orbitally forced periodicity in insolation. The null hypothesis that such non-rhythmic repetitions are autogenic, rather than orbitally forced, cannot, however, be rejected. Both types of cyclicity conform to an 'expected universe' where orbital forcing is reliably and recognisably encoded in the stratigraphic record. Neither form of cyclicity rules out the presence of hiatuses; thus, even if orbital in origin, neither can provide dependably refined, orbitally scaled, time calibration.  相似文献   

Acta Geotechnica - This paper presents an approach for the automatic parameter calibration (AC) of a hypoplastic constitutive soil model. The calibration software developed in this work simplifies...  相似文献   

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