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A detailed ore microscopic study strengthened by fire assay data of Al Wajh stream sediments (Wadi Al Miyah, Wadi Haramil and Wadi Thalbah) in northwestern Saudi Arabia shows economic concentrations of gold in the silt fraction (40–63 μm). However, particles of extremely fine “dusty” gold (≤40 μm in size) were also identified in most stations as independent grains. The maximum gold content in the samples of Wadi Al Miyah is 13.61 wt%, which is reported for the heavy fraction (<40 μm). Maximum gold content in the heavy fractions of Wadi Haramil stream sediments amounts 6.90 g/t Au in a relatively coarse fraction (63–125 μm). It appears that the most fertile heavy fraction in gold among the analysed samples are those from Wadi Thalbah that have the highest index figure, which makes the placer gold in them more profitable from the economic point of view. The gold content in the heavy fractions of samples from Wadi Thalbah is economically high lying in the range 6.27–28.83 g/t Au, except for a sample collected at the upstream with 0.77 g/t Au. Al Wajh stream sediments (including the beach light and black sands) are also rich in Fe–Ti oxides, rutile and zircon, whereas monazite and thorite are much lesser. Mineral chemistry of magnetite indicates a distinct titanomagnetite variety (with 3.85 wt% TiO2) which is consistent with the ore microscopic investigation. The titanomagnetite is V- and Cr-free, which indicates derivation from a more felsic source than a mafic one. No traces of U were found in zircon that sometimes bears up to 2.74 wt% Hf2O3. Chemical analyses of monazite show typical common contents of rare earth elements such as La, Ce, Nd and Sm. Thorite is either U-free or uranothorite varieties where the latter contains up to 31.79 wt% UO2. One of the U-free thorite grains is Y-bearing and contains 7.13 wt% Y2O3.
كيميائية المعادن من التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان في منطقة الوجه- شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية
توضح الدراسة المجهرية للخامات المعدنية والتي تعضدها بيانات التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان بمنطقة الوجه (وادي المياه، وادي حرامل، وادي ثلبة) في شمال المملكة العربية السعودية، أن هناك تركيزات اقتصادية للذهب في كسرة الغرين التي يتراوح حجمها من 40 إلى 63 ميكرومتر. في معظم الحالات المدروسة تم رصد حبيبات من الذهب الطليق متناهية الصغر (أقل أو تساوي 40 ميكروميتر). كما اتضح أيضا أن أعلى محتوى لفلز الذهب وجد في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة دقيقة الحجم المأخوذة من وادي المياه والتي تقدر 13.61 جرام/الطن. أما المحتوى الأعلى في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة الأكبر نسبيا في الحجم (تتراوح من 63 إلى 125 ميكروميتر) المأخوذة من الرواسب الوديانية بوادي حرامل يصل إلى 6.90 جرام/طن. ويبدو أن القطفات الثقيلة لرسوبيات وادي ثلبة الوديانية هي الأخصب من حيث محتوى الذهب وتلك العينات لها شكل مميز مما يجعل ذهب المراقد بذلك الوادي ذو ربحية مشجعة وذلك من الناحية الاقتصادية. وتتراوح التركيزات الاقتصادية للذهب في عينات وادي ثلبة بين 6.27 - 28.83 جرام/طن باستثناء عينة وحيدة تم تسجيل كمية ذهب بها لا تتعدى 0.77 جرام/طن. عينات الرواسب الوديانية بمنطقة الوجه (بما في ذلك الرمال الشاطئية السوداء والفاتحة اللون) غنية بمعادن خامات أكاسيد الحديد والتيتانيوم والروتيل والزيركون، بالإضافة إلى كميات أقل بكثير من معدني المونازيت والثوريت. وتوضح كيمياء المعادن أن معدن الماجنيتيت غني بالتيتانوماجنيتيت (ماجنيتيت تيتاني به 3.85% من ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم) وهو ما أثبتته أيضا الدراسة المجهرية. وهذا الماجنيتيت التيتاني لا يحتوي على عنصري الكروم والفاتيديوم مما يعطي دلالة على أن هذه الصخور فلسية أكثر منها مافية، وأن الزيركون الموجود لا يحتوي على عنصر اليورانيوم بينما يحتوي على أكسيد هافتيوم حتى 2.74%. أما التحاليل الكيميائية للمونازيت فإنها تظهر وجود كميات من العناصر الأرضية النادرة مثل اللانثاتوم والسيريوم والنيوديوم والسماريوم. أما معدن الثوريت فقد تم تسجيل نوعان منه أحدهما لا يحتوي على اليورانيوم أما الآخر فيحتوي على 31.79% من ثاني أوكسيد اليورانيوم. ولقد اكتشف في إحدى حبيبات الثوريت أنها لا تحتوي على اليورانيوم ولكنها تحتوي على عنصر أكسيد الأيتريوم تصل نسبته إلى 7.13%.

Different geophysical tools such as geoelectric, gravity, and magnetic have been applied to detect groundwater potentiality and structural elements, which controlled a geometry of the groundwater aquifers in the study area. Nineteen vertical electrical soundings measured using ABEM SAS 4000 equipment through Schlumberger configuration of AB/2 ranged from 1.5 to 1,000 m; the quantitative interpretation was carried out using manual and analytical techniques. The results of quantitative interpretation used to construct six geoelectrical cross-sections indicate that the subsurface sequence of the study area consists of seven geoelectrical units. These units are Quaternary sand sheet and sand dunes, Quaternary aquifer, marly limestone, clay, sandy clay, clay with sandstone intercalation, and deep Nubian sandstone aquifer. The isopach map of the Quaternary aquifer exhibits thickness of the Quaternary aquifer that increased at the northern and southern part (50 m) and decreased at the eastern and western part (5 m), and the depth of the aquifer increased at the northern part (40 m) and decreased at the central part to 6 m. The isoresistivity map of the aquifer shows a high resistivity at the northern part but the southern part reveals low resistivity according to the lithology. The water salinity increases in the direction of groundwater flow from 500 to 10,500 mg/l. The low water salinity is due to direct recharge from El-Sheikh Zayed Canal, which supplied fresh water to this area. Sixty-five gravity stations were measured using Auto-Grav gravity meter; different gravity corrections were applied on raw data. The corrected gravity values were plotted to represent a Bouguer anomaly map; the residual gravity anomaly map was used for delineation of the fault elements. The area was dissected by different fault elements of trends NW–SE, NE–SW, and E–W. In addition, 65 ground magnetic stations were measured at the same sites of gravity stations. The results of magnetic interpretation indicate that the depth of the basement is shallow at the western and southern parts of the area (4,500 m), but the central part exhibits greater depth of 7,900 m.
الملخص العربي   طرق جيوفيزيقية مختلفة مثل الكهربية الأرضية, التناقلية الأرضية والمغناطيسية الأرضية تم تطبيقها لتحديد إمكانية تواجد المياه الجوفية والتراكيب الجيولوجية التي تتحكم في إبعاد وهندسة الخزان الجوفي في منطقة الدراسة. تسعة عشر جسة كهربية عمودية تم قياسها باستخدام جهاز من شركة (ِ ABEM) ساس 4000 من خلال تشكيل شلمبرجير بمسافة بين القطبين أب /2 تبدأ من 1.5 متر حتى 1000 متر, التفسير الكمي تم علي البيانات باستخدام التفسير اليدوي والتحليلي. نتائج التفسير الكمي تم استخدامها لتشييد ست قطاعات جيوكهربية والتي أوضحت أن التتابع التحت سطحي لمنطقة الدراسة يتكون من سبعة وحدات جيوكهربية. هذه الوحدات هي صفائح من الرمال والكثبان الرملية للعصر الرباعي, الخزان الجوفي الرباعي, حجر جيري مارلي, طفلة, طفله رمليه, طفله متداخلة مع الرمل والخزان الجوفي النوبي. خريطة السمك للخزان الجوفي الرباعي تظهر أن سمك الخزان الجوفي الرباعي يزيد عند شمال وجنوب منطقة الدراسة (50 متر) ويقل عند الجزء الشرقي والغربي (5 متر). وعمق هذا الخزان الجوفي الرباعي يزيد عند الجزء الشمالي (40 متر) وينقص عمق الخزان الرباعي عمد وسط المنطقة (6 متر). خريطة المقاومة الحقيقية للخزان الجوفي الرباعي تبين أن المقاومة تزيد عند الجزء الشمالي وتقل المقاومة عند الجزء الجنوبي من منطقة الدراسة بناءا علي التكوين الصخري للطبقات. ملوحة المياه الجوفية تزيد في اتجاه سريان المياه من 500 مليجرام/لتر إلي 10500 مليجرام/لتر. نقص الملوحة المياه ناتج عن التسرب المباشر من قناة الشيخ زايد والتي تعتبر مصدر المياه العزبة في منطقة الدراسة. خمس وستون محطة تثاقيلية أرضية تم قياسها باستخدام اوتو-جرافميتر, العديد من تصحيحات الجاذبية الأرضية نم تطبيقها علي البيانات الأصلية. قراءات الجاذبية الأرضية المصححة تم رسمها علي خريطة لتمثل شاذات البوجير وتم استخدام خريطة الشاذات المحلية لتجديد التراكيب الجيولوجية (الفوالق). حيت أوضحت الدراسة أن المنطقة تأثرت بعده فوالق باتجاهات مختلفة مثل شمال غرب- جنوب شرق, شمال شرق-جنوب غرب وشرق-غرب. نتيجة تفسير بيانات المغناطيسية الأرضية أظهرت أن عمق ضجور القاعدة تكون ضحلة عند الجزء الغربي والجنوبي (4500 متر) وتكون ضجور القاعدة عميقة (7900 متر) عند الجزء الأوسط من منطقة الدراسة.

Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) were measured over 2-week seasonal field campaigns near Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir in south-central Idaho from the summer of 2005 through the fall of 2006 and over the entire summer of 2006 using automated Tekran Hg analyzers. GEM, RGM, and particulate Hg (HgP) were also measured at a secondary site 90 km to the west in southwestern Idaho during the summer of 2006. The study was performed to characterize Hg air concentrations in the southern Idaho area for the first time, estimate Hg dry deposition rates, and investigate the source of observed elevated concentrations. High seasonal variability was observed with the highest GEM (1.91 ± 0.9 ng m−3) and RGM (8.1 ± 5.6 pg m−3) concentrations occurring in the summer and lower values in the winter (1.32 ± 0.3 ng m−3, 3.2 ± 2.9 pg m−3 for GEM, RGM, respectively). The summer-average HgP concentrations were generally below detection limit (0.6 ± 1 pg m−3). Seasonally averaged deposition velocities calculated using a resistance model were 0.034 ± 0.032, 0.043 ± 0.040, 0.00084 ± 0.0017 and 0.00036 ± 0.0011 cm s−1 for GEM (spring, summer, fall and winter, respectively) and 0.50 ± 0.39, 0.40 ± 0.31, 0.51 ± 0.43 and 0.76 ± 0.57 cm s−1 for RGM. The total annual RGM + GEM dry deposition estimate was calculated to be 11.9 ± 3.3 μg m−2, or about 2/3 of the total (wet + dry) deposition estimate for the area. Periodic elevated short-term GEM (2.2–12 ng m−3) and RGM (50–150 pg m−3) events were observed primarily during the warm seasons. Back-trajectory modeling and PSCF analysis indicate predominant source directions to the SE (western Utah, northeastern Nevada) and SW (north-central Nevada) with fewer inputs from the NW (southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho).  相似文献   

The concentrations of twenty four chemical elements in the surface layer of natural desert soils and the cultivated farmland soils were measured at a desert-oasis ecotone in the middle of Heihe river basin, north-west China. Background values were estimated for (a) major elements (Si 335.3 g kg− 1, Al 49.4 g kg− 1, Fe 19.1 g kg− 1, Ca 29.4 g kg− 1, Mg 8.9 g kg− 1, K 20.1 g kg− 1, Na 17.5 g kg− 1 and P 0.338 g kg− 1), (b) heavy metals and non-metals (Cr 55.8 mg kg− 1, Mn 404.8 mg kg− 1, Ni 17.7 mg kg− 1, Cu 5.1 mg kg− 1, Zn 33.7 mg kg− 1, Pb 15.5 mg kg− 1 and As 5.2 mg kg− 1) and (c) other trace elements (Ti 2.0 mg kg− 1, V 55.3 mg kg− 1, Co 5.7 mg kg− 1, Rb 82.4 mg kg− 1, Sr 232.9 mg kg− 1, Y 14.7 mg kg− 1, Zr 194.9 mg kg− 1, Nb 7.8 mg kg− 1 and Ba 720.6 mg kg− 1). After natural desert soil was cultivated for agricultural use, significant changes in element concentrations occurred under tillage, irrigation and fertilisation management. Compared to natural soil, the for the levels of Si, K, Na, Sr, Zr and Ba decreased, and no changes were observed for Rb, while the values of the other 17 elements increase in agricultural soil from 1.2 to 3.5 times. However, their absolute concentrations are still low, suggesting that the arable soil in this region remains comparatively a clean soil. The increased silt, clay and organic carbon content, under long-term irrigation, enriched the fine-grained materials, and application of fertilisers and manure contributed to the accumulation of most elements in arable soil. The accumulation of elements in agricultural soil increased with increasing cultivation years and extent of soil development.  相似文献   

In this study, we measure proton, Pb, and Cd adsorption onto the bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans, Thermus thermophilus, Acidiphlium angustum, Flavobacterium aquatile, and Flavobacterium hibernum, and we calculate the thermodynamic stability constants for the important surface complexes. These bacterial species represent a wide genetic diversity of bacteria, and they occupy a wide range of habitats. All of the species, except for A. angustum, exhibit similar proton and metal uptake. The only species tested that exhibits significantly different protonation behavior is A. angustum, an acidophile that grows at significantly lower pH than the other species of this study. We demonstrate that a single, metal-specific, surface complexation model can be used to reasonably account for the acid/base and metal adsorption behaviors of each species. We use a four discrete site non-electrostatic model to describe the protonation of the bacterial functional groups, with averaged pKa values of 3.1 ± 0.3, 4.8 ± 0.2, 6.7 ± 0.1, and 9.2 ± 0.3, and site concentrations of (1.0 ± 0.17) × 10−4, (9.0 ± 3.0) × 10−5, (4.6 ± 1.8) × 10−5, and (6.1 ± 2.3) × 10−5 mol of sites per gram wet mass of bacteria, respectively. Adsorption of Cd and Pb onto the bacteria can be accounted for by the formation of complexes with each of the bacterial surface sites. The average log stability constants for Cd complexes with Sites 1-4 are 2.4 ± 0.4, 3.2 ± 0.1, 4.4 ± 0.1, and 5.3 ± 0.1, respectively. The average log stability constants for Pb complexes with Sites 1-4 are 3.3 ± 0.2, 4.5 ± 0.3, 6.5 ± 0.1, and 7.9 ± 0.5, respectively. This study demonstrates that a wide range of bacteria exhibit similar proton and metal adsorption behaviors, and that a single set of averaged acidity constants, site concentrations, and stability constants for metal-bacterial surface complexes yields a reasonable model for the adsorption behavior of many of these species. The differences in adsorption behavior that we observed for A. angustum demonstrate that genetic differences do exist between the cell wall functional group chemistries of some bacterial species, and that significant exceptions to the typical bacterial adsorption behavior do exist.  相似文献   

The Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC) has been regarded as Baltica passive margin metasediments telescoped eastwards onto the Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield during the Caledonian Orogeny. Recent studies have questioned this interpretation, instead pointing to a Neoproterozoic exotic origin. In an effort to resolve this controversy we present a Sm–Nd and U–Th–Pb study of gnessic units, traditionally considered as the depositional basement, along with cover rock sediments and intrusives. Late Palaeoproterozoic gneisses now beneath the KNC were deposited after 1948 ± 33 Ma, before intrusion of the Tjukkfjellet Granite at 1796 ± 3 Ma, and were affected by later melting events at 1765 ± 9 and 1727 ± 9 Ma. These gneisses are interpreted as part of the Baltic Shield and underlie the KNC across a tectonic contact. An unconformity between psammites of the KNC and other paragneisses previously considered as its Precambrian basement is reinterpreted as a modified sedimentary contact between Neoproterozoic metasediments. These metasediments have statistically very similar detrital zircon populations with grains as young as 1034 ± 22, 1025 ± 32 and 1014 ± 14 Ma. The results indicate that the KNC sediments were deposited during the Neoproterozoic in basins along the Laurentian margin of eastern Rodinia and were not connected to Baltica via a depositional basement. Dating of the 851 ± 5 Ma Eidvågvatnet and 853 ± 4 Ma Nordneset granites shows that intrusive material associated with the Porsanger Orogeny (c. 850 Ma) affected a considerable region of the upper KNC terrane. Later Neoproterozoic events at 711 ± 6, 687 ± 12 and 617 ± 6 Ma are also recognised the latest of which may be an expression of rifting. Since early Neoproterozoic magmatism (c. 840–690 Ma) is unknown in Baltica, these results support an exotic origin for the KNC terranes.  相似文献   

High precision U-Pb zircon ages for Mesozoic igneous rocks from Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixteen new high precision U-Pb zircon ages are reported from Jurassic and Early Cretaceous silicic volcanic and plutonic rocks of Hong Kong. When combined with the existing age dataset, the new ages constrain more tightly the timing of major periods of volcanism and plutonism at 162.6 ± 4.5 Ma, 146.7 ± 1.1 Ma, 143.0 ± 1.0 Ma and 140.8 ± 0.6 Ma. However, two ages of 151.9 ± 0.2 Ma and 148.1 ± 0.2 Ma, from eastern New Territories and southern Hong Kong indicate additional and therefore more continuous, albeit pulsed, magmatic activity than previously thought.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Fe was determined in water, Fe-oxides and sulfides from the Tinto and Odiel Basins (South West Spain). As a consequence of sulfide oxidation in mine tailings both rivers are acidic (1.45 < pH < 3.85) and display high concentrations of dissolved Fe (up to 420 mmol l− 1) and sulphates (up to 1190 mmol l− 1).The δ56Fe of pyrite-rich samples from the Rio Tinto and from the Tharsis mine ranged from − 0.56 ± 0.08‰ to + 0.25 ± 0.1‰. δ56Fe values for Fe-oxides precipitates that currently form in the riverbed varied from − 1.98 ± 0.10‰ to 1.57 ± 0.08‰. Comparatively narrower ranges of values (− 0.18 ± 0.08‰ and + 0.21 ± 0.14‰) were observed in their fossil analogues from the Pliocene–Pleistocene and in samples from the Gossan (the oxidized layer that formed through exposure to oxygen of the massive sulfide deposits) (− 0.36 ± 0.12‰ to 0.82 ± 0.07‰). In water, δ56Fe values ranged from − 1.76 ± 0.10‰ to + 0.43 ± 0.05‰.At the source of the Tinto River, fractionation between aqueous Fe(III) and pyrite from the tailings was less than would be expected from a simple pyrite oxidation process. Similarly, the isotopic composition of Gossan oxides and that of pyrite was different from what would be expected from pyrite oxidation. In rivers, the precipitation of Fe-oxides (mainly jarosite and schwertmannite and lesser amounts of goethite) from water containing mainly (more than 99%) Fe(III) with concentrations up to 372 mmol l− 1 causes variable fractionation between the solid and the aqueous phase (− 0.98‰ < Δ56Fesolid–water < 2.25‰). The significant magnitude of the positive fractionation factor observed in several Fe(III) dominated water may be related to the precipitation of Fe(III) sulphates containing phases.  相似文献   

More than 140 middle-small sized deposits or minerals are present in the Weishan-Yongping ore concentration area which is located in the southern part of a typical Lanping strike-slip and pull-apart basin. It has plenty of mineral resources derived from the collision between the Indian and Asian plates. The ore-forming fluid system in the Weishan-Yongping ore concentration area can be divided into two subsystems, namely, the Zijinshan subsystem and Gonglang arc subsystem. The ore-forming fluids of Cu, Co deposits in the Gonglang arc fluid subsystem have δD values between −83.8‰ and −69‰, δ18O values between 4.17‰ and 10.45‰, and δ13C values between −13.6‰ and 3.7‰, suggesting that the ore-forming fluids of Cu, Co deposits were derived mainly from magmatic water and partly from formation water. The ore-forming fluids of Au, Pb, Zn, Fe deposits in the Zijinshan subsystem have δD values between −117.4‰ and −76‰, δ18O values between 5.32‰ and 9.56‰, and Δ13C values between −10.07‰ and −1.5‰. The ore-forming fluids of Sb deposits have δD values between −95‰ and −78‰, δ18O values between 4.5‰ and 32.3‰, and Δ13C values between −26.4‰ and −1.9‰. Hence, the ore-forming fluids of the Zijinshan subsystem must have been derived mainly from formation water and partly from magmatic water. Affected by the collision between the Indian and Asian plates, ore-forming fluids in Weishan-Yongping basin migrated considerably from southwest to northeast. At first, the Gonglang arc subsystem with high temperature and high salinity was formed. With the development of the ore-forming fluids, the Zijinshan subsystem with lower temperature and lower salinity was subsequently formed. Translated from Mineral Deposits, 2006, 25(1): 60–70 [译自: 矿床地质]  相似文献   

At least three sets of moraines mark distinct glacial stands since the last glacial maximum (LGM) in the Three Sisters region of the Oregon Cascade Range. The oldest stand predates 8.1 ka (defined here as post-LGM), followed by a second between ∼ 2 and 8 ka (Neoglacial) and a third from the Little Ice Age (LIA) advance of the last 300 years. The post-LGM equilibrium line altitudes were 260 ± 100 m lower than that of modern glaciers, requiring 23 ± 9% increased winter snowfall and 1.4 ± 0.5°C cooler summer temperatures than at present. The LIA advance had equilibrium line altitudes 110 ± 40 m lower than at present, implying 10 ± 4% greater winter snowfall and 0.6 ± 0.2°C cooler summer temperatures.  相似文献   

We present high-precision measurements of Mg and Fe isotopic compositions of olivine, orthopyroxene (opx), and clinopyroxene (cpx) for 18 lherzolite xenoliths from east central China and provide the first combined Fe and Mg isotopic study of the upper mantle. δ56Fe in olivines varies from 0.18‰ to −0.22‰ with an average of −0.01 ± 0.18‰ (2SD, n = 18), opx from 0.24‰ to −0.22‰ with an average of 0.04 ± 0.20‰, and cpx from 0.24‰ to −0.16‰ with an average of 0.10 ± 0.19‰. δ26Mg of olivines varies from −0.25‰ to −0.42‰ with an average of −0.34 ± 0.10‰ (2SD, n = 18), opx from −0.19‰ to −0.34‰ with an average of −0.25 ± 0.10‰, and cpx from −0.09‰ to −0.43‰ with an average of −0.24 ± 0.18‰. Although current precision (∼±0.06‰ for δ56Fe; ±0.10‰ for δ26Mg, 2SD) limits the ability to analytically distinguish inter-mineral isotopic fractionations, systematic behavior of inter-mineral fractionation for both Fe and Mg is statistically observed: Δ56Feol-cpx = −0.10 ± 0.12‰ (2SD, n = 18); Δ56Feol-opx = −0.05 ± 0.11‰; Δ26Mgol-opx = −0.09 ± 0.12‰; Δ26Mgol-cpx = −0.10 ± 0.15‰. Fe and Mg isotopic composition of bulk rocks were calculated based on the modes of olivine, opx, and cpx. The average δ56Fe of peridotites in this study is 0.01 ± 0.17‰ (2SD, n = 18), similar to the values of chondrites but slightly lower than mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and oceanic island basalts (OIB). The average δ26Mg is −0.30 ± 0.09‰, indistinguishable from chondrites, MORB, and OIB. Our data support the conclusion that the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) has chondritic δ56Fe and δ26Mg.The origin of inter-mineral fractionations of Fe and Mg isotopic ratios remains debated. δ56Fe between the main peridotite minerals shows positive linear correlations with slopes within error of unity, strongly suggesting intra-sample mineral-mineral Fe and Mg isotopic equilibrium. Because inter-mineral isotopic equilibrium should be reached earlier than major element equilibrium via chemical diffusion at mantle temperatures, Fe and Mg isotope ratios of coexisting minerals could be useful tools for justifying mineral thermometry and barometry on the basis of chemical equilibrium between minerals. Although most peridotites in this study exhibit a narrow range in δ56Fe, the larger deviations from average δ56Fe for three samples likely indicate changes due to metasomatic processes. Two samples show heavy δ56Fe relative to the average and they also have high La/Yb and total Fe content, consistent with metasomatic reaction between peridotite and Fe-rich and isotopically heavy melt. The other sample has light δ56Fe and slightly heavy δ26Mg, which may reflect Fe-Mg inter-diffusion between peridotite and percolating melt.  相似文献   

The Sarcheshmeh copper mine smelter plant is one of the biggest copper producers in Iran. Long-time operation of about 25 years of the smelter plant causes release of potentially toxic heavy metals into the environment. In this paper, geochemical distribution of toxic heavy metals in 28 soil samples was evaluated around the Sarcheshmeh smelter plant. Soils developed over the nonmineralized and uncontaminated areas have an average background concentration of 41.25 mg kg−1 Cu, 26.6 mg kg−1 As, 12.7 mg kg−1 Pb, 0.9 mg kg−1 Sb, 1.9 mg kg−1 Mo, 1.7 mg kg−1 Sn, 0.2 mg kg−1 Cd, 0.15 mg kg−1 Bi, 235 mg kg−1 S and 73.4 mg kg−1 Zn, respectively. As a result of smelting process, the upper soil layers (0–5 cm) were polluted by Cu (>1,397 mg kg−1), Cd (>3.42 mg kg−1), S (>821 mg kg−1), Mo (>10.3 mg kg−1), Sb (>11.7 mg kg−1), As (>120.6 mg kg−1), Pb (>83.8 mg kg−1), Zn (>214.9 mg kg−1), and Sn (>3.7 mg kg−1), respectively. These values are much higher than the normal concentration of the elements in the uncontaminated soil layers. The elemental values decrease with distance travelled away of the smelter plant, especially at minimum wind direction. Furthermore, high contaminated values of Cu (8,430 mg kg−1), As (500 mg kg−1), Pb (331 mg kg−1), Mo (61 mg kg−1), Sb (56.2 mg kg−1), Zn (664 mg kg−1), Cd (17.2 mg kg−1), Bi (13.4 mg kg−1), and S (3,780 mg kg−1) were observed in the upper soil layers close to the smelting waste dumps. Sequential extraction analysis shows that about 270 mg kg−1 Cu, 28 mg kg−1 Pb, 50.33 mg kg−1 Zn, and 47.84 mg kg−1 As were adsorbed by Fe and Mn oxides. The carbonate phases include 151 mg kg−1 Cu, 28 mg kg−1 Pb, 25 mg kg−1 Zn, and 32.99 mg kg−1 As. Organic matter adsorbed 314.6 mg kg−1 Cu and 29.18 mg kg−1 Zn.  相似文献   

A novel one-step hydrothermal synthesis of 11 Å tobermorite, a cation exchanger, from a unique combination of waste materials is reported. 11 Å tobermorite was prepared from stoicheiometric quantities of cement bypass dust and waste container glass at 100 °C in water. The product also comprised 10 wt.% calcite and trace quartz as residual parent phases from the cement bypass dust. In a batch sorption study at 20 °C the uptakes of Cd2+ and Pb2+ by the waste-derived tobermorite product were found to be 171 mg g− 1 and 467 mg g− 1, respectively, and in both cases the removal process could be described using a simple pseudo-second-order rate model (k2 = 2.30 × 10− 5 g mg− 1 min− 1 and 5.09 × 10− 5 g mg− 1 min− 1, respectively). The sorption characteristics of the 11 Å tobermorite are compared with those of other waste-derived sorbents and potential applications are discussed.  相似文献   

We review a large body of available meteoritic and stellar halogen data in the literature used for solar system abundances (i.e., representative abundances of the solar system at the time of its formation) and associated analytical problems. Claims of lower solar system chlorine, bromine and iodine abundances from recent analyses of CI-chondrites are untenable because of incompatibility of such low values with nuclear abundance systematics and independent measurements of halogens in the Sun and other stars. We suspect analytical problems associated with these peculiar rock types have led to lower analytical results in several studies. We review available analytical procedures and concentrations of halogens in chondrites. Our recommended values are close to previously accepted values. Average concentrations by mass for CI-chondrites are F = 92 ± 20 ppm, Cl = 717 ± 110 ppm, Br = 3.77 ± 0.90 ppm, and I = 0.77 ± 0.31 ppm. The meteoritic abundances on the atomic scale normalized to N(Si) =106 are N(F) = 1270 ± 270, N(Cl) = 5290 ± 810, N(Br) = 12.3 ± 2.9, and N(I) = 1.59 ± 0.64. The meteoritic logarithmic abundances scaled to present-day photospheric abundances with log N(H) = 12 are A(F) = 4.61 ± 0.09, A(Cl) = 5.23 ± 0.06, A(Br) = 2.60 ± 0.09, and A(I) = 1.71 ± 0.15. These are our recommended present-day solar system abundances. These are compared to the present-day solar values derived from sunspots of N(F) = 776 ± 260, A(F) = 4.40 ± 0.25, and N(Cl) = 5500 ± 810, A(Cl) = 5.25 ± 0.12. The recommended solar system abundances based on meteorites are consistent with F and Cl abundance ratios measured independently in other stars and other astronomical environments. The recently determined chlorine abundance of 776 ± 21 ppm by Yokoyama et al. (2022) for the CI-chondrite-like asteroid Ryugu is consistent with the chlorine abundance evaluated for CI-chondrites here. Historically, the halogen abundances have been quite uncertain and unfortunately remain so. We still need reliable measurements from large, representative, and well-homogenized CI-chondrite samples. The analysis of F, Br, and I in Ryugu samples should also help to obtain more reliable halogen abundances. Updated equilibrium 50 % condensation temperatures from our previous work (Lodders, 2003; Fegley and Schaefer, 2010; Fegley and Lodders, 2018) are 713 K (F), 427 K (Cl), 392 K (Br) and 312 K (I) at a total pressure of 10−4 bar for a solar composition gas. We give condensation temperatures considering solid-solution as well as kinetic inhibition effects. Condensation temperatures computed with lower halogen abundances do not represent the correct condensation temperatures from a solar composition gas.  相似文献   

Several methods were evaluated and compared for the estimation of pyrite oxidation rates (POR) in waste rock at Mine Doyon, Quebec, Canada. Methods based on data collected in situ, such as the interpretation of temperature and oxygen concentration profiles (TOP) measured in the waste rock pile and pyrite mass balance (PMB) on solid phase samples were compared with the oxygen consumption measurements (OCM) in closed chamber in the laboratory. A 1-D analytical solution to a gas and heat transport equation used temperature and oxygen profiles (TOP) measured in the pile for the preliminary POR estimates at a site close to the slope of the pile (Site 6) and in the core of the pile (Site 7). Resulting POR values were 1.1 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 for the slope site and the core site, respectively. Oxidation rates based on pyrite mass balance (PMB) calculations for solid samples were 2.21 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 2.03 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1, respectively, for the same slope and core sites, but the difference between sites was within the error margin. The OCM measurements in the laboratory on fresh waste rock samples yielded higher POR values than field methods, with average oxidation rate of 6.7 × 10− 8 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. However, the OCM results on weathered and decomposed material from the rock stockpile (average oxidation rate 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) were consistent with results from the field-based estimates. When POR values based on fresh material are excluded, the remaining POR values for all methods range from 1.0 × 10− 10 to 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. The lowest estimated value (1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) was based on TOP estimates in the interior of the pile where oxygen transport was limited by diffusion from the surface. These results suggest that small-scale OCM laboratory experiments may provide relatively representative values of POR in the zones of waste rock piles in which oxygen transport is not dominated by diffusion.  相似文献   

Based on materials collected in 2003–2007, data on aquatic lichens of the genus Verrucaria from the rocky littoral zone of Lake Baikal are discussed. The maximum density of their occurrence was observed at a depth of 1.5 m; 95–100% of rock fragments recovered from depths of 1.5–2.2 m are encrusted by 24–43% with the thalli of Verrucaria spp. It was found that the lichens contribute actively to the physical and physicochemical weathering of their rock substrate and prefer to reside on the rocks of granitic composition. The chemical composition of aquatic verrucaria is dominated by the same elements that are most abundant in the rocks (Ca > K > Fe > Al > Mg > P > S > Na > Mn > Sr > Ba), and, in most cases, the characteristic element ratios of the rock compositions are preserved in the composition of the thalli of Verrucaria spp. Compared with the elemental composition of the near-bottom water layer, the lichens most extensively concentrate the elements that slowly migrate in water: Gd > Sm > Pr > Nd > Al > La > Dy > Tb > Y > Lu > Ce > Yb > Be > Tm > Co > Nb > Mn > Zn. Compared with the composition of rocks, the mineral composition of the thalli of Verrucaria spp. is enriched by a factor of 100–10 in Hg > As > P > Zn > Li > S > U > Mo > Se > Cd > Ca > Tl > Sr > Pb > Be.  相似文献   

Si stable isotopes in the Earth's surface: A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. Only few studies have attempted to use stable isotopes of Si as proxies for understanding the Si cycle and its variations in the past. By using three different methods (IRMS, MC–ICP–MS and SIMS), the overall measurements show that the isotopic composition (δ30Si) of terrestrial samples ranges from − 5.7‰ to + 3.4‰. Dissolved Si in rivers and seawater is 30Si-enriched (− 0.8‰ < δ30Si < + 3.4‰) compared to Si in endogeneous rocks (− 1.1‰ < δ30Si < + 0.7‰). This global enrichment is counterbalanced by the Si-bearing phases (biogenic silica, clays, quartz) where Si is, in average, 30Si-depleted (− 5.7‰ < δ30Si < + 2.6‰). These values are the result of fractionation which have been measured or estimated from − 0.3‰ to − 3.8‰. The fractionation is modeled by two types of approaches: the Rayleigh distillation model (closed system) and the steady-state model (open system). These models have been used in the most recent studies to explain the observed δ30Si variations in continental environments and in the sub-Antarctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Portales Valley, Sombrerete, and Northwest Africa (NWA) 176 are three unrelated meteorites, which consist of silicate mixed with substantial amounts of metal and which likely formed at elevated temperatures as a consequence of early impacts on their parent bodies. Measured 39Ar-40Ar ages of these meteorites are 4477 ± 11 Ma and 4458 ± 16 Ma (two samples of Portales Valley), 4541 ± 12 Ma, and 4524 ± 13 Ma, respectively (Ma = million years; all one-sigma errors). The Ar-Ar data for Portales Valley show no evidence of later open system behavior suggested by some other chronometers. Measured 129I-129Xe ages of these three meteorites are 4559.9 ± 0.5 Ma, 4561.9 ± 1.0 Ma, and ∼4544 Ma, respectively (relative to Shallowater = 4562.3 ± 0.4 Ma). From stepwise temperature release data, we determined the diffusion characteristics for Ar and Xe in our samples and calculated approximate closure temperatures for the K-Ar and I-Xe chronometers. Adopting results and interpretations about these meteorites from some previous workers, we evaluated all these data against various thermal cooling models. We conclude that Portales Valley formed 4560 Ma ago, cooled quickly to below the I-Xe closure temperature, then cooled deep within the parent body at a rate of ∼4 °C/Ma through K-Ar closure. We conclude that Sombrerete formed 4562 Ma ago and cooled relatively quickly. NWA 176 likely formed and cooled quickly ∼4544 Ma ago, or later than formation times of most meteorite parent bodies. For all three meteorites, the Ar-Ar ages are in better agreement with I-Xe ages and preferred thermal models if we increase these Ar-Ar ages by ∼20 Ma. Such age corrections would be consistent with probable errors in 40K decay parameters in current use, as suggested by others. The role of impact heating and possible disruption and partial reassembly of meteorite parent bodies to form some meteorites likely was an important process in the early solar system.  相似文献   

The Cobre–Babilonia vein system formed during a single major hydrothermal stage and is part of the Taxco district in Guerrero, southern Mexico. Homogenization and ice melting temperatures range from 160 to 290 °C and from − 11.6 to − 0.5 °C, respectively. We determined an approximate thermal gradient of 17 to 20 °C per 100 m using fluid inclusions. A thermal peak marked by the 290 °C isotherm is interpreted as a major feeder channel to the veins. The highest content of Zn + Pb in ore coincides with the 220 and 240 °C isotherms. Salinities of mineralizing fluids range from 0.8 to 15.6 wt.% NaCl equiv, and are distributed in two populations that can be related with barren or ore-bearing vein sections, with 0.8 to 6 wt.% NaCl equiv and 7 to 15.6 wt.% NaCl equiv, respectively. δ13C and δ18O water values from calcite from the Cobre–Babilonia vein system and the Esperanza Vieja and Guadalupe mantos range − 5.4‰ to − 10.4‰ and 9.9‰ to 13.4‰, respectively. δ34S values range from 0‰ to 3.2‰ and − 0.7‰ to − 4.3‰ in sphalerite, − 4‰ to 0.9‰ in pyrite, and − 1.4‰ to − 5.5‰ in galena. Both fluid inclusion and stable isotope data are compatible with magmatic and meteoric sources for mineralizing fluids. Also, sulfur isotope compositions suggest both magmatic and sedimentary sources for sulfur.  相似文献   

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