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二种测定海水中溶解氧方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑瑞芝  张钒 《海洋通报》1996,15(3):69-74

本文研究了海水中天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、组氨酸、赖氨酸、苏氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸和丙氨酸—r-MnOOH针铁矿之间相互作用的等温线,在pH8.10时等温线为Freundlich型。对针铁矿体系,Freundlich等温式中的常数K=0.0113~0.0303,1/n=0.979~1.41;而对r-MnOOH体系,K=0.0195~0.0490,1/n=0.571~0.774。氨基酸与r-MnOOH之间的相互作用强于与针铁矿的相互作用,该结论与交换率(%)-pH曲线的实验结果一致。这与r-MnOOH以碱性表面基团M—O,而针铁矿以酸性表面基团M—OH为主相关。  相似文献   

本文探索了基于电位滴定原理的海水总碱度分析仪的校准方法。利用称量法可以实现进样管容量误差的校准,盐酸容量误差小于等于0.1%;分别利用海水总碱度标准样品和标准物质碳酸钠作为参考标准物质进行校准方法研究,实验结果表明海水总碱度标准样品和碳酸钠两种参考标准物质均可用来校准海水总碱度分析仪,相对误差绝对值均小于0.1%,首次...  相似文献   

首次把 SDS:OP乳化剂复配微乳的增溶增敏性应用于海水中硼的分光光度法测定研究中 ,确定了最佳实验条件 ,改进了现有的姜黄法。该方法的精密度为 8.9× 10 -3 ,回收率为 10 4 % ,硼浓度在 0~ 1.2 0μg/m L范围内遵守比耳定律。摩尔吸光系数为 1.5 9× 10 5,检出限为 0 .0 0 6 9μgm L-1。结果表明该方法可广泛应用于海水及其它水体中硼的水相直接显色分光光度测定  相似文献   

控释海水植物肥中氮、磷的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价控释肥的肥效,探讨、建立了相应的氮、磷测定方法。用硫酸作消解剂,消解液可以同时被用来测定氮、磷。钼锑抗坏血酸络合物作为显色剂,用紫外可见分光光度计测定磷的浓度;用改良式微量凯氏定氮蒸馏滴定法测定氮的含量。该方法灵敏、准确,易操作。用海水浸泡自制的控释海水植物肥样品(编号:MRF-0201.中速型),运用建立的氮、磷测定方法测定浸取液中的氮、磷含量,实验证明该方法可以用于研究控释海水植物肥在海水中的氮、磷的化学动力学行为。  相似文献   

阎雪姣  王江涛 《海洋科学》2012,36(5):103-108
对测量海水中总溶解氮(TDN)的两种常用方法——高温燃烧法和过硫酸钾氧化法进行了比较。结果表明,两种方法在空白、精密度和准确度实验中不存在显著差异。对不同化合物的回收率均在92%~107%之间,加标回收实验回归曲线的斜率分别为0.93和0.92。对于现场海水样品的测定结果,两个断面拟合的斜率分别为0.92和0.97。HTC法比PO法对实际海水样品的氧化效率略高,在操作上也更方便、快捷。因此,高温燃烧法更适合海水中总溶解氮(TDN)的测定。  相似文献   

建立了一种适用于海洋远程快速检测氰化物的检测方法,设计了一体化检测装置,未来可搭载到无人艇上实现自动快速检测。针对最佳检测条件进行了一系列优化,得到最佳检测条件:对于100 mL的待测样品,加入酒石酸固体1.5 g;用1~2滴浓度为150 g/L的碳酸钠溶液浸润苦味酸试纸;加热温度80℃,加热时间10min。在最佳检测条件下,检测检出限达0.3mg/L。该方法实现了适用于海水氰化钠的远程检测,大大提高了检测效率,无需人员进入污染现场,安全性高。可广泛用于海洋危化品泄漏、湖泊污染、现场应急筛选等场合的水体样品快速检测。  相似文献   

本文对TOA萃取剂萃取钍适宜的操作条件及萃取溶剂进行了试验,提出了TOA/苯萃取234Th的最佳条件: 在 1cm3含 234Th的 6mol/dm3 HNO3 溶液中,用体积比为 0. 5的TOA/苯溶液 2cm3 萃取,然后用 2cm3 1. 0mol/dm3 H2SO4反萃取,最高萃取率达 94%.对TOA/苯、TBP/煤油和TTA/苯这 3种萃取体系的萃取效率及其影响因素、萃取机理、成本等做了比较,认为 3种体系各有利弊,但均可有效地应用于相关的海洋学研究中.  相似文献   

海水中重金属铅的检测方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏庆梅  秦伟 《海洋科学》2009,33(6):105-111
铅(Pb)是已知毒性最大的重金属污染物之一,它可通过呼吸以及饮食摄入人体.铅是一种慢性的积累性毒物和潜在的致癌、致突变物质.铅的性质与钙类似,在人体骨骼中能够积蓄,主要损害神经系统、造血器官和肾脏 [1].鉴于重金属铅对人体如此严重的生物毒性作用,美国环保总局(EPA)将其列入内分泌干扰物(又称环境激素)名单,因此对环境水体中铅的检测具有重要意义.本文简述了海水中铅的含量及其存在形态,评述了原子光谱法、分子光谱法、质谱法及电化学法在海水中铅含量及其形态分析中的应用.  相似文献   

A comparative study of three methods for the determination of iodate-iodine in seawater is described. In one method the iodate is determined polarographically while in the others the iodate is determined colorimetrically as iodonium ions. In one of the colorimetric methods each sample is pre-treated with excess iodine-water in an attempt to eliminate suspected interference from naturally occurring reducing agents. The tests were conducted on a selection of open-ocean and near-shore waters with iodate concentrations ranging from 0 to 60 μg 1?1-I. The tests indicated that the polarographic method and the colorimetric method without iodine-water give the more reliable measurement of iodate concentration. Also, the method with iodine water was found to be in error especially at low iodate concentrations. Reducing agents, if present, were found not to interfere significantly.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of all four CO2 parameters [fCO2 ( = fugacity of CO2), pH, TCO2 ( = total dissolved inorganic carbon), and TA ( = total alkalinity)] were made on the same sample of Gulf Stream seawater (S = 35) as a function of temperature (5–35 °C) and the ratio of TA/TCO2 (X) (1.0–1.2). Overall the measurements were consistent to ±8 μ atm in fCO2, ± 0.004 in pH, ± 3 μ mol kg−1 in TCO2, and ± 3 μ mol kg−1 in TA with the thermodynamic constants of Goyet and Poisson (1989), Roy et al. (1993), and Millero (1995). Deviations between the measured pH, TCO2, TA and those calculated from various input combinations increase with increasing X when the same constants are used. This trend in the deviations indicates that the uncertainties in pK2 become important with increasing X (surface waters), but are negligible for samples with the lower X (deep waters). This trend is < 5 μ mol kg−1 when the pK2 values of Lee and Millero (1995) are used.The overall probable error of the calculated fCO2 due to uncertainties in the accuracy of the parameters (pH, TCO2, TA, pK0, pk1, and pK2) is ± 1.2%, which is similar to the differences between the measured values and those calculated using the thermodynamic constants of Millero (1995).The calculated values of pK1, (from fCO2-TCO2-TA) agree to within ± 0.004 compared to the results of Dickson and Millero (1987), Goyet and Poisson (1989), Roy et al. (1993), and Millero (1995) over the same experimental conditions. The calculated values of pK2 (from pH-TCO2-TA) are in good agreement (± 0.004) with the results of Lee and Millero (1995) and also in reasonable agreement (± 0.008) with the results of Goyet and Poisson (1989), Roy et al. (1993), and Millero (1995). The salinity dependence of our derived values of pK1 and pK2, (S = 35) can be estimated using the equations determined by Millero (1995).  相似文献   

以3种壳色虾夷扇贝(Mizuhopecten yessoensis)(枫叶贝、红贝、白贝)为实验材料,将在15℃暂养的3种壳色虾夷扇贝分别驯化至20,22,24和26℃4个温度梯度(升温幅度为1℃/d),待各处理组达到对应温度梯度后暂养7 d,测定比较3种壳色虾夷扇贝的存活率、耗氧率和排氨率、抗氧化酶活力和热激蛋白HSP70表达等指标。结果表明:随着温度的升高,3种壳色的虾夷扇贝的存活率呈先上升后下降趋势,其中,白壳色虾夷扇贝的存活率在同一处理组中最高;3种壳色的虾夷扇贝耗氧和排氨率均随温度升高呈现先升高后降低的趋势,同一温度处理组下白壳色虾夷扇贝的代谢率始终高于红贝和枫叶贝;另外,总抗氧化能力(total-antioxidant capacity,T-AOC)、超氧化物歧酶(activity of superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)、过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)4种免疫酶的活性随温度升高也呈现先升高后降低的趋势,且同一温度处理组下白壳色虾夷扇贝的免疫酶活力始终高于红贝和枫叶贝;3种壳色虾夷扇贝鳃HSP70的表达模式基本相同,随着温度的逐渐升高,HSP70持续表达,到26℃时表达量最高,且白壳色扇贝HSP70的相对表达量最高为5.07。综上,白壳色虾夷扇贝在高温应激下表现出较强的抵抗和耐受能力,因此,可将其作为后期耐高温型虾夷扇贝新品系的重要培育材料。  相似文献   

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