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由国家海洋局主办,1986年8月26日至29日“气候变化和海洋联合委员会”(CCCO)官员会议在京举行。 “气候变化和海洋委员会”是国际政府间海洋学委员会(IDC)和海洋研究科学委员会(SCOR)共同发起组织的专业性联合委员会,负责制定世界气候研究计划(WCRP)海洋科学部分及其实施方案,在国际海洋、气象学界具有较广泛的影响。 会议代表有的来自发达国家如美国、法国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的代表,也有来自第三世界国家如墨西哥的代表,他们都是海洋学界的专家。我国除两名正式代表出席会议以外,还有国家海洋局及国家气象局的七名专业人员列席了会议。  相似文献   

海洋水文物理学是海洋科学的一个重要组成部分。它主要研究:(1)海水温、盐、密度等水文要素的分布变化及其规律,水团类型和海流系统的划分及其消长变化等问题(海洋水文学);(2)海水各种类型的运动状态,如海流、波浪、潮汐等及其产生的机制和变化规律等问题(动力海洋学)。它和研究海水的声、光、电、磁等现象的海水物理学合而组成海洋物理学。  相似文献   

文章根据对国家有关生态文明建设政策的解读,明确海洋生态文明建设的主要内容,即以沿海地区经济的发展维护海洋生态环境平衡、以海洋生态环境的平衡为沿海地区经济发展开辟空间以及以沿海地区经济的发展和海洋生态环境的平衡促进海洋文化的进步,同时明确生态优先和激励约束并举的建设原则。在此基础上,结合我国海洋领域的法律、法规和政策,根据生态文明体制改革的总体精神,针对海洋生态环境资源方面的突出问题和需求,提出构建我国海洋生态文明建设制度体系的初步设想:兼顾物质文明和精神文明,海洋生态文明建设的核心制度应包含产业发展制度、生态环境资源发展制度和海洋文化发展制度,尤其是生态环境资源发展制度中应包括预防性制度、管控型制度和救济性制度;各项制度相辅相成,共同促进我国海洋生态文明建设的发展。  相似文献   

信息技术的快速发展,带动海洋数据快速积累,海洋已经进入大数据时代。海洋大数据即是在当前大数据时代背景下,大数据技术在海洋领域的科学实践,具有大体量(Volume)、多样性(Variety)、快速流转(Velocity)和高价值(Value)的"4V"特征,是在大数据的理论指导和技术支撑下的价值实现,也是实施海洋强国战略、开发海洋资源、拉动海洋经济、维护国家海洋权益的重要基础。本文讨论了海洋大数据的内涵和外延,从数据特征、数据种类的角度对海洋大数据进行了全面的定义;并详细介绍了海洋大数据的应用领域;进一步阐述了海洋大数据平台建设的关键技术问题及其在海洋大数据服务平台实例中的应用;从数据共享、数据管理和数据安全的角度,探讨了海洋大数据面临的挑战和机遇;最后对未来海洋大数据的发展趋势和方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着我国海洋经济增速放缓,依靠简单的资源投入的粗放式生产方式已难以满足现代海洋产业的需要,而科技创新和产业结构升级既是拉动海洋经济增长的重要引擎,也是海洋产业发展的重要着力方向。文章选取2009—2021年全国海洋经济数据以及2009—2019年沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)海洋产业经济数据,研究了海洋科技创新、海洋产业结构升级对海洋经济增长的独立影响以及协同影响,并建立了以产业结构升级为门槛变量,科技创新水平影响海洋经济发展的门槛模型。研究结果表明:科技创新、产业结构升级水平对海洋经济发展表现出显著的正向促进作用,同时这二者的协同效应也能够激励海洋经济水平的提升;科技创新促进海洋经济水平增长的过程中有门槛效应存在,跨过门槛值后,科技创新对海洋经济水平的促进影响程度会大幅度提升。  相似文献   

浙江省在全国沿海发展战略中具有重要的地位,但从制度和机制层面看,由于法律协调机制的缺位和海洋法制建设的滞后性使浙江海洋经济的发展总体上呈现出一些不可持续状况。如何进一步提高海洋自然资源整体开发利用程度,防止因局部海域过度利用而加剧资源衰退和环境污染状况的蔓延,依赖于建立有效的法律保障机制,深化居民的海洋经济法治意识,完善涉海法律法规,理顺海洋管理体制,加强海洋执法队伍建设,从而使浙江海洋经济走上可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

略论浙江省地方性海洋法规的建设与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地方性海洋法规是指有立法权的地方国家机关,制定、修改和废止在本地区适用的海洋或涉海地方性法规和规章的活动。地方性海洋法规作为国家海洋法律体系的重要组成部分,对沿海地区经济和社会发展正起着越来越重要的规范、调整和保障作用。但是由于地方立法水平有限,相关部门利益冲突等原因,地方性海洋法规存在许多亟须完善的地方。  相似文献   

海洋伏季休渔制度是一项重要的渔业资源养护管理制度。该制度自1995年实施以来取得了良好的效果,同时在国际上也产生了积极的影响。作为渔业管理领域中最为重要的制度之一,海洋伏季休渔制度目前只是一项渔业政策和措施,并没有上升到国家的法律和法规层面,该制度的效力远不能从根本上解决我国海洋渔业资源养护和可持续发展的问题。因此,文章对海洋伏季休渔制度的具体内容进行了深度分析,从法律与政策的关系出发,通过探讨国家立法、执法以及渔民守法等方面存在的问题,指出海洋伏季休渔制度作为一项渔业政策向法律和法规转变的必要性和条件,建议推动伏休政策的立法转变、加强渔业执法监督体制和加强政府对渔民的扶持政策。旨在进一步促进实施该制度,为海洋渔业资源的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

郑贵斌 《海洋科学》2005,29(4):11-16
以“解剖态势、研究机理、寻找对策”为旨意,对我国海洋新兴产业增长点进行走势分析与规律研究,探讨发展的机理,分析障碍因素,提出产业政策和发展途径。作者认为,我国海洋新兴产业的增长点,已经进入成长期,具备了规模化、社会化发展的条件。要使其健康、持续发展,必须深入研究其演进中独具特点的众多因素、条件的运作机理。从海洋资源、环境、技术、产业所形成的供求约束综合分析,应认识和掌握三方面的运作机理:(1)资源不确定性、环境外部性对海洋新兴产业发展的影响及其校正;(2)海洋高新技术商品化、产业化、社会化的依次递进与协调运作机理;(3)市场机制与政府行为引导海洋新兴产业健康发展的协调机理。促进海洋新兴产业增长点的规模化、社会化发展,必须制定科学的扶持政策体系,寻求新的发展途径。  相似文献   

海洋产业是指人类在海洋和滨海地区开发利用海洋资源和空间进行经济生产活动而形成的产业。海洋产业的划分,可按传统产业发展顺序划分,也可按我国现行的一、二、三产业划分。按海洋产业发展顺序可划分为传统海洋产业(如海洋运输业、海洋渔业、海洋盐业等)、新兴海洋产业(如海洋油气业、滨海旅游业、滨海砂矿业及海洋服务业等)和未来海洋产业(如海洋能利用、海水化学资源开发业、海洋工程等)。随着现代海洋战略资源的不断发现和科技的迅速发展,世界上越来越多的国家把解决当代人类所面临的人口、资源、环境等三大问题的出路寄希望于海洋。尤其是一些临海的发达国家,不惜巨资,组织许多有成就的科学家投身于海洋战略研究和海洋开发规划的制定中,以谋求加速本国海洋开发的步伐。  相似文献   

Major earthquakes occurred in the region of the Central Kuril Islands on November 15, 2006 (M w = 8.3) and January 13, 2007 (M w = 8.1). These earthquakes generated strong tsunamis recorded throughout the entire Pacific Ocean. The first was the strongest trans-Pacific tsunami of the past 42 years (since the Alaska tsunami in 1964). The high probability of a strong earthquake (M w ≥ 8.5) and associated destructive tsunami occurring in this region was predicted earlier. The most probable earthquake source region was investigated and possible scenarios for the tsunami generation were modeled. Investigations of the events that occurred on November 15, 2006, and January 13, 2007, enabled us to estimate the validity of the forecast and compare the parameters of the forecasted and observed earthquakes and tsunamis. In this paper, we discuss the concept of “seismic gaps,” which formed the basis for the forecast of these events, and put forward further assumptions about the expected seismic activity in the region. We investigate the efficiency of the tsunami warning services and estimate the statistical parameters for the observed tsunami waves that struck the Far Eastern coast of Russia and Northern Japan. The propagation and transformation of the 2006 and 2007 tsunamis are studied using numerical hydrodynamic modeling. The spatial characteristics of the two events are compared.  相似文献   

Exploration for oil at Northstar has been long and costly. Northstar leases were first acquired in 1979 at a joint state and federal sale by Shell Oil, Amerada Hess, and Texas Eastern. The Northstar Unit is 6 mi offshore and about 4 mi northeast of the Point McIntyre Field. Oil was first discovered in Shell's Seal Island 1 in 1983. Five additional appraisal wells were drilled (1983-1986) from two man-made gravel islands in 40 ft of water. Early engineering estimates put the cost of development at $ 1.6 billion. In February 1995, BP Exploration (Alaska) acquired a 98 % interest in the Northstar Unit from Amerada Hess and Shell Oil. When developed by BP, Northstar will be the first oil produced from federal leases in Alaska. To date, the oil industry has invested in excess of $ 140 million in exploration and appraisal operations. An additional $ 90 million was spent on lease bonus bids. The giant Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk Fields lie along the Barrow Arch. This arch is bounded to the north by a rift margin that deepens into the present-day offshore region. Northstar is located among a series of down-stepping faults off this northern rift margin of the Prudhoe Kuparuk high. The structure is a gently south-dipping northwest-trending faulted anticline. The crest of the structure is located near 10,850 ft subsea. The primary reservoir is the Ivishak Formation (325 ft thick) of the Sadlerochit Group. This is the same primary reservoir at Prudhoe Bay, approximately 12 mi to the south. At Northstar the Ivishak is a high-energy, coarse-grained conglomeratic facies of the Ivishak Formation. The primary lithology is a pebbly chert to quartz conglomerate with occasional sandstone. This very high net to gross reservoir appears to contain no regionally continuous permeability barriers. Cementation has reduced primary porosity to less than 15 %. Accurate porosity estimates are difficult to make due to the coarse-grained nature of the lithology and the presence of kaolinite and microporous chert. Permeability is highly variable, but averages 10 to 100 mDarcies. Oil is a very light and volatile 42 API crude with approximately 2,100 ft3 of gas per stock tank barrel of oil. This oil is very different from the heavier oils (26) found to the south in Prudhoe Bay. Estimated recoverable oil reserves range from 100 to 160 million barrels. A free-standing drilling rig is required at Northstar because the reserves are beyond extended-reach drilling techniques from shore-based facilities. The current development plan is to expand the existing Seal Island to about 5 acres. This is significantly less than Endicott's 40-acre island. The proposed drilling and produc tion island will be accessed by summer barges and winter ice roads. Oil, gas, and water will be processed at a stand-alone facility and then sent to shore via a subsurface pipeline. Northstar will have the first Arctic subsea pipeline in Alaska to transport oil to shore facilities (TAPS). Preliminary tests in Spring 1996 were very successful in demonstrating the technology to successfully bury a subsea pipeline safely in the Arctic.  相似文献   

A central theme of the ongoing GEOTRACES program is to improve the understanding of processes occurring at ocean interfaces with continents, sediments, and ocean crust. In this context, we studied the distributions of Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb around the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR) in total dissolvable (td), dissolved (d), and labile particulate (lp) fractions, which represent a fraction in unfiltered samples, filtered samples through an AcroPak capsule filter, and the difference between td and d, respectively. Al and Fe were dominated by lp-species, while Ni, Zn, and Cd were dominated by d-species with undetectable amounts of lp-species. Major findings in this study are as follows: (1) The continental margin (CM) provided large sources of Al, Mn, Fe, and Co from the surface to ~2000 m in depth. The supply from CM caused high surface concentrations of dMn and dCo, a subsurface (100–300 m depth) maximum of dCo, and intermediate (500–2000 m depth) maxima of lpAl and lpFe. The supply of dFe from CM was ~10 times that from the high-temperature hydrothermal activity at station BD21, which is located at ~3 km from the Middle Valley venting site and ~ 200 km from Vancouver Island. (2) DPb was maximum at the top layer of North Pacific Intermediate Water, probably owing to isopycnal transport of anthropogenic Pb via advection of subducted surface waters. Although dCo and dPb had different sources in the upper water, they showed a strong linearity below 300 m (r 2 = 0.95, n = 38), indicating concurrent scavenging. (3) A high-temperature hydrothermal plume occurred at a depth of 2300 m at BD21, accounting for maxima of dAl, dMn, dFe, lpCu, and lpPb and a minimum of dCu. (4) Strong bottom maxima of lpAl, lpMn, lpFe, lpCo, and lpPb occurred above the abyssal plain at the western foot of the JdFR, indicating resuspension of sediments. However, bottom maxima of d-species were apparent only for dAl and dCu.  相似文献   

Fishing, selection, and phenotypic evolution   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  

Park  Sojung  Choi  Mansik  Jang  Dongjun  Joe  Dongjin  Park  Kyunggue 《Ocean Science Journal》2020,55(1):49-67
Ocean Science Journal - In this study, we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution and sources of dissolved and particulate heavy metals in Masan Bay, an area that for a long time has...  相似文献   

The radiometers on board the satellites ERS-1, TOPEX/Poseidon, ERS-2, GFO, Jason-1, and Envisat measure brightness temperatures at two or three different frequencies to determine the total columnal water vapor content and wet tropospheric path delay, a major correction to the altimeter range measurements. In order to asses the long-term stability of the path delay, the radiometers are calibrated against vicarious cold and hot references, against each other, and against several atmospheric models. Four of these radiometers exhibit significant drifts in at least one of the channels, resulting in yet unmodeled errors in path delay of up to 1 mm/year, thus limiting the accuracy at which global sea level rise can be inferred from the altimeter range measurements.  相似文献   

Results of trace-metal analyses of water samples obtained during a cruise with the Soviet R.V. “Akademik Kurchatov” in the Indian Ocean are presented. The determinations were performed on board with atomic absorption spectrophotometry after a two-stage dithiocarbamate—Freon extraction procedure. Trace-metal concentrations found are in the same range as those found recently for similar open-ocean areas by other workers. The values for lead and zinc are probably high due to contamination. Vertical profiles indicate biogenic processes as controlling factors for the increase of cadmium, copper and nickel concentrations with depth. Iron shows an irregular depth distribution as a result of large random variations in concentration.  相似文献   

Samples of Patella coerulea (Linnaeus), Brachydontes variabilis (Krauss), Monodonta turbinata (Born) and surface seawater were collected at eight locations along the coast of Ras Beirut, Lebanon, and analysed for lead, cadmium, copper, nickel and iron. With the exception of cadmium, the metal levels found in the three molluscs appear to be high in relation to levels reported by investigators from other coastal areas. The average values for lead, cadmium and nickel within these animals were quite similar. Concentrations of copper in P. coerulea were lower, but concentrations of iron were much higher than those found in both B. variabilis and M. turbinata. Further studies of metal levels in various other intertidal organisms from Ras Beirut, together with investigations into the possible effects of seasonal changes on metal concentration and distribution, are currently under way.  相似文献   

The radiometers on board the satellites ERS-1, TOPEX/Poseidon, ERS-2, GFO, Jason-1, and Envisat measure brightness temperatures at two or three different frequencies to determine the total columnal water vapor content and wet tropospheric path delay, a major correction to the altimeter range measurements. In order to asses the long-term stability of the path delay, the radiometers are calibrated against vicarious cold and hot references, against each other, and against several atmospheric models. Four of these radiometers exhibit significant drifts in at least one of the channels, resulting in yet unmodeled errors in path delay of up to 1 mm/year, thus limiting the accuracy at which global sea level rise can be inferred from the altimeter range measurements.  相似文献   

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