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Analysis of multichannel seismic data from the continental margin off Svalbard between the Senja and Spitsbergen fracture zones suggests that the transition between continental and oceanic crust is located at or close to the Hornsund Fault Zone. In the Late Paleocene/Early Eoeene (57 m.y.) the region between Svalbard and Northeast-Greenland was subjected to regional shear movements associated with a transform system between the young Lofoten-Greenland Basin and the Arctic Ocean. Approximately 50 m.y. ago the spreading axis migrated to the northeast creating a deep basin north of the Greenland-Senja Fracture Zone forming the passive margin between Bear Island and 76.5°N. North of 76.5°N the regional transform was maintained. At the time of the main reorganization of relative plate motion (36 m.y.) the northern margin evolved. A continental fragment was possibly cut off from the Svalbard margin forming a small microcontinent. The microcontinent appears as the submarine ridge which has been associated with the Hovgaard Fracture Zone. It is suggested that the sediments west of the Hornsund Fault Zone are not older than Eocene in the south and mid-Oligocene in the north. The position of the spreading axis has greatly influenced the margin sedimentation.  相似文献   

Thrust tectonics along the north-western continental margin of Sabah/Borneo   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Widely accepted plate tectonic models suggest that an inactive subduction zone lies along the north-west continental margin of Sabah. In contrast, interpretation of reflection seismic data acquired by BGR shows an autochthonous continental terrane comprising an Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform being progressively overthrust by an allochthonous rock complex. Progressive compression resulted in the development of four structural zones: Imbricated thrust sheets (Zone III); two thrust sheet systems one on top of the other (Zone IV); a complex zone with multiphase deformation (Zone V); and piercement ridges (Zone VI).
Zusammenfassung Nach herkömmlichen plattentektonischen Vorstellungen soll eine inaktive Subduktionszone am nordwestlichen Kontinentalrand von Sabah liegen. Reflexionsseismische Meßdaten der BGR zeigen jedoch, daß hier autochthone kontinentale Kruste mit einer oligozänen-frühmiozänen Karbonatplattform progressiv von einem allochthonen Gesteinsverband überschoben wird. Fortschreitender Zusammenschub seit dem frühen Miozän führte zur Anlage von vier Deformationszonen: Tekonische Schuppen (Zone III); zwei übereinander geschobene Verschuppungssysteme (Zone IV); Gürtel mit mehrphasiger Deformation (Zone V) und Durchspießungsstrukturen (Zone VI).

Résumé Les modèles géodynamiques que l'on admet habituellement comportent une zone de subduction inactive le long de la marge continentale nord-occidentale de Sabah. Toutefois, des mesures de sismique-réflexion exécutées par le BGR font apparaître qu'à cet endroit, une croûte continentale autochtone, comportant une plateforme carbonatée oligocène à éomiocène, est chevauchée progressivement par un complexe allochtone. La compression, qui s'est manifestée progressivement depuis le Miocène inférieur, a engendré quatre zones structurales: un ensemble d'écailles tectoniques (zone III); deux systèmes de lames tectoniques charriés l'un sur l'autre (zone IV); une zone complexe à déformation multiphasée (zone V); des structures d'extrusion tectonique (zone VI).

, - Sabah'a. , - . 4-? : ( 3), ( 4) ( 5) ( 6).

The thesis area of Hans Cloos in the eastern Jura straddles the boundary between the Paleogene structures of the Tabular Jura, a part of the southeastern end of the Rhine graben, and the Neogene folds and thrusts of the Folded Jura. A recent reflection seismic survey in the area adjacent to the east provides new information on the subsurface structure and the relation between three superposed tectonic events. The main boundary fault zones of a deep and complexly faulted late Paleozoic trough, trending ENE, were reactivated in the early Tertiary. Faulted flexures and small folds, rooted in the basement and Paleozoic, with an amplitude of usually 100 to 300 m were produced, rather than the normal faults typical for the extensional fields of the Rhine-Bresse graben system in the west and the Bavarian Molasse basin in the east. This suggests their being part of a transform zone between these extensional fields. During Jura décollement in the Neogene these inherited, deeply rooted sub-décollement structures remained passive: their small size is kinematically incompatible with the intense subsequent thrusting and folding of the thin Mesozoic-Tertiary skin. However, thrust ramps were apparently nucleated at the respective southern foot of these Paleogene flexures and folds. The best defined and simplest of these composite structures is the Mandach structure within the Tabular Jura, a south-facing flexure of about 300 m relief, developed in the Paleogene by reactivation of the northern border fault zone of the Paleozoic trough. In the Neogene a north-vergent décollement thrust, which is connected with the regional Jura décollement in the middle Triassic evaporites, was initiated at its site.The southernmost nucleation point at the southern limit of the folded Jura was apparently re-used after intervals of northward spreading of décollement. There is evidence that a similar succession of events took place in the central and western Jura as well. Regionally, the boundary faults of at least some of the Paleozoic troughs were reactivated in the early Tertiary as transform zones linking the Rhein-Bresse-Rhone graben systems, while these early Tertiary tectonics in turn provided important boundary conditions for Jura décollement, which is the result of northward propagation of the Europa-Africa collision zone in the Neogene.
Zusammenfassung Das Dissertationsgebiet von Hans Cloos im östlichen Jura liegt im Grenzbezirk zwischen den untertertiären Strukturen des Tafeljuras, einem Teil des Südostens des Rheingrabens, und den neogenen Falten und überschiebungen des Faltenjuras. In jüngster Zeit wurden reflexionsseismische Aufnahmen von ausgezeichneter Qualität im östlich anschlie\enden Gebiet durchgeführt. Sie förderten kritische neue Informationen zutage über die Untergrundstruktur und die Beziehungen zwischen drei aufeinanderfolgenden tektonischen Ereignissen. Das älteste ist dokumentiert in einem mehrere Kilometer tiefen und komplex zerbrochenen und gefalteten spätpaläozoischen Trog, der ungefähr ONO streicht. Seine wichtigsten Randbruchzonen wurden im Untertertiär reaktiviert, und zwar entstanden leicht zerbrochene Flexuren und kleine Falten, die in der Tiefe wurzeln und eine Amplitude von ungefähr 100–300 Meter erreichen. Dieser tektonische Stil steht im Gegensatz zu den gleichaltrigen Dehnungsfeldern sowohl im Westen (Rhein-Bresse Grabensystem) wie auch im Osten (Bruchsysteme des bayrischen Molassebeckens). Daraus möchte man schlie\en, da\ das Untersuchungsgebiet in einer vermittelnden Transformzone liegt. Während der neogenen Jura-Abscherung über den Trias-Evaporiten blieben diese kleinen Strukturen passiv: ihre geringe Grö\e ist kinematisch inkompatibel mit der intensiven Uberschiebungs- und Faltentektonik der abgescherten Sedimenthaut. Anderseits wurden nach der seismischen Evidenz an ihrem jeweiligen Südfu\ überschiebungsrampen nukleiert. Die am besten definierte und einfachste dieser zusammengesetzten Strukturen ist die Mandach-Struktur im Tafeljura, eine nach Süden blickende Flexur von etwa 300 Metern Höhe. Sie entstand im Paläogen durch Reaktivierung der nördlichen Randbruchzone des paläozoischen Troges. Die Datierung als Paläogen gelingt in der östlichen Forsetzung. Im Neogen entwickelte sich an dieser Flexur eine nordvergente überschiebung, die gegen Süden in die allgemeine Abscherung des Juras über den Evaporiten der mittleren Trias übergeht.Der südlichste Nukleationspunkt für überschiebungen am Südfu\ des Juras wurde offenbar wiederholt aktiviert nach Intervallen, in denen sich die Abscherung nach Norden ausbreitete. Er könnte als eine Art »überschiebungsmühle« bezeichnet werden. Es gibt mancherlei Anzeichen für eine ähnliche Reihenfolge der Ereignisse im zentralen und westlichen Jura. Regional gesehen wurden besonders die Randstörungen wenigstens einiger der paläozoischen Tröge im Paläogen reaktiviert, und zwar hauptsächlich als Transformzonen im Rhein-Bresse-Rhone-Graben-System. Anderseits lieferte diese untertertiäre Tektonik wesentliche Randbedingungen für die neogene Jura-Abscherung, die Front der sich gegen Norden ausbreitenden Kollisionszone zwischen Europa und Afrika.

Résumé Le terrain de thèse de Hans Cloos dans le Jura oriental se situe dans la zone limite entre les structures paléogènes du Jura tabulaire, partie de la terminaison sud-est du fossé rhénan, et les plis et charriages néogènes du Jura plissé. Récemment, des relevés de sismique-réflexion d'excellente qualité ont été effectués dans la région située immédiatement à l'Est. Ils ont fourni de nouvelles informations sur la structure du sous-sol et sur les relations entre trois évéments tectoniques successifs. Le premier de ceux-ci concerne un bassin d'âge paléozoÏque supérieur, profond de plusieurs kilomètres, de direction générale Est-Nord-Est, faillé et plissé de manière complexe. Ses zones faillées les plus importantes ont été réactivées au Tertiaire inférieur, avec formation de flexures et de petits plis d'une amplitude de 100 à 300 m environ, légèrement faillés et enracinés dans le socle. Ce style tectonique s'oppose à celui des champs d'extension de mÊme âge qui sont situés soit à l'Ouest (fossés Rhin-Bresse), soit à l'Est (champs de failles du bassin molassique bavarois). On peut déduie de là que le domaine en question se situe probablement dans une zone intermédiaire à failles transformantes. Pendant le décollement néogène le long des évaporites du Trias, ces petites structures sont restées passives: du point de vue cinématique, leurs faibles dimensions sont incompatibles avec la déformation intense par charriages et par plis de la couverture décollée. D'autre part, selon les données sismiques, des rampes de chevauchement ont pris naissance au pied méridional de ces flexures. Parmi ces structures composées, la mieux défine et la plus simple est celle de Mandach dans le Jura tabulaire: c'est une flexure à regard sud d'une hauteur d'environ 300 m. Elle s'est formée au Paléogène (y inclus l'Aquitanien) par réactivation de la marge faillée septentrionale du bassin paléozoÏque. Plus à l'Est, cette réactivation se révèle d'âge »pré-molasse marine supérieure« (Burdigalien). A l'endroit de cette flexure, il s'est développé pendant le Néogène un petit chevauchement de vergence nord qui passe vers le Sud au décollement général du Jura sur les évaporites du Trias moyen.Le point le plus méridional aù des chevauchements ont été engendrés au pied sud du Jura a été réactivé plusieurs fois, après des intervalles marqués par l'expansion du décollement vers le Nord (»moulin à chevauchements«). Il existe plusieurs indications d'une succession semblable d'événements dans le Jura central et occidental. Du point de vue régional les failles bordières de plusieurs bassins paléozoÏques ont été réactivées au Paléogène, surtout dans les zones transformantes du système des fossés Rhin-Bresse-RhÔne. D'autre part cette tectonique paléogène a fourni des conditions marginales dont le rÔle fut important lors du décollement néogène, qui a constitué le front septentrional de la collision entre l'Europe et l'Afrique.

, . , , , . , . , ENE, , . , , , 100–300 . - - -, - . , . : . , , . , . . 300 , . . . , . , , , . , . , , . : - . , , . . , .

The study provides new understanding of magmatism at extinct and modern spreading zones around the western margin of East Antarctica from Bransfield Strait to the Bouvet Triple Junction (BTJ) in the Atlantic Ocean and reveals causes of geochemical heterogeneity of mantle magmatism during the early opening of the Southern Ocean. The results indicate the involvement of an enriched source component in the generation of parental melts, which was formed in several tectonic stages. The enriched (metasomatized) mantle generated at rift zones has geochemical characteristics typical of the western Gondwana lithosphere (with isotopic compositions similar to those inferred for the enriched HIMU and EM-2 sources). This mantle source may have been produced by the thermal erosion of the continental mantle during the early stages of the Karoo–Maud–Ferrar superplume activity. This enriched mantle generated in the apical parts of the plume (sub-oceanic) began to melt during tectonic displacement and fragmentation of Gondwana. The Bouvet Triple Junction, located along modern spreading zones between the Antarctic and South American plate, is characterized by a greater depth of melting and a higher degree of enrichment of primary tholeiitic magmas. The highest enrichment of magmas in this region is controlled by a contribution from a pyroxenite-rich component, which was also identified in the extinct spreading center in Powell Basin.  相似文献   

The Paleocene-recent post-rift subsidence history recorded in the Mumbai Offshore Basin off western continental margin of India is examined. Results obtained through 2-D flexural backstripping modelling of new seismic data reveal considerable thermo-tectonic subsidence over last ca. 56 Myr. Reverse postrift subsidence modelling with variable β stretching factor predicts residual topography of ca. 2000 m to the west of Shelf Margin Basin and fails to restore late Paleocene horizon and the underlying igneous basement to the sea level. This potentially implies that:(1) either the igneous basement formed during the late Cretaceous was emplaced under open marine environs; or(2) a laterally varying cumulative subsidence occurred within Mumbai Offshore Basin(MOB) during ca. 68 to ca. 56 Ma. Pre-depositional topographic variations at ca. 56 Ma across the basin could be attributed to the extensional processes such as varied lower crustal underplating along Western Continental Margin of India(WCMI). Investigations about basement tectonics after unroofing of sediments since late Paleocene from this region support a transitional and heavily stretched nature of crust with high to very high β factors. Computations of past sediment accumulation rates show that the basin sedimentation peaked during late Miocene concurrently with uplift of Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau and intensification of Indian monsoon system. Results from basin subsidence modelling presented here may have significant implications for further studies attempting to explore tectono-climatic interactions in Asia.  相似文献   

Eight continuous cores up to 150 m long and spaced an average of 200 m apart yield a detailed local insight into the composition and architecture of an ancient continental margin sequence, the Gowganda Formation (early Proterozoic: Huronian) near Elliot Lake, Ontario. Nearby outcrops of similar facies provide important supplementary data on sedimentary structures. Continental glaciers provided an abundant supply of coarse debris but, apart from rafting of debris by floating ice, played little or no part in Gowganda sedimentation. The basal 50 m of the Gowganda Formation in the drill-hole area represents a continental slope depositional system. It consists mainly of gravelly and sandy sediment gravity flow deposits, interbedded with minor rain-out units of diamictite, and argillite containing dropstones. Ten types of sediment gravity flow deposit are distinguished. An overlying submarine-channel depositional system, 10–50m thick, consists of hemipelagic argillites containing dropstones and showing deformation structures. These are interbedded with well-sorted channel-fill sandstones. Submarine point bars 4·5 m thick (identified in nearby outcrops) demonstrate a meandering channel geometry. This channel-fill sequence probably formed during a period of high sea-level and reduced sediment supply, but the relationship to ice advance-retreat cycles is unclear. The subsurface sequence is completed by a blanket of massive rain-out diamictites up to 55 m thick, and a younger slope sequence of sediment gravity flow diamictites and sandstones. The stratigraphy is quite different in outcrop section 10 km to the west of the drill-holes, suggesting the presence of major lateral facies changes and/or internal erosion surfaces within the Gowganda Formation. This complexity of stratigraphy and depositional processes is probably a feature of many ancient glacial units, and points to the advisability of not making climatic or tectonic interpretations from a few generalized or composite sections.  相似文献   

李学杰  王哲  姚永坚  高红芳  李波 《中国地质》2017,44(6):1102-1114
西太平洋边缘构造带是地球上规模最大最复杂的板块边界,以台湾和马鲁古海为界,自北往南大致可以分为3段。北段是典型的沟-弧-盆体系,千岛海盆、日本海盆及冲绳海槽均为典型的弧后扩张盆地。中段菲律宾岛弧构造带为双向俯冲带,构造复杂,新生代经历大的位移和重组,使得欧亚大陆边缘的南海、苏禄海和苏拉威西海成因存在很大的争议。南段新几内亚—所罗门构造带是太平洋板块、印度—澳大利亚及欧亚板块共同作用的结果,既有不同阶段的俯冲、碰撞,也有大规模的走滑与弧后的扩张,其间既有新扩张的海盆,又有正在俯冲消亡的海盆。台湾岛处于枢纽部位,欧亚板块在此被撕裂,南部欧亚大陆边缘南海洋壳沿马尼拉海沟俯冲于菲律宾岛弧之下,而北部菲律宾海洋壳沿琉球海沟俯冲欧亚大陆之下。马鲁古海是西太平洋板块边界又一转折点,马鲁古海板块往东下插于哈马黑拉之下,往西下插于桑义赫弧,形成反U形双向俯冲汇聚带,其洋壳板块已基本全部消失,致使哈马黑拉弧与桑义赫弧形成弧-弧碰撞。  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘发育数十万平方千米的广阔地貌过渡带与大面积低起伏地貌面,独特的地貌提供了解读高原构造拓展与地表隆升时间、过程以及机制的理想窗口。为揭示青藏高原东南缘新生代构造变形响应和地貌演化过程,通过构造解析、构造地貌以及低温热年代学数据分析对金沙江下游流域进行综合研究。结果表明青藏高原东南缘早在始新世即已处于北西向为主的区域性挤压条件下而发生广泛褶皱变形。尽管始新世存在区域性变形响应,但青藏高原东南缘金沙江下游地区在古近纪为低海拔丘陵地貌,地表隆升幅度极为有限。晚渐新世—早中新世研究区总体处于长期的低剥蚀速率环境,促进了低海拔平缓地貌的形成。晚新近纪以来,青藏高原东南缘发生区域性缩短变形与显著地表隆升,大型水系同步下蚀,共同塑造形成现今较高海拔的低起伏地貌面与深切峡谷并存的特征性地貌。研究结果支持青藏高原东南缘晚新近纪以来的隆升与地壳构造缩短及增厚密切相关,而中下地壳塑性流动增厚机制并非必不可少。  相似文献   

At least two episodes of glacial erosion of the Chukchi margin at water depths to ∼ 450 m and 750 m have been indicated by geophysical seafloor data. We examine sediment stratigraphy in these areas to verify the inferred erosion and to understand its nature and timing. Our data within the eroded areas show the presence of glaciogenic diamictons composed mostly of reworked local bedrock. The diamictons are estimated to form during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and an earlier glacial event, possibly between OIS 4 to 5d. Both erosional events were presumably caused by the grounding of ice shelves originating from the Laurentide ice sheet. Broader glaciological settings differed between these events as indicated by different orientations of flutes on eroded seafloor. Postglacial sedimentation evolved from iceberg-dominated environments to those controlled by sea-ice rafting and marine processes in the Holocene. A prominent minimum in planktonic foraminiferal δ18O is identified in deglacial sediments at an estimated age near 13,000 cal yr BP. This δ18O minimum, also reported elsewhere in the Amerasia Basin, is probably related to a major Laurentide meltwater pulse at the Younger Dryas onset. The Bering Strait opening is also marked in the composition of late deglacial Chukchi sediments.  相似文献   

大陆构造、大洋构造和地球构造研究构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大陆动力学和大洋动力学是当前固体地球科学的前沿领域 ,反映处于中期阶段的板块理论正向更加深入、全面、完善的方向发展 ,并走向统一的地球构造学的趋势。中、新生代造山带构造 ,全球高原构造的比较 ,周边洋底构造对欧亚大陆的动力作用 ,应是大陆动力学中优先研究的问题。对全球洋底构造的继续探测 ,用地震各向异性研究地幔的流动或变形 ,布设海底宽频带地震台阵探测地幔细结构 ,将会提供更多的地球内部过程信息。“地球大系统科学”概念的提出 ,将能推进固、液、气三态地球多球层相互作用的研究 ,例如固体地球微动态、固液气三态球层运动的可比较性、不同球层分区性的比较等 ,都是需要深入探讨的问题 ,代表了从整体地球系统开展学科交叉研究的方向  相似文献   

欧亚大陆及边缘海岩石圈的结构特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从地球层块结构的研究思路出发,运用构造解析的理论和方法,对东亚及西太平洋地区人工地震测深和天然地震面波层析成像进行构造解析,发现岩石圈中下部存在形态各异、大小不等的高速块体,结合地质学、地球化学及其他地球物理学标志的综合研究将其称为幔块构造,高速块体或幔块构造是控制东亚西太平洋岩石圈构造格局和岩石圈表层构造变形最基本条件之一。在系统研究该区岩石圈高速块体或幔块构造三维几何结构基础上,建立起东亚西太平洋岩石圈八种三维几何结构型式:克拉通陆根状结构、高原陆根状结构、造山带楔状结构、碎块状结构、香肠状结构、哑铃状结构、藕节状结构和板状结构,以及岩石圈形成与构造演化四种构造类型:克拉通型岩石圈、增厚型岩石圈、减薄型岩石圈和大洋型岩石圈。文章在详细论述岩石圈各结构构造类基本特征的基础上,认为全球最大的青藏高原具有增厚型岩石圈特性,存在大陆根,并且大陆根正在增厚过程中;地震层析成像显示,研究区存在全球最大的东亚大陆巨型裂谷体系,具有减薄型岩石圈特性,新生代晚期东亚大陆巨型裂谷体系被西太平洋沟弧盆体系叠加与改造。根据岩石圈三维结构型式,探讨了岩石圈形成机制与演化模式,东亚大陆边缘岩石圈大规模伸展拆沉减薄作用以及软流圈和地幔物质上涌加热作用与青藏高原岩石圈大规模俯冲碰撞?入增厚作用是东亚大陆及边缘海晚中生代以来地幔动力学最基本的表现型式,从而形成全球最大的青藏高原和全球最大的东亚大陆巨型裂谷体系。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘的地质地貌特征与基本构造格架受阿尔金左行走滑断裂、东昆仑左行走滑断裂和海源左行走滑断裂控制,在青藏高原的碰撞造山过程中地震作用贯穿始终.2011至2012年,作者对青藏高原东北缘东起靖远(海原断裂东段)西至昌马盆地(阿尔金断裂东南)的软沉积物变形(震积岩)进行的系统调研表明,青藏高原东北缘祁连山地区从三叠纪至第四纪各时代(侏罗纪以外)的地层中,均发现丰富的古地震纪录(震积岩).代表性震积岩发现点和层位有:靖远宝积山上三叠统、靖远糜滩乡下白垩统、昌马盆地下白垩统以及赤金堡和酒泉磁窑口附近的第四系.主要的震积岩类型有:液化脉、负载、球-枕构造、液化卷曲、层间微断裂等.根据区域地质资料分析,这些震积岩均分布于区域性大断裂附近.本文简单讨论了主要震积岩发现点与其相邻的区域构造(地震)活动之间的关系,根据靖远附近上三叠统普遍发育震积岩,提出海原断裂带的初始活动时间很可能就在晚三叠世,与青藏高原东缘龙门山地区印支期的造山地震同时期.  相似文献   

V. N. Puchkov 《Geotectonics》2016,50(4):425-438
The relationship between plate- and plume-tectonics is considered in view of the growth and breakdown of supercontinents, active rifting, the formation of passive volcanic-type continental margins, and the origin of time-progressive volcanic chains on oceanic and continental plates. The mantle wind phenomenon is described, as well as its effect on plume morphology and anisotropy of the ambient mantle. The interaction of plumes and mid-ocean ridges is discussed. The principles and problems of plume activity analysis in subduction- and collision-related foldbelts are considered and illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

Late glacial scenarios of ice retreat and biogeography databases constrain the dispersal routes of obligate freshwater fishes into Atlantic Canada and Maine. Evidence indicates glacial ice covered the present-day mainland and offshore islands at 18,000 14C yr before present. Possible refugia for extirpated freshwater fishes were the exposed outer edge of the Grand Banks (east), exposed Georges Bank (south-Atlantic Refugium), and the Mississippi Refugium in the west. It is improbable that the region was recolonized from the offshore refugia. Rather, fishes recolonized from the east via the upper St. Lawrence River valley into the upper Saint John River, Maine (Lake Madawaska) from 11,000 to 12,000 14C yr BP. The short period of entry resulted in the low diversity of obligate freshwater species in the region. Lake Madawaska was breached and dispersal continued into the remainder of the region after 8000 14C yr BP. By 6000 14C yr BP, access routes to the east along low-lying coastal zones were blocked by rising sea levels, which isolated Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton Island, and most probably Nova Scotia. Natural dispersal across the region appeared complete by this time.  相似文献   

Summary ¶The Campanian continental margin is characterised by asymmetric half grabens and large-volume volcanic deposits. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei are active volcanoes located along the coast of Naples Bay along one of these half grabens. The interpretation of an extensive set of seismic reflection data allowed to reconstruct the stratigraphy and structural pattern in Naples Bay and their relationships with volcanism. The stratigraphic succession is characterised by a complex architecture due to the presence of 157Ka old submarine and subaerial vents, pyroclastic flow units associated to the Campanian Ignimbrite and the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, and numerous tuff cones younger than 12Ka. These volcanic units occur within marine sediments deposited during the late Quaternary sea level oscillations. The structural pattern is characterised by late Quaternary NE- trending normal faults, NW-trending transtensional faults, E–W trending left-lateral faults and WNW-ESE directed folds. The overall fault kinematics and the evaluated very high displacement rates are consistent with an E-trending left-lateral transtensional shear zone located between 41° and 40°N latitude. The relationship between volcanism and tectonics in the Bay of Naples is explained with block rotation associated with this shear zone. Finally, tectonic and stratigraphic data argue against the occurrence of a caldera in the Bay of Naples.Received June 24, 2002; accepted November 8, 2002  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model displaying development of local morphostructures during interaction between tectonic deformations and slope processes is offered. According to this model, the exogenic slope lowering rate depends on the decline and the vertical and horizontal curvatures of the surface. A few types of local morphostructures were considered as examples to demonstrate the fact that when the rate of exogenic processes is comparable with that of tectonic uplift, then their joint action results in development of forms drastically different not only in amplitude but also in morphology from those that appeared from fast uplift and the subsequent action of exomorphogenesis. These differences can remain unchanged for a long time after completion of tectonic movements. The relation between the rates of endogenic and exogenic processes is an important factor in the development of local structures.  相似文献   

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