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We reconstructed the evolution of the volcanic activity within the central Garrotxa monogenetic Volcanic Field, the youngest volcanic area of the Iberian Peninsula, by investigating the stratigraphy of the volcanic successions and the morphology of the monogenetic eruptive centres. Analysis of this volcanic succession has been conducted following the Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units criteria. The detailed stratigraphy of the volcanic successions shows that the central Garrotxa Volcanic Field (GVF) evolved through four main periods of volcanic activity (Synthems) represented by the eruptive products of the mafic monogenetic volcanoes and associated syn-eruptive reworked deposits (Eruptive Units) and by the inter-eruptive deposits (Epiclastic Units). The distribution and the morphologies of the monogenetic volcanoes suggest that feeder dykes were emplaced under influence of the present stress filed and along pre-existing fractures of the basement. Our facies analysis of the deposits and their distribution shows that migration of volcanism toward the centre of the basin was accompanied by a trend of increasing explosivity. Episodic hydromagmatism in central Garrotxa occurred without a specific geographic locus or obvious temporal correlation. Finally, by integrating field data with the stratigraphy extracted from water wells, we determined the volume of the volcanic deposits. The small average volume of products emitted during each eruptive period, and the long quiescence separating them, allow us to classify the GVF as a low-output rate volcanic field.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic field parameters have been measured in different sites of the northwest of Russia for hundreds of years. This work presents the results of numerous measurements in St. Petersburg, as well as in the Gulf of Finland within the zone from 25° to 30°30′ E and from 59° to 61° N. The first measurements were made in the period1630–1650. For this work, archival data, provided by the Archives of the St. Petersburg Magnetic Observatory (SPbF IZMIRAN), and data from different historical records have been used. Data on the Earth’s magnetic field variations in St. Petersburg have been recorded since 1726; they were analyzed and corrected to get a uniform and complete data set. The reconstructed long-term data set of magnetic variation measurements in St. Petersburg was compared with the GUFM1 historical model. This model allows us to calculate the values of all parameters of the main magnetic field in any place on the Earth since 1590. The comparative analysis carried out by us has revealed a discrepancy between the model and measured values. This discrepancy can be caused by local secular variations in the magnetic field in the St. Petersburg region. The correction of the area-averaged secular variation makes this discrepancy insignificant.  相似文献   

During the EU project BEEP a battery of biomarkers was applied in flounder (Platichthys flesus) and the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) collected at three locations off the Lithuanian coast (Baltic Sea) in June and September 2001 and 2002. The elevated biomarker responses in specimens sampled in September 2001 were apparently related to the extensive dredging activities in the Klaipeda port area and subsequent dumping of contaminated sediments. High concentrations of organic pollutants (organochlorines and PBDEs) were also measured in the tissues of both indicator species. In addition, response levels of genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity as well as concentrations of PAH metabolites in the bile of flounder showed elevations in 2002 after an oil spill in the Būtinge oil terminal in November 2001. In flounder, biomarker measurements 10 months after the spill indicated recovery processes but in mussels a high level of genotoxicity could still be observed 22 months later. The present study illustrates the usefulness of the multi-biomarker approach in the detection of biological effects of pollution in this region of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   


The hydrological response of a small agroforestry catchment in northwest Spain (Corbeira catchment, 16 km2) is analysed, with particular focus on rainfall events. Fifty-four rainfall–runoff events, from December 2004 to September 2007, were used to analyse the principal hydrological patterns and show which factors best explain the hydrological response. The nonlinearity between rainfall and runoff showed that the variability in the hydrological response of the catchment was linked to the seasonal dynamics of the rainfall and, to a lesser extent, to evapotranspiration. The runoff coefficient, estimated as the ratio between direct runoff and rainfall volume, on an event basis, was analysed as a function of rainfall characteristics (amount and intensity) and the initial catchment state conditions prior to an event, such as pre-event baseflow and antecedent rainfall index. The results revealed that the hydrological response depends both on the soil humidity conditions at the start of the event and on rainfall amount, whereas rainfall intensity presented only a significant correlation with discharge increment. The antecedent conditions seem to be a key point in runoff production, and they explain much of the response. The hydrographs are characterized by a steep rising limb, a relatively narrow peak discharge and slow recession limb. These data and the observations suggest that the subsurface flow is the dominant runoff process.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor T. Wagener

Citation Rodríguez-Blanco, M.L., Taboada-Castro, M.M. and Taboada-Castro, M.T., 2012. Rainfall–runoff response and event-based runoff coefficients in a humid area (northwest Spain). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 445–459.  相似文献   

Geological, geodetic and seismological data have been analyzed in order to frame the Lipari–Vulcano complex (Aeolian archipelago, southern Italy) into the geodynamic context of the southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea. It is located at the northern end of a major NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system named “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” which has been interpreted as a lithospheric discontinuity extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily and separating two different tectonic domains: a contractional one to the west and an extensional one to the north-east. Structural field data consist of structural measurements performed on well-exposed fault planes and fractures. The mesostructures are mostly represented by NW–SE striking normal faults with a dextral-oblique component of motion. Minor structures are represented by N–S oriented joints and tension gashes widespread over the whole analyzed area and particularly along fumarolized sectors. The analyzed seismological dataset (from 1994 to 2013) is based on earthquakes with magnitude ranging between 1.0 and 4.8. The hypocenter distribution depicts two major alignments corresponding to the NNW–SSE trending Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni fault system and to the WNW–ESE oriented Sisifo–Alicudi fault system. GPS data analysis displays ∼3.0 mm/yr of active shortening between the two islands, with a maximum shortening rate of about 1.0 × 10−13 s−1, between La Fossa Caldera and south of Vulcanello. This region is bounded to the north by an area where the maximum values of shear strain rates, of about 0.7 × 10−13 s−1 are observed. This major change occurs in the area south of Vulcanello that is also characterized by a transition in the way of the vertical axis rotation. Moreover, both the islands show a clear subsidence process, as suggested by negative vertical velocities of all GPS stations which exhibit a decrease from about −15 to −7 mm/yr from north to south. New data suggest that the current kinematics of the Lipari–Vulcano complex can be framed in the tectonic context of the eastward migrating Sisifo–Alicudi fault system. This is dominated by transpressive tectonics in which contractional and minor extensional structures can coexist with strike-slip motion.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the Matese seismic sequence in southern Italy for the period of December 2013–January 2014. We estimate the focal mechanisms of 31 earthquakes with local magnitudes related to the Matese earthquake seismic sequence (December 2013–January 2014) in Southern-Central Italy which are recorded by the broadband stations of the Italian National Seismic Network and the Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet) run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The solutions show that normal faulting is the prevailing style of seismic deformation in agreement with the local faults mapped out in the area. Comparisons with already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to properly interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. The results are compatible with the major tectonic domain of the area.  相似文献   

In order to understand the generation mechanism of the Iwate–Miyagi earthquake (M 7.2) that occurred on 14 June 2008 in Northeast Japan, we determined high-resolution 3D seismic velocity (Vp, Vs) and Poisson's ratio (σ) structures as well as P-wave azimuthal anisotropy in and around the source area using 246,623 P-wave and 189,153 S-wave high-quality arrival times from 1941 aftershocks of the 2008 Iwate–Miyagi earthquake as well as 4878 shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes in this area recorded by the dense High-Sensitivity Seismic Network (Hi-net) and the seismic stations of Tohoku University. Our results show that hypocenters of the mainshock and three large aftershocks are located in a boundary zone where both seismic velocity and Poisson's ratio change drastically in a short distance. A zone with pronounced low-velocity and high Poisson's ratio is revealed in the lower crust and uppermost mantle under the source area, which may reflect the arc magma and fluids ascending from the upper-mantle wedge. The P-wave azimuthal anisotropy is complex under the study area, which may also indicate the complex crustal structure there. These results indicate that the generation of the 2008 Iwate–Miyagi earthquake was influenced by the ascending arc magma and fluids associated with the dehydration reactions of the subducting Pacific slab under Northeast Japan.  相似文献   

TheNW-SEstrikingXianshuihefaultzoneslicesthesoutheasternTibetanPlateauandconnectssoutheastwardwiththeAnninghe-Zemuhe-Xiaojiangfaultzone,whichformahuge,activesinistralstrike-slipfaultzone(fig.1).ThisfaultzoneisanimportantseismicfaultineastTibet[1-5].EarthquakegeologystudiesandoffsetpatternsofyounggeologicalfeatureshaveshownthatlateQuaternarysinistralsliprateoftheXianshuihefaultzonereaches13mm/a[1,2].TheXianshuhefaultzoneconsistsoftwomainbranches,theDaofufaultbranchinthewestandtheXianshuih…  相似文献   

Humans constitute one of the main geomorphological agents in modern times. As an example, post-mining regions represent a typical landscape of the Anthropocene. Strong relief modifications are particularly obvious with open pit mining. However, many existing mining areas are lacking detailed pre-mining information for the quantification of anthropogenic relief changes, which is a considerable challenge in regions with historic mining activities. Here, the Ville (Rhenish lignite district, Germany) is used to quantify surface mining induced relief changes in one of the oldest and currently largest lignite districts in Europe. Historical maps from first geodetic mapping in 1893 enabled construction of a historic digital elevation model to quantify the relief changes in comparison to elevation data from 2000 and 2015. The vertical accuracy of the historic data is remarkably high, with relief differences < 2 m in areas not affected by mining. In total, 49.2% of the investigated area (184 km2) shows a relief deficit and 14.5% has positive relief differences. Absolute changes account for more than 80 m heightening (dumpsites of overburden) and lowering of the natural relief (pits). Besides these altitudinal changes, overall steeper slopes are significant for the new topography, but levelling exists likewise. The spatial variabilities are discussed in the context of the regional geology and the mining techniques. Undoubtedly, such large-scale anthropogenic relief changes persist for a very long time and will last as a human legacy far into the future. Only the detailed reconstruction of the pre-mining relief offers the ability to clarify the dimension of humans as geomorphological agents and to understand landscape perception. Due to the fact that the impact of open pit mining has such a large vertical and horizontal extension, their consideration as part of anthropogeomorphology can significantly contribute to support future Critical Zone research in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

In the framework of the EU funded BEEP project a set of biomarkers, gross morphometric indices and tissue concentrations of selected organic pollutants were measured in flounder (Platichthys flesus) and mussels (Mytilus trossulus) collected twice a year (April and October) from three sites in the inner Gulf of Gdańsk between autumn 2001 and spring 2003. In flounder, seasonal differences in most biomarkers were observed, but no correlations with tissue pollutant levels could be found. In mussels, highly variable levels in biomarker responses were seen, but no clear seasonal or spatial trends, directly related to tissue concentrations, could be established. The observed biomarkers distribution the study sites are probably mostly caused by interannual, seasonal and individual variability and, in case of flounder, possibly by exchange of stocks between the sampling sites.  相似文献   

This study presents spatio-temporal analysis of droughts in one of the most drought prone region in India–western Rajasthan and develops drought intensity-area-frequency curves for the region. The meteorological drought conditions are analyzed using 6-month standardized precipitation index (SPI-6) estimated at spatial resolution of 0.5° × 0.5°. Spatio-temporal analysis of SPI-6 indicates increase in frequency of droughts at the central part of the region. The non-parametric Mann–Kendall test for seasonal trend analysis showed increase in number of grids under drought during the study period. Further, bivariate frequency analysis of drought characteristics—intensity and areal extent is carried out using copula methods. For modeling joint dependence between drought variables, three copula families namely Gumbel-Hougaard, Frank and Plackett copulas are evaluated. Based on goodness-of-fit as well as upper tail dependence tests, it is found that the Gumbel-Hougaard copula best represents the drought properties. The copula-based joint distribution is used to compute conditional return periods and drought intensity–area–frequency (I–A–F) curves. The I–A–F curves could be helpful in risk evaluation of droughts in the region.  相似文献   

The earthquake of April 6th, 2009 in the L’Aquila area is one of the largest seismic events of the last years in Italy. The event, that caused significant damage in a large area of the Abruzzo region (cental Italy) and site amplification phenomena which were recorded even at large distances from the epicentre. After the emergency period, a detailed study of the surface effects was necessary for the post-earthquake reconstruction, but in a way it should be carried out rapidly enough to give instructions to urban planners, codes to public administrators and information to engineers. A team of surveyors were trained to collect field information such as geologic and geomorphologic features and geotechnical or geophysical information. The seismic inputs, for the numerical analyses, were provided, and the collected information were analyzed with the aid of dynamic codes to calculate the possible local site effects. The results are presented as acceleration response spectra, amplification coefficients (FA, FV and FH) and microzonation maps, aimed to urban planning and project design. In particular the more dangerous areas, affected by the higher amplification effects, were identified. Finally a comparison between the results obtained by the numerical analyses and the results derived from an experimental field analysis, measuring both earthquake weak motion and ambient noise, were performed. In this paper we present the results for one of the most severely damaged area (up to IX-X MCS), the Paganica–Tempera–Onna-San Gregorio area, located 6 to 10 km east of the April 6th main shock.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence (central Italy). The analysis was performed by using data coming from the permanent Italian seismic network run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the “Cut And Paste” (CAP) method based on broadband waveform inversion. Focal mechanisms, source depths and moment magnitudes are determined through a grid search technique. By allowing time shifts between synthetics and observed data the CAP method reduces dependence of the solution on the assumed velocity model and on earthquake location. We computed seismic moment tensors for 312 earthquakes having local magnitude in the range between 2.7 and 5.9. The CAP method has made possible to considerably expand the database of focal mechanisms from waveform analysis in the lowest magnitude range (i.e. in the neighborhood of magnitude 3) without overlooking the reliability of results. The obtained focal mechanisms generally show NW–SE striking focal planes in agreement with mapped faults in the region. Comparisons with the already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to proper interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. Results are compatible with the major tectonic domain. We also obtained a relation between moment and local magnitude suitable for the area and for the available magnitude range.  相似文献   

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