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Downward longwave radiation (LW ) is a relevant variable for meteorological and climatic studies. Good estimates of this term are vitally important in correct determining of the net radiation, which, in turn, modulates the magnitude of the terms in the surface energy budget (e.g., evaporation). In remote sensing applications, the determination of daytime LW is required for estimation of the net radiation using satellite data. LW is not directly measured in weather stations and then is estimated using models with surface air temperature and humidity as input. In this paper, we identify the best models to estimate daytime downward longwave radiation from meteorological data in the sub-humid Pampean region. Several well-known models to estimate LW under clear and cloudy skies were tested. We use downward radiation components and meteorological data registered at Tandil (Argentina) from 2006 to 2010 (840 days). In addition, we propose two multiple linear regression models (MLRM-1 and MLRM-2) to estimate LW at the surface for all sky conditions. The new equations show better performance than the others models tested with root mean square errors between 12 and 16 W m?2, bias close to zero and best agreements with measured data (r 2?≥?0.85).  相似文献   

以云和地球辐射能量系统(CERES)数据集为准,量化了中国地球系统模式对地表入射短波辐射和大气逆辐射时空变化的模拟性能,明确了多模式间模拟结果存在不确定性的区域。结果表明:中国模式均能模拟出北半球地表入射短波辐射和大气逆辐射“夏高冬低”的季节变化特征。陆地上,中国模式对两个辐射分量月均值的模拟结果与CERES相当,在海洋上低于CERES结果。中国模式能模拟出地表入射短波辐射下降、大气逆辐射上升的年际变化趋势。对于2001—2014年均值,中国模式模拟的地表入射短波辐射在海洋和陆地上较CERES分别偏低3.3和3.0 W·m-2,模拟的大气逆辐射在海洋上与CERES结果相当,在陆地上较CERES低1.3 W·m-2。除南北纬30°附近之外,中国模式在其他纬度均低估地表入射短波辐射,以热带和北极最为明显。模式对大气逆辐射的模拟偏差呈纬向波动特征,模拟误差大值出现在高大山脉处。中国模式模拟地表入射短波辐射不确定性极大的区域分布在热带雨林和南极洲沿海,模拟大气逆辐射不确定性极大的区域分布在格林兰岛、青藏高原、安第斯山脉和南极洲沿海。  相似文献   

On the estimation of surface radiation using satellite data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Model calculations are used to investigate the uncertainties in the surface radiative flux empirically derived from satellite radiation measurements and theoretically calculated from radiation models using satellite-inferred cloud parameters. The empirical approach depends upon how well the satellite-measured radiances (represented here by the top-of-the-atmosphere flux) correlate with the net flux at the surface. The model calculations show that while the TOA flux and the net surface flux are correlated with respect to changes in optical thickness, they are not correlated with respect to changes in cloud height and negatively correlated with respect to changes in water vapor content. It is also found that the solar zenith angle has a strong effect on these relationships. It is, therefore, important to correct for the effects of atmospheric water vapor content and the solar zenith angle in the empirical estimation of surface radiative flux.The theoretical approach depends upon the net effect of the uncertainty in satellite-inferred cloud parameters. In the solar spectral region, the effects of the uncertainty in satellite retrieval of could cover and optical thickness on the net downward surface flux are systematically in opposite directions, so that the combined effects is typically small (< 7 Wm–2). In the thermal infrared region, an error of 7 Wm–2 could be induced by an uncertainty of 100 mb in the cloud-base height or an uncertainty of 0.1 in the fractional cloud cover. As opposed to what is commonly perceived, the error in the surface flux is likely to be larger in the IR region than in the solar spectral region.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden mit Hilfe von Modellberechnungen die Unsicherheiten in den durch Satellitenmessungen empirisch gewonnenen Strahlungsflüssen an der Oberfläche und jene, die bei der Benützung von Strahlungsmodellen, die auf mit Satelliten abgeleiteten Wolkenparametern beruhen, verglichen. Die Gültigkeit des empirischen Näherungsverfahren ist davon abhängig, wie sehr die vom Satelliten gemessene Strahlung (im weiteren als top-of-the-atmosphere flux — TOA — bezeichnet) mit dem Nettostrahlungsfluß an der Oberfläche korreliert. Die Modellberechnungen zeigen, daß TOA-Fluß und Nettostrahlungsfluß an der Oberfläche zwar in bezug auf Änderungen der optischen Dicke, nicht aber in bezug auf Änderungen der Wolkenhöhe korreliert sind, während sie in bezug auf Veränderungen des Wasserdampfgehalts negativ korreliert sind. Es zeigt sich weiters, daß der Zenithwinkel der Sonne einen wesentlichen Einfluß auf diese Zusammenhänge hat. Daher ist es wichtig, die Auswirkungen des atmosphärischen Wasserdampfgehalts und des Sonnenzenithwinkels in den empirischen Berechnungen des Strahlungsflusses an der Oberfläche zu korrigieren.Der theroretische Ansatz ist abhängig vom Einfluß der Unsicherheiten der satellitenermittelten Wolkenparameter. Im solaren Spektralbereich wird der zur Oberfläche gerichtete Nettofluß durch die Unsicherheiten in der satellitenermittelten Wolkendecke und der optischen Dicke systematisch in entgegengesetzter Richtung beeinflußt, so daß der gemeinsame Effekt im allgemeinen gering bleibt (< 7 Wm–2). Im thermischen Infrarotbereich kann ein Fehler von 7 Wm–2 durch eine Unsicherheit von 100 mb in der Wolkenbasishöhe oder von 0.1 in der Bedeckung hervorgerufen werden. Im Gegensatz zur weitverbreiteten Ansicht ist also der Fehler bei Berechnungen des Flusses an der Oberfläche im thermischen Infrarotbereich aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach größer als im solaren Spektrum.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

The possibility is considered ofusing calculated and satellite data in addition to the results of direct actinometric observations in order to maintain the series of Earth surface radiation budget and to study its spatial variability. The empirical relationships are obtained based on the regression analysis of atmospheric radiation and meteorological parameters using the data of long-term observations in Lomonosov Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory (MSU MO). Satellite data needed to compute the Earth surface radiation budget are compared with the respective data of ground-based observations in MSU MO, and the possibility of using them is assessed.  相似文献   

A complex method for analysis of measurement data of the AVHRR radiometer of the NOAA satellite is presented, which allows detecting clouds, classifying their types, detecting precipitation zones, and estimating cloud and precipitation parameters in the daytime the year round in the midlatitudes. Tuning and testing of the method (threshold algorithms of classification) are carried out on the synchronous satellite and surface meteorological and radar data archive for central European Russia in 1998–2006. As a result of validation, characteristics are presented of reliability of satellite estimates of cloud amount, top height, maximum liquid water content in the cloud layer, and precipitation rate.  相似文献   

Field measurements of radiation fluxes—notably downwelling longwave radiation flux (LW flux)—are as yet rare or nonexistent outside a very select number of sites in the tropics. Data gaps can only be filled through the use of estimation schemes based on measurements of other meteorological variables, and there is a need for recommendations on best practice in this area. We selected 18 contrasting semi-empirical estimation schemes for downward longwave radiation, based on air emissivities, combined with six different sky cover estimation schemes and compared the expected longwave flux with hourly observations from a flux tower at Caxiuan? in Brazil. Of all schemes tested, the Dilley–Kimball emissivity scheme combined with Kasten and Czeplak’s sky cover scheme during the day and Dilley and O’Brien’s model B scheme at night proved to be the most reliable, yielding estimates of LW flux generally within 20?W/m2 of measurements across all time points.  相似文献   

Effects of complex terrain on net surface longwave radiation in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Net surface longwave radiation (NSLR) is one of key meteorological factors and is strongly influenced by cloud cover, surface temperature, humidity, and local micrometeorological conditions as well as terrain conditions. Realistically estimating NSLR is vitally important for understanding surface radiation balance and investigating micrometeorological factors of air pollution dispersion, especially in regions with complicated terrain. In this study, we proposed a distributed model for estimating NSLR by considering effects of complex local terrain conditions in China. Meteorological data (including mean temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine percentage) and observed NSLR data from 1993 to 2001 together with the digital elevation model data were used to parametrize the model and account for the effects of atmospheric factors and surface terrain factors according to the isotropic principle. The monthly NSLR during 1961–2000 was estimated at a spatial resolution of 1 km. Topographic analysis suggests that the distribution characteristics of NSLR with elevation or slope are consistent with those of field observations. In particular, the estimated NSLR is favorably comparable with site-level observations on the Tibetan Plateau (average relative error < 11%). Our results indicate that this model can describe microscale distribution features in mountainous areas in detail and that this improved approach can be used for NSLR spatial estimation in other regions with complicated terrain.  相似文献   

Summary The large desert regions over North Africa are of particular importance to our climate and are therefore modelled numerically as part of sensitivity studies. The result of these models needs verification, but diagnostic studies of atmospheric energetics also require accurate values of the radiation budget at the upper boundary of the climate system.The radiation anomaly above Northern Africa is now established from various satellite data. However, it is suspected that there are serious errors caused in particular by angular and temporal sampling. A sample of NIMBUS-7 ERB—measurements (16.–30. June 1979) was therefore reanalysed, including the missing diurnal cycle which was reconstructed from the corresponding METEOSAT measurements. These more complete data on diurnal cycles change the results on outgoing thermal fluxes and net radiation by up to almost 60 Wm–2, thus changes of the sign of net radiation also occur over several regions.
Zusammenfassung Die ausgedehnten Wüstengebiete in Nordafrika sind von großer Wichtigkeit für unser Klima und daher Gegenstand zahlreicher numerischer Empfindlichkeitsstudien. Entsprechende Modellergebnisse können mit Hilfe von Messungen der Strahlungsbilanz am Oberrand der Atmosphäre verifiziert werden. Messungen dienen aber auch als Eingangsdaten für diagnostische Untersuchungen der Energietransporte in der Atmosphäre.Die Strahlungsanomalität über Nordafrika ist mittlerweile durch zahlreiche Satellitenmessungen bestätigt. Jedoch beinhalten ältere Studien z.T. Fehler auf Grund der Nichtberücksichtigung der speziellen Eigenschaften der Stichprobenentnahme durch das Satelliteninstrument. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein Datensatz des NIMBUS-7 ERB Experimentes (16.–30. Juni 1979) neu ausgewertet unter zusätzlicher Verwendung von METEOSAT-1-Messungen, um den Tagesgang der Strahlungsparameter berücksichtigen zu können. Diese zusätzlichen Daten bewirken Änderungen im kurz- und langwelligen Fluß sowie in dem daraus resultierenden Nettofluß von bis zu 60 Wm–2, was für einige Gebiete eine Vorzeichenumkehr des Nettoflusses bedeutet.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

Estimation of radiation during fair weather cloudy situations of the MESOGERS-84 experiment has been examined using micrometeorological observations and satellite data. Diurnal variation of cloudiness is empirically determined using satellite information as a function of global radiation, and relationships between net incoming radiation and global radiation are analyzed. Particularly, it has been found that a very simple relationship between global radiation, cloudiness and net radiative heat flux proposed by Nielsenet al. (1981) can be used with satellite data and applied to the Mesogers region in Southwest France. The different relationships between cloudiness and radiation are utilized to modify and to validate Taconet'set al. model (1986) to get fluxes related to a cloudy situation without advection.  相似文献   

The complexity of inhomogeneous surface–atmosphere radiation transfer is one of the foremost problems in the field of atmospheric physics and atmospheric radiation. To date, the influence of surface properties on shortwave radiation has not been well studied. The daily downward surface shortwave radiation of the latest FLASHFlux/CERES(Fast Longwave And Shortwave Fluxes Time Interpolated and Spatially Averaged/Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System) satellite data was evaluated against in situ data. The comparison indicated that the differences between the two data sets are unstable and large over rugged terrain compared with relatively flat terrain, and the mean absolute error of the satellite products reaches 31.4 W m-2(12.3%) over rugged terrain. Based on the SSF(single satellite footprint)/CERES product, the influence of surface properties on the distribution of downward surface shortwave radiation(DSSR) was analyzed. The influence of surface properties on DSSR over the Tibetan Plateau is about twice as large as that in two other regions located at the same latitude(eastern China–western Pacific and subtropical North Pacific). A simulation was carried out with the help of the I3RC(International Intercomparision of Three-Dimensional Radiation Code) Monte Carlo 3D radiative transfer community model. The results showed that DSSR increases as surface albedo increases. Moreover, the impact of surface albedo on DSSR is larger if the spatial distribution of clouds is more non-uniform. It is hoped that these results will contribute to the development of 3D radiative transfer models and the improvement of satellite inversion algorithms.  相似文献   

An empirical formula is proposed for calculating monthly sums of total solar radiation at the snow-free surface from cloud observations and empirical parameters characterizing the optical properties of different cloud layers.  相似文献   

Hourly outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) from the geostationary satellite Communication Oceanography Meteorological Satellite(COMS) has been retrieved since June 2010. The COMS OLR retrieval algorithms are based on regression analyses of radiative transfer simulations for spectral functions of COMS infrared channels. This study documents the accuracies of OLRs for future climate applications by making an intercomparison of four OLRs from one single-channel algorithm(OLR12.0using the 12.0 μm channel) and three multiple-channel algorithms(OLR10.8+12.0using the 10.8 and 12.0 μm channels; OLR6.7+10.8using the 6.7 and 10.8 μm channels; and OLR All using the 6.7, 10.8, and 12.0 μm channels). The COMS OLRs from these algorithms were validated with direct measurements of OLR from a broadband radiometer of the Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System(CERES) over the full COMS field of view [roughly(50°S–50°N, 70°–170°E)] during April 2011.Validation results show that the root-mean-square errors of COMS OLRs are 5–7 W m-2, which indicates good agreement with CERES OLR over the vast domain. OLR6.7+10.8and OLR All have much smaller errors(~ 6 W m-2) than OLR12.0and OLR10.8+12.0(~ 8 W m-2). Moreover, the small errors of OLR6.7+10.8and OLR All are systematic and can be readily reduced through additional mean bias correction and/or radiance calibration. These results indicate a noteworthy role of the6.7 μm water vapor absorption channel in improving the accuracy of the OLRs. The dependence of the accuracy of COMS OLRs on various surface, atmospheric, and observational conditions is also discussed.  相似文献   

云天地表总辐射和净辐射瞬时值的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少计算机时,满足实时预报要求,全球数值预报模式中的辐射计算频率通常设定为三小时。这样处理会大大减少计算量,但也同时导致较大辐射日变化偏差,并影响模式对地面能量平衡,对流及降水的模拟。为改进这一缺陷,我们开发了一种辐射快速计算方案,可用于计算瞬时地面太阳总辐射和净辐射,使到达地面的太阳辐射计算可与模式积分同步进行,从而改善地面太阳辐射日变化模拟。本文介绍云天的计算方法。该方案所用的输入变量均为预报模式或卫星观测所能提供的量。结果表明:该方案既可用于数值预报模式也可利用观测资料独立计算地面太阳辐射。经与美国能源部大气辐射观测资料检验,该方案的精度很高,地面总辐射瞬时值的平均计算误差小于7%。  相似文献   

以较为精确的大气辐射传输模式为基础,研制出晴天地表总辐射和净辐射瞬时值的计算方案。与以往的经验计算方法不同,该方案将辐射传输带模式的思路引入地面太阳辐射计算,并尽可能将大气中吸收和散射物质对太阳辐射的影响考虑进去,从而使该方法具有较好的精确性和普适性。在此基础上采用了Kokhanovsky等人提出的大气气溶胶反射率和透过率参数化方案,使得气溶胶对地面总辐射和净辐射的影响得到较好的处理。采用的自变量都是数值预报模式或卫星观测能提供的气象要素,因此该方案即可用于数值预报模式或陆面过程模式计算地表辐射平衡,又可以利用卫星观测或再分析资料估算地面太阳能资源分布。利用美国能源部三个大气辐射观测站点2005年全年的观测资料及欧洲宇航局提供的卫星反演气溶胶资料对计算方案进行了检验。结果表明,该方法十分精确,所有点的平均相对误差都小于6%,误差的均方差都小于0.3 W•m-2。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - This study used downward longwave (LW) radiation measurements, air temperature (T), particulate matter (PM) concentrations of fine (PM 2.5) and coarse (PM10)...  相似文献   

Summary Global maps of the monthly mean net upward longwave radiation flux at the ocean surface have been obtained for April, July, October 1985 and January 1986. These maps were produced by blending information obtained from a combination of general circulation model cloud radiative forcing fields, the top-of-the-atmosphere cloud radiative forcing from ERBE and TOVS profiles and sea surface temperature on ISCCP C1 tapes. The fields are compatible with known meteorological regimes of atmospheric water vapor content and cloudiness. There is a vast area of high net upward longwave radiation flux (> 80 W m–2) in the eastern Pacific Ocean throughout most of the year. Areas of low net upward longwave radiation flux (< 40 Wm–2) are the tropical convective regions and extra tropical regions that tend to have persistent low cloud cover. The technique used in this study relies on GCM simulations and so is subject to some of the uncertainties associated with the model. However, all input information regarding temperature, moisture and cloud cover is from satellite data having near global coverage. This feature of the procedure alone warrants its consideration for further use in compiling global maps of the net longwave radiation at the surface over the oceans.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

利用全国95个气象站点逐日地表太阳总辐射和日照时数资料,通过最小二乘法拟合回归建立地表太阳总辐射气候学计算模型。通过对比分析以日值和月值为起点的地表太阳总辐射计算模型的精度,确定了全国不同省份和区域的不同时间尺度(月、季节、生长季和年)地表太阳总辐射计算模型,并探讨了经验系数ab值的分布及变化特征。结果表明,以日值和月值为起点建立的月、四季、生长季和年地表太阳总辐射计算模型精度无显著性差异,相对误差均低于8.5%,但以日值为起点的计算模型ab值变异性更小。在以日值为起点建立计算模型的前提下,全国各地ab值自西北部向南部减小,且从四季到生长季再到年尺度,随着时间尺度增大,ab值振幅减小。根据不同省份年地表太阳总辐射计算模型经验系数ab值,全国可划分为新甘蒙地区、青藏高原地区和中东部地区3个区域,分别确定了每个区域四季、生长季和年尺度下地表太阳总辐射计算模型。各区域不同时间尺度地表太阳总辐射计算模型均通过了显著性检验(p<0.01),其中青藏高原地区和新甘蒙地区模型相对误差低于8.0%,模拟精度较高。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of clouds on longwave radiation budget at the top and base of the atmosphere is studied by using the HIRS2/MSU-retrieved temperature and humidity fields, and cloud fields and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project-produced fields. Detailed studies are carried out at four selected sites: one at Equatorial Eastern Pacific (ITCZ) area, one at Libyan Desert (Libya), one at Ottawa, Montreal (Ottawa), and one at central Europe (Europe). The monthly mean differences in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) (the ISCCP-based OLR minus the HIRS2-based OLR), ranging from –2.8 Wm–2 at ITCZ to –15.4 Wm–2 at Ottawa, are less than the monthly mean differences in surface downward flux, ranging from –2.7 Wm–2 at Libya to 40.6 Wm–2 at the ITCZ. The large differences in surface downward flux are mainly due to large differences in cloud amount and moisture in the low levels of the atmosphere.Monthly mean OLR and surface downward flux can be derived either (1) from instantaneous temperature, humidity, and cloud fields over a month period or (2) from monthly mean temperature, humidity, and cloud fields. The monthly mean OLR and surface downward flux derived from the first approach is compared with the second. The differences in OLR are small, ranging from –0.05 Wm–2 to 6.2 Wm–2, and the differences in surface downward flux is also small, ranging from 0.4 Wm–2 to 6.4 Wm–2.List of Acronyms AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution radiometer - ERB Earth Radiation Budget - ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment - FGGE First Global GARP Experiment - GARP Global Atmospheric Research Program - GCM General Circulation Model - GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies - GLA Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres - GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite - GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - HIRS2 High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/2 - ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project - IR Infrared - MSU Microwave Sounding Unit - NFOV Narrow Field of View - NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NESDIS National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service - TOVS TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder With 4 Figures  相似文献   

周嗣松  陈维英 《气象》1987,13(8):23-25
我们将AVHRR/HRPT资料海面温度计算软件系统,用1984年2月17日和9月7日北京地面站接收的NOAA-7 AVHRR资料,以及1986年8月19日、20日,9月14日和10月13、14、15日的NOAA-9 AVHRR资料的海面温度计算结果同相应时期的船泊或浮标测量的海面温度进行了比较。比较结果,5个时段均方根误差平均值((?))为1.01℃。  相似文献   

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