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The granite-greenstone terrain of south-central Zimbabwe, encompassing the Belingwe (Mberengwa) greenstone belt and sections of the Great Dyke, provides important constraints on models for the evolution of the Zimbabwe craton and the Archaean crust in general. In this paper we enhance and model existing and recently acquired gravity data from the region and correlate the anomalies and their derivatives with the known basement geology to evaluate models for greenstone belt development. We also study the spatial gneiss-granite-greenstone association in general, and the geologic implications of models of the anomaly patterns in particular. Although the Belingwe greenstone belt has been mapped, its subsurface geometry is poorly known. Similarly, the Great Dyke is well studied, but no systematic study of the extent and cross-cutting relations of other mafic dykes in the Archaean crust has been undertaken.The regional gravity field shows no evidence for crustal thickness variations in the area and the gravity anomalies can be explained by lateral density variations of the supracrustal rocks. Prominent gravity highs are observed over the high density ( 3000 kg/m3) volcano-sedimentary piles (greenstone belts) and ultramafic complexes. Well-defined elongate, sub-oval/elliptical gravity lows are associated with intrusive granitic plutons. The granite-greenstone contacts are marked by steep gravity gradients of up to 5 mGal/km that imply steeply dipping or near-vertical contacts for the anomalous bodies. This is tested and confirmed by 21/2D modelling of gravity profiles across the Belingwe and Fort Rixon greenstone belts, constrained by measured densities and observed geological data. The modelling also indicates that these belts, and possibly all the belts in the study area (based on comparable densities and anomaly amplitudes), have limited depth extents in the range of 3–5 km. This is comparable to thicknesses obtained elsewhere from deep seismic reflection data and geoelectrical studies, but mapped stratigraphic thicknesses give a maximum depth extent of about 9.5 km. Present studies and previous work support the idea that the volcanics were extruded within rift zones and laid on older granitic crust, followed by subsidence and rapid deposition of sediments that were sourced from the adjacent basement terrains. The volcano-sedimentary sequences were subsequently deformed by intruding younger plutons and affected by late-stage strike-slip activity producing cross-cutting structures.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下把公益性事业与商业性(经营性)活动分开,是国土资源行业改革的一条基本原则。深化地质工作管理体制改革,大力培育地质勘查市场,扩大服务领域,为商业性(经营性)地质工作营造广阔的生存、发展空间,使之逐步成为地质勘查工作的主体,这是国家确定的地勘队伍企业化改革的总方针。为此,分析煤炭地质单位开展商业性地质工作的运行情况,针对存在的问题,研究如何使商业性地质工作走上健康、有序的发展之路,是十分必要的。1关于商业性地质工作的界定商业性(或经营性)地质工作是与公益性地质工作相对应的。公益性地质工…  相似文献   

李如满  刘峰  柳凤娟 《矿产与地质》2010,24(3):210-212,240
康尼玛拉金矿床的形成与太古宙绿岩带、前寒武系变质岩关系密切,矿体、矿化蚀变体主要受NNW向断裂构造控制,属破碎蚀变岩型金矿,围岩蚀变发育,硅化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化与矿化关系密切,该矿区具有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

Eastern Venezuela is divided into three geologic-geographic provinces: The Guayana shield in the south; the Eastern Venezuelan basin in the central part; and the mountains of the Serranía del Interior and Cordillera de la Costa (Caribbean Cordillera) in the northern part. The stratigraphy and geological history are discussed, as reflected by rocks of presumably pre-Cambrian, ? Triassic-Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary ages. From the Cretaceous onward, Eastern Venezuela north of the Guayana shield and east of the El BaÚl swell, forms part of a geosyncline, the axis of which shifted southward during its history. The position of this axis governed deposition and character of the sediments, which become more marine from south to north and from west to east. Orogenic and epeirogenic movements, particularly during Miocene and Pliocene time, transformed the Eastern Venezuelan sedimentary basin into two structural basins, namely the Maturín basin on the east and the Guárico basin on the west.  相似文献   

莫洪成  杨瑞东  高军波  罗朝坤  倪莘然  李鑫正  周登峰  薛忠喜 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2022112004-2022112004
Li是一种碱金属元素,由于它不受氧化还原和生物效应的影响,因此在追踪地球元素循环方面非常有利。并且Li在海洋中的留存时间远大于海水混合时间,因此海洋中的Li具有相对均一的组成,从而能够代表对应地质历史时期整体海洋情况。近年来海洋Li同位素被应用在示踪大陆风化模式领域,并取得了很多成果。笔者等在系统总结全球海洋Li循环作用和表生地质作用的Li同位素分馏机制的基础上,通过收集并整理、估算了不同时期海洋Li同位素组成,对地质历史时期海洋Li同位素组成变化与改变大陆风化模式相关的地质事件进行分析,再结合同时期碳酸盐岩C、Sr同位素数据进行对比分析,探讨Li、C、Sr同位素演化与地质事件之间的关系。最后,讨论了目前海洋Li同位素组成方面研究的不足,为后续利用海洋Li同位素记录示踪大陆风化模式的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Li是一种碱金属元素,由于它不受氧化还原和生物效应的影响,因此在追踪地球元素循环方面非常有利。并且Li在海洋中的留存时间远大于海水混合时间,因此海洋中的Li具有相对均一的组成,从而能够代表对应地质历史时期整体海洋情况。近年来海洋Li同位素被应用在示踪大陆风化模式领域,并取得了很多成果。笔者等在系统总结全球海洋Li循环作用和表生地质作用的Li同位素分馏机制的基础上,通过收集并整理、估算了不同时期海洋Li同位素组成,对地质历史时期海洋Li同位素组成变化与改变大陆风化模式相关的地质事件进行分析,再结合同时期碳酸盐岩C、Sr同位素数据进行对比分析,探讨Li、C、Sr同位素演化与地质事件之间的关系。最后,讨论了目前海洋Li同位素组成方面研究的不足,为后续利用海洋Li同位素记录示踪大陆风化模式的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

津巴布韦大岩墙中的层状铬铁矿储量丰富,易于开采且矿石质量较高。本文通过对产自不同次岩浆房的铬铁矿样品进行电子探针分析,表明铬铁矿的地球化学数据较为集中,TiO_2含量较低,Mg#变化不大,Cr#逐渐升高,表现出随着温度和压力的降低,铬铁矿化学成分向着富Cr和富Fe的方向演变。综合分析表明该层状铬铁矿是在拉张环境背景下,由于深大断裂诱发深部地幔发生部分熔融,形成的基性-超基性岩浆快速上涌,随着温度和压力的逐渐降低,由分离结晶作用导致铬铁矿矿物的堆晶沉淀形成层状矿体。  相似文献   

Biological damage to plants is commonly found from the Devonian but occurs most commonly from the Cretaceous. Damage inflicted on plants whilst they were alive may trigger a pathological response involving the growth of abnormal tissues. Much of the damage is caused by arthropods, particularly insects. Whilst some damage is non-taxon specific, such as simple feeding traces, other damage, such as leaf mines, galls or bark boring, may reveal the co-evolution of host specific taxa and the timing of such interactions. Damaged plants, particularly from the Cretaceous and Tertiary are described and illustrated. The geological history of the evolution of insect-related plant damage is briefly reviewed. Increased variety in the pathological response of plants is seen from the Cretaceous with the evolution of the angiosperms and diversification of numerous insect groups.  相似文献   

中国是一个有五千多年历史的文明古国和古人类的栖居地。在浩如烟海的古籍和民间传说中,都有丰富的有关地质现象和地质作用的描述。社会生产力和生产关系的变革带来的科学技术进步和生产方式的突破使地质事业的发展呈现出阶段性。包括远古时代人类对地质现象的探索在内,文章把中国地质矿产调查事业的发展史划分为6个阶段,即石器时代的地质遗迹、远古时代的地质认知、启蒙时代的地质考察、奠基时代的地质调查研究、快速发展时期的地质工作和改革开放新时代的地质事业,分别论述了各个发展阶段地质矿产调查工作中的重要地质事件、地质工作的内容和特点、主要调查研究成果和对国家经济社会发展作出的贡献。   相似文献   

Geophysical and hydrogeological investigations have been carried out around Sawmills in Zimbabwe, Africa. The investigations are components of a larger investigation to assess the groundwater potential of the Karoo sedimentary basin with regards to supplying water to Bulawayo City. The Sawmills area was selected due to the availability of borehole logs indicating favourable stratigraphy for groundwater availability and due to the high yields from the aquifers measured from these boreholes. Data collected using two geophysical methods are presented here: transient electromagnetic (TEM) and continuous vertical electrical sounding (CVES) data. The data have also been processed using laterally constrained inversion (LCI). Because the CVES provides greater detail in the shallow subsurface, whereas TEM is more effective at depth, a more accurate image of the entire subsurface profile is provided based on using both methods. The results suggest that LCI of CVES and TEM data, in the subsurface at the required depths at Sawmills, is able to provide a substantially more accurate image of the subsurface than either method alone. The hydrogeological interpretation of the geophysical data is valuable for determining the depth to and thickness of the potential aquifer horizon(s) and for identifying the position of potential recharge zones.  相似文献   

Magnetic and seismic methods have been used in this study as complementary methods to each other to construct a geologic hazard map for Wadi Thuwal area. Magnetic interpretation for deep-seated geologic structures has involved reduction to pole algorithm and downward continuation techniques. It showed that there are three major fault trends: NE-SW and NNE-SSW, NW-SE, and N-S. Furthermore, shear zone has been found close to Harrat Thuwal, which was confirmed by the seismic method. Seismic method revealed three lithologic layers where the depth of the bedrock was found to be ranging between 9?m at the southeastern part of the study area and 24?m at its northern part. It showed also five major fault trends: NW-SE, ENE-WSW, NE-SW, and nearly E-W. Supported by the surface geology, magnetic and seismic results showed that the Wadi Thuwal area can be divided into three zones on the basis of geologic hazards, depending on the presence of geologic features such as faults. It is recommended that before any development plan in Wadi Thuwal area, the delineated hazard zonation should be taken into account.  相似文献   

The Earth formed through a hot accretion process. Almost simultaneously, the core and the mantle were separated from each other. At the final stages of the accretion process, the outer layer approximately 2000 km thick was molten, thus representing a magma ocean. This magma ocean produced the primary crust of the Earth. Surface waters were precipitated from the atmosphere and released from the crystallizing magma ocean. The plate tectonic processes started at around 4.3 to 4 Ga BP. In the Archean, the overall tectonic mechanism was quite specific, due to substantially higher mantle temperature and thicker oceanic crust. The normal plate tectonics acted during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic with the periodic assembly of continents, which are known as supercontinent cycles.  相似文献   

In this work some examples of “twisting” of the Earth in the geologic past are given: displacement of the northern parts of the global submeridional structures to the west relative to their southern parts; the rotation of the “geodynamic pair” of Siberia-Laurentia in the Proterozoic; sinistral displacement of the Northern Hemisphere relative to the Southern Hemisphere after the collapse of the last Pangaea; the equatorial rotation of the continental plates; oblique orientation of the global network of planetary fracturing; an inclination of the axis of submeridional compression; sinistral “beveling”; the dextral “twisting” of Venus. All these examples confirm the idea of possible sinistral “twisting” of the Earth that has been proposed by many authors. The cause of such “twisting” is unclear, although it is likely connected with the Earth’s rotation around its axis. Some of these examples show that many paleomagnetic reconstructions can be usefully discussed in a tectonophysical aspect. Moreover, in connection with this data, the development of a new scientific field, called “paleomagnetic tectonophysics”, is possible.  相似文献   

The geology of the Isle of Wight has attracted both the amateur and professional geologist alike for well over two centuries. It presents a cornucopia of things geological and offers a window into the fascinating story of the geological history and landscape development of southern England, as well as an important teaching resource for all levels of study from primary education through to academic research.This paper provides a geological framework and a summary of the history of research as context for the papers in this issue can be placed. Inevitably, it can only offer a précis of the huge amount of information available, but it is hoped will also give added impetus to further investigation of the literature or, indeed, new research.The island offers a field workshop for topics such as lithostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, tectonics and climate change; studies that are becoming ever more international in their influence. There are 15 Sites of Special Scientific Interest designated because of their geological importance and a number of these are internationally significant.After a brief discussion on the concealed geology, this paper concentrates on an outline of the near-surface geology on the coast and inland, and introduces a different view on the structure of the Cretaceous and Palaeogene strata. The enigmatic Quaternary deposits are discussed particularly with reference to the development of the Solent River, human occupation and climate change.  相似文献   

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