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龙首山北缘断裂带是潮水盆地与龙首山地的地貌分界线,展布于龙首山隆起的北麓。前期曾在龙首山北缘断裂带东段的白家嘴、中段包代河、西段斜坡山开挖了三个探槽,均揭露出多期古地震。本文通过三个探槽古地震事件的对比分析认为,龙首山北缘断裂带第1次古地震(11 ka)到最后1次古地震(1.6 ka)间隔9.4 ka,约1万年时间里有6次古地震发生。如果取算术平均(9.4 ka/6=1.57 ka),则每隔1 500年左右,龙首山北缘断裂带就有一次强地震事件,即古地震平均重复间隔约1.57 ka。这和其它各大断裂带得出的古地震优势重现周期(1~2 ka)并不矛盾。①5 ka年以前龙首山北缘断裂带仅有2次古地震事件,重复间隔5.3 ka,明显偏长,可能有古地震的遗漏问题;②5 ka年以后该断裂地震活动明显丛集,最短间隔0.7 ka,最长间隔1.5 ka,平均重复间隔约0.8 ka。无论是最短、最长或平均重复间隔,均与山丹-张掖地区历史地震的最长重复间隔0.79 ka接近。  相似文献   


中低温对流型地热资源在华北地区广泛分布,是一种清洁的替代能源.与活动断裂带相关的水热型地热资源是中低温地热系统的重要组成部分.本文基于高精度重力测量、微动测深及钻孔温度测量等数据,从热源、通道、储层和盖层四个方面探讨了南口—孙河断裂带水热系统特征.低重力异常揭示的燕山期花岗二长岩、闪长岩岩体范围为23.8 km2和14.3 km2,放射性测井数据计算得到其生热率均值为3.14 μW·m-3,侏罗系火山岩生热率均值为1.65 μW·m-3,隐伏岩体和火山岩均难以构成地热系统的附加热源.重力异常显示南口—孙河断裂带宽度约500~800 m,断裂带切割蓟县系雾迷山组白云岩热储层.钻井温度曲线显示断裂带内水热活动强烈,说明该断裂带是导水、导热的重要通道.断裂带南西侧马池口一带第四系松散层与侏罗系火山岩形成了热储盖层,微动测深显示火山岩最大厚度约1500 m.综上源、通、储、盖四个要素分析,该地热系统为热传导—对流复合型,来自京西北山区的大气降水经远距离径流深循环吸收地层热量后沿南口—孙河断裂上移到达裂隙发育的白云岩地层中形成热水.总之,沿南口—孙河断裂带具备了良好的地热地质条件,可达到规模开采的条件.


Introduction The Tanlu fault zone lies in the eastern China, which is an important huge active fault with a long history. It has experienced a complex generation and evolution process and affects significantly the regional structure, paleogeography, magma activity, minerogenesis and earthquake activity in the area. With a length of 2 400 km, the fault zone consists of 2-4 or more parallel faults of 10-40 km in width, cutting through different geotectonic elements in the eastern China (FANG et al, 1986). On July 25 in 1668, an extraordinarily large earthquake of M=8.5 occurred on the Changyi-Dadian fault (F1) that is an embranchment of Tanlu fault zone, resulting in a surface rupture with a total length of 130 km (LI et al, 1994; CHAO et al, 1995). The paleoseismic study reveals that 3 events with a magnitude equal to 8 occurred on the Changyi-Dadian fault. The recent event occurred 3 500 a ago and the reoccurrence interval is about 3 500 a (LIN and GAO, 1987). During the Tancheng earthquake (on July 25, 1668), the Anqiu-Juxian fault was not ruptured, which was a Late Pleistocene active fault (ZHENG et al, 1988; GAO et al, 1988; CHAO et al, 1994) and was doubted as the seismogenic fault of the M=7.0 Anqiu earthquake occurred in 70 BC by certain geologists (CHAO et al, 1994).  相似文献   

A test drilling exploration was implemented across the northern segment of the Nankou-Sunhe fault in the Beijing plain, and a combined borehole section was built by sequence stratigraphy, lithologic facies analysis, magnetic susceptibilityand absolute chronology to investigate the episodic activities of the fault since 60 ka BP. The results show that the active stages of the fault are 60 ka to 47 ka BP, 36 ka to 28 ka BP, and 16 ka BP to present. Other intervals are relatively stable. The average vertical slip rate is 0.35 mm/a from 60 ka to 37 ka BP, 0 mm/a from 37 ka to 3:2 ka BP,0.78 mm/a from 32 ka to 12 ka BP,and 0.35 mm/a since 12 ka BP. Compared with the conventional analyses on lithology and sedimentary facies, the sequence stratigraphy method has certain advantages in the studies of borehole strata comparison and episodic activity of buried faults.  相似文献   

北京平原区西北部大地热流与深部地温分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

北京平原区蕴藏着丰富的中-低温水热型地热资源,其西北部分布着小汤山地热田和京西北地热田,两大地热田以南口—孙河断裂带为界.地热田及其外围地区基础的地热地质研究工作较少.为给地热学研究和地热资源精细勘探提供科学依据,本文基于前人23眼钻孔的温度测量数据以及近期完成的548件热导率和100件放射性生热率实测数据,研究了区域大地热流和0~4 km深部地温特征.结果表明:(1)研究区现今地温梯度为11.31~94.89℃·km-1,平均值为31.79℃·km-1;岩石热导率为0.895~5.111 W·(m·K)-1,放射性生热率为0.257~2.305 μW·m-3,大地热流为48.1~99.1 mW·m-2,平均值为68.3 mW·m-2,热流的分布受基底形态和断裂构造控制.研究区东部南口—孙河断裂带两侧小汤山和郑各庄地区为高热流异常区,中部马池口地区也存在局部高热流异常区.(2)在南口—孙河断裂带的不同位置,不同深度地层温度差异明显,体现出区域现今地温场不只受控于该活动断裂,更是多期次构造事件复合叠加的结果.(3)南口—孙河断裂带南侧存在两处有意义的较高地温异常区,分别为郑各庄异常区和马池口异常区,其中马池口异常区是未来地热开发利用有一定潜力的地区.



郯庐断裂带是中国东部重要的活动断裂带和边界构造带,其鲁苏段全新世活动断层的空间展布和古地震序列是地学关注的焦点问题,也是准确评价区域地震危险性的重要参数.以往研究工作多集中在郯庐断裂带地表地貌现象明显且有强震记录的山东段,而江苏段则研究程度相对较低,有关郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层范围和古地震序列问题存在争议.本文利用野外地质地貌调查、浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面以及古地震探槽等多层次综合方法,重点开展郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层的分布和古地震序列研究.结果显示全新世时期,安丘-莒县断裂是郯庐断裂带江苏段的主要活动断层,且江苏全段该断层都是全新世活动断层.通过对比宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂南北安丘-莒县断裂的断层地貌和断层最新活动时间,并结合宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂在第四纪没有活动过等证据,推测该断层在全新世时期并不是区域阻碍破裂的断层.探槽揭示郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世两次古地震事件,事件Ⅰ限定在(6.2±0.3)-(13.4±0.7)ka B.P.之间,而事件Ⅱ限定在(2.5±0.1)ka B.P.到现今,全新世两次古地震间隔较长.基于构造类比法,安丘-莒县断裂具有深部孕震的构造特点,是区域未来强震的潜在发震构造.


Introduction The Tanlu fault zone, the largest active structure in the eastern region of China, is character-ized by right lateral strike-slip movement with dip-slip component in the Quaternary; it shows great significance for the modern seismicity (FANG et al, 1976; Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, 1987; GAO et al, 1980; MA, 1987; LI, 1989; CHAO et al, 1995). The Tanlu fault zone is the boundary between the Jiaoliao block and the North China Plain block of …  相似文献   

通过对1971年以来福建政和-海丰断裂地震活动特征分析,认为政和-海丰断裂的地震活动是:在主体北东向政和-海丰断裂带和次级北西向永安-晋江断裂带相互交汇的构造格局下,形成了4~5级中强地震反复发生的潜在震源区.  相似文献   




Introduction The southern part of the Tanlu fault zone, especially the sections to the south of the Huaiheriver, has been taken as the sections that have been inactive or inert since Late Pleistocene (Insti-tute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, 1987; CHAO, et al, 1999; SHI, et al, 2003). Thepresent authors have found the structural features that are inconsistent with the previous viewpointduring their researches. The new knowledge about active features along the Tanlu fault …  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带内部的差异活动及其成因分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郯庐断裂带在山东境内被称为沂沭断裂带的部分是其新构造活动最为强烈的一段.许多学者对沂沭断裂带做过大量研究工作,指出沂沭带活动存在差异性,但较少关于差异活动的原因分析.本文在前人研究工作基础上,较为深入地分析了沂沭带5条断裂的主要活动规律及其特点,对沂沭带进行了新的分段,并归纳了沂沭带不同断裂之间、同一断裂不同段落之间的活动差异及其差异的基本特征.在此基础上,从地貌、断裂结构、断裂空间组合、现代运动、深部构造环境等几个方面,分析阐述了造成沂沭带差异活动的可能原因,为更深入地研究沂沭带提供了新鲜的启示和思路.  相似文献   

山西断陷系交城断裂全新世古地震活动初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
断错地貌调查及探槽开挖表明,晋中盆地西界分布的黄土台地的前、后缘均存在断层,断层的最新活动位于地表陡坎的前缘,地表见到的断层最新活动断面的上升盘是早全新世地层。同时,新民探槽开挖表明,该断裂在早全新世以后曾发生三次古地震事件,最新一次活动接近距今2748a,另两期古地震事件的时间分别距今4037~5910a及8360~5910a。如果取后两次古地震事件时间跨度的中值,这三次古地震事件的间隔分别是2225a和2162a,平均2193a。  相似文献   

已有地质和地球物理研究结果表明,北京平原区存在有多条第四纪隐伏活动断裂和隐伏盆地.为了研究该区的地壳浅部结构、断裂的空间展布、断裂活动性以及深浅构造关系,2006年,在北京平原的西北部地区完成了1条60次覆盖的中深层地震反射剖面和跨断裂的浅层地震反射剖面.结果表明,沿剖面结晶基底埋深约为3~6 km在结晶基底以上,地震反射剖面揭示了一套连续性较好的强反射震相,应是新生代、中生代和古生代的沉积岩系;在结晶基底之下,为一系列横向连续性较差、能量较弱的短小反射事件,可能代表了变质程度较高的结晶变质岩系或不成层的其他岩体.中深层和浅层地震剖面揭示的断裂具有上下一致的对应关系和明显的第四纪活动,对本区地堑-地垒状盆岭构造和新生代地层厚度具有重要的控制作用.本项研究不仅可进一步提高对北京地区新构造活动的认识,而且研究中所采用的方法技术对其他地区的深浅构造探测研究也有借鉴意义  相似文献   

酒西盆地位于祁连山北缘、河西走廊西端,是一个被活动断裂围限的新生代压陷性盆地,盆地周缘及内部发育多条活动断裂.通过对前人古地震资料的总结分析和野外补充调查,发现酒西盆地断裂古地震大多符合特征地震模式,复发周期约为3~5 ka,根据经验公式推断,每次地震的震级约为6.8~7.2级.从区域古地震角度看,酒西盆地地震的发生具...  相似文献   

罗云山山前断裂带阶地调查研究及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
罗云山山前断裂带位于山西临汾盆地西侧,控制着盆地的西界.对罗云山山前断裂带8条冲沟的阶地测量资料的研究表明:该断裂带冲沟发育T1~T5五级阶地.T1 阶地拔沟3m左右,T2 阶地拔沟8~10m,T3 阶地拔沟20m左右,T4 阶地拔沟30m左右,T5 阶地拔沟40~50m.阶地测年数据及断错地貌调查表明:罗云山山前断裂带在晚第四纪以来有过多次活动.晚更新世中晚期以来阶地的抬升速率为0.41 mm/a,全新世以来抬升速率为0.75mm/a.罗云山山前断裂带冲沟阶地从晚更新世中晚期到全新世抬升速率有逐渐增大的趋势,反映该断裂带自晚第四纪以来构造抬升作用逐渐加强,这与临汾盆地从晚更新世晚期到全新世沉降速率也有增大的趋势比较一致.  相似文献   

郭星  潘华 《地震学报》2014,36(6):1043-1053
利用更新模型计算未来几十年内发生强震的条件概率需要给出上一次大震的离逝时间T, 而很多活动断裂上缺少历史大震的记载, 若采用泊松模型则可能会低估强震发生的概率.针对这种缺少大震离逝时间的活动断裂, 本文提出一种以记载完整的强震平静期长度Ts为参数的条件概率计算方法. 以东昆仑断裂带塔藏段为实例, 利用本文给出的条件概率计算方法得到该段未来50年发生强震的可能性为0.0649.   相似文献   

Anqiu-Juxian Fault is an important fault in the Tanlu fault zone, with the highest seismic risk, the most recent activity date, and the most obvious surface traces. Due to lack of credible geological evidences, there is big controversy on the Holocene activity in the Jiangsu segment of this fault. Research on the characteristics of late Quaternary activity in the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, particularly its latest activity time, is of great significance to assessment of its earthquake ability and seismic risk. Based on field investigations on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, and combining with the results of fault activities identification on this fault in Suqian City, we discussed the characteristics of its activities in late Quaternary. Multiple geological sections we found in this study and the results of fault activities identification in Suqian City all indicate that there was an ancient seismic event occurring in middle period of Holocene in the segment from southern Maling Mountain to Suqian City; but the trench at Houchen village did not show any evidence of Holocene activity on the Chonggangshan segment of this fault. Based on method of shallow seismic exploration, we carried out a systematic exploration of this fault to get its accurate position and activity characteristics. The results show that Anqiu-Juxian Fault in Suqian City is mainly characterized by dextral strike-slip, associated with both thrusting and extensional movement in different positions. A series of low hills were formed along the fault in the north of Suqian City, and a small graben basin was formed in the south of Suqian City, both are controlled by the dextral strike-slip movement of this fault. The Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault in general is characterized by dextral strike-slip with thrusting movement. But some parts of it are characterized by dextral strike-slip with extensional movement. The Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault experienced a number of activities since the late Quaternary, with an obvious activity in Holocene. The seismic activities of Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault have the characteristic of high intensity and low frequency. Its activities decrease gradually from north to south as a whole.  相似文献   

岱海断陷带地区地震重新定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用双差定位,对岱海断陷带及周边地区2008-2013年地震事件进行重新定位及震源深度研究。重新定位后地震在空间分布上更加集中,部分地震有向构造带趋近的变化,较多地震呈簇集状出现于多条断裂的交汇部位,西南段地震较活跃,不同部位地震数目有明显差异,构造活动存在分段特征,震源密集地区的分布走向明显,可以推测,岱海断陷带西南端存在东西走向和东南走向的发震构造。震源深度结果表明,地震震源深度集中在5-15 km,均值为7 km。岱海断陷带西南段地震震源深度大于东北段,反映地壳厚度不均匀。  相似文献   

Introduction The Taigu fault is located on the eastern boundary of the Jinzhong basin in the Shanxi fault depression system, which is one of the 12 major active basin boundary faults, and is also less studied among them. The reason for this is, firstly, the Jinzhong basin has no historical earth-quakes with M 7, while the two basins linked together in the northern and southern sides, the Linfen and Xinding basins all have had historical earthquakes with M 7; secondly, because the Jiaochen…  相似文献   

Introduction Zhuanglang river active fault zone, which located in the western of Zhuanglang river valley, north of Hekou, the Xigu district of Lanzhou city, is composed of several echelon small faults, these faults display not very clear on surface. Predecessors thought that this fault from Yongdeng to Hekou was active in Late Pleistocene and even in Holocene through limited research works, they also believed that these earthquakes with magnitude 641 happened at Yongdeng and magnitude 521 …  相似文献   

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