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水丝蚓生物扰动对东洞庭湖沉积物氮释放的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了不同投放密度和不同环境条件下水丝蚓的生物扰动对东洞庭湖沉积物氮释放的影响.研究表明:水丝蚓的生物扰动作用对沉积物氮释放有明显的促进作用,水丝蚓生物扰动促进下的NH4+-N释放构成沉积物氮释放的主要动因.与未投放水丝蚓的空白组相比,当水丝蚓密度为1和2 ind./cm2时,上覆水中总氮的浓度分别增加了15%和32%...  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Grimshaw, 1987) the resonant forcing of coastally trapped waves was discussed in the barotropic case. In order to extend that theory to more realistic situations, we have considered the analogous theory whereby a longshore current interacts with a longshore topographic feature, or the forcing is due to longshore wind stress, for the case of the continuously stratified ocean. As in the previous theory, near resonance, when a long-wave phase speed is close to zero (in the reference frame of the forcing), the wave motion is governed by a forced evolution equation of the KdV-type. The behaviour of the wave field is characterized by three parameters representing the bandwidth for resonance, the forcing amplitude and the dissipation. We have evaluated these parameters in various practical cases, and found that the bandwidths, which scale with 1/2 when the forcing has dimensionless amplitude , can often be quite broad. Typically the second, third, or higher, modes may be resonant. Concurrently, the dissipation is also usually significant, leading to a steady state balance between the forcing, dissipation and nonlinear terms.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment delivery and deposition in proglacial lakes is generally sensitive to a wide range of hydrometeorologic and geomorphic controls. High discharge conditions are of particular importance in many glaciolacustrine records, with individual floods potentially recorded as distinctive turbidites. We used an extensive network of surface sediment cores and hydroclimatic monitoring data to analyse recent flood turbidites and associated sediment transfer controls over instrumental periods at Eklutna Lake, western Chugach Mountains, Alaska. Close to a decade of fluvial data from primary catchment tributaries show a dominating influence of discharge on sediment delivery, with various interconnections with other related hydroclimatic controls. Multivariate fluvial models highlight and help quantify some complexities in sediment transfer, including intra-annual variations, meteorological controls, and the influence of subcatchment glacierization. Sediments deposited in Eklutna Lake during the last half century are discontinuously varved and contain multiple distinctive turbidites. Over a 30-year period of stratigraphic calibration, we correlate the four thickest flood turbidites (1989, 1995, 2006, and 2012) to specific regional storms. The studied turbidites correlate with late-summer and early-autumn rainstorms with a magnitude of relatively instantaneous sedimentation 3–15 times greater than annual background accumulation. Our network of sediment core data captured the broad extent and sediment variability among the study turbidites and background sediment yield. Within-lake spatial modelling of deposition quantifies variable rates of downlake thinning and sediment focusing effects, and highlights especially large differences between the thickest flood turbidites and background sedimentation. This we primarily relate to strongly contrasting dispersion processes controlled by inflow current strength and turbidity. Sediment delivery is of interest for this catchment because of reservoir and water supply operations. Furthermore, although smaller floods may not be consistently represented, the lake likely contains a valuable proxy record of regional flooding proximal to major population centers of south-central Alaska including Anchorage.  相似文献   

Acoustic Doppler current profiles and current meter data are combined with wind observations to describe the transport of water leaving Florida Bay and moving onto the inner shelf on the Atlantic side of the Florida Keys. A 275-day study in the Long Key Channel reveals strong tidal exchanges, but the average ebb tide volume leaving Florida Bay is 19% greater than the average flood tide volume entering the bay. The long-term net outflow averages 472 m3 s−1. Two studies in shelf waters describe the response to wind forcing during spring and summer months in 2004 and during fall and winter months in 2004–2005. During the spring–summer study, southeasterly winds have a distinct shoreward component, and a two-layer pattern appears. Surface layers move shoreward while near-bottom layers move seaward. During the winter study, the resultant wind direction is parallel to the Keys and to the local isobaths. The entire water column moves in a nearly downwind direction, and across-shelf transport is relatively small. During the summer wet season, Florida Bay water should be warmer, fresher, and thus less dense than Atlantic shelf waters. Ebbing bay water should move onto the shelf as a buoyant plume and be held close to the Keys by southeasterly winds. During the winter dry season, colder and saltier Florida Bay water should leave the tidal channels with relatively high density and be concentrated in the near-bottom layers. But little across-shelf flow occurs with northeasterly winds. The study suggests that seasonally changing wind forcing and hydrographic conditions serve to insulate the reef tract from the impact of low-quality bay water.  相似文献   

In the present study, the character of slip regimes under weak external periodical (tangential and normal) mechanical forcing has been investigated in a laboratory spring-slider system. We report the experimental evidence of phase synchronization in a slip dynamics, induced by the external periodic mechanical impact. At certain conditions, we have a stick-slip effect in the spring-slider system. To describe this effect, we can use rate-and state-dependent friction law. In our experiments, the slip events are distinguished by acoustic emission bursts, which are generated by slider displacement. In addition to drag, the weak variable mechanical forcing was superimposed either tangential or normal to the slip plane. With increasing external forcing one can see increasing phase synchronization of the first arrivals (onsets) of stick-slip generated acoustic pulses. The grouping of the onsets in a certain phase of the external periodic forcing is considered as a hallmark of the phase synchronization. The onsets of stick-slip pulses in the case of normal mechanical forcing are shifted relative to onsets in the case of tangential forcing.  相似文献   

Interdecadal variations in the Northern Hemisphere and the North Pacific have been documented in many studies[1 4]. The connection between the subtropical North Pacific and the tropics is regarded as the most important process triggering and maintaining t…  相似文献   

In order to implement secondary and enhanced oil recovery processes in complex terrigenous formations as is usual in turbidite deposits, a precise knowledge of the spatial distribution of shale grains is a crucial element for the fluid flow prediction. The reason of this is that the interaction of water with shale grains can significantly modify their size and/or shape, which in turn would cause porous space sealing with the subsequent impact in the flow. In this work, a methodology for stochastic simulations of spatial grains distributions obtained from scanning electron microscopy images of siliciclastic rock samples is proposed. The aim of the methodology is to obtain stochastic models would let us investigate the shale grain behavior under various physico-chemical interactions and flux regimes, which in turn, will help us get effective petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) at core scale. For stochastic spatial grains simulations a plurigaussian method is applied, which is based on the truncation of several standard Gaussian random functions. This approach is very flexible, since it allows to simultaneously manage the proportions of each grain category in a very general manner and to rigorously handle their spatial dependency relationships in the case of two or more grain categories. The obtained results show that the stochastically simulated porous media using the plurigaussian method adequately reproduces the proportions, basic statistics and sizes of the pore structures present in the studied reference images.  相似文献   

The foraminiferal δ 18O and δ 13C records for the past 5 Ma at ODP Site 1143 reveal the linear responses of the Plio-Pleistocene climatic changes in the southern South China Sea to orbital forcing at the obliquity and precession bands. The phase of the δ 18O variations with the orbital forcing is opposite to that of the δ 13C, which may be caused by the frequent El Niño events from the equatorial Pacific. The amplification of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet at ñ3.3 Ma probably affected the development of the 100-ka climatic cycles. Its further spreading may spur the 100-ka climatic cycle to become the dominant cycle in the late Pleistocene. The “Mid- Pleistocene Transition” event has localized influence on the isotopic variations in the southern South China Sea. The foraminiferal δ 13C records for the past 5 Ma at Site 1143 are highly coherent with the orbital forcing at the long eccentricity band, and lead the δ 18O records at the shorter eccentricity band, highlighting the importance of the carbon cycle in the global climate change.  相似文献   

1 Astronomical theory One of the greatest achievements of the EarthSciences in the 20th century is the establishment of theMilankovitch theory or the astronomical theory[1]. AsImbrie pointed out[2], the astronomical theory can bedescribed as a simple system model. The input to thesystem can be defined as changes in the geometry ofthe Earth’s orbit or the seasonal and latitudinal distri-bution of incoming solar radiation, whereas the outputto the system can be defined as one or more calc…  相似文献   

使用胶东及邻区地震数据,对于发生在基岩出露区的18次地震的30条可靠等震线,利用最小二乘法,拟合胶东地区地震烈度衰减关系公式。与华北地区地震烈度衰减关系进行比较,发现胶东地区地震烈度衰减较慢。胶东地区地震烈度衰减关系的建立,可以辅助制定相关应急预案和震后快速评估。  相似文献   

中国大陆历史地震烈度统计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究中国地震烈度评定的时空分布特征,对中国大陆1966年以来464个地震的烈度数据进行统计,分析长期以来不同震级的震中烈度及灾区面积评定随时间的变化趋势,并对比中国东部和西部地区间的差异。结果表明:对于震级相同的地震,震中烈度和灾区范围的评定均存在波动,且在不同震级区间和不同时间阶段,波动的显著程度也有所不同。此外,中国东部和西部地区地震烈度评定虽然存在差异,但随着震级增大,差异逐渐减小。  相似文献   

发展地震烈度速报系统是我国现阶段防震减灾事业的一项重要工作.其目的是在地震发生后,对强震动数据进行实时分析和处理,快速给出强震对地表的破坏程度——地震烈度分布图.鉴于目前国内强震动台网分布密度及数据传输方式等诸多因素的限制,多数烈度速报系统是基于美国的ShakeMap系统进行二次开发生成烈度分布图,其计算过程更多地依赖于对地震破裂过程的反演及地震烈度衰减关系,产出的烈度图是静态位图,分辨率较低,与丰富的地理信息难以无缝衔接(Wald et al,1999a;张晁军等,2010;泽仁志玛等,2006).  相似文献   

发展地震烈度速报系统是我国现阶段防震减灾事业的一项重要工作.其目的是在地震发生后,对强震动数据进行实时分析和处理,快速给出强震对地表的破坏程度——地震烈度分布图.鉴于目前国内强震动台网分布密度及数据传输方式等诸多因素的限制,多数烈度速报系统是基于美国的  相似文献   

破坏性地震发生后, 特别是在通信中断的情况下, 利用仪器烈度快速估计地震动强度(烈度)的分布情况, 可为开展最有效的地震应急救援提供决策依据. 该文介绍了现有的几种仪器烈度算法, 并利用汶川地震与芦山地震中获得的强震加速度记录对各种算法的可靠性进行了比较. 结果表明, 在这两次地震中只利用地震动峰值参数确定仪器烈度的算法可靠性较低, 而考虑反应谱特性的算法可靠性更高. 在未得到更多强震数据的检验前, 建议采用袁一凡提出的仪器烈度算法, 或利用谱烈度值确定仪器烈度的算法, 或利用加速度反应谱值确定仪器烈度的算法.  相似文献   

美国西部地震烈度衰减规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在国家和地区地震动区划和重大工程的地震安全性评价工作中,区域地震动衰减规律的确定是重要环节,而借用法是目前常用的建立区域地震动衰减的方法。我国借用法通常都把美国西部作为参考地区,但一般都采用调整美国学者已有烈度衰减规律的办法确定美国西部烈度衰减规律。本文讨论美国西部已有烈度衰减规律,并直接采用美国西部烈度调查资料建立烈度衰减规律,结果可供我国工程地震工作者参考。  相似文献   

杨伟松    王长理    许卫晓    杜轲  于德湖   《世界地震工程》2021,(1):207-218
收集了我国南北地震带地区1970年~2012年的85次地震事件的烈度等震线资料,建立了震中烈度与震级之间的经验关系,利用长轴和短轴椭圆模型拟合得到了该地区的地震烈度衰减关系。同时还搜集整理了近年来基于我国各地区的地震资料,研究得到的地震烈度衰减关系,并将其中与南北地震带存在地域重合的研究结果与本文结果进行对比分析。该研究结果能够较好地反映南北地震带地区的地震烈度衰减规律,对该地区的地震灾害快速评估具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

M. Rahman  M. Sulis  S. J. Kollet 《水文研究》2016,30(10):1563-1573
Subsurface and land surface processes (e.g. groundwater flow, evapotranspiration) of the hydrological cycle are connected via complex feedback mechanisms, which are difficult to analyze and quantify. In this study, the dual‐boundary forcing concept that reveals space–time coherence between groundwater dynamics and land surface processes is evaluated. The underlying hypothesis is that a simplified representation of groundwater dynamics may alter the variability of land surface processes, which may eventually affect the prognostic capability of a numerical model. A coupled subsurface–land surface model ParFlow.CLM is applied over the Rur catchment, Germany, and the mass and energy fluxes of the coupled water and energy cycles are simulated over three consecutive years considering three different lower boundary conditions (dynamic, constant, and free‐drainage) based on groundwater dynamics to substantiate the aforementioned hypothesis. Continuous wavelet transform technique is applied to analyze scale‐dependent variability of the simulated mass and energy fluxes. The results show clear differences in temporal variability of latent heat flux simulated by the model configurations with different lower boundary conditions at monthly to multi‐month time scales (~32–91 days) especially under soil moisture limited conditions. The results also suggest that temporal variability of latent heat flux is affected at even smaller time scales (~1–3 days) if a simple gravity drainage lower boundary condition is considered in the coupled model. This study demonstrates the importance of a physically consistent representation of groundwater dynamics in a numerical model, which may be important to consider in local weather prediction models and water resources assessments, e.g. drought prediction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据建立的数学模型,对山西地区跨断层观测资料进行整理计算,得到断层形变速率、异常强度值、异常强度等值线和区域性异常变化的时序曲线,并根据断层形变异常强度值及时空演化等特征,结合山西地区中、强地震,研究断层形变异常强度与地震的关系,发现在山西地区发生MS≥4.0地震前1年左右或稍长时间,断层形变异常强度均出现强烈异常,表现为R5,可以作为中、强地震孕育发生的前兆标志。  相似文献   

目前国内对929年杭州地震普遍使用的地震参数为:震级5级,烈度Ⅵ度,其依据为《吴越备史》中所记载的"有坏庐舍者"。现有的关于929年杭州地震的历史资料有4条,其中有"庐舍倾圮甚多,王开仓赈之"及"居民庐舍倾圮,复开仓赈之"的记载。本文对这些历史地震史料的基本情况和可靠性进行了分析,认为将929年杭州地震的震中烈度定为Ⅶ度、震级定为5(1/4)级较为合适。  相似文献   

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