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The results of investigations of the statistical characteristics of spikes of radar signals scattered by the sea surface at grazing angles and borizontally polarized radiation are reported. The measurements were conducted at wind speeds ranging from 2.8 to 9 m s–1 and at various azimuthal directions relative to the general sense of wind wave propagation. The relationship between the theoretically and experimentally derived distribution parameters allows a conclusion about the linear dependence of spike amplitudes on the extent of instable areas. The theoretical model provides a qualitatively authentic azimuthal nature of the variation of the mean radar signal.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The dependence of the distribution function of a backscattered radar signal on the duration of sampling has been experimentally determined, with the signal normalized to the median value. Analysis of the data indicates that a two-scale statistical model may be applied in the conditions being considered and that an essential contribution to the statistics is from the signal variations induced by swell. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the retrieval method of ocean wave spectrum for airborne radar observations at small incidence angles, which is slightly modified from the method developed by Hauser. Firstly, it makes use of integration method to estimate total mean square slope instead of fitting method, which aims to reduce the affects of fluctuations superposed on normalized radar cross-section by integration. Secondly, for eliminating the noise spectrum contained in signal spectrum, the method considers the signal spectrum in certain look direction without any long wave components as the assumed noise spectrum, which would be subtracted from signal spectrum in any look direction for linear wave spectrum retrieval. Estimated ν from the integration method are lower than the one from fitting method and have a standard deviation of 0.004 between them approximately. The assumed noise spectrum energy almost has no big variations along with the wave number and is slightly lower to the high wave number part of signal spectrum in any look direction, which follows that the assumption makes sense. The retrieved directional spectra are compared with the buoy records in terms of peak wavelength, peak direction and the significant wave height. Comparisons show that the retrieved peak wavelength and significant wave height are slightly higher than the buoy records but don’t differs significantly (error less than 10%). For peak direction, the swell waves in first case basically propagate in the wind direction 6 hours ago and the wind-generated waves in second case also propagate in the wind direction, but the 180? ambiguity remains. Results show that the modified method can carry out the retrieval of directional wave spectrum.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of the sea surface state on the backscattered radar cross section and the accuracy of the wind speed retrieval from the scatterometer data. We used a joint set of radars and buoys to determine the type of sea waves. Three types of sea waves were distinguished: developing wind waves, fully developed wind waves, and mixed sea. It is shown that the retrieval error of the near surface wind speed using a one-parameter algorithm is minimal in the case of fully developed wind waves. We compared these data with the results of radio-altimeter data analysis and showed that in both cases underestimation of the retrieval wind speed exists for developing wind waves and overestimation occurs for mixed sea. A variety of swell parameters (length of the dominating wave, swell height, swell age) significantly influence the backscattered radar cross section, leading to a growth in the mean square error of the retrieved wind speed during vertical sounding (radio-altimeter data), and only slightly influence the mean square error of the scatterometer data (medium incidence angles). It is necessary to include the information about the parameters of sea waves in the algorithms and take into account the regional wave properties to increase the accuracy of wind speed retrieval.  相似文献   

全极化X波段雷达掠散射海面回波统计分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管复Wishart分布已被广泛应用于SAR数据统计分析,然而该分布函数却很少被用来研究雷达海面掠散射回波时间序列的统计特征。本文通过分析IPIX雷达海面掠散射回波数据发现:大尺度海浪遮挡区的雷达回波能量很低,主要是雷达系统噪声,如果将该部分低能量回波数据剔除以后,真实海面的IPIX 雷达回波时间序列数据亦满足圆高斯分布,因此,IPIX 雷达海面回波的时间序列数据也必然满足复Wishart分布。在此,我们基于Wishart分布模型分别对全极化IPIX 雷达不同极化通道数据的海面回波时间序列数据进行了统计研究,并推导给出了不同通道数据协方差矩阵元素实部、虚部及相位差等参数的统计分布函数模型。通过与雷达测量数据比计较可见,推导所得理论统计模型与实际测量数据吻合很好。本文所得结论对进一步深入理解掠散射海面雷达回波的统计特征具有一定理论意义。  相似文献   

基于粒子图像测速技术(PIV)对小间距比比L/D=1.5工况下方形布置四圆柱在不同来流角角α(α=0°、15°、30°、45°)条件下的尾流流场特性进行了试验研究,分析了不同来流角度条件下四圆柱瞬时和时均尾流流场特征,获得了瞬时和时均速度矢量、涡量等值线、流线拓扑及雷诺应力分布随来流角度变化的规律。试验结果表明,来流角度对方形布置四圆柱尾流形态有显著影响。四圆柱瞬时尾流形态随来流角度增大可分为延伸体流动流态(α=0°)、尾流剪切层附着流态(α=15°、30°)及尾流剪切层共同脱落流态(α=45°)三种流态。当来流角度增大时,四圆柱下游断面平均流向速度分布由"W"形向"U"形转变,时均雷诺正应力及雷诺剪切应力等值线分布特征也会发生明显改变。  相似文献   

多极化SAR数据海面溢油检测研究日益受到重视。本文研究不同波段极化SAR数据的海面溢油检测能力,为最大程度减小观测条件、环境因素等的影响,选取准同步获取的SIR-C/X多极化SAR数据。针对海面油膜、生物油膜和低风区疑似溢油现象,研究L波段和C波段的共极化相位差、一致性系数、极化熵、各向异性和平均散射角等极化特征对海面油膜以及不同海面暗斑现象的检测能力。研究结果表明:在海面溢油检测以及探测不同暗斑现象间差异方面,C波段总体优于L波段;L波段,极化分解特征各向异性参数优于共极化相位差和一致性系数;C波段,共极化相位差、一致性系数特征优于极化分解特征各向异性和极化熵,结合平均散射角特征有助于滤除生物油膜和低风区。  相似文献   

降雪含水比(snow-to-liquid ratio,SLR)是指积雪深度与降雪融化后等量液体深度(降雪量)的比值,可用来计算积雪深度。山东有两种产生机制不同的降雪,冷流降雪主要分布在山东半岛北部沿海地区,其他类降雪在全省范围均可发生,二者的降雪含水比有明显差异。利用山东122个国家级气象观测站自建站以来至2018年12月的逐12 h降水量、日积雪深度、降水性质、日最高气温及1999—2018年的MICAPS高空、地面图资料,通过限定条件进行质量控制,统计分析了山东不同地区的降雪含水比气候特征,为积雪深度预报提供参考。结果表明:1)山东降雪含水比的变化范围为0. 1~3. 0 cm·mm~(-1),全省大部地区多年平均降雪含水比为0. 9 cm·mm~(-1),主要集中在0. 3~1. 1 cm·mm~(-1)之间;山东半岛北部沿海地区(强冷流降雪区域)的多年平均降雪含水比为1. 3cm·mm~(-1),主要集中在0. 9~2. 0 cm·mm~(-1)之间。2)降雪含水比的大小与降雪量等级有关,且存在明显月变化。全省大部地区从中雪至暴雪随着降雪量等级的增大,降雪含水比依次减小;各等级的降雪含水比月最大值均出现在1月或12月,最小值出现在11月或2月;山东半岛北部沿海地区的降雪含水比表现出更为复杂的特征,在以冷流降雪为主的11月—次年1月,中雪、大雪和暴雪的降雪含水比基本相当; 2月和3月冷流降雪不明显,降雪含水比表现出与其他地区降雪类似的特征。3)不同天气系统暴雪的降雪含水比有差异。江淮气旋暴雪过程平均降雪含水比为0. 69cm·mm~(-1),总体上呈现"北大南小,山区大沿海小"分布,中雪、大雪和暴雪的降雪含水比中位数分别为0. 8、0. 7和0. 5 cm·mm~(-1);回流形势暴雪过程的全省平均降雪含水比为0. 67 cm·mm~(-1),中雪的降雪含水比中位数为0. 8 cm·mm~(-1),大雪和暴雪均为0. 6 cm·mm~(-1);冷流暴雪的降雪含水比明显大于其他两类暴雪,中位数在1. 1~1. 6 cm·mm~(-1)之间变化,中雪、大雪和暴雪的降雪含水比中位数分别为1. 4、1. 6和1. 3 cm·mm~(-1)。  相似文献   

高频地波雷达的“距离-多普勒”(Range-Doppler, R-D)数据与“恒虚警率”(Constant False-Alarm-Rate, CFAR)检测结果数据存在非直观性的问题, 本文针对此问题, 分析了地波雷达回波数据特点以及结果形式, 研究了采用地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)技术对回波数据进行显示分析, 对R-D 与CFAR 检测结果进行表达, 实现高频数据在GIS 环境下的表达处理与显示。本文采用GIS的栅格表达“距离-多普勒”数据, 采用矢量数据结构表达CFAR 检测结果, 实现了地波雷达检测信息的直观显示; 研究了高频地波雷达数据中特定距离一维谱信号的提取, 实现了基于距离值的目标CFAR 检测查询; 针对雷达数据量大、处理时间长的问题, 采用多线程处理机制实现了高效实时显示和分析。  相似文献   

以2010~2015年的岸基雷达海冰监测数据为基础,简要分析了鲅鱼圈海域的冰期、冰型和冰厚等冰情基本特征。近年来的海冰监测数据表明,鲅鱼圈海域的冰期明显偏短,冰期内不同阶段的冰型变化较明显,鲅鱼圈海域部分时段海冰分布比例变化较大,这主要归因于该区域的海冰运动。针对目前岸基雷达海冰监测的技术发展现状,提出了岸基雷达海冰监测技术研发的主要问题是雷达像元回波值不稳定与海冰实测样本量匮乏。  相似文献   

全球热带风暴时空分布特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对全球三大洋热带风暴的统计分析表明,全球热带风暴在时空分布上具有明显的统计特性.各海域热带风暴都具有季节集中性.在太平洋和印度洋,风暴发生频繁的时间在地理位置上有沿逆时针移动的分布.全球风暴总数在8月、9月份明显偏多,在4月、5月份明显偏少.北半球风暴扩展范围和分布密度大于南半球,并以东北太平洋和西北太平洋风暴分布密度为最大.各海域热带风暴发生频数在统计长度(33a)内都表现年际和10年际“振荡”,不同程度地存在2~3a,6~7a,11~12a及21~23a的重复性变化.较强的风暴,往往寿命也较长.在月份之间比较,风暴在多发月份,一般平均寿命较长,强度也较大;而在年度之间比较,风暴在多发年度,平均寿命却往往较短,强度也较小.风暴在大尺度环境中较好地沿反气旋路径向高纬度运动.  相似文献   

The relationship between significant wave height and period, the variability of significant wave period, the spectral peak enhancement factor, and the directional spreading parameter of large deepwater waves around the Korean Peninsula have been investigated using various sources of wave measurement and hindcasting data. For very large waves comparable to design waves, it is recommended to use the average value of the empirical formulas proposed by Shore Protection Manual in 1977 and by Goda in 2003 for the relationship between significant wave height and period. The standard deviation of significant wave periods non-dimensionalized with respect to the mean value for a certain significant wave height varies between 0.04 and 0.21 with a typical value of 0.1 depending upon different regions and different ranges of significant wave heights. The probability density function of the peak enhancement factor is expressed as a lognormal distribution, with its mean value of 2.14, which is somewhat smaller than the value in the North Sea. For relatively large waves, the probability density function of the directional spreading parameter at peak frequency is also expressed as a lognormal distribution.  相似文献   

墨西哥湾波候统计特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了波候的概念,简述Weibull分布及对数一正态分布的拟合方法,提出最大熵分布拟合有效波高、峰周期分布的新方法;选取半封闭海湾墨西哥湾内水深不同、地理位置不同的六个观测站一年的连续资料,以上述三种拟合方法对其有效波高,峰周期概率分布进行拟合,并与观测直方图进行比较检验,结果表明,在墨西哥海湾内,最大熵分布优于对数-正态分布,对数-正态分布优于Weibull分布。  相似文献   

The results of measurements of hydrophysical parameters in the upper layer of the sea at an observation site located south-west of the Crimea are reported. The current pattern, the distribution of the upwelling and downwelling zones at the observation site, and the location of the mesoscale fronts are discussed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

随着船舶大型化和港口建设深水化发展,外海不同周期波浪作用下大型系泊船泊稳问题与小型系泊船相比出现了新的特点。为此,利用数值模型方法研究了在不同入射角度和周期的涌浪作用下港内大型系泊船的水动力响应,针对系泊船的泊稳情况探讨了船舶的运动规律和运动特性。研究发现,在涌浪周期较大的情况下,限定波高的泊稳标准不足以用来确定系泊船的正常作业条件,港内泊船的水平运动(纵荡、横荡和艏摇)极易超出运动标准值并影响装卸作业效率,并且船舶的水平运动表现出主要由次重力波主导的低频运动特性,而垂直运动(垂荡、横摇和纵摇)表现出主要由短波主导的波频运动特性。  相似文献   

A new approach is suggested for the diagnostics of manifestations of water exchange in the field of normalized radiance and automation of the analysis of digital images of the water surface. The approach is based on the application of a set of statistical characteristics of a radiance relief as an integral indication of local inhomogeneities in the water medium and provides for the estimate of these characteristics over small regions (frames) of the basin studied using multispectral information. Using the example of the SeaWiFS scanner data on the evolution of an eddy dipole in August 1998 in a study region with a size of 160 × 160 km in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, it was shown that the estimates of a number of statistical characteristics of spectrally different radiance reliefs found in the frames with a size of 40 × 40 km significantly depended on the presence of fragments of an eddy dipole or other structures in these frames. A set of such characteristics made possible reliable differentiation of radiance reliefs by the degree of randomness, by the orientation of the inhomogeneities that form the relief, and by other properties caused by the variability of the light scattering and light absorbing admixtures in the sea medium in the course of the water exchange. The approach does not require any preliminary information about the object of observations. It is promising in the basins with moderate water transparency and vertical inhomogeneity of the upper layer available for remote profiling.  相似文献   

The results of an aircraft-ship experiment on the spatial variability of parameters of two-dimensional spectra of wind waves are discussed. The observed fields of wave parameters are compared with equations for wave refraction in the currents.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

采用能量聚焦的方式产生深水破碎波,并通过增加输入波陡使发生不同强度的波浪破碎现象。实验中,沿水槽中心位置布置22个浪高仪,分析波浪传播过程中的波面演化特征。对水槽不同位置处波面数据进行波能谱与小波能谱分析,发现在聚焦波传播过程中,低频能量部分保持相对稳定,而一次谐波高频部分先逐渐拓宽,经过破碎区域后又逐渐恢复。能量在高频部分有所损失,这种现象在破碎时更加明显,且破碎强度越大,越显著。波浪未破碎时,由于波浪传播过程中高频部分拓宽,导致聚焦前后特征频率略有增加,特征群速和特征周期略有减小;当波浪破碎时,由于破碎导致的能量损失比较明显,且卷破时更加明显,导致破碎后特征频率减小,特征群速和特征周期增大。  相似文献   

中国南海是内波频发海域,卫星遥感在内波参数特征的统计分析中得到了广泛应用,但是卫星轨道的重复访问时间长,不能连续观测内波参数的变化特征。X波段海洋雷达具有高时间和空间分辨率,可以长期连续观测内波的变化,本文提出了利用X波段海洋雷达图像提取内波参数的方法,并利用连续观测的数据研究了各参数的分布特征。首先,对雷达图像进行预处理,包括平均处理及斜坡校正两步;利用二维快速傅里叶变换确定内波的传播方向,进而根据该方向上的径向廓线确定内波的相速度大小、波长及周期。最后,利用在南海石油平台上观测的X波段雷达图像对内波各参数进行提取和统计分析,结果表明,研究区域内波的传播方向多为西北向及西向传播,相速度多为0.6~0.8 m/s,波长一般为400~600 m,周期大部分不超过1000 s。  相似文献   

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