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A method to retrieve ocean wave spectra from SAR images, named Parameterized First-guess Spectrum Method (PFSM), was proposed after interpretation of the theory to ocean wave imaging and analysis of the drawbacks of the retrieving model generally used. In this method, with additional information and satellite parameters, the separating wave-number is first calculated to determine the maximum wave-number beyond which the linear relation can be used. The separating wave-number can be calculated using the additional information on wind velocity and parameters of SAR satellite. And then the SAR spectrum can be divided into SAR spectrum of wind wave and of swell according to the result of separating wave-number. The portion of SAR spectrum generated by wind wave, is used to search for the most suitable parameters of ocean wind wave spectrum, including propagation direction of ocean wave, phase speed of dominating wave and the angle spreading coefficient. The swell spectrum is acquired by directly inversing the linear relation of ocean wave spectrum to SAR spectrum given the portion of SAR spectrum generated by swell. We used the proposed method to retrieve the ocean wave spectrum from ERS-SAR data from the South China Sea and compared the result with altimeter data. The agreement indicates that the PFSM is reliable.  相似文献   

In this paper, function characteristics of dispersion of ocean wave in finite depth water were analyzed systematically. The functional form of the fitting function is reasonably proposed, in which the parameters are optimally determined by the least square method (LSM). For infinitely deep and extremely shallow water,the fitting function fits strictly the dispersion to be fitted. A new technique is presented in application of LSM.An empirical formula with maximum error of less than 0.5% for computing wavelength in finite depth water is presented for practical applications.  相似文献   

The NLS (Non-Linear Schr(?)dinger) equation of internal waves in a wekly stratified ocean is der-ived in phase coordnates in terms of the RPM (Reductive Perturbation Method). It was shown thatwhen AB>0 there exist modulation forms of envelope soliton and dn, and tha when AB<0 there arethree modulation forms dark soliton, sn and cn. Only if K~2>B/A(?) . the side-band perturbation is stable,otherwise unstable. For the stable side-band perturbation there ekisis a modulation form of MdV soliton.  相似文献   

In the coastal catchments of Shandong Province the water scarcity is aggravated due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. Such a situation calls for sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM). The idea for the objectives and implementation of the IWRM are explained in this paper. The general objective of the planned project disscussed in the present study is to bring together German traditional expertise in water resources management and newer developments in the context of the European Water Framework Directive; the research efforts aim to relieve the desperate water scarcity situation in the costal area of Shandong Province.  相似文献   

This paper presents a weakly nonlinear water wave model using a mild slope equation and a new explicit formulation which takes into account dispersion of wave phase velocity, approximates Hedges‘ (1987) nonlinear dispersion relationship, and accords well with the original empirical formula. Comparison of the calculating results with those obtained from the experimental data and those obtained from linear wave theory showed that the present water wave model considering the dispersion of phase ve-locity is rational and in good agreement with experiment data.  相似文献   

在复杂地表环境下的多云多雨地区,基于合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像提取水体时容易受到其它地物如水田、山体阴影等干扰,传统的灰度阈值法和SVM法未能考虑水体与其它地物在纹理和地形上的差异,因此水体提取结果精度较差。研究首先用Refined Lee滤波对SAR图像进行预处理;其后通过DEM建模和坡度计算提取地形特征,通过计算图像灰度共生矩阵以提取纹理特征(包括均匀性、角二阶矩和熵),并结合SAR图像极化信息以及SDWI指数形成针对水体提取的特征空间,通过融合地形特征和图像纹理特征发展了改进SVM分类法的水体提取模型。在使用Sentinel-1 SAR数据对所发展模型与SDWI水体指数法、传统SVM法水体提取结果进行比对后发现,改进SVM分类法提取的水体结果较好地剔除了水田和山体阴影,且提取的水体水面比传统的SVM法更加完整;该方法在总体精度、Kappa系数、漏分率和错分率指标上均优于SDWI法和传统的SVM法,总体精度达到98.06%,比SDWI法和传统的SVM法分别提高了23.24%和5.49%,有效提高了复杂环境下地表水体的提取精度。研究最后将所发展模型应用于2018年马哈韦利河流域逐月水...  相似文献   

An advanced ocean observatory has been established in Lunenburg Bay of Nova Scotia, Canada as part of an interdisciplinary research project of marine environmental prediction. The development of a high-resolution coastal circulation model is one of important components of the observatory. The model horizontal resolution is 60m and the vertical resolution is about 1 m. The coastal circulation model is used to simulate the semi-diurnal tidal circulation and associated nonlinear dynamics with the M2 forcing specified at the model open boundaries. The model is also used to simulate the storm-induced circulation in the bay during Hurricane Juan in September 2003, with the model forcing to be the combination of tides and remotely generated waves specified at the model open boundaries and wind stress applied at the sea surface. The model results demonstrate strong interactions between the local wind stress, tidal forcing, and remotely generated waves during this period. Comparison of model results with the surface elevation and current observations demonstrates that the coastal circulation model has reasonable skills in simulating the tidal and storm-induced circulation in the bay.  相似文献   

To understand the genetic diversity and population changes in cyanophages in the coastal waters of Shantou,northeast South China Sea,we used the capsid assembly protein gene g 20 as a marker of the abundance and phylogeny of natural cyanomyovirus communities. The abundance of total viruses,heterotrophic bacteria,and picophytoplankton in the coastal waters was monitored with flow cytometry. Hydrological parameters(NO ˉ 3,NO ˉ 2,NH 3,soluble reactive phosphorus,total dissolved nitrogen,total dissolved phosphorus,dissolved oxygen,chemical oxygen demand,temperature,salinity,and chlorophyll a concentration) and microbial abundance(total viruses,total bacteria,P rochlorococcus,Synechococcus,and eukaryotes) were measured in the upper and lower layers at four sampling sites in the research area. In the direct viral counts,cyanomyoviruses accounted for 1.92% to 10% of the total viral community. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the g 20 sequences in the Shantou coastal waters were very diverse,distributed in eight distinct operational taxonomic units,including the newly formed Cluster W. The g 20 gene copies inferred from real time PCR assay indicated that cyanomyoviruses were correlated significantly with the heterotrophic bacteria numbers and the nitrate and chlorophyll a concentrations. These results suggest that cyanomyoviruses are ubiquitous and are an abundant component of the virioplankton in Shantou coastal waters.  相似文献   

Bao  Sude  Meng  Junmin  Sun  Lina  Liu  Yongxin 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(1):55-63
Ocean internal waves appear as irregular bright and dark stripes on synthetic aperture radar(SAR) remote sensing images. Ocean internal waves detection in SAR images consequently constituted a difficult and popular research topic. In this paper, ocean internal waves are detected in SAR images by employing the faster regions with convolutional neural network features(Faster R-CNN) framework; for this purpose, 888 internal wave samples are utilized to train the convolutional network and identify internal waves. The experimental results demonstrate a 94.78% recognition rate for internal waves, and the average detection speed is 0.22 s/image. In addition, the detection results of internal wave samples under dif ferent conditions are analyzed. This paper lays a foundation for detecting ocean internal waves using convolutional neural networks.  相似文献   

基于DEM的SAR影像几何定位参数校正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大范围无地面控制的SAR影像几何纠正,利用在一定时间和空间范围内SAR系统几何定位参数误差具有一定稳定性的特点,提出基于DEM的几何定位参数校正方法。该方法首先基于DEM进行影像模拟生成模拟SAR影像;然后在模拟SAR影像上提取特征点,针对特征点将模拟SAR影像和原始SAR影像进行匹配,得到特征点在原始SAR影像上的同名特征点,再结合DEM进行模拟影像间接定位获取特征点的地理坐标,以此作为几何定位参数校正的参考点;进而根据严密SAR几何构像模型构建几何定位参数校正模型,解算几何定位参数校正值;最后,利用几何参数校正值改正区域内其他SAR影像几何定位参数,提高区域内SAR影像几何定位精度。以高分三号影像进行试验,使用本文方法获取一景影像的几何定位参数校正值,对同一轨道内的和不同轨道的其他SAR影像进行参数校正,并对参数校正前后的几何定位精度进行评价。结果显示,同一轨道内的影像定位精度由66.0 m提高到9.7 m,不同轨道的影像定位精度由65.0 m提高到13.5 m,表明本文方法能够显著提高SAR影像几何定位精度。  相似文献   

Boussinesq’s theory was used in this study on water waves entering shallow water showing that the spacial variation of the wave amplitude is nonlinear, and is governed by the Duffing equation usually applied to describe nonlinear oscillation in nature. Contribution No. 3324 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 49471276 supported by NSFC and the Ninth-Five-Year Key Project (KI952-s1-420) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The spectrum derived in Part I of the present paper is here systematically verified with field data and compared at some length with that obtained by multiplying the deep-water spectrum with the Kitaigorodskii factor. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

地下水垂向循环水动力条件是岩溶发育深度的主要控制因素。为探求川东背斜构造岩溶区多级水流系统控制下的岩溶强发育深度,采用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,选取地形指数和水动力坡降构建岩溶水动力强弱的量化因子FHQ,并结合钻孔数据推求假角山背斜构造区地下岩溶强发育深度。研究显示:水动力因子FHQ与地形指数、水动力坡降在空间上呈明显正相关关系,同时可指示岩溶水流系统向深循环的深度,以此推求背斜构造区地下岩溶的强发育深度下限。假角山背斜两翼FHQ集中在0.1~0.4之间,岩溶水动力整体偏弱,深沟FHQ值整体高于浅沟。东、西翼深沟控制下的地下岩溶强发育深度分别约40~100 m和110~180 m;浅沟控制下的地下岩溶强发育深度分别约15~60 m和10~90 m。研究成果可进一步丰富川东背斜区岩溶发育评价方法体系,为隧道工程岩溶突水灾害预测防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

At present, approximately 36% of coasts are experiencing net erosion in the Changjiang River delta and the north Jiangsu coastal plain. Future sea level rise will accelerate the process of coastal erosion. According to the ratio of the calculated value of coast retreat by Bruun rule to the estimated value by using measured data, the proportion affected by sea level rise in total coastal erosion has been estimated in this paper. When sea level rises by 20cm, the proportion determined by sea level rise will increase from 1.0% at present to 2.2% in the future in the coasts of abandoned Huanghe River delta and from 8.5%–9.6% to 13.5%–15.2% in the north and south banks of the Changjiang River delta. This result is lower than that from the similar research in the world, and this phenomenon is related with the special development process of the coasts in this area. The mechanism of accelerating coastal erosion by sea level rise is that sea level is will increase the intensity of tidal current, wave and storm surge and decrease the ability to reduce the force of waves on the tidal flat and coastal wetland due to the loss of their areas. Therefore, the length of erosion coasts will increase, the sedimentation rate of accretion coasts will decrease or even turn accretion into erosion, the width of tidal flat will reduce and coastal slope will increase. So the project of coastal protection of this area must be reinforced. Project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

遥感水深反演具有非接触测量和省时省力等优点,能够为航海、岛礁工程与珊瑚礁生态调查等活动提供重要参考。随着高光谱遥感卫星数量的增长,基于高光谱遥感影像的水深反演具有良好的发展与应用潜力。HOPE(Hyperspectral Optimization Process Exemplar)算法是比较常用的高光谱水深反演算法。鉴于HOPE算法在低遥感反射率海域会出现水深被高估的问题,本文基于Hyperion高光谱遥感影像提出一种改进的水深反演算法。该算法针对危险或难以到达海域往往具有水体光学性质较为均一的特点,利用深水区遥感反射率的观测值来估计整个研究区域内的水体光学性质参数并将其固定,以便减少未知参数数量,解决水深被高估的问题,最终达到提高水深反演整体精度的目的。塞班岛和中业岛的实验结果表明,改进算法能够有效克服常规HOPE算法在低遥感反射率水域高估水深的问题。改进算法能够将平均遥感反射率小于0.0075sr-1(塞班岛)和0.001 sr-1(中业岛)范围内的水域的水深反演平均绝对误差从常规HOPE算法的2.94 m和6.44 m分别降低至2.56 m和4.99 m,从而能够相应地将整体的均方根误差从3.18 m和5.39 m分别降低至2.30 m和3.32 m,而将整体的平均相对误差从32.4%和27.1%分别降低至30.6%和23.9%。因此,改进算法在提高卫星高光谱遥感影像水深反演效果方面具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

提升海上态势感知能力是构建智慧海洋的重要环节。针对目前海上目标研究单源传感器存在感知盲区,多源传感器数据关联易受杂波干扰、在密集区表现不佳等问题,本文基于合成孔径雷达(SAR)和船舶自动识别系统(AIS)数据,提出一种抗干扰性强的角度最近邻数据关联方法,充分利用SAR与AIS船舶目标的空间角度关系,提高船舶目标在密集区域点迹关联的准确性。首先,对AIS数据进行时空滤波,实现数据粗关联,构建关联分析的数据候选集;然后,从时空数据的空间关系角度出发,在灰狼优化和匈牙利算法的启发下,利用点迹对特征向量矩阵进行运算,实现对多源空间数据的优化关联;最后结合数据几何关系对结果进行置信度评估。本文选取5幅SAR影像与AIS数据进行实验,并基于SAR影像数据及船舶轨迹点分布密度设计仿真实验,结果表明,本文所提出的角度最近邻数据关联方法,在密集分布情况下,关联精度为传统NN、GNN算法的3.62和4.61倍,运行时间为1.69 s,相较于NN算法仅增长1.36 s,仅占GNN运行时间的0.49%,在运行时间增长不大的情况下具有更强的抗干扰能力,在密集区域仍能取得较好的关联效果。  相似文献   

In China, the land resource per person is poor withregard to the huge number of population. According tothe recent data from the National Land Bureau, theaverage land per person is 0. 11 ha, much less than0. 25 ha, the average land per person in the world(FAN, 1997). On the other hand, a large scale ofrural land is to be transmitted into urban land upon thefast proceeding of urbanization. At present, the urbanpopulation occupies about 30% of the total in China. Ifthe percent become 50% (th…  相似文献   

黑龙江(又称为阿穆尔河)是中国和俄罗斯之间的国际界河,近年来洪水事件频发,给流域内中俄两国带来巨大的人口伤亡和经济损失,加强该流域的洪水监测是两国面临的共同紧迫需求。传统的光学遥感影像受制于洪水期间多云多雨的天气状况,难以及时获得无云影像。本文充分利用全天候雷达数据的优势,提出了一种基于哨兵1号(Sentinel-1)合成孔径雷达数据监测大面积区域洪水的方法。通过Gamma分布和高斯分布拟合SAR影像后向散射系数的概率密度分布,迭代后验概率差值,自动获得全局阈值来分割初始的水体,基于辅助数据细化去除了初始水体中与水体相似的误分类型,并由形态学操作后处理提高了提取的洪水的均匀性。结果表明:(1)与传统的分割算法相比,本文提出的方法基于SAR影像后向散射系数的分布规律进行概率密度函数分段拟合,将全局统计划分为局部关系,显著地改善了常规分割算法在水体和非水体像素量级相差过大而表现不佳的情况;(2)研究获得了2017—2020年逐年的洪水分布,结果总体精度在87.78%~94.89%之间,Kappa系数在0.76~0.89之间;(3)特别是对于大面积半干旱地区,本文结合了后向散射特性、地形和其...  相似文献   

基于公平性的水环境容量分配研究——以沱江流域为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公平与效益是容量分配的两个重要原则.在我国目前采用的水环境容量无偿分配方式下,公平原则是需遵循的首要原则,在公平的基础上追求效益.以沱江流域为对象,综合考虑涉及区域的社会、经济、自然等客观因素,筛选指标确定系数对流域容量进行分配.应用经济学中衡量收入公平的基尼系数概念,对分配结果的公平性进行评估,给出综合体现社会性、经济性和历史性的水环境容量分配方案.  相似文献   

In recent years,wetland ecological water requirements (EWRs) have been estimated by using hydrological and functional approaches,but those approaches have not yet been integrated for a whole ecosystem.This paper presents a new method for calculating wetland EWRs,which is based on the response of habitats to water level,and determines water level threshold through the functional integrity of habitats.Results show that in the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta water levels between 5.0 m and 5.5 m are required to maintain the functional integrity of the wetland at a value higher than 0.7.One of the dominant plants in the delta,Phragmites australis,tolerates water level fluctuation of about ± 0.25 m without the change in wetland functional integrity.The minimum,optimum and maximum EWRs for the Huanghe River Delta are 9.42×106 m3,15.56×106 m3 and 24.12×106 m3 with water levels of 5.0 m,5.2 m and 5.5 m,corresponding to functional integrity indices of 0.70,0.84 and 0.72,respectively.A wetland restoration program has been performed,which aims to meet these EWRs in attempt to recover from losses of up to 98% in the delta's former wetland area.  相似文献   

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