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Effects of the longshore variation of the coastline geometry and the bottom topography on coastal upwelling are discussed. Longshore variations of the topography cause local enhancing or weakening of upwelling in the process of the generation and propagation of internal Kelvin and the shelf waves.  相似文献   

The breakup of western margin of Australia from Greater India started around 155 Ma and progressed southwards. After the separation, the interceding intraplate region experienced large volumes of submarine volcanism, extending over 100 Myrs. The Christmas Island Seamount Province (CHRISP, as it has been dubbed) lies south of the Java-Sunda Trench, and contains numerous submerged volcanic seamounts, and two sub-aerially exposed island groups—Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Christmas Island. While recent geochronological investigations have shed light on the diverse eruption ages of the volcanics of this region, some islands/seamounts have demonstrated protracted volcanic histories, and it is not clear how the volcanic loading, tectonic subsidence, and subsequent emergence history of the islands relates to these discrete volcanic episodes. This study utilises a number of geophysical techniques to determine the crustal structure, loading and subsidence history, and last sub-aerial exposure age for the CHRISP. The study shows that flexural and subsidence modelling are reliable techniques in constraining the age of the seamounts when geochronological techniques are not possible. Utilising regional gravity signatures, we model the crustal structure underneath the Cocos (Keeling) Island, and constrain the thickness of the limestone cover between 900 and 2,100 m. Using age-depth subsidence curves for oceanic lithosphere the time since these seamounts were exposed above sea-level was determined, and a trend in exposure ages that youngs towards the west is observed. Two episodes of volcanism have been recorded at Christmas Island and they are of different origin. The younger phase in the Pliocene is a manifestation of flexure induced cracks produced in the lithosphere as it rides the subduction fore-bulge, whereas a low velocity seismic zone rising from the lower mantle, and tectonic reorganization, may be associated with the older Eocene volcanic phase, as well as much of the rest of the province. Our modelling also supports the existence of an older, undated volcanic core to Christmas Island, based on the loading ages from flexural modelling.  相似文献   

Although global thermohaline circulation pathways are fairly well known, the same cannot be said for local circulation pathways. Within the southwest Indian Ocean specifically there is little consensus regarding the finer point of thermohaline circulation. We present recently collected multibeam bathymetry and PARASOUND data from the northern Natal Valley and Mozambique Ridge, southwest Indian Ocean. These data show the Ariel Graben, a prominent feature in this region, creates a deep saddle across the Mozambique Ridge at ca. 28°S connecting the northern Natal Valley with the Mozambique Basin. Results show a west to east change in bathymetric and echo character across the northern flank of the Ariel Graben. Whereby eroded plastered sediment drifts in the west give way to aggrading plastered sediment drift in the midgraben, terminating in a field of seafloor undulations in the east. In contrast, the southern flank of the Ariel Graben exhibits an overall rugged character with sediments ponding in bathymetric depressions in between rugged sub/outcrop. It is postulated that this change in sea-floor character is the manifestation of deep water flow through the Ariel Graben. Current flow stripping, due to increased curvature of the graben axis, results in preferential deposition of suspended load in an area of limited accommodation space consequently developing an over-steepened plastered drift. These deposited sediments overcome the necessary shear stresses, resulting in soft sediment deformation in the form of down-slope growth faulting (creep) and generation of undulating sea-floor morphology. Contrary to previous views, our works suggests that water flows from west to east across the Mozambique Ridge via the Ariel Graben.  相似文献   

基于多颗在轨高度计数据的中国近海平均海平面模型建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合使用Jason-2成功发射3 a来的Jason-2(cycle 001-113)、轨道调整前后的Envisat(cycle 070-107)以及轨道调整后的Jason-1(cycle 263-352)等在轨高度计卫星数据,首先对电离层延迟校正项进行平滑处理,再经过数据编辑和各项地球物理及环境改正后,对周期(cycle)逐一进行统计验证并剔除交叉点不符值异常的数据周期,采用共线处理和交叉点平差削弱海面时变和径向轨道误差的影响,再经参考椭球和参考框架基准的统一,最后选用Shepard方法建立了我国海域及邻海海域(0°~45°N,100°~140°E)2'×2'分辨率的平均海平面模型。将所建立模型与MSS_CNES_CLS01模型和MSS_CNES_CLS10模型进行了比较,不符值RMS分别为8.28和11.65 cm,验证了所开展模型的正确性。  相似文献   

Silver determinations in the sea-water around Monaco were carried out using a procedure consisting of preconcentration of silver with lead sulfide, followed by dithizone extraction and spectrophotometric mono-colour measurement of silver-dithizonate. The average concentration of silver in the surface sea-water around Monaco was found to be 0.14Μg Ag/l. It was also concluded that observed variations of silver content in seawater were not related to the fresh water run-off from the neighbouring coast. This suggests that the variations have to be attributed to some other factor or a combination of factors. On the basis of the observed values of the silver content of the Var River water, an upper limit of silver supply by fresh waters into the sea-area around Monaco is estimated to be 2.3Μg Ag per liter of fresh water. Considering the mixing of the fresh water with sea-water, an increase of up to 0.09Μg Ag/l in the sea-water might be expected. The fact that the increase of silver in the sea-water was not observed in connection with the fresh-water mixing suggests that some effective removal process of silver may be in operation at the immediate vicinity of the injection of fresh-water into the sea.  相似文献   

Gamak Bay is one of the largest aquaculture areas in the South Sea of Korea and exhibits hypoxia conditions during the summer. The harmful effects of hypoxia on aquaculture fish stock have not been elucidated. This study describes the biochemical effects of low levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) on cultivated juvenile Sebastes schlegeli in Gamak Bay. The hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α) gene was induced significantly in S. schlegeli collected from low oxygen level areas, which suggests that fluctuations in the DO induces the expression of HIF1α. The level of antioxidant enzyme exhibited significantly higher activities in fish obtained from station F2 in which low levels of DO were shown in 2010 and 2011. The results of this study demonstrate that cultivated S. schlegeli are affected by the low levels of DO in Gamak Bay and superoxide dismutase enzymes operate dependently with HIF1α. The plasma glucose level did not exhibit significant difference in the fish among the sampling stations. We noted that HIF1α and the superoxide dismutase enzymes are useful biomarkers that might enable the detection of otherwise unnoticed hypoxic stress.  相似文献   

During periods of sunspot maxima (approximately every 11 years) the mean winter position of the center of the Aleutian Low pressure system shifts from the Gulf of Alaska to the western Aleutian Islands, and mean, cyclonic, wind-stress transport in the Gulf of Alaska is reduced by roughly 20%. Coastal sea level data in the gulf do not reflect an 11-year cycle but spectral energy densities indicate an approximate 6-year periodicity also present in transpacific annual mean sea surface temperatures that, in the last one or two decades, parallels large year classes of Pacific herring in southeastern Alaska, large escapements of sockeye salmon fry in the Bristol Bay area, and maxima in the January catch of Dungeness crab in Alaska.  相似文献   

Heat flow data provide constraints on the thermal structure and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere. Because precise determination of the heat flux requires that both the thermal gradient and the thermal conductivity be well determined we have examined the thermal conductivities used in a new Pacific Basin heat flow data set. 43% of the 1600 heat flow determinations rely on values estimated by various methods, rather than directly measured. Although the measured and estimated conductivities have comparable means, the measured conductivities have a standard deviation 50% larger than the estimated, suggesting that the estimated values underestimate the actual variation. We investigate the limitations of using such estimates by examining factors controlling the variations of measured conductivity values. We find that the variation between the closest adjacent sites increases with increasing separation, such that sites within 200 km are on average noticeably closer in conductivity than sites further apart. Contributing to this effect may be the variation of conductivity with lithology (with mean conductivity highest for carbonate oozes, intermediate for deep-sea clays, and least for siliceous oozes) and a possible trend of decreasing conductivity with increasing seafloor depth. Tests with the measured data suggest that the best method for estimating conductivity is using the mean value measured within 200 km. The mean of a larger geographical region is a somewhat poorer predictor, and using the oceanwide mean and the value at the nearest site are poorer still. Approximately 29% of the estimated values were not based on measurements from a reference site. For most others, the reference site was the nearest measurement from the same cruise, typically a large distance away. For those sites where conductivity was not measured, 78% had measured conductivity within 200 km and were reestimated using the local mean, whereas the remaining 22% were reestimated using the regional mean. The resulting change in the estimated conductivity averaged 9% using the local mean and 6% using the regional mean. We suggest that such a procedure be used to improve the utility of the heat flow data set, as an alternative to discarding the large fraction of the available data that does not incorporate measured conductivities.  相似文献   

Equilibrium conditions in anf-plane ocean evolve as follows after the sudden onset of winds parallel to a coast. At first the flow is two-dimensional-spatial variations are confined to a plane perpendicular to the coast-and the salient features in the forcing region are acceleration of a coastal jet in the surface layers in the wind direction, and offshore Ekman drift that causes coastal upwelling. Kelvin waves excited at the edge of the forced region establish equilibrium conditions by creating an alongshore pressure gradient that balances the wind so that the acceleration stops. The vertical structure corresponding to each vertical mode differs from that of the wind-driven coastal jet so that the arrival of the barotropic Kelvin wave starts to accelerate a coastal undercurrent in a direction opposite to that of the wind. Subsequent baroclinic Kelvin waves modify the vertical structure of the coastal current so that the undercurrent in the subsurface layer is accelerated. In an inviscid model there is a singularity in the surface layers at the coast ast→∞ because the Kelvin modes with small offshore and vertical scales travel slowly and take a very long time to make their contribution to the establishment of equilibrium conditions. A modest amount of friction eliminates this problem. Nonlinearities are important in the heat equation and affect sea surface temperatures significantly but their effect on the momentum balance is secondary.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks collected from the Solomon Sea Basin are mostly ferrobasalt lavas similar to evolved MORB; an exception is a single sample of basaltic crystal tuff invaded by later basalt. The rocks contain labradorite, aluminous diopsidic augite, and titanomagnetite, with olivine and pigconite in the more vitrophyric samples, and segregation vesicles in some. Cobbles dredged from Gudaraba Canyon, south of the Solomon Sea Basin, include both MORB-like glassy lava and K-metasomatised basalt and andesite(?). Two small pieces of volcanic glass from the southern Bismarck Sea are more primitive MOR-type basalts.  相似文献   

Bengal Submarine Fan, with or without its eastern lobe, the Nicobar Fan, is the largest submarine fan known. Most of its sediment has been supplied by the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, probably since the Early Eocene. The “Swatch-of-No-Ground” submarine canyon connects to only one active fan valley system at a time, without apprent bifurcation over its 2500-km length. The upper fan is comprised of a complex of huge channel-levee wedges of abandoned and buried older systems. A reduction of channel size and morphology occurs at the top of the middle, fan, where meandering and sheet flow become more important.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and gravity data show the eastern Mediterranean Sea to be evolving into several basins as a result of differential vertical movements. The Levantine Basin and deeper Herodotus Basin are separated by a buried ridge (horst? or faulted geanticline?) lying west of Eratosthenes Seamount, which in turn is the more elevated part of a northeast-trending geanticline truncated along its eastern flank by a graben. To the east, gravity trends in the Levantine Basin are parallel to the graben. These features and trends are similar to those seen on land in Egypt and the Levant and imply continuity of structure offshore. Combined with other geological and geophysical information the observations suggest that the eastern Mediterranean crust is the marginal extension of the African continental crust. Although the character of the Florence Rise and Anaximander Mountains, the northward tilting and subsidence of the Antalya and Finike Basins, and the apparent continuation of the Strabo Trench south of the Florence Rise suggest underthrusting of the Turkish plate by Africa, there may be insufficient seismicity. There is no active volcanic arc, and the trench is too poorly developed to confirm active subduction as the sole manifestation of plate convergence. Normal subduction probably ended within the past 5 m.y. with the disappearance of all oceanic crust between Turkey and Africa. Plate convergence continues with only limited underthrusting of Africa along the Cypriot Arc, but with regional deformation along zones of weakness within a wide (300 km?) band stretching from the Herodotus Basin to the east along the northern edge of the African and Arabian plates.  相似文献   

Immediately southwest of Iceland, the Reykjanes Ridge consists of a series ofen échelon, elongate ridges superposed on an elevated, smooth plateau. We have interpreted a detailed magnetic study of the portion of the Reykjanes Ridge between 63°00N and 63°40N on the Icelandic insular shelf. Because the seafloor is very shallow in our survey area (100–500 m), the surface magnetic survey is equivalent to a high-sensitivity, nearbottom experiment using a deep-towed magnetometer. We have performed two-dimensional inversions of the magnetic data along profiles perpendicular to the volcanic ridges. The inversions, which yield the magnetization distribution responsible for the observed magnetic field, allow us to locate the zones of most recent volcanism and to measure spreading rates accurately. We estimate the average half spreading rate over the last 0.72 m.y. to have been 10 mm/yr within the survey area. The two-dimensional inversions allow us also to measure polarity transition widths, which provide an indirect measure of the width of the zone of crustal accretion. We find a mean transition width on the order of 4.5±1.6 km. The observed range of transition widths (2 to 8.4 km) and their mean value are characteristic of slow-spreading centers, where the locus of crustal accretion may be prone to lateral shifts depending on the availability of magmatic sources. These results suggest that, despite the unique volcanotectonic setting of the Reykjanes Ridge, the scale at which crustal accretion occurs along it may be similar to that at which it occurs along other slow-spreading centers. The polarity transition width measurements suggest a zone of crustal accretion 4–9 km wide. This value is consistent with the observed width of volcanic systems of the Reykjanes Peninsula. The magnetization amplitudes inferred from our inversions are in general agreement with NRM intensity values of dredge samples measured by De Boer (1975) and ourselves. Our thermomagnetic measurements do not support the hypothesis that the low amplitude of magnetic anomalies near Iceland is the result of a high oxidation state of the basalts. We suggest that the observed reduction in magnetic anomaly amplitude toward Iceland may be the result of an increase in the size of pillows and other igneous units.  相似文献   

Results of a numerical simulation of the action of distant tsunamis on the coast of the Russian Far East are presented. It is shown that waves generated by focuses of the strongest M9 earthquakes in the region of South Chilean coast, as well as in the region of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, are most dangerous for this coast. Other tsunamigenic zones of the Pacific Ocean, by virtue of their geographical position, orientation of focuses, and absence of pronounced channels (submarine ridges) along paths of tsunami propagation are not dangerous for it even at a limit magnitude of submarine subduction earthquakes. The simulation results are compared with historical data about manifestations of distant tsunamis on the Russian Far East coast.  相似文献   

A detailed survey of a 1°×1°-square of seafloor 100 miles south-east of the Azores shows a strong correlation between directions of regional topographic and magnetic lineations. The area is dissected by the East Azores Fracture Zone at 36°55N, identified as the active Eurasian-African plate boundary, and by another large, non-active fracture zone at 36°10N. Both fracture zones strike 265° and are accompanied by large amplitude magnetic anomalies. The general strike in the area in between is 000°–015°. The skewing effect at this magnetic latitude is very sensitive to variations in strike of the magnetic contrasts. This effect was eliminated by a non-linear transformation which also gives the positions of magnetic contrasts. Some N-S contrasts were identified as sea floor spreading polarity contrasts (anomalies 31 and 32). Weak contrasts could be identified as topographic effects and gave a magnetization intensity of 5 A m-1. The identified sea floor spreading anomalies to both sides of the fracture zone at 36°10N agree very well, also quantatively, with a three-dimensional model for the fracture zone anomalies. This model describes the non-linear anomalies as end effects of the magnetic layer which is divided in blocks of alternating polarity.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the hydrophysical state of the western basin of the Large Aral Sea in its present conditions of ecological crisis. The investigation is based on the direct observations carried out during a field survey in the Aral Sea in October of 2013. The analysis of the distribution of the temperature values across the western basin is given. Time series of the water currents variability were recorded at four mooring stations. The pattern of the basin-scale circulation response to the wind forcing was described. Based on the in situ measurements of the time variability of the temperature fields, the principal characteristics of the internal waves were specified for the present-day Aral Sea for the first time.  相似文献   

In the late 1950s, Soviet researchers collected benthic infaunal samples from the southeastern Bering Sea shelf. Approximately 17 years later, researchers at University of Alaska Fairbanks also sampled the region to assess infaunal biomass and abundance. Here, the two data sets were examined to document patterns and reveal any consistent differences in infaunal biomass among major feeding groups between the two time periods. No significant differences in the geometric mean biomass of all taxa pooled were indicated between the two study periods (1958–1959=49.1 g m−2; 1975–1976=60.8 g m−2; P=0.14); however, significant differences were observed for specific functional groups, namely carnivores, omnivores and surface detritivores. Of the 64 families identified from both data sets from all functional groups, 21 showed statistically significant (P0.05) differences in mean biomass. Of the 21 families showing significant differences, 19 (91%) of the families had higher mean biomass in the 1975–1976 data set. The above differences suggest a trend toward higher overall infaunal biomass for specific functional groups during mid 1970s compared with the late 1950s. Temperature measurements and literature data indicate that the mid-1970s was an unusually cold period relative to the period before and after, suggesting a mechanistic link between temperature changes and infaunal biomass. Food-web relationships and ecosystem dynamics in the southeastern Bering Sea indicate that during cold periods, infaunal biomass will be elevated relative to warm periods due to elevated carbon flux to the benthos and exclusion of benthic predators on infaunal invertebrates by the cold bottom water on the shelf. As long-term observations of temperature and sea-ice cover indicate a secular warming trend on the Bering Sea shelf, the potential changes in food-web relationships could markedly alter trophic structure and energy flow to apex consumers, potentially impacting the commercial, tourist and subsistence economies.  相似文献   

Charcoal column chromatography and a dialysis system using a Visking tube were used for the concentration and separation of dissolved carbohydrates in seawater. Recoveries of mono-, oligo-, and polysaccharides were 46–74, 61–89 and 70%, respectively, relative to the total amount of sugars initially submitted to analysis. The combined charcoal column chromatography and dialysis system was used to separate dissolved carbohydrates in seawater samples from Mikawa Bay into mono-, oligo- and polysaccharide fractions. The polysaccharides are separated into two fractions with molecular weights of <4,000 and >4,000 using Sephadex G-25 column chromatography. Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides with M.W.<4,000 and polysaccharides with M.W. >4,000 accounted for 7–9, 15–26, 7–13 and 20–33% of total dissolved carbohydrates, respectively. However, 32–38% of dissolved carbohydrates were lost during the analytical procedures. Glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose, arabinose, ribose, fucose, and rhamnose were found upon acid hydrolysis of the oligo- and polysaccharide fractions, while fucose and rhamnose were not present in the monosaccharide fraction. Possible sources of the carbohydrates in these fractions are discussed with reference to the monosaccharide composition of cellular carbohydrate in marine algae.  相似文献   

On the assumption that motions of the barotropic mode are horizontally nondivergent, action of the wind stress with longshore variation on a two-layer ocean adjacent to the meridional east coast is studied. Only the equatorward wind stress is considered. Along the east coast, upwelling is induced by the direct effect of the coast and is confined in a narrow strip with the width of the order of the internal radius of deformation. The upwelling propagates poleward with the internal gravity wave speed. Coastal upwelling induced by the wind stress with longshore variation may be interpreted as the generation and propagation of internal Kelvin waves. Associated with the coastal upwelling, the equatorward flow in the upper layer and the poleward flow in the lower layer are formed as an internal mode of motions. When the bottom topography with the continental shelf and slope is taken into account, occurrence of the poleward undercurrent is delayed by a few days because of the generation of continental shelf waves. And, after the forcing is stopped, the shelf waves propagate poleward away from the upwelling region and the poleward undercurrent fully develops. At the margin of the continental shelf, another upwelling region is induced and propagates poleward.  相似文献   

Total-intensity magnetic anomalies observed in a 1973 survey reflect contrasts in the structure of the southern Iceland shelf respectively west and east of 20°W. The western part, which is wider and more evenly sloping than the eastern part, has subdued magnetic relief indicating basement (basalt) depth of at least 400 m. On the eastern part of the shelf there occur pronounced edge anomalies, apparently due to a basement step of at least 1 km mean thickness and of mean width 3–4 km. The distance from the upper edge of this basement step to the bathymetric shelf edge increases from 5–8 km at 19°W to 12–14 km at 14°30W. The basement has alternating magnetic polarities. Linear magnetic anomalies are indistinct or absent in the surveyed region. It is speculated that the sharp basement step represents the trace of the maximum southerly extent of the eastern volcanic zone of Iceland.  相似文献   

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