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热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落结构对生态修复的响应   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落以轮虫和小型枝角类为主,往往缺乏大型浮游动物,其影响因子还存在争议,因此通过减少鱼类,提高大型后生浮游动物密度,从而增强对浮游植物的下行控制、修复热带富营养化湖泊的方法受到质疑.暨大南湖位于广州暨南大学校园内,是热带富营养化浅水湖泊,于2014年1—2月实施以鱼类去除和水生植被重建为主的生态系统修复工程,以期改善水质.通过对南湖修复前后水质、后生浮游动物以及修复后鱼类群落的调查分析,研究了后生浮游动物群落对修复的响应.结果表明:与修复前相比,总氮、总磷和叶绿素a浓度显著降低,透明度显著上升.枝角类丰度和生物量显著增加,修复后初期出现较高密度的大型枝角类蚤状溞(Daphnia pulex),桡足类丰度和生物量没有显著变化,轮虫丰度下降而生物量上升;后生浮游动物体长和生物多样性显著增加.随着鱼类密度的增加,蚤状溞丰度快速降低,后期鱼类减少后蚤状溞丰度又有所升高.因此,本研究显示鱼类是控制热带浅水湖泊大型浮游动物种群的主要因素,由于控制鱼类密度以维持较高大型浮游动物密度较为困难,因此单纯生物操纵在热带浅水湖泊修复中难以取得显著效果.  相似文献   

The effect of larval and juvenile predation ofGalaxias maculatus on a natural small-sized zooplankton was studied in a South Andes lake. Field data of zooplankton density and composition were combined with fish gut content analysis during a spring-summer season. Results showed thatGalaxias early stages ingested mostly planktonic preys. A shift was observed in prey electivity: larvae preferred copepod nauplii whereas juveniles preferred cladocerans. Larval predation provokes the failure of the summer cohort of the calanoid copepodBoeckella gracilipes. The effect of juveniles is more undefined, but seems to prevent the reappearance ofCeriodaphnia in the summer plankton.  相似文献   

Extreme events can cause species substitution or biodiversity losses. In floodplains, flood and drought phases are considered disturbances when their amplitude or intensity are atypical. These unpredictable events can affect the structure of aquatic communities. In this context, we evaluated the response of the zooplankton community to two extreme droughts that occurred from 2001−2002 and 2014−2016. We assessed species richness and composition on three occasions: before extreme drought (phase 1); during the phase after extreme drought (phase 2) characterized by floods, and lastly, after flood (phase 3), when the fluctuations in water levels in the lowlands stabilized. We hypothesized that (i) zooplankton composition in the lake is distinct in the phases before extreme drought and flood, as the extreme drought event causes changes in the community structure and (ii) after the flood (phase 3), the composition of species in the lake would be more similar to the phase 1, with a large number of species shared in these. Contrary to what we expected, similarity in the species composition of the lake was greater between the phase 1 and phase 2, which may indicate the resilience capacity of the community, through specialized adaptations capable of tolerating extreme. The lowest similarity was observed between the phase 1 and phase 3 and this difference may be a consequence of the dilution effect of the community in the flood (phase 2). Our results suggest that the community structure in the lake can be considered more resilient to extreme drought. We also highlight the importance of the hydrological dynamics of a floodplain for the structure of communities, considering atypical droughts in periods of different climatic events.  相似文献   

沉积物再悬浮对浮游动物群落结构影响的模拟实验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
沉积物再悬浮是浅水湖泊的重要特征之一.通过模拟实验,比较不同再悬浮程度下浮游动物群落结构的变化,以探讨沉积物再悬浮对浮游动物的影响.结果显示,不同处理下总悬浮物与叶绿素a浓度差异显著.再悬浮组中枝角类简弧象鼻溞(Bosmina coregoni)、角突网纹溞(Ceriodaphnia cornuta)和轮虫占优势,而对照组中大型枝角类溞属(Daphniasp.)占优势,再悬浮使浮游动物群落组成趋于小型化.不同再悬浮条件下隆线溞(Daphnia carinata)、简弧象鼻溞(Bosmina coregoni)和轮虫的丰度差异显著,角突网纹溞(Ceriodaphnia cornuta)和桡足类丰度差异不显著.总悬浮物浓度与轮虫和简弧象鼻溞丰度显著正相关,与隆线溞丰度显著负相关,与其它浮游动物种群丰度无显著相关性.本研究显示,沉积物再悬浮是决定浮游动物群落结构变化的重要过程之一.  相似文献   

2005年3月至2007年2月对淮北采煤塌陷区小型湖泊--南湖浮游甲壳动物进行了连续两年的调查.共记录浮游甲壳动物15种,其中枝角类9属9种、桡足类5属6种.透明溞(Daphnia hyalinaLeydig)和汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii Brehm)为冬、春季优势种;象鼻溞(Bosmina sp.)、短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurumLiéven)、广布中剑水蚤(Me-socyclops leuckarti Claus)和球状许水蚤(Schmackeria forbesi Poppe et Richard)为夏、秋季优势种.浮游甲壳动物密度和生物量分别为0.4-60.6ind./L和0.01-1.25mg/L,夏、秋季较高,冬、春季较低.枝角类的密度和生物量在2005年和2006年10月均达到最大值,分别为44ind./L和1.01mg/L.哲水蚤的密度最大值(20.0ind./L)出现在2005年4月,而剑水蚤(21.7ind./L)出现在2005年8月.无节幼体在各月份均有较高密度,其最高密度(46.6ind./L)和生物量(0.14mg/L)出现在2006年3月.温度和浮游植物是影响南湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构季节变化的重要因素.  相似文献   

To grasp the evolution of urban lakes accurately is quite necessary for studying on the mechanism of city ecological development. The study about extraction with different types of water by remote sensing technology has developed for decades. Many water indexes as the main methods are used to extract water information. Each method has advantage and disadvantage in different situation. A synergistic approach in this study can reduce the uncertainty of urban lake extraction by using four methods: NDWI, MNDWI, RNDWI and SPM. The basic idea behind the synergistic approach is to give each pixel a score based upon the agreement among the different products of four water extraction methods. According to the score of each pixel, the synergy map, which has been created by the products of four methods, is decomposed into sixteen sub-synergy maps. We use Bayesian Decision Theory to screen out the sub-synergy maps with low confidence level. The remaining ones are recombined a refined map. The overall accuracy of refined map reaches 96.44%, higher than any one of the four methods. Wuhan, known as the City of Hundred Lakes, is selected as the study area. We use the synergistic method to keep track of twenty lakes in Wuhan City changing from 1990 to 2013. The total area of twenty lakes has reduced from 130.2478 km2 to 102.2971 km2 during twenty-three years. The area of Shaihu Lake, which is the most serious of all observed lakes, has shrunk by 77.27%. And Nanhu Lake has lost 8.5 km2 of its area that is the most among all lakes. We also find 1990–2000 is the high tide of urban lake shrinking. After the year of 2000, the situation of lake shrinking has been controlled gradually.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the importance of emergent macrophytes as refugia in lakes of different trophic status. Furthermore, the effect of water quality on diel changes in the distribution of littoral cladocerans was of interest, with special attention paid on diurnal fluctuations of filter feeder communities, induced by pH changes under a heavy phytoplankton bloom. The study was conducted by investigating littoral cladoceran populations in different zones (inside, at the edge and outside the macrophyte stands) in two basins with divergent water quality. No tendency towards diurnal migration related to emergent macrophytes was observed in the clear-water, mesotrophic Isontalonselkä basin. The dominating cladoceran, Daphnia spp., formed highest densities during daytime in the outer zone. Meanwhile, strong nocturnal cladoceran density peaks in all zones, simultaneous with lowered pH, were witnessed in the very turbid, hypertrophic Kirkkojärvi basin. Reverse horizontal migration was observed in large-bodied filter feeders, Limnosida frontosa and Sida crystallina, conceivably due to predation avoidance from young-of-the-year fish aggregating within the vegetation during the day.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of urbanization on stream hydrology in hillslope watersheds. Ten streams (seven in hillslope and three in gentle slope watersheds) around Austin, Texas were selected for analysis. For each stream, we compared parameters of transfer function (TF) models estimated from daily rainfall and streamflow data collected in two study periods (October 1988–September 1992 and October 2004–September 2008) representing different degrees of watershed urbanization. As expected, the streams became more intermittent as the watersheds were more urbanized in all the study streams. However, the effect of urbanization on peakflow differs between hillslope and gentle slope watersheds. After watershed urbanization, peakflow increased in gentle slope watersheds, but decreased in hillslope watersheds. Based on the results of the TF models, we found that urbanization made stream not flashier but drier in hillslope watersheds. Overpumpage of aquifer has been recognized as a problem that leads to the stream dryness in the study area. However, the overpumpage alone cannot explain the differences in hydrological changes between the two types of watersheds. We attributed the reduced peakflow and stream dryness in the hillslope watersheds to land grading for construction forming stair‐stepped or terraced landscape. Compared with natural hillslope, a stair‐stepped landscape could infiltrate more stormwater by slowing down surface runoff on tread portions of the stair. Our findings suggest that a watershed management scheme should take into account local hydrogeologic conditions to mitigate the stream dryness resulting from urbanization in hillslope watersheds. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖水体夏季气温效应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文讨论了定量计算湖泊纯水体气温效应的方法,在计算鄱阳湖水体夏季纯水体气温效应值的基础上,重点分析鄱阳湖水体夏季气温效应的特征、强度和分布,其结果是鄱阳湖水体夏季对湖区气温影响呈热源效应。表现在提高了湖区夏季平均气温,湖中心棠荫站比湖外高O.1—1.0℃,纯水体气温效应为0.4℃。随着距水体距离的增大,气温效应也逐渐减弱,水体影响气温的范围约为10—40km。由于湖区夏季受到副热带高压控制,陆风比湖风旺盛,气温效应夜间比白天强,加上地形的作用,影响范围南部比北部大。1980—1987年间的7、8月考察资料也和上述结果相吻合。  相似文献   

The long-term dynamics of zooplankton in a northern river has been studied in the context of its pollution after an oil pipeline break. Oil has been shown to have both negative and stimulating effect on planktonic communities and populations, and the role of the drainage area in river system self-purification is studied. Artificial settling water bodies, which had been formed by regulation of polluted flows in the river, have been found to have additional significance as biological regenerators of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

稳定同位素示踪方法是研究生态系统组成与功能的重要手段,有助于认识湖泊食物网的基本组成与生物地球化学循环的主要过程.本研究选择了云南省东部地区营养水平不同的10个湖泊,开展了高等水生植物(沉水植物、漂浮植物)、浮游植物与浮游动物的空间调查,分析了不同生物在碳、氮稳定同位素信号与元素组成上的分布模式.在碳稳定同位素信号的分布上,漂浮植物在4种生物类型中最为偏负且变化幅度最小,为-28.99‰±0.86‰;浮游动物碳稳定同位素(-20.85‰±2.70‰)的分布特征与浮游植物(-21.88‰±2.97‰)显著相似;而沉水植物的碳稳定同位素显著偏正且变化范围较大,平均值为-12.04‰±4.57‰.结果表明,碳源及其传输途径的差异是导致湖泊生物体内碳同位素信号不同的主要驱动过程.在氮稳定同位素信号上,同为初级生产者的沉水植物(5.43‰±5.84‰)、漂浮植物(5.58‰±7.38‰)与浮游植物(7.26‰±3.83‰)较为相似,而浮游动物氮同位素信号(11.02‰±3.18‰)显著高于浮游植物且平均富集约3.46‰,反映了湖泊生物随着营养级的增加出现较为明显的同位素分馏效应.在空间分布上,湖泊生物碳同位素信号受到水温、水深等因素的明显影响,氮同位素信号则随湖泊营养水平的增加而逐渐偏正.与长江中下游等地区相比,云南湖泊生物的碳、氮元素含量总体偏高;同时,代表内源有机质组分的水生植物和浮游生物C/N质量比值都小于20.因此,本研究揭示的生物碳、氮同位素信号与元素组成特征可为评价高原湖泊食物网组成与生物地球化学循环提供重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

Subarctic water bodies are extremely vulnerable with respect to changes in the environmental characteristics, including an increase in temperature. The thermal effect of spent waters of power plants in water bodies of the Kola Peninsula was found to cause changes in communities comparable, within certain limits, with the effect of eutrophication. The most informative indices, characterizing the response of zooplankton community to the thermal impact of spent waters of the Kola NPP are determined for the case of Lake Imandra, the Kola Peninsula. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of zooplankton are shown to have some specific features depending on the extent of the thermal pollution of the water body and to adequately reflect the difference between the conditions of zooplankton existence in its individual parts. The indicator role of zooplankton is evaluated, and the possibility to incorporate it in the monitoring system of water bodies is substantiated.  相似文献   

Raul Primicerio   《Limnologica》2000,30(4):301-310
Zooplankton vertical distribution was studied in Lake Takvatn (69°07′ N) by discrete sampling of the water column during the open water season. Attention was focused on predation risk and competition to understand when, where and to what degree a given species should aggregate along the water column. Temperature profiles and phytoplankton abundance and composition were recorded to assess degree of heterogeneity and food availability in the pelagic zone. Vertical segregation was evident during thermal stratification. Rotifers partitioned the water column, with species less susceptible to predation (e.g. Conochilus unicornis) in the epilimnion, where they overlapped with the predators Asplanchna priodonta and Polyphemus pediculus, and species more vulnerable to these predators (e.g. Keratella cochlearis) in the hypolimnion. Cladocerans remained in the epilimnion, in a year when predation by fish was limited. The copepodites of Eudiaptomus graciloides and Cyclops scutifer maintained different depths staying respectively near surface and in the meta-hypolimnion. A broader distribution with increasing density was evident among rotifers and C. scutifer nauplii. Density-dependent habitat selection behaviour is considered as a mechanism explaining the observed distribution of predators and competing prey and promoting species coexistence.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is the assessment of the typology and the trophic relevant water quality parameters in two Mediterranean lakes (Lake Ziros and Lake Kastoria) under the view of the WFD. Lake types were identified based on characteristics specified in Annex II of the WFD, while trophic indexes (OECD, TSI Carlson) were used in order to assess their trophic status. A modified TSI index appropriate for warmer lakes was also applied. According to our results, Lake Kastoria is classified as eutrophic lake with a tendency to hypertrophication while Lake Ziros is a mesotrophic ecosystem with clear signals of eutrophication. Both ecosystems are considered “at risk” of not fulfilling the WFD environmental objectives due to the existence of certain anthropogenic pressures.  相似文献   

Biological communities in shallow lakes are often subject to the combined effects of eutrophication and wind-wave disturbance. However, their relative importance in regulating macrozoobenthic community assembly has not been well addressed. In the present study, a monthly sampling of macrozoobenthos and environmental parameters was conducted at ten sites from December 2012 to November 2013 in Lake Hongze, the fourth largest freshwater lake in China, which has undergone serious water quality deterioration over the past few decades. A total of 30 taxa were recorded during the 12 sampling occasions, including 6 chironomids, 6 bivalves, 4 gastropods, 4 oligochaetes, 4 polychaetes, 4 crustaceans and 2 other aquatic insects. The mean abundance and biomass of total macrozoobenthos varied greatly among the ten sites and presented distinctive taxonomic composition between the protected bays and the offshore zone. Three eutrophication parameters (including permanganate index (CODMn), chlorophyll a, and total phosphorus in surficial sediments) and three wind-wave variables (including Secchi depth, turbidity, and mean effective fetch) were highly related to spatial variation of macrozoobenthic assemblages. When eutrophication variables were controlled, there was a significant correlation between community similarity and wind-wave disturbance condition, and vice versa. Variation partitioning showed that wind wave disturbance explained 15.9% of the variation in benthic community composition, slightly lower than that explained by eutrophication (17.9%). These results indicate that wind-wave disturbance is as important as eutrophication in regulating benthic community structure in this large shallow lake. Wind-wave disturbance imposed opposite effects on benthic community relative to eutrophication, and were more prominent in the offshore zone weakening the role of eutrophication.  相似文献   

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